Sense Sonnets

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Beware Foxes bearing Gifts

The Mama cat with family

Watches the fox with basket near

Their home that's way up in a tree.

The fox cries out for them to hear,

"I've brought some goodies for you all,"

"Some tasty treats you'll all adore."

The fox's teeth show through the call,

"So please just open up your door."

But wise Mama cat knows well that

The fox has no good on its mind.

They'll stay safe in their habitat.

No fool food here will this fox find.

Beware the fox who slyly strives

To take some of the cats' nine lives.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Meet Me at Dusk

Meet me at dusk and we will go

Together into the new night.

On the beach under the moonglow,

We'll share sensation of delight,

Strolling together hand in hand.

The sight and sound of ocean tide

Goes back and forth upon the sand,

Beckoning to us, side by side,

Two loving beings in pure peace,

Both cloaked in sweet serenity,

Wishing the bliss to never cease,

This time, this place for us to be.

The night is ours till the dawn.

You'll look around but I'll be gone.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Better Off With a Spider

A human watches a firefly

Flashing its "bulb" in the night.

It lands upon some grass nearby.

A spider has it in its sight.

The spider grabs the firefly and

Devours it in needed meal.

But does the human understand

It's not a devil/angel deal?

This is the way that nature is.

Both spider and firefly know that.

Humans need tend their own bad biz

Abusing nature's habitat.

A firefly learns how humans are,

As it suffocates in a jar.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Lucky Watch

Give me any reason to rhyme,

And I will give it a good shot.

It could take a short or long time,

Depends on how inspired I've got.

Now it is said that watching is

Important for a poet to

Get down to more creative biz,

And that is what I like to do.

I follow a suggestion that

I watch a cloud and watch a dog,

But creativity is flat.

Then suddenly I watch agog.

I watched the dog fly o'er the cloud.

That makes a rhyme to do me proud!

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Climate Warming

Her young cub born in winter late,

Mama polar bear's concerned that

She and her cub will suffer fate

Of less food in their habitat.

Seals be their primary food source,

But she has seen that the sea ice

Has melted so much, in due course

She and her cub will pay a price.

Without the ice to walk out on,

She has to swim far out to find

The seals, harder to pounce upon.

The thawing ice troubles her mind.

By instinct, Mama polar bear

Knows it is too warm in the air.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Reef Grief

Over long time a coral reef grows,

An animal community,

Shallow enough so sunlight shows.

Oft called rainforest of the sea.

With tentacles, coral polyps can

Catch plankton and small fish for food.

Also on the coral, algae span,

Solar energy to include.

Coral reef in shape and colors bright

Attracts lots of visitors, yes,

But some visits do not set right.

Coral "bleach" when there is too much stress.

Coral reefs in ev'ry water face

Human intrusion in their space.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


I am a young cobra snake that

Was minding my biz till I be

Taken from my wild habitat

By some human who wanted me

To be the star of his street show,

"Charming" me by playing a flute.

Into a basket I would go,

For this money making pursuit.

Then he would play and out I'd come,

In some sort of trance, what the heck!

These human folks must be real dumb.

He died dumb as I bit his neck.

These humankind, I have a hunch

Are really quite a charmless bunch.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 "Mirror"acle Worker

In the Brother Grimm's fairy tale,

Snow White was rescued by her Prince.

The wicked queen's mean plot did fail,

Crushed by a boulder, not seen since.

But 'bout that magic looking glass

That caused the plot in the first place,

Some want to know what came to pass,

What future did this sly mirror face?

Well, there were a few reports that

This mirror ended up with Snow White,

Back in her palace habitat.

As she aged, Snow got more uptight.

The magic looking glass looked well,

Here comes another tale to tell.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Garden Variety Complaint

For a while Adam was content

In the Garden of Eden with

Eve, the woman, who God had sent.

But her meekness soon turned to myth.

More and more, Eve would speak her mind,

And less and less she did obey,

Not Adam's hoped for womankind.

So Adam felt compelled to pray

To God about Eve to complain,

She wasn't the gal for this guy.

But Adam was in for more pain,

And not pleased when God did reply,

"Can't complain about women's lib,"

"You got a bargain for a rib."

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 The Old One

There came the day the old one fell,

And all around were family,

In time and place where they did dwell,

The old one in fond memory.

Younger had learned from the old one,

About the ways to better live.

When younger errors had been done,

The old one was first to forgive.

Pillar of strength, the old one stood

Through so many a dusk and dawn,

Constant reminder of life's good.

Sadly, the old one now was gone.

All in the forest be forlorn.

The old dead tree, living do mourn.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Alexander Fleming one day

In 1928 did set

Bacteria samples to stay,

That he needed to study yet,

In his lab in a corner dark.

Fleming then left for quite a while

On a vacation to embark.

When he got back, he found the pile

Of bacteria, now all dead,

Due to being covered in mold.

His further study of this led

To a great finding to unfold.

Penicillin, miracle drug be

Discovered by serendipity.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The First Responder's Husband

I think when she's done with her shift,

And returns to me safe and sound,

That's when my love has the most lift,

And when my relief does abound

Of course the first thing that she does

Is make certain her gun's secure.

She never forgets that becuz

It is family first for sure.

She doesn't like to talk about

The negatives she's had that day.

But any positives, no doubt,

She shares with me in joyful way.

I hope this share will never stop

As long as my wife is a cop.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Poemhunter Rules

Poemhunter has recently

Put some of my poems into

Deactivation, and told me

I'd violated THE RULES, true.

I was not told what rules there were.

I searched and found no rules online.

I asked Poemhunter, for sure,

Rules that censor poems of mine.

I have not gotten a reply,

Just told to "fix" the poems so

Maybe reactivation. I

Cannot "fix" what I do not know.

Sadly, it seems Poemhunter

Has turned into a rule affronter.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Slow Dance

We've been slow dancing all around

The loss of us now quite a while.

In opposite directions bound,

It's over for our lifestyle.

Both of us ought to be thinking

Why are we still doing this dance,

On a burning ship that is sinking?

We ought to stop and take the chance

That going separate ways might

Enable us to part as friends.

Together we're just gonna fight,

Dancing until both bitter ends.

We're going through the motions of

Our emotions, losing love.

Friday, July 29, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 My Dragon

When I was young I would go to

A nearby lake, lovely and deep.

And I did make a good friend who

Emerged from the water to keep

Company with me for a while.

It was a time and place for fun.

My dragon always made me smile.

I felt a very special one.

But then I moved on with my life,

And gave my dragon little thought.

I got caught up in human strife,

And smiled the less, older I got.

But now near death as I do be,

My dragon has returned to me.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Spa Day

My human sent me to a spa,

Categorically great move,

In fact it oughta be a law

That humans get into this groove.

The facility is like wow,

A hands on that fires up my fur,

Treatment that is pure cat's meow,

In blissfulness I'm all a purr.

I can't get enough of it all,

And could stay here forevermore.

"Miss Kitty," I hear my staff call,

Handsome Hans, his hands I adore.

I feel my feline pores unclog.

I needed this break from that dog.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Good Sign

The Hopi young warrior did pray

To Mother Earth to bring him word

That in him courage would display.

He saw a canyon wren war bird,

And sighting this did fill him with

Strength of his body, heart and soul.

He now would believe in the myth

He had been taught as worthy goal.

Later in the day would begin

His first battle and now he would

Go forth armed with the canyon wren,

With the courage to help make good.

And he fought well, beyond belief,

This young warrior became war chief.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Tale of a Hundred Dollar Bill

A hundred dollar bill I found.

I need money, but what the hell,

To a cop station I went bound.

And to the cops this I did tell,

That if they would so kindly, please,

Give this money to one in need.

This would put my heart at great ease.

I'd feel so much better indeed.

The cops assured me that they would,

And said what a good person I

Was of thinking to do such good.

It made a couple of cops cry.

Go Fund Me page for me cops did,

Five hundred thou the latest bid.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Taking Liberty

Liberty in the U.S.A. 

Notwithstanding the Lady's plea,

It's what the powers that be say,

Always was and always will be.

The U.S. Constitution is

What the powers that be use

To conduct power keeping biz,

And We the People to confuse.

Powers that be now look ahead

To a new world order to give

Instruction from birth until dead,

The degree of free each can live.

We'll lose liberty in degrees.

What is liberty in Chinese?

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 V Formation

We are a Canada geese flock

On ground, and in the air a wedge.

Honking 'twixt and 'tween's how we talk.

We fly in V shape for an edge,

In order to get the most lift.

We each take turns taking the lead.

A thousand miles per day - we're swift,

Very impressive feat indeed.

From Canada, southward in spring

To summer in varied U.S.

Fall, back to Canada we wing,

Biannual change of address.

Successful migraters we be.

For us, V is for victory.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Congress Plaza Hotel

Congress Plaza Hotel I'm at,

In an expensive 8th floor suite.

Downtown Chicago hotel that

The high and low life come to meet.

Decades ago the hotel be

A fav'rite hangout for the Mob,

Planning big crime activity.

Tales of hauntings be heard a gob.

I've been here now about a week,

And so far no ghosts have showed up.

Then suddenly, a door does creak.

I'm face to face with guess who - yup!

In my room, no longer alone,

Grinning at me is Al Capone.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


What may be a lie is oft called

The real truth, especially by

The media who are enthralled

With spinning words to satisfy

The preferred slant upon some news.

So truth and lie mix into spin,

Bits and pieces of each to views

That will help the spinner to win,

No matter that real truth is lost.

Taking words out of context is

A fav to spin at any cost,

Twisting words in truthful"lie" biz.

Truth should be the media's cause,

But rarely is, if ever was.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Vegan Large - LP Zoo

I am a gorilla and do,

Like all gorillas, only eat,

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

Fresh veggies and fruits and no meat.

Once in a while by accident,

I might pick up a bug and stick

In my mouth, then it's evident

That this was not a tasty pick.

A big adult male like me can

Eat up to fifty pounds or more

Of produce in a daily span.

That's chowing down good stuff galore.

So when a visit you elect,

Come see me and "lettuce" connect.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Score the Roar - LP Zoo

The four month old lion cub is

Practicing lots and lots to do

The lion thing of roaring biz

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

Whether outside or inside, he

Listens to all the adults, and

Takes any opportunity

To practice on his unique brand

Of taking in a bunch of air

Deep down the throat into the lung,

Then bellowing it all out there

To let the older hear the young.

Pilipili is all in for

Making the "purr"fect pitch of roar.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 White Wedding

Little Sis got herself knocked up

By a slick traveling salesman.

Mama was fit to be tied, yup,

Daddy dead, I needed a plan.

So I tracked down the groom to be,

Found out that Chauncey was his name.

Sis'  gonna be the death of me.

But Chauncey understood my aim.

I walked little Sis down the aisle.

She looked so pure in that white dress.

Gave her to Chauncey with a smile,

And he knew I meant bizness, yes.

Bride and groom got their wedding done.

I even gave them my shotgun.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Surest Saint

It has been said that a saint be

In time and place that I might find

Someone who's acting decently,

Which is a judgement of my mind.

I'm sure there must be sinners who

Act decently from time to time.

I hear indecency they do

When they're convicted of some crime.

Of course religions tell me of

Bunches of saints deemed so by church.

I think all humans hate and love,

But each one's mind I'd have to search.

A Saint Bernard was last saint met,

Who's loving lick left my face wet.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Words of God

From birth, the words of God we learn,

Reported in books people wrote.

From these writings, people in turn

Tell us which words to take of note.

The words of God have been used to

Be ways and means that people use

To justify deeds people do,

Sometimes in truth, sometimes in ruse.

Some of the people claim to hear

The words of God spoken direct,

And in a voice to make it clear

That heed these words, God does expect.

We hope in death that we will know

Whether the words of God be so.

Sense Sonnet - Acher


She was brought to the tribal chief,

Accused of being in the wrong,

Going against tribal belief,

Punishment needed to be strong,

As an example to the young

That old traditions were the way,

Never to be questioned by tongue.

For good of tribe, all must obey.

The tribal chief did order that

The young girl must be put to death,

Dragged through the tribal habitat,

Until there be no more life breath.

Tribal chief now without all his pomp,

Father placing daughter in the swamp.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Back Together

Her Mother died when young she be,

And then her Father did die too.

With a wicked stepmother, she

Was forced into a mean life, true.

But then one night her Prince did come.

She married him and they did live

As a very in love twosome.

Oft of her parents, thoughts she'd give,

Of how they'd been buried apart.

She wanted them to rest as one.

The Prince knew that this broke her heart,

And he ordered a move be made.

And Princess Cinderella cried,

Mother and Father, side by side.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Pallas Cat

A Pallas cat, I got my name

From some human zoologist.

Humans tend to be too big game,

Juicy rodents, I can't resist.

Asian high mountains I call home.

House cat size, a loner I be,

Stay in my den when not a roam.

A gray brown fur ball, that is me.

I have two very small ears that

Let me hear those rodents around.

But in my quite cold habitat,

My ears don't get frost bitten bound.

Humans call me from face of mine,

The grumpiest looking feline.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Men at "Work"

It's a typical weekend day.

My fixer upper men have strung

All their "projects" in the driveway.

But wife and mom does hold her tongue.

Early to the grocery store,

I know that when I did drive back

Home, I'd find that my macho corps

Would be on mass fix it attack.

Ev'ry weekend, same ol', same ol',

A smorgasbord of gadgets mixed.

My guys assure all's worthy goal.

Nothing ever seems to get fixed.

It's a weekend phenomenon,

Parking the car on the front lawn.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Day Lily

I am called day lily by name,

Because each flower lasts one day.

But this plant has long term life aim,

Perennially I display,

Usually in a clump of

Others like me who've taken root

To send forth bright flowers above,

For a one time daily pursuit.

Each of my flowers open up

In early morn and gone by night,

Replaced by another bloom, yup,

To continue daily delight.

Though called a day lily a lot,

Experts say a lily I'm not.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Colors of My Life

What are the colors of my life?

Rainbow colors are favs of mine,

To have with me through joy and strife.

A rainbow makes me feel just fine.

I feel so sorry for those blind

Who cannot see the colors of

The rainbow that I'm graced to find,

If I'm willing to look above.

And so I need keep gratitude

For seeing colors more not less.

Let others see me color hued

As a good and kind person, yes!

I hope whatever colors be,

Cloak me useful, joyous and free.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Dark's Nightmare

The dark does seek a time and place

That dark does think it has control,

Knowing that few do like to face

Seeking out the dark as a goal.

But when those few do come dark's way,

The dark is well suited to scare

Those few by finding games to play,

So the few won't want to stay there.

But often then a few of the few

Who will not leave the dark so that

The dark decides it will make do,

Long as it stays dark habitat.

Just when the dark does think all's right,

Is when along does come the light.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Savant for a Day

When I was ten, playing baseball,

A ball struck left side of my head.

I had no memory at all.

My family were filled with dread.

The doctors said I needed rest,

And hopefully my head would heal.

But nobody sure could have guessed

Something happened to me unreal.

When I got home, I went right to

Mom's piano, score after score

Of classic pieces I did do.

Never played piano before.

It all lasted for just a day.

Whatever happened went away.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


The Republic of Malawi,

Friendliness of its people why

"The Warm Heart of Africa" be

A good nickname that does apply.

The national flag does display

Three equal stripes, black, red and green.

Black for African people way,

Red for martyred shed blood to mean

That freedom requires sacrifice,

And green for nature's wondrous gift.

These stripes do symbolize in thrice,

Malawi people to uplift.

Superimposed, a rising sun,

The dawn of hope for all and one.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Eligible Lenny - LP Zoo

I'm Lenny the lemur and do

Like watching visitors watch me

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

A male or female do I be?

First of all I'm a crowned lemur.

The crown atop my head is black,

Which does mean I'm a he for sure.

A gray crown, the female does pack.

I'm currently a single guy,

And hope my keepers keep in mind

I'd like companionship, so I

Have fingers crossed, a mate they'll find.

I'm in the Primate House, south end,

Some quality time we can spend.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


The word, hydration, does mean to

Take water from the outside in,

Which the human body needs do

To work well again and again.

So children at an early age 

Should be taught that each child should think

Of making sure that each engage

In getting some water to drink.

If it's hot humid weather or

A child is moving actively,

The child should drink some water more.

Well hydrated, each child should be.

Mostly water a body is,

So each should mind hydration biz.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Love of Hera

Hera of Greek mythology

On Mt. Olympus, goddess queen.

Her fav'rite was the apple tree,

And planted in the high cloud scene,

Her apple tree to grow on high,

To grace in blossom and in fruit,

For birds to visit in the sky,

And then take seeds in winged pursuit,

Enticing mere mortals below

To worship Hera high above,

As many apple trees would grow,

Reminding, Hera thrived on love.

Hera's apple tree blossoms brought

Mere mortal love of which she sought.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Devil Down for the Two Count

"Devil went down to Georgia" and

With young Johnny did make a bet,

Song sang by Charlie Daniels Band,

Young Johnny fiddled to all get,

And got the devil to back down,

A loser in this fiddlin' game,

And had to head back to hell town.

The next chance for the devil came

When years later old Johnny died.

Back to Georgia, devil with goal

To take Johnny to the dark side.

But angels grabbed old Johnny's soul.

In heaven, Johnny's fiddlin' strong.

Even God is hummin' along.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Unexpected - LP Zoo

This lion cub's gotten used to

Going up high in the rocks that,

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

Is not public seen habitat.

And so imagine my surprise

That way up there as I did pass,

I saw this human shape and size

Looking at me through the glass.

I ran down and asked Mom about

This way dif'rent phenomenon.

I figured Mom would know no doubt.

And, yes, Mom told me what went on.

Oft repairs need to be made high up.

So humans get to climb too, yup.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 No Silver Lining

The Wizard of Oz Tin Man sought

That he might be given a heart.

He yearned to find true love a lot.

Being heartless kept him apart.

And then at tale's end Tin Man found

That he'd had a heart all along.

In search of true love he was bound.

But she turned out to be Miss Wrong.

Silver digging was her true aim.

She thought the Tin Man would be rich,

Because of his movie star fame.

She used her flirt charm to bewitch.

No true love did the Tin Man find,

Because he wasn't silver lined.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Fight the Bite

Porphyria, a blood disease,

Causing light sensitivity,

Bad gums and pale skin like white cheese,

Is deemed a vampire malady.

Sometime. somewhere a vampire did

Come across my ancestor kind.

That vampire ran away and hid.

Folks saw that and kept that in mind.

And so today I still do hang

With folks, the message to be sent

To you who have a blood thirst fang,

You won't like my sulfur content.

Warding off vampires is my aim,

And veggie garlic is my name.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Mostly True Past Love

He wrote and sang "Same Old Lang Syne,"

About a high school girlfriend he

Met years later and she looked fine.

On a Christmas Eve he and she

Met in a store, a chance surprise.

He sang of sharing a six pack,

While looking into her blue eyes.

They sat in her car looking back

At high school days of that and this,

And came that time no longer they.

Then she gave him a goodbye kiss,

And wished him well and drove away.

When he died, she said all was true,

Except her eyes are green not blue.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Bye Bye Boris

We Conservatives took a chance

In twenty nineteen and put you,

Boris, with your flaired song and dance,

As the prime minister to do

Promised successful Brexit from

The EU, and you managed that.

But then you became less welcome

In the 10 Downing  habitat.

You got us stuck in Partygate.

We felt like pulling out your hair.

You became a burden too great.

We need a break from all your flair.

So we tell you, "Get lost Boris."

You're no longer useful for us.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Obsidian Legend

Aztec nocturnal god of sky,

Tezcatlipoca, future saw.

Mirror of Obsidian was why

Visions from the mirror were the law.

Then Aztecs shunned this mirror of stone

To follow other gods, and leave

Tezcatlipoca all alone,

Causing god of night sky to grieve.

The rain did fall, the god did cry.

When Spaniards descended upon

Aztecs, they looked to the night sky,

But Tezcatlipoca was gone.

For contempt of Obsidian,

Aztecs into oblivion.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 "The Beast of Burden"

"The Beast of Burden" be a song

Created by Stones, Keith and Mick,

Who say most fans got it all wrong

On how and why it made the pick.

The song was collaboration

When drug abuse burdened the band,

And lots of beastly stuff was done.

But fans just need to understand

This song was ballad of the soul

For any and all ladies' luck.

Mick and Keith sang of the good

To light the dark and get unstuck.

Come back from beast of burden is

Proven by Stones, still top show biz.

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Throughout my conscious day I find

Many intruders, unwelcome,

Force their trespass into my mind,

And very hard to escape from,

Once they've taken up residence,

Making themselves think right at home,

That make me feel in present tense,

As past and future thoughts just roam.

I want their thoughts to leave, but they

Just ignore me and stick around,

Bully me through my conscious day,

And often cause my head to pound.

The rendezvous I long to keep

With oblivion in my sleep.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Lamb Chop

From an old sock I turned into

A hand puppet, Lamb Chop, by name.

My friend, Shari, and I would do

Performances that brought us fame.

The two of us would oft appear

On T.V. shows to bring delight,

To fill up children with good cheer.

A lot of lives were made more bright.

We were a true team, side by side.

An illness struck Shari, my friend.

There came that sad day, Shari died.

The two of us came to an end.

I feel that hand of love no more,

Just cast away in some dark drawer.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Spousal Abuse

My Wifey left on vacation,

And left for me a rhubarb chore.

Wifey likes having mean fun,

And have it with me all the more.

Her mother wants to make syrup

From rhubarb stems grown here at home.

I have to harvest them, sure, yup,

While Wifey's away on the roam,

And take to her mother's so that

The rhubarb in a pot be stewed

At the old witch's habitat.

I admit a bad attitude.

Sure not a trip looked forward to -

Mommy-in-law barbs I will rue.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 The Ride

In '31,  Bonnie met Clyde.

They liked each other and said he

"C'mon girlfriend, let's take a ride."

And the two rode on a crime spree

Through Midwest robbing banks and stores,

Killing anyone in their way,

Each playing bad and keeping scores.

Rode on the run through night and day,

Causing law enforcement great ire,

Riding the roads to the next thrill.

The couple rode into gunfire,

They'd both been targeted for kill.

Both in their car in '34,

Bonnie and Clyde did ride no more.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Pascal's Wager

God either exists or does not.

If not, then humans might as well

Feel free to live in sin a lot.

If no heaven, should be no hell.

In the 1600's, a guy,

Blaise Pascal, said we each bet

Our souls on a truth or lie.

If God is, God will not forget,

So better live as if God is.

Avoid the sin and do what's right.

Then come that time, death does its biz,

The good soul will cash in delight.

Pascal did live as if God be.

His gamble paid off hopefully.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 World Chimpanzee Day '22 - LP Zoo

July 14th in ev'ry year

Celebrates World Chimpanzee Day,

A time for chimpanzees to cheer

That they have not been killed away

By humans doing this and that,

Causing deaths of chimpanzees with

Hunting and loss of habitat.

Extinction threat is more than myth.

Doing more conservation be

What humans can do to help save

The future for the chimpanzee,

To be more hopeful and less grave.

Chimpanzees can connect to you

Here at home in Lincoln park Zoo.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Time for Church

The Sunday sermon's going on,

The congregation listens to

This once a week phenomenon

Of doing good that all should do

The preacher's preaching Bible verse

Of time and place so long ago,

Of how today sin's gotten worse.

And God is not pleased, doncha know!

As if to prove the preacher's point,

Outside the heavens do cloud up,

Dark shadows o'er the belfried joint.

Church time to close with a hymn - yup!

On Sunday, pious pomp in pride,

Of course the devil waits outside.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Phil 'Fesses Up

"In the Air Tonight," a song by

Phil Collins, sang that he would not

Lend a hand to a drowning "guy."

An urban legend spread a lot -

For past wrong, Collins hated him,

Or maybe Collins would have tried,

But maybe Collins could not swim.

Collins said all of these tales lied.

But he did like the mystery

Of what his song was all about.

So for a very long time he

Just left ev'rybody in doubt.

Later the truth came out of course,

Collins sang blues 'bout his divorce.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Sunflower Elegy

Together the sunflowers bloomed,

Enjoying the sun overhead,

Not knowing that they soon were doomed,

Their lives cut short to end up dead.

A large form was coming toward them,

Carrying a vase and shears that

Be ways and means that would condemn

Them to a fatal habitat.

One by one each sunflower be

Snipped off and placed into the vase

In an arrangement handily,

Not all of them the sun to face.

When sunflower cutting is done,

They're allowed to die in the sun.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 A Laid Back Gal - LP Zoo

White cheeked gibbon, Burma, I do

Like to hang out my white cheeks o'er,

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

The edge of my hammock just for

The chance to tilt my head way back

And watch what's up there in the sky.

Some relax time, I have the knack,

Don't want to let this chance go by,

And I do scrunch back and forth so

My hammock starts to gently swing,

Making above clouds faster go.

I feel the bliss to do my thing.

Soon company will join my sway.

Buddy Murray is on his way.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Vice or Virtue

When an artist decides to do

A work of art, the artist be

Torn 'twixt and 'tween vice and virtue.

Which is most motivatingly

In control of the artist's mind

And heart and soul to take to hand

The work of art to be designed,

The outcome the artist has planned?

Virtue and vice, each make their case

To persuade the artist which way

To create in this time and place.

Will vice or will virtue display?

Vice and virtue always compete.

Which one will make the art complete?

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Killer Plant

Venus flytrap, humans call me.

I am not like most other plants.

A bug consumer I do be,

Take advantage of any chance

When a bug does happen to land

On me thinking nectar I've got.

Quickly the bug does understand

That in my trap hairs, it's now caught.

I then release my enzymes to

Coat the bug, nature does the rest,

And does not take much time to do

Bug breakdown for me to digest.

Some bugs are buzzing 'round - oh yes,

I hope some of them are clueless.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Unnamed Horse

"A Horse With No Name" came out in

1971 and I

Figured the name was heroin,

"Horse," a slang that this drug went by.

Plus, sometimes in that desert ride,

A name could have been given to

That horse to give another side

That H and horse were not same two.

Radio stations would not play

The song because of H connect.

I bought the single anyway.

The tune for me was the object.

"America" says no drug tweak,

From the horse's mouth, so to speak.

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Built by the French, named the Bastille,

I became the main prison that

Was the fav way French kings did deal

With foes, using my habitat

As place, out of sight, out of mind.

But in seventeen eighty nine

On July 14th, I did find

The storming of the walls of mine

By French revolutionists who

Were calling for behead the king.

That's exactly what they did do,

And I became a symbol thing.

I was not long for Paris town.

Revolutionists tore me down.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Eve of Salvation

The Bible tells us Eve did be

First woman brought upon the Earth.

Then we are told Adam and she

Failed to attain God's hoped for worth.

And for all of the time since then,

Women have let men take the lead

To keep living lives filled with sin.

God must be frustrated indeed.

God should give Eve another chance

To take the lead for humankind,

And bring about the circumstance

Of the good world God had in mind.

A sequel to the Bible could

Tell of how Eve led us to good.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Cold Blooded Breakup

Mr. and Mrs. Lizard got

Together for a family.

So many times they tried a lot,

But no offspring springing did be.

More and more they filled with despair.

Their scales of begat were no good.

They became an unhappy pair,

Shunned by the rest of lizardhood.

At last they had to admit, yup,

Being him and her sexes

Was not enough - had to break up,

And turn into Lizard exes.

The Lizards had family none,

Due to a reptile dysfunction.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Dynamic Duo

The powers of hate and fear be

More than merely alive and well.

They thrive through all of history,

And have made Earth a living hell.

From birth each of us quickly learn

That hate and fear are all around,

Seeking each of us out to burn

Each of our souls to be bound,

To be a slave of masters of

Conformity of humankind,

To nicely talk the talk of love

While fear and hate control the mind.

To live where hate and fear abide,

To conform is to die inside.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Head Bump - LP Zoo

Pilipili, lion cub who

Wants to go head to head with Dad

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

Not for any reason that's bad,

But just to get a closer peek

At how big Dad's head really is.

Cuz Pilipili hopes to seek

To mind his own head growing biz.

Son notes that so big be Dad's head,

Big as Pilipili himself,

And Dad's massive mane does spread

Across most of the rocky shelf.

Dad does give his son the heads up,

Pilipili's head will grow, yup.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


We are the shells that wash ashore.

From all the seven seas we come.

We're empty now but once held more

Of live sea creatures to and from

Their time and place, each one to be

An example of nature's worth,

Part of food chain reality

Down beneath the watery Earth

Where the sea creature life falls prey

To predator, leaving we shell.

With the sea tides we tend to stray,

Until upon some shore we dwell.

We are the shells of lives now gone,

Like the bones that humans were on.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Howard Carter

Howard Carter gets credit for

Discovering King Tut's tomb at

Valley of the Kings in dig chore,

Unearthing final habitat

Of this young Pharaoh from long past.

1922 was the year

After much searching at long last,

Carter had good reason to cheer.

Apparently a water boy

Happened to stumble on a stone,

Setting in motion search of joy

Of finding best intact tomb known.

Carter stole items, it is said,

Tut Tut for robbing from the dead.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Changing Therapists

Under my bed the monsters be,

A phobia I've had for years,

Spent a fortune on therapy

But never been cured of these fears.

After leaving my therapist,

Upon a park bench did sit I.

My monster fears still did persist.

Next to me sat a homeless guy.

I found myself telling him 'bout

Monsters under my bed did stay.

I was so desperate no doubt.

The homeless guy to me did say,

"Forget the therapy, instead,"

"Just saw the legs off of your bed."

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Grain Strain

The French toast army's been called up.

I am not one to loaf around.

So I have gotten ready, yup,

The fierce look of me does astound.

Across the Channel in attack

Come crumby English muffins who

Do sail toward France, eight in a pack.

We knead make sure they don't get through.

The plan is to jam them up some.

So stuck in Channel mouth they be.

To make matters worse, there does come

Luftwaffle force from Germany.

I'm a soldier and armed hard core.

It's a continental breakfast war.

Sense Sonnet - Acher


There is a keyhole I peek out

To see what's going on outside.

Whatever I see, I have doubt

That it is anything good I'd

Be bettered by, so better that

I stay inside all safe and sound

Within my mental habitat.

There is no key that I have found

To open up my mind to more.

I am content to just remain

Hidden behind my mind's closed door,

To open up might just cause pain.

There is no key I want to find

To fit the keyhole of my mind.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Giggles for the Gods

Sunna, Nordic goddess of sun,

And Luna, Greek goddess of moon

Decided that it would be fun

To play tricks on mortals strewn

With such superstitious excite.

So Sunna went on holiday,

Leaving Luna the only light.

Humans acted in nutsy way,

Doing all sorts of crazy stuff,

Their simple lives under attack.

Moonlight alone was not enough.

Finally Sunna did come back.

As humans found relief from woe,

Sunna and Luna giggled so.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 In Self De"fin"se

When were young we got taught well

By Mama teaching us to stay

Away from haunts where you might dwell.

A predator after us prey,

In the weeds you like to lie low,

And ambush each of us alone.

So always together we go

If your presence is in we zone.

And when we angrily do sense

Yourself of ugly, fishy sleaze.

We can use our self de"fin"se,

And chase you through the seven seas.

We porpoise pod with purpose do

Take down barracuda like you.

Monday, July 25, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


Yoarashi Okinu, her name,

From a very poor family,

So a geisha girl she became.

And then a mistress she did be

To Kobayashi Kinpei who

Was a rich but violent man.

She met Arashi Ribaku.

These two lovers conceived a plan

To poison Kinpei which was done.

Ribaku got three years in jail,

But Yoarashi was deemed the one

More guilty as a mere female.

1872 came time,

She was beheaded for her crime.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Nisha - LP Zoo

I am Nisha, red panda, who

Has come to be a resident

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

I expect to be quite content.

Three year old Xiaobo does be

A maybe match of him and her.

He needs someone older like me.

A five year old, I'm more mature.

I hear visitors complain that

Red panda's sighting's hard to score

In our outside habitat.

I'll try to coax us both out more.

Outside or inside, as a pair

Will there be romance in the air?

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 The Story of the Sparrow

The sparrow in winter did fly,

Leaving the safety of its nest.

Into snow it fell from the sky,

Buried in ice cold be a test.

A cow walked over this bird's spot,

And on that place did drop some dung,

Warming to melt the snow a lot.

The sparrow was saved, its joy was sung.

The song was heard by a cat who

Came by and saw the sparrow, yup.

Being a cat what did it do?

Of course it ate the sparrow up.

Whether you meet a foe or friend,

Each can assist you to your end.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 National Chocolate with Almonds Day

Ev'ry day's a National Day,

And July 8th happens to be

For chocolate with almonds - yay!

Any excuse to eat for me.

So to the store I go in haste,

But no candy bars on the shelves,

For the moment deprived this taste

Others be hoarding for themselves.

I go online and order this,

A favorite munchie of mine,

Same day delivery - oh bliss!

Chocolate with almonds - divine!

I have a hunch that Hershey might

Be behind this Day of Delight.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Avenue of the Baobabs

Avenue of the Baobabs,

A site of few remaining trees

Due to the deforesting jobs

On Madagascar forestries.

Not long ago forests had thrived,

But the island's powers that be

Cut down and very few survived,

For better life supposedly.

The few baobabs that still stand

Will hopefully be symbols for

People to better understand

Life is better when trees are more.

The baobabs reach to the sky

As if to ask Mom Nature - why?

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Rainbow Splash

It is raining quite hard outside.

I must walk out in wet and cold.

My only cover that's supplied

Is an umbrella worn and old.

So I grab it and out I go.

The sheets of rain are beating down,

Thunder in booms, lightning in glow.

I hurry in my walk to town.

But as I'm 'bout halfway there,

Lessening of storm starts to show,

And then no more rain's in the air.

And Mom Nature sends her rainbow.

My wet umbrella does turn from 

Black gloomy to rainbow welcome.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


In California he grew up,

A fan of Joe Montana he

Watched the 49ers team, yup,

A football player he would be.

Went to University of

Michigan and played well enough.

Quarterbacking was his great love,

But pros weren't impressed with his stuff.

NFL Draft 2000 year,

At last was picked in the 6th round,

One hundred and ninety ninth pick here,

And New England Patriots bound.

As a football career prologue,

Tom Brady was an underdog.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Spinning the Wheel

Five o'clock in the morning and

I'm alone, you haven't come home.

I wish that I could understand

Why you are always on the roam,

Gambling on finding someone who

You'd rather love than loving me.

And you know how much I love you,

So home here is where you should be.

Why is love just a game you play,

Causing me pain with no regret,

Leaving me hoping that someday

I will luck out in your roulette?

Spinning the game of love you spin,

One of these spins I've gotta win.

Friday, July 22, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Red Vine

The Bible tells of Eve who picked

Forbidden fruit from knowledge tree,

Caused Adam and Eve to be kicked

Right out of Eden sinfully.

Of course this filled the devil with

A lot of glee to get the chance

To evil any goodness myth.

So the devil sent to entrance

The silly humans, a red vine

With lots of hanging fruit to lure

All souls in devilish design

To pick to go to hell for sure.

The devil's red vine's in pursuit

Of any soul to pick its fruit.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 World War III

Since the ending of World War II,

Now friend are foe and foe are friend.

Red buttons will be pushed to do

Bringing World War III to an end.

The powers that be 'round the world

Will play the game for power worth.

The time will come, nukes will be hurled,

And burn away most of the Earth.

A few of the powerful will

Escape to haven underground,

May even have been foe until

They forced themselves survival bound.

Antarctica will be the place

For what's left of the human race.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Herbie, the love bug, lovin' on,

A metal heavy movie star,

Folksy Volksy phenomenon,

All in all I'm an awesome car.

Semi retired the last few years,

I've been trav'lin' the U.S.A.,

Takin' it easy shiftin' gears,

Headin' westward, makin' my way

Cross country from east to west coast,

Pickin' up hitchers, lad or lass.

Of course I like the lasses most.

I can't believe the cost of gas.

Another movie will I make?

Headin' there for Hollywood's sake.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 We Lost By George

King George the Third was branded by

Freedom seekers as a royal brute.

They felt he charged taxes too high,

So went in rebellious pursuit.

The Revolutionary War

Annoyed the King, but France and Spain

Irritated him much much more.

At last to relieve his stress pain,

He gave the colonists their way,

And blamed it all on bad luck fates.

"America is lost," he'd say,

Accepting the United States.

But lots of resentment George had.

From his mania, he went mad.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Annie's Ghost

Legend be white witch of Rose Hall,

Annie Palmer with lovely smile,

Murdered her husbands, one and all,

At her home on Jamaica Isle.

No doubt an eye for men she had,

Including her plantation slaves.

When done with each she did do bad,

Sending them off to swampy graves.

It's said that one such slave, Taboo,

Did not abide by Annie's taunt,

And choked her till her face went blue.

Rose Hall, Annie's ghost still does haunt.

He sang of Annie's ghost for sure,

Johnny Cash was bewitched by her.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Dinner for Two

Two frogs having pre dinner drinks,

Sitting in front of the fireplace.

One frog to other says, "Methinks"

"That as a chef you be an ace."

The other frog replies, "Oh, my,"

"Such nice words, but let's hope you'll be"

"Feeling that same way by and by,"

"After you have been fed by me."

The two frogs continue to chat,

Enjoying conversation there,

Being in cozy habitat,

As delicious scents fill the air.

Aromas of the deviled eggs

And the sauteeing humans' legs.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Lower Cox Brook Covered Bridge

Calendar was hung on the fridge,

Year of 1974,

The Lower Cox Brook Covered Bridge

Was pictured, and that year did score

National Register Listing

As a U.S. historic place.

For Northfield, Vermont a big thing

That such destination would now grace

This rural village community.

Built in 1872,

And in a Queen post truss design,

A 57 foot trip through,

Under tin roof where sun don't shine.

For this covered bridge, a good year.

Folks came to cross from far and near.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Buttercup "Eggs"plant On - LP Zoo

Canada lynx, Buttercup, knew

This round ball called an eggplant be,

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

A sensational thing that she

Could use all of her senses for.

At first she saw this item that

She then sniffed over it galore,

Then rolled it 'round her habitat,

Hearing it rock and roll in haste,

And finally did give a bite,

But really did not like the taste,

All in all a sense of delight.

All five senses of Buttercup

Were used upon this eggplant, yup!

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Delectable Collectible

My ancestor, a dragon, be

Slayed by St. George by lucky chance.

So anyone named George to me

Is a prime target circumstance.

I grab the George and chew him up

Till only skeleton remains,

And put that in a closet, yup.

My hobby's collecting George slains,

Many a George, over the years,

Has fallen prey to my pursuit,

And in my collection appears.

I've got five thousand, last compute.

So if you go by George by name,

I will collect your bones in aim.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Dress the Part

Batman and newest Robin dressed

In their costumes to go fight crime.

A concern new Robin expressed.

While Batman donned dark all the time,

Robin's costume was colored bright,

And 'twixt and 'tween did sure stand out.

Explanation from the dark knight,

Batman needed cover no doubt,

And Robin was an acrobat,

And could maneuver all around,

While the baddies were shooting at.

Meanwhile, Batman stayed safe and sound.

"The other Robins knew dress goals,"

"And never complained, rest their souls."

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Wish Upon a Star

The sun did undergo a change.

Its ultraviolet rays became

Intensified in shining strange.

Life benefits were not the same.

Higher the temperatures did turn.

Plants and animals sought relief.

More and more things began to burn.

The sun was now a source of grief.

Science knew of nothing to do.

Wishing was all that could be done.

If wish upon a star be true,

The closest star would be the sun.

I wish the ceasing of Earth char,

And so I wish upon a star.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Dragatha is a dragon who

Likes to dress up when she goes out,

Varied in pattern and in hue.

She's bold and beautiful no doubt,

Often seen flying through the air,

A moving rainbow shining bright,

Causing all on the ground to stare,

And videoing this awesome sight.

Sometimes in whimsied circumstance,

Dragatha hovers in the sky,

And performs a "check this out" dance,

Accessorized for flying high.

Dragatha, flying wings unfurled

Takes command of the fashion world.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Depp Step

Johnny Depp came on small screen scene

In series 21 Jump Street,

When he did look the sexy teen

On the undercover cop beat.

This was a spark to his career,

Though he did belittle the role.

T.V.'s shallowness gave him fear

He'd fail in his Brandoesque goal.

For four seasons he stuck it out,

Then was released from his contract.

This was relief to him no doubt,

Cuz now he could go really act.

Johnny jumped this first T.V. gig,

And off to movies, hitting big.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 First July 4th Parade

The first 4th of July parade,

Bristol, Rhode Island makes the claim,

1785 displayed

In the town's patriotic aim.

Soldier, fireman and pretty girl,

All marching proudly down the street,

Lots of Stars and Stripes to unfurl,

All of the townspeople did greet.

Prob'ly a music band or two,

Maybe a few floats colored bright,

Celebrating Red, White and Blue,

Surely an awesome sound and sight.

From that first parade to now, yup,

Lots of politicians show up.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Going Steady - LP Zoo

Annie here, pygmy hippo who

Is diving for some fresh browse that,

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

Keepers put in my habitat.

Yes, I need to keep my strength up,

Being wooed by Pogo, boyfriend,

Who's trying to wear me down, yup.

He is a charmer to no end.

But I'm taking my time to be

Sure that Pogo is Mr. Right.

Just wish he'd stop pestering me

Over and over, day and night.

Time will tell as thickens the plot,

Will I become a Mom or not?

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Entreats of Keat's

"Beauty is truth, truth beauty ..." be

A line that poet, John Keats, wrote

In "Ode to a Grecian Urn" plea

That is all we Earthlings need note,

That timeless art like an old urn

Transcends our mere mortal lives.

It matters not what we might yearn,

Cuz only true beauty survives.

What John Keats may have felt is fine,

But ugliness and lies are more

Immediate concerns of mine,

Filling up Grecian urns galore.

"Truth and beauty" often misguide,

So take a real close look inside.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


If you learn to lie with a smile,

And do so in a sincere way,

And knowing the truth all the while

Is really not what you should say.

If you have secrets but can keep

The nasty ones from being told,

But if revealed from a throat deep,

Revenge is a dish best served cold.

If you can fool most of the time,

Blaming others for wrongs you do,

And not get caught for any crime,

Clout and money will come to you.

If you take this advice and run,

Then you'll be a politician.

Monday, July 18, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 On the Devil's Payroll

The devil needs lots of help to

Make and spread evil 'round the Earth.

And so the devil likes to do

Focusing to get evil's worth

All government bureaucracies,

The devil finds are ripe for sin,

And does infiltrate with such ease,

Souls and minds so easy to win.

The most clandestine be the best.

So many secrets spies have got,

Most powerful are in the West.

Langley, Virginia, a fav spot.

The devil will and finds the way,

Using the U.S. C.I.A.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Proud Mama

A proud Mama, sea otter, I

Am showing off my newest born,

Latest of many of all my

Children in wet proof fur coats worn.

Because in water we do live,

My young one's fur I'll lick and fluff.

Lots of child grooming I do give.

Just one of many Mama stuff.

Swimming and diving lessons soon

I will be teaching my young one,

And underwater we'll commune

For finding food and having fun.

An awesome Mama I do be,

Into pup raising otterly.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 First Time Making Out

Can't remember exactly when

Kissing became more positive.

As a young kid, made faces then,

As kisses Mom and Dad would give.

Saw lots of kisses on T.V.

And in the movies lips did lock.

There came that day when kissing be

Something appealing to me - shock!

But who would I make out with first?

Made lists of folks who came to mind.

But what if I kissed awful worst?

So a practice plan I designed.

The first time that I did make out

Was on the bathroom mirror, no doubt.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 The Seabirds

There lives off Florida's coastline

Masses of algae called red tide.

The seabirds like them as food fine.

Suddenly, reports that statewide,

People are being attacked by

The seabirds in horrific way,

Causing some folks to even die.

Humans have become seabird prey.

Scientists tested the algae,

And found that it had changed into

A new strain of toxicity,

Making the seabirds go cuckoo.

The state of Florida's on alert.

Seabirds are of the mind to hurt.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 The Reddening Air

The full moon's risen in the night.

But in the haziness of air

The moon does not appear as bright.

There is cloudiness to beware,

Caused by a force through land and sky

That's natural or human made.

Right now the cause is unknown why.

But nearby creatures be afraid.

It is a hellish atmosphere,

And quickly filling up in smoke,

The creatures fleeing in their fear.

Some breathe their last in final choke.

A blood tinged red the moon does turn,

As through forest, the fire does burn.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Good Friends

Easter Bunny and Santa Claus

Have been good friends for oh so long.

They will help each other because

Their good friendship is very strong.

When there is an emergency

For one, the other in that case

Will step in as necessary,

And take the other good friend's place.

Easter Bunny may drive the sleigh,

Santa may bring egg baskets for

All the children sleeping away,

Good friends helping each other more.

You will help me, I will help you

Because that's what good friends will do.

Sense Sonnet - Acher


I had to say goodbye today

To Rusty, my red Labrador,

Hardest decision that did weigh

So heavy, I never hurt more.

But the cancer was spreading fast

In Rusty, though he tried to show

Me love that would forever last.

Down deep both he and I did know

That he would need to leave my side.

Doc came and gave Rusty a shot.

I held him close as Rusty died.

All I could do was cry a lot.

Wherever I happen to be,

There is Rusty still beside me.

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Donkey's Best Friend

A donkey took off from the farm,

And went to town where he did meet

A man who did not show alarm,

And took the donkey down the street

To the police station, and told

To take the donkey to the zoo,

Because the donkey did look old,

And would be the best thing to do.

Next day one of the cops did see

The man and donkey walking by,

And asked the man why this did be.

To the cop the man did reply,

"Yes to the zoo we both did go,"

"Now we're off to a picture show."

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 To Cloud the Issue

Helios, Greek god of the sun

Drove his chariot 'cross the sky,

Oft a proud and arrogant one.

A fiery force and never shy,

So often Helios would irk

Zeus, god who ruled the heavens all

And thought sunny a piece of work,

A daily show off yellow ball.

But Zeus admitted Helios

Was too vital to get rid of,

And that would just cause lots of fuss.

Zeus let it go and stayed above.

When Helios became too proud,

Zeus would cover him with a cloud.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 This Music Box

Our first anniversary

We listened to the music of

This music box you gave to me

"Anniversary Song" of love.

We danced together arm in arm,

Listened to this music box play

The notes that be a good luck charm

For us together always stay.

The years went by, each dusk, each dawn,

We loved together day and night.

This, our music box played on,

Ever bringing us pure delight.

This music box with our song,

Here at your grave I brought along.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 The Second Gunman?

I still am curious about

Whether a second gunman shot

John F, Kennedy, there's still doubt.

If such a gunman had been caught

What would be in that person's mind

To kill the U.S. President?

What motivation would we find?

Would evilness be evident?

Did he or she have family?

If so, did they know of this deed?

Were there ties politically?

Or just pent up anger and greed?

Who really ordered J.F.K.

Be shot and killed that fateful day?

Friday, July 15, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Ripped Apart

We did meet in a factory.

I was happy, I won't pretend.

The hunk took a clinging to me,

And I protected my new friend.

Together on a trip we went.

My hunk was fragile so I tried

To be careful and not get bent

Out of shape by bothers outside.

We ended up on a store shelf,

And soon some hand did pick us up.

And then fingers ripped in myself.

Sadly, I was left hunkless, yup.

That hand grabbed chocolate today.

I, the wrapper, got tossed away.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Wrapper Arounder - LP Zoo

A Virgin Island boa, I

Do really love to rap, I do.

It's just in my nature is why,

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

I am a gal who likes to snake

'Round and 'round and 'round the tree limbs.

A lot of circles I do make,

Just based on momentary whims.

My scales go left, right, up and down,

As I do slither forth in ease,

In lovely patterned shades of brown,

Looking for something I can squeeze.

When I'm wrapping I never fail

To do a catch up with my tail.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


Made in China, Ubik sure is

A miraculous can of spray

That helps me minding my own biz

Of slowing down the age decay.

I follow a daily routine

Of stepping out of the shower

And spraying me all 'twixt and 'tween

In a fresh recharging power.

I do not question how or why

Ubik is working well for me.

I just demand and there's supply,

Whatever consequences be.

I can't find Ubik anymore,

The shelves are empty at the store!

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Top Dog

Tiny the Tough Guy is my name,

A Japanese Shiba Inu,

And gangsta rappin' is my game.

Huntin' for prey I love to do.

I am the leader of my pack,

And we go runnin' through the 'hood,

Spreadin' my vibe, I have the knack.

I am so bad and feel so good.

Very picky on my hygiene,

I like to groom myself a lot.

Next to my badness, keepin' clean

Is the best habit that I've got.

So I take off my gangsta stuff

And groom and rap while in the buff.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


In Greek mythology there dared

Be one Prometheus who chose

To defy all the gods and shared

Fire with humans, worst of no no's.

For the gods knew that humans would

Only use fire to pollute Earth,

Cuz humans were up to no good,

And having fire served godless worth.

Zeus ordered Prometheus to

Be bound forever to a stone,

And an eagle each day would chew

On him so that he might atone.

Prometheus, first to inspire

Humans to dare to play with fire.

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Where is it I have wronged, but still

Have not fallen from God's good grace?

I'm oft not in sync with God's will.

Heaven is such a far off place,

And so much easier I think

To think of life on Earth as hell.

So heaven, I am not in sync,

But in sin sync, cuz here I dwell.

Since here on Earth is where I live,

Being in sync with heaven - why?

From what I hear, God will forgive,

If I say sorry when I die.

It is a gamble that I take,

Deathbed sorry for heaven's sake.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Siku Responds - LP Zoo

I am male polar bear, Siku,

And hear that my napping on ice,

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

Caused some comments that were not nice.

Let me assure all humans that

Talini and I get best care

In outside/inside habitat,

And we're not like wild polar bear.

We both were born in the midwest.

Our bodies and minds adapt

To midwest hottest and coldest.

So humans, don't get overflapped.

If you've more questions, come on by,

And check out this well cared for guy.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Fine for Me

I grew up in a time and place,

And not a lot was known about

Some disorders that people face.

My parents cared but they had doubt

As to whether or not I could

Ever be cured of what I had.

I know their intentions were good.

They were just ignorant, not bad.

I was a lucky one in that

As I grew up I found the aid

To be fine with where I was at,

I'm happy with the life I made.

I still see the world differently,

But fine with how the world sees me.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Matter of Timing

Some religions say time had birth

When God decided God would be,

And  then decided to make Earth,

And time went B.C. and A. D.

Some scientists  say time began

With Big bang of the Universe,

And time with space just ever span.

Have faithers make show proofers curse.

Others say time has always been

And always will be evermore.

From my viewpoint time did begin

When Mom got drunk and Dad did score.

And from my viewpoint time will end

When six feet under I descend.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Industrial Gem

Across the blue sky, white lines made

A vision of a star sapphire,

A gem of heaven all arrayed

In shape and color to inspire.

It was a sight that filled my heart

With wonder in this time and place,

That I was chosen for this art

To share its beauty and its grace.

Of course I used my smart phone to

Capture this gifted memory.

My mind was telling me I knew

The how and why this art did be.

A lot of air traffic the why,

Jet planes criss crossing through the sky.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Double Duty

I have an annual blood drive,

And am a vampire careful that

I leave each victim much alive,

While sleeping in their habitat.

So once a year in dead of night,

I sweep the whole world in search of

New blood, but leave all in delight,

To wake next morning full of love.

I've done this now for centuries.

Nobody seems to have caught on.

Also grab cookies under trees,

And I am safely home at dawn.

My thirst for blood bums me because

It's added stress for Santa Claus.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Heart and Mind

When it comes to matters of heart,

The mind is often on defense,

And for a while does stay apart

To ponder if there is offense.

But the heart sends fresh blood to

The mind and mixes this within

More and more pressure to pursue

Taking the chance outside the skin.

And so the mind gives the heart some

Time and space for the follow up.

Should the heart's faith turn unwelcome,

The mind is quick to respond, yup!

When badly the trial run does go,

Mind tells heart, "See, I told you so."

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 July 4th

The U.S.A., this nation be

Founded upon independence

For all of its citizenry.

Lots of challenges happened since.

We the People go back and forth.

We disagree and We do fight,

Even war between south and north.

Then again We tried to unite.

But through it all, We show the worth

Of being free enough to know

We are the envy here on Earth,

And more success on this We'll show.

Time to celebrate U.S.A.

July 4th,  Independence Day.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 This Loving Home

We are a family at home,

A single mom with two offspring.

We spent the whole day on the roam,

Accepting what this day did bring.

The young ones are fast growing up,

Making mistakes and mom forgives.

We all need second chances, yup.

The more one learns the more one lives,

Given grace for a tomorrow

To be a loving family,

Whether joy or whether sorrow,

We will accept whatever be.

This mama bear and her cubs in

Good time and place in our den.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Look the Part

I am an orchid that by luck

My flowers petals are shaped to

Humans look like a flying duck.

More importantly, my looks do

Also look to a male sawfly

Like a female sawfly so that

When the male happens to fly by,

He thinks I'm a love habitat.

And when the fly lands on my "beak,"

My petals on him wrap around,

Push him to my pollen to seek,

Then let him go and off he's bound.

I need that fly to pollinate,

So glad I look a maybe mate.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


As darkness of night falls upon

The stand of trees there is concern

Of missing tree phenomenon.

Safety for all the trees do yearn.

The nearby lake does settle so

The trees  might see reflection of

Any of them that does not show.

The moon does rise and offer light,

So into the lake the trees see

That all of the trees are all right.

There's sounds of leaves in harmony.

Sighs of relief the trees do make,

And thank the help of moon and lake.

Monday, July 11, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Me Against Them

I told army of mine, "We fight."

I would not bear the thought that they

Would conquer me, so day and night

We would keep fighting night and day.

My army was well trained by me,

Though theirs be bigger, better armed.

My surrender would never be.

When told, my army seemed alarmed

That I would not give into them.

Fear in the eyes, army  of mine.

Such doubt in me, I did condemn.

I screamed that we must hold the line.

I screamed to all of mine, "Fight on,"

But saw that all of mine were gone.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Rainbow Bridge

The Rainbow Bridge does span above,

From a meadow to heaven's door.

It is a time and place of love,

Of past togethers to restore.

When pets do leave the mortal sphere,

They go up to the meadow where

They stay in bliss until appear

Their human owners coming there.

And pets and owners reunite,

And cross the Rainbow Bridge to be

Forever in heaven's delight,

A true happening hopefully.

The Rainbow Bridge, a lovely way

To think of us crossing some day.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Mother of Christ

When I was a young child I found

An old and small wooden statue.

It was just laying on the ground.

'Twas the Virgin Mary that true

Did seem to speak of hope to me.

I took that statue with me home,

And kept it through my life to be.

When into fear and doubt I'd roam,

A listener as I would pray,

Supportive as a Mother would,

Not just a statue on display,

But a belief in all that's good.

Mother Mary hears prayers of mine,

Then speaks to me of hope divine.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Catch Fire

When I tell you "catch fire" I mean

Be as ambitious as you want.

You recently turned age sixteen,

So let no doubt of future daunt

You from turning real any dream

That may come to mind, heart and soul.

Let any doubt you have just seem

A reassure to reach your goal.

For once inside the fire is lit,

There is no doubt that will last long.

Just use the doubt to recommit

To where you're headed, and go strong.

What you do want, then you can do,

And always I am proud of you.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 A Little Priest

When the little priest first showed up,

I had a bad vibe about him.

But I'm a good Catholic, yup,

So decided 'twas just a whim.

When my son became alter boy,

It did my mother's heart so proud,

And filled me with a grateful joy.

I told the little priest out loud

My thanks to him, picking my son.

Then later my son came to me.

I learned that a sin had been done

By that priest, a rapist was he.

That little priest, I made him die,

Then I baked him into a pie.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 New Earth

Protection of Earth's atmosphere

Gradually polluted away.

Sunlight became a source of fear

That there was coming a doomsday.

Increasing radiation heat,

And ev'rything began to burn.

The world's wealthiest and elite

Made their preparations to turn

To a ways and means to survive,

And relocated to safety,

While rest of life did burn alive.

The old Earth did no longer be.

From old to new Earth we were bound,

Few lives left to live underground.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Royal Nightmare

The little princess put boots on

And went for a stroll in the swamp.

And while walking she came upon

A frog with crown on hopping romp.

He told her he was her prince, so

Back to the palace they both went,

And into the court hall did go

To the king and queen to present.

But first they had a dialogue

That a kiss would make no change of

The fact the prince would stay a frog,

A small detail for two in love.

When the princess and frog were seen,

Jaw dropping from the king and queen.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Todays "A Clockwork Orange"

"A Clockwork Orange" did tell a tale

Of a criminal youth who got

A new therapy that did fail.

The Droog youth Alex was cured not.

That tale is set in future time

When government has sympathy

For the young thug committing crime.

The young thug just needs therapy.

The victims of the young thugs are

Left to do healing on their own.

It is a system quite bizarre,

But one that's getting better known.

"A Clockwork Orange" tales still be told,

As more shootings by youth unfold.

Saturday, July 09, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Loyal to My Lady

I am her fav'rite horse and so

My lovely lady picked me for

Her companion as we would go

Ride remembered forevermore.

Lady Godiva riding nude

On my back through the public square

To get hubby, that taxing dude,

To cut taxes and to tax fair.

All Coventry was told not to

Look at my Lady on her ride.

I made it my mission to do

Nothing that would injure her pride.

I felt the urge of nature's call,

But held it till back at my stall.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Stripes on the Move - LP Zoo

Plains zebras, Mike and Simon, do

See giraffe Etana outside

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

The brothers know, in past they've tried

To pester Etana, but she

Put an end to the pests real quick,

Positioning herself to be

Giving both their butts a swift kick.

So now when Etana's around,

It's very clear in black and white

That these two striped ones need be bound

Somewhere out of Etana's sight.

Etana eyes Simon and Mike 

And grins as they in haste do hike.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


I am a cat, now homeless, so

To a cat shelter I was brought.

It's not too bad here as things go,

Some cats are friendly, some are not.

The human I had up and died.

I guess no nine lives humans live.

While I was there, that human tried,

So easy for me to forgive.

This place has toys and food is good.

Staff and volunteers play with me.

Fate is fickle with felinekind.

Whatever's gonna be, will be.

I haven't found a human yet,

But I'll find one to be my pet.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Shade of Pride - LP Zoo

It is a hot and sunny day.

The family are chilling out,

Doing so in a relaxed way,

Too hot to run around, no doubt.

Mom and her sisters rest upon

The rock patio and do chat.

Lie on the grass phenomenon

Is where Dad and his son are at.

Peeping people do peep nearby,

But the family does ignore.

All enjoying the day so why

Turn harmless into an uproar!

All basking in the shade outside,

The Lincoln Park Zoo lion pride.

Friday, July 08, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Violaceous Turaco - LP Zoo

Violaceous Turaco -

Now that is mouthful name of bird

Cuz of purple feathers I show.

Just call me purple in one word.

From West Africa my kind hail.

We're shy and oft in the tree tops.

Mostly in fig trees we prevail.

For figs we make a lot of stops.

We're social birds and stay in flocks

In the same nesting neighborhood.

We call out "cooroo" in shared talks

To let all know that all is good.

In the Bird House I'll call to you

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 World Giraffe Day '22 - LP Zoo

June 21st, World Giraffe Day

In the year twenty twenty two,

Gets a kick out of it is Rae

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

When the keepers did tell Rae that

This was a day to celebrate,

She went to outside habitat,

And a dance she did activate,

In fancy four footwork to awe

All the visitors watching her,

A choreographer hurrah

That was a crowd pleaser for sure.

A wish all well dance Rae did share

With all giraffes everywhere.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Throws of Fate

Tom Brady's "retirement" football

Thrown to Mike Evans who threw me

Into the stands for one and all

To try grab awesome memory.

The fan who caught me quickly did

An auction sale of me online.

Over half a million bucks bid

Won out and my buyer felt fine,

And took me to his fancy place,

Gave a touchup to my pigskin,

And put me in a show off case.

A great retirement I was in.

The buyer of me got quite ired

When Tom Brady soon "unretired."

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 This U.S. Poet

United States poet I be.

I've always felt lucky by grace

That fates of fortune did put me

Into this nation, time and place.

As a poet, I believe that

It is my duty to speak out

About my homeland habitat

When powers that be cause me doubt.

We the People, I now believe

Are fed more fiction and less fact.

Powers that be seek to deceive.

It's up to us poets to act.

I am concerned, I must confess,

For the future of the U.S.

Thursday, July 07, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Young Climber - LP Zoo

Pilipili plays peek a boo,

The little lion cub's way up

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

Upon the highest rock top, yup,

Where he gives a grin, looking down,

As back behind him there does be

Skyscrapers of Chicago town.

He sees the pride of family

Way down below, up at him gaze.

Both Mom and Dad do look pleased that

Their son has mastered climbing ways

Throughout their rocky habitat.

It is the young cub's place and time.

Pilipili, long may you climb.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 What's His Name

Nefertiti, Queen of the Nile,

A sculptor made a bust of me,

Carving me with beguiling smile.

Everlasting my bust does be.

A beautiful queen I was known,

And the sculptor captured this with

A well done likeness in limestone,

Making my beauty more than myth.

My regal blue cap crown I wear

Upon my head in cone like stacks.

From piercing, sexy eyes I stare,

Insertion of quartz with beeswax.

His bust of me has kept my fame,

But I can't remember his name.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 At the Laundromat

I have a thing 'bout underwear,

Warm and fresh out of the dryer.

Ah that feeling, hard to compare

Anything that gets me higher.

A time and place I cannot wait

For chance, warm underwear to don.

Against my skin it feels so great,

As excitedly I slip on.

I have no dryer at my home.

Warm underwear being my aim,

Off to laundromats I do roam,

And make it into a fun game.

At the laundromat I guess who

These warm underwear belong to.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Hanging Gardens of Babylon,

One of seven wonders of old

Times, we're listed phenomenon,

No evidence one did behold.

All the trees and shrubs and vines that

Were said to hang in terraced grace

In our gardened habitat,

No proof of us in time and place.

We guess that we got good p.r.

By the many who wrote of us.

And through history we still are,

Despite critics wanting to fuss.

Though physical fact, we're in doubt,

In prose and poem we hang out.

Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Color Me a Catch - LP Zoo

I am a Mandarin duck who

Is a very colorful male

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

With feathers in rich hued detail,

Just about ev'ry shade of brown,

Tanny and orangey, dark and light

Found on my wings and on my crown,

And sport a chest of purple bright.

Some reds, blues and greens mixed with that,

Along with stripes of white and black,

I stand out in my habitat

As one bird with a stylish knack.

My Missus dress - I won't confide,

I wanna stay on her good side.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Covid Blue

I beg for a kiss but instead

You left another poem to

Repeat again you still have dread

That I will give Covid to you.

Vaccinated and boostered twice,

I really think the risk is low.

A poem from you's very nice,

But locking lips is nicer, so

Please, oh please do reverse your stand,

And do this gesture just for me.

Turn your words into kisses and

Into the sweetest poetry.

I need your kiss, again I ask

At least let's do it mask to mask.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Prophet Mani was founder of

Manichaeism and taught that

Life was struggle 'tween hate and love

In mortal earthly habitat.

Time and place, 200's A.D.

In the midst of Persian Empire.

From some major religions, he

Sought to combine best to inspire.

He fell into disfavor with

The emperor, and then did die.

A crucifixion said a myth.

His followers did glorify.

But in death, Mani did become

A symbol then of martyrdom.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Baptism by Fire

My Dad decided to retire

From work he never talked about.

But he came to me with desire

That I could do his job no doubt.

To an empty building we went.

Dad pulled out his tools of the trade.

Then the "how to" Dad did proceed.

I went through the steps unafraid.

I lit the fire as Dad had taught.

A quick getaway was the aim.

But too close to the fire I got.

Dad helped me to put out the flame.

Baptism by fire did exist 

For this first timer arsonist.

Tuesday, July 05, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Colossus of Rhodes

I am Helios, god of sun,

Patron god of the island Rhodes.

When fierce take over siege was done,

Rhodians thanked me for bestoweds,

And built a Colossus statue

Of me made of metal and stone,

A very nice gesture that true,

Made me the tallest statue known.

Quite an impression I did make,

And for a few decades I stood,

But then was tumbled by earthquake,

Blame Zeus - was never up to good.

Told Rhodians, don't bother mend,

Another quake Zeus would just send.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Rhyme about Cookies

Cookies are baked into the lives

Of consumers on Internet.

One's personal data survives

For marketing uses to let

Consumers be followed around,

Presenting deals on this or that,

Stuff the consumer has been found

Will likely buy per past sale stat.

Being worked on is Cookies Plus.

No devices will be required,

Telepathy from them to us

To sell whatever be desired.

Cookies Plus is soon to attain

Direct access to human brain.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Eye of Skink - LP Zoo

I am a skink, a lizard who

Does have quite excellent eyesight

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

Pupils dilate in dark and light,

And I can see colors also.

The keepers who give me my care,

Individually I know

Who is who when at each I stare.

Contrary to what some folks think,

I do have moving eyelids that

Let me give a blink or a wink,

As I watch from my habitat.

You may not have gotten the word,

'Twixt and 'tween my two eyes - a third!

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Squeeze to Please

I am a lemon and I be

Here under a tire of a car.

In India, good luck is me

For folks traveling near and far.

Most people around here do know

Of this important role I've got.

Hope other animals don't show,

Cuz dogs and cats and such know not.

I expect the family soon

For their journey that will be made,

Opportunity opportune

For me to be of lemon aid.

Serving a higher purpose, I

Feel better than if in a pie.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Buffy's Back Out - LP Zoo

I am Buffy, the ostrich, who

Is happy to be back outside

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

As caution, for many months I'd

Been kept in inside habitat

Because bird flu was in the air,

And my keepers were concerned that

Outside I could be exposed there.

But now that threat has settled down.

I can once more os"stretch" my neck,

Watch what's up in Chicago town.

But you all missed me, what the heck!

C'mon by and tell me what's up.

This gal wants all the gossip, yup!

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 God Knows Why!

God - nature seemed to do so well

With just the animals and plants.

Then man comes along and brings hell,

And all your work is left to chance.

God - lots of manmade sin is done,

Evil abounds, but you know that,

Having been around since day one,

You've watched the mess mankind begat.

God - man is not getting your word,

And ridicules you to your face,

Says belief in you is absurd,

Irrelevant in time and place.

God - even though you are divine,

Man is a bad mistake of thine.

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Our pet collie, Angel, died.

She was struck and killed by a car.

In Pet Sematary they tried

An undertaking quite bizarre,

Bringing a dead pet back to life

From an ancient burial ground,

A story filled with horror strife.

In Angel's mem'ry we felt bound,

No matter how much we missed her,

And saying goodbye was so hard,

She was off to heaven for sure,

From her grave in our back yard.

The fam'ly buried her today,

Always our Angel to stay.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Flea Market

At a flea market I showed up.

I'd gone for a walk and got lost.

This seemed quite a busy place, yup,

Lots of items at bargain cost.

I strolled from shop to shop to see

If anything did catch my eye.

But nothing seemed useful for me.

I'm not much of a spending guy.

But it was fun looking around

At the merchandise on display.

No longer lost, I had been found.

I saw my owners head my way.

My owners, this dog did not please,

Came back from the market with fleas.

Sunday, July 03, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 I am Groot

My family and iI moved to

A new house with a big back yard.

One thing that I wanted to do

Was to plant new trees and discard

The huge, old, ugly oak tree that

I thought was a blemish upon

My dreamed landscaping habitat.

Called a service, the tree was gone.

Then Groot, the tree character, came

Into my dreams telling me, I

Was gonna have to take the blame

For making his oak tree pal die.

Now in the backyard I'm in root.

When asked, my kids say I am Groot.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Peony and the Ant

Garden folklore has long told that,

So as to bloom, a peony

Needs an ant in its habitat,

Otherwise, bloomless it will be.

Though this has proven to be myth,

A peony and an ant do

Have mutual benefit with

Each other, thus a well paired two.

The peony provides the ant

With nectar as food for a guest.

This insect then protects this plant

From aphids, thrips and other pest.

The peony and the ant share

Common reason to stay a pair.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Gluttony of Love

"If music be the food of love,"

"Play on," William Shakespeare did say,

An opening line  speaking of

Yearn in "Twelfth Night," his comic play.

It's a young duke in dialogue 

Telling musicians to play on,

In hopes he'll sicken as a hog

From gluttony phenomenon.

And then he'll lose his appetite

For loving a young woman who

Does not regard him with delight.

The young duke is feeling quite blue.

The young duke's love continued fed,

He and his lady became wed.

Saturday, July 02, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 In Anticipation

I am Xiabo, red panda, who

As bro just bid my sis goodbye

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

But I am one excited guy,

Cuz I can sense came on the scene

An unrelated female that,

Once she is out of quarantine,

There'll be romance in habitat.

Each time I go out for a walk

I tell the visitors this news,

But they don't get red panda talk,

So they are clueless on my clues.

Important thing is I'm aware

That I do sense love in the air.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Bring Back the Hives - LP Zoo

I am a worker bee - female.

The drones are male and only do

Our queen's servicing detail

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

There used to be some hives found at

The Red Barn in the Farm that taught

About the bee hive habitat,

Giving humans info a lot

About how pollination is

Joy that causes us bees to dance,

While performing a crucial biz

Of really helping out the plants.

This bee does buzz forth hopeful yearn

For Farm Red Barn hives to return.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Libyan Desert

Libyan Desert, land that beguiles

Humans into believing that

This five hundred thousand square miles

Is a welcoming habitat.

Humans coming soon understand

Its hamada or stony plain

Has no covering except sand.

And Ghibli winds blow the domain,

Creating fierce blinding sand storms.

Heat in the hundreds of degrees,

Cold below zero be the norms.

Humans have choice to boil or freeze.

Libyan Desert, land that does give

Visiting humans dare to live.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


I'm in a deep slumber and dream

Of a galaxy far far away.

To Planet Robotville I beam.

A giant robot does Xray

Me followed up by results that

I've got a temporary pass

For more examination at

A lab to determine my class

For human specimen recall.

An agent sent to Planet Earth

Reported me defective all

In usefulness of any worth.

I wake up in my bed alone

Except for agent, my iPhone!

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Mr. Burns and Smithers - LP Zoo

Mr. Burns and Smithers are two

Ponies browsing on fresh browse that

At the Farm in Lincoln Park Zoo,

Keepers place in their habitat.

Both are pinto ponies whose breed

Originally came from Spain,

Known for colored patches indeed,

These ponies sport black and white stain,

Smithers having more black, less white,

Mr. Burns about half and half.

Both watch visitors with delight,

Oft giving each a pony laugh.

Smithers and Mr. Burns do charm

The visitors down on the Farm.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


Human species divided be,

And up to us, we never might

Ever agree humanity 

Have common will that we unite.

An outside superior force

Will be the only ways and means

For a united human course

As assimilated machines.

On day a Star Trek Borg like kind,

Maybe in cube ships, maybe not,

Will merge as one, all human mind

With no more division of thought.

Humankind united in style,

Because resistance is futile.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Spider Woman

In old Hopi mythology

The Spider Woman does exist

Who warns of the world's end to be

As human errings do persist.

In many forms her webs have spun

Through ancient and to modern time,

As human doings still be done,

All moving to the final crime.

Her World Wide Web is current form

For keeping humans up to date

On latest erring as a norm,

Accumulating to dire fate.

The World Wide Web will be no more

As Earth life dies in world nuke war.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Great Pyramid of Giza

Great Pyramid of Giza, I

For forty six centuries stand,

A lasting testament of me

Being first Wonder on Earthland.

Made of blocks granite and limestone,

Over six million tons in weight,

Around the world I'm ever known

As a marvel to contemplate

How ancient Egyptian slaves could 

Assemble me for Pharaoh who

After life of luxury would

Go mummy in me, death to do.

Still modern day phenomenon,

I'm here for tourists to climb on.