Sense Sonnets

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


I hear he's singing some sad song

That I did run away from him.

Of course he wonders what went wrong,

And why I took off on a whim.

He says he's shedding lots of tears,

And how he is so missing me.

He's mouthing to whoever's ears

Will listen 'bout his misery.

I know him well 'nough to know that

He's hoping some listener will

Pity him, tell him where I'm at.

But I hope you will just keep still.

Whatever tale he has to tell,

I had to run away from hell.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


The two brothers did take the route

To wrestle to find out who would

Don the purple corduroy suit

To wow girls in the neighborhood.

Like fired rockets they both did fly

Down to the shoreline twilight time,

Under the willow tree, eye to eye.

The tension between them did climb.

In silence they just stood some while.

Mosquitoes did buzz sensing blood.

Then the two locked in twisted pile

Till they both were covered in mud.

Some girls did see the brothers fight.

None were too impressed by the sight.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 My Heart Will Go On

I died in a car accident,

Leaving my husband of one year.

Through lots of grief and loss he went.

Collie, Prince, gave him some good cheer.

A wonderful person then came

Into the lives of Carl and Prince.

Prince knew that Joan's heart was the same

As mine, a dog just has that sense.

And Carl did later find that out,

Joan received my donated heart.

Love grew between them all no doubt.

In their lives I was still a part.

I know I never will be gone.

With shared love my heart will go on.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Unwords to the Wise

Rumpelstiltskin, a spinning whiz,

Can raisinflaxon straw into

A wealth of purest gold which is

A glitterington pile for view.

He sure can standerwoppin crow

Of such a dooterifin feat,

But Rumpelstiltskin now does know

That this Queen is filled with deceit,

Who makes up words and makes up lies

To trick dummy Rumpelstiltskin

To divulge his name and, surprise,

The game he loses and I win.

Once upon a time, unword crafter,

I live happily ever after.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Drink of Rain

An alcoholic I once be.

I almost drank myself to death.

But now in long recovery,

No more is liquor on my breath.

I still feel sorry for myself

From time to time but don't need to

Pull a booze bottle from the shelf.

If it's a rainy day I do

Find blessings in such time and place.

From in self pity I run out

And feel the rain fall on my face,

Feel a whole lot better no doubt.

When poor me, poor me, I do think,

Then heaven pours me rain to drink.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Psyche and Cupid

Psyche and Cupid, tale of myth.

Mortal Psyche has great beauty.

God Cupid scratches his arm with

His arrow, infatuated be,

Then scratches Psyche's arm so that

She's infatuated with him.

They go to Zeus' high habitat,

Who does approve in divine whim

The wedding of the happy pair.

Psyche does drink ambrosia so

Immortality they will share.

Their wedding banquet, all gods go.

A tale retold to remind of

Can be happy ending in love.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Bottle Battle

Valerie, an Italian girl,

And Pierre, a Frenchman, did dine,

Both caught in a romantic whirl,

They ordered a bottle of wine.

But as they ate and drank they got

Into an argument about

Whether France or Italy ought

Be best wine makers without doubt.

Pierre did scoff at Valerie,

Insisted the best wine was French.

Scorned woman Valerie felt be,

Neck of the bottle she did clench.

She smashed the bottle on his head,

Got sprayed with wine and his blood, red.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Dug In

Went on a digging as a quirk

With my so long time and best chum.

Probably less fun and more work,

But what the heck, we both were dumb.

Each of us were absorbed in mirth,

As in harmonic, zestful toil

We dissipated loads of earth

Into umpteen pilings of soil.

Deeper we dug, the more cavelike

And encapsulated we got.

Our whimsey got us stuck - yike!

Finding way up and out we sought.

We yelled at each other in blame.

They heard us and all parents came.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 For Ladies Only

"For ladies only" used to mean

That no males should choose to go in.

But now culture's caught 'twixt and 'tween

As lady line's blurred by some men.

Some biological males choose

To strive to go the lady route,

Causing more and more to confuse,

Turn Ladies Only into doubt.

A current example does be

Where ladylike qualities taught

In a college sorority.

Guys get to join - who woulda thought!

"For ladies only," fewer say.

Hard to know what it means today.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 No Let Poet

Returning to my hometown, I

Was looking for an apartment,

For a tenancy to apply.

One ad looked good and so I went.

"No poets" the ad did include.

Must be a typo for "No pets."

Arriving, I was interviewed

By the landlady, cigarettes

And other smoking stuff a "No."

That was agreeable to me.

The landlady wanted to know

'Bout my work productivity.

I replied I'm a sonneteer.

Then Mom said, "No vacancy here."

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Inclusive Pronouns

Two ladybugs decided to

Go down to the pond to picnic.

Close to the area they flew.

Looking down they made a quick pick.

And then with goodie basket walked

To the nice spot they had picked out.

Along the way both of them talked,

Affection 'twixt and 'tween no doubt,

Chatting of fun they planned to share.

Each of them thought there was good chance

That maybe love was in the air,

Better more romance and less ants.

One ladybug of course a she,

The other ladybug a he.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Cheese, Please

I'm called Medusa, a gal who

Does have a head of snakes to feed.

And cheese is what we love to chew,

A satisfying food indeed.

A cheese factory I do own

Where all kinds of cheeses are made.

Some employees I turn to stone

When I find them to fail the grade.

The snakes and I are in ac"curd,"

There must be cheese when we do dine.

I hear the snakes hiss out the word,

"Cheese got a head for bizness fine."

Fav'rite cheese for the snakes and me,

Gorgonzola, would surely be.

Friday, May 26, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Sound from My Past

Listening to the radio,

Heard a familiar melody.

It was a tune I sure did know,

The notes all sang in my best key,

Backed up by what was once my band,

With stringed instruments we played.

Top of charts the ballad did land,

Lots of money for me it made.

But my habits all turned to bad.

Sour went my rhythm and rhyme.

I heard some of my fans felt sad

When I got sentenced to hard time.

The acoustics don't sound so well

Sitting here in this prison cell.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Labor of Love

During my workday I fly miles,

Make lots of stops at flower plants,

Get nectar and pollen in piles,

Signal coworkers with my dance.

Nectar I store in my tummy.

Pollen, on my back legs I haul.

Both are edible and yummy.

A lot of pollen I let fall

So that other flowers can grow.

Through lots of time and space I roam,

Gathering up my quota so

Then I know I need to head home.

A female honeybee I be,

A worker for my hive is me.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Mouse Rappers

A new quartet of rappin' mice,

There's Eenie and there's Meenie and

There's Miney and there's Mo, precise,

Aiming to be top rappin' band.

They've got their own song called "Rat Race,"

To rap on a radio gig,

Achieving fame at rapid pace,

They're climbing up all the charts big.

In "Rat Race" the four rap about

Their supporting of Mickey Mouse

As the best in the field no doubt

To make a run for the White House.

Eenie, Meenie, Miney and Mo,

Catch their rappin' radio show.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Friendly Moon

It is a nighttime walk I take,

And pause to see the city lights

In bright reflection 'cross the lake,

Humankind made to light the nights.

And then I see the moon above,

Though dimmed some by clouds and by trees,

A nature made light that I love,

Always putting my mind at ease,

That most of nights through which I live,

From my beginning to my end,

When looking up, the moon will give

Me assurance like an old friend.

The moon does always shine on me

Wherever I happen to be.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 The "Benjamin" Myth

Marsupial, the thylacine,

Are said  to have gone extinct with

The last dying in a zoo scene

Called "Benjamin" 'cording to myth.

Looked like a striped tiger from back,

And looked like a wolf from the front.

A carnivore of fierce attack.

Bountied, so humans liked to hunt,

And hunted till in the wild all

In the 1930's were gone.

Maybe "Benjamin" had the gall

To leave some offspring to live on.

Maybe the "Benjamin" myth be

One day turned to reality.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Rain of Truth

Together in this time and place

Where we shared so much love before,

But this time we came face to face

And realize we love no more.

We've told each other lies so that

We'd get along to go along,

Both pretending where we were at

Was okay and nothing was wrong.

But finally the truth came out.

To each other true words be said,

And now we know there is no doubt,

It's over except tears we shed.

The truth does rain cuz now it's known

That each of us will be alone.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Lately, my body, mind and soul

Do make me feel in a bad dream

Where I have slipped out of control,

And life has become too extreme.

Family and friends show concern

And ask me what the trouble be.

Their prying tends to make me burn.

But makes me ask what's wrong with me?

So to appease what they might think

I do what some of them suggest,

Make an appointment with a shrink,

Who asks me to sit down - a test?

I find myself ridiculous,

But really don't want to discuss.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 You Bloom for Me

The world around  me all was grey.

There was no light that I could see.

My gloom would just not go away.

I felt of nothing left for me.

But then into my life you came.

You made me feel the budding of

A precious gift that I could claim

If I would turn myself to love,

And find the inner will to care

For you as a blessing that grows

To be a bliss for both to share.

I am your clay, you are my rose.

And all of me does sense your bloom,

And gone away is all my gloom.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Main Ingredients

A snail did crawl, a frog did hop,

Together the two of them found

Something that made both of them stop,

A recipe book on the ground.

Apparently some human had

For some reason dropped the book there.

This made the frog quite hopping mad,

But the snail didn't seem to care.

The snail suggested that the two

Read through the book for more insight

Into what humans liked to chew,

Their eating habits brought to light.

Both read through the recipe book

On dif'rent ways that each could cook.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Sense Sonnet _ Pumper

 Walking Flower

I like to walk in early morn,

When in full bloom I can be found.

Attached to moving vine I'm borne

With lots of us rooted in ground.

I do walk with many a friend,

Never sure of where I might go.

I stop my walk when morn does end,

And await next morning to show.

Sometimes I walk along a fence.

Sometimes I walk along a wall.

With each morning there's the suspense

Of what new realms await my crawl.

In glory on morn walk is me,

A morning glory flower be.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Titania, the Faerie Queen,

And leader of the summer fey,

Would oversee the summer scene,

Progressing through each night and day.

Senaliesse palace be her court

Where summer's course was set for sure,

Filled with flowers of ev'ry sort,

Where mortals came to worship her.

When she would smile the crops grew well.

When she would frown there would be drought.

Her moods would change as time would tell.

She ruled her summer realm no doubt.

Titania each summer would

Turn the season to bad or good.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Emphasize the Good

When I was born, took my first breath,

I knew not yet of time and place,

But came to know of pain and death

As just realities all face.

A lot of time and place be bad.

Each day, some news, written and voice,

Do tell a story very sad.

But I believe I have the choice

To talk and act in such a way,

Not to be negative of mind,

But a positive to convey,

And do so in a manner kind.

The world is a big neighborhood,

If bad, I can help to make good.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Let Me Remind You

This hit song sang by you, my ex,

I wasn't sure who you sang of.

Your only use to me was sex,

Not the sort that I wanted to love.

"Are we having fun yet?" you sang.

Not all that much, but like I said,

Under the sheets you were hot dang.

We were good, as long as in bed.

Our separate ways we went.

Didn't think all that much of you.

Later, we meet by accident.

I've got some reminding to do.

You say I'm why this song does be.

So when will some cash come to me?

Sense Sonnet- Pumper


The circus has come to my town.

I'm watching the caravan of

All the performers coming down

Main Street, sights and sounds that I love.

The music's playing welcome sound,

The ring mistress a welcome sight.

There's acrobatting all around.

There's ponies' prancing to delight.

Clowns and jugglers dance 'twixt and 'tween,

All colorfully costumed up.

No wild animals on the scene,

Progressing conservation, yup!

The circus is here, I'm so glad.

Hope same is felt by mom and Dad.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Little Witch Lie

Little Witch goes out to the bog

That is a short trip from her hut,

And there she does pick up a frog,

Puts on her shoulder, back they strut

To Little Witch's kitchen where

She tells the frog, fly soup she'll make,

Which the two of them both will share.

Frog's excited for tasty sake.

While Little Witch gets the stove hot,

She assures the frog that she is

Dumping the flies  into the pot.

Soon both will get down to chow biz.

What Little Witch says is not true.

She's really planning  some frog stew.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Blooms to En"deer"

A new gal's in the neighborhood.

All of us guys hope to make her

That special one, so I need good

Technique to persuade her for sure.

Flowers, gals always like to get,

So I am picking a bouquet

So sensational I will bet

She'll be awed by my charming way.

I find blooms, best and bright and bold,

Perfect from a wannabe beau,

Using my antlers to pick and hold,

And then present to my fair doe.

I expect very soon to brag

That I've become her chosen stag.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 My Family

I had four kids a year apart,

Getting pregnant a knack I had,

Easily gave my bod and heart.

Each kid had a different dad.

All of the dads took off, but I

Kept my two girls and my two boys.

The last twelve years just seemed to fly.

My foursome keep me filled with joys.

Lots of sacrifices I made

For food to eat and place to live.

But now my kids have a learned a trade.

For the family all do give.

My kids are "terrors" of the 'hood.

As pickpockets they're very good.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Too Young to Know

A tiger and a deer do meet.

Both of them are still so young that

A deer, a tiger hunts to eat,

Both living in wild habitat,

Is not a fact that either know.

These two are simply happy to

Nuzzle one another to show

A desire for a friendship new,

A shared connection 'twixt and 'tween

The two youngsters under the trees,

Presenting an unlikely scene,

As both feel completely at ease.

The deer and tiger will grow old,

And other instincts will take hold.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 My Independence Depends

To marriage counsellor we went.

My wife was very concerned that

On her I was too dependent ,

'Specially in home habitat.

I disagreed with her of course.

Independent I thought I be.

But sure did not want a divorce,

So let the counsellor quiz me.

Independent choices did I

Oft make, the counsellor did ask.

I hesitated, not sure why

An answer not an easy task.

I looked over, I must confess,

To see if my wife nodded, "Yes."

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Written Confession

A candle flickers on my desk

Where I sit sipping glass of scotch.

The sight of you, somewhat grotesque,

But I don't mind and let you watch.

Me writing out my vengeance done

Upon you for all of your bad.

I am an unforgiving one.

Finally you drove me so mad.

Before I knew it I lashed out

As you just stood there taunting me.

So with butcher knife I slashed out

And made my vengeance come to be.

Do ink my piece from your blood red,

Dip my quill in your severed head.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Should Share

I'm stuck in the house 'cause I be

Scared of the dark, I don't know why.

I'm hungry so I ask Hubby,

Get me some food, be a nice guy.

So Hubby says oh sure he will,

Takes off like a bat outta hell,

Yells he will take some time to kill

To find a treat to serve me well.

But after while Hubby returns

Empty handed, says trip a dud.

I know he lies, a cross that burns,

I see Hubby has gorged on blood.

Hubby won't share, so what the heck,

I bare my fangs and bite his neck.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Bros, Sam and Dean Winchester be

Driving around the U.S. in

Their '67 old Chevy,

Heroes combatting monstrous sin.

Series started, the brothers seek

The whereabouts of missing Dad,

Encounter monster of the week,

Saving innocent from the bad.

Good versus evil parallel,

Some angels and demons guest star

Representing heaven and hell

As Dean and Sam drive "Baby" car.

The last show ended somewhat odd,

Sam and Dean really pissed off God.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Captain Snowbeard

Captain Snowbeard, a pirate bad,

Named for his beard which is snow white.

Unmerry Christmas's be had,

Because after Santa's sleigh flight,

Snowbeard into the home does creep,

And steals all Santa's gifted toys

While the children are still asleep,

When they awake, sad girls and boys.

Snowbeard then takes the toys aboard

His pirate ship and sails away,

While buckets of kids' tears are poured

To dampen rest of Christmas day.

Captain Snowbeard's so mean because

He hates his brother, Santa Claus.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


While sitting in a subway car

A tiny man dressed all in green

Sat next to me, he looked bizarre.

He said, "Hello," not to seem mean,

I said, "Hello" back to him which

Was a mistake because then he

Felt emboldened to make his pitch,

Begging for some money from me

For an awful disease he had,

Causing affliction to his skin.

I gave him money, feeling bad.

He took off, I was taken in.

Was victimized, my money gone,

Fell for a classic leper con.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Winter the Winter

This harsh winter does seem to last

For a lot longer stretch than I

Am used to, feel weak from the fast

From nutrients, less sun is why.

My bark is a good cover to

Let me stay heated up and bear

My lack of leaves that help me dew

Up each morning for my self care.

I keep up watch for more sunshine

That will enable me to green.

Till then I hoard the knowledge mine,

Surviving seasons 'twixt and 'tween.

I know when winter comes on me

It always fleets off from this tree.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Maybe Someday

How can a peaceful warrior be?

War is the gist of warrior word.

Since the start of humanity

Fighting for peace has been absurd.

Never has been time without war

Somewhere around the planet Earth.

Humans believe that warring more

Somehow gives victors added worth.

Some maintain humans will evolve

Into a peaceful state of mind,

And only then will humans solve

The plague of war on humankind.

Waging of war will only cease

When human warriors live in peace.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Slice in Time

Her face did blanch as blood did drain.

Her eyes stared out upon the crowd,

Now with no hint of any pain.

Her ears heard not the cheering loud.

On beveled ledge her head did rest.

Her body slumped inches apart.

Still in the prison garb was dressed.

All movement ceased with her stilled heart.

Blood red turned mauve still dripping there,

Where blade had severed 'twixt and 'tween.

Dandelion seeds blown in her hair.

Punished by the French guillotine.

The Revolution did behead.

Queen Marie Antoinette be dead.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Bad Medicine

From the moment you and I met

A fever in me did take hold.

Such a weakness in me I'd get,

Getting more hot, more you got cold.

I know you gave me the brush off,

But deep inside I felt so sure

That just pretending when you'd scoff

For me you had no magic cure.

But any dose of you indeed,

No matter how bitter a pill

Is prescription to fill my need

And hope that you will keep me ill.

So lovesick over you I be.

You're such bad medicine for me.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 A Song of a Wreck

November tenth, the month and day,

Nineteen seventy five, the year,

S.S. Edmund Fitzgerald ship lay

Bottom of Lake Superior here,

Where all crew of twenty nine died,

None of the remains ever found,

As the great lake did decide

To keep her dead forever bound.

No doubt a storm brought the ship down,

But never known the how or why.

The tragic truth that day did drown

With all the living who did die.

Gordon Lightfoot made the wreck be

Part of musical history.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


The song of "Hurt" was written in

The house where Sharon Tate was killed,

Helter Skelter of evil sin.

The song sang of a goal fulfilled,

The goal to make you hurt becuz

A hurt inside of me I've had

Does drive me so crazy, it does,

I just have to hurt you real bad.

Even Johnny Cash sang the song,

And truth is what Johnny would sing,

And so must be more right than wrong

That hurt is sure a mainstream thing.

A hurtful being I do be,

So I want you to hurt like me.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Subject of Me

It is a new springtime for me,

Coming awake and noting that

I'm being watched by she and he

Near in my garden habitat.

He is describing me to her

In such detail how my look is.

But she can see me too for sure.

So I conclude it might be his

Quaint way to hopefully impress

Her, using me as a prop.

She seems receptive so I guess

He takes this as cue not to stop.

This Calochortus flower, I

Be amused by this human guy.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 My Destiny

I peeked my head out of the dirt,

Can sense the raindrops in the grass.

Oh, oh, this calls for bird alert,

Each time it rains, a test to pass,

Just one of many bumps of life

That seem intent to badger me

Like a bad wrap of stress and strife

That dogs me almost constantly.

Over me, dark shadow of fate,

Back down the hole I try to squirm.

My wiggle room does come too late.

It's call it quits time for this worm.

It was my destiny that I 

Become breakfast for a magpie.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Time in a Bottle

I started drinking very young.

All kinds of alcohol became

Best friend to take from hand to tongue,

Escape into a dream the aim.

I was a hard drinker to love,

Although many in my life tried,

But self absorbed, my love more of

Pouring more alcohol inside.

Through time my life was deemed a waste

By whoever I came to know.

More alcohol, more I erased

Reality for my dream show.

Time in a bottle came to be

All that was important to me.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Just Two Little Feet

On two little feet off I go

To cross that mountain wild and high.

John Muir would be proud doncha know

That I would give this trip a try.

So through the thick forest I went,

Careful not to trample too much

All the flora of sight and scent

And sound against when I would touch.

Suddenly right in front of me

Cutest little bear cub showed up.

I wondered where Mama might be,

But soon I knew the answer, yup!

Two little feet, I run like hell

From four bigger feet, time will tell.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

My Transformation

I found an ancient written spell

That would transform me if I did

Sit by the ocean side and dwell 

Upon requirements as was bid.

I took off all the clothes I wore,

And in a pile upon them sat,

Putting my naked self before

The underwater habitat.

Magic words spoken by me done,

Then to the sea powers I prayed

That I become a chosen one,

And be turned into a mermaid.

Quite soon a fishtail I shall see

Form on the bottom half of me.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 From White to Red Rose

Aphrodite, goddess of love,

Rose from sea foam as a white rose.

Young Adonis was lover of

Aphrodite, mortal she chose.

Searching for Adonis one day,

Aphrodite was told that he

Had gone off hunting wild boar prey.

She hurried to where he would be,

But was too late, a wild boar had

Gored Adonis, who wounded lie.

This made Aphrodite so sad.

She held him close as he did die.

Holding the blood Adonis shed,

Aphrodite, white rose turned red.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Null and Void

To the devil I sold my soul,

Signed the paper contract in blood.

Getting a cash loan was my goal,

Money flowed from me like a flood.

When came time and the loan was due

For payment, the devil showed up.

Told the devil that I would sue

On a technicality - yup!

AB was my blood type but I

Had used another blood type for

The deal signature to apply.

This made the devil really sore.

Due to my Type O, I was buoyed.

Judge said the deal was null and void.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 We Dandelions Do

We dandelions be plants that

Have long been a source of folklore

Around all earthly habitat,

Benefitting the living more.

Hardy, colorful and profuse,

A useful food and medicine,

Also of good symbolic use,

Good luck for wedded to begin.

When blowing of our seeds done,

Sending of a message through air

Of affection for a loved one.

The gift of love we always share.

We dandelions do surround

All mortal souls heavenly bound.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


We are a bed of pansies bloom

Growing about a human's deck.

We would prefer a lot more room,

But take what we get, what the heck!

The humans have us planted so

We get the favored morning sun.

Bumblebees buzz where we do grow,

So pollination does get done.

In our bed we only hope

No snails or slugs has this bed got.

With some mild mildew we can cope,

But real bad if we get stem rot.

We're great through spring, summer and fall,

If the humans stay on the ball.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 A Perfect World

In the beginning God did make

A perfect world - land, water, air.

And animals and plants did take

Perfect time and place ev'rywhere.

Then God created humankind.

Unknown are reasons God did this,

Perhaps some sort of lapse of mind,

Cuz that ended all perfect bliss.

To err is human on and on,

And to forgive is divine, so

God's forgiving phenomenon

May not have much time left to go.

A perfect world, not just a guess,

When God makes the world humanless.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


The moon reflects upon the lake.

The lake is calm as moonlight be

Array of dazzling sparks that make

A reflection come within me,

That in this time and in this place

I am not chosen just by chance

To be right now and face to face

As moonbeams on the water dance.

What deeper meaning should I find

In being a chosen one to

Have my eyes see and bring to mind

Reflection in a silver hue?

The moon gives a cloud wink, I guess,

To remind I should reflect less.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Right Place, Right Time

While walking through the forest, I

Do pause at edge of water way.

So little light comes from the sky.

It's such a dark and cloudy day.

And blowing is a chilly breeze.

I'd hoped for nicer weather to

Enjoy the water and the trees.

But as I pondered what to do

The dark grey clouds above did part

And let the dazzling rays of sun

Come streaming through to warm my heart,

Feeling a lucky walking one.

Reflections of the golden light,

Indeed a lovely, wondrous sight.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 This Witch Is Back

This witch is back and you're the one

Descended from the pious jerk

Who burned me at the stake for fun,

Interrupting my devil's work.

So centuries have passed and I

Am back thanks to you reading some

Of my old spell book, you'll know why

Your doing that was really dumb,

'Cause now you're gonna fall in love

With me, and I will own you whole,

Take time and pleasure thinking of

All the ways to torment your soul.

This witch is back to cast a spell,

And put you into living hell.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


I fell into some water and

Was afraid when I could not mix,

A state I did not understand.

Sought professional help to fix.

A psychologist told me that

I was just one of many kind

Afraid of water habitat.

Would always be my state of mind.

The psychologist further said

There was no curing shot or pill.

I'd always have this water dread.

Oil into water should not spill.

So my diagnosis does be

That a hydrophobic is me.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Wavering Line

Good and evil, the 'twixt and 'tween,

Humans struggle to walk the line,

Oft motivated to careen

Off to low greed or high divine.

Top of the food chain, humans kill

The life below not just to eat,

But sinful motive to fulfill.

And then some shame and guilt entreat

Some humans to try better at

Conserving endangered life by

Respecting the wild habitat.

Some do, some don't, and all do die.

Too oft humans talk the good talk

While still walking the evil walk.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Pipe Dream

To sense a pipe is to sense real.

To see a pipe and know it is.

To grab a pipe and get a feel.

To taste the bit for break in biz.

To hear the sound when the pipe's hit.

To smell the pipe when smoked upon.

Yes, there is no doubt about it,

A real sensing phenomenon.

But when reality can leave

Is when the substance one does puff

Is motivated to deceive,

Replace the real with feel good stuff.

A real pipe takes to dream domain

When smoking in it crack cocaine.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Aztec Macaw

Macaw birds in the south new world

Were long worshipped in Aztec lore.

Through the skies feathered wings unfurled,

Showing stunning colors they wore

In blue and green and red and gold.

The winged creatures of nature fine,

Symbols for humans to behold

As messengers from the divine.

God Quetzalcoati deemed macaw,

Colorful plumage and beaked face

Proclaiming to Aztecs the law

To be followed in time and place.

The Aztec empire is long gone,

But macaw birds continue on.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Each word I say, each deed I do,

A ripple effect there will be.

I may not know or ever knew

What might have changed because of me.

So I need always keep in mind

My words and deeds continue on,

So better if from me come kind

Words and deeds that will fall upon

Others who will remember I

Had an effect upon that would

Be reason that I always try

To ripple out in manner good.

A pebble drops into a pond,

Makes water ripple far beyond.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Considerate Pirates

Stranded on an island with gold,

A ship of pirates landed there.

I lost the fight though I fought bold.

I got a peg leg from them where

A sword had taken off my own.

I also got a hook from them

So to attach to my wrist bone,

Losing a hand in the mayhem.

With my gold the pirates took off.

Also left an eye patch which I 

Thought was a tease and I did scoff,

But soon after understood why.

A scratch at itchy eye I took,

But I forgot about my hook.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 I Don't Laugh

Don't laugh at you, I hear you plead.

But then you give the reason why.

You feel quite laughable indeed.

The more I listen the more I

Worry about your state of mind.

All those "show me's" that you confess

Seem to me to be pleas designed

To make me cry more and laugh less.

You blame your face, you blame your name,

Neither of which you seem too proud.

For me to laugh would be a shame.

I need to tell you this out loud.

You plead that I don't laugh at you,

And you make that so easy to do.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Trolley Encounter

She was in the city first time,

Dressed up for a job interview.

On the trolley car he did climb.

The two of them did bump into

Each other and he tipped his hat,

Sorry if he stepped on her feet.

She wasn't thinking about that,

As the two of them took a seat.

And a spark between them did light.

When to get off she wasn't sure,

But felt she had met Mr. Right.

Until her stop he stayed with her.

On a trolley, Mom and Dad met,

And got me going as a yet.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Follow Through

When we had that first one night stand

I knew that I began my start

Of idol worship, oh so grand,

In loving you with all my heart.

The words you said, the moves you made

Gave me your gift of ecstasy.

I fell upon my knees and prayed

At your altar lit just for me.

And when you asked, I did commit,

I became a disciple of

Do as you bid to benefit

In your perfect temple of love.

I got religion when I got

You to say yes and tie the knot.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 War Chief

War Chief had grown into a man,

Watching invaders slowly come

To his tribe land in endless span,

Fighting and pushing his tribe from

The home once was but now was not.

War Chief fiercely fought back of course,

Had trophies from battles he'd fought.

He had invaders' gun and horse.

But War Chief knew the truth to be

Invaders would too soon win out.

War Chief within his heart could see

His end was coming soon no doubt.

War Chief with taken horse and gun

Watched way of life fade with the sun.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Family Picnic

It is a bright and sunny day,

Good day to get out of the house,

Let the kids have some fun and play,

So Mama says to Papa Mouse,

"A picnic is what we should do."

And Papa says, "Sounds fine to me."

And all the kids are happy too

When the picnic does come to be.

Out into the park the mice go

With baskets of food packed for all.

Papa and kids let Mama know

That she truly made a great call.

Mama Mouse says to Papa, "Please,"

"Next time remind me to pack cheese."

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


As the human species has spread 

Like a cancer 'round Mother Earth.

Many other species be dead

Because of human selfish worth.

Oh, humans try to compensate,

Passing a few laws here and there,

But most are too little too late.

The human species hates to share.

Only a matter of time when

Human greediness pushes out

Most of the other species, then

Humans will self destruct no doubt.

Mother Earth will let life rebound,

But no humans next time around.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 My Fallen Star

I gaze into the sky at night.

Clouds drift away and all is clear.

The countless stars are shining bright

Through the heavenly atmosphere.

One star more brightly seems to shine,

And twinkles as though if to say

That it does wish to be just mine,

And begins falling toward my way.

I do feel flattered, yes I do,

That just for me this star be bound.

It is as though a dream came true.

The star lies near me on the ground.

I grasp the fallen star and I

Place it back up into the sky.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Fish Finders

A flock of busy birds we be.

With flights of back and forth we make,

Seeking out food for family

That we may find within the lake.

All seasons we're sights and sounds that

Are familiar to see and hear

By others in this habitat.

All through each day we do appear.

It's known that fisher people do

Keep watch of us in hopeful wish

That we will show them the way to

Best spots upon the lake to fish.

With sunset comes the time to rest.

Back to the trees we fly to rest.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Mask Up

Start of my day I sit alone,

Look at mask choices to be had

That will display a facial tone.

Happy, angry, fearful or sad?

I always pick one to start out

For daily life in time and place,

But know for sure without a doubt

There's only unknowns I will face.

I wish I did not have to wear

A face mask but know all too well

That if I go out with face bare

I'm gonna face a lot of hell.

Which mask to pick before I go?

Will eenie, meenie, miney, mo.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Room for Me

Just moved into the neighborhood.

So some house searching I do be.

The house I'm now in looks real good,

Just need find the right room for me.

And think I have found such room fine,

A bedroom quite lovingly styled

In a manner I could call mine.

Colored and furnished for a child,

Canopied bed and fireplace warm,

Fun pictures and stuffed toys throughout.

I am quite taken by the charm,

And could be comfy here no doubt.

I sense no cats live in this house,

So this child's room sure suits this mouse.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 "Jungle" Around Me

It's a jungle out there I see

Each time my window I look out.

Crime and sin out there sure does be.

I'm lucky, safe in here no doubt.

I'm not sure "jungle's" the right word.

Real jungles in wild nature are

Sane and sensible, not absurd.

Human "jungles" are ones bizarre.

I could be wrong but don't think so.

I watch paranoid and afraid

Folks from my window come and go.

All nature's woes are human made.

I'm in this human "jungle" true,

A lucky chimp, safe in a zoo.

Monday, May 08, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Hedgehog Travelogue

A happy hedgehog I do be.

I travel all the world around.

On trains, on ships, on planes, find me

Always to somewhere ever bound.

I take a lot of pictures with

My camera so I will know

The trips are real and not mere myth

To all the places that I go.

So many wonders I have seen

And taken pictures of them all,

So on my rest stops 'twixt and 'tween

The fun I've had I can recall.

I'll be sending out postcards soon,

Planning my next trip to the moon.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Questions? Questions?

Engaged couple died suddenly

In a car wreck, to heaven went

At Pearly Gates St. Peter be,

And listened to the couple vent

About not getting to be wed.

Now dead did the two have to part?

Could they still get married instead,

And in death get their wedded start?

Their marriage might not last of course

If they had lived, now that they'd died,

Could they later get a divorce?

St. Peter looked at them and sighed,

"Finding a priest here's hard enough,"

"Finding a lawyer's really touch."

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Sandpiper Symphony

Sandpiper symphony seaside,

Short high pitched whistle sounds increase

In frequency as we gain pride

In measured magic we release.

We pipe out song as we dig through

The sandy beaches in search of prey.

We are well built in such way to

Have food in an efficient way.

Some of us are sentinels that

Sense out any danger around,

Trespassing our habitat.

Such alert comes in a key sound.

Symphony's over when there be

Warning in F sharp minor key.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Past My Prime

I first encountered her a year

Ago upon her last birthday.

A bunch of us were sent to cheer

Her in a family gift way.

All the others who came with me

Became deflated and are gone.

A hanger on I guess I be.

I really should be moving on.

Hovering low by the trash can,

I hope this be a hint to her

That she should do the next right plan

And give me a good bye for sure.

Popping of me can't come too soon.

I'm a way past my prime balloon.

Saturday, May 06, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Avenue

An old eccentric farmer, I

Was thought of in my neighborhood,

'Cause along the road that went by

My farm I started something good.

A row of apple trees each side

That from the seeds began to grow,

I cared for ev'ry tree with pride

Through seasons come and seasons go.

When fully grown the trees did make

A wondrous tunnel of delight.

Fav'rite was when each spring would break

With the trees flowered all in white.

My apple trees still bloom, they do,

White way delight - The Avenue.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Carry On God's Work

When God created all on Earth

God rested when work was done,

To leave the future to deem worth

Of human test that was begun.

Since I was born I have been taught

That as a human I have work

To do will of God as I ought.

Though challenging I must not shirk

Working God's will while I do live.

Through each and every day I

Need think and act in ways to give

Praise to God's good work till I die.

When it is time to take my rest

Will I have lived to pass God's test.

Friday, May 05, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Disney Sequel?

A baby elephant I be

Learning how elephants do live.

My Mom and Dad are teaching me.

A lot of lessons both do give.

I hear them talk about my ears

Being so big for me so small.

When the wind's blowing it appears

That I can fly above it all.

So Mom and Dad are checking out

What human interest there is,

And negotiating about

My maybe being in show biz.

There was a Dumbo long ago,

Flying star of a Disney show.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Creature of Habit

I was born screaming lump of clay,

Helpless creature to face life's storm,

And being molded each new day

Into some nurtured, natured form.

And as I shaped I learned how to

Live in the world of mine around.

Some bad, some good I'd think and do,

Habits to find and habits found

That provided my comfort zone

To somehow get and go along

In living life that was my own,

Sometimes some right, sometimes some wrong.

Creature of habit I do be,

Some good, some bad that all form me.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Cryptic Note

The wife left me a note to read,

But I could not understand it,

Must be cryptic code indeed,

And I threw the note in a fit.

The note did flutter through the air,

Seeming to mock me in a way,

Landing upon my easy chair.

I walked over to where it lay.

Surely did not want the wife to

Find out I could not read her note.

But on the chair I looked and knew

Right away what the wife had wrote.

I could read her note, but did frown.

The wife wrote the note upside down.

Thursday, May 04, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Rumor Spread

In Greek mythology Pan be

God of shepherds and flocks and wild.

Part man, part goat and quite horny,

With lots of young maidens defiled.

When Christianity took root,

Greek historian Plutarch said

That Pan, known for sinful pursuit,

Was the first Greek god to drop dead.

This rumored death continues to

Appeal to writers pro and con.

So Pan still garners much ado.

Through tales and verse Pan still lives on.

The great god, Pan, is still alive.

On worship of me, I do thrive.

Wednesday, May 03, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 I Drop In On You

Ev'ry season of ev'ry year

I do drop in on you to be

Thought of by you when I appear

In good or bad mood seeing me.

Summer, you say I wash your heart,

I heal your mind, you laugh aloud.

Autumn, you say I soak its art,

And hold you in a dream endowed.

Winter, you say you stay inside

While outside I do scold and pound.

Spring, you say that I help to guide

You to new love yet to be found.

I know I be pleasure or pain.

That's just the nature of me, rain.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Momma Knew Best

From day that I did come to be,

I remember my Momma would

Give her encouragement to me

That my future was bright and good.

Momma told me of freedom that

Waited out there for me to know

When I left the home habitat.

But I was still afraid to go.

I asked her if could stay here,

And waited for Momma's reply.

She said, "You need not fall, my dear,"

"It is your destiny to fly."

With that Momma wished me the best,

And gently pushed me from the nest.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Little Lily

Little Lily did leave her home.

One night she up and breezed away.

Through the dark woods Lily did roam

Where creatures lurked and deemed her prey.

Little Lily was hypnotized

By all the sweet words luring her,

Not knowing that such were disguised

Just to do Lily harm for sure.

Little Lily was kept safe though,

And so continued on with ease,

As all 'round the woods she did go,

Protected by her friendly breeze.

Little Lily was oh so glad,

Safe back home on her Lily pad.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Singin' of Heaven

Babe, I know that I done you wrong,

And that in this life you were done

With me, so I sang you a song,

Maybe in heaven we would run

Into one another, and you

Would be able to forgive me.

This dream I sure hoped would come true -

We be one for eternity.

Yeah, kept on my sinful livin',

And came that time for me to die.

Still hope I can be forgiven.

Babe, let's give us another try.

I have so much to you to tell.

Any chance you can come to hell?

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


Maleficent, a fairy queen,

Of the Moors land, evil or good?

Dressed in black and skin of pale green,

Looks the part of sinisterhood.

Her yellow eyes, horns top her head,

Damned by many as villainess

Who felt the pain her magic spread.

But a heroine some profess,

Befriending those with faith in her

To use her magic power to

Give victory to good and pure.

So hard to know what next she'd do.

Maleficent will pain again

Who next gets under her green skin.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Out of Breath

A hopping was this bunny hare

When a hungry hawk grabbed up me,

And we were flying through the air.

By luck I got dropped by the sea.

That hawk was still circling around.

Quick as a bunny I hopped to

Dig a rabbit hole in the ground.

Safe from that hawk I sighed a "Whew."

That hawk would bother me no more.

I felt safe holed up here for sure.

But then I heard an awful roar.

My life quickly turned to manure.

Down my hole washed an ocean wave.

I'd dug myself an early grave. 

Monday, May 01, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Quieting Mistake

Whenever I make a mistake,

Which happens often, then the wife,

A long scolding of me, does make.

I hate that part of wedded life.

If only I'd not have to hear

The wife go on and on about

My mistakes in long winded sneer,

That would make me happy no doubt.

The wife was on her phone and asked

If a favor for her I'd do,

Bring her lip balm tube I was tasked.

By mistake I grabbed super glue.

It's been a month, now happily,

The wife's not said a word to me.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Rainbow Blues

I am a rainbow and charged with

Committing fraud, cuz at my end

No pot of gold which is a myth

Spread by leprechauns to pretend

That gullible humans could find

Such there, and which bunches did try,

And now are of a vengeful mind.

So I'm defendant, don't know why!

At trial in bad light I was shown,

Though the evidence was blurry.

To greedy lawyers I was thrown

And found guilty by the jury.

Into a prism does go me,

But a light sentence it does be.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Projecting Insult

Vermont Chartleton, I do see

A picture of you handing out

Papers like a teacher might be,

Irritating someone no doubt.

Insult you is my mission here.

A Google search came up with naught.

So handing out papers is clear,

That's all the info that I've got.

So I will simply insult you,

Representing all teachers I

Got papers back from, graded to

Make me a flunkie, who knows why!

Vermont Chartleton, I do hope

With my insulting, you can cope.