Sense Sonnets

Friday, July 31, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

World Snake Day 2020 - LP Zoo

On World Snake Day the snakes bid you,
All humans, have a learning day.
These snakes be from Lincoln Park Zoo
As ambassadors on display.
The smooth green snake, the rock python,
The Madagascar tree boa,
The Kenyan sand boa - all on
A public mission to show a 
Up close safe connection so that
Humans can better understand
Snakes' purpose in their habitat
Whether in water or on land.

Each and every snake can be
A teacher for humanity.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Cutey Alert - LP Zoo

A furry ball of cute, I do
See a keeper who's watching me
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
So this dwarf mongoose posingly
Sits still and takes a brief time out
To give the keeper my best cute,
For a keeper keepsake no doubt,
In a Facebook posting pursuit.
Social media does provide,
In time of social distancing,
The chance to see my super side,
As I provide my cuteness thing.

The attention that I do draw
Is filled with lots of "ooh" and "aah."

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Acher

R.I.P. Maku - LP Zoo

Goodbye to rhino great, Maku.
You were a favorite to see
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
You leave a lasting legacy,
A long life, thirty four years old,
Over the years with six offspring,
Three thousand pounder to behold,
Loads of attention you did bring.
In ev'ry season of the year
Out in your yard you could be seen,
Noting crowds with a flip of ear,
Romping and resting 'twixt and 'tween.

You connected with humans with ease.
Thank you Maku for good memories.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Back End Clues - LP Zoo

I am playing a game with you.
Just the back of me you can see
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
What do you think that I do be?
Some clues are I have feathers that
Show patched colors of red and pink.
I'm in a muddy habitat,
Some sort of bird - what do you think?
And I am still a juvenile.
I will become more pink and red
As I grow older in a while,
From tip of tail to top of head.

I knew you'd make the correct guess,
A Chilean flamingo - yes!

Monday, July 27, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Lunch for Linda - LP Zoo

Cinereous vulture, Linda, is
Looking for something good to eat,
And spies a pile of ice, gee whiz!
Wherein there is lots of chilled meat.
On a hot day this is so nice,
And Linda knows just what to do,
Picking the meat out of the ice,
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
Using her beak quite daintily,
She picks up, with lady like grace,
Each piece of meat, and thereby she
Senses refreshment on her face.

This cool treat has made Linda's day,
Partaking of cold cuts - hooray!

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Peck It Out - LP Zoo

Tiz a corn on the cob to do,
And the chickens do peck away,
At Lincoln Park Farm in the Zoo.
And recording the snack display -
A camera set chicken high,
Catching all the activity,
And catching Beast, the rooster's eye,
Wondering if perhaps it be
Something like the corn he can eat.
So he comes close to check it out.
Is it or is it not a treat?
Some pecking is called for no doubt.

Beast gives the camera a peck.
Nothing to eat here - what the heck!

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Make Sense of It - LP Zoo

What the colobus monkeys do 
When there shows up a pile of ice,
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,
Is put there senses on precise.
First they eye the ice for a while,
And hear the ice crackle a bit,
And then they sniff at the ice pile,
And feel the chilliness of it,
And then of course they take a taste.
All in all, there is no doubt that
None of their senses go to waste
On the ice in their habitat.

Why there's an ice pile in July,
Thanks to the keepers - that is why.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

This Little Piggy...- LP Zoo

This little piggy keeps an eye,
At Lincoln Park Farm in the Zoo,
On the keeper who is nearby.
Wonder what the keeper's up to!
This piggy with nine others came
Into the world a week ago.
So far life's like a puzzle game.
There is so much to get to know.
But this little piggy knows that
The keeper gives a lot of care
For them all in the habitat.
This piggy's glad the keeper's there.

This piggy's snuggled in the hay,
Pondering if to snooze or play.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Off Track

River Crossroad, a racing horse,
Was racing in his second race.
As he did move around the course,
He quickly began to outpace
All the other competition,
And did hold a seven length lead.
A sure winner, he was the one,
Heading toward victory indeed.
Then suddenly he left the track,
Much to the colt's jockey's surprise,
Sitting helpless on the colt's back,
Bidding farewell to the win prize.

River Crossroad decided, "Darn,"
"Time for me to head for the barn!"

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Crown Shyness

Crown shyness is a tree term that
Refers to social distancing.
Growing close in a habitat,
Trees avoid the top touching thing.
So when the tops of trees do touch,
The trees use wind to force away
Other tree tops, not caring much
For any such closeness to stay.
Why are the trees' behaviors so?
Perhaps to avoid catching bad.
Researchers as of yet don't know.
It must be more than just tree mad.

Each tree wants its own time and place,
Keeping its own personal space.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Fast Track

A snail crawled on a turtle's shell.
Of that fact it was unaware,
And as far as the snail could tell,
It was on a rock that was there.
But then the turtle did begin
To move slowly along the ground.
The snail was somewhat nervous then,
Seeing the motion all around.
But as the snail tripped out it got
More excited about the ride,
And truly liked the thrill a lot,
Watching the world go by, wide eyed.

By now the snail was quite aghast,
Never before moving so fast.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Porcupine How To

The female porcupine does choose
The male with whom she wants to mate.
And then the chosen male pursues
A ritual to copulate.
He sprays her with urine so that
Estrus is then induced in her.
She's ready for the prime format,
And needs to protect him for sure.
Over her back she curves her tail.
Her tail's underside is quill free.
On that surface does rest the male.
The deed is done 'tween he and she.

If this how to is carefully done,
Then a porcupine daughter or son.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Kapuki Turns Fifteen - LP Zoo

Kapuki turns fifteen today
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo
This rhino Mom in her own way
Has a celebration to do.
She spends the day with Romeo,
Her one year old son, who gives her
The gift of love that makes her know
Her life is purposeful for sure.
It's a sunny day in July.
Mom and son enjoy the outside,
Watching the visitors go by.
Kapuki's filled with warmth and pride.

We hope that Kapuki will succeed
Having a Happy Birthday indeed.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Switch - a - rue

The old man could not hear too well,
So the doc was checking him out.
In the left ear the doc could tell
Something was stuck in there about.
So the doc took some forceps and
Pulled something from the old man's ear.
Holding the object in his hand,
Closely at it the doc did peer.
Finally the doc said, "Gee whiz!"
"How or why this got in your head,"
"Strange as it seems, I think it is"
"A suppository," doc said.

"Well that explains it," said the old gent,
"Now I know where my hearing aid went!"

Friday, July 17, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

"Spec"tacular - LP Zoo

A spectacled caiman I be.
I am a reptile that is in
The crocodilus family.
Crocs and gators are cousin kin.
From mid Brazil to Mexico
Is where most of us do be at.
In swamp waters we do go,
Liking that kind of habitat.
A bony ridge between my eyes
Looks like spectacles humans wear,
And so it comes as no surprise
It's part of my name - I don't care.

I have sharp eyes to keep on you,
And have sharp teeth ready to chew.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Red Footed Tortoise - LP Zoo

We red footed tortoises do
Like to lounge about in the sand
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
We find the rest spells to be grand.
When we do get the urge to move,
We do so quite slowly no doubt,
Putting each red foot in the groove
Carefully, not to wear us out.
When one of us decides to go,
The rest of us follow so that
We don't miss something, doncha know,
Happening in the habitat.

This slow pace of life is good for
Long living thirty years or more.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

A Daughter's Quest

A teenager, Sonora Smart,
And her five younger brothers were
Raised by a Dad with a big heart.
She chose to honor him for sure.
In 1909 she began
To campaign for a Father's Day,
And over a sixty year span,
Finally she did have her way,
And in 1972
Father's Day became U.S. law.
In June of each year all Dads do
Be honored for being a Pa.

A special daughter Dad Smart had
Who spent a lifetime for her Dad.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Kicks - LP Zoo

Zebra, Adia's soon to be
A Mom again, and so she is
Going about quite patiently,
Minding her own and baby's biz.
Her baby now lets Mom know that
It is getting ready to go 
To a more roomy habitat,
And gets its kicks in Mom to show
That a delivery's soon due,
And is a package that is prime
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
But Mom will know the proper time.

The baby is kicking about.
Mom is aware of it no doubt.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Cute Duty - LP Zoo

This spoonbill chick, a few weeks old,
Is getting used to humans that
Come by - the chick's getting more bold
In checking out the habitat.
And the chick is getting used to
All the pictures that humans take,
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,
Of the chick for a cute keepsake.
So when a human comes nearby,
The spoonbill chick by this time knows
To be a sport and truly try
To get into the cutest pose.

When the picture taking is done,
The chick goes back to having fun.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Seal Sense of Pride - LP Zoo

A seal sees something that is new,
And makes his way out of the pool
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
A giant snow pile - awesome cool!
And there are colors in the snow
Arranged in a pattern to be
Full of gay pride like a rainbow,
Such a sight for the seal to see.
And he flippers closer so that
He's better able to check out
This marvel in his habitat,
Quite a seal sensation no doubt.

When it's hot a cold treat is nice
As the seal whiskers through the ice.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

State Debate

The choice of Washington, D.C.
To be the U.S. Capital
Was done constitutionally,
With politics to make the call.
A federal city, residents
Do not enjoy the voting rights
Of other citizens, and hence
Over the years Washingtonites
Have wanted to become a state.
Is this a good idea or not?
More politicians be ill fate,
Raising the hot air spewed a lot.

Non politicians should know that
D.C.'s a nasty habitat.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Susie and Ely Move In - LP Zoo

Susie and Ely are now here,
New home at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Coming soon there'll be a premier
Of both of these chimpanzees new,
For the time being they both be
Behind the public scenes so that
Together, both comfortably,
Acclimate to the habitat.
And in steps over time they will
Be introduced to others in
The chimp troop that's remaining still,
And a new era will begin.

Welcome to Susie and Ely.
When you're settled, we'll wave "Hi."

Thursday, July 09, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

"They're Back" - LP Zoo

Here comes young rhino, Romeo,
To check out if it's really true -
Visitors beginning to show
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
For months no visitors were here,
The Covid virus had caused that.
But now the people reappear
Outside Romeo's habitat.
There still is social distancing,
And face masks visitors must wear.
But reZooing is a good thing,
And Romeo has lots to share.

Come visit Romeo and see
A rhino cute as he can be.

Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Big Time - LP Zoo

The young Diana monkey sees
A great big world with wide small eyes.
All are new curiosities, 
All full of wonder and surprise.
Just weeks old this youngster does be
Newly sensing all that's around,
While staying close to known safety,
Keeping snuggled in fur, Mom bound.
It is this awake way that
There's time and place to sense what's new
Happening in the habitat
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

New learning for this little one,
Especially learn what is fun.

Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Dad's Day for Myles - LP Zoo

What did Dad get for Father's Day?
DeBrazza's monkey, Myles, got new
A large mirror hanging on display
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
His sons, Tiko and Bomani,
Wanted to check the new mirror out,
Each having curiosity
To see themselves look back no doubt.
So Dad being a sharing Dad
Let both his sons have a turn at
Mirror one on one, and there was had
Harmony in the habitat.

Was it a good day for Dad, Myles?
It's hard to tell - he seldom smiles.

Monday, July 06, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

World Giraffe Day '20 - LP Zoo

Twenty twenty - World Giraffe Day,
June 21st - a time to do
Celebration in a tall way
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
Rae, Finely and Etana be
Zoo ambassadors to connect
With all giraffes beyond these three,
To have a good lasting effect,
To make conservation well worth
Each and every day to try
Efforts for giraffes 'round the Earth,
To keep this priority high.

It is a time for one and all
To help giraffes - to heed the call.

Sunday, July 05, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


June 19th, 1865,
Happened in Galveston that day,
Emancipation came alive
When General Granger came that way,
And announced what Lincoln proclaimed
Over two years previously.
Texas slaves did learn late timeframed
That by U.S. law they were free.
Since then each year upon that date
Freedom celebrations occur
To some degree in ev'ry state.
It's good to have freedom for sure.

Now known as Juneteenth, we also know
Real freedom has a long way to go.

Saturday, July 04, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Belly Up - LP Zoo

As a fire bellied toad I do
Stand up and stick my belly out
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
If there are predators about,
My brightly colored belly is
A warning that I am as prey
A very nasty tasting biz,
And predators should stay away.
But through the glass I can see that
It is a keeper standing there,
So I'm safe in my habitat.
I'm belly proud and so I share.

Another toad there does seem to be,
But it is a reflection of me!

Friday, July 03, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Katai on Watch - LP Zoo

American black bear, Katai,
Is watching all the people that
Walk up and down the street nearby, 
Adjacent to his habitat
Located in Lincoln Park Zoo.
Through the Covid phenomenon
Keepers keep up the care to do.
The closed Zoo works and life goes on.
The Zoo will reopen some day.
Visitors will return once more,
And humans will be on display
Again for Katai as before.

Until then Katai can look out
To the street and watch folks about.

Thursday, July 02, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Luke and Annabelle Beak Up - LP Zoo

Spoonbills, Luke and Annabelle, do
Together care for their new chick
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
For their first hatched they've caught on quick.
Both parents know instinctively
What their new chick does need to eat.
Both do secrete crop milk to be
Regurgitated so to meet
The chick's nutrition needs so that
The chick can be able to grow
Healthy in its new habitat.
Both parents help to make this so.

Congrats to Luke and Annabelle.
Chick and parents are doing well.

Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Bee Quicker Flowering

Researchers found that bumblebees
Buzzing about in early Spring,
When flowers aren't in large degrees,
Perform a very unique thing.
Upon a plant the bee does land
And bites incisions in the leaves.
Somehow the plant does understand,
And flowering the plant achieves,
Quicker than it normally would,
Somehow knowing the bee will be
Back for pollen and that is good
For plant and bee mutually.

This secret would be opportune 
For a real agriculture boon.