Sense Sonnets

Monday, August 31, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

In the Beeginning

The gift of honey from the bees
Is good the Bible tells us so,
When used for purposes to please
The will for us God does bestow.
Honey is a gift to be shared,
To spread the sweetness evermore.
If hoarding honey, humans erred,
And sweetness turned to sour sore.
Honey bees are angels to make
Sweet honey that humans can not.
So humans need wisdom to take
For good this gift that God has brought.

In Revelations words there be,
God's message is sweet as honey.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Five O'Croc

Brothers and sisters, five we be.
Dwarf crocodiles, we all hatched out
In oh seven and all are we
In Lincoln Park Zoo - home no doubt,
Where lots of you humans come by,
And peek at us through the glass wall,
Where we each opt 'tween wet and dry.
Loads of pond water for us all
To do the dip and soaking thing,
Or we can spread out on a rock.
And of course like any sibling,
We might give each other a knock.

When you stop by, now don't you cuss
If you can't find all five of us.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


The naked truth now on T.V.
Is that there is more nakedness.
Reality is nudity.
Baring more profits tiz best guess,
Cuz cable T.V. can bare more
Than the old stodgy networks can.
So birthday suits do really soar.
No cover up - woman or man,
Drooling viewers game in the skin.
Nekkid bods were not always lewd.
Before that original sin,
In the beginning we romped nude.

Adam and Eve did sin and so
Covered themselves up - doncha know!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


A human is killed by a bear
Defending its territory,
Something the human was aware,
But still the human chose to be
Taking  the risk of nature's way.
Later the bear was hunted down,
And killed for having "gone astray."
"Euthanization" - fancy noun
For standard policy of when
Careless human blood is spilled due
To a bear being a bear, then
Man made tragedy doe ensue.

Humans certainly do have skill
Making up excuses to kill.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Clark and Addison

Red Panda Cubs, they were first born
In Chicago's Lincoln Park Zoo.
Powers that be got on the horn
For naming rights, as humans do.
The donor picked apparently
Is a local big baseball fan,
Partial to the Cubs at Wrigley,
And came up with a simple plan.
So for the Zoo in Lincoln Park,
Sports connected naming was done.
The Red Panda boy is named Clark,
And the girl is named Addison.

Clark and Addison - crossroad streets
Where all the Wrigley Field world meets.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


I have evolved a long, long way
From what my kind first started out.
Not naturally, I must say,
'Twas much human factors, no doubt.
I started out so very small,
A very tasteless seedy thing,
Not very appealing at all.
So minds did use their hands to bring
My being to a being so
That human mouths do hunger such
To take me in, and down I go,
Fruitfully bringing joy so much.

What am I that I've been tellin'?
Why, I am a watermelon.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Hersey and Carlos Announce... - LP Zoo

Hersey and Carlos do announce,
Born to them at Lincoln Park Zoo,
Their first baby, that chose to bounce
Out July 25th brand new,
As cute as a baby can be,
With big bright eyes, looking about
At all the brand new stuff to see -
Can be overwhelming no doubt.
Of course Mom is ever close by,
And too is Dad near on the scene.
TLC is in big supply,
For the baby to get routine.

Come by and visit, watch the growth,
Which of course is for a sloth slowth.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

HillBillill and The Clean Bill

"Bill - I got my doc to write out"
"A letter about healthy me."
"It clearly states there is no doubt"
"I'm fit for Prez as I can be."
"All that stuff that was in my head"
"Has been resolved completely, so"
"There's just the mental left instead."
"That's our secret - doncha know!"
"No mention of my height or weight,"
"Something ladies should never tell,"
"And that goes for the lady's mate."
"You called me old and you got hell."

"One can be physically fit,"
"Even thought one is full of s--t."

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal was built in grief
By the Emperor Shah Jahan,
For his dead wife, in the belief
That there her beauty would live on.
Thousands of workers built for years
The white marble mausoleum.
A lot of blood and sweat and tears
And money flowed from the kingdom.
The Taj Mahal at last was done,
The empress buried finally.
Then overthrown by his own son,
The emperor came there to be.

The Taj Mahal - it still is there,
Symbol of family affair.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Fetal Property

The fetal material from
A lawful abortion can be
Donated, and although gruesome,
Can be donated legally.
The U.S. Fed government is
The bunch who should get praise or blame.
Fetal parts research is big biz.
Money is the name of the game.
Buyers and sellers can play such
Legal niceties - many are,
So the public doesn't learn much
Unless hit by some bad p.r.

A woman's right, the law does tell -
Abortion with some buy and sell.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Love Sonnet - LP Zoo

Shakespeare asked, "Shall I compare thee"
"To a summer's day?" and I do
Say in my sonnet that for me,
All the loveliness that is you
Is best of any summer day.
The warmth and glow of the bright sun
Casts perfect from you, I must say.
Your body, mind and soul are one
That all of nature does deem such.
Beauty that no one day can know.
No one but I love you so much.
Always I be your Romeo.

The summer day does never set
Beyond my love dear Juliet.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Red Billed Leiothrix - LP Zoo

A red billed leiothrix am I,
A bird that is quite colorful,
Both in feather and song is why.
I may be small but never dull.
From southeast Asia I am from,
But home is the Lincoln Park Zoo.
I'm in the Bird House, so just come
To Tropical Forest - please do.
Bottomed yellow and topped in green,
At times you'll see me very still.
White circled eyes survey the scene,
For further check with my red bill.

Some plant or some bug I might meet.
I check it out, then prob'ly eat.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Corpse Flower

I am called the corpse flower, cuz
I bloom and smell like rotting flesh,
Attracting lots of bugs such does.
Bugs spread my pollen o'er buds fresh.
Indonesia is where I'm from,
But now I'm planted in Berkeley.
Ev'ry few years my bloom does come,
And humans flock to me to see.,
Excited cuz I'm so unique.
A phallic symbol five feet high.
For humans, my odor does reek,
But I'm happy some bugs come by.

The humans do call me Trudy,
And also call me P-U-dy.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Take a Nap - LP Zoo

This macaque snow monkey does take
A nice nap at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
I'm on stage, but gimme a break.
Humans do tire me - yes they do,
Especially in summer time.
Warm weather brings the humans out.
The level of loud crowds does climb -
A monkey mind messes no doubt.
I know that is the way it is,
So I do try to sneak a nap
From all the pressure of show biz.
That way less likely I will snap.

A sleeping beauty - that is me,
And princely charming too I be.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Just Spectating

I was watching a surfing thing,
Wanted to get a closer look
Of one guy doing some surfing,
So a straight line for him I took.
I guess I must have scared him, cuz
He started thrashing all about.
Suddenly the beach was abuzz,
So it was time to go, no doubt.
The surf board's rope did tangle me.
The surfer kicked and punched - okay!
I somehow managed to swim free,
And took the chance to get away.

Surfing's a silly thing to do,
At least from this shark's point of view.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Sea Bunnies

"Sea bunnies" - we are all the rage,
A type of ocean slug we be.
But on the human cuteness gauge,
A web video hit be we.
We look like we have spotted fur -
Really sensory rods that seek
Sex with another him and her.
We're the whole package, so to speak.
Our "rabbit" ears do let us know
If predators do lurk nearby.
Our body toxins can bestow
Big hurt on predators who try.

We don't live long, so deem it best
To mate like bunnies in slug fest.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Hi Tech Die Check

Humans wanted something to do,
So they "borrowed" this boa a while.
How I kill prey - anything new?
They fitted some lab rats in style
With fancy cardiac device.
I squeezed lab rats to death real quick,
Making the blood stop in the mice.
Faster the better - that's the trick.
Suffocation, humans had thought
Was the means to killing my prey.
They were all excited a lot,
Testing I had a better way.

Stick a human test in with me
To check out how this theory be.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Mr. and Mrs. Meerkat

Mister and Missus Meerkat were
On a river trip in a tub.
Mister Meerkat was very sure
He knew the way - rub a dub dub.
Missus Meerkat looked at the map,
And knew that they had gotten lost.
But Mister Meerkat would just snap,
And so she just kept her claws crossed.
The trip was gonna go real slow,
Missus Meerkat did understand.
They'd left the river long ago.
The tub was sitting on dry land.

Mister Meerkat, a stubborn guy.
Missus Meerkat could only sigh.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Provost's Squirrel - LP Zoo

The Provost's squirrel - humans call me,
Also called the tricolored one.
Black backed and red bellied I be,
With sides of white bands smartly done.
Malaysia's where my kind call home.
Like to make nests up in the trees.
We spread the seeds where we do roam.
So in that sense, we are like bees.
Myself - I've got a show biz gig.
Human folk I do entertain,
Watching me do my zag and zig,
Tail a waving through my domain.

Come see me at Lincoln Park Zoo.
I'm sure I'll like a nut like you.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Trophy hunters needing some thrill,
Targeted Cecil the lion,
And lured him so to make the kill,
Just one more big cat to die on.
Some dentist says most likely he
Paid the big bucks to play the game,
Away from boring dentistry,
Unsportsmanlike that's filled with shame.
For 13 years, Cecil was spared
Paying the price for human truth.
The human price needs be declared -
Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.

Since Cecil the lion is dead,
Cut off and stuff the dentist's head.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Eye Job

I told the plastic surgeon that
I wanted a new face to show
Long sexy eyelashes to bat
My sex appeal in rapid flow
Across two dreamy sparkling eyes
To look beholders in rapt gaze.
Upon the sight of such a prize,
Truly a vision to amaze.
And so the plastic surgeon did
Optic magic cut here, snipped there,
To the result that I did bid,
An eye set extraordinaire.

I look into the mirror and see
An ostrich looking back at me.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Boy Next Door - LP Zoo

We two young sisters want to meet
The handsome boy that lives next door.
But so far he's been hard to greet.
Once in a while we'll hear him roar.
When we moved in, we heard he had
No friends to keep him company.
Of course this made us very sad,
And so his friends we try to be,
Sending to him girlish appeal.
There's just so much that we can do.
It's up to him to do the deal,
Here home at the Lincoln Park Zoo.

This lion boy just need decide
To join us lionesses' pride.

Sunday, August 09, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Foster Kid - LP Zoo

A European white stork, I
Was just an egg some months ago,
And came to Lincoln Park Zoo - why?
Cuz there are two storks here who know
How to bring a baby stork up.
And sure enough, I hatched out fine,
And got the care from both folks - yup!
They gave their best and made it mine.
When it comes time to leave the nest,
I will spread wings and say farewell,
Off to another Zoo that's best
For me to help other eggshell.

Through all my journeys that be had,
They will always be Mom and Dad.

Saturday, August 08, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Lawnmower Man

Lawnmower man was hired to cut
The grass of a nice family.
They did not know he was a nut,
And soon his victims they would be.
The mower did mow all the grass,
As the family did eat lunch.
And then the mower mowed, alas,
Down the family, the whole bunch.
The mower's motive was not clear,
As police came onto the scene.
Lawnmower man now gone, the fear -
What did such awful mowing mean?

Lawnmower man no longer there,
Scent of fresh cut grass in the air.

Friday, August 07, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


A bunch of researchers came by
To watch me do my nutty thing.
I guess they want to find out why
I am so good at nut cracking.
Between a rock and a hard place,
I regulate my use of force,
Evaluating case by case
What's needed to crack in due course.
Showtime, so I want to do well
To aid humans in solution
Of how the use of tools can tell
Of the human evolution.

This monkey must be out of whack.
Why can't I make this damn nut crack?

Thursday, August 06, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Mruko - LP Zoo

I am Mruko, my record - guess,
Oldest cat at Lincoln Park Zoo,
26 years and counting, yes,
A purrfect catalog tale - true!
I'm a serval female feline,
In the Lion House, south east end.
The humans here do treat me fine.
To all my daily needs, they tend.
Though I cat nap most of the day,
Like a kitten, I still can act,
When excitement does come my way.
I'm living it up - that's a fact.

If cat's nine lives there truly be,
Then I'll be here next century.

Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Katai - LP Zoo

I am Katai, the black bear, who
Likes to mark territory by
The glass fence at Lincoln Park Zoo.
As I do pace, humans ask why.
Humans don't understand bear talk,
So I just leave them to their view,
As I pace back and forth in walk,
Then take a break for a bear snooze.
Orhaned and in dire consequence,
That the humans rescued me from.
The Zoo has been home ever since,
So humans are always welcome.

Come and visit and I will share
Some quiet time with a real bear.

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Rewrite and Rewhite

Please do a rewrite, Harper Lee.
Her publisher did so request.
"To Kill a Mockingbird" did be,
To show a white man at his best,
Fighting against a racist time
And place when and where blacks were deemed
Guilty of any and all crime,
And civil rights were only dreamed.
The book rewritten did become
Equality inspiration.
The fictional hero came from
Second thoughts after first ones done.

Atticus Finch, a racist white,
Got all white washed in the rewrite.

Monday, August 03, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Caiman Eye - LP Zoo

I be a caiman, yes I be,
And a spectacled one at that.
At Lincoln Park Zoo come see me,
Cuz that is where I do be at.
I be most likely in my pool,
A watching all of you walk by.
But get real close, and here's what's cool -
We'll see each other eye to eye,
With a clear glass wall in between.
Up close and personal we'll share
A time and place on the Zoo scene,
And 'twill be most extraordinaire.

A comin' to a caiman can
In this case be insightful plan.

Sunday, August 02, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Trump New$

The media, both left and right,
Is trumpeting Trump stuff with glee,
Giving time and space in delight,
Pushing this soap opera spree.
Tiz the profit incentive that
Makes the media go for such,
Cuz that's where the ratings are at.
Trump is the latest Midas touch.
Media-ocrity now is
What keeps the public yearning more.
Mainstream now is just tabloid biz,
Not to inform, but not to bore.

The media plays this cheap game.
We the People are who's to blame.

Saturday, August 01, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Dog Days

"Dog Days" of summer is a phrase
Coined from old Roman and Greek lore,
About July through August days,
Filled with superstition galore,
When human body, mind and soul
Was at the mercy of the heat.
All sorts of ills could take their toll.
From year to year 'twould just repeat
Such disasters from "dog days" bite.
But not a dog of puppy kind,
But the dog star bright in the night
Was human matter over mind.

'Twas Orion's dog, Sirius,
At its brightest causing such fuss.