Sense Sonnets

Friday, September 30, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Fit for Fit

Ever since Eve and the fig leaf,
Women's fashions have become a source
To cause the ladies lots of grief,
Mental and physical in course.
Especially below the belt
Has been the butt of ridicule.
Not caring how the the women felt,
Critics said stuff that was quite cruel.
Hoops and bloomers were skirts that got
Jeered right off of the fashion scene,
With many a ribald cheap shot
Addressed by folks who were just mean.

So hoops and bloomers went to waste
With ons and offs of fashion taste.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Commit U.S.A.side

The U.S. got a debt downgrade,
No longer purely triple A,
Thanks to the mess the gov has made,
Borrowing and spending away.
Who is gonna clean up this mess -
The ones in now powers that be?
Most of them seem to be clueless,
And make the mess just more messy.
Obama will get most of blame,
And he'll try to push it off on
Anyone of tea party claim.
And more downgrades shall heap upon.

The rest of the world - best take note.
U.S. is cutting its own throat.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Siegel and Shuster made the man -
Superman of fortune and fame,
Who turned to gold across time's span,
Action Comic's best money game.
Siegel and Shuster got cut out,
Not being all that wise to biz.
They'd have been billionaires no doubt,
If they'd been savvy - so sad 'tis.
Now 900 issues in strip,
Superman is gonna renounce
American citizenship.
That'll give the profits a bounce.

Superman will stay on the scene,
If he stays a money machine.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Drink Me Minority

Bottled water makers do claim
A lot of fibs to sell their brand.
Consumers have no one to blame
But themselves. They are the demand
Who buy because they're made to feel
That bottled water is a must
Thanks to a fancy sales pitch spiel.
Minorities are a big thrust,
Because there are tricks of the trade
To sell to those who've been left out.
Targeted enticements are made.
Water profits flood in - no doubt.

Buy this water if you are gay.
Better than same sex is this spray.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Dominionists on the Move

Dominionists are in the news.
Behold of what we plan to do
With let's take over big gov views,
In the name of Jesus - 'tis true!
Make Uncle Sam a theocrat,
With the bible as word of law.
Constitution - no need for that.
No more Christless - hurrah, hurrah!
The crusade is now gaining steam,
And if the politics fall right,
Elected like a divine dream -
Dominion prez - what a delight!

Onward Christians soldiers and take
The U.S.A. for Jesus' sake.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Schemes Teams

Congress has gone home for a break,
And so has the Obama team.
The partisan muscles must ache,
Playing the game to such extreme.
"Foul" cry the wanna be like Greece.
There's no new taxes in the play.
Just some decrease in the increase
In the big gov's big spending way.
Tax the rich more while they're still rich,
And redistribute to lib poor,
So they'll keep voting lib and itch
For big gov to play games some more.

The teams are resting for next game,
Strategizing on how to blame.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Slave Save

I came from Africa, a slave,
To a new land where Christian whites
Forced me to work hard but yet gave
Me teachings of Christian delights.
My body broke from whip and chain,
But my spirit filled with Christ's way,
Until I could not feel the pain,
As long as I did good and pray.
My white masters saved me from sin.
I felt like a true chosen one,
Given the life that I lived in,
Helping to make Christ's will be done.

After the war I was set free.
Oh Lord, what will become of me?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Hell Well

Natural disasters some say
Are divine messages sent to
Remind the sinners of God's way,
And not to sin as sinners do.
For better or worse, God gave choice
To humans here on planet Earth.
Much of the time we humans voice
A bunch of bull without much worth.
God maybe wishes that bad speak
Was the extent of human sin.
But humans are beings unique,
And oft like to play God, amen.

God lets the devil do and be.
The devil plays oft in D.C.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


First Gentleman finds Madame Prez
In the Rose Garden looking glum.
He's feeling horny so he says,
"How 'bout time out and go get some?"
Madame Prez is not in the mood.
Unemployment 40 percent,
Her ratings being barbecued.
She turns thumbs down to the First Gent.
He wanders back to the East Wing,
Wishing he could perk up his wife,
But no good news on anything
Including first couple's sex life.

First Gentleman knows it's no fake,
Madame Prez does have a headache.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Shed the Fed

The Fed - to be or not to be.
Some say it is of no good use,
And just making mischief from D.C.
Producing nothing but excuse
Why the economy is bad,
Talking ivory tower talk,
Making markets go frenzied mad,
With innuendos teased to shock.
The Fed has carved a great big niche
Made of powerful hems and haws
Of economics bait and switch,
To rule on as Wizard of Oz.

Financials panic with the Fed.
Let them panic Fedless instead.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Davy "Duke" Crockett

John Wayne played Davy Crockett and
Directed too 'The Alamo."
Wayne wanted all to understand
That battle in his movie show.
Crockett did give a Wayne made speech.
"Republic," he liked that word's sound.
A word meaning freedom could reach
Into peoples' lives all around.
The movie shows Crockett died well,
Leading the Texans to defend
The Alamo until it fell.
Crockett was blown up in the end.

Davy Crockett, hero, will reign
In part because he was John Wayne.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Hookey Bookie

The teacher's union prez - tardy
For school lessons with Dan and Bruce.
Then completely truant is she,
Drawing picket signs they deduce.
The teacher's union's really ticked,
A longer work day without
Enough cash - a bone to be picked.
Strike talk is in the air, no doubt.
The kids are not the union's job.
Children are just a pawn to use
To keep the flow of cash a gob.
Taxpayers and the children lose.

Why does the baloney reject
The grinder? Buckley did reflect.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Wasp World

Gene therapy is sort of new
For human monkeying around.
Who knows what such research will do.
Possibilities just abound.
Could planet of the apes arise
By genetic tests gone astray?
Not likely, scientists surmise.
But look to wasps to show the way.
They lay their eggs into a host,
With virus to put in the fix
To make such womb the uttermost
For altering the genetics.

Planet of the apes - fantasy.
But planet of the wasps - maybe!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

'Sno Jobs

The U.S. unemployment 'tis
Hot potato in politics.
There's reluctance in private biz
To hire just to give a quick fix.
Loads of folks got hired by the gov,
But now the money's running dry.
Gone is spending that gov does lov.
Pink slips abound. Gov's broke, that's why.
The "stimuli" have come and gone,
And there's just not much there to show.
High unemployment just goes on.
Gov powers that be need to go.

Jobs for the politician kind
Is keeping theirs - that's first in mind.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Napoleon R.I.P.

Napoleon Bonaparte dead,
A stomach cancer said to be
The cause of death, but could instead
Arsenic caused fatality?
Toxic levels of it were found
In his body, and thus the hint
That perhaps foul play was aground,
With poisoning as the intent.
If that indeed was what occurred,
Was it murder or suicide?
Napoleon was a caged bird.
His spirit had already died.

His last live breath spoke "Josephine."
King of the world once, with his queen.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Bee Bad

I'm a bee trying to get by,
Doing as little as I must.
Eggplant pollen, hard as I try
I can't pull out that angel dust.
So I watch other bees do it,
And sure 'nuf pollen falls away.
So I buzz in and do my bit,
And snatch that pollen - no delay.
Of course I must keep on the fly.
The other bees don't like my scam.
I think of me as clean up guy.
That's just the kind of bee I am.

Let the other bees do the work.
I don't care if they call me jerk.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


To be or not to be a flake.
That is the question that was posed
To Michelle Bachmann, and her take?
She is serious, so case closed!
Can a flake be serious too?
Can a flake be the president?
Michelle travelled to Waterloo
Running for prez and gave a hint.
She evoked John Wayne's memory
As one of Waterloo's proud own.
But really 'twas John Wayne Gacy -
Not a good campaign send off tone.

If D.C were devoid of flakes.
'Twould be empty for goodness sakes.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Sorry Sorry

Once you are in the public eye,
Then get caught doing something wrong,
The worst thing for you is to try
To sing a "I'm so sorry" song.
There's really nothing you can say
To make better the mess you made,
So let the chips fall where they may.
Keep your mouth shut and you will fade.
Making amends to those you've hurt
Is more than just a sorry spiel.
'Tis true effort you must exert
To try in time to let things heal.

Once the public eye is on you
You're watched no matter what you do.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Cash In Casey

Sighting of Casey Anthony
Window shopping in Ohio.
Casey - to be or not to be?
Looks kind of chubby - doncha know?
The photos are from the Splash News.
Is Splash in on this walkabout?
Giving Casey a means to use
Ill gotten fame for cash - no doubt!
The public should not scratch the itch
Of being Casey curious.
Scratching will only make her rich.
Enough to make us righteous cuss.

The more and more outraged we'll feel
The more and more she cuts a deal.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Sorry Time

I got caught for a murder crime,
Pushing some old gal down the stairs.
I heard her shrieking at the time.
Let somebody else help who cares,
'Cause I had just stole an Ipod
And was trying to get away.
Obstructing was this here old gal's bod.
I gave a nudge - what can I say?
I did not give a second thought
To what happened to that old gal,
That is until I did get caught,
And heard about my femme fatale.

I'm just as sorry as can be,
For some sentencing sympathy.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


I'm just a gator getting by,
Eating whatever happens to
Come my way and catch my good eye.
I watch humans for things to chew.
They'll toss just about anything
To entice me to come up close.
Sometimes marshmallows they will bring,
Thinking I'm into goo glucose.
Humans, they are a goofy bunch,
But they provide a lot of laughs,
And once in a while a good lunch.
They're more useful than say, giraffes.

Toss some marshmallows - that's okay,
But I'll take your hand any day.

Friday, September 09, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Fighting Founders

Jefferson and Hamilton did
Begin the two party process
In the U.S. which flipped the lid
Of raw politics more or less.
The two would fight all tooth and nail
At cabinet meetings about
The fed government's role and scale.
Ham thought big was better no doubt.
President George tried to keep peace
'Twixt and 'tween his quarreling duet.
But the battles never would cease.
The two parties keep fighting yet.

Party to party, taunt to taunt,
Jefferson and Hamilton haunt.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Celina - eleven years old.
A little girl in a small town,
With a stepdad in the household,
With mental illness issues down.
Little Celina disappears.
The news of that is spread worldwide.
With the stepdad's past, fuel the fears
Are by his hand Celina's died.
And indeed her body is found
In the river waters nearby.
Stepdad did it beliefs abound.
He's a known crazy - that is why.

Another movie to be had
Of a wicked and sick stepdad.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Dick Schtick

The President was called a dick
Out loud on MSNBC.
Perhaps 'twas just a ratings trick
For "must watch us" publicity.
'Tis not clear how the nasty name
For the male organ made its mark.
Perhaps from bible times it came,
The dicks and janes from Noah's ark.
To treat the women equally,
Then it shoud be just as profane
When wanting an insult to be
Out loud, call the woman a jane.

If only "dicks" and "janes" were hurled
'Twould be a far more civil world.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Puerto Rico, an afterthought,
Not quite a nephew of Uncle Sam,
I am accustomed to my lot.
Powers that be don't give a damn,
Except when it's election time
For the U.S.A. president,
When hispanic votes will be prime,
Suddenly, I am relevant.
For president I cannot vote,
But have close ties to cousin states.
So candidates come and emote
Bull to help their elective fates.

Every four years here they come.
They must think that I'm really dumb.

Monday, September 05, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


A good sales pitch is short and sweet,
But Scheherezade proved not so.
A thousand and one nights her feat
Of telling stories long ago
To the king who would take a wife
Each and every night, and then
The next morning would take her life.
Scheherezade over again,
Night after night kept the king awed,
So that the king never tired of
The stories of Scheherezade,
And kept her with him out of love.

Not brief, but long winded instead,
Scheherezade did keep her head.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Cut to the Coup

Once, the Department of Defense
Was called the Department of War,
A term that really makes more sense,
Since that's what the Department's for.
The military powers that be
Depend on war for relevance,
And so therefore are constantly
Looking for reasons to enhance
The war machine, and so its cost.
Drastic defense cuts will not do.
The war mind set will not be lost.
Defense will offense with a coup.

So how will D.C. get a grip? -
Military dictatorship.

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Norway in Pain

Norway will never be the same,
A monster mass killer the cause,
And left and right will want to blame
Each other for evil outlaws,
And point fingers both left and right
At ideologies that be
Connection with slanted insight
Into the mind monstrosity.
And some extremists from each side
Will paint the killer as hero.
Such views will get spread far and wide
By a media that spins so.

The many victims, dead and gone,
But the killer lives on and on.

Friday, September 02, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Bits of Truth

History - it is in the hand
Of the writer of it, to be
Or not to be allowed to stand,
Depending on who's history.
The Revolutionary War -
Written by the pro British side
Gives a dif'rent slant to that score
Than pro Americans supplied.
The truth of anything of past
Is hidden in the twists and turns
Of those who want the truth recast
To better fit some wishful yearns.

"It must be true that I am dead."
"It's Web news," Yogi Berra said.

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Feel the Zeal

If the libs need put a face
To who messes most with their aims,
Rupert Murdoch comes in first place,
Beating the libs at their own games.
Immoral and illegal stuff
Have never stopped media from
Doing whatever was enough
To get the scoop, but not become
The story for the world to see.
Murdoch is now feeling the stress
Of being under scrutiny,
To the delight of libs - oh yes!

If Murdoch survives, watch him hack
The libs to pieces - called pay back.