Sense Sonnets

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Climb Time - LP Zoo

Six weeks old at Lincoln Park Zoo.
This gorilla girl's getting care
From my two older sisters who
Have a baby sister to share.
I know that Mom is still in charge,
When my sisters have hold of me.
And of course Dad, who's very large,
Is always close by, fatherly,
I guess gorillas like to climb,
Cuz up and down I often go
With my sisters some of the time,
Showing me the ropes, so I'll know.

They're on the floor and watching, yes,
Humans don't like to climb, I guess.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


The Indianapolis Star
Is like news media of now -
Any and all gay issues are
Safe sold as holier than thou.
Get 'em gay rights hot off the press,
All full of emotion and such.
Rev up the sales pitch more from less.
Whatever bleeds gay - Midas touch,
To sell the stuff in print, on air,
While gay rights still are in demand.
What did such news media care
Back when gay rights were not so grand?

News media will sell today,
Tiz fashionable to buy gay.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Kestrel Watch - LP Zoo

American kestrel, I am
The smallest falcon that there be.
At the Lincoln Park Zoo, your fam
Can visit and see li'l ol' me.
Go left through the Childrens' front door,
And look for a habitat green,
Lots of windows, and you'll see more
Of me than you have ever seen.
Ledges by windows, limbs of trees,
Let your eyes gaze through my bird house,
Maybe perching in feathered ease,
Or maybe munching on a mouse.

When I'm focused in your eye track,
You'll notice that I'm looking back.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Family Reunion

She was my daughter, then one day
We were together, then were not.
They just came and took her away.
She was gone. I never forgot.
A lot of lifetime came and went.
Sometimes I wondered about her.
As all my time with them was spent,
I had no choice but to endure.
Then they took me to a new place.
They called it a sanctuary.
There I found a familiar face.
They brought my daughter back to me.

And once again we both are met.
Elephants don't ever forget.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

American Toad -LP Zoo

An American toad I am,
Also referred to as a frog.
Lincoln Park Zoo for my exam,
So put me on your travelogue,
At Children Zoo come see me close.
Maybe my tongue will grab a bug.
I eat my shedding skin too - GROSS!
Hey - humans do a lot of UGH!
Yellow belly and greenish back,
Dark warts to be accessorized.
On a solitary lifetrack,
For mating I'll get socialized.

A human has never kissed me,
But a prince of a frog I be.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

HillBillill and The Slick Start

"Bill - I am running formally"
"For Prez, in case you did not know."
"Emails said so, so it must be,"
"Plus, I said so on video."
"A champion for the little folk,"
"To make them think I really care,"
"That they're outside - insider joke."
"Power elite doles out welfare."
"Gotta go to Iowa first,"
"And mingle with the caucus crews,"
"Grassrooting at its very worst -"
"All that manure on my shoes."

"Try to behave while I'm away."
"I am at work, you are at play."

Friday, April 24, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Kwan Econ - LP Zoo

I am Kwan at Lincoln Park Zoo.
Silverback gorilla who is
Helping humans in stuff they do,
Studying the gorilla biz.
The latest study - econ one,
Exchanging a this to get that,
Grabbing a hold of a token,
And heading where the grapes are at..
The exchange is made hand to hand,
Not a lot of fancy hi tech,
But humans seem to understand.
I do like grapes - so what the heck!

Try to study the human mind,
Always a challenge I do find.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

HillBillill and The House of Cards

"Bill - what is this that I do hear"
"You telling Kevin Spacey 'bout"
"Our own House of Cards - indeed!"
"I've got to muzzle you, no doubt!"
"The trail we've left of blood and sex,"
"You call 99% real."
"As Prez that the nation elects,"
"I've gotta downplay that whole deal."
"As far as education - Bill,"
"You are the fast one on your lip,"
"A flappin' like loose shutters will."
"Keep your mouth shut and don't unzip."

"Try harder not to dump upon"
"My dealt White House of Cards - game on."

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

There Goes the Neighborhood - LP Zoo

A fennec fox has super ear.
At my place at Lincoln Park Zoo,
The human chatter that I hear
Is that I'm getting neighbors new.
The patagonian cavy,
Always so quiet and polite,
Who's been next door neighbor to me,
Is moving, not to my delight,
To be replaced by parrots known
For messiness and bugle squawk,
Disrupting the now good hood zone
With for the birds stress 'round the clock.

I'm worried I won't get my sleep
Next to some birds so full of "bleep."

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Cubs Curse Continues - LP Zoo

Being a Japanese macaque,
I am a real big baseball fan.
From Lincoln Park Zoo I did track
To the Cubs opener - a plan
To watch the team start with a win.
A lot of humans were in line -
The restrooms were hard to get in.
Anywhere's good for me and mine.
I cheered with gusto, doncha know,
As the innings did come and pass.
The home team scoreboard glowed "zero."
The Cubbies lost the game, alas.

I'd heard of the billy goat curse.
Maybe this monkey made it worse!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Have Bomb ...

World War II turned into a race.
Who would perfect the A bomb first?
F.D.R. told - "Step up the pace,"
By A. Einstein, "or face the worst."
So the Manhattan Project sped
So bomb be for the U.S.A.
Which did manage to race ahead,
And be the first to bring doomsday.
World War II did end, but sure not
The quest for bombs by friend and foe.
Einstein rued what the world had wrought,
But died before the haves did grow.

The U.S. have and others yearn.
The have nots want to have a turn.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Black Tree Monitor - LP Zoo

A black tree monitor I be
Black skinned and at home in the trees
In Indonesia, but see me
At Lincoln Park Zoo, if you please.
From tip of tongue to tip of tail,
I can stretch a meter or more.
Over tree branches I do sail,
Searching for insect snacks to score.
Being a lizard, I got feet
That sport great claws for a great grip.
Come to the Zoo and we will meet.
A tongue "hi" to you I will tip.

Do wanna see, be wanna sure
To monitor me monitor.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

April First Fools' Day Joke

The April Fools' Day joke - the first
On record, sixteen ninety eight,
Tower of London news conversed -
Watch lions be washed, don't be late.
Londoners did flock to the scene.
Real lions or the ones in stone?
But 'twas just fooling to be mean.
The April Fools' joke seed was sown.
For centuries, lion lyin'
Fooled bunches of Londoner folk,
Off to washin' to be eyein'
But seein' themselves as the joke.

The lions at the London Zoo
Roar in laughter - oh yes they do!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Bad Horning - Vietnam

The rhino horns in hot demand,
In Vietnam especially -
An elixir to countermand
Hangovers of the risk that be
That like to party hard and long.
So rhino horn powder is bought.
Enough money soothes any wrong -
Killing of rhinos - kill a lot.
There is no scientific  proof
That rhino horns hold any cure.
Just rumors spread from goof to goof,
Killing more rhinos - that's for sure.

The rumor that needs to be spread -
Eat a rhino horn and you're dead!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Swan Song - LP Zoo

It's been so lonely without you
This winter time in the Lagoon.
Together at Lincoln Park Zoo,
We trumpeted a loving tune.
So many swan cygnets we raised,
Until the time for each to go
Into the future never gazed.
We were together, that be so.
And then one day you were just gone.
I kept looking for you to be.
The days went by from dusk to dawn,
And you have not come back to me.

I tell the world we are apart.
I trumpet "miss you" from my heart.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Oriental Fire Bellied Toads - LP Zoo

Oriental fire bellied toads,
Hopping hot at Lincoln Park Zoo.
Our bods are camouflaged loads,
Sitting still as we often do.
But predators out in the wild
Do on occasion spot us, so
Our bellies are message styled
In fiery colors warning woe
That eating us would be toxic,
Thanks to poisons that we can make.
A predator would get real sick,
So leave us be for good health sake.

In the Zoo, since we're not at prey,
Our bellies aren't on display.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Criminal Mind - LP Zoo

At Lincoln Park Zoo, we chimps learned -
Harder we worked, better the treat.
A big fat juicy grape was earned,
But the bigger chimp guys would cheat.
Chimp gals would take their play money
Way over to the grape window,
A longer and harder journey,
Than just for a carrot, to go.
Near the grape window, the chimp guy
Would grab the play money away,
Then approach the window so sly,
Having learned that, yes, crime does pay.

Thou Shalt Not Steal - but humans do.
We chimps have learned to steal stuff too.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Old House Guests-Young Brains

The White House held a science fair,
Where kids could come and show off stuff.
Some 6 year old girl scouts were there.
Young inventors but old enough
To find the inspiration for
Building a Lego like machine
That could do the page turning chore,
And for some patients intervene,
Who had mobility issues,
So such patients could better read.
Young minds have such talents to use.
To help adults get smart, indeed.

White House adults dumb down too norm.
More kids should visit to brainstorm.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

B Ball Back Board

When basketball became a game,
A peach basket was for the ball.
Spectators would divert the aim.
And so began the backings all.
Chicken wire back was the first used,
But becuz 'twas easily bent.
Spectators behind still abused.
So wood went back as a prevent.
Spectators groused they could not see.
So see throughs seen in varied form.
Sometimes the shatterings do be,
But see through backboards now the norm.

Each time a basketball be scored,
To be or not to be backboard!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Hunt for Answers

Red wolves only run in the wild
In North Carolina country.
Some humans are getting all riled,
Cuz on their private lands wolves be,
Competing with humans for prey.
Protected, wolves cannot be shot.
Wolves know that and so they don't stay
In the refuges that they've got.
There needs to be a compromise.
Hunting red wolves should be allowed
Where non refuge area lies,
And wolves annoy the human crowd.

Red wolves are smart and soon will know
Some lands will mean shot at - don't go.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Caught on Camera - LP Zoo

As a snow monkey, I come to
Help educate the human minds
Learning at the Lincoln Park Zoo,
So challenging this monkey finds,
Cuz humans have a nosy way.
But since they give me room and board,
I guess butt in stuff is okay.
New home - so much to be explored.
Mysterious doors to check out.
What is behind door number one?
That's what this monkey's all about.
Opening doors has just begun.

There are cameras ev'rywhere.
Nosy humans just have to stare.

Thursday, April 09, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Golden Tamarin - LP Zoo

I am a tamarin, I am,
A golden headed lion one.
My world is under my exam.
If you stop by then you're the one
I watch at the Lincoln Park Zoo,
From my tree hollow, cuz I'm shy,
But always happy to see you.
Humans are fun, I don't know why.
I be a monkey from Brazil,
I hear the humans say of me.
I nibble fruit to get my fill
Of human watching energy.

My head of hair is fiery thatch,
And I stick out like a lit match.

Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Patriarchal Pause - LP Zoo

Three wives and three daughters do give
A guy a whole lot on his plate.
Without girls, with girls, I can't live.
Women are masters of men's fate.
I can't remember a time when
I had a meeting man to man.
My world is wrapped in feminine.
I'm puzzled why this was my plan.
I love my girls, don't get me wrong.
It's just that at Lincoln Park Zoo,
I often spend the whole day long
With 'twixt and 'tween fix hers to do.

Gorilla patriarch, I be
Sometimes hiding from family.

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Peek a Hank - LP Zoo

I am Hank and the chimp in chief
Of the troop at Lincoln Park Zoo.
Being main male brings no relief,
Always in charge chimping to do.
Such a busy schedule I've got,
Leading the troop from day to day.
But always time for my mug shot,
Cuz that's the trooper show biz way.
So when the humans approached me,
A perfect pose of mine to seek.
I of course took the time to be
The Zooper PhotoOfTheWeek.

So when you get a Hankering,
Come to the Zoo - I'll do my thing.

Monday, April 06, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Odie the Otter - LP Zoo

A North American otter,
Odie at the Lincoln Park Zoo,
Always at home in the water,
I love to play - oh yes I do!
A waterproof coat and webbed feet,
Nostrils and ears close in the drink,
Like a torpedo, oh so sweet,
Through the water quick as a wink.
Up to four minutes I can stay
Underwater in a submerge,
Looking for food or just to play.
Always with gusto, I do surge.

You oughter be coming on by.
Odie the otter will wave hi.

Sunday, April 05, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

HillBillill and The Ad-ick

"Bill, FYI the RNC"
"Are doing ads full of trash talk."
"Most interesting in the world - me,"
"Portrayed in light, so as to mock."
"I am woman and I am loud"
"On lots of stuff I want to say."
"But as a Clinton, I am proud"
"To many secrets keep my way."
"The scandals all do come and go."
"I learned that, Bill, as I stood by"
"The swirl around you swirling so."
"And soon you will be the First Guy."

"As for the catchphrase the ad sends,"
"I'm for - be secretive my friends."

Saturday, April 04, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Green Snake - LP Zoo

Happy St. Paddy's Day to you.
Tiz a day I be wearing green,
As I wear ev'ry day, I do.
For green snakes - no color change 'tween.
At Lincoln Park Zoo, I hang out
To remind the visitors that
Green snakes like to slither about
Illinois prairie habitat.
So c'mon over and say hi.
Look close cuz I am a wee folk.
I can't wave back, no hands are why.
I'll give you a high fang - no joke!

Drove snakes from Ireland, St Paddy?
In Illinois, hope safe I'll be.

Friday, April 03, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Irish Giraffe

One giraffe says to the other,
"Happy St. Paddy's Day to you."
"I come from an Irish mother,"
"Bless her heart at the Dublin Zoo."
"She comes from the Irish wee folk."
"Don't ask about my pot o gold."
Could this story just be a joke?
Giraffes tell tall tales, truth be told.
The other giraffe remains still.
No reason to stick out one's neck.
There be so many toasts to fill.
The world be Irish - what the heck!

'Twould be quite a phenomenon,
Be a giraffe a leprechaun!

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Snow Monkey Selfie

When people do selfies, they tend
To pose so to exaggerate,
I guess so the photos they send
Will give them some purposeful state.
I choose to do selfies that are
Subtle in expression of face.
Nothing outrageous or bizarre.
My eyes and mouth I seek to place,
To give a hint of how I feel.
A touch of wistful or amused,
Or concerned, I subtly reveal.
I even do subtle confused.

My snow monkey face is red - yes,
But subtle  looks I can express.

Thursday, April 02, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Dreams on High

An eagle at Lincoln Park Zoo,
Is home because of injury.
Soaring, I can no longer do,
But still dream of what it could be.
I dreamed I was in far Dubai,
To set a record, humans planned,
From a building half a mile high,
Down to the ground to human hand.
I dreamed I did this feat on air,
For endangered species on Earth,
Making the public more aware,
That sharing time and space has worth.

Faraway flight - dreams of my heart.
Home at the Zoo - I do my part.

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Pillow Fight

Two sisters sharing time and space,
Their world filled up with fun and play,
That ev'ry child does like to chase.
Someday a grown up - not today,
Rolling and jumping in the bed,
Each trying to outdo each one.
Material does turn to shred,
As twisting and tossing be done.
Such yearns of youth do ever be,
Ever shared excitement to find,
And found and shared naturally,
Childhood of shared heart and shared mind.

Sleepover with a pillow fight.
Two gorilla girls - what a sight!