Sense Sonnets

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Killer Be Killed

It matters not the laws of man.
The killing of killers is right,
And in God's eyes no more right than
Avenging the abortion blight.
To any and all who would kill
The helpless unborn innocent,
Know that one day you killers will
Be judged guilty and consequent
Will be your execution by
The hand of us who will find you.
How and when you are gonna die -
You'll be there when you get your due.

We, avengers of the unborn,
Killer protecting laws we scorn.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

His Journey

His Farewell Address to Springfield
Was his beginning destined for
His nation's troubles that would yield
His nation torn in Civil War.
He spoke to thousands gathered there
Of his faith in God and in good,
That God's good is everywhere,
And whatever is God's will would.
It took years but the war was done.
Slavery abolished at last.
Once again the Union was one,
Healing the deep wounds from the past.

A bitter bullet ripped his head,
And he came home to Springfield, dead.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Bi It?

The U.S. Senate - will it flip
In 2012 - do we care?
'Cause civil bipartisanship
Will echo through the chamber air.
Party lines will be in the past.
There will be tranquil harmony.
Real progress will be made at last.
All Senators will shun the tricks
That most of them once used to do.
Work good and not play politics.
A miracle - could this be true?

Demoublican - how 'bout that?
Or maybe a Republicrat!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Big $penders

Money makes politics go round.
It makes no matter left or right.
Dollars don't know where they're bound,
Or on which side they're gonna fight.
Some boys with bucks are in the game
To pay for causes and effect.
At first no one may know their name,
But time and money dots connect.
And when the media takes note
Of billionaires in politics,
Seeking to buy the common vote -
Tales of their money bags of tricks.

George Soros and the Brothers Koch
Far left and far right leaning folk.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Arkansas Hattie

Hattie Caraway, the widow,
Did fill her husband's Senate seat,
As was the custom to do so -
A temporary short and sweet.
And then Hattie did on her own
Run and was re-elected to
The U.S. Senate, then unknown
As something a woman could do.
The first woman committee chair,
The first woman Senate pro tem,
She invaded the all men's lair,
And paved the way for future femme.

Senator Hattie Caraway
Went to the big leagues and did play.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Think I'll Go...

My brain lives in lots of places,
Urban, suburban, rural spots.
Past woes of human rat races
Are all gone and replaced by lots
Of options that let me be where
My brainpower is optimized,
And with other brains, I can share
Hopes and dreams being realized.
It's not exactly real of course.
My real brain matter, pink and round,
Is plugged into a power source
In a storage cave underground.

The future will let the brain be
In virtual reality.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Can You Spare...?

For decades the U.S. has paid
Billions to Israel and Egypt,
A fraction of all foreign aid.
Taxpayer dollars off we shipped
To the leaders of all these lands.
Hoping they buy the lines we sell -
The do it our way name brands.
We're shocked when these plans go to hell,
And wonder why the U.S. is
Not a fav of the common folk.
All those dollars to mind their biz
Just does not buy their love - no joke.

As we sink into dire distress,
Who will give aid to the U.S.?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Civil Bore

The State of the Union Address,
More like watching high school prom night.
The President's speech was no guess.
The crowd was civil with no fight.
So coverage folks did resort
To comments on who was with who.
The combover conserv export
Next to red pantsuit from state blue.
Ratings on viewers were okay.
If civility does catch on,
Becoming this address's way.
Viewers tuning in may be gone.

Civility's fine - doncha know?
But makes for a very boring show.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Land of Stinkin'

Governor Quinn of Illinois
Ran and won on promised tax hike.
He's in the bunch of good ol' boy
Doing pretty much what they like.
Quinn said the state house is on fire,
And more taxes would put it out.
So who do the voters rehire?
Arsonist Quinn and pals - no doubt!
The pols keep doing backroom deals,
Smugly assured that voters vote
Like good sheep making piggy squeaks,
Muffled by taxes down the throat.

The state is stuck in stupid stuff.
The voters only huff and puff.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Santa Is In

All sorts of bizness likes to sell
The story of Santa, that he,
Among the stuff and wares does dwell,
A buyer come on Santa be.
Children know Santa as the one
Who comes to visit once a year,
Bringing a bag of gifts and fun.
As the time nears, the children cheer.
But Santa gives more than just toys.
He shares with the world his own way
Of being there for girls and boys
To wake to wonder Christmas Day.

Not truly in a bizness mart,
The true Santa is in the heart.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Lies Prize

I operate a polygraph,
A lie detector called a lot.
I detect cash on my behalf.
The gizmo's been my own jackpot.
I say to the examinee
If he/she wants to pass the test,
There will be a passing test fee.
At first most think I speak in jest.
But some who have turned down my deal
Have gotten fired or gone to jail.
I tell of this in my appeal.
Most give in and I've made my sale.

Polygraph - my money machine.
I'm not lying - know what I mean?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Toll on the Tombs

Egypt's ancient burial grounds
Are targets in the lawlessness.
Looting children are making rounds.
The history - they could care less.
Children know not of what they do.
They only mimic older ones,
Behaving in a manner to
Take from the past daughters and sons
Of Egypt as a great empire.
Because the Egypt of today
Wreaks havoc like a forest fire -
The burning toll - no one can say.

Centuries through the sands of time
To modern fate of childrens' crime.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Jack the Fitter

Jack LaLanne practiced what he preached.
But this kid was not in his choir.
My jaws were my most muscle breached,
Sending junk food to my spare tire.
Watching Jack on his T.V. show
Was just a waste in the wasteland.
Gimme the cartoons - doncha know!
Something that I can understand.
Thank badness my folks tuned out Jack.
They coulda made my life a hell,
Forcing me on that wellness track.
I'm no good at living life well.

When Jack died I heard thunderclaps.
He's got St. Peter doing laps.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Go North in P.C.

O Canada - a Muslim friend
Taking the p.c. to the max.
Efforts authorities do spend,
So all the Muslims can relax.
Little Mosque on the Prairie is
A sitcom, but better not dare
Say it's not funny for that 'tis
A criminal offense affair.
But if you're Muslim, do that crime
Or any other crime you pick
In the month of Ramadan time,
Your arrest deemed impolitic.

O Canada - thar's to be had
Haven for Muslims, good and bad.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Rare Bird

A bird of a dif'rent feather.
That is what the world says of me.
I am at home in the heather
With mate and our family.
My mate and I, we are both male.
We find a she for a threesome.
Then we steal her eggs and turn tail,
Leaving her feeling kind of dumb.
Back home, mate and I incubate
The green eggs until they do hatch
Into cygnets. We celebrate
Together in the nesting patch.

Luck of the draw phenomenon,
I'm yours truly, a gay black swan.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Chow Ow

The E.T.'s came to planet, Earth.
They were a species like the plants.
Plant life was given highest worth.
It was under that circumstance
That eating plants was deemed high crime.
Animals were to be consumed,
The only food source for all time.
If one ate plants then one was doomed.
At first people tried to revolt,
But all soon came to understand
That though it was a shocking jolt,
The E.T.s were in full command.

The E.T's diet is all meat.
We, humankind, is what they eat.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

She Found

She was born in a mother's shame,
Abandoned to state foster care.
Not knowing family by name,
Wondering if they were out there.
Over time she began to seek
To discover family ties.
Her birth records revealed a peek.
Two siblings had met their demise.
But a sister was still alive.
She saw a T.V. interview
Stirring her efforts to revive.
The info matched - could it be true?

She did find her birth family,
Including Sis - Oprah Winfrey.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

The Big Sting

The Asian giant hornet, yes
I get as big as a sparrow bird.
I sting a human and best guess,
The human's demise has occurred.
I really hate humans a bunch.
They're always trying to trap me,
And then deep fry me for their lunch.
I wish my world was human free.
And now the've found that I secrete
A hornet juice that can enhance
Their sexual bon appetit,
Giving them more dance in their pants.

They're the ones that I really mind -
Horny hornets of human kind.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Crime Pays (and Pays and Pays)

Mark Fuhrman, the world knows the the name
From O.J. Simpson's murder trial.
His perjury did throw the game
To O.J.'s acquittal. Meanwhile,
Fuhrman turned his disgrace to gold,
Making money, making the rounds.
Over and over tales be told.
The O.J. saga knows no bounds.
Don't fault Fuhrman for cashing in.
Plenty of others do so too.
Folks can't get enough of the sin
Of O.J. whether false or true.

The O.J. Simpson murder case
Keeps selling in the marketplace.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Christmas is much a state of mind.
Some get wrapped up in guilt and shame
About their worldly stuff that bind
Them to the get then get more game.
Some figure that to write a check
To fulfill some heart tugging wish,
Whether true or not - what the heck,
Makes some feel oh so squishy squish.
Seeming like Santa once a year
And giving to a poor have not
Fills some haves with do gooder cheer.
Some do good little, some a lot.

'Tis the season to be gifting
To make some feel more uplifting.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Price Pass Along

I bought a six pack of cheap beer,
Allowance for a 12 year old.
I drank. A fine buzz did appear.
Six empties and I did feel bold.
Mom was sleeping. I grabbed her purse
And took the little cash she had.
Laid off parents - they are the curse.
I headed out to do some bad.
An old guy walking down the street,
I struck him hard and knocked him down,
And took his money - green so sweet.
Then to the liquor store downtown.

As long as there is cash to steal,
Higher beer taxes - no big deal.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Mixed Feelings

Jackie Robinson was the first
Black man in major league baseball.
At that first game many fans cursed
That any black would have such gall.
It should be clear as black and white,
Each color should stay in its place.
To mix was gray and just not right.
God's will was separate each race.
And now baseball had gone and done
A deed that would mess up the game.
How could white fans have any fun?
The sport would never be the same.

Jackie's wife walked among the crowd,
Hearing the racial hate out loud.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Wail to the Chief!

Male or female, it matters not
If running to be President.
Cry - it's bye bye to the top spot.
Remember Muskie's sob torrent?
And once elected should there be
Tears seen from the President's eyes,
Each and every enemy
Would take advantage - no surprise.
So the President takes some pills
To keep the tear glands liquid free
So there will be no tearful spills
Setting the stage for World War III

Leaders' tears publically shed
Means a muddy mess for the led.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Play to Win

Michael Vick gets a second chance
Playing football which he does well,
Like playing politics - a dance
To win the big game - what the hell!
Barack Obama uses Vick
To show Obama's feely side,
Betting that this compassion schtick
Will help the two thousand twelve ride.
Of course ex cons don't have much clout
But comeback star pro athletes do.
Obama's hoping Vick stays out
Of trouble till term number two.

Obama likes Vick's comeback, though
Vick will get nowhere near Bo.

Monday, March 07, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

The Queen

When her uncle did abdicate
It put her in line to the throne.
In the 50's began her fate -
A life that was not hers alone.
Though symbolic she does remind
The world of the empire once ruled.
Though that glory is now behind,
And royalty is ridiculed,
She still remains somehow above,
Still serving the role that beckoned,
Part of duty and part of love,
Queen Elizabeth the Second.

When Queen Elizabeth has passed,
The English monarch won't last.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Slow Boil

The Sputnik moment was cold war
Between Russia and the U.S..
Losing did make the U.S. sore.
The name of the game was success.
Today, U.S. adversaries
Have learned new ways to play the game.
Don't let the U.S. ever seize
Any moment with gotcha name.
Instead just let the U.S. sink,
Pulled down by debt and other woes.
Just sit back with a nod and wink
As U.S. gasps in its last throes.

No Sputnik moment epilogue.
What's Chinese for the boiling frog?

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

No Escape

Real violence, kids hear and see
All the gruesome details up close
Over told and shown on T.V.
And other news - a daily dose.
Some parents try to filter out
The violence that's in the news.
But that's just a bandaid no doubt
On all the blood that spills and spews.
Perhaps it's good that all kids know
That violence knows no set bounds.
When and wherever children grow
Will be potential battlegrounds.

It matters not the time or place.
Violence, all children will face.

Friday, March 04, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


In 1914, I did do
My very first musical song.
I did it by ear 'cause 'twas true
My lessons were not far along.
I wrote it while a soda jerk
At the ol' Poodle Dog Cafe'.
And so I called my piece of work
The "Soda Fountain Rag". I'd play
It as a waltz, tango, fox trot -
Varied beats and rhythms that are
All the same song - just played a lot.
Folks would say, "What a repertoire!"

Guess that first song was not a fluke
By this Ellington, folks called "Duke".

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Minidum Wage

The minimum wage is a joke
Used by politicians to woo
More votes from all the have not folk.
Just another gov way to screw.
Knocking the young and unskilled out
Because the hirers can't afford
Min wages and don't have the clout
With pols where biz sense is ignored.
The more that gov gets in the face
Of free markets working, the more
Have not folks will be stuck in place
Of living life as working poor.

Let politicians feel the fate.
Pay them the minimum wage rate.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


I was born in the James household,
And was with all the kids a hit.
In just a few years I was sold
Worldwide. Mrs. James had true grit.
Her work took us both to the top -
Both to the hall of fame for toys.
Over the years each Mom and Pop
Could choose me for their girls and boys.
Mrs. James kept me low in price
So no kid had to do without
Playing with me - wasn't that nice?
Mrs. James - my angel, no doubt.

Hello kiddo, I am Slinky.
I am fun sprung, come play with me.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

My Dad Imam

Ayatollah Khamanei is
The Supreme Leader of Iran.
Next in line in the family biz,
I, his son, do all that I can
To keep Pop's power well secure.
The family lives lavishly.
That's no big surprise that's for sure.
One day Supreme - that will be me.
The nasty U.S. and the west
Want me to be like puppet Shah.
The C.I.A.'s become obsessed
With bribing me to off my Pa.

I have what others wish they had,
Key to access to dear ol' Dad.