Sense Sonnets

Friday, August 31, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

News in Needles

Needles, California - 'twas hot
When we rolled in one afternoon.
We felt that we did have a shot
At setting a world record boon.
And sure enough, straight down we came,
One hundred and fifteen degrees,
That gave the bunch of us the fame -
The hottest ever, if you please.
We were one happy bunch of wet.
A new world record in the bag.
Our destiny had been set.
Raindrops with a reason to brag.

A few of us did hit the ground,
So hot we felt we were hellbound.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

1962 - Half Century Ago

Americanism is lost.
The family unit is trashed.
Immorality is the cost
Of decent values getting smashed.
Big government does run amok,
Republican and Democrat.
More and more of each hard earned buck
Is taxed away for this or that.
The kids just care of selfish stuff.
Overindulging is to blame.
Seems that there's never time enough
To smell the roses - tiz a shame.

'Twas the year, 1962.
So 50 years later - what's new?

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Up Close and Googled

I am just minding my own biz,
When suddenly scooped up and out.
National Geographic tiz
Wondering what I am about.
Lucky I got a greenie guy
Who in the river let me go.
Then he went home and googled I,
A water scorpion, ya know,
That's in the order of bug true,
Oft called needle or stick insect,
Cuz I look twiggy, yes I do,
With lots of limbs that all connect.

I'm right there under N.G.'s nose.
What the heck, I do my best pose.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Diana Nyad

Diana Nyad - you swim girl,
Cuba to Florida flows there
For an Xtreme dreamer to hurl
Her body, soul and mind to dare
To swim once more the time and place
Of tries before that ended short.
But failures for the human race
Can make for winning future sport.
The worlds of shark and jellyfish
Can't understand the human will
To try to make a hope for wish,
A purpose to strive to fulfill.

'Tiz a journey of swimming strife -
Swim Diana - this is your life.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Support Local

Made in America - what tiz
Some goods and services still made
In the U.S.A.? Most biz
Just keeps foreignors sweat shop paid.
Some stuff is still of local source.
The unemployed can have yard sales,
And sell their homemade beer of course.
Prostitutes serve home grown details,
Self renting out for revenue.
Johns are American brand names.
Tattoo parlors - red, white and blue
Needle in patriotic aims.

U.S. - go to yard sales, drink beer,
Meet tattooed prostitutes - spend here.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Abort Abortion

Abortion is killing of life
Of a human being conceived,
Whether because of love or strife.
Unnatural crime - tiz believed.
The unborn need the most, not least,
Protection from acts of mankind.
All of abortion should be ceased.
There are other answers to find.
Give science incentive to solve
Creating artificial wombs.
Let precious human life evolve.
Give all unborn chances, not tombs.

Unwanted unborn deserve more.
Otherwise what is living for?

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


Paul "Rightie" Ryan's running for
Vice President of U.S.A.
So Granny's running out the door
To Canada to get away.
Obama lefties told Granny
To kiss her Medicare goodbye,
As Ryan on the cliff would be
To push her over - why oh why!
Becuz righties are just so mean,
And they want more money to spend
Funding the big biz war machine.
So Granny's days have got to end.

So sad that Granny's on the run.
Paul Ryan is her own grandson.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Pet Perk

Google tiz a sweet place to work,
Good benefits to live and die.
I'm pushing them for one more perk,
Since no spouse or children have I.
But I have Nod, my poodle pup,
And I have Wink, my tabby kit.
When daisies I am pushing up,
I hope that Google will see fit
To see that my pets are secure
Financially for their lives long.
Having such peace of mind, I'm sure
My bond with Google will stay strong.

Google is to live and die for,
Cuz Google cares for me galore.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Pick n Choose

In this age there is instant news,
We the People just need a screen,
Confident media pursues
Any and all of a crime scene.
The media powers that be
Are ever vying to compete,
Presenting what we hear and see,
So that we march to their drumbeat.
A mass shooting is always ripe
With multi angled shows and tells.
But some shootings just get more hype,
Cuz some spilt bloods just better sells.

Get too little, too much - no blame,
Tiz now the nature of the game.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

B.S. Up and Down

A duck was chatting with a bull,
"You see that tree? I wanna go"
"To the top, but my bod is full"
"Of such fatigue, so I don't know."
The bull replied, "Just eat my poop."
"It's full of lots of energy."
So the duck used his bill to scoop
Bull droppings, swallowed, and then he
More poop in his tummy did tuck,
And to the tree top he did climb.
A hunter shot - 'twas a dead duck.
Here is the moral of this rhyme.

B.S. might get you to the top.
But once exposed, likely you'll drop.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Mitt Romney says he wants to cut
Government spending for the poor,
But toss more money down the rut
To give the military more.
Conservies turn preservies lots
Re the Department of Defense.
Righties are prone to get the hots
For a world of wars - makes no sense.
An Oval Office with a Mitt,
For Defense will mean a blank check.
Fund a state of war - go for it.
How about Utah - what the heck!

D.O.D. is yearning to say
Time for Mitt to come out and play.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Julia Child made French cuisine
For all a common sense food fun,
Charm cheffing forth on page and screen,
Taste medium, rare and well done.
'Twas my proud privilege to serve
This lovely lady in pursuit
Of cooking the perfect hor d'oeurve
In boiling waters - what a beaut!
Scene opened and camera zoomed,
Capturing the delicacy.
Into view, the grand lady loomed,
And with her tweezers, she grabbed me.

I knew she meant it as a joke,
Calling me a bad artichoke.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Bury Truth

From Fort Dearborn ashes arose
The great city of Chicago.
Skin still is cut and blood still flows,
Cuz killing still is ever so.
Fort Dearborn 'twas red killing white,
A massacre fading o'er time,
A statue of it out of sight -
Insensitivity the crime.
Todays, most killings - black on black,
Going on in unending pace.
No longer news, these killings lack
Controversy of inter race.

Massacre statues are now out,
But grave markers still in - no doubt!

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Wild Harry

Harry's just wild about Harry,
Steppin' out on the Senate floor,
A lippin' for buddy Barry
To hold the power 4 years more,
Cuz there's where Harry's lips can flap
The most outragious of tall tales,
And not be sued for any crap
He dumps out on foes' campaign trails.
Harry tiz the Senate top dog,
And as such, he gets to barky
Whatever charges that can bog
The voters down in malarkey.

If Harry gets it done his way,
Barry and Harry get to stay.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Oval Office Politics

Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt,
If any were running today
For Prez, how would have each one dealt
With the politics now in play?
Would they take the low road to win
The highest office of the land,
Twisting truth to get voted in,
Cuz that's what winning does demand?
Would they let their media friends
Beat upon their opponent, so
The main message that it all sends,
The truth the voter need not know?

If great Presidents of past ran now,
Would We the People know somehow?

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher

The Sullivan Brothers

Pearl Harbor happened, so 'twas war.
The Sullivan brothers did go
From Iowa to South Sea shore,
George, Al and Frank and Matt and Joe.
Duty called them together to
The U.S.S. Juneau, and smack
Into the deadly bombs that blew
Them up in Japanese attack.
Badly wounded, George did survive,
Death his four brothers' destiny.
Alone, he would not stay alive,
And chose to slip into the sea.

All Sullivan Brothers did fall.
'Twas all for one and one for all.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Olympic Schtick

The London Olympic games got
Opening up with song and dance.
Her Majesty and James Bond brought
Tongue in cheek pomp and circumstance.
If only that theme had prevailed,
But no, the gov powers that be
Wanted the nanny state detailed
In glory for the world to see,
Especially state health care
Where nanny, Mary Poppins, pops
In because illness should not dare
Disobey her and the pain stops.

Not due to health care, but instead,
The pain stops because you are dead.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


"Methuselah" the humans say
My name as a Bristlecone pine.
Forty plus centuries today,
I come from a long living line,
Living in California high.
Rooted in the harsh mountainside,
Ten thousand feet into the sky,
A rugged look personified.
I don't grow too tall or too fast,
About an inch a century.
If I could talk, I'd tell a past
Of trees helping humanity.

The secret to this tree's long life -
Stay far away from human strife.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

I.D. Chidey

Much of modern do needs I.D.
To let the wanna doer do.
But an I.D. to vote does be
An In Dispute battle - tiz true!
Righties accuse lefties of fraud,
Trucking illegals to the polls.
Lefties charge righties tramp roughshod
Over purity voting goals.
And the media takes delight
In ever stoking up this fire,
Making it seem like tiz a fight
That We the People should deem dire.

Whoever's voted in or out
Will I.D. left or right - no doubt!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Electronic Dance Music tiz
Sound the disc jockeys jockey for.
Fame and fortune in earful biz
To keep the dancers wanting more.
With synthesizers and machines,
Sounds sequenced and computerized
To make the beat and groove by means
Lawrence Welk never realized.
Social media spreads the sound
To touch the heart and mind and soul,
To make the body wanna bound
Far and beyond just rock and roll.

E.D.M. is for a D.J.
The way to make the music pay.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Chick Schtick

Go on to Facebook Chick-fil-A,
And see what PR nightmare tiz.
Freedom of speech deemed anti gay
Has choked the life of this here biz.
Even the Muppets pulled support
When same sex marriage, the biz dissed.
Say Muppets can marry, in short,
Or Chick-fil-A is Muppetist?
Beg Kermit and Miss Piggy to
Both marry the Cookie Monster
At Chick-fil-A, all say "I do."
No more talk of just him and her.

Chick-fil-A needs a PR boost,
Or its chickens come home to roost.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Curiosity came to Mars,
Curious if there life could be.
Forever, mankind's looked to stars
With ever curiosity.
And when the landing was success,
Joyed celebration back on Earth,
A crowning moment to caress,
That precious life did have real worth.
One day upon Mars there will land,
Not just machine, but humankind.
By then it's hoped we understand
More mysteries in life we find.

Curiosity can do good
In universe and neighborhood.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


The Senate top dog, Harry Reid,
Got his panties all in a knot
About the made in China deed
Of uniforms the U.S. got
For the Olympics. Harry said
To burn those threads all in a pile.
Is Harry dressed from toes to head
In non U.S. garments so vile?
Perhaps fact checkers should check out
Harry's knotted panties, along
With all his duds, so there's no doubt
He wears or not wears any wrong.

Any Harrywear China made,
Burn on Harry, per his tirade.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Bust Blab

Question of trivial pursuit -
When and where in the White House be
A Winston Churchill bust - old coot?
Oval office? residency?
Rose Garden? basement? the front door?
All the hype on this or that bust -
Must be Churchill busts there galore,
Each with a story to get fussed.
Rumor - the bedroom of the Prez
Has a bust as nighlight plugged -
Hears all the pillowtalker sez
To Brit intel - the Prez is bugged.

Winston Churchill would be amused,
All the tales his busts have enthused.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

A Rahmper Romp

Rahm was Obama's Chief of Staff,
But now the mayor of Chicago.
Rahm told the Prez, who did not laugh,
Chicago values made it so,
Gay marriage support had to be.
If Obama did not so say,
Then Rahm told the Prez - so sorry,
The Prez would have to move away
From his Chicago home. So then
Obama "evolved" to be for
Gay marriage all the way - Amen!
So welcome home, Rahm did restore.

Rahm's Chicago values syndrome
Pressured the Prez pick heart or home.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Shack Up, Snack Down

The fly was busy having sex.
The bat was seeking a night snack,
And heard broadband buzz sound effects.
The fly asked for that bat attack,
And sure enough when sex was done,
And the fly flew into the air.
'Twas its last time for sexy fun,
Now the bat's internal affair.
So to avoid a bat's sonar,
A fly should try celibacy,
But that's just not how most flies are.
Bats are glad flies are so horny.

Why did the bat swallow the fly?
The fly just got the urge - that's why!

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

A Brian Ross Offense

An investigative report
On the mass murder of the year,
The reporter chose to resort
To tie the Tea Party in here.
So he googled round and about,
Found a Teaer with the same name
As the killer, and then without
Further checking, he played his game
Of musing on national news
Of this connection - could it be?
The fact was no, but bias ooze
Stunk journalistic decency.

A journalistic line to cross,
'Twill be known as a Brian Ross.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Olympian Ali

Muhammad Ali - one more round
Of the Olympics - London style.
Now a sports icon, world renowned,
Two thousand twelve - it's been a while
Since nineteen sixty, there in Rome,
An unknown boxer did compete,
And did bring the gold medal home,
Rarely then on knowing defeat.
But Parkinsons punches about
His body, leaving him so weak.
Ali's determined - no knockout,
He still has lots of life to seek.

And so beneath Olympic rings,
An inspiration Ali brings.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Out of Control

The shooter got guns legally,
And shot them in a theatre,
Knowing full well there would not be
Others with guns that might deter.
So now continues the debate,
To bear or not to bear by law.
Less guns and less the murder rate?
Safer - more legal guns to draw?
Gun control laws in Chicago
Try to control guns to the max.
Would the murder rate be less so
If the gun laws became more lax?

Chicago - lots of murder done,
Mostly by an illegal gun.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

John Marshall

The U.S. Supreme Court got spine
When John Marshall, early and long,
Earned the "Great Chief Justice" tag line,
Molding the Court into stuff strong.
Presidents, Congresses and states
Lost in the power game of chess,
As Marshall's Court moves won checkmates.
He set the Supreme, one could guess,
That's lasted through from then to now,
In how the Court can play the game.
If We the People wonder how,
John Marshall gets the praise or blame.

When Marshall died - little known fact -
The Liberty Bell rang and cracked.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Will We Awake?

The American Dream was dreamed
By generations of the past.
We the People dozed off it seemed
To let the lot of life be cast
By government as nanny state
To tell us all how we should live
To have control of each one's fate.
And in return we each must give
The government heart, soul and mind,
And only dream what we can do
To better help government kind
Fool We the People by the few.

For the American Dream's sake,
C'mon We the People - awake!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Dark Knight vs Occupier

"The Dark Knight Rises" one more time
To cape crusade for Gotham town,
To protect folks from all the crime.
He bounces forth in Dark Knight gown,
A loathed one percenter by day.
Billionaire Bruce Wayne does by night
Go to bat in a flairful way,
Batting baddies in the good fight.
Some baddies that do occupy
Gotham City get Batman beat.
Hollywood tries to clarify
These aren't the Occupy Wall Street.

In movies, occupy is bad,
But good in real life - oh so glad!

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Humans call me the Caddisfly.
I got the name from caddys men,
Vendors, who to their clothes would tie
Their wares to sell round way back when.
I guess it's cuz I make my case
To keep me in safe and cozy.
I start with some leaves on the base,
And then add stones quite prettily,
Then spit my silk to use as glue.
Tiz my unique building syndrome.
I eat the leaves - oh yes I do,
Till I grow up and leave my home.

Oft my old home is seized upon
By folks as jewelry to don.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Nuke Surf the Web

What would become the Internet,
U.S. Department of Defense
Started so just in case was set.
If nuclear bombs made past tense
The picking up the phone to chat.
The cold war never turned red hot,
So Defense said enough of that.
Now Internet is what we've got.
Of course, we've still got loads of nukes.
Who knows how many in what hands.
The world is full of crazy kooks.
The time is running out of sands.

When nuking comes in fiery calls,
Back to drawing on some cave walls.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

The Voice of Same Ol'

In '68, I heard a voice
Asking, "Has this country gone mad?"
My Momma did not have a choice.
All life around her had gone bad.
A poor, uneducated, black,
Single, unemployed woman just
Had little chance, as I look back,
For cause for hope, let alone trust.
For Momma there would never be
Finding the American Dream.
Each day she woke to misery.
Life does not change, so it would seem.

Today, my Momma's life I live.
Time stands still and does not forgive.

Thursday, August 09, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Buy By the Brain

Dmitri Itskov has a dream
To live forever with his brain,
Continuing his thoughts to stream
In artificial made domain.
"Avatar" he does call his plan.
Robots and then holograms would
Upload his mind in timeless span,
A painless, deathless life for good.
Dmitry is a billionaire,
But wants to share risking money
With other wealthy who can spare
Big bucks for immortality.

Buying "Avatar" will cost lots,
More than a penny for your thoughts.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Zoo Moo Do

The girls are standing in their stalls
Awaiting their morning milking.
"Who's the new cow on the block?" calls
Winlin who is just wondering.
"Oh, that's the ChiCowGo statue,"
"Being unveiled," Taytot replies.
Freda asks, "Why the big moo do?"
"Oh, you know humans," Mictate sighs.
The girls watch as the human crowd
Around as the statue unveils
To oohs and aahs uddered aloud.
The girls chew cuds and flick their tails.

The moosterpiece is a cute perk,
But the girls must get back to work.

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Murder by Any and All Means

Chicago has loads of gun laws,
And loads of citizens shot dead,
Yes, bullets from guns are the cause,
But blame is in the shooter's head.
Cain murdered Abel, but tiz not
Spelled out how that bad deed was done.
Primitive stuff might have been shot.
Abel did not die from a gun.
Suppose all guns just disappeared,
The minds of murder would still be.
We the People have perservered
To make murder celebrity.

A gun - to bear or not to bear,
Murder will still ever be there.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Ebony Elite

The black elites are doubling down
To keep the power they enjoy,
Especially in D.C. town,
Playing with the race baiting toy.
And libs in media abet
The black elites playing this game.
Black elites are the libs' fav pet
To pamper through whatever shame.
So We the People get the spin
That mass racism does exist.
And if We choose to not buy in
That hype, then we must be racist.

Racism truth is hard to know,
Because the lies are spinning so.

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Dorando's Run

The Olympics - 1908.
First won, then lost the marathon,
'Twas Dorando Pietri's fate.
Kept falling down, umps helped him on,
So he crossed the finish line first.
The London crowd did cheer for him,
But the came in second loudly cursed.
Disqualified, his joy turned grim,
But others touted him to fame.
Irving Berlin wrote him a song-
The world to sing "Dorando's" name,
Olympian of spirit strong.

A. Conan Doyle helped Pietri
Open a home town bakery.

Monday, August 06, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


Tiz fear of Friday the 13th.
I await one to show me a
Clue what this fear does really meanth.
Each such day, I just stay in bed,
And try to sleep the day away,
But stay awake out of sheer dread
That evil lurks and I'm the prey.
I have this fear and don't know why.
Saturday the 14th, I'm fine.
But just the thought that time does fly,
Sends nervous shivers down my spine.

Friday the 13th - the next one
Is on its way and never done.

Sunday, August 05, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Big Family

The old American Dream tiz
Sick and tired from the wear and tear
Of being stepped on by big biz,
Turning high hope to bleak nightmare.
The bigs of big biz use the tricks
To keep the little folks at bay.
Mass media and politics
Assure that big wigs get their way.
The kids of bigs are bigs to be,
Being trained to step on the same
Wee We the People - pawns are we
For bigs - tiz a family game.

The happiest parenting gig
Is a parent who is a big.

Saturday, August 04, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


The zookeeper - she's on my case,
Watching everything I do.
Everytime I see her face,
I feel like I am at a zoo.
With no place where I can go hide,
Cuz she can find me anywhere,
Up and down and in and outside,
No escaping her, here nor there.
But when she's not around, I do
Find myself missing her a bit.
She's here to help, I know tiz true.
I really like her - she knows it.

This zookeeper sure knows her "bleep"
On this here seal she helps to keep.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Roswell Does Sell

Thanks to the hype in U.F.O.s,
Roswell continues to sell strong.
Did E.T. really crash - who knows?
But just keep asking, decades long.
If E.T. remains still exist,
Hopefully they are locked away.
But cash strapped gov might not resist
Putting the remains on display,
And charging We the People max
The real Roswell E.T. to view.
Supreme Court calls it a must tax
That We the People must all do.

The U.F.O of Roswell be -
Use For Opportunity.

Friday, August 03, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Dying Young

The human children of this Earth
Too oft are born into a life
That's measured short with little worth,
Living just filled with dying strife.
All of us that have left childhood
Have a duty to any child
To give that child the common good
The human species has compiled.
Science has given us the way.
We have the mind, we just need heart
To do the good, and not just say
Each of us must do our part.

This very second, children die.
We must do more than wonder why.

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Gimme Food Stamps

A 15 percenter and proud
To be a member of Food Stamps.
No stigma in yelling it loud.
So get used to it, judger Gramps.
Gov has to pay to get my vote.
We the Food Stampites are a bloc
That any elected must note.
We are the key to the in lock.
So our numbers will just grow
With all sorts of new deals and tricks.
As we go, the nation will go.
New America politics.

Gov gimmes - like a Midas touch,
At age 20 - can't get too much.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

How Now Pow Wow

"Power how?" ask powers that be
Jetting to Aspen just to ask,
How to get all that energy
To take competitors to task.
Solar is shining more and more,
But fossil fuelers love the line,
Cheap oil and gas and coal galore,
Shove solar where the sun don't shine.
Nuclear fusion don't talk much,
A lot of it has gone to waste.
And wind is blowing out of touch,
All those dead birds leave a bad taste.

"Let's return to nature," said some.
All in all - might not be so dumb.