Sense Sonnets

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


The World Cup Trophy is pure gold,
Kept mostly in hiding - its fate.
The only ones who can grab hold
Are past winners and heads of state.
At a recent and rare display,
There was a very touchy scene.
The Queen of England, as she may,
Grabbed hold the trophy, then the Queen
Tried to stuff it into her purse.
The Pope, not having had the chance
To hold the trophy made things worse -
Grabbed the bag and away did dance.

Missing Trophy of the World Cup.
Who knows when it will next turn up!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Spend Friend

Spend more to solve the spending spree,
And do it on the future's dime.
That's the way of powers that be,
In order to buy them some time.
The future, the kids, know it's dumb
To throw gasoline on a fire,
Expecting to save the place from
Burning down. It just gets more dire.
Throwing more spending on the mess
Is the easy thing to do now,
Leaving future pain and distress
For the future to solve somehow.

Powers that be do dumb because
It's dull being powers that was.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


The Lost finale was an end
To a question filled T.V. show.
Raising more questions, it did tend
To star death that we just don't know.
It makes sense that none did survive
The series opener plane crash.
What makes sense while we are are alive
May in death be gone in a flash.
And instead, we may sense a mix
Of dreamlike living in more ways,
Until inside us something clicks.
Then we move on to new role plays.

So when I die I hope I do
Become a member of Lost 2.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Pointing Peril

I was with my boss having lunch.
She was reprimanding me - dang!
But not real serious - my hunch.
Finger pointed, she laughed, "Bang, Bang."
Suddenly the cafe went wild.
The sounds of gunshots in the air.
Every man, woman and child
With guns were shooting ev'rywhere.
I'd left my own gun in the car.
My boss bled - no longer alive.
This bite to eat had turned bizarre.
Under the table, I did dive.

When you live in the wild, wild west,
Don't point fingers - even in jest.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Go Irish

Fiscal austerity makes sense
When times are bad, as Ireland knows.
But U.S. pols spare no expense
As the climbing deficit shows.
The U.S. has no leadership
Willing to do what must be done.
We're all stuck on this spending trip,
Looking for somewhere safe to run.
In the past the Irish ran here
When times in Ireland filled with dread.
Maybe that U.S. time is near,
And off to Ireland we should head.

A snowball's chance in hell to be
U.S. fiscal austerity.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Beast Bellies

The Fedzilla v Korp Kong is
A lawyer's dream merry go round.
The mouth piece starts out on gov biz,
Sniffing out where the stink is found
Of companies running afoul
Of laws on what to do or not.
The more the corp throws in the towel,
The more the lawyer's skill is bought
For the chance at a future time
To leave the gov and go to work
For the corp to defend its crime.
All in all, a lucrative perk.

Fedzilla chump change is the way
To Korp Kong big bucks. Crime does pay.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Flat Tax

The estate tax sounds so, so rich,
To be applied to millionaires.
But gov has got the taxing itch,
And will leave dry all future heirs.
All property left by the dead,
Big gov will right away take hold,
Leaving one broke on one's deathbed,
Before the body's even cold.
Surviving spouse and children will
All be put on the public dole,
For rest of life's needs to fulfill.
Full dependence is big gov's goal.

Death and taxes, the two sure things.
Die, then pay up taxes death brings.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Beak Unique

Long beaked echidna, that is me.
New Guinea Foja Mountains are
The place where I am apt to be.
Humans think I am quite bizarre.
A mammel, but I do lay eggs,
Mating scores of well endowed males
With four headed tools 'tween my legs,
So procreation never fails.
My pride and joy is my long beak,
Innervated with a sixth sense
To find the worms, my meals, I seek,
And of course to check out the gents.

My babies, they are never seen
By humans, who can be quite mean.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


There's some sort of nutty disease
That's being spread around the world.
Nuts - the kind from bushes and trees
Are making people act all squirreled.
Some strange mass addiction makes odd
The public who can't get enough
Nuts in and outside of the bod,
Wherever one a nut can stuff.
Doctors and scientists would be
Trying to find a cure for this,
But they are much too busy
Caught up in their own nutty bliss.

It's for real, no ifs, ands, or buts,
Human beings are going nuts.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

In My Biz

I opened up my place of biz.
Soon after, I was hounded by
Bunches of botherings - gee whiz!
Local, state and fed govs said I
Had to have this and required that.
Red tape and paperwork kept me
From customers, and sales were flat.
I was the only employee,
But union reps bugged me to join.
Big box stores tried to run me out.
End of the day, I flipped a coin.
But it got grabbed - tax man no doubt.

It's a lot harder than I planned
For just a kid's lemonade stand.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Cast for the Part

Candidates of the left or right
Must first and foremost have the look
That will turn on at just the sight.
Beneath the dazzle is the hook
To snag the voter, then begin
To reel the voter to the booth,
Through the waters filling with sin
Charged of the candidate - forsooth.
The voter may begin to squirm.
The candidate can play the line,
Coax the voter to blame the worm.
Winning candidates can fish fine.

Either party most probably
Would find Abe Lincoln too ugly.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Grim Tale

Once upon a time on Wall Street
Lived a horde of dragons who fed
On making money deals so sweet,
And to do so they were in bed
With D.C. big gov princes who
Charmed the peasants with feel good lies
That D.C. big gov, pure and true,
Would take care of free enterprise.
But in truth, no dragons were slain.
Saber rattling was just for show,
To fool the little streets named Main,
To keep shafting the peasants so.

Both Wall Street and D.C. shafters
Lived happily ever afters.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Morgan's Mouth

The voice of Morgan Freeman is
A million dollar club member
For being in the paid pitch biz
To set consumers' ears astir.
It is a voice that's nice and known,
And makes the hearer feel at ease.
Whatever product's being shown
Is one that will most surely please.
Visa Debit Card - one does hear
The famous voice sing praises for
Incentives for the normal ear
To get the card and hit the store.

Morgan Freeman's voice is so rich
In depth of tones and ads of pitch.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Mommy To Be Bad

A fool is my mommy to be.
She got this expensive machine,
And strapped it around her belly
To make my young brain grow more keen.
All it does is keep me awake
With all of its vibrating sounds.
There's not much more that I can take.
Stress in the womb is out of bounds.
With mommy to be's nitwit brain,
Odds are I'm starting out real slow.
This noise is making me insane,
So one of us has got to go.

I'd had enough to merely scoff.
I punched a hole and ripped it off.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Link Stink

The General did make a choice
To disrespect the President.
The chain of command needs one voice.
If other messages are sent,
As the media press to get,
A war that's going not so well
Feels the unnecessary threat
Of "friendly" trash talk - what the hell!
The Taliban and their allies
Make use of our trash talk said.
No trash talk comes from those bad guys,
The trash talker would lose his head.

The General's bad mouth required
The President to say, "You're fired."

Friday, July 16, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Mask on Mom

For Mother's Day, I took the hint
Of giving Mom a gift that would
Be green and leave no carbon print.
A facial at home would be good.
So I mixed up an oatmeal goop,
And some seaweed from the fish tank,
Then covered Mom's face, scoop by scoop.
Mom said it itched, and it sure stank.
She wanted it off. I did try.
Dad walked in, took a glance and said,
"Looks like that Jason slasher guy."
At last unmasked, Mom went to bed.

Going green for Mom is too hard.
Next year it's back to just a card.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

S.E.C.'s Drive

I'm a bigwig at S.E.C.
Back when Bernie was being bad,
The Madoff case was passed to me.
But more important tasks I had,
Spending most of my work time on
Fun porn sites on the Internet.
It was just exhausting, doggone.
S.E.C. eyes just winked - no sweat.
The Madoff file fell through the cracks,
As my hard drive I did down load.
I did not even get the ax,
When show and tell was told and showed.

I'd have caught Madoff, I have sworn,
If he'd been doing ponzi porn.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Lindbergh Flight

To fly from New York to Paree
Nonstop. It had never been done.
There was a lot of prize money
That would be paid to the first one.
Nineteen twenty seven in May,
From Long Island, he in his plane
Looked to the east and flew away,
His life never the same again,
As two days later there appeared
The Eiffel Tower and success.
He landed as the masses cheered,
The hero that the skies did bless.

Charles Lindbergh flew many a flight.
One put him in the world limelight.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Mind Boggling

One day soon the Drug War will end.
Big gov will simply say, "We won."
And promote a new public trend
That using all drugs should be done,
And while it's done, it will be taxed,
To bring in lots of revenue.
FDA rules will be relaxed,
Encouraging all drugs to do.
Mind altering will be the way
That big gov keeps us in the fog.
We won't care what we have to pay
To keep living high on the hog.

Big gov is gonna get real sly -
Do whatever while all are high.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Gore Mates

Strange bedfellows in politics
And stranger to last 40 years.
Married and public life can mix
If the common goal perserveres.
Sacrifice to the rising star
Pressed into one identity.
Always one is - never two are.
Perceived two selves must never be.
So when the last run is deemed ran,
It's not surprising to be heard -
Separating woman from man.
Pundits of pol lip spread the word.

Al and Tipper Gore did the split.
An email first announced of it.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Judging Kagan

Female public officials are,
Unlike their male counterparts, judged
As to their fashion repertoire.
Petty remarks are not begrudged.
Supreme Court nominees are not
Immune to this gendered pastime.
Attacks with malice aforethought
Charge Elena Kagan with crime
In choosing comfort in clothes worn,
And not crossing her legs ladylike.
Is all this ridicule and scorn
Just more leaks to weaken the dike?

Fashion detectives cannot probe
What goes on beneath the black robe.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

D.C. Makeover

Washington D.C. needs to be
Redistricted with most of it
Adding to state territory -
Maryland and Virginia to wit,
Leaving mostly fancy fed space
And buildings for the government.
The District would become a place
With no home there to buy or rent.
Used to be D.C. citizens
Would have full rights in their new state.
Big franchises like the Redskins
Could stay in town and not migrate.

D.C. for the fat cats and rats -
Politicians and bureaucrats.

Friday, July 09, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Lady Komaci

A Komaci spider I am,
Of the Nephila genus clan.
Quite a full bodied ma'am
And leggy with a 4 inch span.
I weave the largest web that's known,
A golden orb of silky spokes,
Across a 5 foot snacking zone,
Mostly catching the insect folks,
But a bat or a bird oft do
Find their way into my domain,
Adding entrees to my menu.
I feel no need to entertain.

My hubby always satisfies,
Even though a tenth of my size.

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

End the Trend

About one third of kids drop out
Of high school, with no end in sight.
A national great ill, no doubt.
Whatever's wrong - let's make it right.
Some districts are improving well.
We need to learn from what they do.
Other nations' success could tell
Us ways and means we should try too.
Incentives to learn are a must.
And until good ones are instilled,
Let's bribe kids to stay in school, just
Until their heads are self fulfilled.

High school must become the way
For each kid to spend the day.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Youth in Common

The Zionist cause has used means
That other causes do not like,
Resulting in cause war machines,
Just as deadly as the Third Reich,
Which the young know of secondhand,
But know firsthand what goes on now.
And the young do not understand
Why all the holier than thou
Must constantly seek to destroy,
In the name of this cause or that,
Hopes and dreams of each girl and boy
Because of who and where they're at.

All young, whether Jewish or not,
Should heal the wounds the old have wrought.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Justices Moms

The U.S. Constitution is
Amended so that moms alone
Can decide the Supreme Court biz,
Giving laws a maternal tone.
While a majority of men
Mess up the other branches two,
Sanity's renewable when
The Court does what all good moms do,
When teaching children right from wrong.
Lay down the law but lovingly,
With lots of smiles, perhaps a song,
Wanting what's best for all to be.

Then I wake up and it would seem
My Justice Moms were but a dream.

Monday, July 05, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Cold War

The Cold War was a power play.
Communistic U.S.S.R.
Wanting to party crash its way
In any nation near and far,
The U.S. decided to buy
Some time to back democracy,
And gave billions to unify
Anti Soviet policy.
The super powers never warred
Face to face in a war gone hot.
They moved the pawns on their game board,
Until the Soviets were not.

As old as man, war is as old.
If war must be, then serve it cold.

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Err Pair

A baseball game, an ump's bad call
Makes a pitcher's perfect game gone.
Just twenty perfect games in all,
Since Major League Baseball did dawn.
Who can recall of these twenty,
Any pitchers, let alone umps?
But this here bad call game will be
No cause to be down in the dumps.
This pitcher and this ump will go
On to fame and fortune, because
Each in his own way let all know
That grace can come from human flaws.

Perfect games in time are forgot,
But this imperfect game will not.

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Undead Live On

Humans just cannot get enough
Of vampires frolicking about,
With all that sucking out blood stuff.
Fang culture just does not poop out.
As real life human horror tales
Seem worse as media jump in,
The fictional vampire prevails,
More lovey, dovey with less sin.
One wonders when 'twill come to bore,
As vampires become more mainstream,
Just like the guy or gal next door.
No lackula yet so 'twould seem.

As the tales go, what's to prevent
A vampire U.S. President?

Friday, July 02, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Fools Forever

Early Americans got scammed,
Like by Anna, the "sister" of
Jesus, who devoutly flimflammed
The City of Brotherly Love
Folks, by assuring them, if paid
She'd put in the good word upstairs
For space in heaven to be made.
Many fell for her get saved snares.
Odds are, in Philly to this day
Imposters like Anna do biz,
Taking the gold and hopes away
From fools. That's just the way it is.

Ever a sucker for the con,
The "sister" of Jesus lives on.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Knit Snit

We were intended to be a pair
Of socks knit by Grace Kelly for
Clark Gable as a gift to wear.
But Grace found the knitting a bore,
And tried to hurry us along,
Until the knit did hit the fan,
And all about us did go wrong,
As Grace, frustrated in her plan,
Did to us rip and tear and shred
Into a ball of tangled kink.
She stared at us and then she said,
"You look okay - what do you think?"

We did not give a second thought
And replied, "We are a frayed knot!"