Sense Sonnets

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Brain Hack

To sin is human nature - tiz!
Other animals by instinct
Do go about their sinless biz.
Sins are what make humans distinct.
The 7 deadly sins exist:
Pride, lust, greed, sloth and gluttony,
Humans find so hard to resist,
Toss in envy and vanity.
Now some say these sins can be whacked,
And turned from a bad to a good.
The human brain needs to be hacked
For better thinking neighborhood.

So I tried hard to hack my brain.
The Court ruled that I was insane.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Push for Compassion

The Dalai Lama known world wide,
Promoting compassion in life,
Believing science can make stride
In aiding to ease human strife.
But human nature tends to dark
With few and rare tendings to light.
Good achievement, science may mark,
The bad will take and use to fight
For domination and control,
Ever wanting to play God with
The human body, mind and soul.
True compassion is mainly myth.

The Dalai Lama has learned well,
Hard to heaven, easy to hell.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Animal farm

See the elephant emperor
A trouncing around with no clothes,
Picking on jack asses galore.
How will it end? Nobody knows.
Where went the grand in G.O.P.
That was there when honest Abe led?
The G has been fouled by the tea,
With monsters like Rush at the head.
But thanks to the objective press,
We the People are fed alarm,
The emperor elephant mess
Will surely cause no further harm.

We've more than jack asses enough
To keep big gov doing dumb stuff.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Go Green

Greenie scientists now search for
The way to cease carbon footprint
Of humans who pollute galore.
Global warming folk are hell bent
On making Earth an ungreen place,
And so the human species must
Be removed from Earth time and space.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust?
But billions of dead bodies would
Be a pollution quite severe,
So a transition 'twould be good,
For land, water and atmosphere.

The goal of greenies most to please -
All humankind be turned to trees.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Sin Vote

Adam and Eve were innocent,
Till they both voted the wrong way,
When the serpent became hell bent
To bring their dark sides into play.
First, they ate the forbidden fruit,
Then the coverup by them came.
When caught at that 'twas their pursuit
To point at each other in blame.
Their ignorance in bliss was gone.
The more they knew, the more they lied.
In Eden, this could not go on -
Banished to the real world outside.

Playing politics did begin
When Adam and Eve learned to sin.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Both Obama and Orwell use
Fiction Julias to portray
The future the female must choose
To live the state's Big Brother way.
Ever since Eve turned Adam to
Biting into a life of sin,
Male dominated regimes knew
The females needed reining in,
Cuz females make the male do dumb,
And so the state must keep each she
Well programmed so she'll not become
A bother to society.

Julia's programmed to behave
By Big Brother, cradle to grave.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Henry Ford became a best friend
Of Thomas Alva Edison.
A lot of camping trips they'd spend
Planning out the future for fun.
One such dream - the electric car,
The marvel of the coming age,
One designed to go fast and far,
Affordable and all the rage,
Ford next to Edison would yell
How this project was success bound.
Cuz Edison could not hear well,
It never quite got off the ground.

Many a dream falls to the fate -
A failure to communicate.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Bash of Gov

A lot of money is made by
The books that bash the government.
The authors sell the reasons why
Buying their books is cash well spent.
Freedom of press is rarely free.
It comes and goes with some price tag.
The gov be bashing wannabe
Has fingers in the money bag.
As government grows more and more,
Its bashers will be less and less.
There'll be government jobs galore,
Out to punish the unfree press.

So bashers selling your bashing now,
Gov's got it sights on you - and how!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Bad at Looking Good

I have had talent that gets me
Into the public ear and eye,
Who judge and expect me to be
Appreciative in all reply.
My talent should be worn all time,
And never hung up on a hook.
To do so is a public crime -
Guilty of a "how does it look!"
And with the talent I must wear
Enthusiasm ever bright,
And with the public only share
The words and acts that do look right.

Of all the talents that I had,
I was real good at looking bad.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

War on Drugs Drags

Dealers are winning the drug war.
Their biz just continues to thrive.
Demand for drugs is more and more.
Selling the quick fix does survive
All the stuff that government does
To slow supply, thus up its price,
Which means more dealer profit, cuz
Users do use drug merchandise.
So government should just declare
The drug war now over and won,
And take by tax a legal share,
Might as well join in on the fun.

A waste of time and money tiz
Gov waging war with the drug biz.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Kids love to chase after celebs,
Seeking an autograph at least,
Like flies entering unknown webs.
Evil takes many forms to feast
On the young and the innocent.
So kids, please heed warnings that tell
Each stranger does not represent
The evil that inside may dwell.
So get the autographs without
Behaving in a reckless way,
And let the celeb go about
Whatever biz, but safe you'll stay.

Most celebs are likely good folk,
But kids, just be careful - no joke!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Reverend Never End

The justice system is unfair,
So says the Rev'rend Al about
The youth of color who do bear
The brunt of that white hate - no doubt!
So off to D.C. Al does go
To do a slew of talking time,
To let the youth of color know
That Al's atop all this hate crime.
So youth of color, doncha feel
That your future is gonna be
A whole lot better and fair deal
Cuz Rev'rend Al's off to D.C.?

Problem solving is not Al's bit.
Al just like reasons to talk s--t.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Pujol Slump

Albert Pujol's April was tough.
No home run, no getting on base.
A new team in a new league - rough!
Not yet to be fans on his case.
But baseball can be a cruel game.
One year a player is the rage,
The next a whimper -  what's to blame?
All machines get rusty with age.
A 30 something player tiz
A model under scrutiny,
To be phased out in baseball biz.
A 40 something player - gee!

If "The Machine" should shed a tear,
Wipe with 24 mil a year.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Fasten for Foot

The nanny state makes riders wear
Seat belts while riding in a car.
Some say drivers drive with less care,
Feeling all safe and snug - bizarre!
So nanny state will feel the need
To save all pedestrians from
Cars coming at them with no heed,
Cuz the belted driver is dumb.
So a safety belt will be law.
All pedestrians must wear it,
To detect and alarm - ah hah!
If a car is about to hit.

Nanny state is sure gonna put
Its safety seal on all afoot.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Fair to all - Share to All

Does President Obama pay
A lesser income tax percent
Than his secretary - do say!
But he won't say - being a gent.
But he does say the Buffet rule,
Which he says is Reagan's rule too.
Looks to the wealthy as a pool
Of cash hoarded by privileged few
That needs to be drained and paid out
To Treasury, benevolent,
So more votes can be bought - no doubt,
For socialistic government.

Tax the wealthy until they're not,
Then tax what non wealthy have got.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


Popchips, a new kid on the block,
In the big bucks snack neighborhood,
Wanting a pitch that will really rock.
Bad publicity can be good.
So Ashton Kutcher comes to mind,
Actor who doesn't act so well,
But has a following that find
Him cuteishly bad - bad does sell.
So just let Ashton do his thing,
Corny and in bad taste - that's fine.
The Popchips brand will be popping
In mass minds - great for bottom line.

Use Kutcher to sell while he's hot,
Then dump him just before he's not.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Barbie v Barbi

The Barbie Seaworld Trainer's not
A big hit with the Barbi twins,
Who believe that zoos are a lot
Of mistreatment from human sins
Against the creatures of the wild,
Forced to live in captivity,
So human stuff can be compiled.
But that's the way that humans be.
One day perhaps E.T.s will land,
And make the Earth into a zoo.
So then humans would understand
More the Barbi twins point of view.

The zoo animals that we see -
They one day could be you and me.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher

What Would Jesus...?

And what would Jesus do or say?
Let's wait and ask him if and when
He should return to Earth someday.
It's only second mouth till then.
Is homosexuality
A sin deserving of a fate
Of ridicule and harm to be
Bestowed upon by those who hate?
It's easier to hate than love,
And Jesus must know this is true.
And so perhaps he stays above.
Coming back down - what can he do?

Maybe Jesus is waiting for
Us to hate less and to love more.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Lips of Laura

Laura Ingraham - conservative?
Certainly not in flapping lips.
On and ever her mouth does give
Much hot air in self serving quips.
It's quite hard to understand why
Anyone with differing views
Would talk with her in futile try
To make a point, because her ooze
Of screeching sounds of interrupt
Incessantly with need to show
That opposing views will be whupped
By talking to death - doncha know!

Laura's lips flap all that hot air.
How about a wind turbine there?

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Dick Clark

Dick Clark, the T.V.'s ageless teen,
The American Bandstand host,
Has died. Maybe the Times Square screen
Will see him back as a guest ghost,
Continuing to help us bring
In each and ev'ry brand new year,
With rockin' rollin' dance and sing.
Dick Clark, the tops to lead the cheer.
Forever young at heart he'll be
Remembered as a welcome friend,
Who came to visit on T.V.
The memories will never end.

You shared good times with us, Dick Clark.
Thanks for making your music mark.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Dorothy Gibson

Before 'twas fully known the plight,
Dorothy Gibson made such fuss,
She was the first one that bad night
To leave the Titanic, and thus
A month later was set to star
In film, "Saved from the Titanic,"
Playing herself, and quite bizarre,
Of all the clothes she had to pick,
She wore the same evening gown
And pumps and sweater she had on
The night the Titanic went down.
In the film some of truth was gone.

When leaving the ship, she was cast
Not as the first, but of the last.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


It's hard being an eight year old,
And so so on the baseball team,
And watching Dad try not to scold,
When I don't live up to his dream.
I know Dad played ball as a kid,
And played as good as anyone,
But not as good as Grampa did.
Pop pressure does mess up the fun.
And so I try to play as though
Dad isn't there in sight and sound.
But there's one thing I'll always know -
Dad's always gonna be around.

So many kids don't have a Dad,
But I've got mine and boy I'm glad.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Brutally Dutally

Michelle told me not to forget
While in Columbia to check
Vacations spots that she could jet,
With or without me - what the heck!
So since this summit trip is just
A mess, with Secret Service sex,
So the trip's not a total bust,
And doing what Michelle directs,
I sent the Secret Service to
Find the most expensive resort.
Just the best for Michelle would do.
The agents swore not to cavort.

I have not seen these agents since.
Sometimes my job is just so tense.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Sugar Sham

General Mills etal know the trick
Of selling that sugary stuff -
Use the term, fruit, lay it on thick,
Keep it all just legal enough
So it passes technical test,
But lures the parents in the aisle
To think they're doing the best
For their kids, feeding fruit boxed style.
Of course the stuff is not real fruit,
Just artificial flavorings
And dyes to aid in the pursuit
Of getting dupes to buy the things.

Junk sugar food tiz what it tiz,
Masquerading that fact's big biz.

Monday, May 07, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Regard the Bard

On April 23rd, tiz said
William Shakespeare was born and died.
Prose and poetry from his head
Was penned and performed far and wide.
His words outlive his flesh and bone
As only human ways can do,
To be beyond life and death known,
Beyond the man that neighbors knew.
The world of Shakespeare as the man
Was relatively short and small.
His words reached out in global span
To touch in time and space for all.

Could Shakespeare have predicted that
He'd round the world that was not flat?

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Real Pest

We bees are buzzing less and less,
And humans are wondering why.
Some pesticides are now best guess.
Duh! - products made for bugs to die.
Tiz not cuz we are fuzzy cute
That humans are concerned a bit.
Bees pollinate veggies and fruit -
Most of the foods that keep folks fit.
If not for that, humans would be
Happy to pesticide us all.
Earth would be better human free.
We hope nature will make that call.

People pesticide would be best,
Cuz humans are nature's worst pest.

Saturday, May 05, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Music Makes Good

In Philly, in the fifties 'twas
A time and place to sing and dance,
Breaking old barriers because
Dick Clark, one show, just took the chance
On American Bandstand to
Let a teen kid of color rate
A record for T.V. to view -
A first that could bring a dire fate.
The kid said it had a nice beat,
And was easy to dance to, so
That was that, and there came no heat.
All rocked and rolled on with the show.

Music makes lots of joy and fun
For all to sing and dance as one.

Friday, May 04, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Joined at the Groin

A club, us neighborhood boys got,
No girls allowed, cuz they're just girls.
A treehouse in a vacant lot.
Ginny, with ugly pigtail curls.
Dang, the lot is owned by her dad.
And she tells us to let her in,
Or the clubhouse is gone - too bad.
Boys really hate it when girls win.
Now we're stuck with hearing her voice,
Bouncing off our clubhouse walls,
Reminding us we made the choice
Of caving in - boys without balls!

It goes back to Adam and Eve.
Girls are just here to make boys grieve.

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Ah - Chu

Secretary Chu did rechew
His words that high gas price was good,
Reluctant but spit out the view
Of course go down the gas price should.
Right then just like Pinocchio,
The Secretary's nose did snort,
And all the world could see it grow,
Cuz Chu is a gas hating sort,
Who really thinks that energy
Must use the evil gas no more,
But use the sun, wind and algae
To Obamaize all galore.

But for Obama to stay in,
Chu must commit the lying sin.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Spirit of Mount Vernon

George Washington had great success
As a general and President,
And also as a whiskey wiz - yes.
A distiller quite prominent,
Making the most whiskey around,
Thousands of gallons made per year,
Right there on his Mount Vernon ground.
Making big bucks selling good cheer.
Mount Vernon whiskey there still tiz.
Its Ladies Association
Carries on the brisk whiskey biz
Of the father of the nation.

The spirit of George Washington
Still flows in the distilling done.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

White House Menu

That White House chef - I don't trust him.
I heard him tell the President
A recipe that sounded grim,
An Indonesian dish - hint, hint -
Made of a meat, that as a kid,
The President, with family,
Though tough, he ate it - yes he did.
And now that chef does wannabe
The preparer of a reserve
For Presidential lips to smack.
That chef looked right at me - what nerve!
I guess I better watch my back.

I'm kinda nervous, doncha know,
Ending up a burger be Bo.