Sense Sonnets

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Surfing Human Nature

Pornography or porn for short

Has been around all time and place,

Demand for such in many sort,

A weakness of the human race.

Governments and churches do try

To ban porn for the public good,

But there is always porn supply

To meet demand from perverthood.

Even evil of child porn is

Available to many who

Get involved in this shameful biz.

Old low porn thrives on high tech new.

Porn on the Internet will be

As long as there's humanity.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Boiling Point

In science class, boiling point be

The subject the teacher did teach,

Kind of boring subject for me.

Apparently water does reach

Boiling point in Fahrenheit scale

At two hundred and twelve degrees,

Seemed to me a useless detail.

Would this class ever end - oh please!

"Boiling point's dif'rent," Teacher said

"For non water ." To class she asked

For other example instead.

I quickly replied as was tasked.

I said, "That question's not so hard,"

"When my Dad sees my report card."

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 The Little Peace

To all the armies you command

You sang of The Great War with me,

As though a strategy you planned

To gain a lot of sympathy.

You claimed you fought in name of right

Accusing me of doing wrong,

To justify why we did fight.

As some martyr you sang your song.

You admitted that I reached out

For hand in hand to love once more.

Sang you surrendered but with doubt

If we would survive The Great War.

Both broke that treaty we did sign.

You went your way and I went mine.

Friday, April 28, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Guitar Enthusiast

Les Paul did love to play guitar,

Began strumming at age of eight,

Became teenage radio star

As "Rhubarb Red" to enervate

His country music fans air waved.

Electric guitars became his

Trademark brand and the public raved

His talent as musician whiz,

A career spanning eighty years.

In  many walks and halls of fame,

Legacy left that still endears,

Two thousand nine his passing came.

Guitar shaped coffin to inter,

And eight Les Paul bearers there were.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Bad Habit

An annoying habit I got

Was while in stores, stealing their salt.

When I started stealing a lot

I sought some help to end this fault.

A therapist I went to asked

What did I do with salt I stole?

Just threw it away, so he tasked

Me with a therapy as goal.

All salt I stole I need shake on

My body and leave it all day.

Resulting rash phenomenon

Should make this habit go away.

And as my therapist assured

That therapy did get me cured.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Changed My Mind

When I was young so clever I

Did deem myself and felt compelled

To change my whole world into my

Sense of ideal in my mind dwelled.

As time passed I realized that

My world did not quite understand

My clever mental habitat,

And did not be as I had planned.

Instead of smooth sailing there be

One after another hiccup.

I realized it might be me.

My clever turned to wising up.

When wisdom let me know my fate,

Alas, I got that way too late.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Audrey Hepburn a legend name

For her rich performance career.

Screen and stage star, she earned her fame.

Worldwide her presence did endear.

Another career, lesser known,

Audrey did embark on with zeal.

A giving heart within her shown

In helping UNICEF appeal.

In the final years of her life

She traveled 'round the world to aid

People in countries torn with strife.

A better difference she made.

She died leaving a legacy

Of hope the world could better be.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Some Thoughts on Seaweed

About seaweed, how do I feel?

What emotions do I emote?

For me, seaweed does have appeal.

Often I watch beds of it float,

Dancing with the currents that flow.

Quite a choreographic scene,

No ticket needed for the show

Put on by all these strands of green.

Instead of popcorn there's algae

Found on the seaweed, so delish

Providing tasty snacks for me,

As I be an entertained fish.

Also, seaweed's a high of sort.

I open up my gills and snort.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Get Together

A frog and a bunny do hop

Around a campfire in the wood.

A fairy and two elves do stop,

Thinking a brief rest would be good.

They're welcomed by bunny and frog

To share some brewing flower tea,

Found growing nearby by the bog

Where some sweet fresh water does be.

While waiting, the two elves do bring

Some of the bog water so that

They can wash off the fairy's wing

While all of the group do chitchat.

All do enjoy a pleasant time

Talking to each other in rhyme.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Lute and Lyre

Once upon a time there did meet

Two stringed instrumentals who do

Some dialogue after their greet.

One asked the other, "What are you?"

"I am a lute," other replied,

"Lots of strings with a neck is me."

One looked at other and just sighed,

"More like a harp you look to be."

Annoyed at this other became,

And told one in a tone quite sharp

Other would never make such claim,

"You're the one who looks like a harp."

"You think whatever you desire,"

"But don't say out loud I'm a lyre."

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Breaking Point

Again alone here in my room

Apart from friends and family.

Here I am able to consume

The substances that allow me

To escape all my real life pain

For a few hours so that I

Can pretend that I've sent my brain

Into a never ending high.

The booze and drugs do help me keep

Me able to consciously cope

With living hell until I sleep,

And more and more I have a hope.

Bad habits are too hard to break.

Down deep I hope I do not wake.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Last Responder

I hear it said that I should try

To not respond to people who

Are negative and I know why,

But think so hard for me to do.

Because I live with such a one

Who's negative most day and night.

Lots of my response does get done

And it's a never ending fight.

Stop such responding is advice

That I am really working on,

And life is getting much more nice

With no response phenomenon.

The less I do respond to me,

The more peaceful my life does be.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Kilt Guilt

Kilt makers was my family.

For generations kilts we made.

When the business came to me

I cut corners to lower grade.

No expensive real wool, instead

Cheap synthetic fiber I used.

Over time it easily shred,

And the wearer was not amused

When while strolling about downtown,

Suddenly a feeling quite odd,

He was naked from the waist down.

The law convicted me of fraud.

So into prison I was cast

All because of my checkered past.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Gear Slip

Into the desert we did drive,

The two of us on a joy ride.

I'm the only one to survive.

My companion so sadly died.

He got out and went on ahead.

Somehow, I still don't understand,

I ran over him, crushed him dead.

No humans since have I come on.

There comes cold night, there comes hot day,

A bunch of years have come and gone,

Just stuck here and rusting away.

Sittin' here on the desert floor,

This old pickup picks up no more.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Thank God

So many days have come and gone

Since I was born upon this Earth.

I do awake and greet each dawn

In faith that living will be worth

Whatever mistakes I might make,

To learn from such and know I will

Have your guidance on steps I take

On making amends to fulfill

Goodness in life you wish for me,

To live each day as best I could,

Useful to all others to be,

Knowing at day's end all is good.

At day's end, I do thank you,

Each day of life, thank God I do.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Muse at My Worst

I miss my muse's other half

Whenever I write sonnets whole.

Juiced up by wine by the carafe,

I really sweat to bear my soul.

But better half of my muse goes

Not wanting to waste time I guess

To aid and abet my throes

Of masterpiecing up a mess.

Later when sobered up I find

A sonnet that did come from me,

A proofread of my impaired mind,

And makes me muse - how could this be!

Whenever he wrote a sonnet,

Shakespeare's whole muse was in on it.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Scary Poetry

Sometimes I pen a poem with

The hoped intent that it might scare

A reader of truth and not myth

That I believe the need to share.

Pretend monsters, we get enough,

Vampire, zombie, werewolf or ghost.

But there be really scary stuff.

Real bad in humans scares the most.

The evil acts that humans do

To other humans out of hate,

So very scary and so true,

And need be to communicate.

I am satisfied when and if

My poem scares a reader stiff.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Body Blemish

On my trunk I did notice that

There was a blemish growing there,

And kind of ugly to look at

By those around in space we share.

Always wanting to look my best

I pondered whether I should try

To remove this unwanted guest.

But then did come winter, so I

Waited till the coming of spring,

Whereupon I decided to

Shed this even uglier thing,

Such surely wood be best to do.

And so this tree spit out that knot.

Now a new nest of birds I've got.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 No Preying Allowed

As a tiger I do hear well,

And I have heard the humans say

That in the wild where tigers dwell

We are best built to capture prey.

Our senses are quite acute.

Leapers, runners and swimmers, we

Most often get prey in pursuit.

And all those stripes on us do be

Great camouflage so prey see us

In a way that does hypnotize

Prey for some time which is a plus

For a tiger pounce in surprise.

So I wonder, since that is true,

Why am I stuck here in this zoo!

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


The hands of hell are ever near,

Gouging access into my head,

And filling up my brain with fear,

Twisting me into living dead.

My flesh and bone and blood of life

Shows and seems well to watchers be,

But all inside my skull is strife

That eats away inside of me.

Whatever soul is left to save,

I no longer do have the will

To escape from my mental grave.

I long for real death to fulfill.

So many demons' fingers find

Success scratching into my mind.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 My Yesterday

I remember like yesterday

The greatest love I ever had

But I let that love go away,

The letting go that left me sad.

On each and ev'ry today, I

Long for the yesterday when we

Believed our love could not die.

But now you're gone, there's only me.

I oft do dream that tomorrow

May bring you back to me once more.

But each new day brings back sorrow

You are not with me like before.

On my today is heartache of

Loss of our yesterday love.

Friday, April 21, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 My Roots

Glycyrrhiza glabra does be

My fancy scientific name.

In British, liquorice is me,

In U.S., licorice the same.

Flowering perennial bean

Plant, I am best known for my root,

From which humans have ways to glean

Good taste and smell in use pursuit

As a sweetener in candy

And a tobacco flavoring.

Some even sip me in brandy.

A lot of pleasure I do bring.

Sadly, some cases diagnose

Humans on me can overdose.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Heading Nowhere

A horny old guy I do be,

But the wife's havin' none of that.

She knocks down all moves made by me

In all rooms of home habitat.

She says I should be ashamed of

Acting so horny at my age,

An old dog chasing puppy love,

Just sends the wife into a rage.

I really should have learned the wife

Has no interest anymore

Messin' 'round at this stage of life,

But I want to mess 'round galore.

No lovin' from the wife, instead

She scolds like birds perched in my head.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Was gettin' dark when I got home,

And found the letter she'd left there.

Too long to be a note of roam

Off on an errand just to share.

Her letter had a long list of

Why she felt she had to depart

The hole that once was our love,

The hole that now was in her heart.

I kept on reading as dark fell.

My gut did churn, my tears did flow.

The pain of this did hit like hell,

Bad ending to a picture show.

Heard it's darkest before the dawn.

Gettin' dark, this letter, "Dear John."

Sense Sonnet Acher

 Decision Made

"Give'em hell" Harry and he did.

Truman ordered that A bombs be

Dropped on Japan in a hoped bid

To claim a U.S. victory

In World War II which did occur

With the surrender of Japan.

Forever be debate for sure

This decision made by one man.

When asked if he had some regret

Harry would simply say, "Hell yes."

Decision made none would forget,

Left history to second guess.

Truman, only human to date

To launch a nuclear bomb fate.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Dancing Shoes

Since I was just a young one, I

Have always loved to dance around,

At first barefoot, then by and by,

With shoes on to soften hard ground.

Dancing, I went through shoes a lot,

Often was getting shoed anew,

My old shoes kept, cuz said they brought

Good luck and kept hung up to view.

Wherever I am time and place

There's an opportune circumstance

For me to move in rhythmic pace

For one and all and do a dance.

Dancing does behoove me of course.

Dancer be the name of this horse.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Hangover Blues

First thing I thought when I came to

Hungover I would call in sick.

But then rethought that I can't do.

Too often I've called in that trick.

So many bills to pay so I

Drag myself off to work and cuss,

Cuz being late to work is why

I'm scheduled for a later bus.

And the looks I'm getting do be

Bad from coworkers and the boss.

Nobody feels sorry for me,

And my cookies I'm gonna toss.

Hungover is hell of a way

To drive a bus on route all day.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 My Pilgrimage

From birth each human being be

On a pilgrimage going to

Heaven or hell, including me.

Depends on what I think and do.

When my thoughts and my deeds are wrong

I need correct my course to right.

Sometimes it's hard but if I'm strong

I'll leave the dark path finding light.

Though I will go through pain and strife

On my way to heaven, I should

Remember that this is my life,

To be a journey for the good.

I be a pilgrim on my way

To be a heaven soul one day.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Big Bling

I am Big Bling, a bull of charm,

Keep all my cows a happy herd,

Satisfying down on the farm,

A beefed up guy, I'm self assured.

The girls do give me presents of

Jewelry which I must confess

Convinces me of all their love,

And I'm worth it, I won't b.s.

I be a busy bull, no doubt,

All the servicing that I do.

Oft times my girls just wear me out,

Responding to each pleading "moo."

When you see sunglasses on me,

A bit of bulldozing I be.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Shine Be Mine

With coming of dawn each new day,

The sun does rise in eastern sky,

And if some clouds don't block the way,

I sense the rush of rays on my

Self like children do rush upon

Something new wanting to explore,

For the first time in the new dawn,

Never having been here before.

Each ray does bring a warmth and light

As though selected I do be

Recipient through touch and sight

Of sunlight rays meant just for me.

The rays of sunlight beam each morn,

Children of the sun being borne.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Better Tell the Truth

Who really knows what the truth is?

And how often the truth is told?

Lyings' become the normal biz,

And quickly learned by young from old.

Modern science has no doubt found

An effective truth serum that,

If distributed all around,

Could force truth on world habitat.

In the water supply put such

A chemical so humankind

Would be discouraged to lie much,

Telling the truth utmost in mind.

Anyone who does tell a lie

Would have a heart attack and die.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


I am called Character, a cat.

I've adopted a poet who

Pens lots in our habitat,

Consuming lots of drugs and brew.

And so my poor poet does be

Oft in mood of gloom and despair.

I know he appreciates me,

Pretty much a great life we share.

Then at the door there came a knocking,

Causing my poet much distress.

Went into my mode of stalking,

And did rid us of that pest, yes!

Lots of feathers and blood and gore,

And quoth that raven nevermore.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Cute Old Codger

Cute old codger, I look the part,

So use this fact in a sly way,

Got fishing down to a fine art

To get others to want to pay.

Outside my fav'rite bar I sit

With a stick and a piece of string.

Over a puddle I wave it,

Hopefully a sight that will bring

Passersby over who do think

What cute old codger I do be,

And offer to buy me a drink

Which of course is just fine with me.

I do love fishing by this bar,

Twelve passersby I've caught so far.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Fig Seeds

From South Africa we fig seeds

Showed upon Western Europe shores.

Finding us by some humans leads

To ask about our trip chores,

By land, by water or by air,

Thousands of kilometers 'tween.

How did we get to here from there?

Maybe nature, maybe machine?

Of course as seeds, we only hope

To slip into good soil with ease,

And be in climate we can cope

To grow into healthy fig trees.

How we got here we do know well,

But we seeds vow never to tell.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Perhaps when young in life is made

A friend and never is asked why,

But lots of childhood fun is played

As both do grow up by and by.

Perhaps the two friends grow apart

As each does go a dif'rent way,

But kept within a bond of heart,

And in some touch they both do stay.

Perhaps from time to time the friends

Do reunite and be as though

Their friendship truly has no ends

And through time continues to grow.

Perhaps for life a friend does be,

Death parts but still fond memory.

Monday, April 17, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Ought to Be an Otter Me

If reincarnated I would

Wish to be an otter so that

Whenever I wanted I could

Play in my water habitat.

In all the seasons of the year,

Whatever weather, hot or cold,

Under water I would appear

From very young to very old,

With lots of swimming to be done,

The dives, the flips, the strokes, the kicks,

A never ending source of fun,

Eating treats and performing tricks.

Whenever in water is me,

A happy otter I would be.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 For Medicinal Purpose

The wife and I go camping and

I am not to bring any booze.

Two bags I keep quite close at hand.

Vodka jugs in one, my wife views.

"I told you not to bring that stuff."

"Why is some booze now in my sight?"

The wife asks in a tone quite tough.

"For use in case of a snake bite,"

"As an anesthetic," I say.

This does seem to appease her some,

But subject not going away,

As the wife's next question does come,

"And what's in the other bag, dear?"

"Snakes, in case there aren't any here."

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Have a Few Drinks

Bloom hopping this butterfly be

To celebrate coming of Spring.

Guzzling down the nectar is me.

Shot after shot I've been drinking.

How many blooms have I been to?

I lost count a long time ago.

Who can do math on nectar brew?

Power of flower, doncha know!

I guess it's about time to get

On my way home, call it a day.

The Missus, yes, will be upset.

I'll calm her in my loving way.

Carry pollen to pay my tab,

Nectar drunk so will call a cab.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 My Wait Was Over

It seemed to me from early age

Living was just waiting to die.

Each day was just another page

Of my book ending, by and by.

I wrote and sang my songs to fame,

And on my trip took drugs and booze,

Ease pain of living be my aim.

Sobriety I would not choose,

Because sobriety might mean

Life on a longer, better track.

I did let nothing intervene,

And drank and drugged to heart attack.

My wait for death at last came due.

My heart did stop, age 52.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


I am a lighthouse standing tall,

Connecting to sea, land and air.

I be a beacon to who all

Be in my neighborhood to share

The helpful shedding of some light,

The useful sounding of some horn,

As the storm rages through the night.

I give my guidance until morn

When hopefully the storm has gone,

Calm returns to the neighborhood,

And life goes on with the new dawn.

I am a lighthouse feeling good.

This storm has passed and I can see

A rainbow shining upon me.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Dr. Hopper

I am a rabbit trained to be

A scientist to find new cures

To better life for the bunny.

I do hope that my work assures

All of bunnydom that I care.

My experiments do help me make

Pharmaceuticals I do share

With my species for good health sake.

A lot of testing needs be done.

No rabbit subjects do I use.

There's bad reaction that's no fun.

Some of my subjects I do lose.

Only lab animals I test -

Human beings work out the best.

Friday, April 14, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 My Husband's a Drunk

An alcoholic I live with,

A good wife to a husband who

Thinks his problem is just a myth.

For years his drinking we've lived through.

Oft his behavior has been bad.

So sorry he always does say.

It's useless for me to stay mad.

I hope his drinking stops someday.

We raised the kids who've left the house.

I still love him and so still be

Willing to let him be a souse.

But I've found others to help  me.

I have support now in my life

To help me stay a loving wife.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Abandoned as a baby, I

Was raised by the state and then went

To a junior college to try

Being a poetry student.

Worked at the county morgue part time,

Dealt with people better who died.

Expelled from school writing bad rhyme.

Kind of a boring life I led.

The years went by with little change.

I preferred to be on my own.

Everyone thought I was strange.

I was pretty much left alone.

My life story - who would play me?

Time to return to Earth, E.T.!

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Set the Mood

Two young folks park in Lover's Lane,

The first time for both him and her.

There'd been a steady pouring rain.

Both had hoped for moonlight for sure.

A nervousness shared 'twixt and 'tween,

Attempted small talk had run out.

Maybe some sign would intervene,

But both the teenagers had doubt.

Just as they were about to go,

The raining did stop suddenly.

The clouds did move, the moon did glow.

Their hoped for sign did come to be.

Around the moon the clouds did part

And formed a perfect, lovely heart.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Arm a Karma

The army always lost before.

But then a private took their lead,

Told them their karma was next war

They would win and they won indeed.

The private now the general said

As long as wars be fought they would

Never again lose but instead

Karma would let them win for good.

They fought and won the whole world worth,

But then did come to time and place

The army was wiped from the Earth

By one soldier from outer space.

A "best' army will always meet

A better soldier in defeat.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Snake Warning

I'm in a fav'rite spot of mine,

All coiled up and ready to spring,

Should a rodent come by to dine

On after stunned by my fanging.

But then I see a human come,

Walking briskly and right toward me.

This species is so bothersome,

An encounter's about to be.

If I give a venomous bite

A lot of hassle will ensue.

Perhaps a warning from me might

Be the sensible thing to do.

And so I let out a loud hiss

To warn of a coming disbliss.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Issue to Address

Hubby and I in a hotel

In our room had a bad fight.

At each other we both did yell

A lot of nasty words in spite.

Hubby is a dramatic kind,

And threated to from the window

Jump, I said I sure would not mind,

And then looked like Hubby would go.

So I called the desk to get aid.

"Personal issue" the clerk said,

"Make up between you should be made."

But, another issue instead.

"The window won't open. We need"

"Hotel maintenance, yes indeed!"

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Lesson Plan

Jasper did come to school today,

Had on one red and one blue shoe.

Teacher teased him in shaming way,

Not something a teacher should do.

So we in class passed notes around.

A good lesson to teacher ought

Be learned that it's not nice to hound

Jasper on shoes, and so we taught

Teacher a lesson on this point.

We all knew this most likely would

Get teacher's nose way out of joint.

But support for Jasper was good.

We the class taught teacher for sure.

We took off shoes and threw at her.

Monday, April 10, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Mr. and Mrs. Parrot found

Some strange large colored eggs which they

Saw no layers of them around,

So decided to nest and stay,

And hatch these eggs all on their own,

Believing the eggs needed care,

And should not be left all alone.

Whatever hatched from the eggs would

Be raised as the parrot offspring.

Both parrots' care was very good,

And came the time for the hatching.

The parrot parents' heads they scratched.

From the eggs three human girls hatched.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 The Noah Plan

The Earth is shifting towards the sun.

Synthetic atmosphere is lost.

Nothing by science can be done.

End of the world is the sure cost.

In panic humans know none can

Survive long in far outer space.

Activated - the Noah Plan,

The chance for success the best case.

The D.N.A. of species known

Of all animals and plants be

Placed in a spacecraft to be flown

Just by A.I. technology.

Into space goes last Earth life seed,

The Noah Plan and may God speed.

Sunday, April 09, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Turn to Mist

I wandered into a mine field,

Being distracted was the case.

Cause of explosions I did wield.

Now, my mind's all over the place.

My flesh and bone and other stuff

Disintegrated in the blast,

So left of me was not enough

To bury as a whole bod passed.

Rest in pieces, I guess I will.

My parts are scattered ev'rywhere,

Caught in bushes way up the hill,

As I go blowing through the air.

A corpse - I no longer exist.

I wonder if I will be mist.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Privilege of Prayer

Since I was born I've always had

A relationship with God, my

Go to when I've been good or bad.

I've never really questioned why,

Because of my faith that God be,

And when I pray to God I know

In God's time, God will answer me,

Oft not answer I wanted though.

If prayer was a forbidden thing

To me as to some be the case,

I believe I would be searching

To pray in secret in someplace.

It is a privilege to pray.

I take advantage ev'ry day.

Saturday, April 08, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Ageless Dolly

A treasure Dolly Parton is,

From "holler" birth in Tennessee

To world wide legend in show biz,

Ageless, Dolly does seem to be.

For over fifty years she's sung

Her songs, happy, funny and sad,

Seeming forever to be young,

Always grateful for all she's had.

Taking her time Dolly does give

To loved ones and strangers in need.

All of her life she's tried to live

For good both in thought and in deed.

Dolly still tells what she's long told,

"I just don't have time to get old."

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Entertainer Extraordinaire

The entertainer that still is

My favorite to see and hear,

She is a legend in show biz,

In the '50's did first appear

In nightclubs, Broadway and T.V.,

Can write, can act, can sing, and best

She be in sharing comedy.

With so much talent, she is blessed.

Around the world is known her name.

Honors, awards, she's earned them all,

Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame,

Still hear her famous Tarzan call.

From reruns on my T.V. set,

Can't get enough of Carol Burnett.

Friday, April 07, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Boot Skill

I'm a keeper down on the Farm

Where I work at Lincoln Park Zoo.

The male keepers tease me with charm.

They do call me "Princess, they do.

Female keeper, I'm only one

Here at the Farm, just happenstance.

My job is fulfilling and fun.

We farm keepers are a good team.

My peers know they can count on me

To do all work in equal share.

The Farm animals know they be

Getting the very best of care.

Glass slippers, no, rubber boots, yes.

Gets deep with male keepers' b.s.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Here's to Hot and Cold

The hot of fire, the cold of ice,

Opposite forces that do be

Always competing to entice

The best or worst to come from me.

In summertime when I get hot

Lots of cold beer to me gets sold.

And hot toddies I gulp a lot

In wintertime when I get cold.

And in a drunken state be when

I try my best, but do my worst

Theorizing of yang or yin,

Be hot or cold as drinks be nursed.

The yin of ice, the yang of fire,

Or vice versa as I desire.

Thursday, April 06, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Chuck, the Butcher

Chuck, a butcher of high degree,

He's a "meat"eorologist.

A popular butcher is he,

With sausages none can resist.

Great service always with a grin,

Chuck sure knows his butchering biz.

On quality scale, he's a ten.

And Chuck's best selling sausage is

Healthy seabird sausage supply.

Customers ask for this cut first,

Always a favorite to buy,

Never takes a tern for the wurst.

All gals, all guys, Chuck loves to greet.

All the people, Chuck loves to meat.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Rent Me Purple

I be a boat that does await

Someone to rent me for a float.

A moonlit night, the weather's great,

Perfect setting to row this boat.

Suddenly on the beach there is

The shining of a purple light.

Someone's up to colorful biz.

I'm cast in purple glow so bright.

I hope this is a shining that

Is not of a Stephen King kind.

More of a romantic format

I hope a renter has in mind.

Color me purple, come who be?

Maybe the renter is Whoopi!

Wednesday, April 05, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Day's Conversation

You and I, we do always talk,

Beginning when we wake each day.

I tend to praise, you tend to mock.

You tend to curse, I tend to pray.

We talk of deeds we should get done

Through morning and through afternoon.

You gripe of stress, I hope for fun.

Day's end does tend to come so soon.

You and I, we do go to bed.

Of day gone by, I talk of good,

But you do talk of bad instead.

Agreement is unlikelihood.

Talk to and from myself just is

The way I go about my biz.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Connecting Oceans

As just a dream I started out.

Powers that be did want me to

Give them lots more power no doubt.

Would dream of me ever come true?

In 1881 began

The construction of me for real,

Over 'bout a fifty mile span,

All in all an expensive deal.

Got finished in 1914.

Lots of disease and accidents,

Thousands did die upon my scene.

But transport through me did commence.

And to this day I still do be.

The Panama Canal is me.

Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


Two drunks do spot a mango tree,

And lust some of the fruit to eat,

Start tossing stones haphazardly.

One drunk to the other does bleat,

"Those mangoes may not be ripe, so"

"I'm climbing the tree for a squeeze."

And up the tree that drunk does go.

Comes back down and says in a wheeze,

"Real ripe those mangoes are ol' friend."

Both drunks do take a swig of rye

To boost their quest to apprehend

Ripe mangoes in determined try.

The drunks continue their pursuit,

Tossing stones at the mango fruit.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


Two Taiwanese Magpies do fly

On their way back to their tree nest.

Swiftly the two fly through the sky.

Food for the hatched has been their quest.

Mom does chirp, "Quite noisy today."

"That's humans for you," Dad replies,

"They always be in warring way."

"Yes, but what can we do?" Mom sighs.

"Maybe move to Japan," says Dad,

"Before invasion does occur."

Mom agrees, "Yes, it will be bad."

Hurrying home fly him and her.

The Taiwanese Magpies hear red,

As commie planes fly overhead.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 No Tomorrow

Today has come nuclear war.

All nuclear powers that be

Fired all missiles hoping to score

Before end of humanity.

Emergency news does declare

That this is not a test or joke.

Missiles do now fly through the air.

Fallout should kill all human folk.

In my car I am all alone.

Of course my loved ones come to mind.

I cannot call out on my phone.

Not a good day for humankind.

I guess I will no longer say,

"Tomorrow is another day."

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


The Starship Pegasus does be

Stalled in the nothing of deep space.

Communications out, so we

Send out some crew in this worst case,

To check if something can be done

To fix the spacecraft from outside,

Before we're pulled into a sun,

That surely'd be our last ride.

The crew check out the ship in vain.

Main engine thrusters have burned out.

No viable options remain.

Our future is in grave doubt.

The great winged stallion, Pegasus,

Flies from the stars to rescue us.

Sunday, April 02, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Three duck knights go to Camelot,

Sir Quackalot, Sir Billahad

And Sir Aweirdwaddlehegot.

In shining armor they be clad,

To serve under Arthur their king.

Quite a feather in each one's nest

To be asked to do knighthooding,

And go forth in adventured quest.

Before going into king's court,

Quackalot quacks the other two

That he is able to report

One getting they don't need to do.

"It is a round table and so"

"We don't have to get in a row."

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Hung Over

All of a sudden I awake.

In a strange place I'm hanging out.

A hangover for golly's sake.

Partied too much last night no doubt.

Sun's shining, so must be daytime.

Can't remember how I got here,

And really wondering why I'm

Seeing ev'rything strange appear.

Nothing seems to be right side up.

Not good not knowing where I'm at.

Not wise to be so careless, yup.

As an owl, I ought to know that.

I realize what's wrong and frown,

Because I'm hanging upside down.

Saturday, April 01, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 At the Cleaners

Back in the olden days there be

The time when innovative first

Serviced peoples' dirty laundry,

An entrepreneurial burst!

Three sisters became renowned for

Providing such service with flair,

Washing and ironing clothes galore,

And doing so with special care.

As the three sisters grew their biz

The competition did decline.

None of the customers did quiz

The fact the sisters were feline.

Before the modern laundromat

Did be old fashioned laundro"cat."

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 The Choice Made

In his poem, "The Pains of Sleep,"

Samuel Coleridge tried to

Reason why his subconscious deep

Pained him with what his conscious knew,

But did not want to face awake,

That addicted he had become

To opiates and could not make

The choice to return to wholesome.

He hoped and prayed to God to aid

In ridding his subconscious of

Such dreams of hell his choice had made.

Indeed, opiates, he did love.

Such pains of sleep he did abide,

Addicted till the day he died.