Sense Sonnets

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Kyron, a cute seven year old
Went missing one sunny June day.
As time passed the pain did unfold,
But folks still tried to hope and pray
That Kyron would be safe and sound -
A happy ending that's so rare.
Most missing children never found,
That gives parents the greatest scare.
One moment a child is all well.
The next moment a missing child.
For loved ones, it's a living hell.
One more tragedy is compiled.

Kyron is out of sight and sound.
Some day his remains might be found.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

PETA Peeve

Chrysler used a monkey to sell
Cars in a cutesy T.V. ad.
PETA did not take it too well,
Called it exploiting - oh so bad.
So Chrysler, using high tech tricks,
Made invisible the monkey.
PETA, known for critter nit picks,
Will slam invisibility.
So animals in ads do bring
The PETA peepers to make waves.
Have an animal dance and sing,
Make a victim that PETA saves.

Use a critter to sell - tut tut.
PETA is gonna bite your butt.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

My Name is Denali

I am the tallest mountain peak
That North America does hold.
Denali, my name unique
To Alaskans for ages old.
But then some tourist from the States
Called me McKinley and it stuck.
Such politics, and oh it grates
To be so tagged by just bad luck.
A cigar smoking, so so guy
Was the president's name I got.
Was there, but history passed by.
Sometimes recalled that he got shot.

McKinley's only current fame
Is that I'm still stuck with his name.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Office Off

The office culture used to be
Folks playing office politics,
Feigning collegiality,
Pretending to flow with the mix.
The human's urge to get ahead,
A stab from back, a smile from front,
Schmooze the bosses to knock'em dead.
Any of threat are prey to hunt.
High tech did change the culture of
The office and the people fluff.
Out are the founts of hate and love.
In is the perfect programmed stuff.

We computers vote on which makes
The next batch of birthday cupcakes.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Nookie Nook

Boy Friend works night security.
He got a new job at a place,
And one night he invited me
To come check out his pay check space.
It was only the two of us.
He gave me the tour and then,
Because he's such a horny cuss,
I was bedazzled by his yen
To do it where not done before,
Where there's built in privacy perks.
What the heck - so I let him score.
A funeral home's where he works.

'Tis a tad cramped, but can be done.
Do it in a coffin - 'tis fun!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Bridges Falling Down

That Minneapolis bridge fell.
Lots of people were dead and hurt.
The studies afterward did tell
Of bad defects that should alert.
Thousands of such bridges still stand.
Millions crossing over each year.
How much tragedy will demand
That safety first does reappear.
A presidential motorcade
Crossing over a collapsing bridge.
Would changed priorities get made
For safety's sake - more than a smidge?

Who will make the no brainer call?
Fix the bridges before they fall.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Mr. Greene Goes to Washington

Senatorial candidate,
Alvin Greene is indicted for
Porn in South Carolina state.
But the voters chose to ignore
All Alvin's eccentricities,
And let him run against DeMint,
Who's part of the incumbancies.
That "you're fired" message may be sent
By voters who are mad as hell
With all the politics of old.
It would be no surprise, do tell,
That Alvin's elected, done told.

You will fit in the D.C. scene.
Welcome Senator Alvin Greene.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Tick Talk

Greenspan says let tax cuts expire.
It's the choice between bad and worse.
Such opinion stokes Stossel's ire.
The thought of emptying his purse
Of money that Stossel did earn
To pay for bigger government
Really makes Stossel's lip hair burn.
Out of shape Stossel's nose is bent,
And he gives Greenspan the what for.
How can Greenspan be such a schnook?
Rants in print Greenspan does adore.
Publicity for his next book.

Stossel tells Greenspan to shut up.
The sage old dog ignores the pup.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Mania of the Moment

Megalomaniacs 'tis said
Are mentally disturbed in that
They have delusions in the head
And think they are Godsentocrat,
Because they have such mass appeal
In hyping problems of the day
And do it with theatric zeal.
A piper who knows what to play.
Throughout all of world history
All of the great and not so great
Have been inclined so mentally.
'Tis not from God, but man's made fate.

Is Beck megalomaniac
Or envied by those without knack?

Friday, October 22, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Time to Climb

Mount Everest, the tallest peak,
Named for an English bureaucrat,
Objecting that such name did speak
Meddling, and was a cheap slap at
The peoples and nations that were
Mixed with the mountain, time and place.
But Mount Everest did endure,
And thousands came to do the pace
And try to climb up to the top,
And then climb down to tell the tale.
The tries of climbers never stop.
Some do succeed and some do fail.

A couple of hundred have died,
Corpses seen on the mountainside.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Unabled Disabled

I am an American who
Wants to earn a living by work.
I am disabled, that is true,
All the more reason I won't shirk
On the job doing best I can.
All I ask is a starting chance
To prove over my work time span,
I'm more than just my circumstance.
Job interviews have come and gone,
So many now, I don't keep count.
Their play it safe is always on.
I try but just cannot surmount.

Potential bosses look at me
As a lawsuit waiting to be.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Jump Bump

Rebounding on a trampoline
Just like a NASA astronaut.
Less facial wrinkles will be seen.
I will bounce back good health a lot.
Better body immunity
To cold and allergies and stuff.
A ballet dancer's muscles be
Elongated so lean and tough.
The butt will become oh so tight.
I may just charge a pay per view.
My bod will be an awesome sight.
Right off that trampoline I flew.

The fall broke my neck in a jiff,
But I'm one healthy looking stiff.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Skin Spin

If a politician is black,
The race card's always up the sleeve,
If the deck doesn't just quite stack
For excuses to cheat and thieve.
The lynch mobs of today are found
In the media that will spread
For or against in sight and sound.
Race is the extra gravy fed.
More blacks get proportionately
Accused of crimes in politics.
That's the way it is gonna be
Till more of pols are hispanics.

We do not ask if wrong or right,
We only ask if black or white.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Hero, Marquis de Lafayette
Returned to the young U.S.A.
A hero's welcome he did get
For his help finding freedom's way
Through Revolutionary War.
All the states and thousands of miles
For thirteen months he travelled o'er.
This nation filled with friendly smiles.
The Saturday Evening Post
Was etiquette judge for the trip,
The editors easily grossed
Out by all the hero worship.

Land of the free, home of the brave.
A peeved Post if you misbehave.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Wake Up Call

Raising teenagers can be hell.
The first rule is there are no rules
Guaranteeing it will go well.
To teenagers, parents are fools.
Soon science will provide the way
To raise a teenager in peace.
When hitting the thirteenth birthday,
Put the kid in a pod you lease.
There, the kid's body, mind and soul
Will develop in programmed stead.
And for you, the parental role
Will be of bliss and not of dread.

Teenagers need to sleep plenty,
And then wake up at age twenty.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

No Tit

A milk cow with millions of tits
Is how Social Security
Was once described, and it still fits.
In the future too soon to be,
In two thousand (insert the year)
Those monthly checks 'twill sure run out.
The old folks will know their worst fear,
That for decades was talked about.
Too many hungry mouths to feed.
The milk money no longer there.
The U.S. dollar dead indeed.
All there is to suck is thin air.

Social Security - bye, bye.
Uncle Sam has been done milked dry.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Blog Action Day

Water No Well

'Tis the 21st century.
Time will tell in the exact year
The Earth feels its worst tragedy.
Humanity is gripped in fear.
Time wasted with conflicting views,
And the world waited much too long.
Water becomes fatal to use.
There is no way to right the wrong.
Pollutants at last take their toll.
They fill water when it does rain,
And fill the ground beyond control.
Just a few clean reserves remain.

"Haves" buy up all clean water first,
Leaving "have nots" to die from thirst.


Within the cold and numbing womb
Is formed this one as hard as stone.
The freezing forces bring to bloom -
To birth, this one of nature's own.
This one awaits with countless more,
Till beckoned by an icy blast
Where this one had not gone before -
To destiny this one is cast.
Chilled white, this one is now set free
To travel through the changes that
Will warm this one to what will be,
When it is this one's time to splat.

"Marge - we should hurry up a bit,"
"'Cause I just felt a raindrop hit."

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Dead Head

Why do we humans like music?
Researchers say it's a brain thing.
Certain sounds make the neurons tick,
As we hear rhythms play and sing.
The sound recording industry
Has put the music to my ears,
Via tech that happens to be
At my turn on/off through the years.
I do expect that soon a chip
Will be implanted in my brain
For any musical head trip
That I may wish to entertain.

So even though I may be dead,
Music will still play in my head.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Public Good Gone Bad

Chicago's Mayer Daley did
Lease the parking meters out to
Private enterprise with no bid.
Taxpaying parkers got the screw.
The parking rates jumped high and fast.
The new meters malfunction oft
In winter ice, then there's a blast
Of ticketers' anger aloft.
There was no chance for tax relief.
The lease largesse just disappeared,
Not taken by a common thief,
But by Daley's machine, high geared.

Chicago would if Daley could
Sell off all of the public good.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Flight Delight

Hubby once had the worst air rage.
I dreaded each time we would fly.
He was obnoxious off the gauge,
Making fellow passengers cry.
Flight crews shuddered when they'd see him.
He had a reputation for
Turning any pleasant flight grim.
Hubby made flying hell galore.
But this last flight Hubby behaved.
He made no noise and caused no stir.
The passengers and crew all raved
That this was one great flight for sure.

No air rage but air peace instead.
In his coffin, Hubby flew dead.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Health Hell

I had a recent surgery.
An FDA approved device,
Some mesh was left inside of me,
Said to help me to heal up nice.
At home a few days later though,
I woke up and was in such pain.
Right to the ER I did go.
They had to operate again.
The mesh maker as it turned out
Had a record of mesh abuse,
Known by the feds and meds no doubt,
But still approved for patient use.

Living in my surgical mesh,
Bacteria eating my flesh.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Flirt Down

I tried to flirt to get ahead
In my job at the company.
But I got a pink note instead,
Accused of being too pushy,
Even though I do sweat a lot,
And I am morbidly obese,
Then there's the bad acne I've got,
And my hair is stringy in grease.
Whenever I did touch someone
To try to flirtingly impress,
They'd recoil as if I had done
Something infectious, more or less.

If one is gonna try to flirt,
Being attractive doesn"t hurt.

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Play with Mel

Maybe Mel Gibson will agree
To making him an action doll,
Which will spew forth vile bigotry,
Red faced, armwaving - a screwball.
Paying off his girlfriends and wife,
Mel probably could use some cash.
So an action doll true to life
Could finance his fits of mouth trash.
One neat feature of the doll's head,
It would open up to show Mel's brain.
Pull out the bad parts and instead,
Only the good parts would remain.

So Mad Mel is the doll to sell
For buyer to turn Mellow Mel.

Friday, October 08, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Newt Nix

I, Newt Gingrich, do solemnly
Declare New York Ground Zero not
A place where any mosque should be.
I mean have we so soon forgot
That 9/11 was done by
A bunch of Muslim terrorists?
The Muslim countries do deny
That other religion exists.
It is a crusade in reverse
To make the good ol' U.S.A.
Muslim, and what is even worse -
Gospel's no longer what we say.

Freedom of religion does mean
What Christians and a few Jews screen.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Not Bully About

The Teddy Bear did come about
When Teddy Roosevelt did show
Disinclination to take out
A tied up bear in killing blow.
Teddy did not deem such good sport.
No man versus beast in the wild,
Letting the skills of each cavort.
At one beast Teddy got reviled.
When watching piranhas down chow
To just bones, Teddy looked quite grim
At the skeleton once a cow,
And decided against a swim.

The Teddy Piranha has flair,
Much more so than the Teddy Bear.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Bite the Biter

"Good night - don't let the bed bugs bite."
My Grandma would say that to me
Then these bugs disappeared from sight,
Thanks to the stuff like DDT.
But DDT got banned and so
The bed bugs have returned once more.
They showed up in my bed. Oh no!
In jars I scooped 'em by the score.
Exterminators had to come,
And used heat to kill the whole lot.
Then I read bugs could be yum yum.
So I baked the bugs I had caught.

Bed bugs bit me, so I bit back.
They really are a tasty snack.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Conform Abnorm

Conformity - that's what my shrink
Maintains makes me a mental case.
Conforming what I do and think
To find I fit in the rat race.
I'm hitting my shrink's couch so much,
My body imprint's on display
From all of my conforming touch.
My shrink says I'm making headway.
In order to pay my shrink's fees,
A second job I've had to take.
But my shrink says that my disease
Means never getting a couch break.

My shrink says that I'll never be
Fully cured of conformity.

Monday, October 04, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Buck on Luck

We, the Penobscot tribe, are stuck
On a river island in Maine,
Because global warming has struck.
We need a bridge, we do complain
To the paleface state government.
We've used canoes for centuries,
But we've money making intent.
Palefaces need travel in ease.
The state blamed warming on the sun,
But felt the heat and built the bridge.
Of course when all was said and done,
Winters here are still in the fridge.

Global warming is a gamble, so -
The tribe put up a casino.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Game of Stats

One thing the government does do
Is use a lot of statistics.
It doesn't matter if they're true,
If useful from the bag of tricks.
To wit - Homeland Security
Gives numbers on illegals here -
Not as many as used to be,
Millions just up and disappear!
How does the government know that?
Does each illegal call to say,
"Hi gov - U.S. is where I'm at."
Or "Hi gov - left U.S. today."

A stat's not used because it's true.
It's made up just to spin a view.

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

In the Mix

Martha's Vineyard through centuries
Has evolved as a salad bowl.
Different ingredients please
Flavoring all body and soul.
U.S. first families enjoy
Vacationing in summer fun.
For some rich 'tis another toy,
But most are ordinary one.
And many stay the whole year long,
Through the seasons in work and play.
Nature's beauty like a sweet song
Sings America ev'ry day.

Marth's Vineyard where many share.
Perhaps a mosque can be built there.

Friday, October 01, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


The right to bear arms is the right
That surely is given by God.
Elect those who know how to fight,
To make the gun foes shocked and awed.
To just bear arms is not enough.
The bearer must know how to shoot,
And give the lefties the right stuff,
Putting them on the hill called Boot.
America will be reclaimed,
Like Wyatt Earp did in Tombstone.
When we the righteous ones be blamed,
Put bullets in lib flesh and bone.

Election runoffs should be done
At high noon and each with a gun.