Sense Sonnets

Friday, December 31, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Politician Pie

A politician pie does be

A special favorite food for

Those picky cannibals like me

Who search beyond shelves at the store.

The main ingredient tends to

Be found where there's lots of hot air -

Lies, the politician does spew.

So it's in the public welfare

To grab the politicians and

Stuff into the oven to bake

At four fifty degrees deep panned,

Couple of hours it should take.

Each bite of politician pie

Is a refreshing treat - no lie!

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


I killed the turkey, so I thought.

It was lying still on the ground.

I went to pick it up and got

Into my leg a bullet round.

The turkey was alive and hit

My hand causing my gun to shoot.

Then off into the woods ran it.

I was in no shape for pursuit.

Just then the game warden drove up,

And I did tell him my sad tale.

Oh, he was sympathetic - yup,

But said I had to go to jail.

When I asked him for what reason,

He said hunting out of season.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Dressed in White

Here I do be all dressed in white,

The dress my mother gave to me.

She said I was a lovely sight,

Such a beautiful bride to be.

And then my father at my side,

Together we walked down the aisle,

Going to give away this bride

To the man I do love, and I'll

With this man be sharing my life.

For me it's such a time of bliss.

In moments I will be the wife

Of my husband, sealed with a kiss.

A hopeful future for us starts now

As we take our wedding vow.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Snow Watch - LP Zoo

Ozzy is a snow leopard who

Is waiting patiently for snow

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

After Thanksgiving and no show

Be white stuff in Chicago town.

Ozzy is disappointed and

Tries not to let it get him down.

Ozzy's given to understand

The Farmers' Almanac says that

A bunch of snow is on the way

To pile on Ozzy's habitat.

Ozzy looks forward to that day.

Oft to the sky Ozzy does stare

To see if snow is in the air.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Jesse the Runner

Jesse Owens, a 'Bama boy,

Born in Oakville, nineteen thirteen.

Running did become his main joy,

A star in the local track scene.

Later, world records he did set.

In nineteen thirty six he went

To the Olympics and did get

Four gold medals at the event.

Germany's peeved Hitler did say

Blacks were stronger than whites and so

In Olympics of future day,

Blacks should not be able to go.

Running secret, Jesse did share,

Keep feet off ground and in the air.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


In middle ages in France old

There became in vogue a word for

An entertaining one who told

Tales in song, called a troubadour. 

I was such a person who sang

Songs mainly to my kind of crowd.

With well to do I liked to hang,

And for their pleasure, sing aloud

The songs that could bring them to tears,

And pleaded with me to sing more,

Giving me such applause and cheers,

And lots of coin I hoped to score.

Since male a troubadour befits,

Just call this gal a trobairitz.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Pie in the Sky - LP Zoo

This chimp had decided to do

The making of a pumpkin pie

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

I grabbed a pumpkin, and then I

Took it way up into a tree,

So I could keep a lookout for

The other chimps bothering me.

Should the pumpkin pie be mine or

Should it with all the troop be shared?

I would have the answer to that

Once my pumpkin pie was prepared

Up high above the habitat.

No pumpkin pie did come about.

My urge to eat, the cause no doubt.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Comes Naturally

A scorpion did meet a frog.

On a river bank were the two,

And were having a dialogue,

"I cannot give a ride to you,"

"'Cross the river," the frog said,

"Because you would surely sting me."

"But why would I? We'd both be dead."

"A drowned scorpion I would be."

"Makes sense," the frog said, "So hop on."

Halfway across the frog got stung.

Amazed at this phenomenon,

"Why?" asked the frog with gasping tongue.

The scorpion replied, sighing,

"It's just in my nature to sting."

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 In the Dark

To a Christmas tree farm I go.

I'm going to cut my own tree.

I find the one I like, and so

I start cutting with energy.

And then I hear a wailing sound.

The tree branches begin to shake.

Tree roots come rising from the ground.

A quick escape I try to make,

But find I cannot move at all.

A sticky sap that smells of fir

Engulfs me and over I fall

Then ev'rything becomes a blur.

I wake up in the E.R. and

Remember but don't understand.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Her Hand to His Head

The Bible says that Samson had

A head of hair that made him strong.

But girlfriend Delilah did bad

To poor Samson, she done him wrong.

With Delilah, Samson was weak,

Letting her take advantage of

Him, while his ruin she did seek,

Pretending he was her main love.

One day Samson napped happily.

She took some scissors to his coif,

Such act causing Samson to be

Powerless with his hair chopped off.

The moral of the story there -

Don't let your girlfriend cut your hair.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Meerkat Thanksgiving '21

"Let's put our heads together to"

"Think this over," four meerkats say

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

What to plan for Thanksgiving Day.

The guy wants to stay in the den,

Eat and watch football on T.V.,

Maybe take a nap now and then.

The gals are thinking shopping spree,

Heading for the Mag Mile to roam,

Looking for bargains here and there,

And think they'll just leave the guy home.

He's no fun to take anywhere.

Gals think shopping, guy thinks football.

A Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Lions Smashing Pumpkins - LP Zoo

Tiz a smashing pumpkin to do.

All the lions join in the fun,

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

So lots of smashing does get done.

The keepers set the pumpkins out,

Scattered throughout the habitat,

As a means to bring forth, no doubt,

Curiosity in each cat.

Right away the lions are game.

From pumpkin to pumpkin they dash

With their claws and teeth taking aim.

Indeed the pumpkins are a smash.

Pumpkins are not what lions eat,

But still can serve as a fun treat.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Please Give Me Light

In the darkness, I cannot see.

Please give me light to find my way,

And to guide me on this journey.

I need Your help and so I pray.

I know my self will brought me to

The darkness that I now am in.

So for some light I turn to You

To guide me better once again.

The darkness 'round me leaves me weak.

I know there is strength in Your light.

And so it is Your will I seek

To let me have better insight.

Your light shines on my life and so

I see the way I need to go.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Pumpkin Pumped - LP Zoo

The Canada lynx sisters do

Some pumpkin games on, down and up,

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

The girls, Thistle and Buttercup,

Rock and roll with the pumpkins at

The boardwalk where the keepers set

The pumpkins in the habitat.

Poor pumpkins face fierce feline threat,

As claws and teeth do rip and tear

Up the pumpkins into pieces,

The pumpkins prob'ly not aware

As the cat attack increases.

The girls - into pumpkin peelin'

And with lots of feline feelin.'

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


Climate is changing in the air,

In the water and in the land.

Pollution is now ev'rywhere,

The product of human demand.

The human powers that be say

What powerless do want to hear,

So that the powerful do stay.

Such promises are insincere.

As long as the powerful do

Profit from pollution somehow,

Climate changing fears will come true.

Powers that be hope it's not true.

Now's when solution's need to be.

The now is up to you and me.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Co-stars from Hell

Jack Torrence from The Shining died,

And did proceed straight to hell's fires,

Where Jack did find himself beside

Halloween movies' Michael Myers.

As the two were feeling the heat,

Annabelle, the doll, did show up,

And watched them from a ringside seat,

With that weird smile on her face - yup!

Then the devil did happen by,

And turned the fire down on the guys.

Annabelle frowned at the no fry.

The three were in for a surprise.

The devil laughed, "Hey just for kicks,"

"Let's make a movie for Netflix."

Monday, December 27, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Big John

Triceratops fossil, Big John,

Found on a South Dakota hill

Was auctioned - going, going, gone,

Price tag - seven point seven mill.

Because Big John was found on land

Not public but owned privately.

Highest bidder sale was not banned.

A private art collection be

Where the dino bones will display

In an elitist artsy pose,

Not in a scientific way.

Naturally came, expensive goes.

Big John got dug up and now is

Getting bid up in the art biz.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Hermes, a caracal wild cat,

Often around Cape Town does roam,

Assured in the shared habitat

With humans that this is his home.

Nocturnal, the caracal be,

Roaming mainly about at night.

And so the humans rarely see

Hermes in day time out of sight.

Of course Hermes is not alone.

Lots of caracals live close by,

Accustomed to the urban zone.

Live and let live seems to apply.

Of the risks to the cats that are,

Main is being hit by a car.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


A hospital has a machine

That transfers birthing pain from Mom

To Dad, at first Dad's not too keen,

But wants to help and so stays calm,

As Mom and Dad are both hooked to

This machine, and the couple wait

For their baby to be born new,

Both ready to participate.

Time goes by, neither Mom nor Dad

Are feeling any pain at all.

And the couple are really glad.

Mystified are the staff on call.

A healthy baby they attain,

Meanwhile their mailman screams in pain.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Jabari Turns 4 - LP Zoo

November 14th, the day to

Wish Jabari Happy Birthday

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

Jabari is ready to play.

The now four year old lion goes

For the tire hanging on a tree.

A keeper gift, Jabari knows

Is a new fun thing only he

Gets to pull down and chew upon.

And when his girlfriends want to share,

And grab the tire, the chase is on.

The tire does travel ev'rywhere.

A workout for the birthday chap,

And Jabari takes a catnap.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Home for Thanksgiving

On Thanksgiving Day I went out

Into my front yard and did see

Something long past its time no doubt.

Halloween's Jack-O-Lantern be

Still sitting in a corner spot.

I should have taken it by now

Out to the trash but I forgot.

It just had slipped my mind somehow.

I walked over to pick it up,

But saw it now was someone's house.

So I left the pumpkin shell - yup,

To be home for the small mouse.

To ev'ry creature big and small

A Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Killer Instinct - LP Zoo

This lion was in search of prey.

It is in my nature to hunt.

Attacking quarry makes my day.

I have keen kill skill to be blunt.

And so while I was on the prowl

I saw something that caught my eye.

I pursued it with a low growl.

This was something about to die.

With claws and teeth I ripped it up,

Put it into throes of expire.

I scored one more awesome kill - yup!

My trophy - one dead rubber tire.

This lion's not lyin' to you,

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Smokey Bear

1950, New Mexico,

Capitan Mountains billowed smoke,

A forest fire began to grow,

Then put out by fire fighting folk.

A little lone bear cub was found

Hugging the trunk of a charred tree.

He was carried down to the ground.

So badly burned, no one thought he

Would be able to long survive.

But the young bear cub did hold on,

Recovered and began to thrive,

Becoming a phenomenon.

Smokey Bear lives on and inspires

Humans to prevent forest fires.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Moving Art

I watch the clouds go drifting by,

Illuminated from the moon,

Making for an artistic sky,

A canvas on which nature's strewn

A unique pattern just for me,

Ever changing in ebb and flow.

I am drawn hypnotically

To keep on gazing at the show,

Not wanting to depart from there,

Wondering what wonders next will

Come in this grand parade through air,

With more enchantments to fulfill.

For a few moments I am drawn,

But like the clouds, I do move on.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Turtlely Focused - LP Zoo

Amazon River turtle, I

Be of the yellow spotted kind.

Yellow spots nature does apply

To my head, artfully designed.

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo

I watch the people come and go.

A wall of glass I can look through,

Ever a daily human show.

Mostly in the water I be,

But at times on a log or rock,

Just hanging out waiting to see

The crowds of folks that by me walk.

After watching people a spell,

I take a break inside my shell.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Out of Time Rhyme

I did not heed the warning that

I needed to evacuate.

I thought my home and habitat

Was safe, all I need do was wait.

The volcano eruptions were

Never my worry in the past.

I stayed put then, and now was sure

The lava flowing would not last.

But now around my house I see

The lava flowing ev'rywhere.

In a short time lava will be

A burden that I cannot bear.

Back then I could have beat the flow,

But now I've got no place to go.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Smashing Pumpkin Time - LP Zoo

Halloween's over - what to do!

How 'bout a smashing pumpkin thing

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

Two chimpanzees share some thinking,

And so do grab the Jacks around.

The Jacks do fall to pieces while

Upon the Jacks the chimps do pound,

And do so with a chimpful smile.

Pieces to rip, pieces to bite,

And quickly no more Jacks do be.

All in all a smashing delight,

As Jacks become just memory.

The chimps enjoy post Halloween,

"Helping" the pumpkins leave the scene.

Friday, December 24, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Shingleback Lizard

The shingleback lizard does be

Australian blue tongue born and bred,

And is known romantically

As a monogamous co-ed.

They live alone most of the year,

But in September reunite.

The same couple do reappear

To repeat the same mating rite.

The same husband and the same wife

Do keep in mind a common date,

And do so for all of their life,

And do find each other to mate.

On a scale of lasting endure,

A lizard love story for sure.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Separation Time - LP Zoo

Couple, Talini and Siku,

Once again are in wait and see,

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

If polar bear cubs come to be.

Talini does her denning that

For several months she'll be away,

Not in the outside habitat.

Siku is on his own to play.

They've both been through this wait before,

Time that Siku's outside alone,

Apart from Talini indoor.

Each of them coping on their own.

Maybe this year the two can add

To their connection - Mom and Dad.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Attabad Lake

January, two thousand ten,

Attabad Lake did come to be,

Created by accident when

There was landslide calamity,

Blocking the Hunza River flow.

At least twenty people were killed

From the flooding and also

Thousands lost homes as water filled.

The Pakistan authorities

Chose to leave the new lake as is,

Notwithstanding the tragedies.

The lake is good for tourist biz.

For fun recreational sake

Life goes on at Attabad Lake.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Trick or Treat

Trick or treating on Halloween

In the U.S. became a phrase

When pranksters on the night turned mean,

Going through a destructive phase.

Damage to property was done

Making owners unhappy that

At their expense pranksters had fun

With "tricks" upon home habitat.

So the owners offered "treats" to

Pranksters to protect property.

A candy sellers' dream came true.

Massive candy sales came to be.

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups now

Reign as Halloween treat king chow.

Monday, December 20, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Carver - LP Zoo

I'm a festive thinking chimp who

Wants to get in on Halloween

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

I find a pumpkin on the scene.

So I decide that I will make

A scary Jack-O-Lantern that

Will display for Halloween sake

To festive up my habitat.

The only tools I've got to use

Are my sharp teeth and fingernails,

So that pumpkin does get some chews

And scratchings for the face details.

When I am done the pumpkin will

Be scary Jack, thanks to my skill.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Good Luck Charm

Saint Dunstan, blacksmith patron saint,

In Ireland centuries ago

Did have occasion to acquaint

With bad luck - the devil did show.

The devil had a hoof in need

Of a shoe to cover the bare.

So Saint Dunstan did do the deed

Of nailing a hot horseshoe there.

The devil in great pain did squeal

"Take it off, I'll never return."

Saint Dunstan agreed to the deal.

The devil left with his hoof burn.

Since then a hung horseshoe does say,

"Devil - you better keep away." 

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 If We Had XRay Eyes...

If we had XRay eyes would we,

Beyond the color of one's skin,

Look into that one's heart and see

There is no difference therein,

To make us feel we're better than

Others because of how we look?

Whether we be woman or man

We are equal in The Good Book.

But sadly, prejudice from hate

Is ever in some human heart,

Taught and learned as a human trait,

Ever to keep humans apart.

With XRay eyes we still would find

Hate in us that would keep us blind.

Friday, December 17, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Madagascar Hissing Cockroach - LP Zoo

Madagascar hissing cockroach,

I do lots of hissing, I do.

Some humans are scared to approach,

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

But oft humans do come close by,

And I do make my hissing call.

It's just my way of saying, "Hi,"

"Look but don't touch," to one and all.

My mouth does not make the hiss sound.

It comes from my tummy parts that

Take in air and push it around,

Hissing loud through my habitat.

Each one of my hisses does be

Distinctive so you know it's me.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Pacific Lingcod Fish

A Pacific lingcod fish, I

Am an omnivorous fish that

Will give all types of prey a try

That's in my ocean habitat.

I'll even chew on my own kind,

Ambushing them, I'm not pickish.

My mouth is full of teeth designed,

Making me a chew machine fish.

My jaw can open my mouth wide

Where hundreds of teeth do await

For any prey I pull inside

To face a very biting fate.

While chewing, lots of my teeth go.

Twenty new teeth each day I grow.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Stroke of Good Luck

A snail did win the lottery.

So a new car the snail did buy.

He wanted known the car did be

Owned by him, very proud snail guy.

So with a paintbrush and paint pail

He painted on the driver's door

An enormous red "S" for "snail."

It took some time to do this chore.

But the snail got the paint job done,

Of course not painting very fast.

Then the snail went driving for fun

To watch reactions from those passed.

As the snail drove by really slow,

Onlookers watched the S car go.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Woked Buttercup - LP Zoo

Buttercup, the Canada lynx,

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

Now wide awake from forty winks,

Watches intently for what's new.

She heard the keeper calling her

While in the midst of her catnap.

This gets her attention for sure.

Back to full alert she does snap.

She sees the keeper coming - yup,

Holding a small gadget in hand,

Pointing it at her real close up.

No food here as Buttercup planned.

A wasted wake up otherwise,

Annoyance in Buttercup's eyes.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Nellie Bly

Nellie Bly, reporter, did get

Publisher, Joe Pulitzer, to.

In eighteen eighty seven, let

Her on assignment to pursue

Abuse in New York's Blackwell's Isle

Insane Asylum where she went,

Pretending insanity while

Exposing abuse evident.

She lived the horror for ten days,

Then Pulitzer did get her out.

A daring news trail Bly did blaze.

She was a pioneer no doubt.

Her ""Ten Days in a Mad House" book

Gave the public a close up look.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 A Guy Thing

In summertime after they mate

Male walrus gather on the shores

Of an isle to recuperate,

The sound of all in singing soars.

A chiming, like a ringing bell,

Floats across the north Bering Sea

As numbers of male walrus swell,

With tales to tell musically.

Coming out of water cold white,

Slowly they turn a rosy pink.

The walrus warm in the sunlight,

Spending time in male bonded link.

But once they've rested up enough,

They move on to new walrus stuff.

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Buttercup - LP Zoo

Buttercup, a Canada lynx,

Ponders whether or not to do

Another nap of forty winks

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

Being a cat, her normal day

And night is twenty hours snooze,

Which is simply the feline way,

One of many habit to dos.

So when she is up and about,

Visitors lucky to see her

Have picked a "purr"fect time no doubt,

Cuz soon another nap for sure.

The next visit that you may make

Will you find Buttercup awake?

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Getting Braver - LP Zoo

The young snow monkey, two months old,

Now ventures away from Mom to

Go solo, curious and bold,

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

The infant takes a journey that

Brings it in close proximity

With others in the habitat,

Cause for hang out activity.

This is part of the learning curve

To help young snow monkeys do well,

Encouraging increasing nerve

To bond with those with whom they dwell.

The young snow monkey day by day

Reaches out in a social way.

Thursday, December 09, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Wolf Awareness Week '21 - LP Zoo

Wolf Awareness Week '21,

Something for the red wolves to chew -

To sink their teeth into some fun

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

A bone with meat on it seems right

To show that the keepers do care.

The red wolves respond in delight.

No doubt the red wolves are aware

That visitors are watching while

The wolves grab at the meated bone,

Tugging and pulling in wolf style,

Lots of enthusiasm shown.

Mom and Dad and their daughter there

Make it a family affair.

Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Minato - LP Zoo

Mom, Mito, a snow monkey, who

Recently gave birth to a male

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

Did use her fingers to unveil

The name, Minato, for her son.

Using a computer touchscreen,

From a name list she chose the one

That caught her fancy of names seen.

Her infant son was there with her,

Jumping about excitedly,

As Mom did make the choice for sure,

That now Minato he would be.

Next time you see the little guy

You can now say, "Minato, Hi."

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Stanley - LP Zoo

Stanley, the snowy owl, alone.

His long time mate, Freya, is gone.

The once shared home now all his own,

But for Stanley life does go on.

He has his daily job to do,

Greeting visitors that come by,

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

Looking at this white feathered guy.

When the snows come, Stanley will be

Outside and doing his job still,

Harder for visitors to see,

But persistent visitors will.

Whatever weather's in effect,

Come visit Stanley and connect.

Tuesday, December 07, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Scoring Three Score and Ten

'Twas three score and ten years ago

My Mother brought forth a new me.

Mom, now gone, would be pleased to know

That I made it to 70.

I planned a trip around the world

But Covid came and cancelled that.

So I did spend the day all squirreled

Up in my homestead habitat.

And thanks to high technology

That day I did get time to share

With lots of friends and family.

I had the sense that Mom was there.

My trip around the world does wait

For future 70 plus date.

Sunday, December 05, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Bath for Bixby - LP Zoo

Bixby, eastern screech owl, does do

A take a shower exercise

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

Owls have good hygiene - no surprise!

The keepers turn on misters that

Give Bixby opportunity

To shower in her habitat.

Perched and spreading her wings, she

Does give her feathers a good spray.

And when with showering she's done,

Bixby does simply fly away,

And then dries off under the sun.

A shower now and again, yup,

Is how Bixby gets owl cleaned up.

Saturday, December 04, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Blameless Cow?

1871 did be

Year of the Great Chicago Fire.

The cow of Mrs. O'Leary

Became the cause that did acquire

Longstanding repeat as a fact.

But there is evidence to say

The cow did not commit the act.

The Biela's comet that day

Sprayed meteorites that suggest

Why a lot of fires broke out in

Many places in the Midwest,

Maybe Chicago - might have been.

The comet not the cow could claim

To be a better source for blame.

Friday, December 03, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 John Dee

John Dee, Court astronomer for

Elizabeth the first did be

The Queen's main advocate for more

Strengthening of the Queen's navy.

Dee believed England should aspire

To be a superpower state.

Dee coined the term, "British Empire."

The Queen led Britain to be Great.

But when the Queen died, Dee did lose

All favor he had had at Court.

The new King decided to choose

Fortune tellers of other sort.

Where  Dee is buried is unknown

Sometime someone stole his gravestone.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Furball of Fury

I was just getting to know her.

She and I seemed to get along.

With people one is never sure.

So often people get it wrong.

But as a person she seemed to

Provide me with my daily need,

While giving me the space to do

My own thing - important indeed!

But today she did pick me up,

And put me through a horror that

Made me think she'd gone crazy - yup!

She's in the doghouse with this cat.

She certainly incurred my wrath,

This awful thing she called a bath.

Thursday, December 02, 2021

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Ghost of Marilyn

Seen in and around Hollywood

The ghost of Marilyn Monroe.

Sighters say in all likelihood

Her spirit oft does come and go,

Where she's buried and in her home,

Dancing at Roosevelt Hotel,

On a bench at the Hippodrome,

People do see her and do tell.

Dying in 1962

Of a tragic drug overdose,

Marilyn does seem to want to

Be with her fans and to stay close.

The spirit of Marilyn be

A sought after celebrity.