Sense Sonnets

Friday, March 31, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Auto Art

Sometimes one winter storm will bring

Snow, rain, sleet, ice and hail in form,

And leave pieces of art working

On all surface touched by the storm.

Such was the case that be last night,

And when I came out the next morn

My car was covered in delight,

What artist nature's hand had borne.

Exquisite abstracts I did view.

Pablo Picasso came to mind,

Timed period on my car of blue

In wondrous work that be divined.

A lovely winter weather scape,

But then of course I had to scrape.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Truth is a Chore

Sometimes the truth I read and hear,

And recognize it being true,

Oft more annoying than of cheer

That truth be known and now I knew.

I do not want truth anymore

When it is easier to lie.

Truth is a never ending chore,

And bothers when it is nearby.

I keep wishing that I could find

A way to make truth gone for good,

No longer settled on my mind,

Just lie forever if I could.

Truth is like dust, I have to say,

Comes back each time I wipe away.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Mouse Tale

It is bedtime for the child mouse.

So Mom mouse tucks her child in bed.

All is quiet throughout the house.

Child asks a fairy tale be read.

So Mom gets the fairy tale book,

And tells child she will read just one.

Child mouse does have a happy look

As their favorite is begun.

Mom mouse lies next to her child so

Child mouse can see the pictures of

This fairy tale's special hero

Who brings happy ending with love.

Mom and child's favorite indeed,

"The Little Good Mouse" they do read.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Cries of Banshees

In Irish lore a banshee be

A crier of a coming death,

In form of a female fairy.

When heard, all humans hold their breath.

And more than one banshee does cry

When a human holy and great

In Ireland is about to die,

Banshees gather to cry such fate.

And so in year 461,

March 17th, banshees were heard.

Cries echoed 'cross Ireland begun

Soon after Irish got the word.

A chorus of the banshees cried

On the sad day Saint Patrick died.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Detective Story

1 a.m. - I noted the time,

This detective cop was called to

Investigate a murder crime.

That's the job that I'm paid to do.

1 a.m. - arrived at crime scene,

Found the victim dead on the floor,

Bullet hole in forehead between

The eyes, kind of hard to ignore.

1 a.m. - searched the home but found

Nobody else, so went outside.

A gun was laying on the ground,

Possibly how the victim died.

1 a.m. - did dawn on this cop,

For some reason my watch did stop.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Flibbertigibbet, Wifey is,

A gossip and a chatterbox.

She's never minding her own biz.

I try to tune out when she talks.

I don't think that she means to be

Hurtful in the words she does say.

But hear from friends and family

That Wifey has an irksome way

Of chattering on that and this,

That causes listeners offense.

Her words can tend to cause disbliss,

And I, not her, do hear the vents.

Flibbertigibbet, I call her,

But never to her face for sure.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Get Rich Poems

How could I be richer I thought

By writing my poems a gob?

I was too lazy to have got

A maybe get rich paying job.

Not too lucky and not too smart,

Gambling and investing would be

A never get rich from the start.

So how could my poems help me?

In my parents' basement I penned

Poem after poem of why

My love for her would never end,

And sent them in steady supply.

I wrote and wrote her poems till

I got put in my rich aunt's will.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 A Case of a Vase

Called the "Vase de chrysanthemas,"

I'm the vase in the painting that

Was painted by great Claude Monet

In his studio habitat.

Claude loved to paint the flowers so

He painted flowers on me too.

Many in his garden he'd grow.

On me, blooms were hues green and blue.

Of course competition was keen

On which vase would catch Monet's eye,

To be a part of his next scene.

His pick of me did gratify.

Alas, I'd hold flowers no more.

The cat made me break on the floor.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Praying Older and Lazier

From early childhood I was taught

By the grownups on how to pray.

Be in a kneeling, yes I ought,

To prove I'm in a humble way.

Then to pray for God's will, not mine,

Which, old now, is hard for me still,

Cuz oft I think I am divine,

Convinced that what I want's God's will.

Now arthritic, it's pain for me,

So I do skip the part about

Supposed to pray on bended knee.

Lazy, I keep prayer short, no doubt.

Please help me God to think and do

What's good, if I succeed, thank You.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Living Through War

The poet, Robert Graves, did pen

The poem, "Haunted," feeling shame

At not being one of the men

Dying in "The Great War" by name.

Yes, very close to death came he,

And was even reported dead,

But survived bad war injury,

Eventually shipped home instead.

From then on he was haunted by

Belief the war dead lived well on.

Many times he wished he did die

Through despaired nights awaiting dawn.

Robert Graves, haunted more and more

Through memories of "The Great War."

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


We are three sisters who appear

In a bad light in Macbeth play,

And we blame that Willy Shakespeare

For writing us in a mean way.

Though Willy did not come right out

And call us witches, he sure wrote

Us up as though we were no doubt,

With lots of silly rhymes to quote.

Three lovely, loving sisters, we

Should have been written in roles of

Heroines helping Macbeth be

A kind and sweet man filled with love.

Willy Shakespeare should be ashamed

That we've been so badly acclaimed.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Be Anchored

I know as I go through each day,

People, places and things do be,

And I do want to get my way

That all does happen good for me.

But resentment, anger and fear

Are ever storms to rock my boat,

And make my smooth sail disappear.

From my past journeys I need note

To take a pause where I am at,

And get true bearings from my soul,

Pray through mean mental habitat

To reach what God wants as my goal.

I know aboard my ship of life

There's safe anchor through storms of strife.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Mr. Bo Jangles

Mr. Bo Jangles, homeless guy,

In baggy pants and worn out shoes,

Would drink too much whiskey and rye.

Oft in the drunk tank paying dues.

To others there he would talk of

The fifteen years he and his dog

Just had one another to love.

And through the South in travelogue,

To minstrel show and county fair,

The two of them would dance and sing.

The good, the bad the two would share

Whatever each day life would bring.

Then one day the dog up and died.

Mr. Bo Jangles drank and cried.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Got audited by I.R.S.

Told me I owed more tax amount.

The auditor said I had less

Dependents than ones I did count.

This single mom was confused since

Twelve dependents I surely had,

And even brought the evidence,

But was rejected, made me mad

The auditor tried to explain

That my count was too early when

I'd counted my eggs newly lain,

Not allowed a tax paying hen.

Counting dependents - there's a catch,

Can't count my chickens till they hatch.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Proud Momma

Over fifteen months, give or take,

This Momma to be patiently

Has waited for another make

Of an offspring springing from me.

Then suddenly, I noticed that

I had dropped my bundle of joy

On the ground of the habitat.

Not sure yet if a girl or boy,

A hundred fifty pounder and

Looks to be about six feet tall.

Proud Momma, you can understand,

A bit overwhelmed by it all.

This Momma giraffe's happy to 

Welcome my newborn to the Zoo.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Power to the Purple

The purple people eater came

From outer space to planet Earth,

And sowed its seeds with future aim

Of growing a family worth

Waiting for coming time and place

When fully grown tree like form would

Uproot to hunt the human race,

And purplelize the world for good.

Through lots of sunrise and sunset

The purple people eaters grew,

And through the years they all did get

Ripened up with the skills to chew.

The purple people eaters now

Are grown up and hungry for chow.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


When my wife would do laundry, I

Would find some reason to complain.

And so such finding fault was why

She ruled the laundry my domain.

I said okay cuz I was sure

That I could do a better job.

The response that I got from her

Was dirty laundry by the gob.

I sorted, I washed and I dried,

Then folded the laundry quite well.

I took it to my wife with pride,

But lost my grip and it all fell.

My wife giggled as I was told,

"Too bad it all had to unfold."

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 The Call of the Basket

During a break from work each day,

I eat an apple to the core.

S'posed to be healthy, don't they say?

Then when I'm done, I try to score

The waste basket across the room.

I toss each core from practiced hand,

And through the air that core does zoom,

In or out of basket to land.

And now getting more in than out.

One day I tossed, my boss walked in.

She helped core in basket no doubt,

After first bouncing off her chin.

In or out of the basket fall,

Maybe how happened basketball?

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Park Time

I have adopted a young Miss,

Who likes to walk me in the park.

I know that she does enjoy this,

So try to behave and not bark.

There is a special spot where we

Take a rest and sit in the grass.

All around, pretty flowers be.

Get loving pets from my sweet lass.

This time and place, she likes for sure.

And so I'm happy 'bout it too.

I'm glad that I am here for her.

It's something nice that I can do.

Of course if I were on my own,

I would be digging up a bone.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Sky Lanterns

In Chinese folklore it is said

Taiyi. the god of heaven, smiled

When seeing lanterns floating red

In lovely ornate designs styled.

The Chinese emperor would bring

Splendid ceremonies each year,

Send thousands of lanterns floating

In hope that Taiyi felt good cheer,

And would not send his dragons to

Bring storm and pestilence and drought,

But rather let the people do

Well living in China throughout.

Some years the lanterns helped a lot,

But some years the lanterns helped not.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 The Order of the Departure

A master and a mistress that

In their home I am resident,

A nice enough place for this cat.

I don't have to pay any rent.

She is my fav'rite of the two.

Both of us stay healthy and fit.

He is kind of a slobaroo.

She and I move while he does sit.

If he just up and went away,

Upset 'bout that I would not be.

And it could happen any day

Based on a secret shared with me.

My mistress told me on a whim,

She is slowly poisoning him.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Ladies' Man

I am a rooster who likes to

Keep all my hens happy and so

Sometimes I'll cock a doodle do

And pick some flowers that I know

Do make all of my hens feel that

A loving hubby I do be.

When the flower bush I am at,

I see someone following me,

A human female, and so I

Do stop and do a pose for her,

Cuz I am just that sort of guy,

Charmer to all ladies for sure.

When I get back to the coop, I'll

Give all my hens loving, my style.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 We Can, We Must

We, all people of planet Earth

Know of the hate gone on before,

And know that hate has not been worth

The high price paid in constant war.

Of billions of us now alive

Around the world, we've let a few

Let all the hate and war still thrive.

To make all better, we need do

Coming together heart and mind,

And bring determination of

Achievement for all humankind,

Of life in harmony and love.

Among us we must choose to lead,

Those who will bring true peace indeed.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Her husband, her brother and she

Are sitting on board of a ship.

Now in a harbor they do be.

She listens as the men do lip

Of how the ship should have set sail,

No matter word of coming storm.

The men curse the crew in detail.

She knows these men's spews are the norm.

There's been so many times she's heard

Her men in heated, harsh debate.

She knows no sense to say a word,

Condemned to suffer such a fate.

Her mind does wander to a joke

Of sentenced to hear her menfolk.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Rule Change

One time there be a King and Queen.

They lived in a palace so grand.

The Queen had often heard and seen

Fear and despair across the land.

When asked about this, the King lied,

And told her how he ruled was best,

And to be quiet by his side,

Or be enslaved like all the rest.

The Queen took the sword of the King

And with a thrust, the Queen did slay

The King, and thus her rule to bring.

To her daughter the Queen did say,

"Men made all prove to be a fool."

"One day the world, women will rule."

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Catwoman to the comics came

First in 1940 to be

A sexy player in the game

As Batman's skilled adversary.

A young, attractive woman who

Was a cat burglar seeking out

Gotham City's finest jewels to

Help sparkle up her life no doubt.

Right from the first issue she had

A special spot in Batman's heart,

Though he was good and she was bad.

She could play him well from the start.

Catwoman lives on to this day,

Soulmate to Batman many say.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Peter, Paul and Mary did sing

Of a famous racehorse, Stewball.

For drinking wine he had a thing,

One of his fav'rite things of all.

The trio sang as though were one

Who bet against Stewball one day.

But Stewball on a winning run

Beat out both the mare and the bay.

So at the racetrack I did see

A Stewball running in the race.

So did bet on Stewball, did me,

Who ended up in way last place.

At end of Stewball's race I booed.

He lost because he got wine stewed.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


I checked my bank account and found

All of my money disappeared.

Bank had gone bust, that did astound,

And lots of other banks - real weird!

The news said that panic worldwide

Had caused a lot of banks to fail.

No reasons for this were supplied,

And Feds did not give much detail.

Could be we're back to bartering

Like people did before money.

I could barter my wedding ring.

My ex would think that was funny.

I guess I've got a harder job

Picking next bank I'm gonna rob.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Good Move

This porcupine just got here to

Engage in new adventures of

A new home at Lincoln Park Zoo,

Hard coping with new habitat.

At first of course I was scared some.

I felt my quills quiver a bit.

But with resolve I felt welcome,

Relieved and happy about it.

Bravely I used my coping skill,

Giving my best assertive try

To show my playful side of quill,

And greet all guests as they come by.

So I do wish to verbalize,

I've found a home that satisfies.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Always Hopeful Dreams

Blown through all winds, swept through all seas

To ev'ry corner of the world,

I send my dreams by wave and breeze

In hope that my dreams come unfurled,

And reach the someones always who

Have the same dreams that I send forth,

To share hope our dreams come true,

All east, all west, all south, all north.

With each new day, new hope does spring

That all someones my dreams will share,

And someday all the world will sing

The joy 'cross all lands, seas and air.

As long as we dream love and peace,

The hope for these will never cease.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Hedy Lamarr, Inventor

Hedy Lamarr in World War II

Worked with George Antheil, pianist,

And made an invention to do

Frequency hops so to resist

Torpedoes being jammed by foe,

With perforated paper tape

On a small player piano,

Bettering strikes in the seascape.

Austrian citizenship stuck

Hedy in an alien state,

And her invention by bad luck,

The U.S.A. did confiscate.

She bested the U.S. government,

Later Hedy proving her patent.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Today's Diary

Today my diary I do pen.

It was a day moved by some grief.

I was eating my supper when

I felt the runs like a chased thief.

Dashing for the toilet real fast,

I barely made it to unload.

My innards that in torrents passed

Felt like I was gonna explode.

I flushed and then I was aware

The toilet had been overwrought.

Water and stuff flowed ev'rywhere.

Being a plumber, I am not.

My runs of chips fell as they may,

But my wife, Angel, saved the day.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


I did say to my little one,

"It's time for you to go to bed."

My hope was that my youngest son

Would do as I asked, but instead

A temper tantrum he did throw.

He screamed and tears flowed from each eye.

Not gonna work, I told him so,

No matter how much he did cry.

And so he rolled around the floor

Until he wore himself all out.

He fell asleep, I heard him snore.

When he woke up, a bath no doubt.

This Mama Ewe has surely got

A lamb with woolies in a knot.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 In the Spirit of Romance

On a romantic weekend, we

Stayed in an English castle that

We knew was advertised to be

A long time haunted habitat.

So we were not surprised to get

A call from reception that said

Too noisy was our T.V. set

Which wasn't on, so must be dead

Making the noise, and then we heard

For us an assurance of some

Privacy time squawked the big bird

For romance which was most welcome.

One spirit we were glad to host,

Bob, the peacock. a newer ghost.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Last Ride

My ship crash landed on the moon,

Only crew survivor is me.

I watch the Earth in my maroon,

Concerned of bigger destiny.

The mission we were sent upon

Was one of desperation to

Check out the dire phenomenon

Of why the moon was going through

A sure dangerous orbit change,

Closer to Earth each day gone by,

A gravitational pull strange.

The one and only question - why?

On the moon I take my last ride

As closer to the Earth we slide.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Pleasant Congregation

I found a new home in a church,

Recently moved in from a field.

Bad weather'd left me in a lurch.

This warm and cozy place appealed.

I heard a knock at my mouse hole.

A couple of church mice stood there.

Talk of "cheeses" they said their role.

My first instinct was to beware.

But then they asked if I had cheese.

If so would I be able to

Share, and this put mind at ease.

Yes, some cheese sharing I could do.

And so the three of us did dine.

I served the cheese, they'd brought church wine.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Pick Less Likely Picked

Sunflower or four leaf clover,

Which would I rather choose to be?

Spent some time thinking this over.

Both choices do appeal to me.

A four leaf clover grows more rare,

And thus is deemed good luck to find.

But once found, tends to get picked there,

And stuffed into some pocket kind.

A sunflower does get picked too,

But quite often is left alone

To grow its whole life season through,

Soaking up all the sun that's shone.

As sunflower I'd choose to dwell,

But wish all four leaf clovers well.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Hope Springs ...

With loss of love and broken heart,

Sadly I sat beneath a tree.

I felt so alone and apart

As fallen fall leaves fell on me.

With tears in eyes and short of breath,

It seemed to me that each leaf shed

Was like me living a slow death.

My heart be shedding hope till dead

In my autumn of discontent,

And through my winter suffering.

How could I live with my lament?

Would I survive until next spring?

Next year I found that tree full of

Leaves, as I walked with my new love.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Self Satisfaction

My wife and his stepmother did

Sexually assault my son,

And traumatized my teenage kid.

I'll never forgive what she'd done.

After attempted suicide,

My son broke down and did tell me

The truth, and of course my wife lied

When a confrontation did be.

My son in the hospital still,

My wife and I were home alone.

Just a matter of time until

My hate for her would be full blown.

I took my son's Swiss Army knife,

And I slit the throat of my wife.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Escaped Hong Kong

Was over three decades ago

We moved from London to Hong Kong.

I was about thirteen or so,

Not pleased but had to go along.

My parents taught at a high school

Where I was a poor student at.

Hong Kong, still under British rule,

Seemed an okay free habitat.

But back to London I did head,

When I managed to graduate.

My parents stayed, why I don't know.

They stayed too long to their ill fate.

Hong Kong, a place I used to be,

The commies jailed my family.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher


The cartels 'round the world compete

To meet demand to have supply.

The stolen properties receipt

Is now routine in sell and buy.

Each property is tattooed so

The cartel of first sale is known,

Tracking as each item does go

From seller to buyer to own.

The range of age of favored goods

Is years of seven to thirteen,

Grabbed from good and bad neighborhoods,

Matters not to the cash machine.

The sale of children is big biz.

So do you know where your child is?

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Thwarter Quarter

Laying on a city sidewalk

Was a quarter shiny and bright.

Many passersby, to their shock,

Stooped to pick up, but in a plight

Were unable to do the job,

Many fingers and many fails,

And many perplexed looks agob,

And many broken finger nails.

One old lady did try and try,

But had to give up in disdain.

A bunch of cuss words she did cry,

And beat that quarter with her cane.

Human frustration, lots I viewed,

Thanks to quarter I super glued.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Vengeance is Sweet

My Hubby is a nasty man.

He's treated me so mean so long.

I've tried the very best I can,

But all I do he yells is wrong.

One day I cooked his fav'rite meal,

Served with it his fav'rite wine.

Of course he found fault, no big deal,

And I just smiled while he did dine.

Hubby, between each sip and bite,

Tossed slurs at me so raw and rank.

His face turned blue to my delight.

Rat poison with the wine he drank.

Buried in the basement now be

My Hubby, just bad memory,

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Parental Ap"peel"

Momma Orangutan knew that

The banana bunch she did pick,

Her son would just want to grab at,

Gobble all down and make him sick.

So to her son Momma did ask

That he please wait till she did peel

Bananas in one by one task,

Which he'd then eat, that be the deal.

He nodded okay, but instead

Of sitting patiently nearby,

He jumped on top of Momma's head.

She just sighed at her little guy.

Momma hurried to peel first one,

To get out of her hair her son.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 How Old Is God?

"How old is God?" my child did ask.

The question caught me by surprise,

Not ready for such answer task,

Since for sure answers would be lies.

I simply told my child that I

Did not know the age of God now.

Of course my child then asked me why,

And couldn't I find out somehow?

I said I'd try, hoping to stall,

But from my child's look it did seem

This was not too much help at all,

So I suggested some ice cream.

My child then said that God must be

A year or two older than me.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 What's Hell Like?

Since early in life we are taught

That hell is awful time and place.

If sinners go there, then there ought

Be going most the human race.

Cuz since when humans did begin

Back in time of Adam and Eve,

We humans get the urge to sin,

And keep on sinning till we leave

To go to the next realm to dwell.

What's the most crowded neighborhood?

Good to heaven and bad to hell,

But to get to heaven - how good?

What hell is like, for what it's worth,

Ask most living on planet Earth.

Monday, March 13, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Looks Like ...

My friend and I walked 'long the beach.

The waves crashed just so on some rock,

Forming a visage for us each,

Causing the two of us to talk.

"Phyllis Diller," my friend did say.

Yes, I could see some how and why.

Exploding up was hair look spray.

Since white hued, I thought of a guy

That had the droopy, sad eyed stare,

And a bushy moustache of white,

Which also showed to me out there,

A guy known for his mental might.

I told my friend my best theory,

Looked like Albert Einstein to me.

Sense Sonnet - Acher


I hear the song that Dolly sings,

"Eagle When She Flies," and feels she

Is singing of a lot of things

That could be sung all about me.

When you and I joined up in life,

You took all the love I could give.

I'm a good mother and good wife,

But with you now is hard to live.

My body, heart and mind and soul,

You've broken me so many ways.

I've tried but cannot make me whole.

I can't forgive your yesterdays.

We're leaving you all on your own.

With the kids, this eagle has flown.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


I have adopted a young Miss

Who likes to do tattoos for fun.

All o'er her bod is that and this

Of works of art that she had done.

Sometimes when she does feel desire,

She brings a human subject back

To our place, I help inspire

Her on the drugged one, knocked out black.

When she's finished tattooing, then

I get to do my fav'rite part,

Clawing and biting 'round the skin

To free her precious works of art.

I am a black cat named Tattoo.

Maybe we'll do some work on you.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Biz Trip to Dublin

I am off to Dublin this year,

St. Paddy's Day to celebrate,

A time and place for much good cheer,

Half a million folks - ah so great!

A lot of Guinness sales will be,

Least 15 million pints or more,

Giving me opportunity

To tag the tipsy and to score.

For five days the festivities,

Parades and parties, going on.

I will use my talent with ease,

Fitting in well, this leprechaun.

I'll pickpocket the young and old,

Adding lots to me pot o' gold.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


It's said a monster be the heart,

And so is kept in a rib cage

In solitary and apart,

To beat about in rant and rage.

Such saying is a clever take

On how such monster be restrained.

But no common sense does it make

On how a body is maintained.

Whatever monstrous deed be done

At the bidding of the heart is

Messaged out to the thinking one

To carry out the heart's bad biz.

The heart sends life blood to the brain

To carry out heart's will insane.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Rubeus Hagrid, giant man,

The Hogwarts groundskeeper did aid

Harry Potter and friends in span

Of the many adventures made

Through the books' and the movies' tales.

Loyal, friendly and softhearted, he

Imbibed a lot of brews and ales,

Lots of times brought to tears did be.

Many a wild pet Hagrid had,

Fluffy, a three headed dog, and

Buckbeak, hippogriff, tempered bad,

Norbert, a dragon, later tranned.

Hagrid, a beloved character who

Helped Harry Potter dreams come true.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 The Elm

For the Elm tree she gave her voice,

Writing of being victim of

The changing seasons without choice.

Bitterly rooted in lost love,

Such fleeing love did take the form

Of a dark shadow whisked away

By the whims of a violent storm,

Disappearing in sunset day,

Bringing about sad morn to rise,

Casting brittle branches in light,

Some small birds with beseeching cries,

The Elm surrenders to the night.

Sylvia Plath in "Elm" did be

Dying within just like this tree.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Fur Bikini

The film, "One Million Years B.C."

Showed new film star, Raquel Welch, in

A made famous fur bikini

Worn o'er, but got under her skin.

"Fate worse than death," she'd later say,

And a sequel she would not do.

A famed poster went on display.

As pinup girl her status grew.

Cast a cave girl, Raquel just had

Three lines in the movie throughout,

But being so scantily clad

Was what was talked about, no doubt.

A '66 movie for her,

Raquel Welch regretted fur sure.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Half My Dream Came True

I had a dream that we could fly.

It was an awesome dream where we

Flew like angels into the sky,

Way out into the stars we be.

And as I dreamed away the night,

I had no reason to know that

So upset were you with the fight,

You left our home habitat,

Saying that your heart I did break,

And you were now unhomeward bound.

When from my dream I did awake,

On your pillow your note I found.

So when I woke up morn next day,

I found that you had flown away.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 First First Degree Murder

"Am I my brother's keeper?" said

Cain to God after Cain did sin

By killing brother Abel dead,

And Cain's fields, Abel's blood soaked in.

God was not pleased and said He heard

Abel's blood cry out from the ground.

So God had to give Cain the word,

Restless wanderer he'd be bound.

Cain was worried he might be killed,

So God did put a mark on Cain.

Cain got a free pass so God willed.

Maybe God thought that was humane.

The judgement from God - some do scoff.

First degree murder - Cain got off.

Sense Sonnet - Acher


I once carved "Loss" into a stone,

My title for a poem of

The only soulmate I had known

Who died and now was my lost love.

I wanted all to read about

The love I felt for my soulmate.

To carve my poem could no doubt

Tell the readers of my sad fate.

Perhaps no "Loss" if I was dead.

Beside my soulmate's grave I knelt.

Ceased carving, took poison instead.

Mere words could not tell how I felt.

Scratched out carved words in my last breath,

And I joined my soulmate in death.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Count Me In!

On my way home from work I sit

At the bus stop when sits by me

A lady with a bird to wit,

A live ostrich, whose big eyes be

Giving me a smickering look.

The lady says that they are lost.

A wrong turn to the zoo they took.

A bumfuzzle tale tale I am tossed?

If so, it's a blue ribbon one.

I tell her that this bus will go

By the zoo, she says, "Oh how fun."

I say I'll go 'long for this show.

The lady does ask one more thing.

Could we all stop for chicken wing?

Friday, March 10, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Love Lock

She and he, bald eagles, did fly.

Each with mating instinct on mind,

They saw each other in the sky.

Both of them decided to find

Out if compatible they were.

They flew together close enough

To lock their talons, firm and sure.

Then in down spiral, to prove their stuff,

They dropped in a cartwheel fast dive.

Could not or would not unlock, they

Hit ground and were rescued alive,

Released to try another day.

So did these two bald eagles mate?

Inquiring minds just contemplate.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Matter of Perspective

Through the woods I did walk one day,

And came to a quite lovely spot.

Upon the grass a deer did lay.

From the perspective I first got,

It was a mighty stag lain there,

With large multi forked antlers that

Reached very high into the air,

Blended in forest habitat.

Then I could not believe my eyes.

Upon the antlers, leaves did sprout.

But moments later, no surprise,

I shifted some, there was no doubt.

Tree limbs did make it look as though

Leafed antlers did grow from the doe.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Sir Squirrelalot, I be a knight

Now off on a treasure hunt of

A trove of acorns, such delight.

The taste of them I so much love.

This acorn treasure's guarded by

A nasty dragon in a cave.

I knew that one of us would die.

With sword and shield in paws I gave

That dragon such fight long and fierce,

Braving through the fire it did spew.

At last its heart my sword did pierce.

The acorn prize came into view.

Mixed feelings in me did unfold.

The acorns were all made of gold.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Change of Plan

A string of rosary beads, we

Were shipped to New Orleans address,

Supposed to be a nunnery,

But some mistake was made, we guess.

We ended up with a Grandpa,

A widower and atheist,

Who took us off to Mardi Gras,

And clenched us in his sweaty fist.

At the parade, a float went by.

Ladies in bright costumes were clothesed.

Yelling he tossed us, the old guy,

We landed on a boob exposed.

All that we see and hear is wrong,

But guess we will just string along.

Thursday, March 09, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Some mountains upset did go to

Mother Nature to complain that

Why couldn't motherhood they do.

The mountains felt quite deprived at

Not being able to give birth

Like little, lowly mice could give.

Surely a mountain had more worth

In birthing more young mounts to live.

Making mountains out of molehills

Was how Mother Nature did feel

'Bout these exaggerated ills,

But she agreed to make one deal.

These mountains labored on one morn,

One silly little mouse was born.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 New Arrival

Many a foal this horse has had,

And now I am pregnant once more.

I was tired and so I was glad

To lie in hay and take a snore.

My farmer and his wife had gone

To pick up their young grandchild, so

I'd have visitors later on.

Then off to dreamland I did go.

When I woke up, my eye did see

A bundle snuggled 'gainst my neck.

This was somewhat startling to me.

Then the bundle moved - what the heck!

When first I saw this human child,

If this is mine, then this is wild!

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Plants By Chance

Both blown through air we two did meet.

As we blew, we did shoot the breeze.

At last we both dropped safe and neat,

Close by in ground we both did ease.

From water and soil nutrients,

The two of us began to sprout,

Alike in ways we each did sense,

But also different no doubt.

Praise to each other we would give.

We'd come a long way, yes indeed.

Fate put us side by side to live,

Beginning as a spore and seed.

Both fern and flower we did bring,

And watched us both grow through the spring.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Eagle Dancer

A Native American, she

Has the tribal honor to do

The eagle dance, long known to be

In tribute to the great bird who

Is believed with power to fly

With tribe's prayers purely awing

To the Great Spirit in the sky.

While waiting, the tribe dance and sing.

Real eagle feathers she does wear,

Gifts from eagles who've passed away.

Only tribal elders do dare

Touch these feathers, and then do pray.

As past, she dances proudly now,

Sharing in the tribal pow wow.

Sense Sonnet Acher

 Bird's Eye View

I be a seabird flying by,

Seeking a refuge from the storm.

I have in mind a rock, then I

See that rock and on it a form,

A human who is standing there,

From a small boat about to sink.

The winds do buffet me in air.

Best that I do fly on, I think,

For another safe place to be.

That human is on that rock stuck,

And cannot fly away like me.

Odds are that human's found bad luck.

Later when the storm is all done,

I fly back. On that rock's no one.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 A Wear Aware

"Next week's washing," the Brits might say,

Was showing by somebody who

Had underwear on in a way

Could be seen, causing a to do

That one's dirty underwear should

Not be a sight that's ever seen

By outer eyes for public good,

Even though next week might be clean.

Anyone who may be told this

Should right away do the right thing

So as to restore public bliss,

Push dirty back into hiding.

"Next week's washing" said, does not be

Heard oft by a nudist like me.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Anemoia of Mine

Anemoia is a word

Which means nostalgic for a time

I've not yet known, but read and heard,

And wish to live with before I'm

Taken by death to the unknown.

True peace on Earth does come to mind.

I know I don't wish that alone

For now and future humankind.

Somehow all hate and war could cease.

The best in humankind could be,

All living in a world of peace,

And for a time to include me.

Anemoiac, I am for

True peace on Earth forevermore.

Wednesday, March 08, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Purpose Today

I suddenly did come awake.

And I was floating in the air.

Then below me, a child did take

Me in hand, I just knew we'd share

Some time and place, fun to be had.

Brought together by fate of good,

Because I knew this child was sad.

As the child's companion I could

Give to the child, sense there be bright

To be found in a world of grey.

Exploring life could be delight,

Shared by the two of us today.

This child has found a friend in me.

This red balloon, I came to be.

Tuesday, March 07, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Anniversary Dance

It was their anniversary,

Wed together for the third year.

So they threw a party to be

Filled with lots of good fun and cheer.

The band called Crickets played their tune.

They waltzed across the lily pad,

Under the glow of the full moon.

In her lips a rose Missus had.

The twosome touched in warm embrace.

In rhythm moved their four webbed feet.

It was an awesome sight of grace.

Memory made of oh so sweet.

The pond guests all did watch agog

As danced Mister and Missus Frog.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Haves Halves

Sometimes I'm sunning on a rock,

And if some humans see me, they

Do screeching out in noisy shock,

Oft in disbelieving way,

"It's a mermaid, it's a mermaid!"

Nowadays they grab for a phone.

I take a dive, I'm not afraid.

I'd just rather be left alone.

More comfy with the fishes, I

Know that they regard me as norm.

They never ever question why

I'm in half human, half fish form.

The fish do always seem to be

Wondering what fish helped make me!

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Early "Comb"ercial

Found these words, "May this tusk root out"

"Lice from the hair and the beard,"

Written upon a comb no doubt,

An early message that appeared

On a tusk turned into a comb

During the Bronze Age, an evolve

Of humans concerned with lice roam

Upon them, so did seek to solve.

A sign that personal hygiene

Began to be important that

Was communicated between

Humans in the cave habitat.

In modern day, combs don't suffice

Getting rid of the pesky lice. 

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Fly Me to the Berries

A raspberry bush I do see.

I do love raspberries, oh yes.

I'm way up high in an oak tree.

The bush below's quite far, I guess.

And going down to the ground is

Always risky because down there

Critters do roam doing mean biz.

It's safer if I go by air.

And so I ponder up a plan,

And then take off in soaring flight,

All of my limbs in widened span,

And land upon that bush just right.

I think to myself, attagirl!

It helps being a flying squirrel.

Monday, March 06, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Evil Bridesmaid

Her younger sister, the bride chose

To be her bridesmaid, unaware

That in her sister had arose

A lust for groom that he did share.

The bridesmaid sister secretly

Became a witch and so she had

Conspired with the groom so there'd be

A wedding for the bride gone bad.

Such evil the two did arrange,

So when the bride did say, "I do,"

She suddenly began to change.

A frog, the bride did change into.

The bridesmaid cursed the bride with spell,

And flew off with the groom as well.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Bee of Service

I have trained all of my bees that

Making honey is not indeed

The goal of this hive habitat.

Instead my bees know I do need

Nourishment not from flower kind,

But from another living source.

So I send out my bees to find

And bring back to me my main course.

As last resort my bees do sting

When landing upon exposed flesh.

Withdrawals made, my bees do bring

Me back tasty supply all fresh.

My hive serves this queen vampire bee,

Bringing back human blood to me.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Idiom for Idiot

I went to the dentist to get

New dentures which the dentist fit.

After the work was done and set,

The dentist left me to just sit.

I took the opportunity

To inhale some gas to get high,

A euphoric feeling for me.

Then I wanted a cig, so I

Pulled out my lighter and my pack.

I did not think this through no doubt.

I lit the cig, then all went black,

Missed the fireworks cuz I passed out.

My clothes lit up in fiery hell,

And I burned my bridges as well.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Future Potential

To a solar system we came,

Unvisited by us before.

Searching for life form was the aim.

One planet looked good to explore.

We landed our ship upon

Some water in protected bay.

Found lots of primitive life on

Land, in air and in water way.

No life form of intelligence

Had yet evolved so we chose to

Leave until future evidence

Made a return worthy to do.

Return visit not deemed of worth.

Humans evolved and ruined Earth.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 In My Nature

Wed and on our honeymoon,

I dressed in negligee of black,

Knowing the time would come quite soon

I'd carry out my planned attack.

Your family and friends no doubt

Will have outrage at your demise,

But by the time they all find out,

I'll have vanished and none too wise.

Drop the wine bottle, breaks apart,

And hold in gloved hand a sharp shard.

Blood gushes crimson from your heart,

As I do thrust down deep and hard.

Like the black widow spider, I

Mate with you first, then make you die.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 For a Good Cause

In the tower atop the mount,

I've lived all of my adult life,

So many years, I cannot count,

Away from world of stress and strife.

I dwell up here all on my own.

Mostly I meditate and pray.

I do not mind being alone.

Enlightened I be night and day.

Comes time I hear some sound below,

And see that visitors are here.

Down all the tower steps I go.

In their uniforms, two appear.

Interruption for good reason.

It's Girl Scout cookie sale season.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Intervention Required

For reasons that are not yet known,

We humans wish for peace, then do

Allow the winds of war be blown.

War's all we know or ever knew.

Intervention is required here,

Whether alien or divine

To make the "war' gene disappear,

A human psyche redesign.

The how and why of peace would be

Controlling in each human mind,

In each and all activity,

Peace on Earth for all humankind.

If all world think then do of peace,

The thought then deed of war would cease. 

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Super Bowl Bet

Here at home in the Lincoln Park Zoo,

Eagle, Ethan, does live next door.

A keeper let us listen to

The Super Bowl as Chiefs did score

Victory over Eagles, so

I won the bet the two of us

Made earlier, but not for dough,

But for rodents, Ethan did cuss,

Making beak to beak swap between

Of the tasty unfrozen mice,

In the post game habitat scene.

Besting an eagle felt so nice.

When it comes to a betting fowl

I am one wise and SuperB owl.

Saturday, March 04, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Last Log

My ship has been dealt a death blow.

She's slowly beginning to sink,

Struck by enemy torpedo.

All crew are on lifeboats, I think.

Radio silence means that I

Must briefly write in this log of

The fact of duty that I die

For the nation I serve with love.

I bear responsibility

For putting my ship in harm's way.

Bad decisions were made by me.

I hope my crew sees better day.

As captain of this ship of war,

I write this last log and no more.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Be Killed

A curse was put upon me which

Said that I would somehow be killed.

No further details from that witch,

Just that one killing be fulfilled.

I am superstitious enough

To believe that the curse would be

Likely true on this be killed stuff.

And then a bright thought came to me.

Maybe a fiction be killed would

Suffice just like a be killed fact.

I just needed to write a good

Version of my being killed act.

So I killed myself off in verse,

Hoping to lift that be killed curse.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Rock Talk

I was out shopping and did find

A piece of cut clear quartz that showed

What looked like grasses grown behind

The crystal walls, wild and unmowed.

I picked the piece up in my hand

To get a better look to see

Deeper meaning to understand

What this quartz was saying to me.

I knew there were many tales of

The power of a quartz rock to

Tell one of healing and of love.

What was I being told to do?

Prediction of this quartz did dawn

On me - I needed mow the lawn.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Often she hovers up above.

Veggies and meats she drops on me.

And then there is the chop chop of

The sharp blade of the knife which she

Cuts through all of the skin and peel,

Turning the whole into a bunch

Of smaller pieces for a meal,

Could be breakfast, supper or lunch.

Determination on her face,

Whatever time is on the clock,

There is a rhythm to her pace

Of chopping on this chopping block.

My human does throw me away,

Chops finger off on me today.

Friday, March 03, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Wedding Rings

After school, to the store we'd come.

On the way home, we had stopped so

He could purchase some bubble gum.

Then homeward bound we two did go.

He offered me a piece to chew,

Which I did take and did thank him.

Then suddenly he said us two

Should just get married on a whim.

He made it sound so exciting.

So I just giggled and said yes.

And each of us put on a ring.

Marriage was so easy, I guess.

Round wrappers from bubble gum sticks,

When I was five and he was six.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 What's On Her Mind?

She is a young girl, so I try

To let her make decisions of

Where we walk and not wonder why.

We share a growing bond of love.

Today we walk to a new spot,

She calls the ocean which does be

A tub of water, a whole lot,

Kind of overwhelming to me.

Right down to the edge we do go.

Close to the water we do get.

Then she takes the leash off, oh, oh!

I feel parts of me getting wet.

She seems intent on water log,

A big bath for this puppy dog.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 How Long's On Me

You walk the low road, I walk high.

I know what you do on your road,

Cuz at heart you're a cheatin' guy,

Your sweet talk now a sour load.

I wonder all those nights alone

What made me fall in love with you.

I'm no dummy, I should have known

The lies I told myself weren't true.

Excuses, promises you voice,

My hope in hearin' them's all gone.

I have to make the hard real choice.

How long will this continue on?

You're doin' wrong on me - how long?

Long as I let you do me wrong.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Space Sonneteer

I am a poet lost in space,

Was not too good when I got here,

But only poet in this place,

So I'm thought of as a Shakespeare.

On an asteroid I did land.

There's a Starbucks I hang out in,

Writing verse that none understand,

About true love through thick and thin.

Sipping latte, I pay my way

By selling sonnets as a norm.

I got mixed reviews on display.

Critics be in any life form.

Stuck in alien place and time,

Got no reason so I've got rhyme.

Thursday, March 02, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Advise for Guilty

Oft times for money or for love

There comes a crime that you commit.

And on each hand you wear a glove,

Belonging to you that do fit,

So as not to leave fingerprints

That cause legal fingers to point

At you as guilty evidence,

That likely lands you in the joint.

But as was learned in O.J.'s trial,

You'll have a better chance if you

Be sure to wear glove of a style

Unfitting for the crime you do.

So wear a glove that does not fit,

So if caught, jury could acquit.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 "A Tale of Two Cities"

Since the founding of this city,

Best of times and worst of times is

Viewed from bubble of dimwitty,

All caught up in partisan biz.

We the People send folks who age

From wisdom into foolishness,

Blaming others in rant and rage

In keep the power game of chess.

Each spring of hope, cherry trees bloom,

But by winter, cold, dark despair.

Clock always ticked closer to doom.

Fiddlers fiddle, spewing hot air.

"A Tale of Two Cities" could be

A tale of Washington, D.C.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Canoe Lake

I feel the wintertime give way

To springtime and I feel so nice.

Less and less there be on display

The floating chunks of melting ice,

Around me all the plants do bud.

Increasing warmth of sun does shine.

I feel life stirring in the mud,

According to nature's design.

It won't be long and I will feel

My human guests' enjoyment be.

I am a source of such appeal

To have some fun afloat on me.

My time and place for goodness sake,

That's why I am called Canoe Lake.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Okay for a Snack

A painted wild dog I am called

By humans who have need to name.

A lone human I had eyeballed,

Not lots of meat but I was game.

So through the bush I did give chase,

Knowing this hunt would not take long.

Humans don't move too quick a pace.

This human proved I was not wrong.

Apparently this human thought

The river would be safe escape,

But did not know or just forgot,

As swimmer I am in great shape.

One human carcass, as I knew,

Not a whole lot of meat to chew.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Cherry Blossom

In month of April in this year,

I blossomed on my cherry tree.

In the thousands we did appear,

Some white, some red, some pink like me.

Bigger and stronger I did grow,

Thanks to light and warmth of the sun.

I did dance when breezes did blow.

Rain was so welcome to this one.

But instinct told me that I would

For just a short while be a bloom.

For coming cherry fruit, I should

Wilt away so as to make room.

As a fruit I will not last long.

I hear a hungry bird in song.

Wednesday, March 01, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Collector

Shipwrecked, me and my locker went

Down, down, down in the ocean deep.

And since, a lot of stuff's been sent

For the collection that I keep.

Humans and human made things dunk

From traveling on ship and plane.

Most of it truly is just junk,

But adds color to my domain.

The fish do swim, the birds do dive.

I welcome each and ev'ry one.

Most are my guests who leave alive,

And while together we have fun.

Davey Jones' locker in the sea,

A hoarder's paradise does be.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Please donate to a worthy cause

All of my old clothes and such stuff.

You've lost me to the mortal laws.

For you such a loss will be rough.

But bond with you through time and place

Assures me that you will be well

With hard decisions you will face.

For in your heart I'll always dwell.

Whatever you will think and do

Will be for best with all I had,

Especially my love for you,

Which now is why you are so sad.

So most loving donation of

Mine will be sharing of my love.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Tunnel Vision

Tunneling up like a mole, I

Broke out of that cramped coffin, and

Buried alive, I don't know why.

Hoping I'll better understand

If and when I dig through this dirt,

Six feet of it, for a way out.

Recently shoveled doesn't hurt,

Makes digging easier no doubt.

But then an awful thought does come.

What if I'm digging the wrong way?

Then all this digging would be dumb.

Could turn out to be a bad day.

I wake up, this tunneling mole,

Through my pillow I've chewed a hole.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Short Green Only

The Hobbit village in the hills

Of Hollywood from old film sets

Remained thanks to connection skills

With powers owing favor debts.

Rounded small huts with roofs of grass,

A model of green energy.

Short doorways, hard for tall to pass,

A good life of simplicity.

Then, that Jolly Green Giant came,

Wanted to build a big house there,

Taller be better be his aim.

"I'm longtime star," he did declare.

But council of the Hobbit town

Turned McMansion flatly down.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 "Meow" Me in Verse

I'm in my backyard habitat.

My human convinced me to be

Posing for a picture so that

She'll have a contest about me.

Being a cat I could care less

About getting this attention.

But knowing my human, I guess

She thinks that this will be great fun.

In this cat life, now fourteen years,

My human is easy to please.

Her cheerful voice comes to my ears,

"Ready now, Lola, just purr 'cheese'."

So if you enter this contest,

I do expect your very best.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


I was molested as a kid

By an uncle who lied to me

It really was "love" that he did,

But felt unloving it did be.

Wasn't the first, won't be the last

Victim of such sick pedophile.

For me a lot of time has passed.

But I gave up after a while

Thinking society in time

Would find the ways to cure this ill,

But it's a more prevalent crime,

Ruining lives of children still.

Oh, and that uncle, by the way,

"Accidently" did die one day.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Fickle February

February, for what it's worth,

A time of lots of weather change.

This snowflake forms way above Earth,

Where it is frigid, so not strange

That for my fall I'd start in form

Of a lovely unique snowflake,

And down I whirl which is the norm

For my initial path to take.

But halfway down, I notice that

The air currents are giving me

A blast of warmer habitat.

So when I land, what will I be?

February weather domain,

Should I stay snow or turn to rain?