Sense Sonnets

Monday, April 30, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Motherly Instinct

Along a narrow, winding trail,
I'm leading my scout troop along,
Merrily over hill and dale,
Singing scouting song after song.
I round a bend and bump into
A moose calf sleeping in the path.
From the thick brush, I hear a clue,
The sounds of mama moose in wrath.
I whirl around and shout, "Go back!"
We topple down like dominoes.
I brace myself for her attack.
She stops her charge right at my toes.

Maybe maternal juices flow.
She lets us all get up and go.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Let Us Prey

It is a service we provide,
To meet an ever booming need
Of customers that are world wide,
Of all religion, race and creed.
We scout the park and shopping mall,
Looking for what's in such demand.
You stroll into our beck and call,
And what we want is at your hand.
Satisfied you have the right stuff,
Making exchange is simply styled.
One of us distracts you enough,
To let the other take your child.

It's nothing personal, you see;
But we like that fat finder's fee.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Acher


I've spent a lifetime gettin' good
At playin' games in my own way;
To bluff the best deal that I could,
No matter how I had to play.
But now I face the truest threat.
The master dealer is at hand
To take the highest stake I bet.
Winner takes all - you understand?
I wish I'd taken time before
To tell you things I've left unsaid.
I was too busy keeping score
On cheating life to stay ahead.

I guess I'd better save my breath.
I gotta cut a deal with death.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Late Date

She was eighty seven years old,
A widow for a long, long time.
"Mom, you have your life on hold."
The widow snapped, "What's that - a crime?"
Soon thereafter, she tempted fate,
So that her daughter might butt out.
The widow went on a blind date
With ninety year old Mr. Prout.
The widow returned, "That's the last -"
"You never know what men will do."
The widow's daughter looked aghast,
"Did Mr. Prout get fresh with you?"

"If only," the widow replied.
"No - Mr. Prout just up and died."

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Behavior Pattern

Celebrity parents are not
A real cool thing for this here kid;
And then its really not so hot
To live with what their divorce did.
I'm tired of getting caught between
The never ending war of words.
So I'm rewriting the whole scene
To show them acting like such turds.
Dad's nasty phone message to me,
I had put on the Internet.
He's whining breach of privacy,
And Mom will get the blame, I bet.

I have my story rights to sell.
Parents dearest can go to hell.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Swing On

Elsie McLean teed up her ball,
And hit it toward the 4th hole flag,
A par 3, 100 yard haul -
A straight shot, no zig and no zag.
The ball hit and rolled on the green,
Out of sight over a rise up.
Upon arriving at the scene,
Elsie's ball was found in the cup.
Other golfers could attest to
Elsie's first ever hole in one.
It is the golfer's dream come true.
"Twas Elsie's turn to get it done.

Into the records, Elsie swung.
She's 102 years young.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Monsters for Real

The grown-up worst of trick or treat
Has naturally come to pass.
Parents must now x-ray each sweet
For razor blades and broken glass.
Witches and goblins aren't the threat,
But beware the neighbor next door.
It is the human weird mind-set
That makes the vampires seem soft-core.
The ghosts and werewolves can't compare
With perverts seeking the lone child.
The humans are who really scare,
And make the innocence defiled.

The scariest of Halloween -
Child abuse has become routine.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Acher


I once had money and some sense;
But that was lost in doing drugs.
My family is in past tense,
Cold shoulders replaced loving hugs.
At work, I once wore three piece suits.
Now in rags, I am on the skids,
Selling myself with prostitutes,
Losing track of my wife and kids.
All my good plans became bad schemes.
And who in the hell really cares?
I once had my high hopes and dreams.
They all have turned into nightmares.

I made so many insane trades;
And all I got for them is A.I.D.S.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Lip Service

A customer was in a store,
Looking for a "D" battery.
She asked a store clerk on the floor.
The clerk said in reply, "I'll see."
When that store clerk did not return,
The put out customer searched on.
Another clerk, she asked more stern.
This clerk said, "I'll see," and was gone.
The customer waited some more.
No clerk came back; so she sought out
The manager, and asked him for
The damn battery whereabout.

"Aisle C," the manager replied.
Hot, the customer stormed outside.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Pawned Over

Those Duke boys were not very nice.
They treated me like I was dirt.
I'm glad they had to pay a price
For putting me through all that hurt.
But all those uniforms and suits
Weren't really into helping me.
Whatever helped the prosecutes
Find all those rich, white boys guilty.
They said what they wanted to hear
From me, so I said it their way,
And tried to make it sound sincere.
Who believed what I had to say?

Y'all took turns to get me abused.
Over and over, I got used.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Liviu Libescu is his name.
During his 76 years
He did not have fortune or fame,
But knew times of terrors and tears.
He survived a Nazi slave camp,
And escaped a Communist slay.
Lady Liberty's lighted lamp
Brought him to the U.S. of A.
To lecture at Virginia Tech,
Where he was in a filled classroom,
Invaded by a human wreck,
Intent in inflicting mass doom.

He died blocking the killer's crime,
To give his students saving time.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Severed Ties

Even though she was almost due
To give birth to their first born child,
With her, he wanted to be through;
So divorce papers he had filed.
When she found out, she went berserk,
Attacking with a butcher knife.
Attempts to calm her did not work.
He got his gun and shot his wife.
Falling to the floor, she was dead.
He knew he had to act real fast.
He'd bury her under the shed,
And be well rid of her at last.

From her finger, he ripped the ring.
From her womb, he pulled the offspring.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Guilt Trip

I was tired; it was getting late.
The neighborhood was still at night.
My mind was in a dreamworld state.
I didn't notice the red light.
Someone froze there in front of me,
Then disappeared with the impact.
It all happened so suddenly.
I just drove on; panic attacked.
God knows I should have stopped and checked.
Now I was responsible for
One mad moment, and all was wrecked.
The police came to my front door.

They came to tell me that my son
Was dead - victim of hit and run.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Name Shame

Three couples died in a car wreck.
They waited at the Pearly Gates
For St. Peter to make a check,
Regarding their eternal fates.
The first man said that he was good.
St. Pete shook his head. The man had
Been a boozer more than he should,
With a wife named Sherry - too bad.
The next man said he did not drink.
He was a thief, St Pete did say,
Spending time in the county clink,
And a wife named Robin - no way.

The third man just turned to his wife,
"C'mon Fanny - that's afterlife."

Monday, April 16, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Non Profit

The Golden Rule is oft rephrased -
Who has the gold does make the rules.
In media this is appraised -
If it sells go for ridicules.
But with it goes a rule of thumb -
To slur a young, black student girl
By a rich, old, white man is dumb
Big time on air waves set awhirl.
In responsive public outcry.
But, the real test of gotta go,
Comes when money backing goes dry.
The bottom line - there's no ho ho.

The pressure's on those with the gold,
So mouth's career is now on hold.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Cherish over Anguish

I was raped by a man I knew.
A plane crash killed him and his wife.
The months went by and he was due -
Little Zeb came into my life.
Some folks had told me to abort,
And I considered that a while.
Birth defective was the report;
But, the true test was Zeb's curled smile.
Zeb's handicaps need special care.
Some things he just can't think or do.
But, he has got so much to share.
I'll help him make his dreams come true.

Each day I pray to God above,
"I thank you for your gift of love."

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Back to School

I'm goin' back to school today.
I haven't been there in a while.
I have to finish up, let's say,
Some stuff that's sort of juvenile.
I can't remember 'xactly why
I got this notion in my head,
That today is to do or die,
'Cause tomorrow is done or dead.
I aim to enter on the run,
Before the schoolies even know;
Once in a classroom, pull my gun;
Like shootin' ducks all in a row.

I'm goin' back to school today.
Killin' some kids will be child's play.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Trade Off

I battled the big teenage curse
That made me want to hide my face -
Called acne, pimples, zits and worse,
And I had one hell of a case.
Lotions and ointments, salves and creams,
I tried them all to no avail.
It was my impossible dream
To find a cure that would not fail.
I found it on the Internet,
A magic pill that made me one
Of the smooth skinned, blemish free set.
Side effect tests had not been done.

My perfect skin is to die for.
I don't want to live anymore.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Nervous Service

The new barkeep in the saloon
Was thinking twice about his job.
Big Bad Dan was due at high noon.
That meant trouble - yesireebob.
"He's comin' in," yelled from the street.
The bar crowd headed for the hills.
In through the doors tromped two big feet.
This giant gave the barkeep chills.
His hairy fist splintered the bar.
A rattlesnake coiled on his toe.
He snarled at the barkeep, "You, thar -"
"Gimme your best bottle to go."

"I gotta git while I still kin."
"'Cause Big Bad Dan is comin' in."

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Easily Distracted

I watch the kids squirming around,
And the dog is jumping about.
My yogurt cup is halfway downed,
When the spoon decides to fall out.
I go to change the radio,
And drop the cell phone on the floor.
Reaching down, I check out my toe.
Ooh, that bunion is really sore.
The newspaper catches my eye.
I page through the T.V. guide.
Jeez, the kids are starting to cry.
Cartoons will keep them occupied.

Thank goodness it is not too far.
It wears me out driving the car.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Two nations tugging your young life,
Cuba and the U.S. of A.
Your Mom, no longer your Dad's wife,
Was dead, no longer with a say.
There was no evidence to show
Why you should not go back to Dad.
But back meant Cuba and Castro.
That opened up old wounds real bad.
For months you were a public pawn
For ideologies to use.
The tug-o-war dragged on and on,
And dragged you through the front page news.

In time and place, may you enjoy
Being an ordinary boy.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Dark Shadows

Some say the U.S. government
Is really run behind the scenes
By persons having the intent
Of world control by any means.
So as to push us into war,
Pearl Harbor was a sacrifice.
They could not use him any more.
So J.F.K.'s life was the price.
The 9/11 tragedies
Were an Islam weakening plot.
New Orleans protective levees
Were bombed in Katrina's onslaught.

An elite of conspiracy?
I only know it isn't me.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Changing the Subject

Abortion choices right or wrong,
Seem to be a constant concern.
Emotions pro and con are strong,
Conflicts about to live and learn.
If all humans were sterilized,
But reproductive cells retained;
Normal sex acts still realized,
But with no pregnancies sustained.
Instead, a child's life would begin
From parent's retained egg and sperm.
Proprieties would be built-in,
Until the child was brought to term.

Take the pressure off of the womb.
Let test tubes bear the baby boom.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Surrogate or Else

There are studies of one strange bird.
The female cowbird lays her eggs.
Maternal instincts should be stirred.
But on mothering she reneges.
She relocates her eggs instead
Into another nest she picks,
For some shocked bird to go ahead
And care for the entire eggs mix.
Different species are the hosts.
They know that something must be wrong.
Away the mama cowbird coasts.
Why do other birds go along?

The host birds care for their young guests,
Or Mom cowbird will trash their nests.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Frank is indicted on three counts
Of childrens' sexual abuse.
Various prison time amounts
In his past, but now bailed out loose.
The charges are in Illinois,
Where Frank does currently reside.
Free on bond, Frank wants to enjoy
A trip to Disney World in stride.
A place for children to have fun,
Adults should keep their risk as low
As reasonably can be done.
The judge says okay, Frank can go.

Yes, there is presumed innocence.
There is not presumed common sense.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


At last the Civil War was done.
Abraham Lincoln went to see
The truth of what the Union won,
Fighting the Confederacy.
He went to Richmond, capitol
Of the rebel states of the South.
Over the masses came a lull,
Whispered rejoicings mouth to mouth.
An old black man came up to Abe,
And pressed a bill into his hand.
"I'm now free as a newborn babe."
"Don't need to buy it as I planned,"

That worthless Confederate bill
Was in dead Lincoln's pocket still.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Edible Delights

Oh, how I love a smorgasbord.
So many varied things to eat.
New, fresh dishes to be explored.
Truly indeed, a taste bud treat.
The food preparers proudly claim
Creations made from finds afar,
Of rare wild plants and wilder game.
Such tempting morsels they all are.
Already my plate overflows,
When a new intrigue is brought out.
Curiosity in me grows,
To taste what this is all about.

I grab a bite, for what it's worth,
Of the human from planet Earth.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Growing Doubt

I've never liked being a boy.
I should have been a girl I think.
A doll is my favorite toy.
My favorite color is pink.
I like to put on women's clothes,
And women's makeup on my face,
Then look in the mirror and pose
Like a lady who took my place.
I've told my parents how I feel.
They get mad and tell me I'm sick,
And that I'd better act right for real,
Or it's a loony bin real quick.

Maybe there's something wrong with me.
For now, I guess, I'll wait and see.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Tin Can Roll

It was one bit of real good luck,
That this here tin can fell upon -
Fallin' out of that garbage truck,
Free at last to keep rollin' on.
Oopsy, here comes a pesky dog.
He's raisin' up his leg. Oh no.
I can feel that my travelogue
Has been dampened by Fido.
After the mutt, a kid comes by.
She gives me one hell of a boot -
Sailin', bouncin', rollin, my my -
All the way onto a main route.

My roll on days are history.
A semi just rolled over me.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Divvy Up

The marriage ended in divorce,
With no children involved therein.
Settlement took an easy course,
Since the only asset there'd been
Was the debt free house they had shared.
Thus, each party was to receive
A one half share, the judge declared,
A fair division to achieve.
The ex-hubby was more concerned
With getting even than with fair.
It mattered not if both got burned,
If it caused her grief and despair.

The ex-hubby had the last laugh,
When he chain sawed the house in half.