Sense Sonnets

Monday, August 30, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Proper Etiquette - LP Zoo

Flora is enjoying her lunch

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

She likes nibbling on plants a bunch.

Prehensile tailed porcupine who

Daintily holds the plant while she

Chows it down in ladylike way,

All the while as cute as can be,

Quite an adorable display.

If she should feel threatened at all,

Her munching plants will cease so that

She can roll into a quilled ball,

And feel safe in her habitat.

Visitors just watching for sure

Don't amount to a threat to her.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Booze Views

Into the night the more  I drank,

The alcohol gave me great thought.

I became a profound think tank,

And just knew all around me sought

To hear the wisdom I could share.

And so I put my thoughts in word,

My heart and soul and mind did bare,

Making sure all around me heard.

'Twixt and 'tween sips I'd wag my tongue,

So many words came tumbling out,

Hurled to the ears of old and young,

And all of them in awe, no doubt.

My head aches with the thoughts I thunk,

The morning after my night drunk.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Amare Turns 16 - LP Zoo

Amare is 16 years old

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

A sweet guy, beautiful and bold

Living with his bachelor crew

Of four gorillas growing up

Into the silverbacks they'll be.

Amare's back's silvering - yup,

As everybody can see.

When asked of plans to celebrate

Amare grunts and thumps his chest.

Whatever happens will be great -

Some busy time, some time of rest.

Happy 16th Amare guy

On this 26th of July.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Out for Lunch

Floating through water in the pond,

Mama duck leads her ducking crew

On a journey to the beyond,

In search of future, bright and new.

So many hungry mouths to feed,

Mama duck by instinct knows that

In order to fulfill their need,

They must move through their habitat,

Until be found a food supply,

Giving her ducklings nourishment,

Enough food for each gal and guy,

Keeping her family content.

It is a never ending chore.

The ducklings eat but soon want more.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


Poseidon, Greek god of the sea,

Created Atlantis so that

His son, Atlas, king could be

Head of a mighty habitat.

Rich and powerful did become

Atlantis island over time.

An arrogance filled the kingdom,

Shunning the gods which was high crime.

The gods convened in meeting to

Tell Poseidon, Atlantis must

End, and that Poseidon should do

The punishment that would be just.

So sadly Poseidon did make

Atlantis gone by flood and quake.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 As Seen By Dad

My Dad was a colorful guy,

A very quick wit and sharp mind.

I remember the time when I

Found out that Dad was colorblind.

My birthday, I was six years old.

I received a kitty cat who

Was a fur ball of orange and gold,

And so I called her Sunny Lou.

We took Sunny Lou outside and

Watched her while in the grass she played.

Dad said, I didn't understand,

Sunny Lou away seemed to fade.

For Dad, the kitten and grass were

Looking the same color for sure.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Butt Bump - LP Zoo

Plains zebras, Mike and Simon, do

A bro butt bump to show regard

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

While playing in their outside yard.

The brother pair are a Z team

And like each other's company,

Holding each other in esteem,

A happy twosome they do be.

Sometimes the two be standing still.

Sometimes the two be in a trot.

Down in a dale, up on a hill,

The striped pair are easy to spot.

When Mike and Simon merry make,

Visitors do a doubletake. 

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Aim of Throne

It is a fixture in my home

That I visit each day and night.

And when away I often roam

Looking for one to come in sight.

I can't imagine life without

It around when I am in need.

In good health or in sickness bout

It is a welcome friend indeed.

After my bizness with it's done

It responds with a hearty gush,

Leaving me a more relieved one,

My burden gone in just a flush.

The older that I get to be

The more the toilet does host me.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Coming Soon - LP Zoo

Four lions are on their way to

A renovated habitat

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

The one male and three females that

Will be arriving in the fall,

The beginning of a new pride,

A mighty welcome to them all.

Excitement is intensified.

It's been some years since lions were

Seen and heard in accustomed place,

But now they're coming back for sure,

Their presence once again to grace.

It is great news and soon we'll cheer

The welcome back of lions here.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Giraffe in Me

I am in a garden at night.

A giraffe I have turned into

As I see me in the moonlight,

With spots and stripes of green and blue.

What a weird sight to contemplate!

I must be dreaming this but why?

Maybe was something that I ate.

I have this feeling that I am high.

But since I'm here I look around,

Made easier by my long neck,

Curious 'bout this wild I've found.

So I'm tripping out - what the heck!

Not a night mare, but night giraffe,

Does not scare me but makes me laugh.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


Daughter, Thalia, was muse of

Comedy, so Dad Zeus called her

To Mt. Olympus high above

To find out why other gods were

Not watching him in his sit com.

Thalia figured this the case

And knew her Dad's show was a bomb,

But could not say that to his face.

So Thalia told Zeus that he

Was better suited to the role

Of high drama not comedy.

Instilling fear should be his goal.

Thus letting thunder/lightning loose

Became the new trademark of Zeus.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


The bell did ring and school was out.

I needed to relax a bit.

A cigarette would help no doubt.

Behind the building up I lit.

I was sure that I'd flunked the test.

The folks would surely punish me.

Not a happy future I guessed.

Car privileges would cease to be.

I thought I heard someone and so

I quickly gave the cig a toss.

All I could think was time to go,

Feeling of panic swept across.

A while later came the whole town

And watched the school house burning down.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Size Up

Baby bunny is on a hop

And comes upon a Chevrolet.

Baby bunny decides to stop

To view this giant on display.

This is a good chance to behoove

This object that's a scary thing

By sight and sound when on the move,

The baby bunny is thinking.

But when it is silent and still

Like now the scariness is gone.

Size up the baby bunny will,

This now harmless phenomenon.

But when the Chevy's on a roll

Baby bunny should find a hole.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Play Misty for Me - LP Zoo

This green tree frog does like to do

Meditation in morning mist

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

A habit that I can't resist.

When keepers turn the misters on

Right away I do quickly seek

A cozy spot to hop upon

And meditate in mist mystique.

The foggier the outside is.

The less fogged is my train of thought.

As deep thinker I am a whiz,

"Mist"ified, believe it or not.

A meditating frog I be,

Better the more humidity.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 On a Picnic

A picnic in a park we share.

It is a nice and sunny day

Beckoning to this senior pair

To grab the gusto, come what may.

Upon a blanket in the grass

Our arthritic bones do crunch.

Not allowed wine we sip from glass.

Eating a high cholesterol lunch.

We skip the pills we take with meals

That make us drowsy so that we

Can better sense how freedom feels

Unrestricted as we now be.

The offsite pass is up and so

Back to the nursing home we go.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Chest Thumper - LP Zoo

Teenager Azizi does do

A beating of his chest so that

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

All those around his habitat

Will know that he thinks he is boss.

Chest thumping is Azizi's way

Of getting this message across,

Far better than just grunts could say.

Do other gorillas agree?

Most likely their answer is no,

Because other gorillas be

Beating upon their chests also.

It is a never ending quest

To make a point by thumping chest.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Service for Sale

Madame Antoinette was her name.

A psychic in neon light that

Was always there when home I came

To the family's upstairs flat.

I would watch visitors go in

And out of Madame Antoinette's,

Dif'rent sorts of women and men

Seeking a glimpse of coming yets.

It seemed so natural for me,

Growing up in a time and place

Where supernatural did be

Supplied for a fee, case by case.

Reading tarot cards on a palm,

Madame Antoinette was my Mom.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Covid Vaccination

Covid vaccination I got.

I tried not to fret about it.

The first and then the second shot,

Both times my arm ached for a bit.

I did talk to my doctor first,

Who advised that I should do so.

My age group was getting hit worst.

I figured my doctor should know.

So far so good and so I'm glad

I'm in the vaccinated bunch.

The variants continue bad,

So may need boosters is my hunch.

Covid vaccination does be

An investment I make in me.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Throatful - LP Zoo

An Anthony's dart frog, I do

Make my awesome male mating call

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

Loud enough to be heard by all.

My vocal sacs under my chin

I do blow up like a balloon.

Then my mating call does begin

In a chirping, whistle like tune.

For several seconds or so

My mating call does resonate.

Through the airwaves my sound does flow

Hoping to attract a good mate.

If you happen to hear my pipes,

Know that humans are not my types.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Fire Storm

The forest fires keep raging on,

Dancing about in time and place.

Everchanging phenomenon

Forcing the firefighters to face

The constant threat of the unknown,

Trying to keep up desperately

With when and where next danger zone.

So many variants there be.

The fire seems determined to win,

Leaving the firefighters in doubt

Of survival, wondering when

This hellish fire can be put out.

Healthcare workers on the front lines

Fighting as Covid redesigns.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Words Between Birds - LP Zoo

Two vultures sitting on a limb

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

Friends, Ms. Linda and Mr. Grimm

In an encounter, just the two.

Ms. Linda tells Mr. Grimm that

He seems to be in a bad mood,

A downer in their habitat.

She doesn't mean to sound too rude,

But felt the issue should be brought

To his attention so he might

Be self aware whether or not

This could bring on a friendly fight.

Ms. Linda said it was her place

To tell Mr. Grimm face to face.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Wedding Vow

On our wedding day I vow

To be a husband you deserve.

I feel unworthy here and now,

And hope I do not lose my nerve.

We have not known each other long,

But I will try my best to do

You mostly right and avoid wrong.

I'll try to be faithful to you.

My bachelor days are in the past.

I'm ready for family and

Think you and I can make it last,

What began as a one night stand.

I can now see that you're the one,

As I see your Daddy's shotgun.

Monday, August 09, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


I am Friendly, a puppy who

Does want to become your best friend.

There's so much fun that we will do

Each day from beginning to end.

Whatever time, whatever place

We'll make memories of delight.

Each morning I will lick your face.

Each bedtime, wag my tail good night.

What grand adventures we will share,

Romping around inside and out,

Known as a very playful pair,

That's what friendship is all about.

Your best friend I do want to be.

I hope you'll be the same for me.

Sunday, August 08, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 "Egg"ception - LP Zoo

Plover parents, Monty and Rose,

Got so busy with hatchlings that

Leaving an egg unhatched they chose

At their Montrose Beach habitat.

To the rescue, Lincoln Park Zoo

Incubated behind the scenes,

And did hatch a healthy chick new

By human intervention means.

Back to Monty's and Rose's nest

The chick was taken and placed there,

And watched and hoping for the best,

The plovers quickly began care.

Reproduction can often fail,

A happy ending to this tale.

Saturday, August 07, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Inherit the Earth

If I inherited great wealth

I would begin a charity

To make better the planet's health

By funding solar energy

Around the entire Earth so that

All fossil fuel burning could cease

Warming the global habitat.

Free, safe energy would help peace

Come between the have and have not,

Bringing a worldwide peace of mind,

Gone pollution, dirty and hot,

Better for all of living kind.

A better life for all and one

If energized under the sun.

Friday, August 06, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


In ancient times the scarlet hue

Meant power, wealth and luxury,

A bright red with slight orange tinge too.

Finest scarlets in demand be,

And were supplied from bugs around

Mediterranean sea sites.

These insects, kermes, could be found

Living on oaks as parasites.

The dried bodies of the females

Were ground up to make scarlet dye.

Sellers avoided these details,

Pitching to sell the sought supply.

Scarlet garments wearers did don,

Not knowing they put dead bugs on.

Thursday, August 05, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Swamp Friendly - LP Zoo

An Allen's swamp monkey, I do

Share a very nice habitat

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo

With some colobus monkeys that

Mainly stay high while I stay low.

Both of our kind do come from

Central Africa jungles so

We coexist though not real chum.

The colobus prefer the trees

While I prefer the swampy ground.

I am able to swim with ease.

Oft in the water I be found.

In the Primate House I do be.

So come on by and visit me.

Wednesday, August 04, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Hobo Time

I am a hobo on the roam

At Anywhere, U.S. of A.

At anytime where's I call home,

Ready to move on any day.

Ah yes, what a great life it is.

No one telling me what to do.

No body messing in my biz.

Always going to someplace new.

I'm free of all the rules and stuff,

Of being treated like a slave,

Left that behind, I've had enough.

Now I decide how to behave.

A five year old hobo I be,

For an hour till Mom finds me.

Tuesday, August 03, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Taking Advantage

A favorite of Liz the First,

Sir Francis Drake a pirate be,

Seagoing with unquenching thirst

For causing Spain great misery.

Portrayed in England hero grand,

Portrayed in Spain a villain vile,

History comes to understand

Drake as a masquerade of guile,

Taking advantage of his time

To enrich his fortune and fame.

Some called it just, some called it crime.

He sailed the seas in selfish aim.

English and Spanish empires were

Means to an end for Drake for sure.

Monday, August 02, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Close Call

Driving my car I lost control.

The gas ignited into fire,

After ramming into a pole.

I knew my situation dire

When I tried but could not get out.

The flames and smoke were ev'rywhere.

My breath was gone, I could not shout.

The fiery heat consumed all air.

Red, yellow, orange danced all around

Me, stuck there in a helpless state.

I heard a sizzling, popping sound.

All I could do was sit and wait.

Before I was but chunks of char,

Strangers did pull me from the car.

Sunday, August 01, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Tongue to Tell - LP Zoo

The Virgin Islands boa be

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo

Sticking her tongue out so that she

Can get a sense of what is new.

She likes to hang out in the trees,

Looping upon the limbs so that

She is able to sense with ease

Goings on in her habitat.

When she senses a keeper near,

Her curiosity turns on.

What's now going to happen here? -

A check it out phenomenon.

She's hopeful that her tongue will tell

That food's coming - that would be swell.