Sense Sonnets

Friday, March 07, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Change a Tire?

In my pajamas, I'm out on

My front porch, sipping coffee in

Early morn with a breaking dawn,

Enjoying peace and quiet when

My next door neighbor calls to me

That she has a favor to ask.

A pretty lady she does be,

So this dude's up for any task.

Though still in my pajamas, I

Tell her to tell me her desire.

My pretty neighbor does reply

She would like me to change a tire?

So back into my house I go,

And change into a tuxedo.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 End Credits

Hubby and the nanny, I am

Filming them together in bed

Secretly with the nanny cam.

Then both are gonna be found dead,

All carved up with a butcher knife.

I'll be the prime suspect since I

Have the best motive as the wife.

But I'll have a good alibi.

Masked killer and killings all caught

On the film and the crime will be,

With good luck, unsolved and I'll not

Have murder charges against me.

Hubby and the nanny, deceased,

Get end credits when film's released.

Thursday, March 06, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 From Hubby With Love

Valentine's Day, Hubby did think

A romantic gift for me would

Be something useful in hot pink.

So what he got he thought was good

Because not only useful, it

Was hot pink and shaped like a heart.

Hubby thought this surely a hit,

And he looked so happy and smart

As I opened the package up.

Heart shaped and hot pink, yes it be,

No doubt a useful item, yup.

Of course I know Hubby loves me.

Hubby outdid himself, he did,

Hot pink heart shaped skillet with lid.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 "Moonlight Sonata"

Beethoven and a blind girl met.

She requested and he did play

For her until the sun had set.

At the piano both did stay,

As the room with darkness did fill.

Beethoven played into the night

Beautiful music with his skill.

Then through a window beamed moonlight

Shining upon the blind girl's face.

Such appreciation seen by

Beethoven in this time and place,

New notes from fingers in reply.

Beethoven, so inspired was he,

"Moonlight Sonata" came to be.

Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Gut Wrenching

A mariner's revenge tale is

Heard by me in a strange echo,

As I am minding my own biz,

Coming from where I don't heck know.

One sailor's talking a tale long

To another sailor about

How the other sailor done wrong

To the talking sailor no doubt.

As this long tale I listen to,

Where these sailors are at does dawn

On me, in my belly these two

From a ship I just munched upon.

I swallowed and stomached this tale.

Now time to digest by this whale.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


Lilith, first wife of Adam, dared

When coupling with him be atop.

Male dominated heaven, scared,

Banished Lilith who did not stop

Her scaring men and she became

Demonic succubus, the first,

Who'd find a sleeping man with aim

To suck life juices, quenching thirst,

To fill herself with such to bring

Forth proof of her avenging role,

Plague men with demonic offspring,

Still continues as Lilith's goal.

So any sleeping man beware,

Lilith can come, your bed to share.

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


A long, long time ago was had

Summer and Winter wedded be.

Marriage between them got so bad,

The two of them could not agree.

Summer wanted all time be hot.

Winter wanted all time be cold.

Over this constantly they fought,

Causing confusion to take hold

In all the animals and plants.

Thus Spring and Autumn were asked to

Fix the confusion circumstance.

So what did Spring and Autumn do?

The two, a separation forced.

Summer and Winter got divorced.

Sense Sonnet - Acher


It was so many years ago,

I was a gift to mom from son,

And on mom's face a grateful glow.

So soon I was a busy one,

With mom often during the week,

As I crossed all surfaces on

Mission, the enemy to seek,

And for the moment, wipe foe gone.

But as the time passed, mom did try

Newer, better stuff, I was fired.

But since I was mom's son's gift, I

Was not thrown out, but just retired.

Now up in the attic I am just

A feather duster gathering dust.

Monday, March 03, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 One, Two or Alladay?

February 22nd,

President Washington's birthday.

Holiday cuz U.S. reckoned,

By George, he won for U.S.A.

But then President Lincoln came,

And born in February too.

Now the third Monday gets the claim,

So lots of employees can do

A three day weekend of time off.

Twelve states count all the Presidents.

At this feds and other states scoff,

Only George, this day represents.

In heaven, George and Abe no doubt

Chuckle over glasses of stout.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Final Say

I know when I fell ill you sought

Being with another away.

This truth hurt me an awful lot,

But nothing of it would I say

To you because I felt there were

Other parts of marriage we shared,

And neither of us need endure

More pain because this truth be aired.

And so the years just slipped on by.

Lots of good, just this one pretend.

Each of us living with this lie,

Till came the day this lie did end.

I never told you I forgave,

Till now I tell you at your grave.

Sunday, March 02, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Out of Breath

We came to this world long ago

When life upon was primitive,

And over time we came to know

This world on which we chose to live.

But now I captain the last ship

To take remaining of us who

Will head back home on the long trip.

There's nothing left for us to do.

Life upon this world did evolve,

Invented toxins to appear,

Killing life before we could solve

The unbreathable atmosphere.

A few humans we take along

To study more on what went wrong.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Ketchup Kid

I asked Hubby to put ketchup

On the shopping list which he did.

Now he can't read anything, yup.

And most would think Hubby does kid,

Perhaps to let the whole world know,

Especially me, that he's not

One of the mindset to let go

Shopping which he does hate a lot.

So I gave Hubby a new list

And the choice to shop or to read

Divorce papers, now Hubby's pissed.

But he did go shopping indeed.

Now with Hubby each threat's implied

I will serve ketchup on the side.

Saturday, March 01, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Stinking Thinking

I had sent Hubby out to find

A suitable spot for our nest.

He got himself stuck in a bind

When I found Hubby quite distressed.

I only found him when I heard

A donkey braying weirdly so,

Then found Hubby in an absurd

Nest site where no way would I go.

Hubby with his nitwit bird brain

Went up the donkey's with the goal

To find a warm, cozy domain

For nesting in the ass's hole.

When Hubby comes out, yes indeed,

Good bird bath he is gonna need.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Snowdrop

In her warm bulb beneath the ground,

The snowdrop knew the time was right,

Though still be winter, to be bound

Up through the dirt to the sunlight.

So upward went her shoot of green,

With her tiny white flower to

Be the first on the winter scene

Into sunlight, and winter knew,

Begrudgingly, this snowdrop be

A sign to all that winter's woe

Was ending, and humans would see

This snowdrop and also would know.

This first snowdrop, good news to bring,

The coming of friendlier spring.