Sense Sonnets

Monday, September 30, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Bo and the Union Gimmes

The Prez came to me and did ask,
"Bo, what do you think I should do?"
"The union bosses want to bask"
"Away from health law stinkaroo."
So I barked to the Prez my thought
That union bosses know the scoop.
Just talk about fairness a lot.
Flood the media deep in poop.
Then later in a sneaky way
Give the unions all their demands.
And then, if and when asked, just say
Crap that nobody understands.

When it comes to Obamacare,
I advise the Prez, "Why play fair?"

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Diana Dream Dip

Diana Nyad tried once more
To swim from a Cuba sea beach
To a Florida sandy shore,
Some ninety miles plus - quite a reach!
Training lots her sixty four years,
At last she made her swim come true.
In a world of most cheers, some jeers.
She did what she wanted to do.
Marathon swimming does not boast
A whole bunch of celebrity.
But Diana, from coast to coast,
Proves what any young girl can be.

Stroke after stroke, a dream to find,
One giant swim for womankind.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Mom and Son - LP Zoo

"Mom, what are those strange things out there?"
"They are called humans, son, and they"
"Call us black rhinos, and they stare"
"At us any time of the day."
"But they are harmless in this spot."
"We'll be fine while we both stay here."
"Mom, they call us black, but we're not!"
"I know son, but humor them, dear."
"Mom, would humans be good to eat?"
"Oh no, son, humans would taste bad,"
"Some too sour and some too sweet."
"It's good you're with me, Mom. I'm glad."

"Son, this is the Lincoln Park Zoo."
"You watch the humans. They watch you."

Friday, September 27, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


Farmers just want to farm their farms,
But mercenaries force them to
Pay up for protection from harms
That mean marauders want to do.
The mercenaries do control
Some weapons of mass destruction
That on marauders take a toll,
And soon that attack is all done.
The farmers have made the best deal
Out of two choices, neither good.
The mercenaries only steal
Part, not all, of their livelihood.

Typical humans at first glance,
But it's about species of ants.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

North American River Otter - LP Zoo

I am a North American
River otter. I love to play
On any land or water span,
And at any time, night or day.
Burrows dug at water edge do
Give me the choice of wet or dry.
My home is the Lincoln Park Zoo.
You can watch me bound or swim by.
Notice my webbed feet and strong tail,
And my water repellent fur,
All of which I use to avail
In the dips I do love, for sure.

My fav is to slide down a hill,
And splash into a water chill.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Frognaut Not

Ever since a tadpole, this frog
Wanted to rocket to the moon.
I dreamed of such a travelogue.
Such a trip became oppertune,
When on Wallop Island nearby,
I heard NASA was about to
Do a launch, and so of course I
Hopped and crawled and climbed a whole slew,
Till I made it to the nose cone.
I saw a blaze and heard a blast.
I was caught up in a no frog's zone,
And off the rocket I was cast.

As I fell back to Earth, I thought
Next time maybe - frog astronaut.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


A Dobsonfly like me has got
A week to mate and then I die.
And so I gave it my best shot.
Felt eggs in me, so off I fly,
And end up in a swimming pool,
Where I decide to just relax.
Then I'm grabbed by some human fool,
Who's pestering me to the max.
He Googles me, that's how I know
A Dobsonfly is what I am.
Mating - my first and final show,
And that my days are numbered - damn!

I knew I was in death throe funks,
So I left my eggs in his trunks.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Bo and the Hillary Red Line

The Prez now meets with Hillary
In the Oval Office. I growl.
"Psst, Bo," the Prez whispers to me
"You don't like her, but don't be foul."
"She's my guest, so don't cross the line."
The Prez draws one around her, red.
I listen to Hillary whine
That she's afraid that I might shed,
And hairy up her pink pants suit.
That's about all that I can take.
To do a dirty does compute.
I mean what dif'rence does it make?

Can't degrade or deter this mutt.
I cross that line and bite her butt.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Baby Klipspringer - LP Zoo

A baby klipspringer, I sprang
Into life in Lincoln Park Zoo,
Being raised by the keeper gang,
Cuz Mom did not know how to do.
My name in Afrikaans does mean
Rock jumper cuz my kind are tops
At bouncing through the rocky scene.
You'll be amazed to watch us hops.
A tiny type of antelope,
We only eat and drink from plants
That we find on the rocky slope,
Over surefootedly we dance.

Humans are giving me great care.
It's fun klipspringing through Zoo air.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Bo and the Peace Prize

In the Oval Office, I heard
The Prez talking about Nobel
On the phone and he said, "Absurd!"
"I won the Peace Prize - go to hell."
"I'm not giving it to Putin."
"So what if he merits it more?"
"Peace is what I'm always tootin'."
"I'm stuck with hawks who just want war."
"If Putin makes the peace for real,"
"I'll take credit out of thin air,"
"And make it sound good - no big deal."
"I'm keeping the Peace Prize - so there."

As the Prez hung up on Oslo,
He threw the Peace Prize, "Go fetch, Bo."

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Hidalgo, a mustang, did star
In Buffalo Bill's Wild West show.
But then let me take him off far
To Arabia in the flow
Of the Ocean of Fire long race.
Three thousand miles cross desert sand,
With all that horse and man could face.
Hidalgo took me cross that land
To win that race, and home we went.
We used the purse to free mustangs.
Hidalgo too, who did consent.
I felt both sorrow and joy pangs.

Descendants of Hidalgo be
Still running wild, still running free.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Star (delete) Fish (delete)

Live in seas and shaped like a star,
For ages we were called starfish.
But not a fish, so now we are
Called a sea star - do you kapish?
But now we're losing limbs a lot.
Humans are speculating why.
Maybe a parasite we've got,
Eating away until we die.
Who knows what's causing loss of limb!
Humans are number one to blame.
But the situation is grim.
How will humans call us by name?

No longer star shaped do we be,
So guess you can just call us sea.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

We sent some scouts to check it out,
A planet - third rock from a sun.
Found some weird creatures all about.
Each called itself a human one.
The scouts went where few humans were,
And installed the homing hardware.
We have locked in signals secure,
And concluded we can thrive there.
A few humans have found the tech,
Call it a picket fence made by
Some new bug - oh what the heck!
Humans will find out too late why.

The scout signals are right on tune.
Aliens, and we're coming soon.

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Pure stillness anywhere on Earth
Is there because humans are not.
When humans come for selfish worth,
All paradise turns into rot.
The Garden of Eden got rid
Of humans for a little while.
But later God probably did
Forgive. Back in humans did file.
The air, the water and the land
Are filling up with human waste.
Since no where now are humans banned.
Pure stillness is being erased.

There's less and less of paradise.
With humans, nature pays the price.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Rush to Child Brain

Rush Limbaugh wrote a children's book,
"Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims,"
To give children an honest look
At Americans - hers and hims.
On the Mayflower, Bradfords sailed.
William and Dorothy did spat.
William told all Dorothy ailed,
Threw her overboard, that was that.
Exceptional Americans,
Rush thinks children should get to know.
A real report of the begans
That made this country prosper so.

Rush is pumped on selling his tea,
And this children's book isn't free.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Tiger Count

Tigers are an endangered group.
How endangered, humans need know.
So humans wonder how best snoop
To count the Tigers' come and go.
Counting footprints is now hi tech.
A camera a pic can take
Of each footprint to get a check
For each tiger I.D. to make.
But human hunters follow tracks.
They are tigers' Achilles heels,
Leading the path to kill attacks.
The hunt, not count, has more appeals.

Some humans will keep counting on
Till all tiger footprints are gone.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

White Faced Saki Monkey - LP Zoo

A white faced saki monkey - me.
While I'm at the Lincoln Park Zoo,
Most in South America be.
But I'm a guest here - just for you.
Kids ask me why my face is white.
I just give them a big, wide grin.
I don't want to be impolite,
Asking why the color their skin.
I am an ambassador for
Giving humans, 'specially young,
A glimpse that all the world is more
For live and let live all among.

Saki is a term that means sake.
The future is in friends we make.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Giant Carpenter Bee

A giant carpenter bee is
Expert at "tripping" flower stash,
So can be done the pollen biz,
Quick in and out in just a flash.
Maybe a sip of nectar fun,
But can't stay long in just one bloom.
There is so much work to be done,
So off I buzz - vroom, vroom!
The boy, the girl - bee dimorphic.
Female bee a bold black and white.
Male bee glistened golden haired thick.
You'll see the dif'rence in the light.

Bee I a him. Bee I a her.
I bee a big bee, that's for sure.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Bo and the Gas

The Prez was talking about gas.
At first I thought it was D.C.
From the politicians in mass,
Blowing their hot air constantly.
But no, it's in Syria, where
Poisonous gas is being used.
The Prez decided to bomb there.
Some means to kill can't be excused.
But then the Prez did change his mind.
There would be no bombs right away.
Advice came from another kind.
Bark don't mean bite, I always say.

Sometimes the Prez comes talk to Bo.
I am his best friend - doncha know!

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Gator Played

An alligator likes some fun.
Hunting isn't just about food.
But since my hunting must be done,
I keep a sporting attitude.
Whenever humans come my way,
The life and death game ratchets up.
I judge each quarry, then I say
Is this human a trophy cup?
I hold the kill record so far,
A sumo wrestler from Japan,
Fell out of a boat - quite bizarre!
I got a pic to show my clan.

The biggest record has been set
By me. How big do humans get?

Monday, September 16, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Bo and the Resolute Desk

The Prez' foot's resolutely on
The Resolute Desk, as he chats
With the Speaker, tanning booth John,
On the phone, as Veep Joe pats
His foot in mouth chinny chin chin,
In the Oval Office. Golly!
P.C. police charge a Prez sin,
Dissing the Desk, the Prez foot be.
I'm under the Desk - li'l Bo peep,
All a pant for my doggie treat.
The politics is getting deep.
The world can wait. I gotta eat!

Desk freaks would really throw a fit
If they knew that I peed on it.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Faith Full Tim

Tim Tebow says goodbye once more
To an NFL football team.
Will he or won't he ever score?
Continuing his lifelong dream
Of playing as a quarterback
To success in the football game.
God coaches Tim to stay on track
Through all the praise and scorn of fame.
Touchdowns are no measure of life,
That comes and goes in win and loss,
Sometimes in joy, sometimes in strife.
Tim holds faith in and does not toss.

Life has ups and downs, Tim Tebow.
But faith keeps balance - doncha know!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


Hwan Song, one girlfriend gone ex,
When Supreme Leader I became.
We used to have some kinky sex,
But now I play another game,
Keeping North Korea in check.
So when she did a darn sex tape,
I could not just say, "What the heck!"
A participant had my shape.
It may or may not have been me.
So cannot take the chance she will
Deep throat me into history.
Glad I have the license to kill.

'Twas the swan song for Hwan Song -
Firing squad for doing me wrong.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Minidumber Wage

For profit corporations are
Just that - making more money is
Name of the game. The owners star,
All others - dispensible biz.
Workers should make a living wage.
But humans cost the biz the most.
We now work in a hi tech age.
Computers can make humans toast.
Politicians don't really care
About the workers all that much.
Just give voters enough welfare
To keep voting in such and such.

The minimum wage could go max,
Max unemployment - them's the facts.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Julie Harris

My fav'rie Julie Harris role -
Nell in The Haunting, '63.
Haunted house spirits take a toll,
Wanting the sad lived Nell to be
Forever a part of the house.
The rest of the ghosthunter team
Regard Nell as a frightened mouse.
The house holds Nell in high esteem,
And so the living, Nell ignore,
And feel her self drawn to the dead.
The spirits of the spirits soar.
The team leaves. Nell remains instead.

The cast and crew thought Julie weird.
To Nell's character she adhered.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Symmetry Sags

I say as your plastic surgeon,
Your face did need a lot of work
To get that look of a young 'un.
No more bags and wrinkles to lurk.
You got a nip here, a tuck there,
With youthfulness not just the aim,
But get stuff on each sens'ry pair
To stick aface looking the same.
Your face was a challenge galore.
I tried hard to do my best job.
But good look less and bad look more.
Troubles just keep coming agob.

I tried for symmetrically,
But your face just flipped out - oopsie!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Black Rhino Born - LP Zoo

When we cross proud papa, Maku,
With first time mama, Kapuki,
We get wow result - yes we do.
We get a li'l black rhino - me!
Newborn vitals - weight sixty pounds,
Thirty inches from horn to tail.
Quite a big boy in mama - zounds!
The tough work's done by the female.
The Lincoln Park Zoo is my crib.
Other places, humans are mean.
All nice here - I'm too young to fib.
The world will know I've made the scene.

The Zoo might have a contest game.
You get a chance to pick my name.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Orchid Mantis

The orchid mantis - bug or bloom?
Look closely at my pinkish bod.
Ah - a flower, quick to assume.
But then notice details quite odd.
Not petals, but flattened legs four
Of an insect that is endowed
With having a plant like decor
For purposed mimicry allowed.
A predator bird that's nearby,
I do not look like yummy meat.
But I'm attractive to a fly.
And when it lands, I grab and eat.

When I'm acting like a flower,
I do feel such awesome power.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Pink I

I have been drinking in the bar,
Drink after drink around the clock.
Then I see something quite bizarre,
Then slithers to me a pink croc,
Then flies o'er my head a pink lark,
Then snorts in my ear a pink hog,
Then swims in my glass a pink shark,
Then hops in my lap a pink frog.
I down my drink in a gulped chug.
The pink is piling up real deep.
All that's missing is a pink bug.
And so I say to the barkeep.

"I guess I'll have another drink,"
"A grasshopper - color it pink."

Monday, September 09, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


I am a pufferfish, I am.
I can puff up like a balloon,
So some wanna have lunch can't cram
Me down its tummy, overstrewn.
But if the predator persists,
As I inflate, my spikes stick out.
If ingested, I make some twists.
The predator's choked up - no doubt!
But humans are the sneaky kind,
Grabbing with hooks and nets and stuff.
I'm delicacy to eat they find.
It matters not how much I puff.

So humans, catch me if you will,
And eat me and get deathly ill.

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


Commenting on the Internet
Gives a sense of empowerment,
With varied bounds of etiquette,
It makes me feel quite relevant,
Opining on what others note,
Whether having read it or not.
I feel my comment will enlight
Whoever reads my brilliant thought.
Tales on the Internet be told
By all who think just have to tell.
It's hi tech formula of old,
And so I take my turn to sell.

Is the read worth or waste of time?
Is there a reason for a rhyme?

Saturday, September 07, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Welcome Back Nayembi - LP Zoo

I am Nayembi. I am back
Headlining at Lincoln Park Zoo.
Posing for pics - I got the knack.
That's what baby gorillas do.
My adoring public does cheer
My comeback from an injury.
Crowds, lights and cameras are here.
The center of attention - Me!
I'm showing off for Mom and Dad.
They know their little girl's on show.
And they seem happy I'm so glad
I'm back here at home - doncha know!

I'm just the cutest little Ms.
I just can't help it. That's show biz!

Friday, September 06, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Dead is Dead

Dying from nerve gas is not fun.
Such victims should not have to die.
From time to time it has been done.
The civilized world does decry.
Getting blown up or stabbed or shot,
Ho hum says the civilized world.
That's civilized, like it or not,
However many corpses hurled.
A few gassed victims calls for war.
The gassers need to be chastised.
And killed will be so many more,
To prove the world is civilized.

People kill people ev'ry day.
Once dead - does it matter the way?

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Baby Gibbon - LP Zoo

I am a baby gibbon be.
Am I a girl? Am I a boy?
That news is not yet out on me.
I am a Lincoln Park Zoo joy.
For now I'm creme with Mom to match.
Then I'll turn black and white like Dad.
I'll end up with the color batch
Of whatever sex I am clad.
Mom is doing maternal care.
Both of us listen to Dad sing.
Family moments we all share.
Mom does the work and Dad does swing.

Come visit me when at the Zoo.
Watch out Dad doesn't pee on you.

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Arc of One

Arc of the moral universe,
Bending ever in time and place,
Bend for better or bend for worse.
Injustice grips the human race.
The rules for living are manmade,
Depending on the man who rule.
Forever it's the game that's played.
It's more exciting to play cruel.
The moral universe of one
Is all that one need know for true.
If one wants justice to be done,
Then it is up to one to do.

From one's beginning to one's end,
One chooses how one's arc will bend.

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Kapuki - LP Zoo

I am Kapuki, rhino queen.
My realm is the Lincoln Park Zoo.
King Maku and I do between
To make a babe rhino come true.
The humans here are anxious for
Me to become a mama, so
The humans do a daily chore.
Humans always just have to know.
After my biz, the humans scoop
And take it to the lab to test,
If I am prego by my poop.
Sometimes humans are such a pest.

Each time I poop, I hope to say
A baby rhino's on its way.

Monday, September 02, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Mask Hysteria

I got an Obama face mask
On early sale for halloween.
But Missouri took me to task
When I made the rodeo scene,
Wanting to test my purchase out.
My Bush mask would have been okay.
Libs would have applauded - no doubt.
But dis Obama - oh no way.
It's racism says Harry Reid.
Obama's so fragile I guess.
He needs Harry to help, indeed,
To try to mask all the b.s.

Politicians in D.C. town
Don't need a mask to be a clown.

Sunday, September 01, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Squirrel Twirl

Being a squirrel, I wave my tail.
Humans grabbed me to check this out.
Why do I wave it when I hail
A rattlesnake that comes about?
Humans think it a silly thing,
That I would act with a snake so.
Aren't I worried the snake will spring,
Because I'm doing my tail show?
So the humans bribed me with treats,
To wander where a "snake" would be,
To observe my tail waving feats.
I played along, but that's just me.

There's nothing much sillier than
Humans with a snake in the can.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Oprah jetted to Switzerland,
Where a store clerk did fall into
The racist role. Oprah did brand
Her being black was how she knew
The clerk had judged Oprah as not
Being as worthy as a white
Of fancy bags that could be bought.
Then Oprah spewed 'twas just not right,
Loud enough for the world to hear.
And Oprah timed it oh so well.
Being ignored is Oprah's fear.
Oprah's got a movie to sell.

"The Butler" movie's coming out.
Oprah wants attention - no doubt!