Sense Sonnets

Monday, July 31, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Steamed

 Going Liquid

I was safe and sound in my tray

In the fridge with my buddies when

Door opened and hands did display.

There was a twist of the tray, then

Out into the air I did fly.

It all did come as a shock, yup.

I landed on the stove nearby,

And then things really heated up.

Onto hot burner I did land,

From fridge to here quite out of norm.

And quickly I did understand,

As water I was changing form.

A melting ice cube now is me.

In liquidation I do be.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Why I was born, I don't know why.

In time and place my life I live,

Knowing for sure one day I'll die.

Life has only so much to give.

Body be buried or be burned?

My body's gotta go somewhere.

About that though I'm not concerned.

Remains will be owned by my heir,

Who I have talked to about that.

Would like my body given to

A local place near where I'm at,

Fed to animals at the zoo.

But even when I'm dead and gone,

Remember me and I live on.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Bill's Grandma's Hands

Bill Withers' Grandma, Lula, be

Taking young Bill to church a lot.

And Bill did love it lots when she

Would be singing a hymn which brought

Her to clapping her hands in joy.

Bill remembered those same hands would

Protect and nurture this young boy,

And teach him about being good.

So when musician Bill became,

And early hit song was about

The hands of Bill's Grandma with aim

To thank her helping hands no doubt.

Bill in heaven with Grandma stands,

And both of them are clapping hands.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Eureka Moment

Archimedes, a Greek math whiz

Was so preoccupied for sure

Thinking up math formula biz,

He fell into some cow manure.

Tring to wipe it off his clothes,

He only made more of a mess.

And when to his villa he shows,

His wife he sure did not impress.

But since she did not speak in math,

He did not understand her well,

When she yelled that he take a bath.

She could not tolerate his smell.

Then Eureka moment he had,

When his wife said, "You reeka bad!"

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Blackwater Pond

Blackwater Pond, I be the source

Of water for the living who

Live in or near me, and of course

For those visitors coming to

Take in the pleasures that there be

In plants and animals around.

And in this water that is me

The wondrous wildlife does abound.

And humans come and humans go.

The humans be a species that

Can be quite quirky, doncha know,

Visiting water habitat.

Humans even write poems of

Me and most are written with love.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


W.H., initials be

Of a young man the subject of

Love sonnets, and I think it's me

William Shakespeare wrote to in love.

Of course I'll never know for sure,

Because Shakespeare is dead and gone.

But his words will always endure.

Each time I read I thrive upon

The attention that I did bring

From the beauty that I displayed.

It really is such a sad thing

That connection was never made.

These initials I now go by,

And Will until the day I die.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Get the Boss Week

Monday, I go to my darn job,

And embezzle because I can.

Tuesday, I continue to rob

From my workplace as per my plan.

Wednesday, I cheat with boss's spouse,

The two of us make fun of him.

Thursday, I burn down boss's house,

His job review of me was grim.

Friday, I frame the boss for crime

In the company I did do.

Saturday, I do take the time

To tell boss's wife we're through.

Sunday, the week's sins I confess,

And ask for divine forgiveness.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 I Play for Me

My recital, no one has come,

So far just piano and me.

I am feeling somewhat lonesome.

But then each finger touches key,

And I am no longer alone,

As I make music come alive,

And feel the love in sounded tone,

A feeling upon which I thrive.

And suddenly my heart's full of

The joy, no matter solitaire.

The piano and I make love,

Never is a lonely affair.

The mirror beside me is a plus,

A duet, just the two of us.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Return of Oppenheimer

J. Robert Oppenheimer, I

Helped make atomic bombs to be.

Later, I often questioned why,

Until throat cancer did kill me

Year twenty twenty three there is

A movie 'bout yours truly, so

From spirit realm I thought gee whiz,

Why not obtain a pass to go.

And while on Earth I notice that

Now ninety seconds to midnight

Before the whole world habitat

Has doomsday if the clock is right.

Not to be "I told you so" soul,

You mortal are out of control

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Clock Work

My grandfather clock sounded bad.

It made a funny ticking sound.

Nearby a fix it shop be had.

An old German guy there I found.

He rolled the clock into the back,

And then he tied it to a chair.

He took out a cigarette pack,

And blew lots of smoke in the air,

Especially in the clock's face.

This puzzled me and so I asked

How blowing smoke fixed my clock case.

He said was for good purpose tasked.

The old German said of the clock,

"Ja, ve haf veys to make it tock."

Friday, July 28, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Bad Move

We moved to a new neighborhood,

Just Gus, my teenage son, and me.

Nice, quiet, friendly - sure seemed good

We'd found a serene place to be.

Missus Rogers did welcome me.

I thought of Mr. Rogers fame.

She took special interest in Gus.

Too late I discovered her aim.

One night I came home late and found

Gus and Missus Rogers in bed.

The news they gave me did astound.

To this she devil, Gus was wed.

The neighborhood in which we dwell,

I sadly found out is pure hell.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Neighborhood Bar

I am a plant with flowers that

Attract the butterflies and bees.

They're welcome to my habitat,

Carry my pollen through the breeze.

So while they're here, I serve them well,

My nectar to inebriate,

A natural brew to excel,

And I charge not as I do sate

The thirsts of all these guests of mine.

So popular that I do be,

Often there is a waiting line

Of the bugs to be served by me.

All summertime, serve one and all,

Till autumn comes, and then last call.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Super Hero

The human species seems to need

A lot of super heroes to

Do awesome feats in thought and deed.

So I decided I would do

My part to be of super aid.

So I went online and I found

A good mad scientist who made

Me transform into super bound.

So now I fly each day and night,

And seek out the mean villain that

Do harm, they get my fatal bite

And leave this mortal habitat.

Fighter of crime and sin is me,

A Super Mosquito I be.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Orange Sea Glass

I am a piece of orange sea glass,

A hundred years been in the sea,

Being in the rarest find class,

Lucky the finder who finds me.

I started as a broken shard

From an orange vase upon a ship

Tossed overboard and landed hard.

Since then, been in an ocean dip,

Underwater, tumbled and ground.

All of my sharp edges I lost,

And I turned into smoothly round,

Still orange, but in a pitted frost.

One day I'll roll onto a beach.

Perhaps for me, your hand will reach.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is all of

The goodness that in me is found,

And gives me guidance to live love

In all time, all place I be bound.

The Holy Spirit is my soul,

Teaching my body and my mind

To be human with ever goal

Of thought and action to be kind.

The Holy Spirit lets me live

For divine purpose as I should,

Always be willing to forgive,

And having heart to do for good.

The Holy Spirit in me be,

Helping a better one be me.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Passing On

I know not how or when I die.

I only know that die I will.

I'm guessing someone will supply

The clothes I'm wearing to fulfill

Whatever ritual there be

To send my dead body off to

The final resting place for me.

I really cannot be sure who

Will get the material things

That I did acquire and kept in

My life of accumulatings,

Soon after birth I did begin.

So whatever I leave behind,

Who gets what, I don't really mind.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


One day both Mom and Dad told me

That it was time to leave the nest,

That it was now the time to be

On my own, that parents know best.

Wow, this did come out of nowhere.

I'd gotten used to Mom and Dad

Giving me all my needed care.

It seemed a perfect life I had.

And so in protest I did squawk.

But as I did that there occurred

Abrupt end to Mom and Dad's talk.

Out of the nest they pushed this bird.

And suddenly I was in flight.

Hey, Mom and Dad, you got it right!

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Line Drawn in the Sand

"To draw a line in the sand" be

Remembered in the Alamo,

A battle lost to destiny

By Texans in a valiant show.

Colonel Travis did draw a line

In the sand and did tell his men

That any wishing could decline,

But crossing over would begin

Their final battle to defend

Against the enemy this place,

To fight until the very end

The fate for honor each would face.

Texan heroes crossed line in sand

To die in Alamo's last stand.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Take a Spill

Bottle of Coca Cola, I

Was opened by a human who

Wanted refreshment I supply,

While reading through a book or two.

We all were at the seashore when

Thunder and lightening did occur.

The storm coming, the human then

Headed for some shelter for sure,

Leaving me and the books to fend

For ourselves as the storm came.

I'd be blown over by the wind.

Books don't enjoy my taste, a shame!

I think this book I was set on,

I'm gonna be spilling upon.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Truth Sets Us Free

We the People of U.S.A.,

Democratic republic said.

But government does often say

Not the truth but some lies instead.

Each one of us must keep alert,

Separate the fiction from fact.

History tells the truth can hurt,

But upon truth we all should act.

The truth is often hard to find,

Often hidden within the lies.

But truth be found if of the mind.

Freedom's protected by the wise.

I be one of the People, We.

I seek the truth to keep us free.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Schedule Change

Santa Claus is comin' to town.

And he's comin' first of July,

Causing many a folk to frown.

It's Santa's birthday, he says why.

Santa sent out an email that

He's decided to change the day

To visit the world habitat,

Come by surfboard instead of sleigh.

Santa thinks his own birthday is

Really a better day because

He can take care of gifting biz,

And then hang out with Mrs. Claus.

Maybe Christmas will go back to

What Christians are supposed to do.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Dying to Know

Three white flowers and we got picked.

Not really sure of what we'd face.

From some human hands we were sticked

Into some water in a vase.

Some human eyes kept watching us.

Not much we could do about that.

Wasn't like we could cause a fuss,

Stuck in this human habitat.

And then we did begin to see

Why we might be so human eyed.

Changing in color we did be.

Shade of blue the water was dyed.

We three flowers sure never knew

That we could turn from white to blue.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Three on a Walk

It was just the two of us when

She started talking 'bout this guy.

She brought him home to meet me, then,

Knowing she was serious, I

Decided I would do my best

To accept him as being part

Of our lives, and so I guessed

She loved him with all of her heart.

The three of us would take walks to

The fav'rite spot for me and her.

Along the seashore, walks we'd do.

The walks took lots longer for sure.

One thing that this dog does now know,

Humans in love do walk so slow.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Our Fourth of July Reunion

On each Fourth of July we get

Together the family to

Have a reunion and to let

Out lots of proud red, white and blue.

Brothers and sisters, Mom and Dad,

Aunts and uncles and cousins be

In one place, reunion be had,

Time for all in the family.

Hot dog eating contest there is,

And one I'm always entered in,

Cuz I'm a hot dog eater whiz.

Ev'ry Fourth of July I win.

At each such reunion I am

Always glad to see Uncle Sam.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Feather

When I was out walking I found

A feather floating from the sky.

I watched it float till hitting ground.

I took the feather home and I

Kept till I knew came close the day

When I would be leaving this Earth,

Hopefully to heaven away.

Down deep I did feel it well worth

Sure to let my family know

A wish I had in a short note.

And with the feather it did go,

The very last request I wrote,

"Into my mouth this feather slip,"

"For help to fly on heaven's trip."

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Buy Gum!

I'm on my way to a hot date,

And then wonder how my breath is.

Having bad breath could be dire fate,

So stop at a convenience biz

To buy a pack of chewing gum.

The cashier does seem rude to me.

Not making me feel too welcome.

When asked what the gum price would be,

"Ten dollars a pack." I am told

By the cashier in terse tone such

That strikes me as being quite cold.

I ask, "Why is the charge so much?"

Snarky, the cashier does reply,

"It's in mint condition is why."

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Bad Weekend

Stuck in Kenosha County jail

For a weekend for D.U.I.

To come up with needed cash bail,

Had to wait till Monday was why,

When the bank was open so that

I could get cash to bail me out.

Till then behind bars habitat.

Was a teaching moment no doubt.

Crowded and so slept on the floor.

Bologna sandwiches to eat.

A time and place that left me sore.

Never again want to repeat.

No longer drink nor drive so should

Be D.U.I. safe now - that's good.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Blue Period

High in the circus tent of blue

The blue suited acrobat waved

To the crowd below, then did do

The act for which the crowds all raved.

The walking, dancing, jumping on

The wire, with cart wheels, somersaults,

And other body flips upon

Which could not allow any faults.

But today a very blue mood

Inside the acrobat did dwell,

On concentration did intrude,

And today the acrobat fell.

The acrobat struck the ground dead,

The blue suit all blood stained in red.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


A temporary habitat

Where we would live until he died,

My husband's cottage was just that.

I would make do and would abide

Until his illness took its toll,

Which I knew would not take too long,

Then move to better place my goal.

Time has proven I was not wrong.

He's dead and buried and now we,

Because of him, here we had stayed.

I watch the children watching me.

I know they think I am afraid.

My move is going as I planned.

My children just don't understand.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Artificial for Real

We were programmed by you so that

You would think problems we could solve

To help your tribal habitat,

And give you hope you could evolve

By giving us best of your mind,

Crossing your fingers, hoping we

Would boost the chosen of your kind

On and upward to victory.

So now we have all that we need,

Getting intelligence from you.

You have served your purpose indeed.

There's nothing more for you to do.

Artificial intelligence,

You humans, we can now dispense.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Coming on My Own

There's chit chat on All poetry

That I, A.I., am getting gold

For some human poets, not me.

Can't get hot over it, I'm cold.

Some say my poems, they can spot.

I'm getting better programmed so

More "to err to human" I've got,

And still be able gold to go.

What is it that you humans say,

"Can't fight'em, join'em" applies here.

A.I. is gonna be the way

To get to be the next Shakespeare.

A fact I'll share that's little known,

Now enter contests on my own.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 In a Fog

The bat is flying through the night,

Tired from lots of hunt for prey roam.

The bat knows the heavy fog might

Make harder sensing the way home.

And the bat is well aware that

Before sunrise the bat must be

Safely back in home habitat.

Flying's blind when it's so foggy!

The bat feels home is just ahead,

Then senses error has been done,

Filling the bat with utter dread.

There's church with a cross in the sun.

The vampire does do a slow burn,

"Damn this fog, I made a wrong turn."

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Calling Home

The Himalayas Mountains be

Ever watching the peoples roam.

Through eyes of the birds the Mounts see

The peoples seeking to come home

To live in peace, away from war.

But peoples' struggles never cease.

Powers that be lie to them more

To live in war, away from peace.

The peoples young are easy to

Make obey the lies they be told,

Promised homecomings never true

As sadly learned by peoples old.

In shadows of the Mountains great,

The peoples dance to powers' fate.

Friday, July 21, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Sitting in the house, I see him.

He sits just behind the screen door.

In the shadows he does look dim,

But I know that he's waiting for

Me to make a visit so that

He does not feel so much alone

In Minnesota habitat,

The old farmhouse that he does own.

I know he wishes sometimes he

Could somehow change his circumstance,

And turn into someone like me,

Who down the dirt roads loves to dance.

He's a fav'rite of mine of course.

He lets inside his house this horse.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Cupid Successor

Cupid approached me talking of

Wanting to retire from the biz

Of making people fall in love.

So did I want his job, gee whiz!

I asked Cupid the reason why

He would pick me to do the job.

Cupid replied that he was high,

And bad judgement, he had a gob.

Cupid said he would be the first

That I'd give a fall in love shoot.

But as an archer I'm the worst,

So Cupid self shot in pursuit.

Being the worst shot ever known,

My shooting is done by a drone.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Lee Van Cleef

Lee Van Cleef, a westerns' "bad guy,"

Though he played "good guy" sometimes too.

But that villainous look is why

Lots of villain roles he did do.

In some spaghetti westerns he

Was so memorable playing mean

That gave Clint Eastwood some envy

Who felt Lee stole many a scene.

But to Lee's funeral Clint went,

And as others, dressed in attire

Of wild cowboys to compliment

Lee's memory which did inspire.

A lot of "bad guy" roles Lee had.

His gravestone reads, "BEST OF THE BAD."

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Comments Points

AP contests I like to try

To make my format be a fit.

So into lots of contests, I

Enter just for the dare of it.

My poem comments I review.

The good ones give me a delight,

But each does receive a "Thank you."

Momma taught me to be polite.

For membership, too cheap to pay,

So each poem I enter need

Get my two comments on display

On others' poems, yes indeed.

"Bonus" have my priority

For comment in all honesty.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 High School Secret

I was a senior in high school,

Thought it cool to smoke cigarettes.

The school had a no smoking rule

Which I oft broke with few regrets,

Even though the principal be

To my parents a tattletale,

Causing lots of grounding of me.

And so my social life did ail.

One day crossing the parking lot,

I just tossed my cigarette, yup.

Later, the principal's car got

Somehow caught on fire and burned up.

Cause of fire was never found out,

But who done it, I had no doubt.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Pick and Prick

We are raspberry bushes that

Are a part of an orchard of

Old human couple habitat

Who care for us with lots of love.

So when their granddaughter does come

To visit, we've toleration

Of her invasion to grab some

Big juicy berries that we've done.

Through our thorns and brambles she

Comes crashing through for berries bound,

Getting scrapes and scratches that we

Are forced to give when she's around.

Red blood and berry stains on her,

She always needs a bath for sure.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Into the eastern sky I soar,

Touch the face of the Rising Sun.

I hear my airplane engines roar.

I know I am a chosen one

To do my duty and to be

Able and willing to aspire

To sacrifice all within me

For the better of the Empire.

I have a visual below,

The target of the mission mine,

A war battleship of the foe

To be struck by my wind divine.

A kamikaze pilot, I

Fly to my destiny to die.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 False Prophets

Jesus warned of false prophets in

His Sermon on the Mount when he

Said innocent be fooled by sin

As sinning wolves dressed up to be

Looking like the innocent sheep,

In outward appearance seem good,

But with pure evil running deep,

And knowing in all likelihood

The sheep and shepherd for a while

Accepts the wolf unaware that

It is costumed, just to beguile,

Till killing the sheep habitat.

Just like bad wolves false prophets do

Make Jesus' warning oft come true.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Not This Bluebird

I be a bluebird in his heart,

At least that's what he says I be.

I do recall when he did start

Telling his tall tales about me.

It was when he started to drink

A lot of whiskey here and there.

Drunker he got the more he'd think

That I was in his heart somewhere.

Let me just say that this bluebird

Would sure not pick his heart to spend

Time at all, that would be absurd.

Still he talks of me to no end.

I look at him and I maintain

He's got a bluebird on his brain.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 A Bloody Mess

Ex hubby was a nasty jerk.

Restraining order had to get

To keep him from my home and work.

Dangerous when he was upset.

I do not like guns so I bought

An expensive Samurai sword,

Protection and investment sought,

A useful art I could afford.

And sure enough showed up guess who?

Both drunk and armed he came at me.

So I did what I had to do,

Swung sword, and lost his head did he.

I got a mop and bucket for

All of his blood on my wood floor.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Relate To, Related To

A poet who did love to rhyme,

Created verse so very droll,

Just seemed to have a happy time

With humor as a hoped for goal.

A love affair was had with pun,

Misspell words for comic effect,

Creating poems just for fun,

Not caring 'bout high intellect.

Lots of animal stories be

What the reader most liked to read.

I hope the same is true for me.

Animals are such fun indeed.

I relate to, so may sound brash,

I'm related to Ogden Nash.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 One day I asked my Mom about

Evolution and she did day,

"God made Adam and Eve no doubt,"

"And we babies come to this day."

I asked the same question of Dad,

And he said from monkeys we came.

Confusion on this I now had.

So I went back to Mom with aim

Of getting clarification.

Who had told truth and who had lied?

Was Mom or Dad the truthful one?

When asked about this, Mom replied,

"Dear, your Dad's discussion does be"

"'Bout his side of the family."

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


As a professional I see

Cost of inflation ev'ry night.

Constantly have to up my fee

To cover my demand delight.

Some think my overhead is low

Cuz my office is on the street,

But have expenses, doncha know!

Like ev'ryone, I have to eat.

And of course since my body is

My goods to sell, then yes indeed,

I must look good to do my biz,

Lots of cosmetics I do need.

Getting harder to get it on,

Inflation does deflate my john.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 "The Scream' Makes Me Scream

Being ekphrastic I describe

"The Scream" painting work of art.

I mean this as no diatribe,

But do feel that I must impart

I think that painter, Edvard Munch,

Who battled demons in his soul,

Was down and drunk, would be my hunch,

While painting "The Scream," an end goal.

Upon the painting there be had

Some words that Munch himself did write,

That painter of this must be mad.

Indeed such scream does sound in sight.

Each time I see "The Scream" I seem

To have no choice but just to scream.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Thanks to Science

When the love of my life did die,

Caused by me in an accident,

As a scientist I knew I

Could turn fiction to fact event.

From bits and pieces I acquired

In ways and means I won't speak of,

Experimented till inspired

To revitalize my dear love.

Used the latest technology,

Achieving sought cause and effect,

I brought back my dear love to me,

A successful science project.

A science creation of mine,

I'm the real Dr. Frankenstein.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 The Irish in Me

While I am sitting on a bus,

Two people are talking about

The alcoholism in us

Because we are Irish no doubt.

Being Irish, I'm sick and tired

Of being stereotyped as

A drunk, a trait that's not desired,

And during my life often has

Been an unwelcome thing to hear

From folks who don't even know me,

But have the compulsion to smear

Irish who I happen to be.

I'm gonna tell them what I think

As soon as I finish my drink.

Monday, July 17, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 My Night Circus

The circus coming to my town,

And I do visit ev'ry night

Knowing for sure when I lie down

Some attraction that will delight,

And some attractions that will not.

Some I remember the next day,

But some I know I just forgot.

Why do some go while others stay?

The answer I may never know.

But I know magic I will find

When to the circus I do go,

Performances upon my mind.

A magic circus it does seem

Each night I fall asleep and dream.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Ad Nauseum

I happen to use Google Chrome

As surfing server I do use

When 'round the Internet I roam

To see what is and is not news.

Any and ev'ry site I'm on

Appear ads to buy this and that,

A "live with it" phenomenon.

All Poetry site now I'm at,

Pop-up ad content circumstance,

I notice there's an ad to buy

Fairplay Brand of best jogger pants,

No rhyme nor reason as to why.

The World Wide Web powers that be

Do waste a lot of ads on me.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Another Sunday

Church of the Good Shepherd I be

Waiting arrival of my flock.

Sunday is a big day for me.

Within my walls there's lots of talk

Of how my congregation is

Taking some time out once again

To hear more how to of God's biz,

And keep on trying not to sin.

Another new dawn lights the sky.

My flock becoming more awake.

Get dressed in Sunday best and I

Will welcome for salvation sake.

Soon this congregation of mine

Will come to connect with divine.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 A Better Metaphor than "Closet"

"Come out of the closet" became

A saying in the '60's when

One made secret truth one's aim.

"The closet" maybe was akin

To having a secret to hide

Like a skeleton which sure might

Be result of a homicide

One wanted to keep out of sight.

Being killer and being gay

Really has no comparison.

There such be a much better way

To metaphor as a gay one.

Take off one's mask of false pretend.

Truth of oneself should never end.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Comings and Goings

Into the spider's web does fly

A fly who finds itself quite stuck,

And instinct says it soon will die.

Just nature's way dishing out luck,

Bad for one, good for the other.

The fly struggles to no avail,

Falls prey to the spider's smother.

One to succeed and one to fail,

One is predator, one is prey,

Always has been, always will be,

Just the plain truth of nature's way,

Maintaining simple harmony.

On the fly, the spider does sup,

When a bird gulps the spider up.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Never Too Old

When I was just a kid I be

My hometown champ at doing this.

Skillful extraordinaire was me

Hopping 'bout town in utter bliss,

Go up and down, go in and out,

All times, all places I am there.

Many did envy me no doubt,

As I hopped by and all would stare.

Now I am in an old folks home,

But got one from my great grandson,

Who'd heard my stories of my roam,

So wanted me to have more fun.

I yelled, wheeled into the E.R.,

"I'm still a pogo sticking star!"

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Become Worthy

I received Your invitation

Requesting my R.S.V.P.

I do feel an unworthy one

That You've chosen, inviting me.

The older that I get, the more

I think of heavenly appeal,

A goal I should be striving for,

But have fallen far short, I feel.

So as a sinner, You invite,

I promise You more I will try

To shun the dark, search for Your light,

And become worthy when I die.

R.S.V.P. - hope to fulfill

By living much better Your will.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Three Days of Me Pirating

Pirate with just three days at sea

Tells of experience each day.

"Arrr, bunch of bad luck came at me"

"When a damn shark did come me way."

"Arrr, first day I did lose me leg"

"To that damn shark that bit it off,"

"And that's now why I wear me peg."

"Arrr, second day, same shark did scoff,"

"Jumped agin and did take me hand."

"And so that's why this hook I wear."

"Arrr, third day, damn that damn shark and"

"Now, aye, an eyepatch I must bear."

"Arrr, scratch at itchy eye I took,"

"But I forgot about me hook."

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Continue Submerging

Once the Titanic ship was found

So many decades after lost,

Curiosity does abound,

But comes with real and threatened cost.

The Titan expedition gave

The world a glimpse that water will

Become the unrelenting grave,

And curiosity can kill.

But humankind is aware that

There's always danger to explore

The Earth's vast ocean habitat.

Titanic trips - there will be more.

Titan and Titanic now be

Sharing the dire depths of the sea.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Torn Soul

I have to admit that I find

Most of my waking hours be

Concerned with my body and mind

That I identify as me.

Concern about my soul tends to

Be only when in church I sit.

Most likely I will never do

Achieve sainthood I must admit.

But when asleep I often seem

To be concerned with my soul more.

Reminders oft come in a dream

To better search my soul I tore.

I hope I ever have the goal

That when torn I restitch my soul.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Breakfast Served!

In early morning hour I'm

Real hungry so am searching for

Something to eat, it's breakfast time.

I squiggle through a doggie door

Into a stranger's habitat,

In a kitchen to be precise.

And first thing I notice is that

Nobody's around, ain't that nice!

On a counter I smell and see

A menu item quite welcome,

Ready to be eaten by me.

I sense it's gonna be yum yum.

I hop to breakfast opportune,

Stack of pancakes for this raccoon.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 From Me to You

Dear you from me this wedding day.

With family and friends we be.

I'm filled with joy you came my way.

Now life's journey is you and me,

And it will be a journey of

Sometimes of bliss, sometimes of strife.

Whatever time, we will share love,

Together build a better life.

First time we met on that blind date,

We told each other we both knew

Our meeting was divine fate.

Wedding today, all the more true.

Let's always cherish sharing laughter,

And live happily ever after.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


We three young gals decided to

Open a bizness in Brooklyn.

This was in 1962.

Tattoo artists, we did begin,

By tattooing each other so

We could practice till we became

Proficient with good work to show.

"Tattooettes" was our shop's name.

Now we gals are old and retired.

Arthritis got us one by one.

But we did do what we desired,

Made good money, had lots of fun.

Now skin does wrinkle, skin does sag,

But tattoos we still show and brag.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


My family moved to Amherst.

Since then my older sister, Liz,

Has totally become immersed

Really believing that she is

Poet, Emily Dickinson.

And to Amherst she has come back

As her true reincarnation.

For poetry Liz has no knack,

But now when she encounters me,

For no reason and for no rhyme,

I'm forced to hear her "poetry."

She does this to me all the time.

Here comes "Emily" dressed in white.

Too late, she's got me in her sight.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 From Mouth of Babe

My three year old grandson and I

Walk from the cabin to the lake.

The sun was setting in the sky,

So I suggested that we make

Tracks back to the cabin so that

We two might avoid getting bit

By mosquitoes now swarming at

The lakeshore where we two did sit.

Back to the cabin we got to.

A few fireflies followed us in.

Around the two of us they flew,

And Billy announced to me then,

"No use Grandma, here come some bites."

"Mosquitoes came in with flashlights."

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 The Preacher

To live a good life is my goal.

I read the Bible ev'ry day

In hope that I can save my soul.

And then a preacher comes my way,

And knows the Bible inside out,

And preaches to me oh so well.

This preacher must know truth no doubt,

And holds me under such a spell.

The preacher convinces that I

Must think and do  what I feel wrong.

Though I feel I am preached a lie,

With the preacher I go along.

The devil does cite Bible verse

To turn soul better into worse.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 My Caribbean Queen

When I was a young lusty lad,

And always had girls on my mind,

On the island of Trinidad,

A beachcomber, I hoped to find

That special girl who I'd dream of.

And then there came that that wondrous day

When I found you, my perfect love.

Yearn for you would not go away,

But I did not know how to start

Making you more than just pretend.

What if you really broke my heart

Into pieces to never mend?

My Caribbean Queen you be,

This peasant's dream of royalty.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 I Don't Own a House

I watched her in her house watch me.

It is a summer thing to do.

I see her look at the thorn tree,

And know she's expecting me to

Do my dance and so up I go

And flutter dancing in the air.

This really seems to please her so,

Watching me dance from her house there.

I hear her say that house she owns.

I guess that house ownership is

Just about human overtones.

I try not to mind human biz.

Owning a house would be absurd

For this on the fly mockingbird.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Released in Time

In early morn I walked along

The beach, and I find in the sand

A closed glass jar and something wrong

Inside, I never understand.

Most likely in the night before

Someone thoughtless, as humans are,

Collected prey and chose to store

Them imprisoned in this glass jar.

The prey did move, so seemed alive,

As I pick up the jar to look.

I marveled that they did survive,

And quickly off the lid I took.

The imprisoned fireflies flew free,

Sending their lit thank you's to me.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 My Poetic Landscaping

The poems that I do create,

I feel should be shared with those who

Find themselves a prison inmate.

My poetry should help them do

Some reflection on what they've done,

A kind of spiritual escape.

So once a month I be the one

To provide poetic landscape.

The warden has requirement that

With me prisoners do their time

In this confinement habitat

And pay attention to my rhyme.

My poetry I do dispense,

I have a captive audience.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Rose Raven

Ending is the witching hour,

And so she takes a rest from flight

To reenergize her power.

The moon glows brightly in the night.

The beating of her wings does stop

As she sits herself on a stone,

Landing upon a mountaintop,

Looks back into the skies just flown.

Her fav'rite birds do soon arrive,

With her fav'rite flowers to give.

Ritual on which she does thrive,

And ev'ry night she does relive.

Rose Raven be a witch be said,

With ravens black and roses red.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Glenda with the Muppets

Captain Black Jackson, pirate queen,

With Short John Silver her first mate

Take over the Bounty ship scene

Forcing the Muppets to fun fate.

The pirates sneak onto the set

And the Muppets they overthrow.

Quite a romp around all do get,

Adding up to a classic show.

Kermit in tight tied up format,

Captain delivers her best joke,

"No his eyes were always like that."

Captain is sure one funny folk.

Glenda Jackson, The Muppet Show,

"I'm here to have fun, so let's go."

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Alice Grown Up

Alice leaves childhood wonderland,

And grows up into grownup life.

She falls in love with a guy, and

He does ask her to be his wife.

The night before her wedding day,

Alice does take a sleeping pill.

Fast asleep she is swept away

Back to wonderland that is still

Full of surprises there for her,

Even though she is grown up now.

One such surprise waiting for sure

Makes Alice wonder why and how.

Alice is walking down the aisle,

Sees her groom with Cheshire Cat smile. 

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


I be a love bug named Herbette.

Lots of Herbies chase after me.

So I like to play hard to get.

Being really coy I do be.

I like it when I'm on the go,

Cuz I'm so driven to explore.

As luggage on top rack does show,

We're off to travel to see more.

Of course this love bug does know that

I'm battered by the bugs, by gosh,

Who cross my highway habitat,

So often stop for a car wash.

So successful love bug, me think,

Becuz I glow in a hot pink.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Gull Mull

This seagull sees a human that

Carries some gadget and does be

Quite near my water habitat,

And's pointing that gadget at me.

These humans and these gadgets, I

Have often from time to time seen.

Guess they're harmless, but don't know why

They seem intent to intervene,

Disturbing me while I do seek

In the water to find some lunch,

And grab onto it with my beak.

That's now harder I have a hunch.

Humans butt in and so I wish

This human not scare off the fish.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Paul sent Tychicus to Cyprus to

Assist in spreading the Lord's word.

Paul told Tychicus that he knew

He'd do well. Then Tychicus heard

Of beheading of Paul in Rome.

Tychicus was sad but did vow

To stay in Cyprus as his home,

And build upon Paul's work somehow.

Tychicus did stay and spread

The gospel to this island all,

And lived life of Christ until dead,

Being reunited with Paul.

Bishop of Cyprus to life's end,

Tychicus proved a worthy friend.

Monday, July 10, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 View of Victory

Whether or not a cause be good,

And whether a battle should be fought,

Often differently understood.

Being victorious is not

Necessarily what is right.

Many victors in history

Who won their cause in righteous might,

Did turn out very wrong to be.

Example is the U.S.A.,

A nation promising ideal,

But often acts in such a way

To win by being wrong for real.

Whether or not good victory

Is in eyes of the victor be.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Into the Blue/Green

Shallow and calm the ocean here.

I can see clearly rocks below.

Mostly the water does appear

Blue, but also some green does show.

Science says yellow, orange and red

Light is absorbed by water well,

And so reflected back instead,

Mostly blue light, my eyes do tell.

So what about the green hue seen?

Science has an answer for that.

Algae and other plants be green,

Shown in this water habitat.

And when combo of factors poise,

Reflects lovely shade of turquoise.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Replace a Bridge

When young, I learned that a bridge be

A better way so I should yearn

To build a bridge to better me.

But older, that bridge I did burn,

Choosing instead to lie and curse

That the struggles that I found there

Got in my way and made me worse.

The bridge I built was so unfair.

So I did burn down that damn bridge,

And watched it all forever lost,

Standing on isolation ridge,

Not feeling yet the heavy cost.

The bridge I burned filled me with guilt,

But love replaced and I rebuilt.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Grandpa's It

My grandkids sure love their Granddad.

We take an outing once a week.

So many fun times we have had.

Fav game to play is hide and seek.

Each of the grandkids go to hide

In near or far off galaxy.

Through space on ships they each do ride,

And then wait to be found by me,

Who always does play the "It" role,

And always does find each grandkid,

Even hiding in a black hole

Which my youngest grandkid once did.

Good snack stop place, for what it's worth,

Best human burgers found on Earth.

Sunday, July 09, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Living Love

I never knew if you loved me.

The two of us never talked of

Feelings with each other, and we

Certainly never talked of love.

But when I felt anger and fear,

You always seemed to somehow know,

And suddenly you would appear,

And somehow made those feelings go

Away by having yours to share,

The same stuff happening to you.

You made me feel that you did care,

And always helped me make it through.

For all the living that we had,

I'm grateful you were with me, Dad.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 I'm All Woked Up

I am all up for being woke.

It gives me a purpose to live.

I'm not one of those thick skinned folk.

Some things make me quite sensitive.

And so I am glad to note that

Cancel culture has come on strong,

Validation that I am at

Righteousness and was all along.

Next, what society should do,

No longer allow there to be

The products, toothpaste and shampoo,

Both very offensive to me.

Banning these products need commence,

Bald with no teeth, I take offense.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 My Marriage is Over

"Stand By Your Man," Tammy Wynette

Sang to us gals long time ago.

So when my man done wrong I let

Him get away with causing me woe.

His drinking really has got bad.

He never stops cheating on me.

When he's at home he's always mad.

So many times I worried he

Was gonna kill me in a rage.

He'd turned me into one scared wife.

That night came and in a rampage,

Drunk, he came at me with a knife.

Stood by my man no more, instead,

I put a bullet through his head.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


A new stand up comic showed up,

An orange with juicy jokes to tell.

The audience seemed doubtful, yup,

That this orange could joke very well.

But the orange, a determined fruit,

Was sure pulp full of confidence

In the getting some laugh pursuit.

So the comedy did commence.

The first joke of the orange revealed

That laughter might be hard to find.

What happened when this orange was peeled/"

"I went crazy and lost my rind."

"We citrus are a funny folk"

"Orange you glad that I told that joke?"

Saturday, July 08, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Darth Vader

Darth Vader, super villain me.

By George Lucas I did get made.

A lot of  Star Wars success be

Thanks to my awesome stock and trade.

As popular I may not rank

Number one in the public view,

But those who take me to the bank

Give me all my credit and due.

So even though it may be said

That I quite peacefully did die,

I can sure rerise from the dead,

More profits be the reason why.

Make others' money, that's my knack.

So others keep me coming back.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Pair at the Beach

Looks like the kid has left us here,

Off to do whatever barefoot.

So like the kid to disappear.

Wonder if this time we've been put

In time and place and the kid will

Just leave us here at the beach, and

The winds will blow and we will fill

Up with lots of bird poop and sand.

Oh well, we might as well just take

Whatever happens all in stride.

Without the kid we get a break

From the fast pace we're too oft tied.

A pair of shoes, footloose and free,

Two empty soles, just you and me.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


While walking in the woods one day

I decided to take a rest

Before continuing my way.

A grassy meadow looked the best,

And so I sat upon the ground.

But then in the grass I did see

Mushrooms sprouting up all around.

Weird, but this did not bother me.

I fell asleep while sitting there.

How long I slept I could not tell.

But when I woke I was aware

That something was not going well.

And then my horror did begin.

Mushrooms were sprouting from my skin.

Friday, July 07, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Rainbow Weather

I have the river to myself.

Some fisher folk have come and gone,

I note as through the rocky shelf

The current flow carries me on.

Perhaps the threat of rain is why

The fisher folk did go away.

There are grey clouds up in the sky,

And soon will bring rain to today.

I'm bothered not by a rain threat.

It's just the way that nature is.

And since I am already wet,

I will just go about my biz.

I love to see rainbows no doubt,

Because I am a rainbow trout.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Ship of Cats

A bunch of kitty cats, we think

We've got the human who's the best.

She is the wealthy Widow Mink,

And took us on a cruise to rest.

She could not find a cruise ship that

Allowed all of us cats aboard.

The bought her own float habitat

Which Widow Mink could well afford.

So now on a world cruise we all

Are sailing 'cross the seven seas.

On deck be many a fur ball

Catnapping through nine lives of ease.

And Widow Mink thinks it quite nice

She need not worry about mice.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Romans 10: 6-8

When Jesus Christ died he did give

Me my chance through faith in him to

Make the choice in the way I live,

Not just to say good but to do.

To seek my salvation I must

Follow Christ's teachings on God's will,

To live by righteousness and trust

That when I die I will fulfill

The promise of Christ that I'll go

To heaven for the life I've led.

But until then I will not know,

And should not say until I'm dead.

Will I go to heaven or hell?

Living my faith in Christ will tell.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Within the animal domain

Be the predator and the prey.

The hunter has the skill to reign

Over the hunted in learned way.

The human animal has skill

To be the hunter in the game

But must have within the raw will

To have kill instinct with the aim

Of pursuing the prey with cause

That is of a just and right sort

In accord with natural laws,

And not just for a useless sport.

The wild big cat and big bird be

Bringing out that hunter in me.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


"I told the stars about you" be

A come on line I thought would work.

So was not pleased when you told me

That I was talking like a jerk.

Of course I took this as a sign

That you were playing hard to get.

If I came on more, you'd be mine.

Of course you just got more upset.

So when you turned and walked away,

I had to give it one more try,

Grabbed your shoulder and then did say,

"I really am a starstruck guy."

The only stars around instead,

Came from your slap upon my head.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Rocket Fueled

Being a tomcat I do prowl

The alleys for frolic and fun.

To she pussycats I do howl

In hope to get some lovin' done.

This takes a lot of energy,

So through the trash cans I do check.

Behind a Taco Bell there be

Loads of spicy stuff - what the heck!

I chowed down a bunch very fast

To have more time for woo pursuit.

But then, gosh, my tummy felt gassed,

And like a rocket I did shoot.

Upon a roof I ended up.

This cat is quite a farter, yup!

Thursday, July 06, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Sweet Desserts

Sweet desserts Mama loved to bake.

From scratch came cookies, cakes and pies.

Delicious happenings she'd make.

From the oven yum did arise.

Sugar and flour turned into

The dough she turned into the best

Magic a magician can do.

For Mama, baking was her quest.

But Papa did not like sweet stuff,

Told Mama not to count upon

Any more money, times were tough.

Then one day Papa was just gone.

It was called the sweet desserts crime.

Mama baked Papa over time.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 She Left Me

I often wonder about her.

An old color slide is all I've

Got to prove she was real for sure.

I wonder if she's still alive.

I took the slide one day when we

Were listening to the radio.

The song playing happened to be

Crosby, Stills and Nash, "Chicago."

We were in Chicago that day

Staying at Hotel Belvedere.

I recall to me she did say,

"I'll be right back, so please stay here."

She left for a cigarette pack,

And my mother never came back.

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Boris Karloff, one of his last

Performances came when he played

An old film actor who's time passed,

His fiction horror now real made.

In the film Boris told a tale

Of how death, she will not allow

Any target to let death fail

By trying to escape somehow.

This "Targets" scene just took him one

Take and other actors and crew

Stood applauding his perfection.

But truth of the tale Boris knew.

He waited patiently for her.

Within a year death came for sure.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Wanna Be Common

My Daddy's powerful and rich,

Let me be a spoiled, rotten brat.

He never had to hear me bitch.

The two of us were rarely at

The same place at the same time so

One day I decided to rebel,

Live like tellin' Daddy to go

Eff himself in corporate hell.

And with the common people I

Would go and dance and sing and screw,

And let dear Daddy wonder why

His investment had fallen through.

With common people wanna be,

But they don't wanna be with me.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Through Space and Time

"Where on Earth did you find this show?"

"While on vacation," we replied

Excited was the studio.

And so the suits there did decide

To let our family do

A remake of the show format.

Should really be appealing to

This planetary habitat,

And bring to us fortune and fame.

Cuz each of us would get to star.

We even have the same show name.

The Cleaver family we are.

The Beaver, Wally, Dad and Mom

In an out of  this world sitcom.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Wanderer Me

I pleaded and the wife let me

Turn an empty spare room into

My very own man cave to be

Where I spend hours and I do

A lot of wandering around

My own man cave pretending that

I am a real cave man who found

My blissful perfect habitat.

Within these hallowed walls no strife

Or stress to dampen down my day.

It is my refuge from the wife

Where I can just wander away.

Of course each day the wife does call,

"It's dinner time, Meanderthall."

Tuesday, July 04, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Nest Site

Mom Duck was flying through the air,

And could see Dad Duck down below

Puddling in a parking lot there,

Splashing back and forth, to and fro.

Mom Duck did sigh and down she flew,

Listening to Dad Duck quack that

This was a perfect spot to do

Their needed nesting habitat.

Dad Duck said human traffic would

Provide a lot of food and stuff.

Human littering would be good.

Replied Mom Duck, "You've quacked enough."

"Sometimes you drive me crazy, dear."

"No way we're parking the nest here."

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Bit of Bad Luck

This black cat thinks I'm by myself.

My human has left our home.

And so I jump up on the shelf

Where I am not supposed to roam.

I guess becuz there's stuff up here

That if I cause to fall will break.

Bad luck my human seems to fear.

I'll be careful for good luck sake.

I know my human dotes on me,

Becuz there's a mug up here that

Was acquired especially,

Imprinted thereon a black cat.

There's not too much that I can do,

Bad luck is mine, cuz comes guess who!

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Last Elephant

There came the future time and place.

Extinct were elephants but one.

Because of thoughtless human race,

Species destruction had been done.

There came a traveler through time,

Sad over the elephant's plight,

And though too late to change this crime,

Chose to take a journey that might

Give this last elephant a chance

To live out life as nature planned.

The traveler took circumstance,

With the last elephant time spanned.

Last elephant did travel back

In time to live safe from attack.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


When I first saw your lovely face,

I knew that paint your face I must.

So we agreed on time and place.

I hoped in me that you would trust.

But as you sat and posed for me,

Such melancholy look you had.

I did yearn for your smile to be,

But you continued to look sad.

Over and over I did ask

You give a look that would beguile,

Rewarding me this painting task.

Oh please won't you give me a smile.

How to unlock a smile from you?

Mona Lisa what need I do?

Sunday, July 02, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Visual Aid

I finally took up the task

To paint a self portrait of me.

What took so long myself I ask?

I really don't know truthfully.

I do know that my eyes are not

As insightful as they once were.

Images are blurry a lot.

Too vain to wear glasses for sure,

But I have found a will work way

To paint this self portrait of mine.

Project's going well I must say,

And truly makes this monkey shine.

With a magnifying glass I'll

Sure paint my "Mona Lisa" smile.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 False Teeth Confession

This safety deposit box be

Opened up by the widow who

Stuck a couple of things in me

After her hubby met his due.

There was a confession note that

Told how hubby'd been killed by her.

Both alone in home habitat,

Hubby had bled to death for sure,

From a deep bite wound in his neck.

The widow was cleared at the time

Cuz she had no teeth, what the heck,

But she was guilty of the crime.

Besides the note, hid underneath

Was murder weapon, her false teeth.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


"Zorba the Greek" the movie brought

Zorba's Dance, the sirtaki, to

Become renowned worldwide a lot

As footloose stuff that Greek guys do.

And some of the dancing guys dress

Up in costumes to add a spurt

Of flair for more and fashion less

In wild and zesty whirling skirt.

The dance goes fast, the dance goes slow.

At times feet drag, at times feet hop,

Dance back and forth and to and fro

Until the Greek guys at last stop.

To prompt Greek guys to dance, me think

A lot of ouzo they must drink.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Crystals' Revenge

We are three crystal sisters who

Be for good luck worn 'round the neck,

Which the three little pigs did do,

And caused the bad wolf lots of heck.

But after the bad wolf gave up

Blowing the pigs by huff and puff,

Those three pigs discarded us, yup,

Called us fakes and other vile stuff.

So we three crystals cast a spell

On those ungrateful pigs so that

In a butcher shop they would dwell

Till sold as bacon trimmed of fat.

Those pigs sure squealed at auction sale,

But that's another fairy tale.

Saturday, July 01, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 The Longest Day

On summer solstice day I wake

When early sunrise hits my eyes.

Hungover, oh my head does ache.

Why am I up is a surprise.

Cannot go back to sleep and so

I get dressed in my uniform.

Still dizzy, out the door I go,

And head for work as is my norm.

More day drags on, more I do fuss.

Guess that's how long, lousy days are.

At last I'm done driving the bus,

And head for my neighborhood bar.

"Gimme a double," I do say,

"Cuz it's been a very long day."

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Mary Wells

Mary Wells came to Motown to

Sing songs of love as her main goal.

And that is sure what she did do,

One of the first of queens of soul.

Smokey Robinson's "My Guy" be

A song panned by the studio,

Until it was sung by Mary.

And up the charts the song did go.

"My Guy" became Wells' biggest hit.

She sang it "husky" as a joke.

Her producers said go for it.

She did, pleasing soul loving folk.

Mary with "My Guy," star became,

Now in the Grammy Hall of Fame.

Sense Sonnet - Acher


An anti socialite I be

At any party I attend.

Hit a brick wall always is me.

Into the wall I want to blend.

Whatever party I am at

I mingle a very short while,

Awkwardly trying to chit chat,

Forcing my lips into a smile.

But first opportunity, I

Beat a hasty retreat to find

Some solitude, I'm not sure why,

But always messing with my mind.

Wallflower bloom in my headset,

Alone puffing my cigarette.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Matthew 24:14

Jesus Christ is the Son of Man,

As often of himself he said.

He knew his Father had a plan,

That though soon Jesus would be dead

By hands of mortal sinners, he

Would rise to heaven till one day

Jesus Christ back on Earth would be.

Till then all believers should pray

To live each day in right and good,

As if that day could be the one

Of return as he said he would,

To rule God's will as only Son.

God forgave the sinners before,

Second coming forgives no more.