Sense Sonnets

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Cactus Mouse - LP Zoo

I am a cactus mouse and do
Like to do my mouse stuff at night
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
So I try to avoid the light.
When a visitor does come by,
It is just necessary that
The visitor have patient eye
While looking in my habitat.
After just a minute or so,
The visitor eyes will adjust,
And see me as I come and go,
Very clearly - just have some trust.

Patience in the Small Mammal House
And you will see this cactus mouse.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Flamboyance Forthwith - LP Zoo

We are all flamingos who do
Come from chilly Chile and so
Being here at Lincoln Park Zoo
We're just fine with winter and snow.
So most of the time we're outside,
But we also do have a place
Inside where comforts are supplied.
When one heads in - there is a race
And all of us do quickly move
In quite a colorful parade,
Each one getting into the groove,
The whole bunch in movement arrayed.

Term for a bunch of flamingos -
Flamboyance, and so now you knows.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Lonesome Siku - LP Zoo

He is one lonesome guy, Siku,
A polar bear who's all alone
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
Stuck a while in the lonesome zone,
Cuz his girlfriend, Talini. be
Doing her winter denning thing,
Waiting for a few months to see
If the two may have new offspring.
In the meantime Siku must bear
Being on view all by himself,
Not having Talini to share
The view from the snowy rock shelf.

So if you happen to come by,
Yell to Siku a special, "Hi."

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Snowy Feathers - LP Zoo

The flamingos and the ducks do
Flamingoing duck in the pond
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,
Sharing Chicago's winter bond.
It seems to matter little that
All about them the snow does blow,
Whitening up the habitat,
As the waders and floaters go
Through the waters in graceful way,
Seeking some food that tastes so nice,
While the waters so far this day
Have not yet frozen into ice.

And the keepers are grateful for
A not today ice breaking chore.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Sitting Giraffes - LP Zoo

We giraffes do a lounge, we do
Kneeling down on a fresh new bed
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo
Of scented soft pine shavings spread,
A sensory sensation that
Is a welcome pastime indoors,
Making us in the habitat
Look much shorter when on all fours,
To visitors who happen by
And cannot see the floor on where
We sit, so some may wonder why,
And very puzzled, they just stare.

So we stare back all feeling fine,
Lounging upon a bed of pine.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Catching Our Breath - LP Zoo

We seals do have a job we do
To let the public better know
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo
How seals behave as to and fro
We swim the waters all around,
Holding our breath quite awhile,
As underwater we be found,
Then reemerge and give a smile.
We are very well knowing that
Always humans have pix to take
Of us in our habitat,
And so the photo ops we make.

And just so that the public knows,
We seals do strike an awesome pose.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Be Leaf It or Not - LP Zoo

Solomon Island leaf frogs do,
When one is looking down on us
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,
Look like fallen autumn leaves, plus
We like real leaves on which to sit,
All with yellow and tan so that
We blend in nicely quite a bit
On the ground of the habitat.
When there is food that's in one place,
We tend to come together so
The bunch of us are face to face.
When done eating then off we go.

So likely when you come to look,
We'll each be in our own nook.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Chew and Rub - LP Zoo

Bolivian gray titi be
The type of monkey be we two,
Just hanging out up in a tree
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
Some yellow leaves do hang nearby,
The kind of leaves we like to munch.
Those watching us may wonder why
We take these leaves and rub a bunch
Of them upon our chests - well
We like to do this rub so that
We each will have a pleasing smell
As we move through the habitat.

And so the leaves we both do share,
To both eat some and then to wear.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Denning '19 - LP Zoo

This is Talini and I do
Bid a fond farewell for a while
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
For the next several months I'll
Be doing my denning inside.
A female polar bear each year
Does den while nature does decide
If newborn cubs will then appear.
I have not given birth before,
But maybe this time will be so.
Over my denning I'll know more.
Either way I will let you know.

To be a Mom or not to be,
We all will have to wait and see.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


In the era of Internet
We still make up monsters to go
Deep into our heads and set
Into motion horrors to flow.
The "Momo challenge" issued by
A "chicken lady" urging young
To giving suicide a try,
Causing hysteria among
Anxious parents around the world,
Fearing this monstrous threat would be
More than just a bad joke unfurled,
But become bad reality.

So far this Momo monster is
Only of urban legend biz.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

North Polar Plastic

To the Arctic the plastic goes
Taking its toll upon life there,
Washed up by southern water flows,
Now very common and not rare.
More and more plastic makes the trip,
And there forever it will stay,
Causing eco systems to tip
Toward dire disaster day by day.
There relatively few folks live,
So why make such a big alarm.
Loads of Arctic plastic can't give
Too much pollution - what's the harm!

Out of sight out of mind is why
Too soon all Arctic life will die.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Bomani Turns One - LP Zoo

A Debrazza monkey born new
A year ago to Mom and Dad
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
Named Bomani and all were glad
To watch this very special guy
Steal the show in this time and place,
Greeting visitors coming by
With close up connects face to face,
Waving and giving a big grin,
Eyes all a sparkle and with that
Cute little beard upon his chin,
Brightening up the habitat.

Happy Birthday Bomani boy.
You are such a bundle of joy.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Rae's Settling In - LP Zoo

Rae here and I'm reporting that
I do like it here, yes I do
Here in the giraffe habitat
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
This two year old gal's doing well.
I feel welcome by one and all.
The other giraffes are just swell.
They tell me tales I'm sure are tall,
But all of us get a good laugh,
Watching the people come and go.
From the viewpoint of a giraffe
All people are short - doncha know!

The visitors do make my day,
So drop by and look up my way.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Polar Bear Week '19 - LP Zoo

Polar Bear Week twenty nineteen,
For polar bears I am Siku
Making the conservation scene
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,
Again to bear a witness that
Wild polar bears need human aid
To save the sea ice habitat,
Which warmer climate change has made
Less and less of a place to live,
As more and more fossil fuels burn.
Joined together humans can give
The means to make such changes turn.

If you use better energy
A better climate there will be.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Artful Curler

Aruba island rattlesnake,
I like to curl myself so that
Quite an artful sight I do make,
All cozy in my habitat.
A three foot body covered in
Scales of lustrous silver and gold
From rattled tail to tip of chin,
I am a beauty to behold.
I find a spot where I can be
Assured of soaking in the heat.
Oft in the sand you will find me
Curled so all of my ends do meet.

I am always waiting for you
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Always Listening - LP Zoo

I'm Stanley, a snowy owl who
Does like to perch somewhere on high
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo
And sense the world as it goes by.
All of my senses are quite keen,
But hearing is my most acute,
Often hearing what is not seen,
Giving me head start on pursuit.
A mouse may think it's hidden well
Under the leaves or under snow.
The mouse makes sounds and I can tell
Just where it is and there I go.

So when you come and I you see,
A listener is what I be.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Brotherly Wrestling - LP Zoo

Bros Mondika and Djeke do
A bit of wrestling on the ground
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,
Where boys will be boys does abound.
The young gorillas each months old
Do romp around in front of Dad
Watching his sons be rocked and rolled,
A bunch of furry bounce be had.
It is a touching moment that
Is captured on a video,
Young brothers in this habitat
Always putting on a great show.

Come visit these young brothers and
The cuteness factor will be grand.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Web Sweet Web - LP Zoo

A golden silk spider I do
Weave a large and shiny web that,
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,
Zigs and zags through my habitat,
Which is open air and I could
Make an escape in creepy crawl.
But in my space I have it good
And no desire to take withdrawal.
So I am content to stay here,
Watching visitors come and go,
Who should never have any fear
That upon any I will show.

African Journey's where I be.
On your journey come visit me.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Midnight Raider - LP Zoo

I know they'd say, "Mosi don't you"
"Be raiding the refrig at night."
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
I open the door and the light
Shows all the goodies on display
That this gorilla yearns to munch.
I know that this is the best way
To sneak a little midnight lunch.
I'm a growing boy after all,
And when I'm hungry I should eat.
And so I make this late night call
Very quietly and discreet.

The keepers won't know it's me since
I'm wearing gloves - no fingerprints.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Bad Battery Hazard

Radio collars are a way
To know where wild animals be.
A young black bear collared one day
Went to the wild and was set free.
But soon the battery went dead,
And humans went to find the bear,
And tried to tranquilize, instead
The bear did chase the human pair.,
But finally did fall asleep,
And the humans did do their job.
The radio again did beep.
The humans were relieved a gob.

When he woke up the bear did seem
Just fine - he'd just had a bad dream.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

All for the Fruit - LP Zoo

An Egyptian fruit bat is me
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
From North Africa my kind be,
And eat a lot of fruit we do.
We like to search for fruit at night,
Flying fruitfully through the air.
Two foot wing spans we have in flight,
And listen for sounds to get there,
To gather the fruit to fly back,
Dropping some fruit seeds as we go,
Thus pollinating trees on track,
Allowing more new fruit to grow.

With bugs and birds, bats pollinate
To keep plants growing, and that's great.

Saturday, November 09, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Go for the Bugs - LP Zoo

A black tree monitor, I do
Like to chow down on bugs a bunch
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
Bugs are always a welcome lunch.
Each time I see a keeper's hand
This lizard hopes that hand does bring
Some live bugs - oh that is so grand,
Cuz quite soon I'll be ingesting.
I do slowly slither so that
The bugs which are kind of high strung
Stay in place in my habitat,
As I zap them each with my tongue.

Tiz a good time for me no doubt
When I am able to bug out.

Friday, November 08, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

All Kinds of Neighbors - LP Zoo

A Puerto Rican parrot, I
Check out the new neighbor next door,
A Jamaican iguana shy,
While I do squawk at her galore.
Since she is a neighbor brand new,
I squawk about the neighborhood
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,
Assuring her that all is good.
When I first got here I know that
The sloth who lives across from me
Welcomed me to my habitat.
Good neighbors we should try to be.

I good neighbor I think I am,
Though often I am quite a ham.

Thursday, November 07, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Hog Diggitty! - LP Zoo

As a red river hog I do
Most of my busy stuff at night
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
Sometimes in daytime I'm in sight,
Using my snout to dig the ground,
Looking for roots and tubers that
Are favorite foods to be found
Buried within my habitat.
I have sense glands that help me tell
Where the roots and tubers may be.
And when close to them I can smell,
And dig them up for lunch for me.

Visitors watch - I'm a big hit.
That's what I do and I dig it.

Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Slater Arrives - LP Zoo

Slater the seal says, "Howdy do."
I am the new seal in the pool
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
So far this new place is so cool.
I am in routine quarantine
Getting a clean bill of health so
Now I'm not publicly seen,
But in a short time I will go
Out with the other seals and be
Swimming happily all around
For all the visitors to see
In this new home that I have found.

Be patient and Slater the seal
Will soon be showing off for real.

Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Lettuce Keep on - LP Zoo

Lettuce with Luigi - tune in
To the latest installment that
So far has been a ratings win
Of this sloth in his habitat.
Each segment focuses upon
Me hanging out and chowing down,
A repeating phenomenon,
But worthy of viewing renown.
I don't know why the viewers be
So obsessive in my pursuit.
I guess the viewers yearn to see
Somebody that is so darn cute.

I'm always here for you to view
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

Monday, November 04, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Two Brothers in Stripes LP Zoo

We are plains zebras brothers two.
In the Savannah we be found
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
In all seasons outside we bound.
With giraffes we share time and space,
And we all get along quite well,
All going at our own pace
Enjoying life where we do dwell.
So many visitors come here.
There's lots of taking pictures of
Us two brothers throughout the year,
Showing loads of brotherly love.

We hope that soon you will drop by.
Look for the stripes and yell out, "Hi."

Sunday, November 03, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Quarter Ton Romeo - LP Zoo

Five hundred pounds at five months old,
I am indeed the growing boy.
By my own good Mom I am told
Her rhino guy's a bigger joy.
Of course Mom's still bigger than me,
Cuz when we're walking side by side
That's real easy for me to see.
I can't see over Mom - I've tried!
But Mom tells me it won't be long
And I will be as big as her.
And since I know Mom's never wrong,
I'll get as big as Mom for sure.

Bigger and bigger me you'll view
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

Saturday, November 02, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Saharan Silver Ant

The Saharan silver ant is
The very fastest ant on Earth,
Going about its searching biz
In speedy time for what it's worth,
To find a carcass in the sand,
Take some pieces and then be bound
Quickly back to whence it came, and
Enjoy its meal safe underground.
The ant keeps at a running pace
So not to sink and beat the heat.
Tiz always for the ant a race
To survive while seeking to eat.

This ant is ever on the run
Food seeking under such hot sun.

Friday, November 01, 2019

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Boastful Beast - LP Zoo

A hearty cock a doodle do
From this rooster - I am called Beast,
At Lincoln Park Farm in the Zoo.
Heard north and south and west and east,
As I loudly let my hens know
That I watch out for them and that
For all my gals I am gung ho
In the chicken yard habitat.
At lunch time each and ev'ry day
Farm visitors can serve us lunch,
Feeding us in a special way,
Giving us corn kernels to munch.

If you are anywhere around
Then you will hear my awesome sound.