Sense Sonnets

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Bald Barbie

Barbie has survived ups and downs,
Been through 10 U.S. Presidents,
In and out of fashion trend gowns,
Doll of ages, Mattel presents.
How 'bout Barbie fighting the fight
Of cancer just like in real life?
A being bald Barbie just might
Encourage some who face such strife.
Two real cancer survivors did
Submit the idea, but Mattel
Said outside ideas are forbid,
Must be inside for it to sell.

So bring the outsiders inside.
Make Barbie bald and beautified.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Pope Scope

Don't mess with the Catholic Church.
Galileo learned the hard way,
When from his scientific perch,
Earth moved around sun, he did say.
The Church ruled this was heresy,
Againt the Holy Scriptures' words,
And so for being so naughty,
Galileo was for the birds,
And caged for life in house arrest.
The Pope who once had been his pal
Was peeved that Galileo messed
The Word with truth and hurt morale.

Even today, for what it's worth,
The Pope meddles with what on Earth!

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Alzheimer's Attack

Somehow, somewhere, sometime there will
For Alzheimer's be found a cure,
But not before so many ill
Have more suffering to endure,
As those who care can only watch
A quality of life erode
Into a senseless, numbless blotch,
Just awaiting death be bestowed.
If history a teacher be,
We rally round going to war.
Alzheimer's is the enemy.
A cure is what we must fight for.

Yes, hope and history can rhyme.
But we must help. Now is the time.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


I am as happy as I tweet.
Vermont researchers tell me so,
As measured up all nice and sweet,
My keyed characters in a row.
If I tweet "laughter" more and more,
Then I am happier they say.
"Laughter" has a happy high score.
I'm unhappiest on Monday,
Hitting bottom each Monday night.
Holidays get a happy spike.
Bad news heavy, I'm happy lite.
During a flu pandemic - yike.

I don't do Twitter, so I guess
I have to be more happy less.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Crony Up

True core capitalism is
Free exchange with no government.
Where and when has been such free biz?
The U.S. old wild west - hint, hint.
When settlors first came to homestead,
There was no law to help the weak.
The power was the gun, and led
The mighty to control the meek.
The law did come, though slow but sure.
Legends made like Hickok and Earp.
Government grew and did endure
To rule, so free did not usurp.

In the U.S., better or worse,
There is no longer free commerce.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Eugene Ely

Pilot, Eugene Ely, brought to
The U.S. Navy firsts of flight.
First shipboard landing he did do,
And first takeoff from shipboard site.
Early 1911 'twas
When Ely flew, a pioneer,
Giving the crowds such oohs and ahs,
Watching him soar the atmosphere.
'Twas late 1911 when
Crowds did watch his plane in a dive.
Easy fix for Ely, but then
The crash. Ely did not survive.

Eugene Ely lived and died of
Airplane flying which he did love.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Follow Up

Air Force One pulls up to the gate.
President Obama looks out.
The Arizona gov does wait.
He wonders what this is about.
Their last meeting was photo opped.
The gov's finger was in his face,
And so her book sales really popped.
Now here she is still on his case,
And in Hawaii none the less,
A presidential vacation.
Another tarmac meeting mess?
The Prez decides to have some fun.

The Prez says to his friend in fur,
"Bo - see that gov gal? Go sic her."

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Chow Biz

Let's cut some slack for Paula Deen,
Mum on her Diabetes 2.
Having her gig as fat food queen,
What's a biz gal supposed to do?
Well, she's trying to have her cake,
And eat it too would be a guess.
Meds are what it is gonna take
To control D2's harm - oh yes.
Folks getting D2 left and right,
Don't wanna give up eating bad.
So pharma's gonna take its bite.
Who better than Deen for an ad?

Diabetic Deen, served up roast,
For buttering both sides her toast.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Norma Talmadge

Norma Talmadge - that was my name,
A roaring twenties movie star.
The silent films made me my fame.
Talkies made me hardy har har,
Because my glamour did not fit
Well with my flat Brooklyn accent.
So I just said the heck with it,
Took my money, and off I went.
Hollywood tried to do me mean.
Norma in Sunset boulevard,
That grotesque silent movie queen
Mocked me as a weirdo once starred.

Star tradition - my accident,
Grauman's - I stepped in wet cement.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Hell in Ellen

Ellen DeGeneres, I came
On over to your house to see
The film, Beginners, was the name.
I thought your blog invited me.
If Christopher Plummer came
Of your closet, I missed that part
'Cause cops were knocking me about
For trespassing - you broke my heart.
The cops said that you called them to
Report an intruder out there.
But all I was trying to do
Was watch the film and braid your hair.

Through it all, I lost my beret.
It turned out to be a bad day.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Let Go ery

David Gatlin murdered his wife,
Left their baby there on her dead.
Caught, he went to prison for life.
Should have been put to death instead.
Cuz Gatlin got a twist of fate,
Working at the gov'nor's mansion
For good ol' Mississippi state.
His time and work there so well done.
The gov'nor leaving office, did
Pardon David Gatlin, set free
To kill again? Oh, God forbid.
Gatlin did win a lottery

Any murderer might pick it -
The prized winning pardon ticket.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Speaker Newt

The State of the Union address
Most of the time is a yawn bore.
But if Newt is elected - yes,
He should orate fireworks galore.
The Newt tongue can turn a debate
From personal flaws to attack
Whatever many love to hate -
An emote aphrodisiac.
Ah - the pomp and the circumstance
Will fuel the fire in Newt as Prez,
With oratory that enchants
With ev'ry wondrous word Newt sez.

Beholding Newt push his word wares,
The State of the Union - who cares!

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


In Russia, what's a crow to do
To pass the winter months so bleak.
Snow and ice ev'rywhere - 'tis true,
So find fun with them - so to speak.
For me a jar lid is a sled.
Take it to a rooftop with slant,
And turn it to a place instead,
Where a bird can slide to enchant.
People gawk at wonders I give,
And of course they need to film me,
To give purpose to those who live,
Glued to the Web what next will be.

The Web is watching this here crow.
Get a life people - doncha know!

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Minding Manners

U.S. at war - there's etiquette.
Must show proper manners post kill.
Peeing on a corpse does upset,
Just leave the body dead and still.
The public that sent you to war
Has no real sense what war's about,
Not really sure what you're there for,
But while there, act like a boy scout.
It's no more like the wars of old,
When soldiers did not piss and tell.
Now most all secrets do unfold -
Uneasy jabs that war is hell.

We sent you but where's all the fuss,
You are getting pissed on by us.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

All American Ali

The mid 1960's were years
Filled up with war and racial strife.
In the boxing ring there appears
A champion in a reborn life.
Black Muslim, Muhammad Ali
Converted from his Cassius Clay,
Received critic's hostility
For joining an anti white way.
But Ali triumphed through the scorn,
A champion in the ring and out,
The highest honors to be borne
Of what America's about.

Ali found his faith as he would,
And made it matter more for good.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

King Mike the Mad

King Mike the Mad, ruler of his
Kingdom of Madiganistan,
Makes sure that he minds his own biz,
As he's done over decades span.
The King's justice, he does dispense
Through family and friends that do
The King's bidding that represents
Why the kingdom's a stinkaroo.
We, the subjects of Mike the Mad,
Have none to blame but us the We
For being in a state of bad,
Bowing to the powers that be.

It's way past time for us to take
Back Illinois for peoples' sake.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Proud of the Kids

Two terrorists taking a break
Start talking about their children.
The first says his oldest did make
Such a swell bomb, and then did win
Martyrdom. The second then brags
Her youngest did the bomb thing too.
Detectors did set off red flags.
The youth did not know what to do.
As they were taking him off to jail,
His twin sister did drive her car,
With explosives that did not fail.
All in the crowd burst near and far.

The first terrorist then does say,
"Ah, they blow up so fast, don't they?"

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

More of Same

Obama gets another term.
Repubbies control the Congress.
Point fingers gridlock does set perm
Another four years, more or less.
More speak and write conservative,
Cuz no one really acts one true.
Politicians do only give
And take in self interest - all do.
And We the People will be fooled
As always by reality.
The truth is that we all are ruled
As pawns played by powers that be.

We're all hooked on it - doncha know?
The same ol', same ol, status quo.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


One hundred years ago, the ship,
Titanic, made sad history,
Striking a berg, causing a flip,
Sinking to immortality.
Kept alive in print and on screen,
The tales do float fiction with fact,
Preserved in timeless 'twixt and 'tween,
Real and unreal that still attract.
Thus, a memorial cruise will,
Fully booked, sail on the same course,
With expectations to fulfill
The needs of now from the then source.

If disaster strikes as before,
Another hundred years of more.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

No First Lady

First Lady, Callista Gingrich,
Are you prepared to share your man?
You know ol' Newt has had that itch
To scratch the play as you go plan.
Newt asked forgiveness and he got
To move y'all into the White House.
But will he behave as he ought,
Or be the same ol' hubby louse?
Each job rise, he went lusting for
Another other than his wife.
Loving America galore,
He does blame for his cheating life.

We're watching you in your new role,
Sharing the Prez in Newt's fish bowl.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

The Brownings

The Brownings were a couplet true.
Elizabeth and Robert loved
Each other in the world they knew.
Their poems passionately gloved
In heart felt words flowing in rhyme,
Assuring that their love would last
Beyond their lives and for all time,
For future dreams in their love past.
Elizabeth, in health unwell,
In Robert's loving arms she died.
Their poetry will ever tell
That even death could not divide.

The Brownings wrote poems apart
To come together in the heart.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Shame on Francesco Schettino

Francesco Schettino, his name.
He was the captain of the ship,
Costa Concordia. His fame
Growing as, first he let her rip
From changing course for a showboat -
A sail "flyby" to shore impress,
Where a reef interrupted float.
How could he have been so careless?
And then he went to cowardly,
Abandoning his ship before
Others on board were off safely.
Some would not live to get to shore.

He'll go down, Captain Schettino,
Not with his ship, but he'll wish so.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Shades of Shatner

The Priceline Negotiator,
Willy Shatner on a bus fell
To his death - so what's his encore?
Maybe a horny fiend from hell,
Highlighting hotels that are hot,
Deals for the out folks wanting in.
Used to be Kirk can sell the spot
So cheap that folks will deem it sin.
Or maybe as an angel winged,
Used to be Hooker will return,
Strumming a harp while he doth singed
Heavenly hotel deals to yearn.

Used to be Denny Crane will be
Demon or angel for a fee.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Super PAC

'Tis the age of the super PAC.
The Supreme Court said let'em be.
Money has the right to attack.
Gotta buy time cuz time's not free.
And super PAC players get to
Play dirty hiding in the dark,
Playing all the dirty they do
To make the target a smudge mark.
And yes, the public do pay heed.
The public loves to hear trash talk,
No matter truth in word or deed,
'Tis the thrill of the chopping block.

Super PAC players - game is on.
Keep on playing the public pawn.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Dress Address

You asked about a certain dress,
Your favorite in black of lace,
And went so far as to confess
You wear it to many a place.
Even to the White House you've worn
This garment to mingle and mix
With the powers that be adorn
In the fashion of politics.
Wear the dress more and it will be
More and more a subject of chat,
Enhancing your celebrity.
Do it a favor - don't get fat.

Have it put on when you're deceased,
Knowing that you'll never look creased.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Shift of Power

The Obamanation years back
Told us that fossil fuel would be
Under Fed government attack
To make such fuel be history.
Going green was to be the way.
Wind and solar cronies would get
Support that taxpayers would pay,
No matter how big went the debt.
Sun shine and blowing winds await
To get the needed help to turn
Into the cure to enervate
Us from the nasties that we burn.

The Obamanation could use
Four more years - how can we refuse?

Sense Sonnet - Acher

The Bells

She was deaf and he came to her.
He came to help her with her speech.
Between them true love did occur.
They were devoted each to each.
They married and she gave to him
A piano to play each day,
So that their love might never dim.
She could not hear but watched him play.
Together for forty five years,
He was first to end of the line.
She watched him leave her through her tears,
Saying a final goodbye in sign.

Alexander Graham Bell's life
Was fulfilled with Mabel, his wife.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

D.C. Diet

The D.C. diet is for fat -
Not how to eat, but how to spend,
Spending for spending, tit for tat.
D.C. powers that be pretend
That what is spent is a huge cut
On what would have been spent to please
The voting We the People, but
Only some constituencies.
And with the spending comes the lies,
The facts and figures twisted to
Prettily package the surprise
Filled full of spending fat to chew.

The D.C. diet - worrisome?
The glutton like Greece day will come.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Frog Future

A frog called the psychic hotline,
Endeavoring to find out whence
He'd meet a young girl with the sign
That her kiss would make him a prince.
The psychic's crystal ball did show
That soon a young girl would appear,
And all about the frog she'd know.
This news put the frog in good cheer.
"Will I meet her at a party?"
"Will she just happen to come by?"
"Will she know when she does find me?"
From the psychic came this reply,

"You will meet this lovely young lass,"
"Next week in biology class."

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Out in D.C.

D.C. is a world of its own,
As far as the powers that be.
The powerless within its zone
Do not get too much sympathy.
Citizens want rights of a state,
Thinking that is at least their due,
That would surely improve their fate,
Having their very own screw crew.
But not likely to happen soon,
The D.C. powerless are just
Like losers shooting for the moon,
Hardly a powers that be must.

The powers that be tax and spend.
D.C. is their world without end.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Wrong Message

Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke
Of dreams he had for humankind.
His own words turned into a joke -
"I was a drum major," was lined
In his D.C. stone monument,
Words out of context from his aim
That it was the message he sent
Be remembered, and not his name.
For justice, peace and righteousness,
He spoke of wanting to be true.
But his speaking out mattered less.
It mattered more what we all do.

'Twill be changed - this incomplete quote,
Change for a better, we should note.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Deck the Dove

The U.S. military is
Constantly under friendly fire
From folks not minding their own biz.
It's to the point, it's getting dire.
Here's how to handle a dumb dove
Who hangs onto the hippie line,
"We should not make war, but make love."
Punch him in the nose, hard and fine.
If he then tries to hit you back,
Tell him to turn the other cheek.
Then hit that cheek in an attack.
Keep hitting till you hear him speak,

"Uncle" as in why Uncle Sam
Needs us bullies to give a damn.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Higher Lower Standard

The U.S.A., red, white and blue,
Symbol of the United States,
The flag, flown at half staff for who?
Americans have many greats,
But if the flag is lowered for
The loss of anyone of fame,
The flag would fly forevermore
At half staff. That would be a shame.
Patriotic service should be
Why the flag at half staff is flown,
For great sacrifice selflessly
By some who never were well known.

The lower flag should symbolize
The true giving hero who dies.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Stick It

The Chicago City sticker,
A moutza hand that's above NAH!
Hate to be a nitty picker,
But tiz Rahm's missing finger paw,
With NAH! - Not Accountable Hand!
Waving all of us suckers off,
That driving in Chicagoland,
No matter how much we might scoff,
Is Rahmtrolled all the time and place.
Each time we get into the car,
There's Rahm's hand right in our face,
Reminding us who's pawns we are.

No matter the sticker design,
Cuz it's stuck where the sun don't shine.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Jones Live - Hubby Dead

I do remember way back when
Hubby and I went autoing.
'Twas early spring of nineteen ten,
Hubby was showing off his thing -
The Jones Live Map to use as a guide
To get us to my Mother's place.
At first 'twas all quite a smooth ride,
Then Hubby slowed to a snail's pace.
The Jones Yobel he gave a toot,
The horn of a "gentleman's" sound,
Then called my Mother an old coot,
And said 'twas time to turn around.

Hubby tooted his Yobel horn.
Hubby got my finger of scorn.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Purse Strings

The Koch brothers and Soros are
Competing puppeteers behind
The scenes of stage right and left far,
Pulling the strings of puppetkind.
Each of the boys a billionaire
Playing the game, Monopoly,
Using the puppet pieces there,
Some Repubbie, some Demmie.
They play so some are in, some out,
Taking turns, the puppets pass Go.
That's what the powers' all about,
Making more billions - doncha know!

And when these boys are dead and gone,
Others will take their place - game on.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Recycle Flow

All life takes in water to live,
Flowing therein, doing its thing,
Then being exuded to give
To more life in a wondrous ring.
The waters of the world have flowed,
Recycling through all time and space.
Humans have made tap and commode,
And judge the water in each place.
But water is not good or bad,
Because of where it was or is.
Water sustains life as it should.
Making judgements is human biz.

The water that is in my tea,
Perhaps water in Hitler's pee.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

World Bully

The U.S. powers that be do
Strive to keep We the People sold
That Uncle Sam, red, white and blue
Is not just in it for the gold.
The U.S. gives a "helping" hand
As a playground bully would give.
Why doesn't the world understand
How the U.S. wants it to live?
The U.S. powers that be don't
Have the power that they once had,
And one day We the People won't
Still be the bully being bad.

We the People will not bully,
Or We the People cease to be.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Flip the Switch

One day, science will find a way
To rewire the brain circuitry,
And turn on and off the switch, gay,
So a definite choice will be.
Those who choose gay must also choose
To be the target of attack
By the anti gay mind set whose
Intent is on giving gays flack.
The marriage thing will still burn hot.
Gay marriage does open the door
To polygamy - but why not?
In the Bible 'twas done before.

One day, science will scratch the itch.
On or off gay - just flip your switch.

Sense Sonnet -Acher

Bipolar Abe?

"If I did not laugh, I should die,"
Abe Lincoln was said to have said
To his Cabinet as to why
An amusing book he had read
Aloud to make the others laugh,
Which he did, but others did not.
Lincoln turned to his other half.
His raged scorn, the Cabinet got.
Many noted Lincoln's two sides,
One of light and the other dark,
With hardly any hint divides,
Lincoln would bounce with contrast stark.

Honest Abe - bipolar? Maybe!
But not for textbook history.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Fix All

Abortion and birth control are
Issues that will not go away.
Strides in science have come so far,
But new life never has a say.
Science should come up with a plan
To fix reproduction so that
New life from a woman and man
Would be a true choice arrived at
By bringing the egg and the sperm
Together in common consent,
That the baby would come to term,
And born wanted without dissent.

Let's let science remove the strife
Stuck over unwanted new life.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Dictator Poetic

North Korea's first family
Are dictators who like to write
Their feeling down in poetry,
Some deep thoughts penned of their birthright.
Kim-Il-sun, grandpappy despot
Noted his son a shining star.
His son, Jong-il, did verse a lot
In multi operas - bizarre!
Grandson, Jong-chul, too a poet,
But deemed to be too girlysome.
Succeeding pops - that did blow it,
In the macho dictatordom.

So son, Kim Jong-un was the pick.
Perhaps he'll share a limerick.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Free From?

Who among us is truly free?
Free from government - no one tiz
In "civilized" society.
We won't stay out of others' biz.
Freedom lovers quote words of old
To try to make some point of now,
Of freedom being bought and sold
By governments that don't know how.
Free entrepreneurism might
Be hyped as something all should choose
As a freedom that is just right,
The measure of who win, who lose.

In the 21st century,
Freedom - to be or not to be.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


In Iowa, tiz caucus day,
A picking season full of corn,
Not the veggie, but horserace play,
Prez candidates to laud and scorn.
We the People leave hearth and home
And travel to the caucus place
Where tongues do wag and mouths do foam
To pitch the horses in the race.
And then the voting does begin.
One by one the horses drop out,
Until just one prez horse does win.
That's what caucus is all about.

This first caucus winner gets to
Keep popping corn till next todo.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Food for Thought

The bacteria family,
We've been around longer than you.
You've made it hard for us to be,
With antibiotics you do.
You do them with live food as well
To get your critters fast and fat.
But some of us in critters dwell,
And do survive and then we chat
Of ways your antibiotics
Can be beaten by us in time.
Then we'll have you, and just for kicks,
Give you diseases in bad rhyme.

Bacteria are getting strong -
Invincible before too long.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Partied Out

The two party system elites,
Where the power and money is,
Swap the victories and defeats
To give voters the combo biz.
The combo needs to pass the blame,
So point their fingers forth and back,
Playing the public in their game,
Rigged to keep status quo on track.
Are We the People ready to
Departy to independent?
The Repubbies and Demmies do
Need a bye bye message be sent.

The two party system is broke.
Replace elites with common folk.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Christmas Bo

Current First Dog, my name is Bo.
I have a big dog house that's white.
The Obamas rock, doncha know!
My paws are pampered, left and right.
Mista Prez Pops took me to get
A Christmas chew toy at the store.
I've trained him well as a house pet,
But out in public he's a chore.
I know it's the photo op thing.
I'm such a cutie ball of fur.
Who knows how many votes I bring.
So I smile and try not to grr.

Of me the press can't get enough
First Doggie duty can be ruff.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Racist or Rude

Forever, races have been wronged.
Whites wronging blacks has always been.
Racist ways change, but are prolonged
With reminders time and again.
Superiority believed
By whites over blacks is racist.
Sometimes whites talk and are perceived
Wrongly or rightly, words consist
By dissing blacks, of racist tone.
But a real racist is much more
Than just speaking the words alone.
True intent must be at the core.

A real racist's apology -
How true may or may not that be?

Friday, February 17, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


The Santa Claus gift giving part
Of Christmas is to buy some joy.
Nothing tugs at an older's heart
Like gifting to a girl or boy.
Without there being Tiny Tim,
Who knows if Scrooge would have turned nice.
Giving to adult her or him
Is oft just a matter of price.
Gift giving between adults tiz
Not so much heart but more of brain,
An exchange about grown up biz
Oft involving much stress and strain.

Adult to/from adult - a flash,
Just get it over with, with cash.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Stone of Ages

Sexual impurity is
A real big biblical no no.
True hands must carry out God's biz
And stone the sinners blow by blow.
Best carried out at the grass roots,
Let each community decide
Who's who of such sinning pursuits,
Then punishers get unified.
First select some suitable stones
Which should be plentiful and cheap.
Then at the target flesh and bones,
Strike until dead, God's will to keep.

Stoning for sin is Bible talk,
Part of the good book that does rock.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

War Will

The power elites thrive on war.
They always have and always will.
So what will be has been before,
Ever an enemy to kill.
The powerful send powerless
Off to fight the foe of the day,
Playing pawns in a game of chess,
Lives and treasures be tossed away.
Why are all power elites so?
Because it is the path of ease.
Powers that be have needs to show.
Power does whatever it please.

Power will only live in peace
On a very short, short term lease.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


The eagle emblem does no more
Reflect too truly what gov is.
Gov allows inflation galore,
And halts production by gov biz,
Destroys the next generation,
While protecting bunches of pricks.
And while all this is being done,
Gov whispers sweet talk politics.
That gives sense of security
As more and more come ons exude.
We just lie back and let it be,
While by gov, we are getting screwed.

So what did gov change eagle from?
The eagle changed to a condom.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Play to Lose

D.C. repubbies, oh tsk tsk.
Pundit conservatongues do scold,
Acting the aimless asterisk
For goofy caveins being rolled
By D.C. demmies who do seem
To play the We the People well,
Ever giving repubbies ream
For screwing up the game of shell.
Obama's surely getting full
Of himself and fellow demmie
Of a big win with all their bull,
And tell conservatongues, "Bite me!"

Conservatongues will wag no doubt
Till Obama does cut them out.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Star of Bethlehem

The Star of Bethlehem so bright
Oft explained as a conjunction
Of Jupitor and Venus light -
Scientic explanation!
'Cause inquiring minds want to know
To shed more light on Jesus' birth.
What the Bible says is not so
Until science does prove its worth.
The only thing to truly prove
Is to go back in time to see.
There are those around today who've
Been there, done that - ah yes they be!

When asked to explain that bright star
Time trippers say some things just are.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Bug Back to the Future

No mosquitoes, roaches or flies
'Twas predicted way back for now.
But they still flourish - no surprise,
And they will outlast us - here's how.
Humankind, communicably,
Is connected quite fast and sure.
Old bugs will bring new bugs to be
Spread to all humans with no cure.
All will share new deadly virus,
And all the human species dies.
Hardy life forms will survive us -
The mosquitoes, roaches and flies.

A pessimistic prediction?
Not for a bug if you be one.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Youth at Risk

When my buddies and I got to
High school, we joined the football team.
My folks were sure that this would do
Me good all round so it did seem.
But then my folks got worried that
Too many kids were getting hurt.
I had to quit they said out flat.
My friends called me a sissy squirt.
The golf team then was what I chose.
The folks were okay with that call,
Being safe from all the head blows.
But boy I sure did miss football.

A golf ball struck me in the head.
Doc says I'm lucky I'm not dead.

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Nose Knows

A study says that the nose knows
Personality type by sniff.
Extro or introverted shows
Just by taking a good, long whiff.
Maybe a wedding should include
A ceremonial smell test
To vow that brides' and grooms' exude
Have been compatibly assessed.
Maybe when world leaders do meet,
Their natural scents should be there,
So that the odors they excrete
Flow true and honest through the air.

To sniff or not to sniff, 'cause tiz
Stuck into other peoples' biz.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Thr repubarubadubs who
Think they're wizards of G.O.P.
Fret that common party folk do
Now take Ron Paul seriously.
The prez race is a take your turn
As the party powers say when.
Heretic Paul makes tummies churn
In such powers, that Paul could win!
The G.O.P. establishment
Finds Paul a bitter pill to take,
But it may soon be evident
They're stuck with a Paul tummy ache.

'Tis repubarubadubs curse -
Paul or Obama - which is worse?

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Merry Post

The Saturday Evening Post
Deemed itself as the ideal gift.
'Twas a 19th century boast
For a Christmas give and get lift.
Of course back then 'twas weekly sent,
Not a bimonthly waiting spell.
So 'twas a pleasant timed event,
And not hard for the Post to sell.
Today the Post has to compete
With countless magazines to make
A Christmas deal that's Santa sweet,
To stay in biz for old Ben's sake.

Ben Franklin still subscribes divine,
Reading the latest Post online.

Monday, February 06, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


Bradley Manning will go away,
Most likely a cell "suicide."
The military brass will say
It was a traitor's way he died.
The U.S. military knows
It's losing the ongoing war,
As public knowledge of it grows,
To keep the unpeace evermore.
More Bradley Mannings are in wait
To be the "traitors" to shed light,
But perhaps too little, too late.
If you want freedom, then we fight.

We must do what we have to do
To stop a military coup.

Sunday, February 05, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Gabby, you came back from near death,
Caused by a crazed one's killing spree
That made the nation hold its breath,
Then cheer with your recovery.
Your resigning from Congress is
For higher purposes than most.
Most resigners are 'cause their biz
Got better deals or made them toast.
But you resign to do what's right
For you and your constituents.
Your example might help unite
Your colleagues to more common sense.

Gabrielle Giffords, may God speed
You to recovery, indeed.

Saturday, February 04, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Prep Price

At the chic Cannibal Cafe,
A diner asks the waitress
About the prices on display,
Why some items are so much less
Than others, like the tourist plate
Was 5 bucks, the explorer fried
Was 6, broiled missionary, 8.
But the baked Demmie, along side
The grilled Repubbie - each was priced
One hundred bucks for a pol - why?
Asked the diner - must be pork spiced.
"For prep," the waitress did reply.

"Have you ever tried to clean one,"
"They're so full of crap - 'taint fun!"

Friday, February 03, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Smart Alec

I am Alec Baldwin, I am
The latest poster child to show
U.S. airlines don't give a damn
About us flyers - doncha know!
I've flown American Airlines
For 20 years, loyal to the brand.
But now the airline shows all signs
Of making piss me off demand.
I was unfairly singled out
By a mean flight attendant who
Made such a nasty deal about
Me and my mild manner - 'tis true!

Though I do play one on T.V.
Being a jerk is so not me.

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Christ is Born

Christmas is the story of birth
Of Jesus Christ, the son of God,
Who came to change the bad on Earth,
To give good hope to all downtrod.
Forced by Roman bureaucracy,
The two travelled to Bethlehem.
No room at the inn, so Mary
And Joseph sought shelter for them
In a barn with livestock around,
In a manger on the straw floor,
The baby Jesus came earthbound,
Dawn of hope for oppressed and poor.

The birth of Christ, a holy day
To remember Jesus' good way.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


The car is becoming quite smart,
And soon will be programmed to know
Best in the nanny state of art
To give bad drivers punish woe.
The driver must stay on alert.
Distractions do cause accidents,
Needlessly bringing others' hurt.
Drivers tend to lose common sense.
So if and when a driver strays
From the safe driving job at hand,
The car will note such naughty ways,
And help the driver understand.

The car pulls over to a stop.
The driver gets a jolting pop.