Sense Sonnets

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Snow Bird Freya - LP Zoo

Freya, the snowy owl, does do

A pose atop a mound of snow

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

A lot of white so bright does show.

Chicago winter time and place,

Freya enjoys the chill filled air,

Displaying her most happy face

In snow around her when and where.

No comment from Freya be told

Of whether there's been snow enough,

But there's still lots of time for cold,

And lots of time for more white stuff.

Freya stands upon a snow pile

Giving her best snowy owl smile.

Friday, January 29, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Snow Show - LP Zoo

Flamingos from Chile can do

Very well on a chilly day

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

Not letting snow get in the way,

As the flock flocks together at

An outside meeting in the snow,

A pink pile on white habitat,

Providing a colorful show.

Long legged, each of the big birds walk

In and about the wintry scene.

Heard from them is flamingo talk,

Communication 'twixt and 'tween.

The flamingos do look to be

All flamingoing snowfully.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 A Nation Torn

The U.S. Capitol became

The target of a mob attack.

The President was held to blame

For encouraging to fight back

Against the Congress who then were

About to do their duty to

Let a power transfer occur

To a President elect new.

For America this does be

A very sad chapter indeed,

Now in the book of history.

True healing the nation does need.

But no healing will soon be done.

Chaos of mob has just begun.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Accustomed to Groom - LP Zoo

Always lots of grooming to do

By the snow monkeys 'twixt and 'tween,

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

Part of the social grooming scene.

A special bond is there in each

Snow monkey that is strong enough,

Where one snow monkey cannot reach,

Another can pull out stuck stuff

That's gotten tangled in the fur.

Snow monkeys  have from birth each learned

Grooming each other, him and her,

And such favor will be returned.

Zoo visitors do often see

Lots of snow monkey grooming be.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Humor Them - LP Zoo

We two giraffes are having fun

Watching humans do what they do

When they want our attention

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

The humans always need to take

Pictures with those gizmos they've got,

To keep with them as a keepsake.

Humans use their gizmos a lot.

So when they wave their arms at us,

We humor humans patiently,

And pose for them without a fuss,

Knowing how weird humans do be.

Here at the Zoo we giraffes know

Human watching is a fun show.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


What is QAnon all about?

Inquiring minds do want to know.

It is a catchy name no doubt,

Around about three years or so.

Supporters of it do maintain

A powerful cabal does be

That worships Satan in the main,

Abusing children globally.

This conspiracy theory is

Spread by members on the far right,

Accusing left of nasty biz,

Adding fuel to this endless fight.

It matters not fact or fiction,

The devil's work is never done.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Motion Notion - LP Zoo

To move or not to move, I do

Ponder that question long and deep

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

No appointments this sloth must keep,

So I can take my time some while.

There is no need for me to move.

I conclude with a tongueful smile

That I stay in my slothful groove.

Later when my keeper does bring

Some snacks to eat, then I'll rethink

My doing a slow motion thing.

Otherwise why not catch a wink!

As a sloth I prefer to be

Looking at my life slothfully.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Browsing Trio - LP Zoo

Etana, Rae, and Finely do

Some browsing through some browse they've got

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

The giraffes like browsing a lot.

The keepers provided for sure

A variety of browse that

Offers tree limb leafy allure

Placed in the inside habitat.

From limb to limb the giraffes go,

Using their long tongues to remove

Leaves from the limbs - all three gung ho

In getting in the browsing groove.

For giraffes, browsing is about

Leaving each limb leafless, no doubt.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


Dictators over speech dictate

Who shall speak out and who shall not.

These dictators want no debate.

Corporate censorship is sought.

Social media oligarchs

Have power grabbed the censor role,

Picking and choosing the remarks

Allowed, with absolute control.

Some governments do huff and puff

About censorship going on,

But are not determined enough,

In fact are scared to speak upon.

After unwanted speech does cease,

The next to come - the thought police.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Lasso Locomotion

"Lasso locomotion" does be

A way the brown tree snake did learn

On Guam isle to successfully

Climb to reach birds the snakes do yearn.

Humans put cylinders around

Bases of bird nest boxes and

The snakes learned new moves to astound,

As though the snakes could understand

That looping the cylinders would

Enable them to wiggle up.

It took more time but the snakes could

Get to the bird prey to eat - yup!

Newest attempt at snake free zones -

Cylinders shaped like ice cream cones.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Digging Paatsy - LP Zoo

Pausing, Paatsy, the aardvark, is

A lady of the evening who

Is busy with nocturnal biz

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

Instinctively, aardvarks do dig

At night for termites in the ground,

To eat, the purpose of the gig.

Lunch is served in a termite mound.

The keepers keep Paatsy well fed,

But do not let live termites loose.

She eats other good food instead,

That her digging does not produce.

Though Paatsy finds no termites real,

Digging for them still has appeal.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Anne Boleyn

England's King Henry the 8th be

Quite unhappily married when

He stopped being Catholic and he

Married his mistress, Anne Boleyn.

All went well for a little while.

But Anne could produce no male heir,

So Henry in his bully style

Chose to terminate the royal pair.

So Anne was charged with heinous crime,

Including plots to kill the king.

Within a short matter of time

The marriage became a past thing.

Henry wanted Anne Boleyn dead.

He had his way, she lost her head.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Piggy's First Snow - LP Zoo

What is this cold white stuff that's new?

This little piggy wants to know

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

I hear the keepers call it snow,

And let me out in it to play,

To find out what snow's all about.

It's oinkfully fun I must say,

Plowing through the snow with my snout.

Through the snow I plow forth and back

Getting a snout full of delight,

Leaving lots of hoofprints in track

Through this stuff all chilly and white.

I hear that in Chicago town

Lots more snow will be coming down.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Hersey Turns 27 - LP Zoo

Wishing a Happy Birthday to

Hersey turning 27

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

Spending time in hangout heaven.

The two toed sloth hangs by her toes

On a vine taking her sweet time

To present in a birthday pose

For a keeper and looking prime.

For Hersey, her birthday means that

A special treat does await her,

Put in place in her habitat,

And she will get to it for sure.

Whether upside down or downside up,

Have a Happy Birthday Hersey - yup!

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Welcoming 2021 - LP Zoo

From year of old to year of new,

This gorilla teenager be,

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

Passing the time with only me.

Twenty twenty has come and gone.

Humans were social distancing

Due to the Covid phenomenon,

A horrible and tragic thing.

There is now a vaccine, I hear,

Humans will be able to take

Sometime in the coming year.

I'm glad to hear for human sake.

A brand new year has just begun,

A happy twenty twenty one.

Friday, January 15, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 My Travel in Time

I read and hear of tales be told

Of time travel reality,

Of maybe never getting old,

Zooming to immortality.

A wormhole, some do theorize,

Could open up and let me go

A distant journey as time flies.

And my present would be quite slow,

Compared to my future so fast.

I could stay young in time ahead,

And not get older as in past.

Fantastic tales I've heard and read.

With each new year of age I climb -

Real speed that I travel through time.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Ballable - LP Zoo

An armadillo, I do be

A southern three banded kind who

Has armored shell covering me

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

When I want to escape from all,

I do twist my three bands so that

I can then curl into a ball,

Protected in my habitat.

Of course here in the Zoo I know

The keepers keep me safe and sound.

I really have no need to show

Me all balled up in a form round.

As long as I feel in control,

No need for my hard rock and roll.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 On Eve A Stir - LP Zoo

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

Christmas Eve in Small Mammal House,

Waiting for Santa Claus is who?

Stirring about, a cactus mouse.

A nocturnal species, so that

Night time is when he's awake.

All year long in his habitat,

He has been good for goodness sake.

When checking him out on the list,

Santa won't need to check it twice.

Not a cactus mouse does exist

Who is less naughty and more nice.

Knowing that Santa is on the way,

The cactus mouse listens for the sleigh.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Charles and Jersey - LP Zoo

The gray seals, Charles and Jersey, do

A get together, he and she,

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

Such a cute couple they do be,

Snuggled together on a rock

During a nice December day.

Unless one understands seal talk,

One knows not what the twosome say.

Having just met some weeks ago,

The couple seem to do quite well.

What the future holds, who can know?

A family affair? - time will tell.

Charles and Jersey, both he'll and she'll

Hopefully choose to seal the deal.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Long before Christians came to be,

The Norse folk celebrated Yule.

November through January

Was the Yule tide time as a rule.

It was a time when the Norse came

To pagan temples so they could

All pray to their gods with the aim

That future for them would be good.

There was the sacrifice of beast,

With blood of such smeared ev'rywhere,

Then the meat cooked up for a feast

For all the celebrants to share.

When Christianity took hold,

Gone were traditions of Yule old.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Flick of the Tongue - LP Zoo

This gaboon viper snake does do

A lot of tongue flicking so that,

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

It learns more of its habitat.

With each flicking the tongue forks out,

Gathering in scents from the air,

So more is known of what's about,

And leaving a smell trail of where

Potential prey or mate has gone.

And the viper can follow up,

Slithering toward till its upon

The object of its desire - yup!

All the choices to choose among

Start on the viper's tip of tongue.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Young Climbers - LP Zoo

Mondika and Djeke are two

Ape youngsters on a fun high climb

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

Both brothers have a fun high time.

Just one year old, each brother is

A seasoned master acrobat,

Each with skill of a climbing whiz

Throughout the great ape habitat.

It matters not how high the height,

The brothers can be found at play,

Showing off for all in delight,

As each proceeds to swing away.

When looking for the playful pair,

Look up, and likely they'll be there.

Friday, January 08, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Puzzle Player - LP Zoo

Miss Minnie, the northern tree shrew,

Is a puzzle solver for sure

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

No puzzle is too hard for her,

Especially when food's involved.

So when a feeder filled with food

Came with a puzzle to be solved,

Minnie had the keen aptitude

To quickly find the secret way

To open up the feeder where

All of her food was on display,

Which she chowed down on then and there.

Miss Minnie sure is a shrewd shrew at

Solving puzzles in her habitat.

Thursday, January 07, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Christmas A Foot - LP Zoo

The red footed tortoises do

Be in the Christmas spirit, yes,

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

And want to get in festive dress.

The keepers placed a salad bar

Filled with a bunch of greens, and so

The tortoises need not move far.

Off to the salad bar they go.

The tortoises do figure that,

Along with lunch, they'll also be

Well suited in their habitat,

Donned all in colors festively.

They head for the salad bar scene,

So each foot will be red and green.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Echo - LP Zoo

Echo, the red billed hornbill, is

Up early in the morn to do

A repeat of worm catching biz

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

The keeper serves the breakfast up,

Most important meal of the day.

And Echo's right there ready, yup,

To be the first to eat away.

For Echo, catching worms is swell.

A loud thank you call is sent that

Surely the keeper can hear well,

Echoing through the habitat.

Echo can certainly affirm

The early bird catches the worm.

Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Abra's First Snow - LP Zoo

A few months old, Abra does do

A dance upon what's cold and white

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

With her first snow comes her delight.

The young zebra kicks up her feet,

Sending snow flurries all around,

Swirling about with each hoofbeat,

Then falling back down to the ground.

A brand new wonder to behold,

Causing Abra to want to play

In this fun stuff that's white and cold,

And so Abra does kick away.

Abra can expect more snow fun.

Chicago winter's just begun.

Monday, January 04, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Otterly Waterly - LP Zoo

What's this Asian otter up to?

I'm up to playing in my pool

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

A whirl in water is so cool!

A sense of freedom I do feel

When in the water I do be,

A time and place that does appeal

To the playfulness that's in me.

There is no limit to the fun

With each and ev'ry twist and turn.

Many an adventure is spun

By me as the water does churn.

Freedom of body, mind and soul

In water where I rock and roll.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Cuteness Lineup - LP Zoo

Meerkats, Mom and two daughters do

Line up for a family pose

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

For just this moment the trio's

Patient, letting the keeper take

One of those snapshots humans need

To have and hold as a keepsake.

Humans do love pictures indeed.

The meerkat ladies do know that.

They give humans a pick me up,

Watching them in their habitat,

Where cuteness is a given - yup!

Meerkats, Mom and two daughters be

Aligned in cuteness - one, two, three.

Sunday, January 03, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Paatsy Ignores Finely - LP Zoo

Giraffe Finely nods "Howdy Do"

To aardvark Paatsy who's next door

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

As Paatsy's digging to explore

What under the dirt she may find.

Young Finely wants her attention,

But she's got something else in mind.

After all, digging's much more fun.

So Finely watches Paatsy dig

In the dirt and is not sure why

She'd rather do this messy gig

While ignoring this friendly guy.

Finely wants attention from her,

Paatsy prefers digging for sure.

Saturday, January 02, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Sticky Toes - LP Zoo

A Henkel's leaf tailed gecko, I

Do have four sticky feet, I do,

Which makes me quite a mobile guy

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

I stick to any surface that

I may decide to climb upon,

To move about my habitat,

Quite a foothold phenomenon.

On bottoms of each tippy toe

Are tiny pads of sticky stuff,

And wherever I want to go,

I go whether on smooth or rough.

A lot of times when you do pass,

You'll see me sticking to the glass.

Friday, January 01, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Failed Expectation - LP Zoo

Honor, Dutch belted cow, does do

A keeper close encounter at

The Lincoln Park Farm in the Zoo,

"Moo"ving near in her habitat

To see what's in the keeper's hand.

Maybe something tasty to eat.

Now that would certainly be grand

If the keeper offers a treat.

But when Honor gets near enough,

She sees the gizmo humans tote

To take pictures and other stuff,

An inedible sour note.

Honor's a disappointed cow.

Maybe later, but no treat now.