Sense Sonnets

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Baby Barack

A sitting Prez, he is the first
To sit and chat on Oprah's show.
He talked a bit of how he burst
Forth on the scene some years ago.
A certificate of live birth
Did verify that he was born
In Hawaii on Planet Earth,
Delivered, signed and duly sworn
Barack Hussein Obama was
August fourth nineteen sixty one
Born in the U.S.A. because
He heard the words, "You have a son."

From the womb, baby Barack went
On his journey to President.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Sun Done

One day some one, some where will spot
A star destroyed within a blink.
Visuals of such will be caught
By those who watch the heavens wink.
This star, relatively quite small,
Will not have watchers in agog.
A statistic and that is all,
Hardly a mention in a blog.
There never really will be known
The impact that this star did give
To orbs that orbited its zone.
Did that star let some life forms live?

As these stellar events do go,
One day our own sun will blow.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Body Man

Famous Arnold Schwarzenegger
Fathered me in a one night stand.
He's a busy sperminator,
Ever sowing his fatherland.
I've got siblings I'll never know,
Bastards without the Arnold's name,
Connected only by the show
Called news due to the Arnold's fame.
Unlike some, I don't get the cash
For being what and who I am.
I doubt I'll be any news flash,
And I don't really give a damn.

Though I do feel sorry a bit
For Arnold's children who are legit.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Title Idol

Prince Chares Philip Arthur George,
The Prince of Wales, heir to the throne,
Has noble titles that would gorge -
Cannot just be a prince alone.
He's earls and dukes of this and that.
A baron, a lord and a knight,
All thanks to having been begat
With handles held as a birthright.
His Royal Highness must wait still
To get the titled top brass ring.
While Mom's around, nobody will
Call him His Majesty the King.

Camilla calls Charles, it is said,
By the untitled pet name, Fred.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Horsing Around

The Great Depression was a time
When gambling on horse racing 'twas
A golden stretch for doing crime.
Suckers abounded for outlaws.
Dick O'Hara was a race horse
Named to the Derby as a joke,
Who would not run and so, of course,
I rigged a game to con the folk.
A sure win just if the horse ran.
The bets poured in as I forecast.
A joke on me messed up my plan.
The horse did run and came in last.

My crime did not go the right way.
I was the one who had to pay.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Pub licize

To be a royal wedding guest,
The odds were better if one came
From Bucklebury, and was blessed
With calling Kate by her first name.
John Haley runs the local pub,
The Bucklebury Old Boot Inn,
One chosen for the ticket stub
That even Oprah could not win.
On Oprah's royal wedding show,
The audience could see and hear
The place where Kate and Wills would go
To stop in for a proper beer.

The odds are sure that this pub 'tis
Gonna get a windfall of biz.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Feng Shui

Feng Shui is all about placement
Of objects to bring harmony.
A seller with selling intent
Wants a would be buyer to be
Positive on what's being sold.
Anthing ugly - hide it well,
Highlight the beautiful in bold.
Perception makes or breaks a sell.
Make the effort to advertise
The happ'ly ever after tale.
Camoflage truth with fancy lies.
The American Dream's for sale.

Feng Shui - it comes from the Chinese.
U.S. placement is as they please.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher


"Gone with the Wind" was the one book
Margaret Mitchell wrote and had
Published. She never undertook
Any sequel, which some thought sad.
What happened to Scarlett and Rhett?
Would their love be gone with the wind?
Was there hope for happiness yet,
Found perhaps in a sequel's end?
But Mitchell flat out said no deal,
Refused until her dying day.
Some drunk driver was at the wheel,
And Mitchell just got in his way.

The end is often tragedy,
And no sequel will ever be.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Trump Stump

To New Hampshire The Donald goes
In stealth to make the riff raff guess.
The three letters, UMP shows
On a torn sign but no address.
The Donald yells at his p.r.
"Go fix that sign or you are fired."
The Donald then struts from his car
To make the poor folk feel inspired.
But there is no folk anywhere,
Just lots of junk and rusty stuff.
Rage bristles from The Donald's hair,
Firing The Donald in a huff.

So where at is The Donald Trump? -
An undisclosed New Hampshire dump.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Price Vice

Big government just never learns
That banning stuff is just a joke.
The gambling passion ever churns
Even in ordinary folk.
State lotteries do prove the fact
That gov can profit from the vice.
Make all gambling a legal act
And cash rolls in like rolling dice.
The morality argument -
Gov lost on that one long ago.
By the example gov has sent,
Immorality runs the show.

The more legal gambling success,
The more gov makes on the crimeless.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

"O" Tune

"To sing or not to sing," that 'twas
The question Oprah pondered o'er,
And then decided yes, because
The world's not heard her sing before.
Some singing lessons to smooth out
The sounds that just the shower heard,
And then she could, without a doubt,
Be sure 'nuf singing like a bird.
And so "Run On," her new theme song
Was Oprah's own singing debut.
The music kept on going strong.
What could be done, Oprah could do.

Twenty five years she did "Run On,"
The Oprah show phenomenon.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Mom and Pop Facebook

The State of the Net survey found
Millions of Facebook users who
Are less than age 13 around
(Strange 'tis the fact the survey knew!)
Well let's let parents off the hook,
And make Facebook the one who must
Keep the dear kiddies off Facebook.
There are ways to do this, we trust.
The kid must give his or her age.
If the kid lies, Facebook will know
Like a lie detector does gauge.
If underage the kid no go.

For lying, punishment is set.
The kid is grounded from the Net.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Fat Chat

About the battle of the bulge
Has been an Oprah topic lots.
The food addiction to indulge
Can catch any - even big shots.
Over the many years and shows,
Oprah has pounded up and down
The test of fitting into clothes,
To zip or not to zip the gown.
Diets - Oprah has tried them all.
The world has watched as Oprah tried,
Watching all those pounds rise or fall
More or less on Oprah's outside.

Off T.V. where will Oprah show?
There still is the cover of "O."

Friday, June 17, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

April Fools

April, the month for poetry.
Great poets note of that in verse.
The pundits poemize D.C.
Where cherry blossoms cloak the curse
Of politicians fiddling 'round,
Wreaking havoc time after time.
No common sense e'er to be found,
Foolish without reason or rhyme.
If only romance were the cause.
With Spring time sun shining some proof
Why fools feel April's spell and 'twas
Why politicians love to goof.

We governed have little to cheer.
Gov goofiness goes on all year.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Rid Napper

So I did take a little snooze.
It's not like I had left the job.
Those high and mighty air line crews
Just like to belly ache a gob,
When I was not right there to say,
"You're cleared to land - over and out."
They know where to find the runway.
It's empty at midnight - no doubt.
Ever since Reagan fired us all,
Air controllers get no respect.
I am the latest one to fall,
Victim of politics correct.

The union said we would appeal -
Not to lose sleep over the deal.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Dagny Does

"Atlas Shrugged" comes to the big screen,
Adapting from the Ayn Rand book,
Where heroine, Dagny, is seen,
Using her sexy way and look
To drive her private enterprise,
Giving her an edge in the game
With enemies and with allies.
She has fun with sex with no shame.
Society fears Dagny's kind,
Who refuses to fit in a mold,
And has an independent mind
That fights attempts to be controlled.

That fight continues to be fought.
The free will mind matters or not.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Glue Chew

Transglutaminase (TG),
Also referred to as meat glue,
Making the food appear to be
Attractive, as some fine chefs do.
Made either from animal blood
Or bacteria grown from plants.
Without it, food might look a dud,
But with it, food gets an enhance.
So far TG gets an okay
From the U.S. alphabet suits,
Thumbs up the sticky constitutes.

So if you're feeling a bit sick,
You might just have a tummy stick.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

River Way

I am a rising up once more,
As a river does now and then.
I've done so countless times before.
It's time to flood forth once again.
And once again the humankind,
Obsessed with dwelling next to me,
Built homes and stuff for me to find
And swallow up obligingly.
And when my current rage is run,
Back at my side once more they'll build.
The futile web will be respun
With memories of waters spilled.

Into and out of lives I flow,
Ever 'twas and ever be so.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Kaleido Soap

A made for T.V. movie star:
All My Children's Erica Kane,
Who is admitted, quite bizarre,
To General Hospital in pain,
Giving birth to a fully grown
And well dressed Mrs. Chancellor,
A Young and the Restless loan,
Who then adopts Dr. Luke or
Laura, since there was the sex change.
Mixing up soaps is deemed a win.
The show's name does sound a bit strange -
All General Restless Children.

At the end comes the surprise bomb -
Luke is really Erica's mom.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Guest Test

For one invited as a guest,
It is bad manners to then tell
How wrong the host is in protest.
Such visits never turn out well.
The guest who's paid to entertain
The host need surely understand
It is good bizness to refrain
From biting the paying host's hand.
Now back at home that same guest may
Be free to tell it like it is,
A double standard in some way,
But home is more than just show biz.

Throw rocks in other's house of glass,
And flying shards will bite your ass.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Nina Wilcox Putnam - she wrote
Saturday Evening Post writes,
Including many tips and notes
On automobiling delights
Of her early cross country trips,
Calculating dollars and sense
To make it through the road hardships
At a five cents per mile expense.
In her spare time she did a deed
That took the whole U.S. by storm,
Got the I.R.S. up to speed,
She made the first 1040 form.

So we have Nina to thank for
Yearly taxing trips fun galore.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Dine Mine

Humans have studied ants and know
That as a life form ants are quite
Advanced in smarts as life forms go.
A little more evolvement might
Give ants an edge of what on who.
Ants outnumber million to one
The humans, so if all ants do
Unite, then humans would be done
As master links in the food chain.
A million ants is quite a bunch
To declare eminent domain,
And have a human bod for lunch.

Trillions of ants - one thing in mind,
Food source - billions of humankind.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Slay and Lay

I am called the Survivor's Tree.
My roots grow in Ground Zero dirt.
The President walked up to me,
And laid a wreath down for the hurt
That happened 9/11 day.
This ceremony came because
Bin Laden was killed far away.
The is of time merged with time was.
From that attack I did survive,
But sense that humans know not peace,
That evil ever is alive.
The laying of wreaths will not cease.

Humans need ever lay a wreath
For manmade evil underneath.

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Pucks N Bucks

Congress is good at playing games,
So why not give hockey a try?
Skating on thin ice through the shames.
What the puck! Let taxpayers cry
Tea is for teamwork - cut, cut, cut.
The libs and porkers spent, spent, spent,
Bit the taxpayers on the butt.
In the penalty box - no vent.
End the impasse with a shoot out.
No time or cash is left or right,
To wax and wane p.c. - No doubt,
Stick up for taxpayers and fight.

Congress playing hockey would be
Better than just playing hookey.

Monday, June 06, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Zippy the Lippy

Bill O'Reilly, a mouthy guy
Insults Afghanistan and me,
Says, "There's blood on your hands, Karzai."
Barbaric and inept we be,
Billy boy says in his shrill tone.
The goody U.S. tries so much
To save bad us from our own.
Of course, O'Reilly's mouth is such
An authority on it all.
That mouth can spew whatever pops
From Billy's mouth at beck and call.
That mouth spews on - it never stops.

Memo to Billy's mouth: We say
Stop polluting and go away.

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor, you were
Truly a golden movie star.
One of the few who would endure
From times that were to times that are.
You gave us great roles on the screen,
But your best role was being you,
Gusto glamor on the world scene.
Some tales were stretched, but most were true.
Ups and downs with your health and men.
The tabloids kept us up to date.
But comparing you now to then
Seemed at times too cruel a fate.

Elizabeth Taylor, you are
Shining brightly, a heaven's star.

Saturday, June 04, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


Facebook's billionaire Zuckerberg
Spent a few million for a place
To call home in silicon burg,
And putting on a modest face.
Now some are disappointed that
The Zuck has picked rather a bore
Of a house where to throw his hat,
And did expect a whole lot more.
Perhaps the house is but a front
To throw off prying eyes and ears
Ever on celebrity hunt.
Meanwhile the Zuck just disappears.

The Zuck lives in his Web made nook,
The endless rooms of his Facebook.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

The Hate Lives On

Osama bin Laden is dead,
By the hand of the U.S.A.
But after much is done and said,
There will be more to do and say.
The hatred in the face and voice
Still echoes on throughout the world.
The time and impulse to rejoice
Will fade as new attacks are hurled.
The U.S.A by right or wrong
Does dominate others by force.
These others do not care how long
The U.S.A. will pay in course.

One dead man's hatred did not die,
But keeps on hating you and I.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


"Essential" government workers,
If the government does shut down,
Will be the spinners and jerkers,
Good at the tricks in D.C town.
Like Squeaks the Mouse with comic book
Selling for five and costing ten.
The kind of finance that it took
To dig the hole of debt we're in.
Selling Squeak's comic book may cease
In a shutdown scenario,
But Squeaks has other wheels to grease,
And off to grease 'em Squeaks will go.

Don't worry about Squeaks the Mouse.
He's doing spin at the White House.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Foreign Do View

Leaders of other nations called
Him a tyrant over his own.
Negotiations for peace stalled,
And war took toll on flesh and bone.
So bad was the internal strife.
So many victims died for naught.
There was no sanctity of life.
Foreign intervention was sought.
But most of the powers that were
Decided not to intervene,
Fearing that it would only stir
A lot of blowback unforseen.

Lincoln was called a tyrant for
The killing in the Civil War.