Sense Sonnets

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Liar Be Caught

I, Xavier Alvarez, vow
To lie bigger and better since
Lying free speech is okay now,
With no illegal consequence.
Elected to the Water Board,
No big deal if I lied about
Military stint and award,
Water under the bridge, no doubt.
Who in politics doesn't lie?
Part of the game to lie a lot,
American as apple pie.
It only matters if you're caught.

Maybe I'll run for President,
The big league where the truth is bent.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

The Color Purple

"The Color Purple" is about
Female black life in time and place
When life was hard, without a doubt,
For most of that gender and race.
Purple was the color of pain
When flesh was beaten raw and swelled,
Over and over, stain on stain,
Showing where the suffering dwelled.
But purple can be color good,
As in the flowers in a field,
Where love of God is understood,
And pain of purple can be healed.

"The Color Purple" symbol of
The flowing hues of hate and love.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Show Not

The Gridiron Club for journalists
Named for set D.C butts on fire,
Since 1885 persists
For D.C. la tee daws of wire.
Best known for its dinner each Spring.
Presidents show up at least once,
Except Cleveland who called the thing
A farce. The Club called him a dunce.
The dinner's a white tie affair.
Invited politicians should
Perform with an amusing flair.
Some do it bad. Some do it good.

The exposers don't want exposed
This chow and ow behind doors closed.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Water Mark

It takes time for Gov to get Big.
Just look at the U.S. as proof.
Two hundred years of zag and zig,
We've got Big Gov by guile and goof.
Big Gov gobbled up all the land.
The seas will be next if and when
Big Gov wants, no matter that's banned
By that little gov called U.N.
There's no time or place to escape
The tentacles of Big Gov's reach.
Life can seem like it's just ship shape,
Then Big Gov grabs up all and each.

Big Gov will always leave its mark,
Anywhere - even Noah's Ark.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Watson, of the computer age
Went on Jeopardy to compete
With mere mortals and did upstage
By giving humans sound defeat.
Watson can take the human speak,
Translate it to hypothesis,
Categorize by strong to weak.
Mostly a hit, sometimes a miss.
This question answering machine
Is the beginning of the end
Of misunderstanding between
Man and man's smarter than man "friend."

The hi tech Jeopardy champion,
Elementary - What's Watson?

Monday, April 25, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Go Ape

Foibles of the human kind.
Those character flaws that keep on
Enlarging in the human mind,
Evolves to ponder more upon
Complexer techo ways and means
To cause more harm to planet Earth.
It must be something in the genes
That given choice from time of birth
We humans keep on choosing to
Fight over stuff because we can.
Whatever good that humans do
Is try to fix the bad of man.

A planet of the Apes could not
Be any worse than what we've got.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Choose to Try

I volunteered because I could
Do something that might save the day.
The tries so far have not been good,
But I must help to find the way
To stave off the nuclear threat
To my nation and family.
New cooling down pumps must be set
By hand by trained persons like me.
I know the odds are I will not
Survive radiation effects.
But more important, I have got
To try to do what hope expects.

It matters not I live or die,
But only that for hope I try.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Gaddafi Gig

Fast forward - Gaddafi is out,
But no nation will take him in.
Poor Gaddafi gets in a pout.
But then a cruise line makes win win.
Gaddafi's signed to entertain
The passengers aboard the cruise,
Including his "zenga" refrain,
And other oust rhythm and blues.
Gaddafi is stuck on the boat,
But has gotten a second chance
For a new career while afloat
To spew his vile while others dance.

Gaddafi's beat is oh so hip
In his new home - the cruise line ship.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Remember Sodom

All major religions do preach
That homosexuality
Is a sin against God, and each
Such a sinning should never be.
But now such sinners do abound.
Society tolerates more.
Fewer are the righteous around,
And life is going gay galore.
Many believe that God is just
About fed up with this gay thing.
As centuries ago, God must
Step in to stop this gay sinning.

Sodom and Gomorrah went gay,
And God's wrath said to all, "No way!"

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Truman Balcony

Along with the White House redo,
Harry Truman wanted to make
A balcony to be used to
Replace awnings for shading sake
Over the Blue Room windows, since
Those awnings just collected dirt,
An eyesore that made Harry wince.
"Build that baby," he did assert.
Opponents did not like the plan,
And warned Truman that he would lose
For being such a stubborn man.
Truman ignored them and their views.

It came from his presidency,
And called the Truman Balcony.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

NASA Secret!

Was there an Apollo 18?
A secret launching to the moon,
Because something did intervene
That made it quite inopportune
For NASA to make it public.
Did something alien occur
That needed a coverup quick?
Or there would be a worldwide stir.
So in silent conspiracy
NASA made 18 disappear,
'Cause the NASA powers that be
Were no longer life forms from here.

Over time without any fuss,
The aliens infected us.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Just no ordinary day,
That morning we all sat in class.
We second graders who would say
Unforgettable time did pass.
The President joined us to read.
Somebody whispered in his ear.
The President looked shocked indeed.
His body stiffened. I sat near,
And watched a blankness in his eyes,
And the blood draining from his face.
At last forcing himself to rise,
Having to go from this safe place.

The President walked from us to
Face what 9/11 would do.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Flairy Tale

The little union piggy folk
Have built a house made of swell perks.
Now the big bad wolf gov - no joke,
Huffing and puffing nearby lurks,
And threatens to blow down their house.
The little piggies moan and cry.
The big bad wolf gov is a louse
To shake their world - in a pig's eye.
The big bad wolf gov won't back down.
So polls are done to make him look
Like he's making most voters frown,
Getting those poor piggies all shook.

The real truth somewhere zags and zigs
In between the wolf and the pigs.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Nay Say

The Supreme Court said go protest
At funerals for soldiers killed.
Hurtful speech does not pass the test.
The right to bad mouth is instilled.
So I went to the Supreme Court
And got in as a visitor.
The nine filed in. I did resort
To name calling. I yelled and swore.
The justices did look aghast
At speech like this in their domain.
My vile tirade did not long last,
But though 'twas short, 'twas quite profane.

The police handcuffed me away.
Supreme Court's no place for free say.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Happy Hundredth

A happy hundredth birthday
To Ronald Reagan, who though dead,
Still is going his merry way
Filling both Conserv and Lib head
With talking points of Reagandom
All pumped with lots of fantasy
To make the points more swallowsome -
Who do you want Reagan to be?
For better or worse, Reagan will
Personalize a time and place
When the President did fulfill
His duties with humor and grace.

Ronald Reagan, a President
Who happened to be a fine gent.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Die Day

Uncle Sam, you're getting too old,
And you've made promises galore,
That, true, were once as good as gold,
But now mouths wag that you are poor.
Uncle Sam, you need to just put
Out all that older family,
Nieces and nephews underfoot,
Should call it quits at 63.
At that age a computer chip
Inserted inside each one's skin
Would trigger a terminal trip
To a heaven or hell check in.

Everyone's got to sacrifice.
Age 63 is the right price.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Three eleven eleven will
Be a mourning date in Japan,
Struck by the earthquake that would kill
Thousands in its affecting span,
Unleashing fierce tsunami waves
That swept the people from their lives
Into the depths of early graves,
Leaving the living who survives
To recover from all the pain
And shock and fear from the earthquake,
The memories that will remain
As life moves on for living's sake.

Three eleven eleven date,
Japan lost lots in earthquake fate.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


Leary's Book Store is my domain,
A paradise where I'm employed.
We are instructed to refrain
From assisting. I'm overjoyed.
I feel a duty to the books,
Not to the customers, so called,
Who mostly are just browsing schnooks,
Ever making me so appalled
By constantly annoying me
With questions that are frankly dumb.
I just ignore them smilingly,
And keep on walking, keeping mum.

Customers just get in my way.
Maybe they'll disappear someday.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


I gave up a year of my life
In jail for just trying to do
My best as a mother and wife.
Living hell was what I went through.
My having 5 kids was a curse,
Caused by that damn husband of mine.
Each kid that came just made it worse.
The little brats could only whine.
A dog cage was the only way
To teach that girl that she must mind.
Hosing her with some freezing spray
Was her punishment when she whined.

I watch Oprah - what do I see?
My own daughter badmouthing me.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Ken Do With or Without

I am Barbie doll. I am proud
Of all that I have come to be.
Let me say this and say it loud.
Ken is just an accessory,
Merely a prop like all the rest
To make my image better sell.
I market me as I deem best,
'Cause competition can be hell.
If reKen's good for bottom line,
Then he'll be back for a new price.
I'll play your fav role - that's all fine.
Just keep buying me - that's what's nice.

To be or not to be with Ken -
I'll let you know if, where and when.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Count on It

The Fed Gov Labor Department
Apparently has lots of jobs
Measuring just to what extent
Unemployed people by the gobs
Have simply stopped looking for work.
Millions of folks are counted such.
Now here's the question that does lurk.
How does Labor know all this much
About folks job searching or not?
Could it be Big Brother Big Gov,
Through all the techie toys we've got,
Watches each of us from above?

Take a close look at your cell phone.
You and it may not be alone.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

My Daddy Beats Me

My Daddy beats me awful bad
'Cause I'm his kid and just turned ten.
Momma can't do nothing. She's sad.
She and I sometimes now and then
Go to a park that is close by.
We have a lot of fun while there.
When Daddy beats me I do try
To go to that park in mind, where
I can stay until Daddy's done
Doing his beating up on me.
Right now I've got nowhere to run,
Except that park, real or not be.

My Daddy is an angry man.
I'll grow out of him - that's my plan.

Friday, April 08, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


From the center of Harvard U.
I gave the ping pong ball a bounce.
Across the Atlantic it flew,
Hitting France, then over the Mounts
Of Alps and into Russia struck,
Spinning southward to Pakistan.
In China bounced off Peking duck.
Next stop - tea garden in Japan.
And then across the Pacific
To a resort in Mexico.
Back to Harvard - that did the trick.
Into the cup the ball did go.

I did my thesis on Cuponk,
Worldly now as a bouncing wonk.

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


The surname, Smith, in the U.S.
Is the most common name there is.
Started with the metal men, yes.
But later lost ties with that biz.
Native Americans would call
All colonists, Smith, and some stuck.
Smith was chosen by one and all,
Who then gave their flawed name the shuck.
Lots of Smiths did own lots of slaves,
Who when freed took Smith as their own.
Many who don't want to make to make waves,
Take Smith as the name to be known.

And of course, thieves now play the game -
Steal identity - my Smith name.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Stan the Man

Stan Musial of baseball fame
Would with his harmonica play,
Yes, "Take me out to the ball game."
"Stan the Man" wowed 'em in his day
As hitter and outfielder champ.
He stayed and played with just one team,
The St. Louis Cardinals stamp -
He wore it with pride and esteem.
A real role model for the youth,
Giving his autograph and heart
On and off the field, in all truth,
A one of a kind work of art.

Baseball's beloved "Stan the Man"
Gave the game a glorious span.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


High sea pirates have been around
Since there have been the ships and boats
'Cause thar is treasure to be found
On many a vessel that floats.
It's basic risk versus reward,
As any bizness enterprise,
When the pirates do storm aboard
And start the biz to ransomize.
Successful ventures will thus merge
From local to global impact,
Where the bizness can really surge.
Piracy means jobs - thar's a fact.

The Skull and Crossbones logo is
Flying high doing worldwide biz.

Monday, April 04, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Pulling Strings

Union member with strings attached,
I owe the union for my job.
I go wherever I'm dispatched
As part of the protesting mob.
I watch Fox News and think it's fair
In showing what I hear and see.
But the union said to be there
At Fox News headquarters to be
With other union members to
Condemn Fox News as against all
Working Americans - 'tis true,
Because the union made that call.

I'm puppet paying union dues.
I'm puppet protesting Fox News.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Inside View

The gals from The View came to chat
With Oprah and to wish her well.
Oprah spread out her welcome mat,
And asked the girls for show and tell
Of what each carried in her purse.
There were assorted beauty aids,
And items purchased in commerce.
Lots of stuff that jills of all trades
Carry close to get through the day.
Bits and pieces of lives spread out
In a very publicized way.
The gals were nervous some, no doubt.

Later the gals found purse missings
That were Oprah's favorite things.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Play Nice

Teddy Roosevelt thought football
Had become too unsportsmanlike.
A pack of wolves on a rag doll,
Fatality from a gang strike.
The Rough Rider thought 'twas too rough,
And needed rules to make the game
Make body and character tough,
Not an event to kill and maim.
So Teddy told the football folk
To make the players be good sports,
Or football would be banned - no joke.
So rules were set of play nice sorts.

On grass football should be played nice.
Hockey - let there be blood on ice.

Friday, April 01, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Re Bay Ray

Rhinoptera bonasus known
As cow nose rays, they have become
Pests in the Chesapeake Bay zone,
And for the fishermen, troublesome.
The rays are edible and taste
Like tuna, so why not create
An eat fest that could be embraced
To save the Bay from ray pest fate.
How about a cooking contest
On ways and means to barbecue
The cow nose ray, and judged the best
Would get franchised with much ado.

Chesapeake Bay barbecue ball
Of cow nose rays, stingers and all.