Sense Sonnets

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Young Leaders - LP Zoo

This polar bear is hearing that
Conservation ambassadors
Are meeting near my habitat,
Free public info - open doors.
These are young folks, teenagers who
Are giving time and effort here
On grounds at the Lincoln Park Zoo
To further a cause near and dear.
In the wild, polar bears do face
A man made warming climate threat.
Help is needed to make the case.
Polar bears are not extinct - yet.

Young folks' willingness is the way
To save the polar bears some day.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


The teacher asked Billy to name
Two reindeer pulling Santa's sleigh.
Billy gave some thought and then came
Up with Rudolph which he did say.
Then Billy thought the Rudolph song,
Thinking through each line, word by word.
It did not take him very long.
He said "Olive," all the class heard.
"There's no Olive," the teacher said.
"Oh yes there is," Billy replied,
So sang the song out loud instead,
And pausing at one line with pride,

"Here's the line that you need to hear -"
"Then Olive the other reindeer..."

Friday, December 29, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

George the Fourth

King George the Third of Britain died.
King George the Fourth then took the throne.
The Fourth had appetites quite wide,
Overindulgence he was prone.
The Fourth became quite overweight,
And often did not leave his bed.
With lots of sex urges to sate,
The ladies came to him instead.
Before a lady left he'd ask
That she give him a lock of hair.
So one by one, this simple task
Was souvenir of each affair.

Some say the Fourth was buried with
A bag of hair - perhaps a myth!

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Acher

P + S

"P + S" initials carved there
On the tree fifty years ago.
So many memories to share.
The couple did love that tree so.
The couple often traveled to
The tree to have that time and place
To make their loving vows anew,
Beneath that tree in cherished grace.
But then a storm blew down the tree.
It had to be taken away.
And so the couple's family
Gave the couple a gift one day.

The table top showed "P + S."
The tree became the table, yes!

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Been Warned

A sign is posted on the door,
"Beware of Dog! Danger inside!"
A guy enters the country store,
Sees the dog and is mystified.
Middle of the floor, sound asleep,
Lying there a harmless old hound,
Not moving, not making a peep.
This is the only dog around.
What is the danger to beware?
The stranger asks the owner why
The door has a sign posted there.
The owner says this in reply,

"The sign's posted as a prelim"
"So you will not trip over him."

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Star Wars Screening - LP Zoo

We meerkats always be on guard,
Ever checking above we do,
Searching the sky when sunned or starred,
Spanning over Lincoln Park Zoo.
We've seen the Star Wars films and so
The evil Empire may attack.
Can't be too careful, doncha know,
So we've always go the Zoo's back.
A lot of visitors come by,
So far seem innocent enough.
None of them have dropped from the sky.
Surveillance has not been too tough.

With us may always be the force,
With us meerkat jedi of course.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


The devil came to a town square
Where a picnic was taking place.
All the folks the devil did scare.
Out of the square the folks did chase.
But one old guy just sat there still.
On a fried chicken leg did chew,
Ignoring the devil's ill will.
Wonder why in the devil grew.
No fear was not supposed to be.
So the devil asked the old guy,
"Why aren't you somewhat scared of me?"
And the old fellow did reply,

"For sixty six years of my life,"
"I've had your sister for my wife."

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Camel Serenade - LP Zoo

We camels love to sing we do.
The songs we sing do fill the air,
Echoing through Lincoln Park Zoo,
All kinds of catchy tunes to share.
Oldies but goodies we like best,
Especially the rock and roll,
Which we perform with hearty zest.
We're also into blues and soul.
Some Elvis we do with the moves,
Gyrating hips and antics of
The King to recreate the grooves,
While singing, "The Big Hump of Love."

We're sure we'll be the winning choice
If we ever get on "The Voice."

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Missing Her - LP Zoo

She used to stand there on the rock,
Watching me in the pool below,
Doing my best to awe and shock,
As through the water I would go.
And she would gaze at me so coy,
And smile at me as if to say
That I was such a show off boy,
And she would turn and go her way.
And then one day when I was here,
One day she was no longer there.
Forever she did disappear,
Leaving one yearning polar bear.

So very lonely it can be
With just a fading memory.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Hide and Seek - LP Zoo

A tawny frogmouth bird I be
A perching at Lincoln Park Zoo.
Sometimes it's easy to spot me,
But I have hiding tricks I do.
My feathers be a tawny brown,
The same color as bark of trees.
A camouflage trick I have down
Is perch against the bark with ease.
My wide mouth I do close real tight,
And close both of my eyes as well,
Illusion that I'm out of sight.
Only the sharpest eye can tell.

I really make you have to peek
When I am playing hide and seek.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Around Less

A bunch of squirrels decided to
Use a church for a residence.
The church did not know what to do
Without incurring great expense.
What could be done that was humane,
While making  the church a place that
The squirrels would choose not to remain,
And find some other habitat?
A lot of suggestions were made.
And one suggestion was deemed best.
So church memberships were conveyed
To any and all squirrels - no jest!

The squirrels showing up decreased sure,
Only seen Christmas and Easter.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Last Garden Stroll

In her garden she took a stroll,
A brief relief from duties bound.
Hard decisions did take a toll.
Her enemies were all around.
But in her garden she could be
Secure in body, soul and mind,
And from her burdens could be free,
A precious piece of peace to find.
Her body guards she did walk by.
She did not suspect her dire fate.
India's daughter was to die,
Indira Ghandhi, head of state.

Her bodyguards in revenge willed,
Indira Ghandhi shot and killed.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Silver Balls

"Do not eat," says the F.D.A.
The silver balls on cookies found
During the Christmas holiday.
For decades they have been around.
"Not food," tiz the big gov reason,
Illegal to be sold as such.
But still consumed - tiz the season.
Consumers have not complained much.
The worst case scenario is
Turning blue gray if you would eat
A truck load of the balls - gee whiz!
Now who might be one for this feat?

Santa Claus on all of his calls
Must eat a bunch of silver balls!

Monday, December 18, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Queen of Babylon

Queen Semiramus was her name,
Became the Queen of Babylon -
Persian empire ruler, her fame,
Quite a female phenomenon.
King Ninus, her husband, was killed
In battle, so the Queen did lead
Her armies in tactics quite skilled,
And in victory did succeed.
For forty two years she did reign,
And during that time there did be
A lengthy would be suitor train,
All hoping for matrimony.

Too many suitors, so she felt
The need for a chastity belt.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Azizi is 14 - LP Zoo

Azizi turns fourteen today,
The oldest of the bachelors four.
Gorilla boy stuff on display,
As there be showing off galore.
A lot of birthday treats to share,
And 'twixt and 'tween the boys do toss.
And all the while Azizi's stare
Reminds them all who is the boss.
The silverback now fully grown
Still has a few years left to be
Silverbacking into his own
And reaching full maturity.

Azizi posed in time and place,
And he puts on his happy face.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Agatha's Mystery Unsolved

Agatha Christie in real life
Made a mystery of her own.
Her husband cheated on his wife,
A fact that Agatha had known.
So Agatha did disappear.
For several weeks she was gone.
The public was told, there was fear
That her foul murder had gone on.
Then she was found in a hotel,
Registered in another's name -
Her husband's mistress. She seemed well.
She never told what was her aim.

Her only unsolved mystery -
Was it a murder yet to be!

Friday, December 15, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Evolving St. Nick

Saint Nicholas from long ago
In the third century did be
Known for the gifts he did bestow
Upon the children secretly.
Stories passed through the centuries
Across all Europe and beyond
Of this Saint's generosities,
Forging into a yuletide bond.
As Europeans settled in
America the tales were told.
The modern version did begin,
Recasting new this Saint of old.

From the Dutch, Sinterklaas became
The Santa Claus of worldwide fame.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Farewell Pavel - LP Zoo

For years Pavel the tiger be
The one to welcome humans that
Entered the East Gate and for free,
His being the first habitat.
But now it's time to renovate,
And as the changes do progress,
The tiger must now relocate.
A fine new home has been found - yes.
Wherever Pavel may appear
He works as an ambassador.
When asked how he did like it here,
"Grrreat," Pavel the tiger did roar.

Farewell Pavel, we will miss you,
Tigering at Lincoln Park Zoo.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Iceland Elves

Icelandic folklore be filled with
The tales of huldufolk, the elves,
Belief in them beyond mere myth,
But be quite real they be themselves.
The elfin king and queen hold court
In the high cliff called Hamarinn.
Compared to humans elves be short
When they be spotted now and then.
Old fashioned garb worn when be seen,
And pointed hat o'er pointed ear,
Favorite color being green
When an elf chooses to appear.

To know of elves you have the yearn?
Go to Elf School and you may learn.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Gomer Pyle

In 1962 he came
To public view on the T.V.
Gawwwww-leeeee Gomer Pyle was his name.
Shazam - he came from Mayberry.
Working a service station stint
For a few seasons, then off to
The U.S Marines Gomer went
For more funny bizness to do.
He spoke in quite a high pitched twang
Which made his comedy his own.
Sur-prize, sur-prize, sur-prize - he sang
In a wonderful baritone.

Rerunning Gomer will not cease.
Thank you Jim Nabors - Rest in Peace.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Plow Forth - LP Zoo

The keepers keep me on my toes
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
What new thing will show up - who knows!
I love the crazy, yes I do.
A snowman cometh - season tiz.
Something a snow leopard can sink
In teeth and claws in feline biz.
And all of course done in a wink.
The snowman is made of fake snow -
Paper held together in paste,
And spread upon it stuff I know
Will be appealing to my taste.

Yes, the snowman is winking now,
Just ahead of this cat's snow plow.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Emergency Procedure

I was in a bad accident,
Caught in an elevator door.
My arm came loose and off it went.
Little Beth was shocked to the core.
Beth's mother was quite quick to act.
Off of the floor she grabbed my arm.
I was a mess, matter of fact,
Little Beth shrieking in alarm.
Beth's mother drove us in the car
To a special hospital where,
Thank goodness it was not too far,
I was able to get good care.

Thank goodness surgeons were on call
To resew my arm on this doll.

Saturday, December 09, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Chocolate on the Fly

Chocolate lovers 'round the Earth
Quite thankful for the world's supply.
Some information is well worth
Knowing - tiz thanks to a small fly,
The gnat like midge to be exact,
As small as the head of a pin.
That smallness needed as a fact,
The cacao flower to get in,
And then fly out to pollinate
Other cacao flowers, so be
Needed seeds in abundance great
From which comes chocolate - yippee!

For chocolate a hankering,
Chocolate midge be thankering.

Friday, December 08, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Fairy Tale Retold

Once upon a time so do tell
Sleeping Beauty was put to sleep,
The result of an evil spell,
For one hundred years - a nap deep.
The hundredth year a Prince came by,
And Sleeping Beauty had not aged.
The Prince decided to apply
A kiss on her - their lips engaged,
Causing Sleeping Beauty to wake.
She had not consented and so
She sued the Prince for his mistake.
Happily ever after - no!

The charge - the Prince's kissing did be
Behaving inappropriately.

Thursday, December 07, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Baby Stork - LP Zoo

A baby stork needs lots of care.
Both Mom and Dad do stick around,
In the parenting both do share,
Making the baby healthy bound.
The baby needs to be beak fed,
And Mom and Dad take turns so that
There is consistent head to head
Feeding time in the habitat.
With good care by both Mom and Dad
The baby stork will grow into
A real stork raving lass or lad
At home in the Lincoln Park Zoo.

Each stork can answer truthfully,
"It was a stork that did bring me."

Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

San Marino

Sam Marino, the nation state,
This Most Serene Republic is
Atop a mount since early date,
Carrying on national biz.
Surrounded by Italy, it
Is small in citizens and size,
But has respect that does befit
Sovereignty in the world's eyes.
A republic democracy,
There are two chief executives,
From opposing parties each be,
Believer of power takes and gives.

An honorary citizen -
Abraham Lincoln, way back when.

Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Upside Down!

A Christmas tree hung upside down
Is not a modern thought up thing,
But dates way back in faith renown -
Early Christians celebrating
The birth of Christ with a fir tree,
Its triangular shape to show
In form the Holy Trinity,
Hung upside down from ceilings so
Believers would see from such a sight
More meaning to be signified.
The birth of Christ did bring the light,
Forgiving sins when crucified.

An upside down tree hung today -
Rooted Christian faith - who can say!

Monday, December 04, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Last Thought

After my first heart attack, I
Could see my body down below,
A doctor saying I did die.
I wondered then where I would go.
But then a miracle - I came
Back to life in the E.R. there.
For now it seemed death missed its aim.
My after life tale I did share.
Then came my second heart attack.
Again I saw my body be.
But this time I did not come back,
And soon it all went dark for me.

The heart stops, but the brain instead
Takes some time to know that it's dead.

Sunday, December 03, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

White Moose

The famous albino white moose
Is roaming in Sweden somewhere
In Varmland district on the loose,
And causing some humans a scare.
A gal with barking dogs was charged,
Dislocating the gal's shoulder.
Fear of further attacks enlarged,
Mainly from scared humans older.
Word came from the authorities,
Order there be no hunting down,
A distinction that did not please -
Would be killed if the moose were brown.

Of course some say it's just not right -
Over protecting privileged white!

Saturday, December 02, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Mouthful - LP Zoo

A vegetarian I be.
Fruits and veggies are all I eat,
And more than twenty pounds daily,
I have quite a bon appetit!
And there's a very fine menu
Provided me day in, day out.
Dining at the Lincoln Park Zoo
Is always a pleasure, no doubt.
A growing gorilla girl should
Eat her food in a healthy way,
And keep her figure looking good.
Produce produces - hip hooray!

I don't do much shooting the bull -
Don't like to talk when my mouth's full.

Friday, December 01, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Charles Manson

Charles Manson dead at 83,
In prison most of his life, and
Where he did die naturally,
Long symbol of an evil brand.
He led a murderous rampage,
Brutally killing innocent,
Writing a stained history page
Of a "helter skelter" event.
California did do away
With the death penalty, and so
To prison Manson went to stay.
Back to freedom he'd never go.

In death Charles Manson will live on,
Public fascination not gone.