Sense Sonnets

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

They Talk My Walk

I am a poor black kid. I am
Hard inner city born and bred.
Far off future - who gives a damn?
Odds are I'm gonna be young dead.
School is just a waste of time place.
I feel like a lab rat to test.
I'm just part of a new slave race
For gov to screw like gov does best.
Most white adults think they're so wise,
Can tell a poor black kid like me.
A bit of truth among the lies,
And lie that truth will set me free.

Street wisdom tells me it's fool's play
To buy in what white adults say.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Cain Todo

Not to mention anyone's name,
But why would many women speak
Publicly of matters of shame
Of a man preying on the weak?
The man says all these women lie,
That he's the victim of them all.
But again, the question is why?
Is it to cause him a downfall?
Will these women profit on him
With cash or just satisfaction?
They can't all speak on just a whim.
Some must speak truth of what he'd done.

He blames enemies for the fuss,
And promises not to screw us.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

'Tis a Croc

In Australia, Obama got
Insurance against croc attack.
The Prez responded, "Thanks a lot."
"Something my health care law does lack."
Back at the White House, safe and sound,
Obama went out for a walk,
Strolling the Rose Garden around,
The Prez encountered a big croc.
And 'twas a repubbie reptile,
Who ate Obama munch by munch,
But spit him out after a while,
Not able to stomach lib lunch.

The First Lady did ask, of course,
Was croc insurance still in force?

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


A giant salamander dwells
In parts of North America,
Called hellbender the freaked out tells
'Cuz its skin undulates - duh -
Like torture of infernal flames.
Devil dog and mud devil are
Other satanic likened names
To tag the creature's looks bizarre.
It likes a certain habitat
In swift waters under a rock,
Preferring there to just sit pat,
And hope that folks don't come and gawk.

Hellbenders maybe wish how swell
If all humans would go to hell.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Freedumb of Speech

Speech is free, consequences not.
Results vary in time and place.
Humans communicate a lot,
Part of charm of the human race.
Shooting off one's mouth may cause hurt,
Not the same as shooting a gun.
Apology might  mend a blurt.
Bullet holes cannot be undone.
The Golden Rule with speech is good.
Speak unto others in a way
That others speaking to you would,
And you would think such speak okay.

Is what's said true, needed or kind?
Before it's said, keep that in mind.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Sense Sonnet Acher

Young Un

The Glorious Leader is dead.
Father's heart gave out on the train,
Working for the nation he led.
He was under such stress and strain.
And now I am going to be
Under some stress and strain as well,
And a whole lot moreso for me,
'Cause of my family from hell.
I have an aunt and uncle who,
Along with two brothers would
Lose no sleep in trying to do
Me in - my future is not good.

Father's death was ill timed no doubt.
Time for me is now running out.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

More Jobless

Once the population was less,
And physical labor was more.
But through begetting and progress
There are jobless people galore.
Labor saving technology
Does better what folks used to do.
Less human inefficiency,
More profitable revenue.
The government of course does try
To give jobs to people without
Any purpose to satisfy,
Except voting support, no doubt.

Too few jobs and too many folk,
Survival of fittest - no joke!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Unfairy Tale

Obama, once upon a time,
In presidential pardon did
Pardon Rezko for all his crime,
To save the reelection bid,
'Cause Rezko was not gonna do
A ten tear plus behind bars stretch.
Rezko made sure Obama knew
Payback hell Obama would catch
When dark secrets came home to roost
'Twixt and 'tween these neighbor next guys.
So Obama set Rezko loosed
To keep stuff buried - no surprise!

Unfairy tale of a grafter-
Lives happily ever after.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Tyrant Take

I am an office tyrant, yes,
Because that is the way I get
My way from the schmucks - I confess.
I like to feel that they do sweat,
Even though they pretend to not.
They listen carefully to me.
They play the role model a lot.
They fix before my problems be.
They focus on my good, not bad.
They try to humor my dark side.
They understand why I'm a cad,
Thanks to tyranny I provide.

The better those around me work,
All the more that I am a jerk.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Call them the K for Kookie Klan.
The Kardashians have an act
That knows no end in public span.
Soap operators - that's a fact!
The summer saw Kim K of course
A spectacled fairy tale bride.
The fall sees Kim K in divorce.
All the Ks rallied round and kried.
What K story line next to see?
Perhaps Kim out doing good work
To try to spin reality
That she is not really a jerk.

'Tis the Kardashian season,
Ever there with no real reason.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Huff Puff

I'm thankful for the fair Huff Post
Where demmies and repubbies get
Unbiased treatment in views dosed
By an objective positive set,
So passionate and so engaged
In telling truth above it all.
Pure enlightenment from such saged,
Ever at balanced beck and call.
No mud slinging or dishing dirt,
No cheap pot shots or twisted words.
Whatever Huff Posters assert,
Blow the fair breeze - like for the birds.

Huff Post - I'm thankful that you be,
'Cause you mean my nation's still free.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

French Maids

The two Papin sisters did work
In France as maids for a Madame,
Who was zealous that they not shirk,
And constantly gave harsh exam.
'Twas in the seventh year employ,
Inside the home the fuses blew,
An accident that did annoy
Madame who made a big to do,
And at the sister maids screeched blame.
The sisters with hammer and knife
Sealed the deal in their claim to fame,
Chopping to pieces Madame's life.

The French public became afraid.
Was anyone safe from a maid?

Monday, December 19, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

D.C. Wreckage

A toy train derails going round
The new National Christmas Tree.
Observed comparisons abound
Of real train wrecks made in D.C.
A father and son take the time
To put the toy train back on track.
No doubt such a federal crime
That politicians will attack,
'Cause politicians only fix
Stuff benefitting them and theirs.
'Tis the season for politics,
Train wrecks big or little - who cares?

The National Christmas Tree is
Where train wrecks can get back to biz.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Ye of No Faith

Atheists have crossless to bear,
So some want Christians to decross.
But these smug Godless should beware
Lives of Godless are at a loss.
Look at the Russian commie folk -
Mortality rates on the rise.
The Godless have less life - no joke,
While Godful have more - no surprise.
So Godless bear bunches of grudge,
Accusing all Godful of fraud.
The Godless ever do misjudge,
But God forgives, 'cause God is God.

As each atheist's life is done,
Perhaps God has a bit of fun.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Those Good Ol' Days

The U.S. robber barons built
Vast fortunes on the people's backs.
Perhaps in philanthropic guilt,
Some gave good works in public acts.
But more importantly they brought
Order out of chaotic times.
The best economy was wrought,
Helped by the robber barons' crimes.
The Wall Street wealthy of today
Will not repeat the Gilded Age.
The rich are like children at play,
Letting loose more chaos to rage.

One day all wealth will all be spent.
Won't be pretty where it all went.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Up Close

You Tube is watching me pop out
From Momma's womb - a star is born.
I am ready without a doubt.
Watch me with or without popcorn.
Momma's taking a lot of flack
For putting me in the spotlight.
But I've got something to play back,
That for most is just out of sight.
It's like it takes a village thing
To make a one feel not alone.
A sense of global villaging
Shares togetherness of one's own,

My birth - a moment to replay.
My death - I want it the same way.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Known Name

One day so soon 'twill be the norm -
Ev'rybody will know my name.
Thanks to the nanny state brainstorm
To play out the big brother game.
Through force or tricking, the state
Will stick in each of us a chip
That scans the host and will relate
Info, so that the gov keeps a grip
On all about each that there tiz.
I will have no secrets to keep.
Whoever wants will know my name,
Whether I'm awake or asleep.

No name tag is required - instead,
My name flashes on my forehead.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Gay Young at Risk

At greatest risk are young and gay
Of infection by HIV.
Such youth are prone to throw away
Safe sense for curiosity.
Body and mind crave new found lust.
Rapacious sex becomes the game.
Self well being aside is thrust.
Orgasm is the only aim.
The gay community must act
Through older and wiser to give
These young impulsive such contact
As will instill the love to live.

Be useful to young gays before
They become sick and be no more.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Bio Blitz

"What's up!" hissed the snake eating snake.
The poop holding tortoise replied,
"A Bio Blitz - give us a break."
"Humans are spreading far and wide."
The gila monster flashed its tongue,
"Why can't they just leave us alone?"
"They're pests - especially their young."
"Everyone with a cell phone."
"Chattering and texting galore."
"Not watching anything about."
"A wayward foot will flop no more,"
"Once I have bitten it - no doubt!"

"Humans call it the Bio Blitz."
"We'll be glad when they call it quits."

Monday, December 12, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Mike McQueary

Mike McQueary - you saw the rape
Of a child by a guy you knew.
You were in great physical shape,
So what take action did you do?
You made the choice to walk away.
Self serving stuff ran through your mind.
Tread carefully came into play.
Think awhile before your acts bind.
Go tell your Dad of what you saw,
That will give you some time to think.
Then dump the mess right on Joe Pa,
Later to wonder why you stink.

Mike McQueary - you have found fame,
Dictionary pictured with shame.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Stern Yearn

Howard Stern of radio fame
Has got a real negative Q -
Bad, bad news in the ratings game.
But bad, bad sells - yep bad, bad do.
"America's Got Talent" judge?
Why oh why would NBC pay
Big bucks for Stern to sling his sludge?
'Cause the public tunes in foul play.
A talent judge, all sweet and nice,
Is good down at the local school,
But prime time will pay any price
For bad, bad's good biz as a rule.

Good ratings have followed bad Stern.
Such ratings NBC does yearn.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Sandusky Song

I am innocent of the charge
Of molesting some little boys.
Just horsing around, by and large,
In the showers - just playful joys.
I hugged and touched them, yes I did,
But not in a naughty sex play,
But like a father with his kid.
A pedophile! Not me! No way!
The media has condemned me,
That I'm guilty without a trial.
All I ever wanted to be
Was someone kids would see and smile.

My days of touching kids are done.
The kids see me and off they run.

Friday, December 09, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Joe Pa

Coach Joe Paterno gets let go
From Penn State and his football team,
After decades of being so
Legendary in a sports dream.
Told of an alleged child abuse,
Occurring in the locker room,
Joe apparently did deduce
To sweep it upstairs with his broom.
To cover up, upstairs then chose,
And Joe left well enough alone.
Years later, when the whole world knows,
The scandal takes Joe as its own.

A lifetime of accomplishment
Tarnished by one fell short event.

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Her Corginess

You may call me Susan the First,
Given to the Queen by King Dad,
When she upon age 18 burst.
I was the first corgi she had.
The Queen adored me much indeed.
I and the doggies in my line
Became the Queen's own royal breed.
The palace hops for me and mine.
As herding dogs, we yap and nip,
And so the staff don't like us much.
But they knew better than give lip.
The Queen would not be pleased by such.

Just one of palace life's ordeals,
Us yapping and nipping at heels.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Walk Talk

The hiking boys are free at last.
Iran jailed them for being spies.
From hike to hoosegow they were cast,
Just two dumb American guys
Who decided to take a stroll
In the world's most dangerous zone.
Years in a prison was their toll.
Now older but still stupid prone,
Talking America's to blame
For what happened to the poor boys.
No doubt they'll use their dumb found fame
To trash their nation with their noise.

Throw them in jail fast as we can.
'Cause they could be spies for Iran.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

7 Billionth Baby

The 7 billionth baby popped
Sometime. somewhere on Halloween.
Perhaps the savior did opt
To make the second coming scene.
The last time Jesus did appear,
There weren't too many folks around.
But human begat got into gear,
And all over people abound.
Jesus has got much work to do.
The world is filled with loads of sin.
No manger for crib this time through,
'Twas room at the Holiday Inn.

Halloween now a time to be
Decorating a Christmas tree.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Be Whale

My trusty sidekick and I dove
Deep down onto the ocean floor,
Where there's a photo treasure trove
Of underwater life galore.
Suddenly, a huge whale swam by,
Had to be the size of a bus.
It stopped and gave us both the eye,
Seeming to be just curious.
My sidekick clicked and I did too.
Pics of the whale, which moved quite quick,
Mouth opening right in my view.,
And swallowed up trusty sidekick.

Just like the Bible Jonah tale,
My sidekick's kickin' in a whale.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Soldiering On

The war continued to wage on,
Far, far away on foreign land.
At home, public support was gone,
Hard for soldiers to understand.
The enemy shot down his plane.
The pilot soldier survived that,
But the chance for rescue did wane
'Cause who he was, where he was at.
Out of the blue, a coptor came,
An angel flying into hell.
To save a soldier was the aim.
The soldier was saved, live and well.
There is a bond in soldierkind.
A soldier is not left behind.

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Bad Air Day

Fox Friend Alisyn walked the street
In bright red p.j.s with high heels,
Propositioning those she'd meet
With sexy "check me out" appeals.
Looking capably competent,
'Cause all her makeup was in place.
As research done did represent -
A lady is judged by her face.
But a pigeon pooped suddenly,
While flying over Alisyn,
Making her make up go muddy.
Poor Alisyn - 'twas damage done.

From passersby these words did spill,
"'Tis a hooker over the hill."

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Once upon a time, the U.S.
Slashed spending like never before.
Done by the Prez and the Congress,
Hopped up on a drug to the core.
This drug was sprayed over D.C.
By super hero, Slasher Skunk,
Causing politicians to be
In an unnatural cut funk.
Trillions got slashed this way and that.
Everybody felt the pain
Of losing layers of cash fat.
The country began to get sane.

But Slasher Skunk knew that one day
D.C. would need another spray.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Charlie Chan

The fictional sleuth, Charlie Chan,
Solved crimes on the page and the screen.
Best known West friendly Chinaman,
Seen both positive and obscene.
Viewed as a Chinese character,
Brilliant, amusing and polite,
Or as a foul caricature
In racial stereotype slight.
The fact of fictional Charlie,
He was a human doing good,
And that's the way that it should be
Around the world and neighborhood.

For Charlie Chan, this is no time.
We must be p.c. with all crime.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Evil on Evil

The home was broken into by
A violent criminal who
Chose by stabbing to make her die.
Young Kelli looking forward to
Her whole life, and in seconds robbed,
Along with her phone and some coins.
As word of this spread, heartache throbbed.
In innocence, such evil joins,
No matter what the parents will.
Evil wants only to be next,
Never satisfied with its fill.
Kelli's mom is getting a text.

Kelli's mom sees through eyes of grief,
The killer's taunts - beyond belief.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Buy American

"Buy American" - is that dumb?
UnAmerican costs me less,
Made by some workers who are from
Not America - a good guess.
'Made in America" is not
The easiest of tags to find.
Once found it usually has got
A price, the highest of its kind,
But set forth in red, white and blue,
Making my head pitter pat throb,
Thinking if I buy it, I do
Help save my next door neighbor's job.

Land of the free, home of the brave.
Jobs harder and harder to save.

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

$alesman of Death

I own a piece of the death biz,
Growing chain of mortuaries.
I sell something that always is.
Livelihoods for my employees.
My customers are the bereaved
Who bring to me their now deceased.
The more their delight is achieved,
The more my profits have increased.
The corpse fixed up to look so good.
A funeral fit, tailored made,
And if all goes well as it could,
Future deceased biz will be laid.

The competition will not quit,
So death is what I do with it.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Paid to Shade

Jacqueline Kennedy - her life
Was livelihood for folks like me.
First as the president's glam wife,
And next as widow Kennedy.
In airports, restaurants, on the street,
I'd lurk to spring to snap my pix,
The pay for which was oh so sweet,
Worth my playing some dirty tricks.
Sometimes she'd have her kids with her.
I think John Junior took delight
In making "accidents" occur
To me, when I was in his sight.

And when she became Jackie O
I upped my stalk fees, doncha know!

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Do Day

Business women - we are there.
Glass ceilings still high up in place.
Climbing, we keep the perfect hair,
No matter hazards that we face.
Men pass us by, bushy and bald,
Sometimes stepping on our coif.
Most of gal numbers never called.
That glass ceiling is so far off.
We pay the price for hair be good.
Loads of cash and lots of abuse.
But men still rule corporatehood.
So good hair/ bad hair - what's the use?

Delilah cut off Samson's hair.
He lost his strength, she earned her fare.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Hear No Evil

I heard a catfight taking place
Through the wall in the store next door.
Two gals fighting - in any case,
I made the choice then to ignore.
Turned out one of the gals got killed.
Her body discovered next day.
So I am getting ripped and grilled
For not getting involved some way.
The "somebody else will" excuse
That others use all of the time
Is not deemed okay for my use,
Since who but me could hear the crime?

To those who judge me - what the f?
Hear around - the whole world is deaf.

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Kamikaze means "divine wind."
Japan was losing World War II.
To die was better in the end,
Than shame from surrender would do.
Emperor Hirohito willed
Pilots fly planes at ships of foe.
Suicide missions once fulfilled
Might mean victory winds would blow.
Pilots flew for the rising sun,
Dropping flowers before their doom,
Before their sacrifice was done.
On Japan, those flowers still bloom.

Kamikaze failed its hoped for.
Divine winds never blow with war.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


You are born to the lower class.
Gov is gonna take care of you.
When your voting age comes to pass,
You'll vote the way gov tells you to.
Growing up, go to public schools,
'Cause that's where gov has most control,
To fill your head with gov made rules
Of how it is and what's your role.
Your choice to work for gov or not,
Whatever, just vote as you're told.
Of course gov jail may be your lot.
You'll get gov welfare, growing old.

You belong to gov - birth to death.
Wanna change that - don't hold your breath.

Monday, December 05, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Red Eye

Late one night, I landed from space
To check out signals received from
This planet with a human race.
What I tuned in was kind of dumb,
A T.V. talk show called Red Eye,
Hosted by Greg Gutfeld - it's like
Why does anyone watch this guy?
Sidekick Bill Schultz, a snotty tyke,
Gets spanked a lot from Gutfeld's lips,
Then jokes of Andy Levy's cat,
Followed by some crude houseboy quips.
All in all, kind of worthless chat.

Hardly worthy hardy har hars.
Must be something better on Mars.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Libertary Tale

Once upon a time there prevailed
The Libertarians in charge.
Gov that had gotten so detailed,
Was lawed as outlawed, by and large.
Free city/states were the in thing,
Each promoting prosperity,
And the only laws existing
To protect against injury.
Each city/state competed for
Products and services that would
Entice good citizens galore,
To optimize the neighborhood.

For a time there was much peace and hope,
But Washington D.C. could not cope.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Maggie Daley

You departed Thanksgiving Day,
Leaving your loving family.
But thank you Maggie for your stay.
Chicago's heart you'll always be.
The Daley boys and men made life
An ever challenge for you, sure,
But you were more than the mayor's wife.
You were Chicago, true and pure,
Helping the city's beauty show
In arts and in the hopes of youth.
And even though that you now go,
Your legacy remains in truth.

Thank you Maggie for your giving.
You bettered Chicago's living.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Due Exit

Gaddafi got a gory end,
No better or worse than he gave.
There are moralists who pretend
Of the ways humans should behave.
The moral book of etiquette
Should be available to check
When bad behavior is a threat
To a vile villain - what the heck!
When mean and nasty's overthrown,
The overthrower must act good,
So all the world can see we've grown
Into a better neighborhood.

Gaddafi went out with a kiss.
Think that way - ignorance is bliss.

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Politics and military,
Wargaming is the must do play,
A combo of powers that be
Since early times to modern day.
The USA now holds first place.
Its wargamers have made their moves,
In lives and treasure case by case
To occupy as spin behooves.
The Department of Defense 'tis
Run by those who seek to defend
Investments in the war game biz.
Wargamers care not what they spend.

Home of the brave, land of the free,
Pawns of war game powers that be.

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Paid in the U.S.A.

I'm skilled in computer hi tech,
And once got six figures to work,
But then got laid off. What the heck!
My job went to an Asian jerk.
With unemployment benefits,
I cannot even make ends meet.
Doing farm labor is the pits.
Pick fruit I can't afford to eat!
Here's what the government should do.
Tax the greedy rich a lot more.
Give me six figures revenue
For an easy gov union chore.

Gimme gov my happy pursuit,
And foreignors pick all the fruit.

Friday, December 02, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Legal Process

Troy Davis maintained to his end
That he was an innocent man.
The law however would not bend,
And killed him under legal plan.
Some say that lynch law happened here
In the deep south of time and place.
Legal killing is in high gear,
Especially of the black race.
But it is the legality
That dresses up the messy raw.
Always injustice there will be,
But always there must be the law.

Whatever laws are when or where,
Are made by humans - humans err.

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Purple Please

Chris Matthews talking to Joe Klein
About the trip of trav'lin Joe
Along a kind of red/blue line.
"Tell me something that I don't know."
So Joe says that the common folk
Want blue and red to compromise.
Purple for the people - no joke!
Or else D.C. - surprise! surprise!
Will get payback for all the jive.
The silent middle will laugh last,
And not at Saturday Night Live -
At D.C.'s cancelled current cast.

'Nuf already of politics,
Time for the red and blue to mix.