Sense Sonnets

Friday, May 31, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Young Calf's First Nursing - LP Zoo

The new born rhino calf does do
Its first short trip to the place where,
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,
Rhino Mom has got milk to share.
The calf instinctively knows that
Mom has some "faucets" to disperse
The milk, but the calf must be at
That location so as to nurse.
As the calf nurses Mom stands still
Letting her calf fill up till done.
And of course Mom knows that she will
Be nursing lots, her little one.

From Hashtag RhinoWatch we see
The calf's first nursing come to be.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Artful Turtles - LP Zoo

Spotted and painted turtles do
Hang out together very well,
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,
In the habitat where they dwell.
The spotted turtle's shell has spots,
Bright yellow ones that do stand out.
And the painted turtle has lots
Of colored markings all about,
Primarily upon the face
And on the limbs to set apart
Which turtle's which in time and place,
As each be covered in fine art.

Come to the Childrens' Zoo and see
All of these turtles turtlely.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Pretense of Fatality

The moorland hawker dragonfly
Does mate while flying through the air.
When done the male just moves on by,
Leaving the female mated there.
The female needs to rest a bit
Before she flies to find a place
To lay her eggs but knows that it,
Being that males are on the chase,
Is likely that other males will
Show up wanting to mate too.
The female has a special skill
Of acting quite dead through and through.

Once rested up and suitor free,
She then flies on "eggs"cellently.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

In the Heat of the Ice -  LP Zoo

This polar bear is here to do
An ongoing message to share,
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,
To make visitors more aware
That polar bears in the wild be
Endangered more and more each day
As the sea ice melts more quickly
Because of warming climate's way.
Burning of fossil fuels is why
The atmosphere is warming so.
All humans can help us out by
Making better energy go.

Energy use change can be made.
We polar bears do need your aid.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Having Her Baby

A pregnant young woman is here
In my home and I don't know her.
Why did she suddenly appear?
On Facebook I lured her for sure,
With the promise of baby clothes.
But what I really have in mind
Is taking what I want, hell knows.
In my hands a cord is entwined.
Behind the woman I do sneak,
And strangle her until death's doom.
And then I get a knife and seek
To cut the baby from the womb.

I made my wanting come to be.
Now the baby belongs to me.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Jim Fowler

Jim Fowler was a wildlife guy
Who spent his life in bringing to
The public all the reasons why
Helping wildlife was good to do.
On Johnny Carson's Tonight Show
Jim was a frequent guest who brought
Varied wildlife that would bestow
Their wild charms on Johnny a lot.
Some hit, some bit, some crawled upon
Johnny to audience delight.
Hilarious phenomenon
Always full of wild sound and sight.

To Jim Fowler we say, "Farewell,"
To heaven's "Wild Kingdom" to dwell.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

The General Rejudged

General Robert E. Lee, where
Will your past hero status go?
So many accolades were there,
So many grand statues did show.
Yes, you did leave the U.S. to
Side with your loved Virginia state,
And in the Civil War fought, you
Led the South to a losing fate.
Your Arlington plantation had
Slaves before you did go to war.
Now times have turned to judge you bad,
And you've become hero no more.

It looks like now, General Lee,
You've lost the war of history.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Remembering Mom - LP Zoo

Flashback about four years or so
When baby Bella was brand new.
Mom Bahati would proudly show
Her daughter to Lincoln Park Zoo.
The baby gorilla girl held
So snugly in Mom's loving arms,
Bella feeling safe therein dwelled,
A sight depicting special charm.
Some years have passed and Mom has cared
For Bella well and watched her be
A joy that so many have shared
As Bella grows with family.

And Bella will in her own way
Wish Mom a Happy Mother's Day.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Farewell Chuckie - LP Zoo

Chuckie, the chimp, has made a move
To Sedgwick County Zoo to live.
Slowly, she's getting in the groove
Of having a new troop to give
The special times that she gave here,
Where at twenty years of age, she
Was the youngest and would endear
Herself to all who came to see
Chuckie with lots of charm and fun.
Though we are sad to see her go,
She'll always be a special one
That we were graced to get to know.

Chuckie, the chimp, we will miss you.
Best wishes from Lincoln Park Zoo.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Rollie's Mother's Day '19 - LP Zoo

On Mother's Day twenty nineteen
Gorilla Mother Rollie gave
Birth, and a baby boy's now seen
Cuddled close with Mother as they've
Been getting used to each other,
Giving and getting all the care
A baby gets from his Mother,
A busy time for both to share.
All the gorilla family
Is welcoming the only boy
Except for Dad and who does be
An exciting bundle of joy.

A Happy Mother's Day come true
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

I Sense a Snack - LP Zoo

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo
This rhino senses all about.
My nose nostrils do smell, they do,
The whiffs of tasty snacks, no doubt.
My ears do rotate so to hear
The keepers bringing snacks to eat.
My eyes do see the snacks appear,
And I head for the tasty treat.
With my prehensile upper lip,
Into my mouth I pull the food,
Tasting so fine with my tongue tip,
Touching the tasty snack as chewed.

When a tasty snack is around
All my five senses do abound.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

The Cup Goes Viral

The T.V. show, "Game of Thrones," is
Supposed to be in olden day,
So 'twas a boost to Starbucks biz
When a Starbucks cup made its way
Onto a table in a scene,
Apparently left there before
Filming live action 'twixt and 'tween.
Somebody failed their assigned chore
Of making sure all props were right.
Of course viewers made a big deal
That such a cup was within sight,
With an outright commercial feel.

A disappearing act was done.
The cup won't appear in a rerun.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

New to the Nest - LP Zoo

A happy hatching has occurred,
An Inca tern chick comes brand new.
The species, an endangered bird,
Can be seen at Lincoln Park Zoo.
When fully grown the bird will be
A sight with lots of dash and flash,
Sporting red beak and feet to see,
And Salvador Dali mustache.
Both parents, Mom and Dad, do share
In parenting their new offspring,
Both taking turns providing care,
Keeping their new chick under wing.

Come to the Bird House in Free Flight,
Look around for the nest to sight.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

All Seeing Sahar - LP Zoo

Sahar, the lion king, surveys
His magic kingdom stretching through
All of the places and the days
That be found in Lincoln Park Zoo.
His piercing eyes do take in all
That be within this time and place,
As Sahar beckons with his call
To connect with him face to face.
A moment with Sahar, the king,
Is treasured by the young and old,
A lasting memory to bring
To mind to others to be told.

Sahar, the lion king, will be
Always an awesome memory.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Mom Gives the Okay - LP Zoo

I do get taken, yes I do,
Away from all my family
In my home at Lincoln Park Zoo.
A little nervous I do be,
But Mom assured this red wolf pup
That I would not be gone for long.
The keepers would just check what's up,
And that I am healthy and strong.
And yes I was in caring hands,
Checked out for this, checked out for that.
I trusted Mom who understands
All stuff in the wolf habitat.

Mom was right on and all went well,
And I went back with tales to tell.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Race of the Hats

The Kentucky Derby began
In 1875 and
Became over the long time span
A show place of pageantry grand.
Much more than just a short horse race,
It is a ladies' fashion show,
And which hat worn should take first place.
Inquiring minds just have to know.
It is the one day of the year
For fashion hats for all to see,
And more and more such hats appear,
Thanks to being shown on T.V.

Quite a heady phenomenon,
The Kentucky Derby - hats on!

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Acher


The pregnant woman did decide
To get a late term abortion
Which was then legal the state wide,
The law allowed it to be done.
Proper medical staff was there.
The procedure got underway.
The woman got the best of care,
Then an unexpected delay.
An abortion was carried out,
And a fetus was removed dead,
But the woman had twins, no doubt,
One live fetus born in good stead.

An unplanned outcome came to be,
One twin survived and that was me.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Save the Rhino Day '19 - LP Zoo

May 1st is Save the Rhino Day
In the year of twenty nineteen.
This black rhino is here to say
We need your help in the wild scene.
I have a mission, yes I do,
To make you humans more aware,
While visiting Lincoln Park Zoo,
That we need help and hope you care.
Rhinos fall victim all the time
To being killed by human hand.
And because of this daily crime,
Extinction looms, please understand.

Our situation is grave.
Please be a human who helps save.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Welcome Foursome - LP Zoo

Happy news of additions new,
Four red wolf pups now come to be
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,
Building the red wolf family.
The first litter for Mom and Dad,
And all the pups are doing well,
Cute little bundles, furry clad,
Exploring the new world they dwell.
And just a matter of time that
The little ones can all be seen,
Scampering through their habitat,
Watching passersby 'twixt and 'tween.

Keep an eye out when you pass by
For the pup foursome and say, "Hi."

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Just a Reminder - LP Zoo

I am Sahar and I do be
A lion lyin' on a rock.
I want all to pay heed to me,
So I decide that I will talk.
I open wide my jaws, I do,
And bellow forth an awesome roar
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,
A sound that no one can ignore.
And the look of a fearsome face
For anyone to be seeing,
Affirming in this time and place
I am the one and only king.

A reminder so all will know,
Then back to my catnap I go.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Hank the Heron

Hawaii's Hank the heron is
A golf club lake side resident,
Where he shows off his fishing biz,
His fishing skills quite evident.
Pieces of bread the humans throw
To all the birds that be about.
Hank's plan for the bread he does show
As bait to catch some fish no doubt.
Hank's beak picks up a chunk of bread,
And puts it in the water and
Waits for hungry fish in good stead,
Then beaks up the fish as Hank planned.

Too big to eat - catch of the day,
Hank pulls the bread out of the way.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Kate Smith - Victim

"God Bless America," the song
Was sung by Kate Smith who now is
Deemed a racist for singing wrong,
Accepted in the '30's biz.
She sang some tunes that now would be
Inappropriate songs to sing,
As cringe inducing racially,
But back then an accepted thing,
Kate, as far as anyone knows,
Was not a racist, but did good,
But now is a victim by those
In the "holier than thou" hood.

"God Bless America" by Kate
Cancelled due to an "outrage" fate.

Thursday, May 09, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Five year old A.J. disappeared
From his bed in his home one night.
His Dad called 911 and feared
Kidnapping - something was not right.
For a week police searched about.
No clues from the outside were found.
The parents' story was in doubt.
Focus upon them came around.
Then confession the parents gave.
They'd beat A.J. until he died,
Buried him in a shallow grave,
And then to cover up, they lied.

A.J. had suffered prior abuse.
Authorities had no excuse.

Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Work Unlike a Dog

I go into an office where
The only one around does be
A dog who's emptying trash there,
And tells me the boss will see me
As soon as the boss does return.
A talking dog - I am amazed,
And more of course I want to learn.
So many questions in mind raised.
"I'm gonna tell your boss that you,"
"A talking dog, are such a prize,"
"Something that's a marvel to do."
Hearing my words the dog replies,

"Please don't say that," the dog does moan,
"Or I'll have to answer the phone."

Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Napoleon Scratched

Napoleon, anti monarch,
Was a hero Beethoven thought,
And in his tribute did embark
To write a symphony that sought
To proclaim freedom above all
The evil that tyrants pursue.
The Third Symphony was the call
To honor Napoleon true.
But then Napoleon proclaimed
Himself emperor of France,
And Beethoven was so ashamed,
Honor Napoleon - no chance!

Beethoven's pen did leave no doubt.
Napoleon's name was scratched out.

Monday, May 06, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Il Gran Cavallo

Leonardo da Vinci for
The Duke of Milan did plan out
A huge bronze horse sculpture, but war
With France put the plan in great doubt.
Five hundred years later the plan
For the horse da Vinci had made
Was carried out across time's span.
The sculpture happened, though delayed.
Fifteen tons, twenty four feet high,
The huge bronze horse sculpture now stands
In Milan, and does signify
Da Vinci's dream from others' hands.

Da Vinci would not live to see
"Il Gran Cavallo" come to be.

Sunday, May 05, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Mary, Joseph and Jesus fled
To Egypt to escape the wrath
Of Herod wanting Jesus dead.
Of note was the family's path,
Sowing the seeds that would then grow
As Coptic Christianity.
Later, to Egypt Mark would go
And found this Christian church to be.
For many, Mark was not welcome.
A mob did drag him to his death,
Which did give him a martyrdom.
Copts kept on after Mark's last breath.

In Egypt still are Copts today.
In the name of Jesus, Copts pray.

Saturday, May 04, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


I be a sawfish, yes I be,
Characterized by my long nose,
Looks like a chainsaw hooked on me.
And where I go the chainsaw goes.
I use my saw nose to find food,
Using sensory organs there
To sense out food - really quite shrewd.
And then I swipe my nose with flair,
Incapacitating my prey,
Which I then swallow in bite size.
It is quite an efficient way
For my fine dining enterprise.

Cutting wooden ships in half with
My sharp saw nose is just a myth.

Friday, May 03, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Greater Bilby

The greater bilby also known
As the rabbit eared bandicoot
Lives in Australia's desert zone,
And oft in burrowing pursuit.
These small marsupials do dig
Deep and spiraled burrows so that
Other animals small and big
Can borrow a cool safe habitat.
The burrows also do aerate
The soil and make it better for
Healthy plant life to populate,
Helping the ecosystem more.

The greater bilby surely be
A good neighbor in high degree.

Thursday, May 02, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Lynx Sisters on the Move - LP Zoo

The lynx sisters to Fargo go,
Julian and Mirka go to
A new home Zoo to live, and so
They'll be missed at Lincoln Park Zoo.
Planned renovations do mean that
The sisters needed a new home.
Hopefully a new habitat
Will give the girls good space to roam.
The lynx sisters were always fun
To watch when they were both at play.
In dancing leaps they each would run,
Wild sister act in ev'ry way.

We're missing lynx but hope they'll be
Together long and happily.

Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Well Owl be a Duck's Mom

This screech owl did get a surprise
When I did get home to my nest.
An egg was there, double the size
Of what I'd lay - I did feel blessed,
And sat upon the egg so that
Maybe the egg would hatch right there,
In my home sweet home habitat,
And I would have a nest to share.
And sure enough in time and place,
The egg did hatch and there did be
A baby with me, face to face,
And for care dependent on me.

Thanks to my care and some good luck
I hatched a healthy baby duck.