Sense Sonnets

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

More Wireless

The world was wrapped around in wire
Through air and land and water strung.
But now wireless has caught on fire,
And look what progress that has brung.
The wireless toys play ev'rywhere
That a human body can go,
Through all the water, land and air.
To be without - omg no!
Of course, we know what's coming next.
The human body will just think
Thoughts processed directly to text,
Each mind in telepathic link.

It's all for one and one for all.
Open minded - always on call.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Cleveland ReLeBronned

Cleveland is feeling kinda down,
With LeBron and Miami up.
LeBron had left ol' Cleveland town,
Cuz there, there was no winner's cup.
Now Cleveland has to bear once more
The endless pity far and wide.
The LeBron left lips flap galore
How Cleveland's woes were prophesied.
Not just LeBron and basketball,
But all the sports have spit ill fates
Upon the hopes over time's haul,
While ol' Cleveland just waits and waits.

Cleveland's LeBronned for pity's sake,
And Cleveland says, "Gimme a break!"

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Gig to Go

Don Wade and Roma have a new
Cohost on at seven sixteen.
And what does this new cohost do?
Ambulance chasing traffic screen,
Along with affairs on a whim -
How to play and then pay to hide.
He sez God is not done with him.
So at 89 along side
Don Wade and Roma, he does tongue
The tricks of the sleep number bed,
Where to so many, he has sung
Sweet nothings from his empty head.

John Edwards, welcome to the show.
This puke is for you, doncha know!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Jubilant Jubilee

Elizabeth, the saving queen,
For sixty years, she's held the throne,
For then and now, steadfast between,
The world has watched her hold her own.
Though it did rain on her parade,
Her Diamond Jubilee did shine,
Celebrating the life she'd made
When fate and fortune did assign.
As a daughter, mother and wife,
Her ups and downs were not for show,
Separate from her public life,
Devoted duty - ever so.

God save this Queen, for when she's gone,
The monarchy may not go on.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Hit and Run Driver

A driver does a hit and run,
Sometime ev'ry day of the year.
Just a quick moment and it's done,
Then forever, the guilt and fear.
The driver joins a lonely club
Of knowing gnawing all too well,
Unable to escape the rub
Of conscience, keeping life in hell.
Of course with each it is degree,
But no such driver can erase
The ever haunting memory
Of that life changing time and place.

The hit and run begins the time
Of torture for that sin and crime.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Bain Capital and its like ilk
Are capitalism at work,
Seeking ever profits to milk
Behind shadows of muck and murk.
Capitalism is because
The rich and powerful can make
Money in spite of all the laws.
What power does want, power does take,
As politicians promise to
Protect the people from Wall Street,
Politicians are paid their due
To fool the folks for the elite.

No matter who is elected,
Bain etal will be protected.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Moment for Mets

'Twas a 50 year (count'em) drought,
The New York Mets no no hit streak.
Part of what baseball's all about -
One rut or tuther to feel bleak.
But then two thousand twelve, June first,
Johan Santana pitched to fate,
And from Mets fans, tears of joy burst -
A Mets no hitter on that date.
Of course the ump made a bad call,
Sixth inning called a base hit foul.
Replay showed it a fair ground ball,
But no vile words did Mets fans howl.

Droughts come and go and always will,
But feel one ended - what a thrill.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Kill Will

I sinned and crimed - murdered my wife.
My lawyer said 'twas not free will.
Neuroscience wielded that knife.
My brain went bad and made me kill.
Subconscious  forces were at play,
Over which I had no control.
Consciousness was put on delay,
Shorted out mind, body and soul.
And all inside went dark and black.
Malice swept through me like a flood.
By the time I got my will back,
There was my wife covered in blood.

My defense made sense - doncha know?
Why am I sitting on death row?

Friday, June 22, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher


I am a Gloucester Severn eel,
And dreamed of serving my dear Queen,
In a special lamprey pie meal
That she could get her teeth between,
For her Diamond Jubilee.
But fate bypassed me cuz I'm found
An endangered species to be.
Canada eels got to be bound
For fame and glory baked in pie.
World Ocean Day - what did I do?
Just stayed stuck in the mud to cry
How life can deal a stinkaroo.

Sargasso Sea is my default,
Rub my wounded heart with some salt.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

How Hot

It is so hot - how hot is it?
From the fields flies ready pop corn.
Squirrels fan their nuts - lickety split.
Trees whistle for dogs to adorn.
Cows give evaporated milk.
Potatoes bake while underground.
Porcupine quills are soft as silk.
Cherries spit pits and join pies round.
Birds pick up worms with potholders.
Windmills stretch high for stream of jet.
Hard boiled eggs from chickens smolder.
The scarecrow's brow is dripping sweat.

Global warming does take its toll
In winter time at the North Pole.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Small Biz, Big Fizz

I know you're looking for a job,
And you'd be good in my small biz.
But government has dumped a gob
Of strangling red tape - sneaky tiz!
"We're here to help," gov says, all smiles,
Picking my pocket, the same time
Whispering sweet govvy beguiles,
Then backstabbing me - legal crime!
I'm 'bout ready to call it quits.
The world around has gone cuckooed.
Gov turns the screws by bleeding bits.
The little guy and gal get screwed.

Damned if I don't, damned if I do.
I'm sorry Mom, I can't hire you.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

W.H. Switch On/Off

President Carter solarized
The White House roof, so as to heat
The water for the bathes he prized.
He took a bath when he got beat.
President Reagan, fossilite,
Tore all the solar panels out,
Burned oil and coal for heat and light,
Conserving all that sun, no doubt.
President Obama put back
The White House solar panels, so
Oddsmakers now are keeping track -
Will the panels stay put or go?

Demmies in White House - solar in.
Solar out if Repubbies win.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


'Tis only a matter of time
That someday, somehow, somewhere 'twill
Be an accident or a crime
That does cause a nuclear spill.
Pro and anti nuclear folks
Have so far only spewed hot air.
Each side twisting the truth to coax
By using tactics meant to scare.
The U.S. N.R.C. is just
Another alphabetic tool
Used by the political crust
To play the public for a fool.

All politicians should be placed
In the piles of nuclear waste.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Valley of 10,000 Smokes

The Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes,
The aftermath of steam from ash
That a blown volcano evokes,
Spewing forth miles a fiery splash.
One hundred years ago the burst.
The hot is cold but the name stays.
Deep cut canyons are interspersed
Through the valley, rivers made ways.
The Novarupta volcano,
Long quiet on the Mount Katmai.
Animal life like bears do go,
Ever alert with ear and eye.

If and when the bears away race,
Smokes are returning to this place.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Called Out to Follow

From time to time I've been called out
On a Forbes comment that I made.
A duel! I first thought about,
But that thought did begin to fade
When I did show up at high noon
With pistols ready for the fight,
But Forbes did always change its tune
And never showed - just 'tisn't right!
And now Forbes has a Follow Bar,
Luring me into who knows what.
Ahab followed Moby Dick thar,
And Ahab was a wacky nut.

Ahab followed Moby so well,
That Ahab ended up in hell.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Professional Liars

Politicians may know the facts,
But pick and choose just how to use,
And in fact pick up knicks and knacks,
In truth, with lies, sorely abuse.
"The rich" are cast as villains vile,
The bad of them 'gainst good of us.
Such cast calls ever work to rile
Masses into a frenzied fuss.
The aim's not truth, the goal's to win.
Winning will make any means right.
Make up the message to sell in
A bumper sticker and sound byte.

The truth is that in politics,
The lies do make the winning mix.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Jenna Talackova is glam.
Now 23, was Walter once,
But felt life as a he was sham,
And made the sex change on all fronts.
Canadian - heart, soul and bod,
Tried for the Miss Canadian crown.
Not natural born - ye god!
The critics fumed to put her down.
But she stayed with and did compete,
A lovely lady in all ways.
She did not win, but no defeat.
Her being her earned her much praise.

Named Miss Congeniality,
Jenna, a glamorous queen is she.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Winner Takes All

The UEFA Champions League
Is Europe soccer at its most -
As most of money to intrigue
The world to watch a sport to boast.
But euros, pounds and dollars are
Just not what they once used to be.
So such a rich prize seems bizarre,
As Europe's nearing bankruptcy.
Perhaps all unemployed and poor
Do watch and do forget their debts,
Fantasizing each big bucks score,
Assuming they have T.V. sets.

Wealth to the winner of the game,
And all the losers get the blame.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Mrs. Stossel

Mrs. Stossel apparently
Was sometime once upon a time
A liberal, she used to be -
Thought libertarian a crime
For wanting markets free to do
So anyone could become rich.
And yes, more would become poor true!
But Mrs Stossel chose to hitch
With a guy who would make big bucks,
Selling souls on free market life,
So he converted her - aw shucks,
Living high as hubby and wife.

From liberals 'twas no laughter,
Mrs S. gone ever after.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Fit for a Rahmper

Mayor Rahmper's throwing a fit,
Cuz some playmates peeve him in play.
His fan which we know what does hit
When the wee one doesn't get his way.
Rahmper hears that the Ricketts sez
That there's a game called Rev'rend Wright,
Object to peeve his pal the Prez.
Rahmper rages at such a slight,
And won't play with the Ricketts no more.
Go to hell the Wrigley play pen
Rahmper does squeal from the fifth floor,
Stuck in his skin that's oh so thin.

All NATO and the world can see
What a brat li'l Rahmper can be.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


"If I," asked Marilyn Monroe,
"Can't be myself, who can I be?"
Such Monroeisms seemed to flow
From her lips so effortlessly.
That high pitched, breathy, sexy voice,
The Hollywood star blond bombshell
Gave careful listeners a choice,
Both wit and wisdom she could tell.
A clever turn of word and phrase
She would deliver with such skill.
But at the end, she sought no praise,
And left the world with hope to fill.

She said in her last interview
The world needs kinship, yes we do.

Saturday, June 09, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

No Us in U.S. News

Apparently, at U.S. News
One must now have a Facebook link
In order to share comment views.
I, for one, feel that this does stink.
For years, Schlesinger, Stiehm and Finn,
Milligan, Cary and Roff with
Others with opinion have been
Commented on in rhymes of pith,
By yours truly in my own way,
In simple use and no abuse,
I could express my sonnet say.
Alas, no more I do deduce.

You have let Facebook come between
What was so good. Fate is so mean!

Friday, June 08, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Be Fare to Declare

Dear Mr. Thomas Jefferson:
The Crown has received and has read
Your submitted Declaration
Of Independence, quaintly pled.
Please be advised the Crown requires
Proper due licensing and fees
To declare against the Empire's
Strangle hold on the colonies.
Please submit to the alphabet
Agencies and bureaus for forms
Re making a declaring threat.
Enclose proper bribes per set norms.

We take pride in polite shakedown.
Sincerely yours, The British Crown.

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

History - Who's Story?

Historians can pick and choose
Who to and how to historize.
Each giving slanted points of views,
Some truth, some part truth, some just lies.
Much too often this is the case
In history textbooks at school.
Stretched history is commonplace
For use as a mislearning tool.
And that's why all history tiz
Ever argument without end.
The real truth is nobody's biz,
Cuz most body want to pretend.

Most historians' knows do grow
Like the nose of Pinocchio.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Emil J. Kapaun

The place - Korea, the time - war.
He went to serve U.S. and God,
A chaplain in the front lines gore,
Captured by enemy death squad.
To caught comrades he gave them all
The hope and faith that he could give.
He answered to a higher call,
To help his fellow comrades live.
His spirit strong, but body weak,
Ills engulfed and crushed out his breath.
To his last comrades, he did speak,
"Tell them I died a happy death."

He lived and died within war's hell,
Emil J. Kapaun served good well.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Last Call for Kerry Wood

The man still young, his arm got old,
Pitching the fastballs year by year.
"It was just time," the pitcher told
The world after Wrigley's last cheer.
That last batter he had struck out.
That batter but a kid when he
Was pitching to the dreams about
World Series champion Cubs -  maybe!
But his aim just would not come through.
Relief pitching became his gig.
And even that was hard to do.
The dreams dimmed that once were so big.

At least a last strike out was good
For the retiring Kerry Wood.

Monday, June 04, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


My son - extension of my life.
An attachment parent I be.
I did not like being a wife,
But sticking by son - that is me.
A growing boy needs lots of love,
And lots of cash to make ends meet.
Money is not what I'm made of -
Wish cash could be milked from the teat.
So I had to go into debt
To help my son along the way.
He has not found his way quite yet -
Still lives at home, but that's okay.

I just can't disattach my son -
My baby boomer - 61.

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Obama Evolves

Go gay marriage, I have evolved,
So President Obama said.
Of course the issue's less than solved,
But loads more talk of it ahead,
Yes, it's important to a lot
Of folks who want this way or that.
But of all the troubles we've got,
Gay marriage - not life or death chat!
But now till the election day,
Gay marriage will be right up there,
Batted back and forth ev'ry way,
Though most of us don't really care.

Evolving issue and we're stuck.
Tiz that time -  what the (rhymes with yuck)!

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Facebook $tock

Wow went the Facebook I.P.O.
Big time for the behoodied brass.
But now the facebook biz must grow
For the greedy shareholder mass.
E-ads, egads, E just won't do.
Social games tiz the so bright spot -
A fine fit for the Facebook crew
To turn investment returns hot.
The mobile market - small phone screen,
But just the place for games galore.
Ruling the social gaming scene
Could be Facebook's yet greatest score.

For Facebook, gamings a sure way
To grow with friends who play and pay.

Friday, June 01, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

May Day

We the People will this May Day
Mark an opening of mass eyes,
Looking for leaders to make way
For revolution on the rise?
The masses follow those who lead,
As a pied piper piping dreams
That those who struggle want and need.
Masses play into piper's schemes.
The serious, the sensible
Do not a revolution make.
Instead the masses must be full
Of rage for revolution sake.

We the People - May Day will be
More wondering of what is free.