Sense Sonnets

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Orange Young'un - LPZ

I am a Francois langur Mom.
Hubby Cartman has been my spouse,
Dancing at Lincoln Park Zoo prom,
Kid after kid at Primate House.
Blessed with our sixth kid born new,
A little fur ball of orange bright,
A few months of that color to
Less likely get out of my sight.
And when I need a break a bit,
Aunties and daughters take a turn
With the wee one and baby sit.
The guys are useless, we gals learn.

Cartman's coy call, "Pumpkin please me,"
And bigger family we be.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Anana's Sweet 16 - LP Zoo

Anana here just checking in
From North Carolina to say
The south has risen once again.
My sweet 16 Happy Birthday,
The Zoo folks here have been so great,
Such southern hospitality,
My special day to celebrate,
A polar bear celebrity.
Even though many miles apart,
I have fond memories of you.
I keep Chicago in my heart,
My best wishes - Lincoln Park Zoo.

Folks here talk with a funny drawl.
Lincoln Park Zooers - I miss y'all.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Spider Woman Way

To the singles bars I go out
With my girlfriends to check out guys.
I'm looking for my man, no doubt,
So rate the he moves with my eyes.
The grind rev and the rumble rump
Are dances that he does for me,
To send good vibrations to bump
A sex hook up to come to be.
He shakes his flashy colors so
I do a quick genetic take.
Does he have the good goods to go,
So maybe babies we should make?

If my mate wants with him don't meet,
This spider gal then him will eat.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Trouble Times Two - LP Zoo

Red Panda cubs know how to do
Mischief when Mom is not around.
Six months old at Lincoln Park Zoo,
Comes the typical sibling sound,
"C'mon Bro let's climb up the tree."
"But Sis, Mom said that we could not."
"Oh what a scared brother you be!"
"Sis, you do mess with me a lot."
"Suit yourself Bro, I'll go alone."
"Sis, if you do - I'm gonna tell."
"You're the worst brother I have known."
"I'm your only brother - dumb bell."

Mom is coming. They knew Mom would.
Both cubs pretend at being good.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Humans call me a tardigrade.
Watch me under a microscope.
Study how hardy I be made.
So do I humor humans? Nope!
I go about my living biz,
Mostly on lichen and on moss.
But any where on Earth - I is.
Even in outer space, I cross.
A bear, a hippo and a pig -
I do resemble, humans say.
Most resilient life - my gig
Is "borrowing" best D.N.A.

Maybe humans will study me,
And learn how better they might be.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Born in 1974,
I was rescued in south Sudan,
A year or so old - not much more,
I went to live in zoos of man.
A northern white rhino, just one
Of only  a few left alive,
Because much poaching has been done.
Forty some years I did survive.
The humans called me Nola, and
I lived my ambassador role
To help humans to understand,
But then age illness took its toll.

I know my keepers try to keep
Back tears as they put me to sleep.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Talk Turkey

There is the turkey that's the bird.
There is the nation, Turkey, too.
Does English language of same word
Have any reason why to do?
No rhyme nor reason that makes sense.
The Portuguese could get most blame,
Who kept their trade routes secret - hence
Confusing English with goods' name.
So the birds that the English got
Were called turkeys just for ease sake,
Whether from Turkey, whether not.
What mattered was how long to bake.

Turks eating turkey in Turkey
Would say so quite differently.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Teen Tut

Tut of Egypt became the king,
Just eight years old, apparently,
A hand me down family thing,
And next pharaoh Tut got to be,
And pharaohed through his teenage years,
Not doing bad at his first job,
But then dropped dead. A load of tears
Flowed like the Nile. Egypt did sob.
The gods had taken Tut away,
Too young to go, oh why, oh why?
Illness, accident or foul play?
No one now knows how Tut did die.

To pay the youth not getting old,
The dead teenager got the gold.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Photo Ark

Joel's Photo Ark is modern day
Capture of captive species on
A photograph in artful way,
Before the species may be gone.
Seen in aquariums and zoos
By human beings mixed in view.
Species captive - do we abuse?
Better we know, better we do.
Ambassadors from nature's wild,
Species can make direct appeal,
Reaching human adult and child.
The choice to save becomes more real.

The Photo Ark brings to the eye.
This animal be extinct? Why?

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Great Blue Heron - LP Zoo

A great blue heron, I fish
As guest of the Lincoln Park Zoo.
At Nature Boardwalk, humans wish
Me good fishing and so I do.
No rod or reel or gear I need.
My long sharp bill does fill the bill,
Spearing many a fish indeed.
I spear and swallow whole my fill.
In shallow waters I do stand,
Favoring both the dusk and dawn,
Have patience and as Nature planned,
The fish do come, I get it on.

Plenty of fish to spear, and so
I will winter in Chicago.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Hainan Gibbons

Hainan Island off China's coast,
We few Hainan  gibbons remain.
Just twenty some, thirty at most,
Rarest primate in Earth's domain.
Once thousands of us did live here.
Humans turned home forests to waste.
Humans became a force to fear.
Humans poached and turned us to paste.
But now new humans just study,
Perhaps trying to right the wrong.
Of course suspicious we do be.
Humans find us from our song.

Our song recorded on track,
Humans play, hoping we sing back.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Chicago - "The Bean"

I am the "Cloud Gate" or "The Bean,"
Depending on the talker's take.
Chicago's where I can be seen,
Quite an impression I do make.
In Millenium Park I shine,
Reflecting all about me so.
I draw folks to me by design,
Hard not to notice - doncha know!
Sixty feet long, thirty feet wide,
Forty feet high of stainless steel.
No seam showing on any side.
An elliptical  eye appeal.

Come see me seeing back at you,
And only 'twill beantween us two.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Three's Company - LP Zoo

There's a pride in the lions' den,
Midway in the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Alone, Master Sahar had been,
Then the sister Mistresses two,
Kamali and Zalicka came.
A get acquainted took a while,
Some tensions here and there - no blame,
Just getting used to new lifestyle.
And now as winter winds blow cold,
On heated rocks the trio lie,
Content to let the now unfold,
"Roomies" watching the world go by.

Together, she and he and she,
There's a pride in three's company.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Eleanor Billington

Eleanor Billington I be,
A Mayflower missus who came
To the new world with family,
To Plymouth colony by name.
I was a woman, one of four,
Surviving over that first year.
So first Thanksgiving all the more
Was a time and a place so dear.
My husband, John Senior, would die,
Hanged for murder being his crime.
I was whipped in the stocks - and why?
I slandered leaders at the time.

But for the sick, I tried to care,
And so Thanksgiving I did share.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Playboy - LP Zoo

I'm King the rhino, 2 years old,
2000 pounds of sexy stud,
In Lincoln Park Zoo where I hold
Humans in awe, posing in mud.
Often posing with cutesy stuff,
The humans craft in paper bright.
If just paper - enough, enough.
But with treats to eat - then all right.
Since I came onto the Zoo scene,
Humans have watched me grow up great.
Read me in the Zoo magazine,
An article, hooves up I rate.

Yes, readers read what I'm about.
But girls - there's no center foldout.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Bat Land

I have wings, and being a bat
I have the ways and means to fly.
I am the only mammal that
Can do so, and I don't know why.
Now flying fast, when land I do,
One wing pulls in, one wing sticks out.
Relatively heavy - my two
Wings let me do a flip about,
And upside down to rest I come.
Humans study this lots, I guess,
Wanting to be a smarter dumb.
They conclude it's inertia - yes!

Humans do marvel how bats land.
Humans are weird - bats understand.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Horse Play - LP Zoo

Big sister Patty gives a ride
To little sister Bella, and
Bella's commands are amplified,
Slapping Patty's butt with her hand,
"Giddy up sis, go faster go,"
On Patty's back perched Bella cries.
Patty is worn out - doncha know!
Bella is no more light weight size.
But what's a big sister to do?
Little sister does sure like play
With big sis at Lincoln Park Zoo.
So playing horsey is okay.

And round and round they go in whirls,
Big and little gorilla girls.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Sandy Claws - LP Zoo

Again it's that time of the year,
Xmas at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
We lemurs are full of good cheer
In Primate House adorned anew
With decorations, lights and all.
Early yes, but tiz the season,
Humans scurry to deck the hall.
Must be ready, tiz the reason,
Cuz jolly ol' will be this way,
Checking his naughty or nice list,
Lapping the kids into his sleigh.
We lemurs just cannot resist.

We lemurs like Xmas because
We lemurs do have sandy claws.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Call Me Smeagol?

Ah- humans have discovered me,
A "new" arachnid harvestman.
Now not a spider do I be.
I'm in a dif'rent order clan.
I get what food I need to eat,
And do so with no need to eye,
Move forward on multi leggy feet.
I have no pigmentation - why?
A Brazil cave I do call home.
Humans fret I'll become extinct,
Cuz I have no desire to roam.
I note humans have weird instinct.

Humans named me Smeagol, I guess -
Some fiction dude, but I'm fact - yes!

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

To Thine Own Self Be Cuked

Cats and cucumbers do not mix
When humans mix them just to make
Fun of the cats and get sick kicks,
Pixxing the react for viral sake,
Sticking a cuke behind a cat,
And some place unexpectedly.
So when the cuke is seen whereat,
Cats get unnerved, naturally,
And do react in bounds and leaps,
All so that humans be amused.
Such humans are sadistic creeps,
And likewise should be so abused.

Sticking cucumbers is just fine -
Stick in humans where sun don't shine!

Friday, December 11, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Machines to Mars

Going to Mars has long been mused.
Humans have always had the itch
To explore, and some be enthused
To make a hike to Mars and hitch,
Of course spending other's money -
N.A.S.A. is well practiced at that,
Notwithstanding that humans be
Messing up all Earth's habitat.
Make humans clean up the mess here,
And send machines to Mars if must.
Machines don't need life atmosphere,
And do a better job to trust.

Going to Mars should be machine.
Humans will just mess up the scene.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Behind Scene, Before Seen - LP Zoo

This Chilean flamingo chick,
First one born at Lincoln Park Zoo,
Is certainly getting a kick
Doing growing up stuff I do.
Covered in a fluffy white fuzz,
Turning to colder clime feather,
Ready for what 'twill be, not 'twas,
Ready for Chicago weather.
My body still needs warm up some.
The heat lamp has me glowing pink,
A sign of colors yet to come.
Can't hurry Mom Nature - wink, wink!

I hope that during the Zoo Lights,
I will be one of winter sights.

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Fall for the Zebra - LP Zoo

Call me Kito, call me to eat
Zebra chow at Lincoln Park Zoo.
And times I get a special treat,
Available on the menu,
Which is just seasonal, of course.
I take the opportunity
To hearty eat like s striped horse,
Cuz in season - short time 'twill be.
Now since I am a herbivore,
My whole diet consists of plants,
And I gobble them down galore
In any season circumstance.

Oh I do love when fall leaves fall,
Seasoned snack relief - one and all.

Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

American Toad - LP Zoo

An American toad I be,
Toading fine at Lincoln Park Zoo.
I am in the frog family,
But do be dif'rent - yes I do!
I don't need water to live in.
I don't need to do lots of leap.
So I have warty and dry skin,
Wider bod with short legs I keep.
Poison glands behind oval eyes
Make would be predators think twice.
Not cluster but long chains arise
When I am laying eggs precise.

So when you spot me, "Here's a toad,"
A fact that now you know you knowed!

Monday, December 07, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Chicago - Marina City Towers

We're twins - and the most famous in
Downtown Chicago River side.
Sixty story tower - each twin.
Half minute elevator ride.
A corn cob appearance times two.
Apartments - cut pieces of pie,
Each one having a stunning view
Of the Windy City nearby.
Many movies and T.V. shows
Have featured us in varied scene.
Most famous is the car that goes
River splash with us 'twixt and 'tween.

Both of us still sitting pretty,
Rise above Marina City.

Sunday, December 06, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Acorn Woodpecker

An acorn woodpecker I be,
A liking acorns - can you guess?
I'm near the acorns near the tree.
I grab onto each acorn - yes!
And now I need a hollow space,
Tuck'em away for future meal.
Humans are all over the place,
But acorns - they're not known to steal.
A big antenna worked just fine,
Inserted acorns one by one.
But humans discovered what's mine,
And messed up all the work I'd done.

300 pounds of nuts fell out.
The humans went nutty - no doubt!

Saturday, December 05, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Rough Sex

There were two spiders, he and she,
That humans grabbed and made to mate.
Humans desired, apparently,
To check her genitalia fate,
The theory being that he snipped
Off her handle when he was done,
So that she was no more equipped
To get it on with the next one.
Just as the two were hooked up so,
The humans gave a blast of freeze,
And froze forever the duo,
Him snipping her in their last squeeze.

Spiders bothered in their connects,
Humans are so obsessed with sex.

Friday, December 04, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

"Daddy - Let's Play" - LP Zoo

"Daddy, Daddy - time to get up."
"C'mon Bella, let Daddy sleep."
"But it's time to play with me - yup."
"C'mon Bella - play time will keep."
"No Daddy - we gotta play now."
"C'mon Bella - what is the rush."
"It's play for two - I'll show you how."
"C'mon Bella, Daddy's tired - hush!"
"We'll be quiet - but time to play."
"C'mon Bella - you win, you win."
"Oh good Daddy - you make my day."
"C'mon Bella - charmed me again."

Get up time at Lincoln Park Zoo.
What's a gorilla Dad to do.

Thursday, December 03, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Minnie a Break Take - LP Zoo

Minnie, the fennec fox, I be
At home in the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Go to Small Mammal House and see
The foxy stuff that I can do.
Oft times you'll find me holding court,
Sitting atop the hollow stump.
I pose and sing - I'm such a sport.
But when I'm weary, off I'll jump,
And go inside the stump to curl
Up in a snug and take a nap.
Tiz tiring being a show girl.
I need time out from human yap.

So if you find me snug asleep,
Please just view me and do not peep.

Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Reptile Smile - LP Zoo

I am a chameleon at
Reptile House in Lincoln Park Zoo.
Humans come to my habitat,
Amusing me, the stuff they do.
They come in ev'ry shape and size,
The colors of them - lots of change.
They stick out tongues and roll both eyes.
And they think I am looking strange!
But I am glad humans come here.
Otherwise boring it would be.
Each time a human does appear,
It's entertainment just for me.

Ah - the humans they do beguile.
Humans do always make me smile.

Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Issue Clouded

U.F.O. clouds are o'er Cape Town!
Meteorologists poo poo.
O'er rough terrain some winds blow down,
And disk shaped clouds do form - they do!
Lenticular such clouds are called,
Latin for having lens like shape,
And typically do get squalled
In a setting such as the Cape.
So alien invasion - no!
Flying saucers of mere air puff.
People go crazy - doncha know!
Addicted to the E.T. stuff.

Maybe these clouds do really hide
U.F.O.s lurking inside!