Sense Sonnets

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

That's Why!

After 911 we said
Bin Laden's gonna be caught,
Maybe alive or maybe dead,
Just a matter of time we thought.
50 million dollars reward -
Somebody's gonna rat him out,
Who knows where he's got room and board.
But more time passes, more the doubt.
We can find water on Mars, but
Cannot seem to find this bad dude.
Government spooks reply "tut tut,"
When asked - as though the question's rude.

Why not catch this bin Laden guy?
"Because he's been hidin' - that's why!"

Friday, February 27, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Lucifer, I like that name best,
Of all the many that I'm called.
It just sounds better than the rest,
As though the caller is enthralled
To let each syllable roll out
In a mouthed familiar way,
So the listener has no doubt
Of whom the speaker wills to say.
So many say my name in vain,
But saying Lucifer presumes
That perhaps I'm making a gain.
I never play in empty rooms.

For who alive can really tell
What is heaven and what is hell?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Nothing Personal

A neighbor killed the boss's son.
The cops ruled it an accident.
But still something had to be done.
A message needed to be sent.
The neighbor knew who my Boss was.
Seemed like he would have run away.
Maybe he thought somehow the fuzz
Would protect his ass night and day.
Well, one day after he left work,
I grabbed his ass and shot him dead,
Dissolved him in an acid murk.
He just got in over his head.

The neighbor killed the Boss's son.
So killing him had to be done.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Acher

My Mary

Mary, Queen of Scots, I knew well,
A beautiful lady in love
With romance, so intrigue befell
Her, pulling her down from above.
England's Queen Elizabeth feared
That Mary was after her throne.
Fake charges of treason appeared.
Mary was imprisoned alone,
Except for her companion, me.
Sometime later, Mary was dead.
An execution meant to be.
The ax took off my Mary's head.

I stayed with Mary till the end.
Only a dog, but still her friend.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Bed Sign

Aries rushes in to be first.
Taurus is steady, loyal and slow.
Gemini's multitasking thirst.
Cancer is clingy as needs go.
Leo shows off and yearns applause.
Virgo is picky, likes to chat.
Libra has indecisive pause.
Scorpio's passion - where it's at.
Sagittarius likes to sport.
Capricorn will always persist.
Aquarius - a kinky sort.
Pisces into each turn and twist.

Any Zodiac sign expects
Certain signposts in having sex.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Try to be Helpful!

The patient was quite overweight,
And would not fit in the machine.
As a med tech, it was my fate
To tell her and not sound too mean.
I told her that an MRI
Would not be helpful if not done
In a machine that could apply
To the whole size of anyone.
She did not like much my advice,
And to the hospital complained.
I was fired, which wasn't real nice,
For trying to help. I am pained.

The patient asked me what to do.
I told her to go to the zoo.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Symbol Sewn

Widowed with children, it was hard,
But I was skilled making ends meet.
As a seamstress, I truly starred,
Though saying so sounds like conceit.
Speaking of stars, I told them that
Five pointed ones would be the best.
As charming as a diplomat,
Other plan suggestions I stressed.
They agreed, and left me to sew
The fabrics into the design
That all the world would one day know,
As symbolizing free and fine.

As Betsy Ross, I made my name
By sewing Stars and Stripes of fame.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Just Call Me Bloody Mary

I am a legend living long,
With variations of the way
I appear. There's no right or wrong,
Summoning stuff to do or say.
Mirrors and candles and darkened rooms,
Slumber parties or all alone,
I am the entity that looms,
Waiting to make my presence known.
It doesn't matter who I was.
It only matters that you yearn
Real hard to make me real, because
Only then will you really learn.

I know the legend may seem dumb,
But keep trying and I will come.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Late Charge

Thirty five years ago, I shot
Another kid, who would not give
Me my share of a poker pot.
I found out that the kid would live,
And that he decided not to
Turn me into the cops, but he
Told my name and what I did do
To others in his family.
Recently, the guy I shot had
A colon rupture and he died.
That real old gunshot wound gone bad,
And they ruled it a homicide.

The cops came and arrested me
For murder in the first degree.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Text of Sexed

I'm texting you Tammy to tell
You that I'm a virgin no more.
My first time went so very well.
I give it a 10 for the score.
I'm so glad I went on spring break
To Aruba for beach and sun.
It was fate running into Jake.
He made it so special and fun.
Will tell you all when I get back.
It was awesome, But I will say
My Dad would have a heart attack
If he knew I'd gone all the way.

You sent to wrong person. Too bad.
Get your butt home right away. Dad.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Fan Alert

Enough's enough with stupid fans.
This guy just jumps into my space
To please his kid, I guess he plans.
So I lock my jaws into place
Upon his leg, and hopefully,
This will deter him and his sort
From invading my privacy.
Last year, my people took to Court
A drunk, who gave me a bear hug,
And when I growled my discontent,
He bit me me on my back - the thug.
A clear message needs to be sent.

Fans go ga ga over Gu Gu.
But pandas need their own space too.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Future of Fat

My patients come to me to suck
From their bodies, unwanted fat.
Pounds abound. I make a good buck.
Also, (keep this under your hat),
I take the blubber I remove,
And have it processed into fuel,
Which runs my car, which goes to prove
That waste not want not is the rule.
Long after all the oil is gone,
Fat will still be in good supply.
Driving cars will continue on.
Fatties will be the reason why.

Fat defrays my gasoline cost.
What I excise becomes exhaust.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Rent Free

I was in my basement one day,
And saw a shadow moving round.
I called the cops. To my dismay,
A man in my basement they found.
The only way he could be there
Was coming from the upstairs down.
It seemed that with him, I did share
Lots of stuff, even a night gown.
I know the cops had a hard time
Believing that I did not know
That in my home there was this crime,
Right there in my basement below.

Disbelief wove in with my fears.
He'd lived in my basement for years.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Acher


When neighbors did not see him out,
They called the cops to come and check
Inside his house. Without a doubt,
We found a smelly, messy wreck.
With gas masks on, we searched the place,
A maze of junk piled ceiling high.
There hardly was left any space
To walk, as we looked for the guy.
He was a hoarder to the max.
How could anyone live like this?
We found him lifeless in the stacks
Of garbage in his own abyss.

As dying goes - one of the worst.
Lost in his trash, he died of thirst.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


One Christmas, I got a glass bowl
From a friend. It had a design
Of a deep etched flowery scroll,
Which cut a small finger of mine.
So back into the box it went.
Some months later, my friend got wed.
That same bowl as a gift I sent
To her. Nothing of it was said.
I crossed the line perhaps, I thought,
And maybe should apologize.
Instead I did diddely squat,
Forgot about it, then surprise!

Oh, I had a giggles attack.
Next Christmas, I got that bowl back.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Kind Less

A Random Acts of Kindness Club
Was started up at my high school.
Mom encouraged me not to snub
Joining it, since it would be cool
To list it when applying for
Colleges. So I gave in and
My first act took me to the door
Of one who did not understand
That I would rake her leaves for free.
She said that I was just a crook,
And then she called the cops on me.
I was lucky they did not book.

I told Mom that it undermined
My college hopes by being kind.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Had a Hand

Young Bosnia, I was a part
Of that movement, to try to pierce
A fatal blow into the heart
Of the tyrants that ruled us fierce.
Archduke Ferdinand did arrive
In Sarajevo. We first failed
To kill him. He drove off alive.
But my meant destiny prevailed.
His car stalled on the avenue,
And I approached him with drawn gun,
And did what I was meant to do.
World wide was felt what I had done.

Gavrilo Princip was my name.
Starting World War I was my fame.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


I needed to take out the trash.
Walking back to my house, I fall.
On my forehead, I feel a gash.
I can't get up. I try to crawl.
The wind is howling, and I know
That with the chill, the fahrenheit
Has to be at least ten below;
And it's in the middle of the night.
There is no one to see or hear
Me lying here in my back yard.
And I can't help myself. I fear
I'm 'tween a rock and someplace hard.

I wonder if any will weep.
But all I can do now is sleep.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Acher


First, my mother and father died,
Leaving we four children to try
To escape the disease inside.
Then my sister, Winnie, did die.
We hoped for help to make us well.
My brother, Tendai, then fell ill.
His small body began to swell,
And finally death made him still.
Then my sister, Prisca, met death,
Leaving me all alone to face
The misery, till my last breath
At home, a helpless, hopeless place.

The spread of cholera goes on.
Soon my family will be gone.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Bro Bowl

My brother and I made a bet.
Whoever bowled the lesser game
Had to do the chores that were set
Around the house that Mom would name
For the next 6 months. Hands were shook,
And proceeded to bowl away.
Every frame, a strike I took,
And so did Bro to all's dismay.
So when the game was bowled and done,
We each had same time perfect scores,
And a 15 minute fame run,
And Mom still gave both of us chores.

In fact, Mom gave us more to do,
For betting - she took a dim view.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


The greedy are easy to fool,
No matter the time or the place.
The reverse of the golden rule -
Do unto others who do chase
The promise of riches galore.
1920's in Boston town,
My scheme was a revolving door.
The first put a few dollars down.
Those same funds as "profits" I paid
Right back to them, and the word spread,
That with me money could be made.
But thousands lost millions instead.

The Ponzi scheme - named after me.
I showed how easy it can be.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


She's at the dolphinarium
In Istanbul, but dolphin not.
Sara, the walrus, is heard from,
Playing the saxophone she's got,
And dancing to her merry tune.
Though weighing in around a ton,
Light on her flippers, Sara soon
Is hot and heavy in her fun.
Her star power is getting big.
Crowds amass to watch her perform
Her popular one lady gig.
She's taking the waters by storm.

The dolphins swimming to and fro,
But Sara is stealing the show.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Smitten then Bitten

I should have known 'twas a mistake
To fall in love with a vampire.
But such strong yearnings he did make.
And set my feelings all afire.
Undead is such a yucky word
For such a sensuous dream hunk,
Who in his whisperings assured
That love was all that he had drunk.
He took me in his arms and held
Me tight. I felt the eager pangs
Of pure passion inside me welled.
The last thing that I saw - the fangs,

'Twas too late to escape this stud.
He bit my neck and sucked my blood.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Acher


I heard a knocking at the door.
An elderly lady stood there.
I had never seen her before.
She just walked in without a care,
Saying that school that day was fine,
And was I visiting her Ma.
Her strange behavior was a sign
That perhaps I should call the law.
The cops came and took her away.
She has Alzheimers I now know.
My house is where she used to stay
When just a child, decades ago.

I thought of my house as a kid.
Would I one day do as she did?

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Chew on That

On a safari, went a man.
He had to take along his wife
And mother-in-law, not a fan.
It was the worst trip of his life.
On the last night the wife woke him,
And said her mother was not there.
He thought that fact was not so grim,
But knew he'd better show some care.
He got his gun and they both searched
The jungle, finding Mom at last,
Face to face with a lion, perched.
"Do something," the wife said, aghast.

"The lion got into this shit."
"Let him try to get out of it."

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


The Founding Fathers did not bear
The scrutiny of public eye.
Had the public been more aware,
Could some Founders have gotten by?
Franklin fathered bastards galore.
Hancock smuggled in booze to sell.
Jefferson, a drunkard and more.
Hamilton had affairs, do tell.
Washington held and traded slaves.
These and others were not snow white.
But all of them went to their graves
Looking good in history's light.

Had there been the tabloid press,
Founding Fathers might have found less.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


It's been so many years ago,
But I remember him as nice
To work for, ever polite so,
Never displaying any vice.
I was a maid at his estate
In the country. When he was there,
His happy smiles would radiate
As though he did not have a care.
He was concerned about my soul,
Insisting that I go to church.
Later as the time took its toll,
I worried over his soul search.

I was sad over that job loss.
Adolph Hitler was a good boss.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Old Faithful Till...

Old Faithful, the geyser of fame.
I am watching it spewing high,
Right on time as befits its name,
In Yellowstone Park. That's where I
Am bonding with nature's fireplace,
Where colors and waters and rock
Make marvels of sensual space,
Entertaining all round the clock,
But, below are forces that churn,
And will blow up, some experts say,
Sending forth fiery ash to burn
Much of the hemishere one day.

As I am pondering a quake,
The ground beneath begins to shake...