Sense Sonnets

Monday, October 31, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Union Dues Do

We union bosses got good jobs,
Even if all the members don't,
Lots of money and perks agobs.
Give that all up - hell no we won't.
Obama knows he need us to
Get him his reelection goal.
He cares not what we have to do,
But he damn better play his role.
We wanna see new good jobs go
To our members right away,
And exec orders ordered so
We get while others have to pay,

Our terms for a second term _
All anti-unionists will squirm.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Jacqueline Kennedy became
The first first lady, who worldwide,
Was celebrity with such fame,
But very few knew her real side.
Yes, she was the president's wife,
And she served well in Camelot.
But when he was killed, then her life
Was making sure the world would not
Find out too much of what went on
Behind the closely guarded scenes.
She made the blemishes be gone,
Using the weapons at her means.

Tapes of her, kept private in doubt.
Her daughter chose to let them out.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Profit From

Once upon a time, Stossel got
To be the infrastructure czar.
Rebuild roads and bridges we ought
To make them safe for truck and car.
The private sector did do this,
Without a reg or subsidy.
'Twas truly a free market bliss,
No gov interference to be.
These projects filled with accidents.
Day by day loads of lives were lost.
No body to check evidence
Of bad building at cheapest cost.

Most profitable of all time -
Privately run organized crime.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Ron Paul

Ron Paul would fail as president.
Politics would taint his pure views.
He could not limit government.
In the end his efforts would lose.
Some voters like what Paul has said,
More and more over the years.
Maybe some day when Paul is dead,
Decades from now his time appears.
But now America is still
Too much, too many in the hold
Of the powers that be that will
Just let the nation's ills unfold.

For now Ron Paul's words are in vain.
We, the people, must feel more pain.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


Bruce and Dan - off on a crusade.
The New York Times is anti God.
The boys are moved to mouth some aid.
A holy war of words is jawed.
This rag of a paper does dis
Religious principles of right,
Promoting a godless abyss,
By lib rhetoric spreading blight.
No Jesus freaks are Dan and Bruce,
Just soldiers fighting for the good
Against the evil Times abuse.
Their lips are destined for sainthood.

The New York Times defeat is aired.
Just the crossword puzzle is spared.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Buffet Rough It

Warren Buffet, very rich man,
And giving most of it away.
Taxing more from him - he's a fan.
He's been too coddled, he does say.
Scoffers are telling him to send
His money to poor Uncle Sam,
And then his conscience would end.
He'd go on some welfare program.
All the Warren Buffets should give
Uncle Sam all that they have got.
Draining the rich, a big gov sieve.
What the rich have, let them have not.

Come on down Warren, what the heck,
Join us and cash your welfare check.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


WLS - Bruce and Dan,
Chatter of matter in week days,
The late mid morning air time span,
Spewing forth to truly amaze.
Dynamic pair of pair of lips
Orating fierce on all that's right.
Forgive them a few ego trips,
Something in which Bruce does delight,
'Cause he knows it does Dan annoy.
Dan ran for gov and got eighth place.
Bringing that up, Bruce does enjoy.
Airy duet through time and space.

C'mon listeners, lend them your ear.
Dan and Bruce, mouthpieces to hear.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Rape Alert

I'm just a bored guy turned nineteen,
And nothing else better to do,
Did the Occupy Wall Street scene.
What did I protest? Not a clue!
Got arrested and went to jail.
Called Mom and Dad to get me out.
They showed up quickly with the bail,
Saying that Forbes warned them about
Going to jail and getting raped.
They took me home, kept up their jaw.
I had to kill them and escaped,
But not for long, caught by the law.

Jailed for life for my kill caper,
At first rapee, but now raper.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Decade Post 9/11

Beginning a new century,
The American dream lived on,
Nine eleven oh one to be
A national nightmare upon.
Terrorists came to the homeland,
With planes as weapons, thousands died.
The nation forced to understand
What is felt when attacked inside.
We, the people, gave support to
The powers that be to wage war.
It was what the nation could do.
It was what destiny called for.

America, ten years ago
Did sadly change foreverso.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Dad Pad

Back in the '60s my Dad built
A bomb shelter in the basement
To protect us all to the hilt
From a red commie nuke event.
He showed it to us once when done,
And then he did padlock its door.
Dad kept the key, the only one,
And life went on just like before.
At times we could not find my Dad.
We knew he was someplace at home.
Later we found out his fav pad -
The bomb shelter was where he'd roam.

That's where my Dad would disappear
To read porn mags and to drink beer.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Tough Talk

"Do away with the subsidies"
"On ethanol" - them's fighting words,
Coming from the Prez wannabes,
Amongst Iowa's voting herds.
In Iowa, where corn is king,
Speaking ethanol perks all ears.
A high corn price is the prime thing.
Talking cheaper feeds into fears.
Candidates are supposed to lie
To get the votes, say the right stuff.
Kernals of fibs, voters will buy.
The truth is simply too damn tough.

"Desubsidize the ethanol,"
In Iowa, an obscene call.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Woolworth Building

The Woolworth Building, that's my name,
Labeled Cathedral of Commerce.
Built to world's tallest building fame.
It was my blessing, not my curse.
Cost fourteen million, 1910.
Frank paid my bill upfront in cash.
New York City's giant back then.
They'd elevate me in a flash.
I've watched others rise above me,
And I do wish all of us well.
We're all just one big family,
Together in heaven or hell.

I once was pictured 'tween the Twins.
They fell from 9/11 sins.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Shovel Ready Jobs

Here's what Obama needs to do
To stay in power for next term,
Follow the big crime mob's how to
Get the jobs to keep profits firm.
Take over all the vices biz,
Rub out those who stand in the way.
Crime, though nasty and messy, 'tis
Always around with perks and pay.
Make union membership a must
To work for big gov backed Crime, Inc.
All bad mouths should bite the dust.
Employment will surge in a wink.

Digging graves for the big gov mob,
Now there's a shovel ready job.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Case of the Floating Feet

'Tis quite a mystery, yes 'tis.
Human feet washing up ashore
In Vancouver - a nasty biz.
The years go by and more and more
Feet are found clad in running shoes.
Some DNA I.D.'s been done.
The footholders had the bad blues.
It is surmised that they had run
To a bridge and jumped off, then died.
The shoes did keep the feet intact.
Freed by nature, feet mummified,
Flowed the same as currents did act.

The cycle of the feet repeat,
Last part in depressions's defeat.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Smell in the Air

Martha's Vineyard's general store,
Don and Roma went in to shop.
There was Obama stuff galore.
Who was working made their eyes pop.
Behind the counter was the Prez.
He said he was there to know if
Small biz was as bad as news says.
He gave Don and Roma a sniff,
"I smell conservative on you."
The Prez snarled glaring right at Don.
Don replied, "Don't mind if you do."
"I spray lots and lots of it on."

Roma just watched. What could she say?
Secret Service whisked Don away.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Dis Oil

The U.S. went to tap the oil
Held in reserve far underground.
Price tensions had come to a boil,
And warning bells began to sound.
'Twas an emergency towit
That needed a bandaid to fix
Consumers whining for a bit.
That's how it's done in politics.
But when Feds tapped the reserve,
Lo and behold it was quite bare,
Sucked out by thieves. Of all the nerve.
All that was left was just hot air.

Wonder who the culprit could be -
Odds are in favor of B.P.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Picture Taking Planet

Here comes Earth, that little oddball.
I am called Jupitor thereon,
Head god of Rome before its fall.
I prefer being called Big John.
Those Earthlings have evolved quite far,
And now take good pictures of me.
I am more than just a bright star,
Being my own celebrity.
So I give them a varied mix.
This time a storm the size of Earth
Is posing on me for their pics.
I try to give them money's worth.

Reaching into the universe,
For Earth is it blessing or curse?

Friday, October 14, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

I, Queen Irene

You, humankind, call me Irene.
I'm heading north to find Fox Friends.
They don't want me to make their scene,
But they need punch in their weekends.
Outside giving barbecue tips
When I blow in, what a pity,
Barbecue sauce making wild trips
All around town - New York City.
So you all tune in and find out
How Irene's gonna blow your mind,
And ev'rything else, there's no doubt.
We'll get it on and bump and grind.

Fox and Friends, now doncha be shy.
Irene's a coming to say "hi."

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Channeling War

I'm not your grandparents' T.V.s,
Bulky boxes with tubey ways.
Westerns, game shows, sit comedies
Were '50s and '60s mainstays.
Of course 'twas the Vietnam War,
From black and white to color keen,
Day and night you could watch the gore,
Real life and death there on my screen.
I did evolve over the years,
Fast and flashed in the high tech game.
You want, and on me it appears.
One reality stayed the same.

You still watch wars upon my face.
Nothing changes - just time and place.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Big Bucking

A Jackson Hole ranch is for sale,
One hundred and seventy five
Million bucks for the hill and dale.
A horse like me can really thrive.
The equestrian center 'tis
World class for getting me in form
To be fine in herd cutting biz.
Fancy wood, glass and stone is norm.
There is a real terrific view
Of the near Teton mountain peaks.
Just so much for a horse to do.
A whinny, a neigh - money speaks.

Humans live here too, and no yarn,
They reside in the redone barn.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Pledge Edge

I, Susan B. Anthony, pledge
To keep stirring controversy
With my name on the cutting edge.
Pro life, pro choice - which would it be?
Not many souls can from the grave
Be named in a modern debate.
The SBA list now does wave
In front of each prez candidate.
If the candidate will not sign,
Pledging any pro choice to shun,
Then pro lifers will disincline
To vote for such a trustless one.

I fought for women in my day.
Abortion rights - it's hard to say.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Bee Leaf

I am watching him watching me,
Doing my special dudu thing.
He calls me the leaf cutter bee.
Humans are into their naming.
I don't mind 'cause he seems harmless.
Probably put me in his blog.
That would be cool, I must confess,
Being known for my workalogue,
Cutting out circles from a leaf
To use to build my home sweet nest.
So I'll humor him, but bee brief.
Sometimes humans can be a pest.

Later I will check how I bee,
Blogged on his blog on my p.c.

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


The human need to procreate
Is judged by the powers that be,
Subject to the will of the state,
Often discriminately.
To abort or not to abort,
To favor male over female.
The means to ends humans resort
To control life to greater scale.
Soon science and technology
Shall "solve" the moral issues here.
Normal birth shall no longer be.
Programmed new life shall domineer.

Too emotional, humans get.
Give computers the birth mind set.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Tit Alone

Me, a city dwelling great tit,
And my missus flew out to see
A country cuz and rest a bit
From urban life tit tensity.
My cousin's voice was very deep,
In the quiet of country life.
Because of that, this low down creep
Enticed away my cheating wife.
This broke my little bird sized heart,
And I flew back home all alone.
My life just simply fell apart.
I sing so sad in high pitched tone.

This here great tit's in great despair,
All alone with no love to share.

Friday, October 07, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Don and Roma in a canoe,
Rowing in Hamburg's Alster Lake,
When suddenly they row into
A huge kneecap for golly's sake.
'Tis a sculpture that's sticking out
Of the water - just legs and head.
A female bathing beaut, no doubt.
'Tween legs Don dallies, but instead
Roma takes oar and off they goes,
Rowing over right in the face
Of the bather. Don picks her nose.
Roma can't take Don anyplace.

Roma asks, "Wonder what is her name?"
"Lady Godiver." Don does exclaim.

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Default Daze

Chicken Little Timmy's sent out
By POTUS to spread the scare word
"Default" and say it 'nuf, no doubt,
The stuff will fly that sounds like turd.
Scare is all people understand
POTUS believes, so hope and change
Are replaced by another brand -
FEAR - does anyone think it strange?
POTUS wants all to go his way.
So not to make Freudian slips,
POTUS has meaningless to say,
"Just read my teleprompting lips."

POTUS says, "'Tis default, you see,"
"Default of anyone but me."

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

The Galloping Ghost

Red Grange was the "Galloping Ghost."
A football legend with the bears,
And the New York Yankees, almost.
One of those little known affairs.
Red and the Bears got in a tiff.
He left and formed the Yankees team.
Lasted a year, and then as if
That year was just a Red bad dream,
Back to the Bears to finish out
A gloried pro football career,
One of the greatest, without doubt,
Pro football's finest pioneer.

If Red had kept his New York role,
The Yankees in the Super Bowl?

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Hug and Drug

Parents, your babies are at risk
Of catching diseases from you
Don't be a bad parent. Tsk! Tsk!
The solution is drugs. 'Tis true!
Just log onto our website
And see the diseases you could
Pass onto your sweet child - you might.
So do the right thing that you should.
Order the drugs that we suggest.
Forget about the side effects.
Your child's good health - that is what's best.
Don't be a parent that neglects.

This month we've got ten percent off
On all the drugs for whooping cough.

Monday, October 03, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

View of Vow

Marriage is much ado about
A contract on how to live life.
Modern society, no doubt,
Thought of it as husband and wife.
Governments and religions set
A bunch of rules to follow if
The married folks want not to get
Such powers that be in a tiff.
The big deal now is whether gay
Or same sex folks should get to wed.
Gov and church should have no say
Once good intent "I dos" are said.

A good and a productive thing -
That's what any marriage should bring.

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs stepped down as CEO
Of Apple, reborn company,
That's had a remarkable go
To the top from near bankruptcy.
Its stock made Jobs a billionaire,
And if he'd been paid for his worth,
He'd be a have extraordinaire,
Perhaps the richest have on Earth.
But no matter how much his wealth,
Steve Jobs is just like many more
Who face uncertainty of health.
Sickness strikes the rich and the poor.

Steve Jobs must daily hope for sure
Somehow, someone will find his cure.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


I have to pay now where I park
My bod to do a full night's work.
A meter measures the charged mark,
And I am punished if I shirk.
I already pay income tax,
And now Germany wants some more.
We pros are kicked while on our backs.
It's enough to start a world war.
I have to pass the new tax on
To the customer. "Inflation,"
Cries the already burdoned john.
I just say, "'Tis the price of fun."

My oldest profession got old -
Always demand for what is sold.