Sense Sonnets

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Model T Trip

I got myself a model T
To take the good Lord on the road.
I made the car a church to be
In rolling save the sinner mode.
Accessorized with steeple that
Would fold down, and an organ to
Add music to the fast format,
To crank the crowds as I drove through,
Spreading the word with zeal on wheel,
Sermonizing faith to inspire,
From my Tin Lizzie churchmobile,
With an occasional flat tire.

Lordy, Lordy. Lickety split.
Save more souls. Better step on it.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Jaw Job

Obama went to Congress joint,
Repeated over gimme now,
Gimme my jobs bill was his point,
And raise them taxes was his how.
Gimme more money we don't got
As stimulus (shh on that word),
So that I can sweeten the pot
For my buddies and cronies herd.
I'm asking for same ol', same ol'.
If you don't give then I'll just say,
To boost my reelection goal,
I tried but they just would not pay.

The job Obama cares about
Is keeping his, without a doubt.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Christie Twistie

Chris Christie, the New Jersey gov
At the Reagan Library spoke.
Of Obama he has no love.
The prez has screwed the common folk.
Christie compared leadership styles.
Obama bystands while all sink.
Chris bipartisanly beguiles
Libs of the Garden State (wink, wink)
But Christie has no plans to run
In twenty twelve to be the prez.
Though some repubs say he's the one,
"New Jersey needs me," Christie says.

Nancy Reagan, not there, said she,
"Can't take the chance he'd fall on me."

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


OWS - short for Occupy Wall Street
Does demonize low high finance
For such a greed unbalance sheet
That caused big bailout circumstance.
Pundits call for Obama to
Orate the OWSers, so irate,
Not to throw out the baby who
Peed in the bathwater of late.
Obama will choose his words well,
'Cause he wants something from both sides.
Streeters give him money - do tell!
OWSers give him "feel" bona fides.

Obama's message will confirm
OWS about is his second term.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Mix of Tricks

The trio's apt for Halloween,
A vulture, an owl and a bat.
Trick or treat - they are 'twixt and 'tween
Life and death in their habitat.
Though scary looking, they give treats
In keeping up the neighborhood,
Helping out the human elites,
Trying to do their share of good.
But humankind can be unkind,
Destroying the natural mix,
With most motives selfish in mind.
Humans are ever up to tricks.

The trick for humans is succinct -
Treat before the Earth is extinct.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Columbus Day

We "celebrate" Columbus Day,
Named for a guy who came by ship,
Never to touch the U.S.A.,
Pretty much on an ego trip.
Catholic Knights of Columbus
Lobbied Congress and FDR
To stick the day on all of us,
For immigrants who were and are.
The old and new worlds did not merge
In too much human harmony.
Those indigenous felt the purge
From immigrant brutality.

Columbus sailed off into fate -
Nothing for us to celebrate.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Honey Badger

This here honey badger don't care
About the human You Tube craze.
It's weird what humans like to share.
But then, humans have goofy ways.
They sure don't like to share honey.
Beekeepers are a selfish bunch,
Motivated by the money
Makes them hive hoarders - 'tis my hunch.
'Bout that ad for pistachios,
Where I am opening the can
Using a cobra - real hardnose.
We can't take you serious, man.

Mind my biz, digging in the ground.
Kooky humans are all around.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

For Fat Fit

White Castle burgers - I'm a fan,
Loyal for over fifty years.
They helped make me a bigger man.
But a big problem now appears.
My bod will not fit in their booth.
They're in no rush to stretch out space.
I'm mortified to tell the truth,
And making a federal case.
'Tis their seat discrimination
Of my size disability
That makes me do what I have done -
Sue'em to accommodate me.

White Castle remains in my life.
To get burgers, I send my wife.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


U.S. public education
Costs the kids and payers a gob.
Those who try to improve it run
Into the "experts" called the "Blob,"
Who keep the sucking status quo,
So as to keep their jobs secure.
Maintaining stupids all they know.
Few get smarter - that's for sure.
Their key - elect powers that be,
That the "Blob" can then buy and sell,
To keep their sweet monopoly.
The school kids - they can go to hell.

We, the adults,  must take the blame -
Feeding the "Blob" - for shame, for shame.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Wayne Wear

Items worn in films by John Wayne
Came to an auction to be sold.
Rio Lobo boots of aged grain.
El Dorado holster worn old.
Big Jake favorite cowboy hat.
(Loaned to Sammy Davis who did
Return it unwearably flat.)
The Green Berets beret - best bid,
Setting a record for price paid
For head costume of movie goal.
True Grit eye patch the Duke displayed
In his one Oscar winning role.

Millions of dollars paid for stuff
That made John Wayne look rough and tough.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

No Gent - Nugent

Ted Nugent, quite the bigot boy,
A loud mouthy rocker redneck,
Has a short vocab to enjoy
Putting down others - what the heck!
He likes to spew the N word lots,
Along with other nasty names.
The same ol', same ol' slur pot shots
That dummies do in dummy games.
Endorsing Perry to be prez,
Calls him the great white buffalo,
Wants to sing praises, so he says,
At Perry's inaug - doncha know!

Bookies will take bets on that song -
If Nugent's tongue will last that long.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


Mom and Dad, you are getting old,
And losing it fast as you age.
I feel bad, but if truth be told,
I prefer if we disengage.
When you are out of sight and mind,
It tidies up my self serve space.
Your ties to me no longer bind.
You aren't anymore, anyplace.
Native Americans used to
Send the elders to die afloat
In a "time to cash out" canoe.
How 'bout if you two share a boat?

You were okay when you had use.
But now you're just elder abuse.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Shoppin' Michelle

Michelle Obama, White House queen
Put on her baseball cap and shades,
And limoed to the Target scene,
To pick up some White House hold aids.
She was photoed at the checkout,
Paying for stuff with a link card.
She must have felt some shame no doubt,
But what to do when times are hard?
Now there are those who will poke fun,
Like conservs on talk radio.
The First Lady's not the first one
To scam the system - doncha know?

Mrs. Obama has the sense
To buy at taxpayer expense.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Citizen Enemy

I was a U.S citizen,
Who became its sworn enemy,
Leading an army of like men
To make the U.S cease to be.
The U.S. tried to make me dead.
Any rights of citizenship
I had were gone, because I led
War against the U.S., to rip
Apart the nation I had known.
Attempts to kill me tried and failed.
My time knew no killing air drone,
But still so many deaths prevailed.

I surrendered and was set free.
I was General Robert E. Lee.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

John D's Pockets

John D. Rockefeller - name 'tis
Synonymous with big, big bucks.
Right time, right place in the oil biz.
The richest of the rich - aw shucks.
Families and charities got
A big chunk of the fortune made.
The U.S. government got hot,
So soak the wealthy plans were laid.
Revenue Act of '35
Pushed up the top tax bracket rate
On just John D., who was alive,
Then up and died at 98.

Death and taxes - ever one's chased,
And then both tend to go to waste.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Obama Blues

Dan and Bruce hear Obama is
Maybe clinically depressed,
Downed deeper by that Weiner biz.
"Erections matter," Dan assessed.
Henry Waxman did blame the Jews
Who shunned Obama, Bruce relayed.
"Oh that fruit basket," Dan eschews.
Then sound of giggles that Bruce made.
Obama's nadir - Nader's chance?
Barry Manilow croons of Paul.
Conservatives do the barn dance.
Down, down, down Obama doth fall.

Docs Dan and Bruce on call - call in,
Except Gregory, with thin skin.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Hug - Ugh!

Obama and Bush hug - all see.
Washington and Adams did not.
A humanized presidency
'Tis not good if that's what we got.
Real men do not hug in public,
'Tis too effeminate galore,
'Tis a sight to make real men sick.
Real men's purpose is to wage war.
The U.S. president must lead
From war ro war, all macho man.
No sissy stuff in thought or deed.
You don't see hugging Taliban.

A hugging president is seen
As gumming up the war machine.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Pterosaur, a flying reptile
On Earth millions of years ago.
Sir Conan Doyle first cast me vile
In his "The Lost World" - what a show!
But I don't get featured as much
As my cousins the dinos do.
So lots of times I'm out of touch,
My starring role is overdue.
Sir Attenborough thought of me,
Though a bit tipsy at the time.
The film, Flying Monsters, 3D,
At last puts me in light of lime.

My stardom may take off in flight,
Hope to thank you on Oscar night.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Digital Self Help

Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends
And Influence People" came out
With tips on self improvement ends,
When face to face did come about,
Or writing letters for slow mail,
Before the Facebook/Twitter age
Of keyed vocab in abbrev scale,
And banter blogging is the rage.
There's been an attempted update.
The New York Times review did charge
Molestation was Dale's book's fate.
The update - criminal at large.

Carnegie called smiling an ace.
Digitally - use smiley face.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Who's Who?

I'm getting paid to occupy
Wall Street in a noisy protest.
Don't really know the reason why,
Maybe make news as some have guessed.
Get libs like Pelosi to say
How great she thinks the protests are.
Time for the greedy rich to pay,
Of course she's rich -'taint that bizarre!
I'm 'sposed to work the protest crowd
To civil disobedience.
That makes it moreso clear and loud,
We're loony left wing evidence.

Who do you think is paying me?
'Tis a right wing conspiracy.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Beware the Blushless

"Man is the only animal
That blushes, or needs to." Mark Twain
Said those wise words - so insightful
Of his species that shows so plain.
Watch the ones in the public eye,
'Specially those in politics.
A lot of them do trick and lie,
But blush not in their lies and tricks.
Those who need to blush most, blush least.
They've got a face that serves them well.
It is the nature of that beast,
No red face 'til they go to hell.

For those who should and do not blush,
Be quick to give them the bum's rush.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Wade Out

Don Wade tells Roma he's off on
A paddleless up the creek cruise,
By himself. Roma chides, "Oh Don."
"We usually travel in twos."
But Don insists he go alone.
He needs some time out because
His life's become a twilight zone.
He's sure he's got male menopause.
So that's why he's been such a pain,
Roma reflects and says, "Go, go."
And she unlocks his ball and chain,
Setting her Don free - doncha know?

From the cruise Don just disappears,
Victim of badmouth Roma fears.

Monday, November 07, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Profile Fair

Bruce and Dan are getting the word,
Be alert to all those around.
Some terrorist threats have been heard.
Profile how neighbors look and sound.
Dan says relax if Dan is name,
But if Mohammed, call the cops.
Bruce interrupts - Dan gives him blame
That Bruce, a loose tongue, never stops.
Bruce says he only meant to add,
Turn in a profiled, but also
That old diapered lady - so sad.
That makes it p.c. - doncha know?

Mollycoddle - word of the day.
Turn in that old gal - Bruce would say.

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Terrorism industrial
Complex as dubbed TIC for short,
Gets taxpayer billions to mull
Terrorist threats of any sort.
Defense and info tech big biz
Have gotten bigger thanks to it -
Nine eleven attack that is.
For that money what did we get?
No big repeat attack - 'tis true,
But lots of smaller one man tries.
Some failed but some attacks went through.
Can't ask these dead what money buys.

Better homeland security
Is up to us and not money.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


I am the world's most famous frog.
Jim Henson made me what I am,
A handsome rag with dialogue,
Your host on the Muppet program.
Kermit - that is my best known name.
I am called other names elsewhere.
For decades. I've had show biz fame,
Amphibian extraordinaire.
Bestowed with honors and awards,
I am a star eternally,
One of the planet's most adoreds.
So eat your heart out, Miss Piggy.

Jim and muppeteers come and go,
But Kermit's for keeps, doncha know?

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Screen for Virus

The virus threat to humankind
Most likely will be human made,
Perhaps a virus that's designed
For home computers to invade.
As Mom and Dad and the kids use
The computer day in, day out,
Virus infections slowly ooze
From the machine to human route.
Once inhuman the virus turns
The host into a zombie state.
The only thing the zombie yearns
Is turning others to its fate.

The spread of virus gets annexed
From on bad movie to the next.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Back to Future

Decades ago, powers that be
Divided the land, Palestine.
From Jordan River to the sea,
Jew and Arab states drawn by line.
That line was crossed in constant war,
Nothing much won and so much lost.
What are these peoples fighting for?
Each wants their way but at what cost?
Will these constant wars ever cease?
Why live all lives in stress and strife?
So find a way to live in peace.
Both sides deserve a better life.

That line that was drawn long ago.
Retry with what both sides now know.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Beef Brief

Don Wade and Roma ride into
Their space at WLS,
On a cow just in time to do
Their radio show. Can ya guess
That Don is determined to make
His famed easy beef recipe.
He shoots the cow, for golly's sake,
Then with knife begins butchery.
Don throws some pieces on a plate,
And tells Roma to get a bib.
Don then confesses to his mate,
"Dear, I'm really a closet lib."

Roma has heard all she can bide.
Donth Wader's gone to his dark side.