Sense Sonnets

Thursday, September 07, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Old Plan B

Hubby asked Wifey, What's to eat?"

"No leftovers," Wifey replied,

"Why not take your club and beat"

"Some edible critter outside?"

"Cuz," Hubby whined, "The game is on."

"My bet's about to beat the spread."

"I feel bad luck if I am gone."

"Well, I'm no hunter," Wifey said.

Don't argue with her thought Hubby,

Wifey not one to be tested,

Best come up with a good plan B.

"As is clear," Hubby suggested,

"The cave cupboard is bare, no doubt,"

"Let's just call and order take out."


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