Sense Sonnets

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


An old farm house was my new place.
Just my bud boxer, Boots, and me.
It gave us lots of breathing space,
Though in a way, feeling eerie.
But, I had gotten a good deal.
The moving jitters would soon fade.
Afterwhile, I began to feel
A bit tired. So on the bed I laid.
I dreamed that the house was possessed
By a demonic entity.
It grabbed hold of Boots by the chest,
And then I awoke suddenly.

Boots was atop me on my bed,
Growling low and eyes glowed red.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Full Time Patient

My immune system is haywire.
It has been since an early age,
When white blood cells I did acquire
From my sister, due to my stage
Of leukemia. Remission
Did occur, but then I began
To get diseases, hit and run,
That still plague me as a young man.
If there is a medical test,
Then I have had it, that's for sure.
Examined by medicine's best,
No why is found, much less a cure.

It's hard living a mystery,
But it's easy to ask, "Why me?"

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Auto Robotto

The female voice tells me that I
Am driving too fast in the rain.
So speeding up is my reply
To that voice that hasn't a brain.
The voice then tells me to slow down,
Or consequences will occur.
I've got a meeting across town,
So I'm going to ignore her.
The car then pulls to the road side.
The voice tells me that I was warned,
And that's the end of this car ride.
Nothing like a tech woman scorned.

The car does whatever she feels -
Frankenstein's monster on 4 wheels.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Private Showing

A neighbor did videotape
Me out on my own patio.
I'm now accused of weirdo rape
Of my picnic table. Not so!
I was simply relieving stress,
And thought I had some privacy.
A bit desperate, I confess,
But no intent a show to be.
This is giving me lots of grief.
I remember when Mom used to find
Signs and symptoms of my relief.
And Mom would say that I'd go blind.

I wish Mom's warning would apply
To neighbors with a nosy eye!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Better Man

The year that Joseph turned 14,
He felt the worst of man first hand.
Naziism could only mean
That hatred would spread through the land.
Forced to join the Hitler youth troop,
And listen to the ranting rage
Against those of the race or group
That deserved not this golden age.
A cousin of Joseph's who had
Down's Syndrome was ordered to die,
Because the Nazis deemed it bad
To let imperfection slip by.

Joseph wished he could better man.
As Pope Benedict, now he can.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Were About to Eat

I know Mom likes to bargain hunt,
Searching for food at cut rate price.
In fact, paying nothing up front
For the choicest morsels. That's nice.
She doesn't need a shop or store.
Mom can sniff out the time and place
To find what she is looking for,
Then zeroes in and ends the chase.
Mom has been out now for a while.
Expecting that she'll be back soon,
I think what she will bring - and smile,
While gazing out at the full moon.

Mom will fix me something to eat.
She has gone out to get fresh meat.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Emmett Till was 14 years old
In 1955 and went
Down South to his uncle's household
For the summertime to be spent.
His momma told the young black man
To mind his manners with white folk.
But something happened, as things can.
Emmett whistled, just a boy's joke;
And a white lady took offense,
Telling others of Emmett's crime.
So he was killed by some white gents.
In the wrong place at the wrong time.

There wasn't much else to be done.
Emmett's momma buried her son.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Be Back

A man sits and watches T.V.
Then there is a knock at his door.
The man wonders who that could be.
Outside sitting on the porch floor
Is a snail. It's all alone.
The man swears and picks up the snail.
Into the street, the snail is thrown.
Ten years go by to no avail.
The man is watching T.V. still.
When a knock on the door he hears,
He does the get up-answer drill,
And can't believe his eyes and ears.

That same snail sits there and does shout,
"What the heck was that all about?"

Friday, May 23, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

I am Justified

She said she was my daughter's friend.
But then my daughter did find out
That she was hurtful to no end.
She needed punishing no doubt.
I knew she had a My Space page.
I set up a fake page so that
A boy named Joe who was teen age
Could become a friend with the brat.
Then after she was feeling good
About the stuff Joe said to her,
Joe would get as mean as he could -
A taste of her own as it were.

So she committed suicide.
I still feel I was justified.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

I am Devastated

I found my daughter in her room,
Hanging dead from a ceiling beam.
What had brought my daughter to doom?
The truth was a nightmarish dream.
A neighbor lady down the street
Thought her daughter was hurt by mine.
So out of malicious deceit,
She set up on My Space online
A fake page of teenager, Joe.
My daughter thought him nice at first.
But then, his words turned ugly so,
And drove my daughter to the worst.

No excuses can justify
The lies that made my daughter die.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Acher

I am Hopeless

God, why do people hate me so?
I cannot keep friends face to face.
That's why I decided to go
And try to make friends on My Space.
I met Joe. He seemed a nice friend.
We shared a lot of good online.
Suddenly, it came to an end.
The fault for it must have been mine.
Joe accused me of things so bad.
Through tears, I begged it was not true.
The last words from Joe that I had -
Off myself was what I should do.

God, I'm coming home to you there,
As soon as I kick out this chair.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Flex Crime

I had my mask. I had my gun.
So I was set to rob the shop.
Not going to hurt anyone,
I just needed a scary prop.
And the clerk was real scared, no doubt,
But said the cash was in the safe.
Only the boss could get it out.
The mask was making my face chafe.
The boss would come later that day.
I gave my number to the clerk,
To call when the boss showed. That way
I'd get the cash. It didn't work.

It seemed a good plan at the time,
But turned into a gotcha crime.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Choice Guy

My husband was crossing the street,
When a Brink's armored truck sped by.
A bag dropped off it by his feet.
Inside the bag in bundled tie,
200,00 dollars cash.
My husband knew he had a choice,
And made his choosing in a flash.
Heeding his do the right thing voice,
He went to the authorities,
Returning all, and did refuse
Any finder gratuities.
But, I knew that's how he would choose.

He made his choice when he chose me.
My husband chooses quite rightly.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


It started out as just a thought,
A pay back that would show them all
That if they felt they were so hot,
I'd give them one good wake up call.
That would really turn up their heat;
And on the anniversary
Of Columbine's call - oh so sweet!
A fitting tribute it would be.
My fingers walked through the wide Web,
Where I got knowledge and supplies
To turn me into a celeb,
Blowing my school into the skies.

I've time to think what might have been.
My folks found out and turned me in.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Till Drunk Do Us Part

My bride had had too much to drink.
We'd left the reception early,
Which put her into a real stink.
The limo ride turned out to be
The ruin of the wedding day.
She grabbed a bottle of champagne,
And in an act of mad foul play,
Smashed it on my head. Oh the pain.
The driver stopped the car and called
The cops. She was under arrest.
Half conscious I was so appalled,
But I guess it was for the best.

The wedding night, we slept apart.
My bride's behind bars, bless her heart.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Took a Wrong Hop

A princess sat beside a stream.
A frog jumped up into her lap,
And said as hard as it might seem,
He really was a handsome chap,
And needed only one sweet kiss
To break the evil witch's spell.
Then together, they'd be in bliss.
The princess said, "Oh, what the hell!"
And to the castle took the frog,
Giving him some you and me line.
Fast forward to the epilogue.
The princess is about to dine.

In bliss, she takes a great big bite.
Sauteed frogs legs - such a delight.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Colored by Color

I was born into a time
When coloreds in the U.S.A.
Were victims of cultural crime
In a raw segregated way.
We struggled for equality
In law and even more in fact.
I learned my Christianity
In how my people speak and act.
So from my pulpit, I have stood
And preached the sermons from my heart,
Of what I felt was bad or good
That still set my people apart.

The nation still lives black or white,
Greying the truth of wrong from right.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Wart Removal

I was covered with ugly warts.
People did call me the tree man.
A virus run amok of sorts.
Children saw me and screamed and ran.
The only job that I could get
Was in a freak show on display.
When patrons saw I was no threat,
They were happy to gawk and pay.
Doctors took pity on my plight,
And treated me with full success.
I was an ordinary sight.
Mixed emotions, I must confess.

Since I was no freak for the show.
They said they had to let me go.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Gang Gun

I joined the gang 4 years ago,
Just before I turned age 8.
A gang member first had to show
The willingness to seal the fate
Randomly of someone unknown,
By killing - stabbing with a knife.
Once this rite of passage was shown,
A gun became the key to life
And death in the gang turf domain.
The prime cause was to shoot to kill
To keep the streets red in blood stain,
To keep the gang in force at will.

I'm a somebody with my gun.
Killing's required and kind of fun.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Two beings roamed the universe,
Vowing to kill the other one.
What made the matter all the worse,
Knowledge of the other was none;
Except that centuries before,
Their ancestors were different,
Resulting in mayhem and war.
But, through time science did invent
The ways and means for beings to
Evolve into just the same form.
So all that these two beings knew
Was nothing personal was norm.

Identical genetic trait -
Including that blind spot of hate.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


I have four husbands for my needs.
I know I am a bigamist.
If that's the worst of my misdeeds,
Then give me a slap on the wrist.
Hubby one is a millionaire.
Hubby two, an actor - so fine.
Hubby three, he fixes my hair,
Being a hairdresser divine.
Hubby four drives a limosine.
I'm asked by some - four husbands why?
I don't take the question as mean.
I simply give them this reply,

"One for the money, two for the show,"
"Three to get ready, and four to go."

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


I never should have been a man.
Being a man put me in here,
In prison where my change began
Into a woman, that was clear
To me was what I had to do.
Treatments made me more feminine.
I legally changed my name too.
But authorities kept me in
A men's prison, and would not pay
For any sex change surgery.
It's hell in here, needless to say,
Stuck in a body that's not me.

Just because I murdered my wife,
I'm sentenced to be male for life.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Good Friend to Have

In 1926, I went
To Chicago to find a crook
Who'd swindled me for ev'ry cent
I'd saved. I looked in the phone book
For the number of an Al Brown,
Who I had met some years before,
When he was visiting my home town.
I called and told him my sad score.
He said to wait in my hotel.
Later, the manager brought me
My savings to this southern belle,
And said politely as can be,

"You'll have no trouble once it's known"
"You're a friend of Al Capone."

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Cell Hell

For years, both my husband and I
Had cell phones with us constantly,
Always with a power supply,
So never out of touch we'd be.
When I got pregnant, no one said
Anything about cell phone use.
I'm sure I used it more instead,
For any baby talk excuse.
Then came the time to have the birth.
Afterwards, they were all talking
Of radiation. What on Earth
Had caused such a terrible thing?

'Cause a cell phone leaves a birthmark.
'Cause my baby glows in the dark.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Take Heart

My first husband, Bill, was depressed.
He killed himself with his own gun.
One thing that happened for the best -
Bill's heart was given to someone
Who then needed a transplant fast.
His name was Frank, and he did find
Me after a few months had passed,
To thank me. Frank was very kind.
One thing led to another thing.
We dated, then Frank and I wed.
But, when life got too depressing,
Frank just went and shot himself dead.

That heart's been through a lot of harm.
But maybe the third time's the charm.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Flake Break

When I heard that there were some folk
Willing to pay a pretty sum
For corn flakes shaped like states. No joke!
At first, I thought it was pure dumb.
But then I decided why not?
After some days of going through
Loads of cornflake boxes, I got
A flake that matched up right and true
To the shape of the Bluegrass state.
I saw the dollar signs galore.
But, the flake suffered a dire fate.
It fell and shattered on the floor.

A perfect shape for Kentucky,
Now it's closer to Hawaii.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Foreign Fast

For 4 months, I was in Egypt,
As an exchange student, and stayed
With a host family that tripped
On a long food fasting crusade.
It was their religious belief
That the less food the more soul.
I tried to be without a beef,
And deem it just part of the whole
Opportunity for me to
Live lots of smells and sights and sounds,
Even though tastes were but a few.
I returned home less 60 pounds.

My host family said I ate
Too much, and that's why I lost weight.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Eunice Kennedy Shriver has
For decades worked to bring to bear
Mental disabilities as
Needing more enlightenment there.
Starting as a home summer camp,
The special olympics was born.
Eunice lit the way with the lamp
Of respect where there had been scorn.
The Medal of Freedom award,
The nation's highest accolade,
Was given for her life work toward
The empowering path she laid.

For her compassion without end,
Eunice is a most special friend.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

A Parent Madness

It's time you learned about what's real,
In knowing how to just survive.
Being tough when you have to deal
With choosing how to stay alive.
If your feelings get in the way,
You'll be a wimp forevermore.
Keep a kill instinct, come what may,
And then use it, that's what it's for.
There's no use you bawling about
Doing what I tell you to do.
A kid of mine, there is no doubt,
Has my bloodline to live up to.

Do what I say, you little brat.
Take this knife and kill your damn cat.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Nikola Tesla, inventor
Of voltage marvels used today.
He was not in inventing for
The patent rights and lots of pay.
He created and gave for free
All his ideas, some good, some bad,
Keeping just eccentricity.
A rented room was all he had,
Caring for pigeons perched nearby.
He was old, penniless, but proud
Of one last work before he'd die.
He told his secret right out loud.

The way to make war disappear;
But only the pigeons did hear.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Pill Drill

My boxer, Butch, needed to take
A pill that the vet had prescribed.
I knew there was no way to make
Butch either be tricked or be bribed.
An honest face to face seemed best.
Taking a hollow tube, I set
The pill inside of it to rest.
Kneeling down in front of my pet,
Into his mouth, I put one end
Of the tube. The other end pursed
Between my lips. My puff would send
The pill down his throat. Butch blew first.

The pill that I swallowed confirmed,
Butch had helped me get dewormed.