Sense Sonnets

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Breach of Teach

Teachers decided it would be
Instructive for a lesson on
What if there was a killing spree
About to be incurred upon
The 6th graders inside a room.
An armed man was seen just outside -
Was announced in impending doom.
The children then were told to hide.
A teacher, dressed as the armed man,
Tried to enter the classroom door.
Kids' shaking and crying began,
Terrorized as never before.

Kids left with emotional scars,
From lessons beyond the 3Rs.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Space Frontiersman

James Noonan, the actor by name,
Was best known in his "Scotty" role,
Of "beam me up" Star Trek fame.
Chief engineer with heart and soul,
Forever, Scotty will live on
Aboard the Enterprise rerun.
But sadly, Mr. Noonan's gone,
And a final request was done.
A rocket hurtled into space,
With the actor's ashes on board,
To have a final resting place
In the beyonds yet unexplored.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
Scotty got one more engine thrust.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Chow Down

I murdered my wife, Sue, at home.
It doesn't really matter why.
Let's just say she tended to roam,
And I'm a short fuse kind of guy.
Being a prime butcher by trade,
I put her body in the tub,
And skinned away with sharpened blade,
Giving the parts a thorough scrub.
Then, into the grinder all went,
Coming out in ground up mass.
No longer was there any hint
That this was once one bitchy lass.

At the neighborhood barbecue,
I grilled some burgers - thanks to Sue.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Acher


My Dad loved his work as a cop,
Serving and protecting us all,
In every farm, home and shop,
Always there when duty would call.
The sirens sounded the alarm.
A tornado was on its way.
Dad was driving back from the farm
To town to be there come what may.
The impact blew out the windshield,
And pulled his squad car through the air,
A mile or more into a field.
Two days later, they found Dad there.

I got married at his bedside.
A few hours later, Dad died.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Squirrel Talk

Up in a tree, upon a bough,
A squirrel sat and looked around.
A stern look came upon his brow;
He quickly raced down to the ground.
The squirrel scampered through the grass,
While stopping every now and then,
To be assured of no trespass
Into his private wooded glen.
Each time he stopped, he'd dig a hole,
As though in search of something lost.
The squirrel should have been a mole.
More clumps of dirt got turned and tossed.

The squirrel paused and said, "Tut-tut,"
"Where did I bury that damn nut?"

Monday, June 25, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

The Crime of It All

One year old Rose was pronounced dead.
For two hours, doctors in vain,
Treated injuries to the head.
At last, life left her tiny brain.
Her mom's boyfriend had beat the child.
He confessed that's what he had done,
When her loud crying drove him wild.
They charged and booked him - murder one.
Cause of death had some legal doubt,
And the Court found him not guilty.
He did 90 days, in and out,
For misdemeanor battery.

He beat a baby with his fist.
He got a light slap on the wrist.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Momma Sense

Momma cat had just given birth
To her litter of kittens, cute.
Each getting their suckling milk's worth -
The newborn's favorite "purr" suit.
The runt of the litter was small,
And looked so very different.
But, Momma cat cared for them all -
Five little babies, quite content.
A human put the runt outside.
Momma cat went and brought it back.
With that, the human did decide
To take the "leave them alone" tack.

Momma cat has got a full house -
Four kittens and a baby mouse.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Ill Suitor

This girl I liked, did not like me.
I just could not figure out why.
What could I do so she would see
That I am really one great guy?
She had this dog she loved a lot.
So I dognapped it from her yard;
Figuring when I "found" ol Spot,
She'd show me some loving regard.
Well, when I called to tell her that
I had something well worth her while,
She thought that I was hinting at
Having sex, and she called me vile.

I found another gal instead,
So I sent back her damn dog's head.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Conflict of Interest

Extinction of the Whooping Crane
Did just about become a fact;
Poisoned and shot by inhumane,
Wreaking havoc by human act.
To try to fix this manmade plight,
Scientists monitored a nest,
Set in the wild so that there might
Be shown a bird survival test.
This plan was not to be fulfilled.
On tape, the scientists saw that
The nesting Whooping Cranes were killed
Instinctively by one bobcat.

For all the mixed meddling by man,
Nature still has the final plan.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Re Hearsing

A salesman asked a mortician,
How he happened to choose this work.
"There's other things I might have done,"
"Perhaps - just ended up a clerk."
"But, Dad built this business up,"
"And said that it would be a shame"
"Not to have his only pup"
"Carry on the family name."
"When Dad fell ill, there was no way"
"To tell him I wanted no part"
"Of his life's work. What could I say?"
"He died. I wouldn't break his heart."

"You could have told him you weren't sure."
"What - and lose my first customer?"

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Last Drop

As the twentieth century
Was winding down its final year,
The Earth felt its worst tragedy.
Humanity was gripped in fear.
Time wasted with conflicting views;
And the world waited much too long.
Water became fatal to use.
There was no way to right the wrong.
Pollutants at last took their toll.
They fell with water when it rained,
And filled the ground beyond control.
Just a few clean reserves remained.

"Haves" bought up all clean water first,
Leaving "have nots" to die from thirst.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Wow the Crowd

The Cardinals played the Giants,
July first in 1903.
The game gave the first big league chance
For a quadruple play to be.
Bases loaded, a fly ball's hit;
Caught by the Giant's center field;
Throws to catcher who aims his mitt;
Tagged runner from third's fate is sealed.
The catcher throws to the short stop,
Who tags the runner from first base;
Then back to catcher who takes op
To out second base runner's case.

The waste of that 4th out may be;
But what a nifty sight to see.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Odds Are

Las Vegas was not far away
From the nuclear bomb test site.
It was a hot and sunny day.
Beneath the desert blew the might.
The power burst in sight and sound,
And shook like hell the hard, deep black.
A test of terror underground,
It opened up a surface crack,
To let the poison pack expend
Across the helpless desert sand.
A deadly wave went with the wind,
Heading to hit the promised land.

Las Vegas, of high stakes renown,
Got gambled into a ghost town.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Foote Pain

The brothers, Foote, both courted her.
She married the older one, Jim.
A car accident did occur.
Jim died, and so she buried him.
She and the other brother, Ted,
Sometime later began to date,
And soon after were newly wed.
Then struck again the hand of fate.
Ted, too, was in an accident,
His chances of survival slim.
She, being in such great torment,
Begged with the doctor to save him.

"This husband, please, you've got to save."
"Please. I've got one Foote in the grave."

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Related Matter

Two sisters had feuded for years.
Each would find something mean to say,
If it would burn the other's ears.
Back and forth, they would fire away.
Then one sister fell deathly ill.
She could not even leave her bed.
The other came to stay until
Her sis was either well or dead.
The two of them got along fine.
The feud was forgotten about.
Taking the peace as a bad sign,
The bedridden sister spoke out.

"If I die, then I forgive you,"
"But, nothing's changed if I pull through."

Friday, June 15, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Sight Setter

Pilot, Miles Hilton-Barber, flew
A small, light weight, open air plane
Over 13,000 miles to
Sydney from London to campaign
For raising money to prevent
The spread of blindness in poor lands.
Hot and turbulent spells were spent
Over African desert sands.
Ice clung to metal and to skin,
In crossing over snow capped peaks.
But, the will remained strong within
To attain high hopes that one seeks.

Why is this the first of a kind?
Mr. Hilton-Barber is blind.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

The Sopranos' Chow Ciao

The Sopranos came to an end,
With the family eating out;
Building in suspense to portend
A gory feast without a doubt.
But, just as it was climax time,
Poof! And the T.V. screen went blank.
Many viewers thought it a crime,
That the show would pull such a prank.
Spoon feed us that mob massacre.
Whack Tony -gunned down by the shrink.
Show dead bodies in bloody blur.
But, just don't make us have to think.

Tony munching an onion ring -
Next scene left to imagining!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


Sometimes I wish that I'd get caught;
But no such wishing at the time
When I get that craving thought
To have a kid - to hell the crime.
I know that I have no excuse.
Studies of child molesters say
That many suffered child abuse.
For me, it did not go that way.
In my late teens, I gave into
Those feelings that dogged me inside;
Carefully planning what to do
To get what a kid can provide.

Doing sex with a kid is wrong.
But, the urges are just too strong.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Choice Reminder

For years, I chose to medicate
Myself - my body, mind and soul.
To cover up my fear and hate,
I drugged and drank to keep that goal.
I knew that I was doing wrong,
But being right felt lost by God.
Satan sang me such a sweet song,
And I was willing to applaud.
The sweetness owned me as a slave,
And used me up till I was gone.
I begged for hope and God forgave,
Allowing me a fresh, new dawn.

I still can hear that soft, sweet voice,
Singing to me that same old choice.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Fire in the Hole

Toilets are now made in Japan
Which are electrically wired
To provide a post function span
Of hygenic comforts desired.
The john costs a couple of grand.
With massages, dryers and sprays,
There's no need to involve one's hand -
The latest thing in techno craze.
The product does have one big but;
It might possibly catch on fire.
Why or when is not quite clear cut.
Still, it's a must do to acquire.

These more costly toilets may boast
The new, fashionable rump roast.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


It happened very suddenly.
World wide, the whales were dying out.
Experts called it a mystery.
Something was going wrong, no doubt.
At last, just one great whale remained,
Amid the forces that conspired
To make her lonely life so pained.
She swam the waters, sick and tired.
Poisons soaked around and within
Her massive body, burned and scarred
By encounters with means of men.
Surviving now was just too hard.

The last whale beached herself to die.
All man could do was wonder why.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Queen Mum

Great Britain's Queen in World War II,
She stayed in London with the King.
Safety, their children were sent to -
The royal couple stayed to bring
A unity of hope and pride
That blitzing bombs could not wipe out.
They would not flee the Nazi tide.
The Queen was often seen about
In all her regal finery,
Walking among the Londoners,
Defying the aired enemy.
Her show of "we'll show them" endures.

Hitler deemed her quite worrisome -
Great Britain's beloved Queen Mum.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


Targeted - JFK Airport,
The latest indicated plot
That terror minded will resort
To any means that kills a lot.
9/11 was just the start
Of encouraging wannabes
Of being more lucky or smart,
Carrying out atrocities.
The more these plots are brought to light,
The more determined, more recruits
To plot the plot and get it right,
In mass killing us pursuits.

Plots to do some God awful deed -
Odds are one day, one will succeed.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Jailing Wailing

Poor Paris Hilton is in jail.
It will be days before she's out.
How could the justice system fail?
Fans worldwide are in such a pout.
The stress of being behind bars,
And not be able to be seen
At all the doings of the stars,
May make Paris more lean and mean.
There is some solace to rerun
The singing, dancing, acting stuff
Of past performances she's done.
But till she's back - it's oh so tough.

The judge committed the worst crime -
Depriving us of Paris time.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Rug Sweeper

I watched the traffic from the bus.
Rush hour made it stop and go.
It did no good to fret or cuss.
Some things went fast, some things went slow.
Just as traffic began to crawl,
I blew an unexpected blast.
A sneeze - the granddad of 'em all -
Exploded furious and fast.
All was still as I wiped my snout.
Looking straight ahead, I could see
There was something amiss about
The man who sat in front of me.

Oh no! What could I do or say?
I'd blown off the poor guy's toupee.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Body Count

It's been a long trip getting here.
The factory, where I was born,
Dumped me to find my own career.
So now, I'll show them all that scorn.
I bummed around the water till
I found some plant to take me in.
From there I joined a fish's fill,
And had the run from head to fin.
The fish got caught and sold to eat.
Your Mom, she bought it at the store.
You got me in a bite of meat.
You're just what I've been looking for.

I like young tissue, little guy.
My name's Dioxin - call me Die.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Beyond the Art

Dad only had a month to live.
I peeked in to tell them goodnight.
Mom was painting. She stopped to give
Me a kiss. "Your Dad will be all right."
Next morning, both my folks were gone.
Perhaps they went out for some air.
Mom's new painting was sitting on
Its easel. Mom's class touch was there.
Mom's grace, Dad's strength - what a combo,
For forty years, husband and wife.
I touched the canvas. Where'd they go?
And then the painting came to life.

A couple walked along the sea.
Mom and Dad smiled and waved to me.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Wet Sweat

I don't know why I'm in this boat
Out in the middle of this lake.
Nothing else to do but just float.
The motor conked out for Pete's sake.
I don't know how that rental guy
Talked me into renting this wreck.
I told him I was no Popeye.
He said half price, so what the heck?
Not another boat in sight.
No way to call for help, no oars.
The water's much faster and white.
I hear louder rumblings and roars.

I am in one hell of a jam.
The damn boat's floating to the dam.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Pawn Off

The human breed has filled the Earth
With the illusions made by man,
And sold the meaning of true worth
In favor of a pretense plan.
The now and here are bought on time,
Charging the future with the cost;
Calling it care instead of crime,
Glossing over how much we've lost.
It is a dismal legacy
To leave to others yet to come,
The hard and grim reality
That life is filled with human scum.

With truth and hope, the child is born
Into a world of lies and scorn.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Reason to Run

Two gas men were on meter rounds.
Pete was kidding about Joe's weight,
"You've got one belly that abounds."
"I've got one whale of a workmate."
"Oh yeah," said Joe. "Let's see who's fit."
"How 'bout a footrace to the truck?"
"You're on buddy. Let's go for it."
"You'll run second, with any luck."
Ready, set, go and they were gone.
Some woman ran behind the pair.
They stopped. "Lady what's going on?"
She answered, panting for some air.

"Seen you gas guys running like hell -"
"Figured I'd better run as well."