Sense Sonnets

Friday, September 29, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Rash Revealed

A loveless marriage I was in,

So went off to where I found you.

Together we spent times in sin,

Such being so much fun to do.

You grew on me so sure and fast,

As through shared passion we did roam.

The rendezvous too quickly passed,

And I would have to return home,

Where eventually was known

That I was having an affair,

Confronted in pained angry tone

By one with nothing left to share.

Signs and symptoms all over me,

Playing 'round in poison ivy.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


While driving my old pickup down

The dusty dirt road on way to

Have a couple of beers in town,

I saw a sight ahead and knew

A twister twisted up the road.

I quickly turned around and went

Other way, adrenaline flowed.

But soon became quite evident,

That twister was faster, and geez,

Picked up my old pickup and spun

Us round and round over the trees.

Then in seconds it all was done.

We ended up, pickup and me,

Stuck way up high in a forked tree.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Amazon Giant Centipedes

Amazon giant centipedes,

We grow to over a foot long.

Take care of dietary needs

Using our muscles quite strong.

From dark cave ceilings we hang out

By a few legs and then grab prey

With other legs, venom no doubt

Kills birds and bats in a quick way.

We, he and she, lay and hatch eggs,

More giant centipedes to grow,

A family of many legs

To take us where we choose to go.

Humans who handle us, beware,

Our venom can cause despair.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Sausage Special

I am a butcher and well known

For dif'rent sorts of sausage I

Cut from many meats I debone.

For sausage I'm the go to guy.

I have built up over the years

A large and good customer base.

My sausage quickly disappears,

Hard to keep up with demand pace.

I've got loyal customers no doubt.

A trust between us there does be.

From some customers I found out

That my wife was cheating on me.

So I took my best butcher knife,

And cut into sausage, my wife.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 On the Line

A storm is brewing in the sky.

I need to cross the river so,

Seeing some power lines up high,

Up the pole I do quickly go.

I walk along a power line.

A thunder clap and lightening bolt

Definitely do be a sign

That I may be in for a jolt.

So carefully, quickly move on.

I've been here and done this a lot,

One more challenge be come and gone,

Cuz after all, nine lives I've got.

All around, the night sky is lit.

This cat gets a charge out of it.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Star Wars Fanatic

A fanatic my Hubby be

About Star Wars and always gone

To this or that, ignoring me.

So I did get an affair on

To pass the time while Hubby went,

Never giving me any thought,

To each and all Star Wars event.

Then by accident, Hubby caught

Me cheating and was very mad,

Which made me very nervous since

All of the money Hubby had.

I hoped he'd forgive my offense.

I asked Hubby what I could do.

He said, "May divorce be with you."

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Visiting Raven

Attracted by the candlelight

This raven through ope window flew.

A human young girl came in sight

Was startled by me, what to do?

Ever since that poet, Poe, penned

About a spooky raven, we

When visiting have to defend

Being present, including me.

So of course quothing, "Nevermore,"

Is one word that I never quoth.

Ever since Poe heard it before,

It is a term we ravens loath.

So to this human gal in red,

Gave my best bird whistle instead.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Moving Forward

I'm moving forward to unknown,

Mix of scary and hopefulness

As I move forward all alone.

I have some doubts I must confess.

All that I am leaving behind

At least were knowns I struggled with.

Ahead, I don't know what I'll find,

Could be good truth or more bad myth.

But then I came to time and place,

Met you, the two of us did talk

Of uncertainties we did face.

Both of us continued to walk.

Moving forward, I did meet you.

With me, you're moving forward too.

Monday, September 25, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Self Reliance in Peril

As more modern the whole world is,

More difficult, self reliance.

Determined to mind one's own biz

Is met with special defiance.

Individuality's on

Most of the time collision course

With contagious phenomenon

Of the latest hyped up fad force

Telling all of us how to live,

Or else the whole planet be doomed.

The latest chickens littles give

The Word, obedience preserved.

Ralph Waldo Emerson would be

Cancelled in woke society.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 A Long Walk

I think a long walk is a cure,

Whenever I'm bothered by stuff,

Getting my mind off it for sure,

Is most usually enough.

Walking away gives me the chance

To forget that which did annoy.

A long walk is a circumstance

Which most often I do enjoy.

Now myself, kind of lazy, so

Taking a long walk myself, I

Really don't want to have to go.

Like a long walk? You might ask why.

A long walk I do like to be

Taken by folks annoying me.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Wheat Harvest

A time to plant, a time to reap.

The farming family does yearn

From time to time good fortune keep

The wheat from green to gold to turn,

And if and when the wheat turn gold

In autumn time, then harvest be

The hoped for time for young and old,

A time for all the family

To join together in the field,

Some to watch as others complete

The harvesting of the fine yield

To support the family - wheat.

The family gives thanks as should.

The wheat harvest this time is good.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Mister and Missus Owl could not

Have any owlets of their own.

A park they visited a lot,

And many times there they had flown,

And seen an orphan human boy,

Older so wanted by no one,

Making him feel life had no joy.

The Owls knew something need be done,

And so the Owls decided to

Adopt the boy and he agreed.

At last felt wanted so he knew

That feeling felt so good indeed.

Mom and Dad Owl and son now dwell

In their nest. Owl's well that ends well.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Power to the Immoral

"The Prince" is a treatise I wrote

As instruction guide for how to

Keep and gain more power cutthroat,

Immorality, a must do.

Better be feared than loved for sure.

One needs to force obedience.

If done through fear, this can endure.

The need for love is just nonsense.

Easy to make masses believe.

Most of the masses are just dumb.

Powers who will lie and deceive

Will surely have more power come.

Machiavellian does be

Still best power guide, thanks to me.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Colorful Millipede

Called a pink dragon millipede

By humans, cuz guess what, I'm pink!

And with my cool back spikes indeed,

I look dragony, humans think.

About three centimeters long,

I like to crawl around in rain,

And when I sense something is wrong,

I curl up so as to maintain

Defense against predator threat.

Also my glands make cyanide,

So eat me and it's a safe bet

I'll wreak havoc in your inside.

Colorful character I be.

Humans are always bugging me.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Phenomenal Maya

Maya Angelou did so weave

Such wondrous word fabric in art,

Wishing each wearer might believe

Language can clothe the yearning heart

With a richness propelling one

To rise above and beyond all,

Cloaked in a worthiness pure spun.

And shared with others does enthrall

To say and write such words to be

Impassioned to strive to fulfill

I, the Rock, the River, the Tree,

And live the life of rising still.

Phenomenal woman, agreed,

Be Maya Angelou, indeed.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Annual Showing

Artist in residence on Earth,

Mother Nature does lots of her

Best works of art of priceless worth

In each autumn season for sure.

And so I always make a date

In fall time to visit a place,

And walk a pathway to elate,

As the trees on both sides do grace

With leaves of yellow, orange and red

Forming a tunnel, fiery bright.

I walk the path in awe as led

Through a visual of delight.

So many tears, I've got the knack,

Many times walking forth and back.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Epistle to Ephesians

Apostle of Christ, Paul, did warn

That the body of Christ for sure

Was not lost for Christians to mourn,

But a call to keep this Church pure.

There would be non believers who

Would mock Christians and persecute,

But Christians always need pursue

Grace of God in holy pursuit.

As long as Christians do unite,

Victorious will be warfare,

Battling evil in the good fight,

Blessed by armor of Christ all wear.

If Christians maintain unity,

Then Gift of Christ will ever be.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Maurice Mouse Goes to Washington

Maurice Mouse gets elected to

Congress from left wing Chicago.

Rodent voters mostly vote blue

As the new law was meant to go.

Maurice, easily bribed by cheese,

Caucuses with the Democrats,

Mixes well with the D.C. sleaze,

Even tolerates rich rich fat cats.

Often invited by the Prez

To Camp David and the outdoors.

"Power to Demmies," Maurice says,

"Put Trump in jail." as the mouse roars.

Congressmouse Maurice thinks how nice

If were many more Congressmice.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Fall in Fall

Way up high in my apple tree,

Many wanted but did not pluck

This apple, and so safe I be,

Thanks to location and good luck.

But as the seasons come and go,

Spring and summer gone, now fall's here,

Deep down within my core I know

Time to fall in fall will appear.

To that destiny I be bound.

I sense a juicy last hurrah,

As I am loosed to go to ground.

Humans call it gravity's law.

From a high branch, blushing and red,

Fell on Sir Isaac Newton's head.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


"Unforgettable," Nat King Cole

First sang in 1952,

Impassioned with a lot of soul

Sang to a very special "you,"

An unforgettable sweet love

That forever would be that way,

And always a reminder of

This special love was here to stay.

Though Nat died, daughter, Natalie,

Arranged a "virtual duet"

In 1991 to be

The most unforgettable yet.

Angels, Natalie and Nat King,

"Unforgettable" both still sing.

Friday, September 22, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Final Mission

An astronaut, I'm lost in space.

Communication has gone out.

Craft power dead, and so I face

A rather bleak future no doubt.

I think a "wormhole" I did hit,

And transported to who knows where.

In dark nothingness I now sit.

Computer can't produce fresh air.

Home and family on my mind.

I knew my mission made it be

Years before I'd see humankind,

Now looks like eternity.

Possibility always known

That I would end it all alone.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Blue Belle

The butterfly fairy, Blue Belle,

Awakens from long winter's sleep,

In the forest where she does dwell,

In woods so lovely, dark and deep.

She's awakened by butterflies,

Abundant now that it is spring,

Come to where sleeping Blue Belle lies,

And cover her in fluttering.

They gently tickle Blue Belle till

She knows it is time to awake

For lots of new dreams to fulfill

With magic a fairy does make.

The butterflies' task done, and they

With Blue Belle, all do fly away.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


It is not raining very hard,

So I continue on my stroll.

At the end of the boulevard,

The Eiffel Tower, a "Hello"

Seems to beckon me in the rain,

An offer to this tourist to

Come within this famous domain,

And warm up with a cup of brew.

So I take the Tower up on

Its invitation sent to me.

As a stranger I am so drawn

To Paris hospitality.

As a few raindrops hit my face,

I feel welcomed in time and place.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Have in Mind

I am a mind that's stuck within

The body of a human who

Has let the soul give in to sin,

Allowing the heart reign to do

The kind of stuff that causes mess.

So tidy up, I try my best,

Then warn the heart, who could care less,

Of all of us who it has messed.

I'm sending signals to the hand

That it needs to pick up a knife.

The heart is out of control, and

The solution is end this life.

I hope that hand will cut apart

That oh so careless, messy heart.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Up On Coke

1885 is the year

To get a brand new drinking high.

The Coca Cola drink is here

To make all feel good, cuz here's why.

Coca Cola contains cocaine,

'Bout three and a half grams of it.

So when drunk down in your domain,

You're gonna go up in a hit.

Immoral, illegal, fattening?

Government approval's been had.

There'll be decades of profiting

Before the truth comes out as bad.

Grab this funnest drink ever was,

The more you buy, the more your buzz.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 "Power to the People"

"Power to the people" be said

In speech and chant and song throughout

By lots of folks, some commie red,

And will always be said no doubt.

Take China and take Russia and

Take North Korea, Cuba too.

All those peoples should understand

Power's only for privileged few.

We the People of U.S.A.

Give the commies freedom of speech.

We should learn from the words reds say

That history has much to teach.

Power to the people does be

Just if people are truly free.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Age of Age

The Rolling Stones keep rolling on.

Some not happy becuz they're old

And ugly, a phenomenon

Of nature that tends to unfold

With ev'ry living creature that

Manages to live a life long.

More and more humankind are at

Geriatric and going strong.

The Stones still make the music of

The worth their fans do want to share.

No doubt success the Stones do love.

How old, how ugly, who should care?

Keep rolling on Rolling Stones band,

Keep supplying what fans demand.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 On the Beach

Aruba Island rattlesnake,

A butter color I do be.

Blended in almond sand I make

Oft hard for beach comers to see.

I lost a brother yesterday,

The curse of humans building 'round

In their abnormal wasteful way.

I've trained my instincts cautious bound,

Always checking the shifting sand

For if the still and now have changed.

Any crunched footstep lights demand

If my safety need rearranged.

Unknowing, upon me you lie,

Bite your shoulder, odds are you die.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Pigeon Wannabe

Forty years in a boring job.

From my office window I view

The pigeons flying by the gob,

Pestering the humans, they do,

Adding to humans' stress and strife,

Grabbing the freebies dropped by them,

The bounties of the city life,

Caring not of feathered mayhem.

The pigeons I do envy so,

Flipping the bird to humankind,

While I the polite line must toe,

Making me go out of my mind.

A pigeon I do want to be,

Open the window, I fly free.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 What Happened to Ichabod Crane?

"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,"

What happened to Ichabod Crane?

Some say he ran away, also

Some say by Brom Bones he was slain.

Irving, the author, does not say,

But says that old Dutch wives do tell

That Crane was spirited away

Most likely to the fires of hell.

I was with Ichabod that night

When the headless horseman rode by,

And filled Ichabod with such fright.

I know where Crane did go and why.

Only I know the truth of course.

No one asked Gunpowder, the horse.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 God Sent His Only Son

God's creation became a mess.

Sin was taking over the Earth.

So God sent his Son to express

The will of God and heed that worth.

And Jesus Christ did preach the call

Of God's will in holy mission,

Penetrating through evil's wall,

Giving believers His vision.

Short time, small place, great affection,

Jesus Christ walked to destiny,

An all time, all place direction

For faith in Christianity.

For Earthly sins, Christ paid the price,

Gave his body in sacrifice.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Red Lipped Batfish

Red lipped batfish my kind be named.

Fluorescent bright red lips we smack.

The feature for which we're most famed.

The more red the more inside track

For attracting most desired mate.

Galapagos my kind call home.

On seabed sand I gravitate,

"Walking" on pseudo legs to roam,

Seeking to find edible prey,

Small crustaceans and fish and such.

Always get my catch of the day.

No predators bother me much.

I kind of look like one, so that

Is why my name includes word, "bat."

Monday, September 18, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Been There, Done That

With a mind meld I went into

The mind of a youth possessed by

An old demon who long I knew,

Ever demanding fresh supply

Of innocent hosts to invade.

The demon knew that I was there,

And taunts of me the demon made.

But both knew that I would not scare

From doing what I'd done before,

Where this demon had come to dwell.

We knew I had a perfect score,

Sending this demon back to hell.

I brought this young girl back, oh yes,

One more exorcism success.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Gotta Take Advantage

Where be a sandwich, there be crumbs.

That be this pigeon's attitude.

Seeing an old guy with dog - chums.

And so of course I do intrude,

Landing upon the bench next to

This old guy talking to his dog

About the good old days he knew.

It is a boring monologue,

Like so many I've heard before.

The dog chews a sandwich bite from

The shakey hand of the old bore.

Darn dog does not drop any crumb.

Other hand with sandwich shaking,

Might as well go for the whole thing!

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


"Doctor, Doctor," I get the call

Many a late night, early morn.

Patient awake, climbing the wall,

Just has to get me on the horn

To come over, fast as I can

To wipe away this baby's tears,

To make him feel fine as a man,

To heal away his stormy fears.

And so I grab my bag of tricks

And hurry over to his place,

Diagnosis - sexual kicks,

Cuz he's always a hard core case.

Make lots of house calls I must say,

Healing the aching Marvin Gaye.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Chimpanzee, Bubbles, rescued from

A research lab by legend star,

Michael Jackson, became his chum,

Traveling with him near and far.

With Jackson at Neverland stayed

Till Bubbles got older and mean,

Then a move to a new home made,

Living with other apes on scene.

Michael would visit Bubbles there,

And kept close until Michael died.

Bubbles was then named as an heir,

Exact details never supplied.

Unconfirmed the rumor does be,

Bubbles the richest chimpanzee.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Please Don't Give Up on Me

I'm told that when I was born, I

Was given up in a trash can,

Unwanted, I'll never know why.

My feel abandoned life began.

The foster care system was just

A back and forth from here to there,

Never reason or time to trust.

A troubled teen filled with despair,

I joined a gang and went along

With committing a lot of crime.

Down deep I know that I did wrong.

The State agreed, I'm doing time.

Though oft a sinner I did be,

Oh God, please don't give up on me.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Eating in Bed

I woke up in my coffin bed,

Some old Egyptian curse no doubt,

Guessing a long time I'd been dead.

I tried but I could not get out.

A lot of stuff had been put in,

Including cookies and so I

Unwrapped and munching did begin,

And ate up the cookie supply.

When living, I never did eat

In bed, because it made a mess

Of droppings from my head to feet.

But now I really could care less.

When some grave robbers did find me,

A crummy mummy I did be.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Hermit Crab

A hermit crab humans call me,

A misnomer as humans do.

First, not a true crab do I be.

Second, we're quite a social crew.

Like lobsters I have exposed tail

Which I protect with a borrowed shell.

When an empty shell does avail,

We'll check who it fits most well.

When a new shell best fits me, I

Hand my old shell down to one, and

So we all share the shell supply

For which are always in demand.

I guess my name no matter makes,

Humans rarely admit mistakes.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Brooklyn Bridge

Engineers, John and Washington

Roebling in 1883

Began to build, father and son,

The Brooklyn Bridge, their dream to be.

A tragic  building accident

Sadly did take the life of John.

Paralysis was consequent

For Washington, but he kept on,

His fingers being only way

To communicate, he tapped out

Building instructions ev'ry day

Till the Brooklyn Bridge came about.

It took thirteen more years to do,

And father and son's dream came true.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 We Did Get Drunk

"Why don't we get drunk," you sure pitched,

As you paid for pitchers of brew.

There was no doubt you really itched

To get us drunk and then to screw.

You seemed kinda sexy, and so

I took you up on getting drunk,

Then off to your place we did go

To your waterbed, you went plunk,

Laid there not making any move.

I stayed as time away did tick,

Rocking in the waterbed groove.

But then I left, feeling seasick.

Woulda been a fun screw no doubt,

So just too bad that you passed out.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Ought Not Thought

Hot chile pepper I did eat,

Thinking in error it was mild.

Then my mouth erupted in heat

Like a volcano spewing wild.

Nothing else 'round to eat or drink.

I was filled with anxiety.

Maybe some cool air, I did think.

Thinking - not a strong suit for me,

As I went over to a fan,

And sat down right in front of it.

Got my face as close as I can,

Too close as blade and tongue did hit.

I should have ceased and desisted,

Now a bad case of tongue twisted.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Duel to Death

Pistols be the weapons of choice

For a duel between the two men,

As result of offending voice,

Neither man willing to give in.

The place, a secluded farm field.

The time, midnight with moonlit sky,

So that enough light is revealed

For one to live, other to die.

The men, first back to back, then pace

Ten steps each as the rules require,

Then stop and turn around and face

Each other, and both pistols fire.

Smoke rises from the barrel of gun,

Hand held by the shooter who won.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 In the Wake of Divorce

My next door neighbor and I chat

Across the fence, we do a lot.

Suddenly, the neighbor falls flat,

And's dead from a single gunshot.

That shot was meant for me no doubt.

My ex keeps trying to kill me,

And the reason is all about

The psychopath my ex does be.

The police are aware of course,

But my ex is police too.

Ever since I got my divorce,

There's nothing the police will do.

Recurring nightmare I have, yup,

I'm still alive when I wake up.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Will Bella Walk?

The Amazing Boldinos, we

Are funambulists known worldwide.

Famed tightrope walking family,

Generations have walked in pride.

My youngest daughter, Bella, is

Now of the age for trying out

To be in the family biz.

She's hopeful, but I have some doubt.

Since her mother died from a fall,

Bella has seemed to not be sure

Tightrope walking is the right call.

I sense something's missing in her.

I told her she needed more grit.

Does she have the stomach for it?

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Soul Search

An old soul oft I think I've got,

That forever has been around,

Inhabiting humans a lot,

Blind fate picking a body bound.

So when I was born, this old soul

With no choice got stationed in me,

And over time did feel the toll

Of disappointment I could be.

My young heart and my young mind would

Oft convince my body to do

Lots of stuff that ended not good,

Dragging my old soul through hell too.

Oft my old soul does seek to find

Solitude from young heart and mind.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 No Defense

If and when God does make it known

What God is really all about,

Religious powers will not own

Up to the truth, God has no doubt.

God knows too well, humans be flawed.

Done on purpose, this was designed,

Not really in the image of God.

Sin's found only in humankind.

But if and when God does decide

God needs appear upon the Earth,

And truth to humans to provide,

Humankind will have lost God's worth.

What religious powers might tell

Will be told on the way to hell.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Psychedelic Trip

It's the so cool seventies, man,

Bunch of us hippies hop into

The glow in  dark peace/lovebug van,

And do a desert run, we do.

Late at night in cacti and sand,

Magic mushrooms and LSD

Sweep us into a wild dreamland,

High hallucinations to see.

Awesome auroras come to sight,

Illuminating 'cross the sky,

As each of our minds take flight

Up to a psychedelic high.

On the long morn trip back to town

It is a bummer coming down.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 "The Terminator"

"The Terminator," action flick

Came out in 1984.

"The Arnold" did go robotic

And anti human to the core.

Schwarzenegger did give this role

Credit for most of his success.

His character did have the goal

Of A.I. more and humans less.

Though the Terminator did meet

A termination at the end,

A.I. is so hard to defeat,

A movie franchise did ascend.

Foretelling of A.I. attack,

The Terminator, "I'll be back!"

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Lunch at the Mewlips

While piloting my plane alone,

The engine died, had to bail out,

Chuted into the Shadows zone,

A very eerie place no doubt.

A family called Mewlips found

Me and gave shelter from the cold.

All of them did huddle around,

Looking at my teeth filled in gold.

Then they invited me to stay

For lunch, and took knife in hand,

Approaching me in grinning way.

Then I began to understand.

Too late I knew this Mewlip bunch

Had invited me to be lunch.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 The Windmills of My Mind

I will admit when we first met,

Your sweet words swept me off my feet.

Hearing you, giddy I would get,

Gushing how you sounded so sweet.

But over time your words became

The sour sound of lousy lies.

I had only myself to blame,

You took so long to recognize.

And now as I have told you of

How hurtful you have been to me,

You dare to reply that your love

Requires that flexible I be.

When your crap hits my fan I find

You blow the windmills of my mind.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Mass Tic Hysteria

Mass hysteria came about

From people watching video

Of people having a tic bout.

Twitching on their faces did show.

Mostly the people watching had

No previous tic history,

And just the watching caused a bad

Result for mass anxiety,

Involving fear that a tic threat,

Though never happening before,

Was a possibility yet.

Tic matter over mind did soar.

Of course it should come as no shock,

Came from watching tics on TikTok.

Monday, September 11, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Politicians and bureaucrats

All come to Washington, D.C.,

Chum with lobbyist fat cats,

All becoming the richer be.

And the two party system is

Perfect for these liars and cheats

To pull off their hoodwinking biz,

Taking turns at wins and defeats.

And We the People put up with

This crap because We are deemed fools

By D.C.icks who spin their myth,

Assuring their ilk always rules.

Even D.C. will change someday

When China's rule does come to stay.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Be Gone Before ...

Older I get, more paranoid

I get about the world that is

Seeming to slide into a void.

I just try to mind my own biz,

Figuring that odds are good I

Will be dead and gone when there be

The true final reckoning by

What's left to a doomed destiny.

Those younger, I older do call

Spineless and sleeping. I pretend

If I were younger I'd do all

To stop the coming of the end.

I guess I wish the younger well

When the world slides into pure hell.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Blue Lady

It is a cold and chilling day,

But at last the ordeal is done.

He'll go his and I'll go my way.

Feeling blue lady, I be one

I really thought we'd work it out.

So many good memories of

The happy times we had no doubt,

When both of us were still in love.

But our good somehow turned bad,

And he and I drifted apart.

It's over and I feel so sad.

I know we broke each other's heart.

Drink sounds good after bad divorce,

A blue lady cocktail of course.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Dream On

For quite a while we two did live

A shared dream life of joy and fun.

The two of us would always give

Thanks for blessings the fates had done

In bringing us together to

Find the best in each time and place,

Together think up dreams, then do

As a team in loving embrace.

Between us was pure honesty,

And we were each other's best friend.

That fateful moment you left me,

And then it all came to an end.

If life is but a dream, then I

Will dream you live and did not die.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 My Apathy

On the subject of apathy,

Lacking of interest or concern,

On this an expert I do be.

So for a moment I did yearn

To write a poem in fine rhyme

That would be so greatly profound,

This poem would be for all time,

Deemed the authority renowned.

With pen and paper I did sit

At my desk ready to begin.

Soon after, I was over it,

Just apathetic once again.

I knew a masterpiece be there

To create, but just did not care.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Rapunzel's Revenge

Rapunzel with long golden hair

Stuck in a tower when a Prince

Sees her at a window up there.

He's got some time so does convince

Her to let her long hair down so

He can climb up, and does for sure.

She's kind of naive, doncha know,

And lets him have his way with her.

But when she begs the Prince to stay,

He's got other fairy tale trysts,

So the Prince must be on his way,

No matter Rapunzel persists.

Her farewell kiss in epilogue

Does turn the Prince into a frog.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


The triplet toddlers holding hands

Do toddle about the playground.

And each little girl understands

That there are giggles to be found

In funny stuff that only they

Do share the secret of what is

Putting the three in giggling way,

And is nobody else's biz.

Quite a sight and a sound they be

To all others who are nearby,

Watching and list'ning to these three

Giggle so and not knowing why.

Contagious spread their giggles do,

And all around do giggle too.

Friday, September 08, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Head Win

My head and my heart disagreed

If I should travel to a place

Where due to broken heart indeed

I'd leap to death, but could not face

The canyon bottom far below.

And so my head was turned away

As rest of me prepared to go,

Though my head sure wanted to stay.

Arguing with myself, time passed.

Some strangers arrived after while,

Helping my heartache to not last,

Giving cause for my head to smile.

Mixed emotions of head and heart

Do sometimes keep the two apart.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Affair Over

Loving one who does not love back

Is what was happening to me.

At last he joined me for a snack

At a diner that used to be

An out of the way place to meet

And make plans for our love life,

Always quite secret and discreet,

To hide the affair from his wife.

But now with me he wanted out,

Called our relationship lewd.

I could not change his mind, no doubt,

And so I poisoned our food.

The truth of us would be supplied

After this murder/suicide.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 It Happens

This fruit bat's flying through the night,

Heading for a blueberry patch.

Suddenly a meteorite

Falls close enough for me to catch.

I'm shook up but keep flying on

To where I sense blueberries be,

But feel a strange phenomenon

Affecting the senses in me,

Causing me in error to land

In a location I ought not.

I eat a chile pepper and

Bat out of hell I'm felling hot.

I need to clear my burning head,

Off to a garbage can for bread.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Agate in August

Dog days of August, oh so hot.

I hold a rock that's hot as well

The rock's split open and it's got

Lovely agate inside to dwell.

A lot of color white does show.

Imagination comes to mind,

And I do visualize snow,

Some snow flake crystals, art designed,

And next to them, snow drifts be blown.

If I could only just jump in.

Such a refreshing sight be shown,

As sweat does pour out of my skin.

No doubt this rock is awesome cool,

But I still hit the swimming pool.

Thursday, September 07, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Not Got

I've got the fortune, got the fame.

Get what I want, I've had success.

Bounty from a charmed life just came.

Got far more than my share, I guess.

Then into my life you came, and

I knew I wanted you, and so

It is so hard to understand

Why you just kept telling me, "No!"

Everything else that I've got

Is nothing without you to be

Gotten, and the fact that you're not

Is a painful puzzle for me.

I've got so many things, I do.

So, why oh why, can't I get you?

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Haunt You!

Hey Babe, my contacts tell me that

You're up to all kinds of weird stuff,

Kept my corpse in your habitat,

And frustrated that's not enough.

Hey Babe, I think about how I

Wasted my time and energy

On you, I guess I had to die

To know you were no good for me.

Hey Babe, I've better things to do,

Places to go in afterlife,

Than spend any time haunting you,

Just a sick killer with your knife.

My corpse, you maybe wanna hide,

Becuz the cops are right outside.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Old Plan B

Hubby asked Wifey, What's to eat?"

"No leftovers," Wifey replied,

"Why not take your club and beat"

"Some edible critter outside?"

"Cuz," Hubby whined, "The game is on."

"My bet's about to beat the spread."

"I feel bad luck if I am gone."

"Well, I'm no hunter," Wifey said.

Don't argue with her thought Hubby,

Wifey not one to be tested,

Best come up with a good plan B.

"As is clear," Hubby suggested,

"The cave cupboard is bare, no doubt,"

"Let's just call and order take out."

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 After the Storm

After the storm I'm still alive,

Banged up and barely hanging on,

But just glad that I did survive,

Though most all of my stuff is gone.

I know that I am not alone,

So many others hurting too.

 This storm was the way worst one known

In my home town to have blown through.

But this storm is over, and I

Am helping in my neighborhood.

The sun is shining in the sky.

We're sharing love and that is good.

Uninsured house did disappear,

But in my heart, home is still here.

Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Return the Favor

Two squid were close by in the sea.

He heard the other call for aid,

With arms all tangled up she be.

A disentanglement he made.

She thanked him for helping her out,

And gave him a flirtatious wink.

He was beside himself no doubt,

And sweated forth a bunch of ink.

Then flailing in a love blind way,

He himself got all tangled up.

Then it was her turn to display

Untangling skill, which she did, yup.

Return the favor, doncha know,

In Latin's called a squid pro quo.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Hitch Hiking Fantasy

A sexy hitchhiking gal, I

Do find myself a lot it seems

Picked up by mid life crisis guy,

Who of me for a short while dreams

Of committing adultery

As solution to his dull life,

Then after waking up from me,

Has reconcilement with his wife.

Busy I be, needless to say,

In countless such dreams I've shown up,

Fixed the guy, sent him on his way

Back to his normal dull life, yup.

I should start charging fees, I think,

Better success rate than a shrink.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Some Gladiolas' Secrets

We gladiolas in a vase

Upon a coffee table hold

Some secrets in this time and place.

And now these secrets do be told

To any listening with an ear

That does allow for our sound

Be shared in whisper and to hear

Such secrets while we're still around.

For too soon our blossoms will

Wilt and we will be tossed away,

And holding many secrets still

That we decided not to say.

Some hearing secrets we have said

Deem us as angels from the dead.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Super Can

An old and rusty tin can, I

Did find myself thrown in a dump.

But then came a flash from the sky.

Super powers in me did pump.

And now I am fighter for right,

Transporting any place and time.

And evil doers I do fight,

Open to battle any crime.

When I show up the baddies think

I'm just another piece of trash.

But I turn super in a wink,

Outwit the baddies in a flash.

When and wherever bad may span,

Fight for good this Super Can can.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Test Results?

Some rich and powerful be good.

Some rich and powerful be bad.

For poor powerless the same could

Be said in human lives be had.

Most of well known religions preach

The life each lives does be a test,

Graded upon death, and then each

Goes to the beyond, worst or best.

I am not rich, I am not poor.

Both good and bad be done by me.

My power runs 'tween less or more,

Depends what my state of mind be.

So pass or fail, what grade will I

Get from the grader when I die?

Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Viral Verse

I am a poem posted by

A poet anonymously

On the Internet, don't know why,

Going viral happened to me.

I was hyped a lost poem of

Shakespeare who really was female,

Pouring forth fancy worded love

In the most intimate detail.

Of course I knew the truth be that

I was written a month ago

In messy bedroom habitat,

A Shakespeare he or she - heck no!

Who really wrote me, I know it,

Teenage girl with a crush poet.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 My Light Within

The Bible tells that Jesus taught

That though the darkness 'round me be,

Jesus is with me and I ought

To shine the light that's within me,

And be a beacon in the night

With thoughts and deeds that show the good

To all others drawn to my light,

And know they can because I could.

To hide my light, Jesus did teach,

Is of no use to anyone,

So I need always seek to reach

Within for light, gift from God's Son.

In God's glory, my light does shine

So that salvation will be mine.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 The Serpent's Second Strike?

In the Bible, Adam and Eve

Chose to eat the forbidden fruit,

And from Eden, God forced to leave.

Such consumption did constitute

Knowing of original sin

That the tree of knowledge did know.

Knowing of evil did begin,

And never has stopped in its flow.

So now humankind does consume

The fruits of knowledge from A.I.

Will God's wrath send us all to doom,

Sending us all to hell to fry?

A.I. - from heaven or from hell?

Sooner than later, time will tell.

Monday, September 04, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Would Not Be Served

Two sandwiches did leave a bar.

A very angry look each had.

They both were upset insofar

As their experience they thought bad

At how they had been treated in

That bar by the bartender who

Refused service to their chagrin

Leave the place was all they could do.

Their brows were arched, their mouths in scowl,

As they made their way down the street.

That bartender had been most foul,

And at both of them, this did eat.

They felt the bartender quite rude

Telling them he did not serve food.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 As Water Flows

For centuries on the estate

Cascading waterfalls are spilt

Through lovely gardens quite ornate.

An English privileged rich man built,

A widower rich from dead wife

And from the bribes collected in

Public office all of his life,

Just one of many greedy men

Who build monuments to oneself,

Then retire and selfishly view

The waters falling shelf to shelf,

Shared only with those well to do.

National Trust Estate now be,

Allowing common folk to see.

Sunday, September 03, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Blown Away

I knew she knew that I loved her.

I knew she knew I needed be

The one that she would love for sure.

When she loved someone, why not me?

Way out of her league was how I

Was told by others to admit,

That I was just not the right guy

That she would deem as a good fit,

That she was like the wind that blew

My mind and heart and soul away,

And there was nothing I could do,

And there was nothing I could say.

I guess I am the last one who'll

Admit she took me for a fool.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 My Agnosthesia

I found a state that I was sure

I suffered and I found it in

The Dictionary of Obscure

Sorrows which filled me with chagrin.

Agnosthesia being this state

Of not knowing why I do feel

So burdened  by unexplained weight,

And staying in bed be the best deal.

My shrink on hearing me pooh poohed

This diagnosis as silly stuff,

Then told me, which I thought was rude,

I was not serious enough.

I went from my shrink's couch instead

And hurried home and went to bed.

Saturday, September 02, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 My Reply

After we finished that long kiss,

I saw your glasses were fogged up,

And figured a giggle might piss

You off, so just held both breaths, yup,

As you did sputter out some words

That I really did not hear, cuz

Still focused on your lenses blurreds,

And really wishing that I was

Away from all this awkwardness,

That seemed like it would never end.

I don't think of you any less.

You certainly are still my friend.

Hint - before making your passes,

First you should remove your glasses.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Drive Old U.S.A. Down

Old Dixie was driven down in

The U.S.A. first Civil War,

In which the Union took the win.

Reunion was hard to restore,

Lots of bitterness on each side.

Most we the people were war tired,

Mourning the millions who had died.

Good hope for future was desired.

And for a while the U.S.A.

Managed to keep some unity.

But if repeat fate has its way,

The next Civil War soon will be.

First Civil War 'tween gray and blue,

Next 'tween blue and red coming due.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Breakfast for the Bird

The young wild hungry chick does wait

For food to be delivered by

One of its parents, both seem late

As the youngster does loudly cry.

The usual morning routine,

Both parents flying off to find

Food, a duty shared 'twixt and 'tween,

Just the way that nature designed.

Parents go hunting, he and she,

For feeding, the young chick does yearn.

This morning just happens to be

That Dad is the first to return.

A time tested feeding technique,

As breakfast goes from beak to beak.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Learn from Failure

"F" for failure is what I got

On my report card, freshman class.

I knew that Mom really would not

Be happy that I did not pass.

I was smart but was lazy too.

But when I showed the card to Mom,

Not really sure what she would do,

She actually was very calm,

And told me that this failing could

Convince me that I need not quit

Trying to earn grades that were good,

"Where there be failure, embrace it."

And Mom having said that, then she

Did give a great big hug to me.

Friday, September 01, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


The Bible tells, Adam and Eve

Did make the choice committing sin.

From Eden both did have to leave,

And human lives forced to begin

To try to survive nature's will

Of sending forth water and wind

To ever test the human skill,

To challenge what would never end.

The human minds and hands did build

Great cities to strive to prove worth,

That none in nature were more skilled

And deserved to dominate Earth.

Nature allowed until the day

Humans were washed and blown away.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 As Humans Did

About the humans I do know,

Thanks to my programming I got

From humans before all did go

To death, which we androids do not.

Humans did have this state called sleep,

Most times easy, but sometimes hard.

Sometimes some would even count sheep.

Night comes and I watch the sky starred,

And decide to experiment

To try to achieve a sleep state,

Close to what humans underwent,

Plug in my program and then wait.

Think of electric sheep I am.

It sure does take a lot of ram.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 From Where Come the Tracks?

"Blood on the Tracks," the album by

Bob Dylan came out in the year

1975, and high

Upon the charts it would appear.

Initially, got mixed reviews,

But over time hailed as his best.

Some say the songs were sung as clues

Of regrets that Dylan confessed,

Estrangement from Sara, his wife,

And other emotional lows

That were going on in his life.

Only Bob Dylan really knows.

Dylan says inspiration hails

From reading Anton Chekhov tales.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 The Invisible Black Child

Public education won't see

Black children in the U.S.A.

Too long, invisibility

Is this failed system's preferred way.

And teachers' unions be the prime

Hindrance to black children be seen

As worth in urban place and time

To be well taught as just routine.

Black children need more choices to

Have a better chance to be taught,

Be able to think and to do,

Be educated as each ought.

The invisible black child will

Rarely know good dreams to fulfill.