Sense Sonnets

Monday, January 31, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Stories to Heal

Alcoholics Anonymous
Has story telling as a tool.
Each shares within a group of us
A past where alcohol did rule.
Around the world there is A.A.
Bringing together we who choose
To be sober each day by day,
Sharing how we live without booze.
There is a strength found in the "we"
That can help the powerless "I"
Find true hope in recovery.
All each has to do is try.

The more we share of where we came,
The more we know we are the same.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

It Lurks

It happened all so randomly,
Seeing the daughters in a store,
Following them, so it could see
Where they lived. Then it wanted more.
It waited until late at night,
Then broke into the home and beat
The father and tied him tight.
Then for hours it did maltreat
The mother and the daughters such
That their deaths did become the way
They did escape its fiendish touch.
It left when it finished its prey.

Evil begins as human thought,
And ends as human hands have wrought.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Mrs. Edwards

In that classroom long, long ago,
His roving eye fell upon her.
It would take time before she'd know
The heights and depths that would occur
To them joined as husband and wife.
Their ups and downs went for a while
Without the world in on their life.
Then publicity did beguile,
And they chose to let the world see
The hopes and dreams that they pursued.
And then it all turned out to be
Soap operish - so sad, so crude.

Elizabeth Edwards is gone.
May the media just move on.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Still a Mad House

Congressman Galusha A. Grow,
A northern Repub way back when
Slavery was the yes or no
Issue that made grown congressmen
Get into fist fights on the floor.
Grow thought that this was just the way
Congress did work, no less, no more -
What's good work without some bad play?
Since sticks and stones did break some bones,
Words became the weapon of choice,
Hurled back and forth in nasty tones,
Echoing democracy's voice.

The Repubs and the Dems are still
Fighting like children on the Hill.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sensr Sonnet - Steamer

Cooling the Warming

This year the climate summit is
Medialess in warm Cancun.
The snowy Copenhagen biz
Last year made mass media swoon.
The global climate has not changed,
But the media climate has.
Priorities have rearranged
To other newsy razzmatazz.
Right now weather hype's hard to sell.
Consumers need a break between
The climate's getting hot as hell.
The coverage is too routine.

Next year climate may or may not
Be newsy stuff - it's cold or hot.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Chat Fest

First time together on one stage,
Oprah asked some colleagues to come.
Memories of the talk show age
Shared on the air by the sixsome.
Phil was the first to break the ice.
Red framed Sally - no powder puff.
Geraldo's broken nose looked nice.
Sweet looking Ricki could play tough.
Montel said Oprah drove him mad
Prime guests just wanted Oprah's call.
Some shows were good. Some shows were bad.
But thanks for talking, one and all.

The titans of the talk show biz -
Wonder where Jerry Springer is?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Come to Coup

Most voters are poor and/or old.
Politicians just need appeal
To enough who need to be doled.
Staying in power is the deal.
I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine.
Officials and unions, publics,
We've made a monster, Frankenstein,
And not an easy mess to fix.
Decades ago Ike warned us that
Industrial / military
Was where the real power was at,
As yet unknown, but soon to be.

The current political zoo
Will soon be replaced by a coup.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Duck Out

The duck quacks on even though lame,
Bullied by the left and the right.
It's just too tired to play the game.
'Tis eleventh hour of night.
Let a fresh duck carve out the deal
To keep the taxpayers in check,
Thinking that Congress is for real,
For a little while - what the heck!
It's time to call this season dead,
Replaced by a shiny teacup
Full of conserv bags - so they said.
Just go home and shut the duck up.

This lame duck if flat on its back
About to sputter its last quack.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Bad Pitch

Back in the days when music made
Was not recorded but done live,
No talent sounders sang and played
Getting employed by talking jive.
There were those times when music's best
Got talked into hiring the worst.
At rehearsal one could have guessed.
But sometimes show time was the first
When all ears within hearing be
Subjected to the worst in deed,
The sounds of cacophony
By "musicians" no one should need.

John Philip Sousa hired a band
That played like fish and then got canned.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Earmarks the Spot

"All politics are local," said
Speaker Tip O'Neill when he got
Constituent riot act read
To him by some voters who thought
He cared for the outsiders more
Than for the district he came from.
Fed money buys the stuff galore.
Locals send cash, they want back some.
Left up to D.C. bureaucrats,
The fed money could go elsewhere
For never be known tits for tats.
I want my rep to get my share.

At least with earmarks we could see
Where went the taxpayer money.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Prince John

Oprah's first and last interview
With John F. Kennedy, Jr.
Was at the time a T.V. coup.
He was a prize to catch for sure.
John sat in Oprah's brand new set
In a fancy new linen chair.
Where the handsome body did get
Covered with lint while he sat there.
They talked of past and future things,
Of memories of family,
The ups and downs while on the wings
Of flight into his destiny.

The life and death of Prince John boy,
Images of sadness and joy.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Severence Pay

A reporter is bad enough,
But also a lawyer to boot.
There's no sleazier combo stuff,
Living off others in dispute.
Calling each other nasty names
Keeps costing us all more and more.
They need pay high for all their games.
Fines only make them charge galore.
Since a lawyer's speech is not free
When the lawyer's bad mouth has flung
Utterences illegally,
Then let's cut out the lawyer's tongue.

The more tongues cut, the more will cease
The harm caused by a bad mouth piece.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Re View

A polygamist family,
I'm one offspring out of sixteen,
An ever growing home to be.
No place to hide - know what I mean?
Dad and Mom and other Moms too
Are raising us kids pretty good.
Going public had risks we know,
And now there's a strong likelihood
That Utah authorities might
Charge my parents with silly crimes,
For being a family right,
Just like in biblical times.

We don't get out much, doncha know?
But we were all on Oprah's show.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Camp O

I was just out and walking through
The campgrounds of Yosemite.
I saw someone I thought I knew.
No, it could not possibly be.
But there she was - that well known face,
Swatting bugs with a furrowed brow.
What was she doing in this place?
A bug bit her and she yelled, "Ow!"
Cameras recorded the bite.
She said it would be good to show
How she was doing camping right,
And batting at bugs makes it so.

Oprah, queen of a vast empire,
Cooking grub around the camp fire.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Big Macro

Big gov has just one goal to do -
Get bigger and get more control.
A taxed and regulated zoo,
Dependence on the big gov's dole
Is how masses are kept in line.
The relatively few who squawk
Are squeezed into big gov's design.
So it comes as no real shock,
There is no private enterprise
That does produce in markets free,
For big gov does monopolize
All of the productivity.

Supply side economics is
Not the way that big gov does biz.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Musical Shares

The Sound of Music brought to life
In film the family Von Trapp.
Though 'twas a time of Nazi strife,
The love and joy crosses time's gap.
Making sweet music is a gift
For the now and forever too.
The countless hearts and souls to lift.
Each listener says, "I know you."
The music makers pass away
And fade into some memory.
Yet their music will ever play,
And the makers will ever be.

The Sound of Music family
From real life and from the movie.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Father Knows Worst

'Tis a family game we play.
Other families might play cards,
But we are dif'rent in that way.
We deal in power and graveyards.
The game began with dear ol' Dad.
He knew I soon would fill his shoes,
And I was but a wet earred lad.
He hit the South with peek a boos.
Well now I know my time is short.
I'm getting Junior ready for
Taking my place, so I resort
To upping the South's stakes once more.

Kim Jong Il - remember my name,
Have the toys and will play the game.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Born on 9/11, you were
A reminder that birth anew
Gives hope when evil does occur,
That humankind has good to do.
Nine years later, evil did come
And you were in its deathtrap caught.
A killer's bullet took you from
Your life. You will be missed a lot.
But though you're gone, you do remind
A weary world that children be
The hopes and dreams of humankind.
You taught us good humanity.

You are an angel now serene.
Bless you Christina Taylor Green.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Gas Pass

Life was tough during World War II
For a gal trying to get by.
Gas was rationed, so what to do?
Well, to the ration board to cry.
My lashes batted, in tears welled.
The board was made up of all men.
My feminine charms got them spelled.
Using males - handy now and then.
I told them that my job required
Lots of driving and lots of gas.
My tale of woe was so admired,
The board gassed up this lying lass.

The extra gas did get my thanks.
Now I could rob some extra banks.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


If candidates want voted in,
Their mouths must sound to voters' ears
That the deficits are a sin.
But what to cut on, no one hears.
Just what cannot be cut is told.
Can't cut Social Security -
More and more voters getting old.
Can't cut defense 'cause to stay free
Government needs to spend big bucks.
So we elect the sound good tongues
Who join other mucketymucks
To do the same old D.C. dungs.

Something for sure in politics,
Campaigning and real math don't mix.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Up Yours

I like to hit below the belt,
Rejuvenate as in his past,
How in his youth how it had felt.
I am popped to make his now last.
Headache, flushing and blue green eyes
Are side effects that oft do come.
But other coming is the prize
That sells me for a handsome sum.
Both men and women seek me out
To do my magic in the bed,
Or for that matter, they no doubt
Get it up anywhere instead.

I am Viagra, I make work
The male play tool - give it pep perk.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Capital Idea

Pilgrims arrived on Plymouth Rock.
Native Americans brought corn
As a welcoming gift food stock.
But paleface farming was forlorn,
Doing it like communists would,
Cutting the pie in equal shares,
No matter who was bad or good,
Resulting in starving welfare.
Pilgrims changed to capitalists.
Private profits fueled mind and bod.
As for the native first assists -
"They don't believe in our God."

"We'll kill off those savages, and"
"Capitalize on stolen land."

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Price of Nice

I am a nice Lib and can read,
And toss words like uxorious.
It makes my Lib heart really bleed.
Those Conservs make me want to cuss.
Nothing about everything
Is all these nasty Conservs know.
Getting those dumb voters to swing
From Lib high ground to Conserv low.
We Libs do bring plenty and peace.
The Conservs bring tatters and tears.
Libs quote brilliant Keynes while we fleece.
Ignorant Conservs - Libs worst fears.

What's a nice Lib like me to do?
The truth ain't purty - oh boo hoo.

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Lucky Harry

Harry, you learned from hookers when
You swam with them as but a boy.
There are times ev'ry now and then,
If on your back, you just enjoy.
And there's a fifty fifty chance
That you'll be on your feet once more
And back to D.C. to the dance
As leader and not any whore.
But on your feet best watch your back.
Dick Durbin is eyeing your schtick,
And he may well just take a hack,
And you'll be yelling, "Et tu, Dick!"

Harry, the hooker, your good luck
Paid off again and back you stuck.

Friday, January 07, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Dumb and Dumber

The human was given the brain
That was supposed to be the best
Of all in the animal chain -
Superior to all the rest.
Most animals live on instinct
And that makes nature orderly
With lower life usefully linked.
But humans evolved in thought spree,
Ever thinking of stuff to do
That might satisfy the ego.
The only thing about them true -
Humans are dumb for what they know.

My turkey brain does what it ought.
I do not give humans much thought.

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Weather Man

It was to be the 6th of June,
A day that would change history.
The tides were right by the full moon
To catch off guard the enemy.
But the weather was the unknown.
For days, the winds and waters made
Impossibe the attack zone.
Hopes for success began to fade.
All eyes and ears were on the Scot,
Whose prime job it was to forecast
The weather. "A window we've got."
"A calmer few hours should last."

James Martin Stagg, the weather man,
Whose advice launched the D Day plan.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Works for Me

A sociopath - yes I am.
I hear it's a brain thing that's why,
About you, I don't give a damn.
I'll manipulate, cheat and lie,
And if you dare get in my way,
I'll do whatever to make sure
That you're the one to have to pay.
That's how I am. There is no cure.
Like most people, I have to work.
That's where you may run into me.
If I deem you an added perk,
You'll get to know me painfully.

There is nothing that you can do.
If I want, I'm gonna get you.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Obama Be Sorry

I'm sorry that we lost the House,
Some senators and governors.
The economy is the louse
That's causing me these awful scores.
I'm sorry for the Tea Party
Trying to poop on my parade.
Clingers to guns and bibles be
A blocking my lib motorcade.
I'm sorry Nancy has to go
From speaker to speak less in back.
Harry somehow survived, ya know,
But he's still a bit of a quack.

I'm sorry for the time I spent
Being a sorry President.

Monday, January 03, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

B.C. Time

B.C. chose to pursue the law
Where he could use all his b.s.
He headed home to Arkansas,
And to the governor's address,
Where he led a colorful life,
As a galavanting ladies man,
Trying to hide that from his wife,
Who knew the truth of his game plan.
She had ambitions of her own,
So she stayed with the cheating louse,
And the election seeds were sown,
And off they went to the White House.

Pehaps Bill Clinton was B.C.
Time jumping back with Hillary.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Pot Lot

Medicinal purposes for
Marijuana are being found
For all sorts of ailments galore.
Prescribing doctors do abound
To help their patients get the fix,
To ease their pain and suffering.
The highs and lows of politics
Hear the tax cash registers ring.
The flow will go just like with booze.
It's human nature to give in
To basic urges - win or lose.
Mood and money oft trump the sin.

Whether it is legal or not,
The country is going to pot.

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Smilin' Ann

Ann Coulter chuckles kind of glib
While spewing venom round and round
At the flavor of the day lib,
Knowing that each and ev'ry sound
Is a ca ching for her next book.
Her un p.c. ness is her brand
That in her spew stew she can cook
Ever spicier, never bland.
She says she wants to make libs cry.
What better way to make big bucks?
When she sees an incoming pie,
She smiles at it and then she ducks.

Yes, Ann Coulter has her own style -
Bash for cash - do it with a smile.