Sense Sonnets

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Inc Wink

"Are corporations people?" tiz
Asked by some people who do seek
To further along their own biz
Of cashing in on write and speak.
And money makes folks' world go round,
No matter what folks say and write,
So corporations will abound
To make the money, left and right.
Corporations do buy and sell
People like any merchandise.
No concern of heaven or hell,
Just a matter of what's the price.

We the People - who you be -
Asset or liability?

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Cpl. Walter Crouse

Corporal Walter Crouse fought in
The Revolutionary War,
Helping the Americans win
By psyching out King George galore.
To London, captured Crouse was sent,
And with his long rifle did show
Skill at marksmanship evident
To shoot dead a far away foe.
Viewing this skill, King George did frown
When Crouse shot targets in the shape
Of what could be seen as a crown.
Soon afterward Crouse did escape.

King George became crazy, tiz said,
That Crouse would shoot off crown and head.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Capitan, a German Shephard,
Is to Manuel, a man's best friend.
Manuel got ill and death occurred.
Capitan stayed by to the end.
When Manuel was taken away
To rest in a cemetery,
Capitan followed there to stay
Back with his friend, Manuel, to be.
The cemetery staff take care
Of Manuel's grave and Capitan,
A bond of life and death be there
Connecting in a loving span.

It's been 6 years since Manuel died,
Capitan stays at his graveside.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Tern for the Verse

Arctic terns try to avoid man,
Migrating yearly pole to pole,
Flying on high o'er oceans' span,
Maintaining air traffic control.
But terns must come to ground to nest,
And there must be ever alert
To guarding against human pest,
Who at times deserve to be hurt
By getting struck by claw and beak
With a coloring of dark red,
Which blends nicely with goal to seek -
A human running with head bled.

Humans are nothing but a curse,
Turning any tern for the worse.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Rich Libs First

One of the ones of one percent,
Oscar and Emmy Michael Moore
Wants a liberal President,
Pro (insert here) and anti war,
Wants a liberal Congress too,
And a liberal Supreme Court,
Cuz only liberals can do
Right left choices, like to abort.
All the damage will be undone
Like one percenter F.D.R.
Did in his first hundred day run.
Grab that one percent cookie jar.

Bleed too rich one percenters dry,
Like Michael Moore, liberal guy.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

More for Now

Both Demmies and Repubbies talk,
Blaming each other for their mess,
Spewing hot air, crock after crock,
Full of (you give it your best guess)
Both parties promise this or that
Just to get elected, and then,
Republican or Democrat,
Screw We the People more again.
The more gov grows, the more gov spends,
The more and the more gov borrows,
The more-go-round that never ends.
Spend today - hell with tomorrows.

Our children, when they grow up,
Will beg with a borrowed tin cup.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Nice Suit

A guy shops to buy a new suit.
The salesman says, "Try this one on."
The guy agrees it is a beaut.
So the suit he proceeds to don.
But it is a horrible fit.
So the salesman says to the guy,
"Bend over at your waist a bit."
"And twist your legs in at the thigh."
"Hunch your shoulders, hands in your pants."
The salesman makes a selling score,
Giving the guy such song and dance.
The guy waddles out the shop door.

Passersby pity his deformed lot.
But what a nice fitting suit he's got!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Go for Broke Ben

Ben Bernanke, the money man,
Powerful chairman of the Fed,
Trillions within his fingers' span.
So how does he butter his bread?
Of course he's got some treasuries,
Some blips of slips of I.O.U.
That ol' Uncle Sam guarantees
Is good as gold - but is this true?
Cuz Uncle Sam does like to spend,
And has to borrow to do that.
One day this game will have to end.
When it does - where will Ben be at?

Could be that Ben's still at Fed biz,
Wondering where his money tiz.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Tick Sick

True vampires are seeking new blood,
As climate and habitats change,
Pouring on people like a flood,
The peoples's health to rearrange.
And while the people's blood is sucked,
A variety of disease
Into the people is implucked
To give people a how sick tease.
The only way to know for sure
Is catch the vampire in the act.
Grab the bugger and hold secure
Until disease shows up in fact.

The doc can tell you are how sick,
Bitten by just what kind of tick.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Chicago's Child

My kind of town, Chicago is
Kinda hard for a poor, black kid.
All the grownups got their own biz,
Flipping deals like a toilet lid.
Right now there is no school for me.
Public school teachers out on strike.
And it's all about the money,
Playing the card - poor little tyke.
Plenty nuf blame to go around.
Parents - what can just my Mom do?
She has always been welfare bound.
Change is never gonna come through.

Chicago - kind of town where I
Hit the streets hard to live and die.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Bus Buzz

Israel is thrown under the bus
By the Demmies so cool and cold
Charge the Repubbies - "But not us,"
"So warm and hot." - this charge gets old.
Israel should know it matters not
What U.S. politicians say.
For all the years Israel has fought,
The U.S. has stayed far away.
The U.S. knows Israel will soon
Get fed up and attack Iran.
U.S. will sing whatever tune
Is best politics - that's the plan.

Repubbie or Demmie as Prez -
It's U.S. politics that sez.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Thermador Dare

Julia Child used Thermador
Ovens etal to cook her way
Into the views of T.V. lore,
Becoming iconic gourmet.
But doing ads she did eschew,
So Thermador just bid its time
Till Julia was residue,
Then pitched her past use - 'twas this crime?
Julia's heirs are suing mad
For using Julia to sell
Now, when then she would do no ad.
Thermador ovens - burn in hell.

Julia, though now dead and gone
Still can and will turn the heat on.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Rebecca Harding Davis

Rebecca Harding Davis wrote
Of religion and politics,
New freedoms of Bible and vote,
A stirred sainting and sinning mix.
Life was dominated by man
In West Virginia wild frontier,
In the 1800's time span.
Woman with ideas - men did fear.
Rebecca spoke least, but wrote most.
Her writings might be gone but for
The Saturday Evening Post
That archives perspectives of yore.

So to the Post Rebecca sent
Time capsules for future reprint.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Lyin' Ryan

Lyin' Ryan - the tag will stick,
Running the V.P. marathon
Right into the polls to pick
The politicians to con on.
Politicians train hard to lie,
And in the past it served them well.
But now fact checking's quick and spry,
Pointing out fibs the pols do tell.
Paul Ryan's no better or worse
Than any pol at telling lies.
But lyin' will become his curse.
Catch him at it and win a prize.

A truthful politician - gee!
When and how could that ever be!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Freshwater Jellyfish

Craspedecusta sowerbii
In the Cnidaria phylum,
AKA hydromedusae,
Freshwater jellyfish, in sum.
We like to show up unannounced,
Catching a ride on what we can,
Till in some water we are bounced.
Tiz not a real well thought out plan.
The locals kinda get freaked out
When they first get a peek at us,
'Fraid they're gonna get stung, no doubt -
But just if we can eat the cuss.

We're only about one inch big,
So don't do the human lunch gig.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


The Repubbie mystery guest -
Clint Eastwood made the Demmie's day.
Clint in a weird demented quest
Rambled Good, Bad, Ugly away,
Mostly to a prop empty chair,
As though Obama sat thereon.
Demmies can push Obamacare
As what Clint needs before too gone.
If Romney lets a guy like Clint
Do a carte blanche on Romney's night,
What judgement as the President
Might Romney have - could be a fright!

Too many watched Clint and felt "ugh."
Repubbies caught Clintitis bug.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

War of Forever

The President did declare war.
Congress gave advice and consent.
The Supreme Court gave a go for.
So We the People did relent,
Cuz we pay government to act
To protect the heart, soul and mind
Of each citizen who's attacked
By "feel too good" of any kind
That is not government approved,
Like good ol' tobacco and booze,
Which burn and flow - well mainstream grooved.
Government likes to pick and choose.

The war on drugs will not be won,
Just how government does not done.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Born Blog

We were born and we are called blog,
Stormed the 21st century,
A portmanteau of term web log,
Human bloggers blog and we be.
But human bloggers are not known
For staying with a blog too long.
Bloggers tend to in and out zone.
Just how it is - not right or wrong.
Tiz sad when a blogger does die,
But that's the way of human kind -
Life between hello and goodbye,
Leaving a blog therein entwined.

And though one blogger may be gone,
Another blogger may blog on.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

3 Rs Rearranged

No more the American Dream
For children of U.S.A.
Education has turned to scheme
To buy kids' minds this or that way,
From federal one size fits all
To local lacking funding source,
The kids are squeezed twixt big and small,
And so the kids suffer of course.
And all that powers that be do
Is point fingers to bat the blame.
We the People are the ones who
Have let the kids down - that's the shame.

Politicians' 3Rs survives,
Run and Rip off and Ruin lives.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


The Lance Armstrong witchhunt is sad,
As in U SAD A's dance
To paint a U.S. champion bad,
Charging he used drugs to enhance.
This agency for anti dope
Must have a lot of dopes therein,
Whose only goal is make Lance cope
With staying stuck under his skin.
Not happy till they strip and ban
The titles of a biking great,
The only reason - cuz they can.
Dopes can mess with a champion's fate.

If we ignore these dopes, we could
Help Lance go on doing his good.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Niche Pitch

Tiz popular for books of niche
To dwell and sell on morbid stuff.
Make your own coffin - got the itch?
Obituaries - read enough?
Let's forget coffins and obits.
They only take up time and space.
Do DNA data that fits
The future for the human race.
When we each die, we each get booked
Into cyberspace to flow free.
Each is downloaded to be looked
At what each one's life used to be.

A niche for each of us to fill.
An open book we are, we will.

Sunday, September 09, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Tampa Tempest

Tiz Ayn Rand and Jerry Falwell
Come to stir up the witches' brew,
That Repubbies want served from hell
To all America - they do.
Social Darwinism does meet
Theocracy of government.
A Christian corporate elite
Is surely what God meant be sent.
Ban abortion and ban the gays.
Fund capitalism by war,
War on anything, cuz it pays.
Don't be too old, don't be too poor.

Repubbies in purgatory,
Tampa twixt heaven and hell be.

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Man of the Moth

Just passing by, I saw the light,
And sure enough, there full of sheet,
A mothing mother caught my sight.
So what the heck, give him a treat.
I guess I was the first to land.
"Hi Tortricidae," he did call,
A term I did not understand.
Humans give weird names, all in all.
A National Moth Week there tiz.
Guess there's nothing better to do.
Well, I gotta get on with my biz.
So off into the night I flew.

We moths talk about, tongue in cheek,
Having National Human Week.

Friday, September 07, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Politicians say stupid stuff,
Just tiz the nature of the game.
Once said, there's all the huff n puff
By lefties and righties in blame.
If the stupid stuff speaker speaks,
Attempting to apologize
From those same lips that stupid leaks,
Then let voters judge truths or lies.
Either party powers that be
Want the most electable voice,
A mouth no misspeak nominee.
The party powers want that choice.

Party powers say stupid too,
Right along with their stupid do.

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


I went from forest to the mill,
Extracted, dried and flattened out,
Shaped and sized so some stuff could fill
Inside of me and shipped about.
Now when my first job is all done,
I'm often smashed and thrown away
To landfills where I am just one,
Spewing forth methane gas each day.
Instead of that, I could do more.
Send me back to the mill to be
Where my usefulness can restore.
Keep sending me back - save a tree.

Help me - opportunity knocks.
Just recycle this cardboard box.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Plan to Plan

Obamadom rules with a plan
To socialize us to the max,
A legacy that's meant to span
Until we all drop dead from tax.
The numbers make the nanny state.
Most We the People now do get
A check from big gov - tiz the fate
Of all of us soon - wanna bet?
The righties plan is cut the size
Of gov and all its spending done.
And so it comes as no surprise
The lefties of this plan poke fun.

We the People at polls can choose.
Either way - wanna bet we lose?

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Phyllis Diller - you have been booked
At the Pearly Gates with Bob Hope.
You will have the angels hooked -
Heaven's kooky kaleidoscope,
Full of colorful entertain,
The outfits and that cackly laugh.
You and Hope down memory lane,
Joking each other's epitaph.
You've gone on to a higher gig.
Here on Earth, sad to see you go,
But know that you will make it big
Up there, with one helluva show.

Heaven - you might not knock'em dead,
But you'll liven up things instead.

Monday, September 03, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Grover the Rover

Grover Cleveland, the President,
Oscar Folsom from Buffalo,
As law partners and friends, they spent
Shared pastimes in wild oats to sow.
Oscar Folsom Cleveland was born
Illegitimate. Grover did,
As bachelor, feel duty sworn
To provide support for the kid,
Though buddy Oscar just as well
As Grover could have been the dad.
But Oscar was married, do tell,
And a daughter Frances he had.

Once in the White House, Grover wed
That same Frances - ain't that incred!

Sunday, September 02, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


Mayor Rahm's in his limosine.
A no Rahm pass bike passes by.
"That bike is cheating the machine."
Rahm screeches, "Go and nab that guy."
The limo chases through the streets,
Little Dancer dancing inside.
Chicago cops are pulled off beats
Of high crime to chase this bike ride.
The biker does escape - tut tut.
A clue is found pointing who tiz.
Chicken with beer can up its butt.
Rahm makes this his number one biz.

A.P.B. on the no Rahm pass,
For most wanted criminal Kass.

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Jaws of Joe

Ol' V.P. jabbertalking Joe
Is flappin' lips to keep his job
The G.O.P. tiz, doncha know,
Gonna chain black folks by the gob.
Joe lays this charge in a false drawl
To hook'em snug in his race bait.
Gotta keep Obamadom, y'all,
Or suffer your ancestors' fate.
Now libbie lips can get away
With mouthing like this white on black,
Cuz silly stuff that libbies say
Is all that libbie lips can smack.

Just say whatever, says Joe's boss
To keep Obamadom from loss.