Sense Sonnets

Friday, October 31, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Pied Tamarin - LP Zoo

A pied tamarin from Brazil,
Manaus - queen of the Amazon
Rain forest - city we do fill,
Cuz so much habitat is gone.
Each primate family does live
In groups in tree top harmony.
She and he both have skills to give
To tend to the whole family.
Chest and back are all furry white.
Hind legs and tail a reddish brown.
Black hairless face, a "Yoda" sight.
Chicago's now "my kind of town."

I serve at the Lincoln Park Zoo,
Ambassador with much to do.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Brainy Aristotle

Aristotle was multi tasked,
And theorized on many things.
What of the human brain he asked
In terms of usefulness it brings.
He thought that the heart was the prime
Organ over ration and sense.
The brain helped heart some of the time,
But was of minor consequence.
The male/female primary goal -
Procreation be realized.
Maybe the brain did play a role,
Aristotle hypothesized.

Mind over matter that was main,
Male semen was dropped by the brain.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Call me Kuzya, cuz Putin did
Give this Amur tiger that name.
To that bare chested guy, I bid
Farewell. He could not turn me tame,
And so he let me loose to roam
The wilds where wild of us are few,
'Twixt/'tween Russia/China home.
First thing I did - what tigers do,
Some farm fresh meat - chicken take out,
Left feathers and footprints behind,
So guess who - there can be no doubt.
Russia just hopes China won't mind.

The news is that this pussy cat
Crossed over the border - what's that?

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Must Butt In

"I think I'll Sit This One Out," be
A book written by Milton Mayer,
Causing quite the controversy,
Whether Uncle Sam should aspire
To getting into World War II.
After We won, Mayer was condemned
For dissing the red, white and blue.
Since that time, many wars have stemmed,
Mayer type protests to no avail.
Uncle Sam thinking - must be done,
Or golly, the whole world will fail.
Uncle Sam winning not a one.

Uncle Sam never thinks, no doubt,
That "I think I'll sit this one out."

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


From Canada, the hubby went
To Florida on a biz trip.
When he got there, an email sent
To wifey, but due to some flip
Of characters in the address.
The email did get sent instead
In error to a widow, yes,
Of a preacher recently dead.
The widow read the message, and
Promptly fainted into her chair,
As anyone would understand,
After reading the message there.

The email sent in error, "Dear,"
"Arrived - but sure is hot down here."

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Sin and the Senate

Demmies ran the Senate and House,
And did ram through Obamacare.
Demmie cat and Repubbie mouse.
Mid term election mouse did snare
The House back and then deadlock did
Stalemate D.C. for four more years.
Now midterm - who does D.C. kid!
Repubbies take Senate - few cheers.
Oh, Repubbies will huff and puff.
That's about all they all do do.
The anti Obamacare stuff
Will get lost in the stinkaroo.

Be there Demmie or Repubbie.
Just more deadlock dumb in D.C.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Greggery Peccary

Greggery Peccary, a swine,
Whose adventures were so sung by
Frank Zappa, after too much wine,
Cuz G.P. was one crazy guy.
Devised a calendar that did
Remind the young they will get old.
G.P. drove in his car to rid
The chasing young from getting hold.
In Billy the Mountain, he hid,
And Billy coughed up a brown cloud.
G.P. wondered why Billy did,
And questioned life's meaning out loud.

Greggery Peccary - no word
Whether he killed a mockingbird.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Air Gorilla

Wilbur and Orville, Brothers Wright
Were walking through the woods one day.
A bird above them was in flight,
And to Orville, Wilbur did say,
"Swinging on vines does get us there,"
"But that bird that is on the fly"
"Will get to faster in the air."
"Bro - don't you ever wonder why?"
Orville replied, "Let's put some thought"
"Into getting on top this thing."
"No feather to flap have we got,"
"But we can build a will work wing."

So what did these gorillas do?
They built a plane, and off they flew.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Young Death

In Central Park, New York City,
A young female, her body found.
A hit and run, what a pity.
No sign of family around.
Discovered in the early morn.
Authorities investigate,
And to the public, duly warn
That more of her kind might await.
Nannies, joggers and walkers will
For a while heed what they've been told.
She'll become but memory still,
The victim only 6 months old.

How and why was that young girl there?
Not a place for any black bear.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


This mother fly, the humans grabbed
To do some tests on how I mate.
Intimate encounters were labbed.
All size males I did copulate.
Later, I laid my eggs, and when
Fertilized, my eggs did hatch.
The humans checked and found out that
I'd pick and choose from my sperm batch.
The humans were impressed that I
Could have control of the sperm flow.
Of course, humans want to know why,
And will bug me until they know.

Layaway sperm, humans have guessed,
Lets mother's kid flies have the best.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Bo and the Bowe

I heard the Prez call the name "Bo"
From the Rose Garden, so I went.
But not for First Pup - doncha know!
But Bowe Bergdahl was the event.
And next to the Prez was Bowe's Dad,
Words coming from his bearded face,
Praising Allah, but that's not bad,
Just really not the time and place.
Rose Garden ceremonies should
Be for the Prez to reunite
The nation for a purpose good,
And not divide in foolish fight.

May I never hear "Bo" - puhleeze,
From the Prez in Talibanese.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Tree Table for Two

A gorilla and a squirrel do
Meet under a shady oak tree.
They have reserved a spot for two,
Keeping each other company.
The gorilla chews oak leaves fine,
While acorns are the squirrel's delight.
Both find this a great place to dine.
They tell what's up while down each bite.
Who would have guessed that this odd pair
Would choose to come together so.
At anytime and anywhere,
Nature is sharing - doncha know!

The twosome talk and laugh a bunch.
They always do when doing lunch.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Hedwig, the snowy owl, became
A Harry Potter feathered friend.
Harry gave her this awesome name,
That magic lore did recommend.
For Harry, Hedwig did in flight
Carry messages for the good,
Throughout the realms of day and night,
Being all that a true friend should.
The Death Eaters did air attack,
She proved in loyalty her worth,
Sacrificing at Harry's back.
Hedwig did depart from this Earth.

Hedwig, his feathered friend was gone.
Harry missed her, but carried on.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Telling Time - LP Zoo

This gorilla girl, humans say
To me at the Lincoln Park Zoo,
To Patty a Happy Birthday.
In human years, I guess I'm two.
As humans watch me, I watch them
Escape a bit from human rage
That grips their lives a.m./p.m.
The Zoo does joy for any age.
The human thing to be so mean
To each and all around the Earth,
I've heard about, but have not seen
Here at the Zoo - where time has worth.

I wonder how the world will be,
When humans tell me I've turned three.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Zebra Stripes

So many tales on how and why
The zebra's stripes are black and white.
Here's the scoop that should satisfy,
So all might have better insight.
The zebra used to have black spots,
When they were late to Noah's Ark.
The heavens opened and poured lots,
And caused the spots to stretch out dark.
The zebras did make it on board,
But when they dried out, black stripes stayed.
And compliments upon them poured,
Calling the change divinely made.

What's black and white and white and black?
A zebra rolling forth and back.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Same Stuff

Liberals preach to grow the State,
Expanding its bounds on welfare,
Saving the masses from a fate
Of elite who don't want to share.
Conservatives preach big gov is
Just not the American way.
Free market capitalist biz
Is what should have the final say.
Libbies and Conservies so preach,
But rarely practice faithfully.
Conservies and Libbies do each
Bad mouth the other constantly.

Conservie and Libbie - just names,
Only purpose is to shift blames.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


The life of Lincoln saved by Booth!
If truth, there must be something more.
John Wilkes killed Abraham - that's truth.
New Jersey in the Civil War.
Two men at a train station met.
Booth was heading south, Lincoln north.
They encountered as fate did set.
On the platform, Lincoln fell forth
In front of an oncoming train.
A hand reached out and pulled him back.
Booth did save Lincoln - truth was plain.
Not John nor Abe were at that track.

Relatives of history done,
Edwin, brother, and Robert, son.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

PPE - Battleground

I am a virus coming out
In bodily fluids you touch.
You cannot detect me, no doubt.
So I take advantage of such.
Protective equipment you wear,
And it is personal to you -
PPE, but we both do share
You inside and me outside too.
As you come out of PPE,
You surely have skin in the game.
Just one little mistake need be,
And you will never be the same.

All I need is to touch your skin.
I find a break and I'll break in.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Armadillo - small armored one.
This family name does us proud.
More descriptive naming was done
Of other kin in our crowd.
Nine banded, long nosed, naked tailed,
And screaming hairy are well named.
But for my line the name so failed.
We are reclusively ashamed.
My digging claws are awesome, so
Name us by that, but no such luck.
Humans are clueless, doncha know!
And with a clunker we got stuck.

Many great names could have been used.
"Pink Fairy" - we are not amused.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

He/She Phobia

Some adults in society
Obsess that younger being taught
Are forced into the he or she,
And stuck for life in gender slot.
So no more talk of girls and boys,
But use inclusive words like gang,
Or other such genderless ploys,
So gender labels will not hang
Upon the children like a brand.
And each child will be free to grow,
Without needing to understand
Such gender bias - doncha know!

We the People more to express
In language that is genderless.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Mama Knows - LP Zoo

Mama Pumpkin, Francois langur
Has just given birth to a ball
Of bouncing, hungry, orangish fur.
I've lost count of my babies all.
I have an older girl that now
Is helping me in baby care.
But my one year old boy - no how
Has any baby help to share.
He and his Dad - typical guys,
Do their own macho stuff, which is
Probably best, cuz no surprise,
They're useless in baby care biz.

Humans here at Lincoln Park Zoo
Don't yet know gender. But I do!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Bumblebee No Fly

A human caught a bumblebee,
Netted it flying through the air.
But aerodynamically,
The bumblebee should not fly there,
Cuz the body is much too big,
And both the wings are much too small.
So as the case with wingless pig,
This plumpie should not fly at all.
Human computed measurement
Determines rational or not.
A bumblebee proves evident
These are flights of fancy a lot.

Just smart humans just can know why
Dumb bumblebees just cannot fly.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

DNA is Public Domain

High technology does evolve
More than human morality.
So let humans use tech to solve
So many human crimes that be.
Criminals do some math and bet
That even if they be accused,
Odds are society will let
Not enough good high tech be used.
Humans have unique DNA.
Each should be kept in data base,
Ready for a legal display
To link to a crime time and place.

The most important right is one
For a victim for justice done.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Tawnying Out

We tawny frogmouths, we are birds
That hail from the down under land.
Me and the Missus are of few words,
Stick to ourselves - understand?
Some kookaburras moved next door,
Heard them heading for our tree.
Socializing is such a chore,
So like tree branches we did be.
Shutting eyes and tucking in beak,
And not making a move or sound,
A built in camoflage technique
When uninvited come around.

The kookaburras sing and sing.
Neighbors can be a pesty thing.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Get Tax Get Vote

The Revolutionary War
Was fought because of taxation
Without representation. Your
Citizenship in this nation
Means you are subject to such tax
That those elected do impose.
Such imposition has no max
As lots of We the People knows.
Elected also tell us who
Cannot vote because of young age.
Such young pay taxes - many do.
Revolution time - let's engage.

If you pay taxes, you should vote.
Your age should be of minor note.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Take a Break - LP Zoo

Listen my children, you shall hear
Of this short break for mom and wife.
This gibbon gal needs time to clear
The clutter of men from my life.
Two sons to try to goodly raise,
And a hubby that's kid at heart.
I'm busy with them nights and days,
So time to grab some time apart.
Don't get me wrong - they're all great guys.
I love them dearly, yes I do.
But time to myself - I do prize,
Home here at the Lincoln Park Zoo.

Well gotta go, I hear their noise.
My guys are back. Boys will be boys.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

The Riddle of the Sphinx

What creature changes footing, so
At first has four, then two, then three.
Many a human does not know,
Though a "human" - the answer be.
Crawling as a babe on all fours,
Then walking older on two feet,
But with old age comes tores and wores,
A cane required for walk complete.
This is the Riddle of the Sphinx,
A mythical beast from the past -
Human with bird and lion links,
Who as on guard was unsurpassed.

Humans who got the riddle wrong
Did not remain live humans long.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Bo and the Friendly Fire

The Prez gave me a pat and said,
"Oh Bo - I'm being fired upon."
"Not by foes but friendlies instead."
The Prez did look forlorn - doggone!
The lefties left and made book deals,
And telling tales of tell tale heart,
Each one with self serving appeals
Of why the Prez and each did part
On stuff the tattlers wanted known
For history and yes, some cash,
Leaving the Prez to pout alone
On who will be the next to bash.

In my book that is coming out,
Bo has lots to bow wow about.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Tale of the Neck

I'm an ostrich - why my long neck?
Inquiring humans want to know.
Well let me tell you - what the heck!
It's becuz of a tornado.
One day I was digging for worms.
My feet got stuck under a rock.
Oh, I was cussing nasty terms.
But I was lucky for that lock.
A big bad twister blew at me,
And tugged like crazy at my head.
My bod stayed stuck and safe I be,
But I got one long neck instead.

Hard to believe - yes I admit.
Perhaps I ostretch it a bit.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

The Bending 6

The Apple iPhone 6 comes out
To all the huppla being spent.
Some are charging and causing doubt
That this new latest craze went bent,
Not bending the ear as 'twas made,
But bending in pocket and hand.
This thin gadget of best plan laid
Is twisting fate of Apple brand.
To bend or not bend - question tiz,
Affects the competition race.
Bendgate pressure on Apple biz.
Bend truthers straighten out this case?

Tiz a hell bent phenomenon,
Deep iPhone sixxing going on?

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


Australia was a new found land
That Europeans did explore.
A beast they could not understand,
Did have a pouch and hopped galore.
The Europeans tried to ask
The native Aborigine,
What was this beast? - a language task,
Communication failed to be.
The Aborigine reply
Was, "Kangaroo," politely so.
Europeans talked strange was why.
"Kangaroo" meant "I don't know."

If asked "Is this a myth?" by you.
My reply would be "Kangaroo."

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Rocky J.

The most famous squirrel in the world,
Rocket (Rocky) J. Squirrel, flyer
Through the T.V. air waves he hurled
In flights of fancy not to tire.
From Minnesota - Frostbite Falls.
Snare drum major at Juilliard,
Degreed at Calvin(Cal) Tech Halls -
Supermarket tech - 'twas quite hard.
So highly educated, he
Devoted life and limb and joke
To warming hearts where cold war be,
Shouting his tag line, "Hokey smoke!"

Rocky liked collecting nuts, so
Bullwinkle cracked up on the show.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Chimp Set - LP Zoo

Chimpanzees are a social set,
Grouping at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
In public viewing, chimps do let
Humans have a peek a chimp view.
At times there's friction that gets tense,
'Twixt and 'tween on this and on that.
But through it all, a bonding sense,
Togetherness is where it's at.
Eating, sleeping and playing ways,
Sharing life which is chimp unique,
With minimum of human faze,
But letting humans have a peek.

Chimpdashians not boring, so
Watch the chimp reality show.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Jack the Ripper...

"Jack the Ripper" - the question who?
Inquiring minds still want to know.
And so the media still do
More sequels to this crime biz show.
A killer slashed some prostitutes,
And wrote some letters to the press.
This "Jack" had all the attributes
To tease the public to excess.
The murders never were solved - good
For many who have over time,
"Jacked" and "Ripped" all cash that they could
To profit from the unsolved crime.

"Jack the Ripper" became the name
To play the unsolved murder game.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Ok - where did ok come from?
Martin Van Buren used it for
Old Kinderhook, a mouthful sum,
To ease the Prez campaigning chore.
Some say from Choctaw "okeh" word.
Some say ok is "Greek to me."
From an African slave, was heard,
When the massa was beating he.
In the U.S.A. somehow made,
A short agreement to express,
Without  a bunch of words arrayed
To communicate more by less.

Abbreviation is the way,
As long as making sense - ok!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

E Day

Is it terror? Will there be war?
Ebola is an enemy,
A virus with a killing score,
Growing higher as spreading be
Among and between humans who
Come and go and to the U.S.
What can and will Ebola do?
Right now is anybody's guess.
A single case is now confirmed
To be in the U.S. homeland.
Time will tell how such will be termed,
Too late before We understand.

9/11 - U.S. target.
9/30 - Ebola did hit.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Bo and the Salute

President Reagan started it,
Saluting military seen.
Presidents since have done the bit,
And when messed up, it does turn mean.
The Prez saluted with a cup
Of coffee being clutched in hand,
Causing a furor to spill up,
Sending complaints across the land.
George W. almost did drop
First Dog Barney in a salute.
So when the Prez says, "Bo, let's bop."
I'm hanging on for dear life - shoot!

Gosh - holding me and coffee too,
It's doggone what the Prez might do.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Neighbor to Neighbor - LP Zoo

A giraffe and a gazelle do
Discuss their changing habitat,
Happening at Lincoln Park Zoo.
"Gazelle - humans were saying that"
"Next door will be a noisy place."
"Yeah, Giraffe, it's gonna become"
"A polar bear and penguin space."
"Gazelle, that combo sounds just dumb."
"No Giraffe - the two will not meet,"
"And we won't either hopefully."
"Well Giraffe, when it's all complete,"
"Our time for rehab - you'll see!"

With humans, can be hard to cope.
The giraffe and gazelle just hope.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Bo and the Blame

The Prez takes credit for good news,
But blames others for news that bad.
The Prez did sneak a cig to use,
And the First Lady was real mad,
When she smelled cig smoke in the air.
The Prez did blame George W.
The First Lady did not buy there.
Climate change the Prez did pursue.
The First Lady was not amused.
So the Prez said 'twas bad intel
By Secret Service he accused.
The First Lady got mad as hell.

The Prez was pushed to name a name.
The Prez replied, "Bo was to blame."

Friday, October 10, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Big City Bee

Cities are doing lots of stuff
To attract us to come and eat.
There was a time when it was tough
Eating good on the urban beat.
But plants are less the smokestack type,
And more the Mother Nature Kind,
Budding and blooming rich and ripe.
Thus we make a beeline to find
The best dining in urban town.
Nectar on tap, no need to wait,
Just pollen up and then chow down.
Humans need us to pollinate.

It's all the buzz that includes me.
I'm beecoming a city bee.

Thursday, October 09, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Beav Cleave - LP Zoo

A beaver's gotta gnaw on wood
For the room and board so to speak.
Also to keep my teeth real good,
Doing jaw job from cheek to cheek.
Now here at the Lincoln Park Zoo,
My room and board is given me,
Which cuts down on my need to chew.
A lot of idle tooth time be.
So I get lots of woody stuff,
Just like I'd have out  in the wild,
Keeping my chompers sharp and tough.
Best dental set that ever smiled.

On wood, just leave it to beaver.
I do gnaw through like a cleaver.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Little Girl's Talk

She visits the Lincoln Park Zoo,
A little girl with Papa bear.
She talks and talks as humans do,
But Papa doesn't seem to care.
"What kind of porridge do you eat?"
She asks, "And is it cold or hot?"
"Is your chair a big or small seat?"
"And is it breakable or not?"
"Is your bed too soft or too hard?"
"Is your house in these woods? Which way?"
He listens in silent regard,
Papa bear finally does say,

"I like a little girl that talks,"
"As long as she's not Goldilocks."

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

The Queen Mary

The Queen Mary was built to be
A passenger ocean liner
To sail the North Alantic sea,
No accommodation finer.
But World War II did come, and so
A troopship she was serviced for.
Thousands of troops on her did go
To help the allies in the war.
Hitler put a bounty on her,
But the "Grey Ghost" would not be caught.
All challenges she did endure,
Till victory in time was brought.

Through it all the Queen Mary sailed.
In war and peace, she never failed.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

News York City

Two buses collide in Times Square.
Big news media lead with it.
New York City - top news is there!
No matter too small to omit.
No body died in that bus crash.
No terrorism was to blame.
But 'twas simply an in to cash.
Could have been badder - what a shame!
The big news media do bite
The Big Apple stuff to the core,
Hope that calamity just might
Hit and be a big ratings score.

Calamity - what a pity,
If it misses New York City.

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Acher

The King is Dead

England's dead King Richard the Third,
For five centuries, facts unknown.
Killed in a battle was the word,
As why he was not on the throne.
A pile of bones was dug up, and
Checked out by modern C.S.I.
Holes in the skull were  seen first hand.
Brain piercings caused the king to die.
And from the angle, on his knees,
Head pointed downward in defeat.
Post mortem, assailants did please
Smack his body, beat after beat.

And how was all this info got?
Bones found under a parking lot.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Peccary - LP Zoo

A peccary, humans call me.
South America's Chaco plain
Is home to my pig family,
Where cacti is the diet main.
I use my tough leathery snout
To roll the cacti on the ground,
Bite the thorns off, and spit them out.
The cacti is then tummy bound.
For ages, humans thought that I
Was just a fossil long extinct.
But humans found me, by and by,
And now I hope we're better linked.

Come visit the Lincoln Park Zoo,
And see that I exist - I do!

Monday, October 06, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

A Stitch in Time

Ben Franklin was a late night guy.
In Paris on some biz and fun.
Woke up to a bright sunny sky,
At 6 a.m. - what had he done!
Forgot to shut the shutter so
Woke earlier than normal noon.
Ben pondered in the early glow,
Early rising should be a boon,
Induce folks to get up at dawn,
Cannons, church bells  - such sounds to rock.
Candle ration, shuttle tax on.
Even change time, changing the clock.

The satire side of Ben awoke.
Daylight savings time was a joke.

Sunday, October 05, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Lonesome George

Lonesome George was one of a kind,
Galapagos tortoise, the last,
Concerned humans happened to find.
Conservation role - George got cast.
For decades humans tried to mate
George with a species relative.
All laid eggs met a no hatch fate.
George either could or would not give.
Two thousand twelve, Lonesome George died,
One hundred years old, give or take.
Much of that time, humans had tried,
But watched failure in their match make.

Lonesome George is still a watched one,
Thanks to the taxidermy done.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Termite Tool - LP Zoo

Termites are a favorite snack
For the chimpanzees in the wild.
Deep in dirt mounds the termites pack.
Plant stems by the chimps are restyled,
Removing leaves and turned to sticks.
A short sharp stick is used to poke
A "fishing" hole in the mound mix.
Then a longer stick's used - no joke!
To lure the termites to grab on,
Extracted like a shish kabob.
Such a tool use phenomenon
To get the termites by the gob.

No termites at Lincoln Park Zoo,
But peanut butter "termites" do.

Saturday, October 04, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Heron Here At - LP Zoo

Two black crowned night herons we be
Spending summers in Chicago,
Where the missus said yes to me,
Could not resist me - doncha know!
We built a cozy nest to do
The all in the family thing.
A condo in a tree with view,
Plenty of room for multi wing.
The missus lays the eggs and then
We take turns on doing chick sit,
Raising feathers and squawking when
Time for the other to be it.

The missus and I fly in zest
To Lincoln Park Zoo summer nest.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Is Is?

The last war that the U.S. won
Was a way back when World War II,
When less talking, more hands on done.
Won - cuz the U.S. wanted to.
Back then was press and radio.
Speechifying was minimized.
Public knew on a need to know.
Aim was enemy be surprised.
Now the definition of win
War is debated to no end.
What will and won't be done and when
Blabbers out like a Facebook friend.

The word for ISIS is is, cuz
The word for U.S. win is was.

Friday, October 03, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

About the Bamboo - LP Zoo

I am a red panda. My kind
Hail from China and mainly eat
All of the bamboo we can find
To give us nutrients complete,
Cuz cellulose we can't digest,
And bamboo is so full of it.
Chew on this - we do our best,
So as to stay healthy and fit.
We are a mammal made to climb
About the trees with special skill,
Using the best of space and time,
For what we need of bamboo fill.

Food is good at Lincoln Park Zoo,
With nutrients, without bamboo.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Bo and the Intruder

The Prez and First Family were
Thank luck not at the White House when
A bad intrusion did occur.
Some dude jumped fence and ran right in.
As First Dog, I barked the alarm
To let the Secret Service know
That this was not so secret harm,
Threatening the Prez buddy, Bo.
I oversaw the apprehend,
As agents did subdue the nut.
I message I did want to send,
And so I bit him on the butt.

Where are those Secret Service now?
They're in the White Dog House - bow wow!

Thursday, October 02, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Marry All

Marriage for a while was defined
As one man and one woman thing,
Deemed best for future humankind,
Insofar as procreating.
But in relatively short time,
Gay marriage has become legit.
No longer is it legal crime.
What else might broadened laws permit?
Judicial minds will have to deal
With an opened Pandora's box.
All sorts of combos will appeal
For unions now unorthodox.

Marriage is on a slip'ry course.
Hope is that there's simple divorce.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

N.F.L. in Demand

A pro football player does beat
His girlfriend unconscious in rage.
N.F.L. powers have to meet.
Tolerance is in a new age.
No doubt the N.F.L. would hope
To make the matter go away.
But reality makes them cope
That in lost profits they might pay.
And so the player is let go,
Encouraged not to further flack.
Maybe after a year or so,
The player will make a comeback.

Locker room lessons prob'ly taught -
Do whatever, just don't get caught.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Slow Loris

A slow loris primate I be
From Asia where I do roam slow.
So humans easily grab me
For human weirdness, doncha know!
Bury me under house or road
Is good luck, except for myself.
For best aphrodesiac mode,
Eat me from a bin on the shelf.
Humans use parts of me for much,
With "super powers" I have got
To ward off all evil and such.
Then why'd I let myself get caught.

Because of human wrongs of past,
Extinct slow loris' coming fast.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Chow Down - LP Zoo

Animals can be classified
By the types of foods each do eat.
The members of a lion pride
Are carnivores cuz they eat meat.
And herbivores only eat plants,
With mouthparts made to rasp and grind,
Like deer who chew that circumstance.
And then there be the humankind,
Who are classified omnivore,
Meaning humans eat anything,
And tend to stuff all down galore,
A lot of fast food fattening.

A plant diet gorillas do,
Lettuce munch at Lincoln Park Zoo.

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Golden Headed Lion Tamarin - LP Zoo

I am a tamarin, I am
The golden headed lion one.
Humans sure do know how to ram
A wordy name before it's done.
I be a primate from Brazil.
Aside from head, my body's black.
On plants and insects I do fill.
Through rain forests I'm forth and back.
Humans mess with my habitat,
And so endangered my kind be.
I now have found a good place at,
To better help shared destiny.

Come visit the Lincoln Park Zoo.
I'll nod my golden head to you.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

10 Words on 9/11

"No day shall erase," Virgil said,
"You from the memory of time."
A quote commemorating dead,
Day of the 9/11 crime.
The Aeneid poem is where this line
Is taken from, out of context,
Of loathsome soldiers by design.
So use of this quote has quite vexed.
Defenders say the words are for
The victims of that killing day.
But why use these words, when be more -
Far better words Virgil might say?

When Virgil died, it then was learned
He wished the Aeneid  to be burned.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Jumping Spider

A jumping spider I am called.
I am a spider and I jump.
My limbs are fluidly hydrauled,
And lift me off in super pump.
I have four pairs of eyes to see
A bug that I may want to eat.
Lots of lunch are bigger than me.
My venom zonks a bug complete.
Before each jump, some silk I make,
And tether it as a drag line,
Leaving a silk trail in my wake,
A safety precaution of mine.

I do my jumping night and day,
Hoping humans aren't in my way.