Sense Sonnets

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Moon Landing 50th

July 20th was the day,
1969 was the year,
Proud moment for the U.S.A.
Cause for America to cheer.
The Eagle landed on the moon
Carrying the astronauts three.
For N.A.S.A. it was quite a boon -
First humans on the moon to be.
Then the first step by Neil Armstrong
Called "one giant leap for mankind."
Fifty years since have passed along -
Anniversary to remind.

Mission for history to track.
Eagle with all came safely back.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Mountaineer Mouse

The yellow-rumped leaf eared mouse be
Found in the Andes mountains range,
Living from levels at the sea
All the way to the peak tops - strange!
A more than twenty thousand foot
Spread of elevated abode,
Such a lifestyle climbing does put
This mountaineering mouse in mode
Of being a mammal unique,
The highest dwelling mammal - yes,
A climate changer, so to speak.
Answer to why - anyone's guess!

Survival challenge to endure,
This is a mighty mouse for sure.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Visit Often and Freely - LP Zoo

Lincoln Park Zoo will remain free
Through at least twenty fifty year.
When this great news did come to me,
It caused this flamingo to cheer.
Each year millions of humans come
And able to freely connect
With this magical naturedom,
Causing so much special effect.
Generations do come and go,
Good memories of time and place
Have and will continue to flow
Through these acres of awesome space.

Come visit again and again,
Knowing you can freely walk in.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Mondika and Djeke - LP Zoo

Mondika and Djeke now do
Be infant gorilla boys' names
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
Both sites in the Congo which aims
To help great ape conservation.
And over the last twenty years
A lot of good work has been done,
And the commitment perserveres.
The young boys born a month apart
Are both healthy and doing well.
The cuties each tug at the heart,
Casting a double "aahing" spell.

Come and visit the youngsters soon,
Any morning or afternoon.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Following Mom - LP Zoo

Wherever Mom goes, I go too.
I'm learning all she has to teach
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
There are many milestones to reach
For this rhino just two months old.
Some are easy and some are hard.
Mom tells her boy I must be bold,
If inside or out in the yard.
Outside is where the crowds do be.
Mom assures me they are okay.
They all have come to visit me.
They're noisy but that's just their way.

I hear them calling, "Romeo."
That is my name, Mom told me so.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Double Take - LP Zoo

Two gorilla baby boys be
Held by each one's own Mom so that
The visitors can better see
Both cuties in their habitat.
The Moms be sitting side by side,
Each cradling close their little one,
Each Mom looking with beaming pride,
As though to say, "Look at my son!"
A double vision to behold
Of special bonding 'twixt and 'tween
The share and care of young with old,
All in all quite an awesome scene!

Proud Mom with baby son times two
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Owl in for Feeding - LP Zoo

Stanley, snowy owl Dad does do
Some feeding chores for his young chick
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,
A tasty mouse being his pick.
Keepers unfreeze some frozen mice
And put them in the habitat.
For snowy owls such do entice
As yummy morsels to have at.
Young snowy owls need help to eat,
So Dad, Stanley, lends helping beak
Delivering the rodent treat,
Providing the how to technique.

Oh what a good Dad Stanley is
Helping offspring with eating biz.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Ears for the Hunt - LP Zoo

An African painted dog's ears
Are like two satellite dishes,
Both swiveling so that each hears
The faintest of sounding swishes.
In the African wild my kind
Use ears to help us hunt for prey.
Human statisticians do find
We're best hunters far and away.
Not in the wild, I do not need
My ears for hunting - keepers keep
Me very well nourished indeed,
For which I am happy a heap.

Come visit the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Before you see me, I'll hear you.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Though mighty hunters lions be,
One small animal hunted rare -
The porcupine gets a pass free,
With the sharp spines that it does bear.
Sometimes the young lions will try,
Or very hungry lions too,
And painfully they do learn  why
Porcupines are not prey to do.
This porcupine oft comes upon
A bunch of lions in my way.
With quills erect I get it on.
The lions know they best not stay.

I'm a thorn in the lion's side,
A fact that hurts the lion's pride.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

World Chimpanzee Day '19 - LP Zoo

It's World Chimpanzee Day, today,
July 14th, twenty nineteen.
A bright banner that's on display
At Lincoln Park Zoo can be seen
Hanging in the chimp habitat,
To greet the chimps as they come near,
Which of course the chimps do go at,
And make the banner disappear.
The chimps care less of work of art
And more for checking out what's new,
Always curious at heart,
Banner bashing is what they do.

This day for chimps we say we care
Around the world everywhere.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Aardvark Celebraation - LP Zoo

Fourth of July, red, white and blue,
I am going to celebrate
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
Uncle Sam's birthday's always great.
Though nocturnal, we aardvarks be,
I'll try to stay awake to greet
Visitors coming to see me
On the Fourth as an added treat.
I am looking forward to it.
You may see me as you come by,
Just chilling out a little bit,
And  catching a little shut eye.

As the aardvark spelling conveys,
I am Paatsy spelled with two A's.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Super Matt

I am Matt the mating machine,
A pepped up bull elephant who
Is awesome on the dating scene
At matured age of fifty two.
It seems that the older I be
The more my sex drive does kick in,
And lots of gals do come to me
For mating again and again.
I guess the elephant guy is
Sexier the older we get.
I'm energized doing my biz
And anxious for my next duet.

It does not matter where I'm at,
I hear the ladies roar, "Hey Matt."

Friday, July 19, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Food Patrol - LP Zoo

One of the things we meerkats do
Is always have one standing guard
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
The job is really not too hard.
Since unlike in the wild there be
No predators to threaten us,
Being the sentinel for me
Is watching all the people, plus
If I see a keeper come near
I bark to give a signal that
Maybe food is being brought here
To us in our habitat..

As sentinel I take my turn,
Watching for food my main concern.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Hard to Spot Spotted Dikkop - LP Zoo

A spotted dikkop I be called,
A bird with spotted feathers to
Blend in the grasses color shawled
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
In my habitat I can show
How my African kind can blend
Into the grasslands hidden so
Better our nests to defend.
We prefer ground rather than air.
We can but very rarely fly,
So feathered camouflage we wear
Protects us well from threats nearby.

At the Bird House I'm hard to spot.
Maybe you'll see me, maybe not.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Otter Celebration - LP Zoo

This otter on Fourth of July
Is watching the red, white and blue,
Decked out visitors walking by
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
It is a hot and sunny day
As I am watching from my pool,
Watching the people on display,
And they watch back - I am so cool.
It is a time and place for fun,
To feel connected one and all,
Back to nature under the sun,
While celebrating nature's call.

A Happy Birthday Uncle Sam,
Otter be caring and I am.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Wherefore Art Thou Romeo? - LP Zoo

Romeo is his given name.
The young rhino calf will hear that
Called by visitors with the aim -
Sighting him in his habitat.
Only outside can he be seen.
At being seen he's been quite coy,
A few quick glimpses 'twixt and 'tween,
Staying inside - this bashful boy.
Hopefully in the coming days
Romeo will more venture out
To hear his visitors shout praise,
Wondering what it's all about.

Lincoln Park Zoo for Romeo
Is time and place for home be so.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

The Singing Taveta Golden Weaver - LP Zoo

A Taveta golden weaver,
I do sing a song, yes I do.
I am a singing believer
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
The song that I do like to sing
Sounds like "cree-er-curee-twee-twee,"
Sung in a low pitched twittering,
A simple song my song does be.
Over and over I repeat
My song for each and all to hear.
My song does sound a welcome greet
To each and all who do come near.

Come to the Bird House and come soon
To hear me sing my "what's up' tune.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Snowy Owl Chicks '19 - LP Zoo

Two snowy owl chicks hatched anew
From Freya, Mom, and Stanley, Dad,
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
In fluffy grey feathers they're clad,
Which will turn white as they mature.
Their piercing baby eyes check out
All of their surroundings for sure,
Ever taking a cautious route
As they explore the this, the that,
As Mom and Dad keep watch nearby
In the family habitat.
The young ones soon will learn to fly.

Come check out these bundles of cute
Next time you're in the neighbor-hoot.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


I be a coffinfish, I be
A dwelling on the ocean floor.
Some humans came to study me
And found that I hold my breath for
Up to four minutes at a time,
A behavior not seen in fish.
These folks seemed excited that I'm
The first being breath holdingish.
Of course they wanted to know why.
Various theories they extolled.
I did not give them a reply,
Being that my breath was on hold.

The humans left after a while.
I gave them a breath holding smile.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Son of R1 - LP Zoo

In 1940 Daddy came
To live in the Lincoln Park Zoo,
The first reptile, R1 his name.
The dwarf crocodile remained through
His seventy two years to bring
A lot of enjoyment to all,
Doing his dwarf crocodile thing
Until his final curtain call.
I was born in two thousand eight,
And carry on as Daddy's son
The legacy he made so great.
Daddy will ever be R1.

My brothers and sisters and me
Reside in African Journey.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


I was just minding my own biz
While swimming in the ocean deep,
And then a jellyfish there is,
A nice snack, so at it I leap.
But it turns out to be a lure,
A hi tech electronic thing.
Yes, some sneaky humans for sure,
Trying to get a filmed viewing.
For some reason humans do try
To get some real  pictures of me.
Humans act weird - I don't know why.
It's just the way that humans be.

I did a quick retreat, I did.
Not nice to fool a giant squid.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


Galeophobia does be
A fear of sharks with all those teeth
Who are out there waiting for me,
Lurking in the waters beneath.
Thoughts of being eaten alive
While being at the beach one day
Are on my mind each time I dive
In the ocean, a time for play.
I know the odds of shark attack
Are greatly in my favor so
Why does my fear keep coming back
Each time in the water I go.

From me shark fear I cannot scrub,
Even sitting in the bath tub.

Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Emperor Sargon

King Sargon of Akkad became
The world's first emperor, so said.
A common man he rose to fame.
Four thousand years ago he led
Armies to rule the Middle East,
The first empire the world had known,
So quite a first to say the least.
A new world order seeds were sown.
King Sargon ruled in time and place
For more than half a century,
Beginning the long human race
For many more empires to be.

Thanks to the Emperor Sargon,
The new game of empires was on.

Monday, July 08, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Next Best Stuff to Snow - LP Zoo

On this, a hot June summer's day,
This snow monkey does find no snow.
Cool water is the only way,
So what the heck - in I do go,
Into this pool of water that
Beckons to me to chill out in
The hot and humid habitat -
The heats's getting under my skin.
At first I just dip in my toes,
Pondering whether to dip more,
And then all in my body goes,
And all of me is wet galore.

Summer, a snow monkey makes do
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

Sunday, July 07, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

All Fur Art - LP Zoo

Each African painted dog be
A display of artful design,
Like the furry colors on me,
An arrangement uniquely mine.
The tans and blacks and browns and whites
Are splotched across my body so
To evoke visual delights
Wherever I may choose to go.
On the move my colors do blur,
But come to focus when I'm still.
No matter when I'm seen, I'm sure
An awesome sight I do fulfill.

I will show my colors for you
When you visit Lincoln Park Zoo.

Saturday, July 06, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Quick Peek - LP Zoo

Here comes the chance for me to do
A public appearance - first one
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
My choice, Mom tells her rhino son.
In the short time that I've been here
I guess I've got a lot of fame -
Excitement for me to appear.
I think this should be a fun game.
Keepers are moving all about.
They want me to come out and play.
I tease them about coming out.
I make all wait, then say okay.

Hashtag RhinoWatch got to see
A quickie public peek at me.

Friday, July 05, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Lemur Princes - LP Zoo

We are crowned lemur brothers two
Hanging out in the habitat,
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,
Chilling out and chewing the fat.
We hear that humans call us crowned
Cuz of the shape on our head.
A furred crown pattern there be found.
Across our brow it does spread.
And being orange it does stand out
For human visitors to see,
And for them to conclude, no doubt,
That little princes we do be.

Come visit - there's no time like now.
You really do not have to bow.

Thursday, July 04, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

World Giraffe Day '19 - LP Zoo

June 21st - World Giraffe Day,
Tiz the longest day of the year,
And thus is in a long neck way
A great time for giraffes to cheer,
Since I am a giraffe, no doubt
I'm excited to celebrate,
And happy to stick my neck out,
All the better to elevate
Awareness of us giraffes all,
Especially those in the wild,
Vulnerable - please heed the call
For nature to be reconciled.

On any day - hope to see you
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Soccer Field of Dreams - LP Zoo

This zebra shows what I can do
As I practice my soccer skills
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,
Doing various practice drills.
I am a player dreaming that
One day I'll make the women's team.
I work out in my habitat
As I pursue my soccer dream.
At the World Cup maybe some day
I'll be with other ladies and
Be playing for the U.S.A.
Oh that would be a game so grand.

Come visit me and see me while
I practice soccer zebra style.

Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Before Our Eyes - LP Zoo

Kapuki, rhino Mom to be,
Knows time has come for her to do
The birthing of her new baby
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
She lays herself upon the ground,
And goes into labor so that
Her baby does be outward bound,
Just the two in the habitat.
Hashtag RhinoWatch does be there
With cameras to show the birth,
A quite awesome moment to share -
Special delivery well worth.

Congrats Kapuki - toot your horn,
As we watch your baby be born.

Monday, July 01, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Weighing Way - LP Zoo

Being a growing rhino boy,
I do a weigh in, yes I do,
After a month in Illinois,
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
The keepers did train me so that
I would know when and where to walk
On a scale in the habitat.
The keepers give a great pep talk.
I am on target so it sounds
For the few weeks that I've been here -
One hundred seventy four pounds.
I'll get much bigger so I hear.

As big as Dad some future date,
A ton and a half is Dad's weight.