Sense Sonnets

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Trayvon RIP

Trayvon Martin, a young black man,
Killed by gun in the U.S.A
Became famous as dying can
When race baiters want it that way.
Black killing black, white killing white
Across the country all the time,
But does not have the sales pitch byte
Of a white killing a black crime.
The scales of justice should be blind
To color any time and place.
But race baiters are of a mind
To sell emotion based on race.

We must not let race baiters win,
Profiting by color of skin.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Young Black Beware

We the People are colored by
Old fears and hates, and taint the young.
The American dream does lie.
Racists are real by hand and tongue.
The justice system is unjust,
Blind to not being color blind,
Not a system color can trust,
Just injustice is stocked to find.
Born black and growing up do learn
Uncivil wrong cheats civil right.
No matter how do gooders yearn,
Black young are victims of old white.

Black children in the U.S.A.
Ill winds will never blow away.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Bald Eagle - LP Zoo

Fourth of July. Happy Birthday.
Celebrate at Lincoln Park Zoo.
See the symbol of U.S.A. -
Head feathered white - no red or blue.
The bald eagle, great bird of flight
That soars across the nation's skies,
Spreading its wings of freedom's might
In the nation o'er which it flies.
The Zoo is home to such a bird,
Grounded because of injury,
But still able to spread the word
That We are lucky to be free.

The bald eagle knows that We care
About the freedom that We share.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Done Words

A man is "completed" when he
Marries the woman who is right.
He is made whole and why? - cuz she
Makes life with him, sweetness and light.
That doesn't always be of course.
So oft the man marries the wrong
Woman and ends up in divorce.
"Completed" does not quite belong
As a term describing such state.
Wedding the wrong woman is hell,
And "finished" does describe that fate,
As lots of men know very well.

And "completely finished" is done
When right finds him with wrong woman.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Pulling Neck

Once upon a time, giraffes had
Hardly any size neck at all,
Which made two giraffes very sad.
Then from Noah, they got the call.
So he and she both went on board
The ark, as all flooded like heck.
Inside the ark, they both got bored.
So they both went up on the deck.
A bolt of lightning grabbed both by
Their heads and wow - necks did appear,
Stretching so-o-o long into the sky.
Later they told Noah, "All clear."

So if you want your neck to grow,
Stand out in lightning - now you know.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Ene "bee" ated

Happy hour at Dew Drop Inn,
A Morning Glory wat'ring hole
To give a buzz with pure pollen.
This macrogalea bee's soul.
Bellied up to the bar alone,
My eyes adjusted to the dark.
It is bliss in that pollen zone.
Blooms know I am an easy mark.
So bottoms up, the pollen sticks,
As it comes time to make my way
To do my pollinating tricks,
And fly into the light of day.

Morning Glory pollen for me,
Just how loaded can one bee be!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Tail of a Butterfly

I'm a lycaenid butterfly,
A Scarlett gal to be exact.
A patch of flowers I do spy.
I love the nectar - that's a fact!
I land on one enticing bloom,
Uncoiling my probiscis tongue.
O'er a shadow could mean my doom.
A predator bird, fate has brung.
My tail is really a false head
That lures the bird to the wrong end.
My tail is gone, but I'm not dead,
More nectar bar blooms to attend.

As all us Scarletts like to say,
"Tomorrow is another day."

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Remember UpStairs

The year, 1973.
A new Orleans gay bar, the place,
Called the UpStairs, a refuge be
From discrimination they'd face
In the condemning world outside.
But one night a fireball was thrown.
32 people burned and died.
The world outside - not much shock shown.
Churches and politicians turned
Away from getting involved in
The crime, not wanting to get burned,
By being too close to gay sin.

Gays burned to death for who they were,
A still most ignored massacre.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

By George

The name of "The United States
Of America" was first said
By George Washington tempting fates
That the rebellion that he led
Was much more than just a spat
With the obnoxious English king.
Independence was a must that
To the new land he must help bring.
And so the revolution grew.
Each state united as one force.
Out with the old, in with the new.
The rest is history, of course.

George Washington had much to say,
Abbreviated - U.S.A.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Die n Dress

I told my children, when I died,
They had a vital task to do.
Dressed properly is proper pride.
My best dresses - one green, one blue.
The children have to make sure that
Those dresses go along with me.
Yes, the green one makes me look fat,
So blue into eternity.
The visitation, I'll wear green,
Then at the funeral, a switch
To blue to make my final scene.
Too late to fret if there's a glitch.

It's just not ladylike or nice,
Same day, same dress worn public twice!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Fossilized Odd Couple

In Gondwana, land of the old,
A flash flood came and swept a young
Amphibian in a hole holed
By Thrinaxodon, the name hung
On a mammal like cynodont.
Broomistega was the youth's name,
And just some shelter it did want.
Apparently old Thrin was game.
Fossils of Broom and Thrin were found
Together in a peaceful state,
Accepting of destinies bound
Together in a flooding fate.

No matter what differences be,
Any can live in harmony.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Lyin' to Lionfish

The horny male lionfish
Swam up to a potential mate,
And began his best show offish,
Efforts to obtain a hot date,
Flaunting and boasting his buff bod,
Shaking all his spines in display,
But thinking to himself - 'twas odd,
She was acting in a strange way.
Cuz the object of all this woo
Shot away like a cannonball,
Wearing some look like thingaroo,
Was not a lionfish at all.

In the ocean, there are all types,
Even weird humans wearing stripes!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Reply to #329

Dear 329. Thank you for
Your letter from Guantanamo.
You are a prisoner of war.
When the war's over, you can go.
But woe, your war will never cease
Against us, you just live to kill.
When we say you're cleared for release,
Why not just hold your breath until.
Many of us cheer on your aim
Of your hunger strike to protest.
Force feeding you - well that's a shame.
Starving to death - that would be best.

We know you don't like the U.S.
And we don't like you. Did you guess?

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Kowali - LP Zoo

Kowali, an African ape,
Female gorilla more exact,
Lived in the Lincoln Park Zoo scape
Since 1978 - fact!
But being of endangered kind,
She's on a mission to go where
Human planners are of a mind
She's better off not here, but there.
And so she packed her lady bag,
And headed off to a new group,
By land so there'd be no jet lag.
One last sight seeing through the Loop.

Kowali's moved to Knoxville Zoo.
What's a gorilla s'posed to do!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Alec "N" Word

Alec Baldwin says nasty stuff.
Why does he seem to get a pass?
He's known for tweets of huff and puff,
Ever proving he's such an ass.
A whitey saying the "N" word
Seems the standard that sets bad taste.
Alec has said it - be assured,
He's spat it from his face of paste.
It's only a matter of time
That Alec is caught in that act.
Will he be tefloned for that crime?
Will he get Capitol One sacked?

So stay tuned for Alec Baldwin
To flip his lip with the word "N."

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Hummus is made of mashed chickpeas,
A Middle East popular food.
Perhaps the tensions there might ease
If less mouths yapped and more mouths chewed.
Instead of fighting forth and back,
The peoples could hummus compete.
Put the arms down and let lips smack.
Let victors be the ones who eat
The most hummus in the time set.
If Israel wins, it stays as is.
If Israel loses, it must get
In state of going out of biz.

Let's get peace in the Middle East,
Brought about by a hummus feast.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

An Apple in the Beginning

Eve gave Adam an apple, and
Said let's genetically change
The fruit from which we have been banned.
We humans were made to do strange.
Out of Eden, the two were cast
To experiment in weird ways.
Grow the food bigger and more fast,
Starting the bioteching craze.
The World Food Prize is given to
Humans on a mission to mess
With nature, and find stuff to do,
Maybe good, maybe bad - who's guess!

And when all life on Earth is dead,
"I want a do over," God said.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Adelor - LP Zoo

I am Adelor, ever here
At my beloved Lincoln Park Zoo,
Where I roared for many a year.
Hey Chicago - that's what I do.
A lion hits his teenage days,
It's time to turn his body in,
And leave memories of his ways,
The presence gone of past he'd been.
But humans make a body stay.
A life size me is back and set,
To greet the humans ev'ry day,
And ever give the chance to pet.

Sculpted bronze, I am Adelor.
Touch my spirit and hear me roar.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Blackhawks '13

They'd battled long and they were down.
It looked like a certain defeat.
Time against them in Boston town,
With home advantage hard to beat.
But seconds of 76,
They scored the stun of victory,
To be the true champion ice picks,
That Boston thought that it would be.
The vanquished gone, the victors stayed
To hold the 35 pound prize,
Passed among the team, blade to blade,
A traditional exercise.

The prize to take - the Stanley Cup.
The Blackhawks beat the Bruins up.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Ellesmere Island

Ellesmere Island is way far north.
It's glacier ice is melting fast.
Underneath, secrets will come forth,
Secrets long buried in the past.
Will the Fortress of Solitude,
Best known as Superman's man cave,
Be a secret that will protrude,
Long buried in an icy grave?
The meltings' cause is climate change,
Blamed on man's super burn abuse.
And soon the Island will look strange,
As warmer weather lets stuff loose.

A green wave is growing across -
A reemerging super moss.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

"F" (Fire) the Chef

The mouth of Paula Deen has said
The "N" word at some point in time.
She should have been chewing instead,
Cuz from a whitey, that's a crime.
Paula tried to apologize,
Shown in a You Tube video,
Begged for the "F" word - no surprise,
"Forgiveness" serving - doncha know!
But there may be no seconds for
Paula's plate - her goose may be cooked.
An acid tongue is pain galore.
Such heartburn is tough to be shooked.

A food "N" word got Paula hired.
The Food "Network" said, "You are fired."

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

King Farouk

Egypt's King Farouk, the last king,
Thought being king was like a game
Of cards - whatever suit would bring
To him the most fortune and fame.
In World War II, he played both sides,
Waiting to see which side would win.
Wrapped vanities like mummifieds,
Seven deadly - he did each sin,
Living the most lavish lifestyle,
While his subjects starved in the streets.
All that he gave them was a smile,
As he chowed down expensive treats.

Egypt revolted and did puke
Out the bile pile called King Farouk.

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Ornate Box Turtle - LP Zoo

An Ornate Box turtle I be,
Born and raised at Lincoln Park Zoo.
Now I'm ready to be set free
To roam land as we turtles do.
Back to the Great Plains habitat,
Where in the grasses I will dwell,
Munching on berries and bugs at
Whatever spot I park my shell.
I could live for thirty plus years,
Counting growth rings to mark the date,
On shell of yellow spots and spears,
On dark background - call me ornate.

Lincoln Park Zoo gave me my start.
Thanks to all from this turtle's heart.

Monday, July 08, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Scary Tale

Once upon a time, the drug war
Was won by good against the bad.
The drug addiction was no more.
All the drug dealers were so mad.
There was racial justice for all.
Drug free peace on Earth and good will.
No one even drank alcohol.
Good doctors prescribed a good pill.
No more money had to be sent
To battle drugs at any cost.
Good rules set by good government.
No drugs had won, yes drugs had lost.

Drugs will succeed, drug war will fail.
No happ'ly ever after tale.

Sunday, July 07, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Fun on Mars

Earthlings have pondered oh so long
As to whether there's life on Mars.
One day humans with a big tong
Will ride dry ice under the stars.
Dry ice chunks are like ponies wild,
Sliding grooves into dunes of sand,
Beckoning to that future child
For adventures in a new land.
Perhaps a new Olympic sport,
Sand boarding on chunks of dry ice,
Assuming the weather report
Says that Mars day will be quite nice.

Chunks of dry ice on a sand dune
Means Disney Mars will open soon.

Saturday, July 06, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Turtlely - LP Zoo

A turtle met a turtle at
Crosspaths at Lincoln Park Zoo.
Who had the right of way, and that
Became the question - what to do?
One turtle was small, one was big.
The big one stopped and blocked the way,
To force the small to zag and zig.
The small decided two could play,
And so the small climbed on the shell
Of the big and pounded across,
Leaving the big turtle to dwell
On being big does not mean boss.

And both would remember it all,
Cuz both do have turtle recall.

Friday, July 05, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Suing in the Wind

Progress is oft a noisy thing.
Any engine that runs, makes sound.
Planes and trains and cars all do sing
Noise that did make lawsuits abound.
Cuz any new noise is a cause
For sensitive ears to hear green,
And head for a Court without pause -
The quite noisy lawsuit machine.
Wind turbines now do get their turn
At being defended per suit.
The legal system sounds do churn,
As lawyers haggle over loot.

If you are irked by noisy wind,
Some lawyer wants to be your friend.

Thursday, July 04, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Putin on the Ring

I, Vladimir Putin, met
The owner of the Patriots
At St. Petersburg, and I bet
Myself that I could razz the putz.
His Super Bowl Ring he showed me.
I took it from him, and I just
Did walk away with it, to see
How this tycoon's balloon would bust.
And of course, he did nothing there.
Later to the White House he'd gripe
About that Kremlin bully bear,
And his baby nose they did wipe.

I, Vladimir Putin, smile.
Americans - so infantile!

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

The White Guy Vote

The right to vote in U.S.A.
Is given not by God, but law
Of man (still mostly white today).
Voting is fraught with human flaw.
Minorities have ever been
Victims of the majority,
Which for a long time was white men,
Thanks to the voting that there be.
But now with population shift,
White guy power is less and less.
Their rules are getting more short shrift,
As non white guys get to express.

Coming soon the white guy will note
It's getting to be hard to vote.

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Petri Dish

You can call me a petri dish,
Named for a guy who thought me up.
Bacteria watch was his wish -
So me, a flattened see through cup.
Just serious science at first,
Bacteria culture the aim,
But then other uses forth burst:
What's in your belly button game,
Amazing art work medium,
A vessel for lumps of boozed jello,
Spot to grow Petri burgers - yum,
A Google doodle - doncha know!

If Doc Petri could see me now,
All grown up, multi tasking - wow!

Monday, July 01, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Yes or No Kill

Human pets, mainly dogs and cats,
Are live or die categorized.
Humans get guilty by the stats
Of how many are euthanized.
If a pet is alive and well,
Sending to pet heaven is bad.
Better the pet stays in Earth hell,
So humans will not feel so sad.
One day ETs will come to Earth.
The human will become the pet.
Will humans then think that it's worth
To live by rules the ETs set?

When ETs rule, will there be still
Human shelters that are no kill?