Sense Sonnets

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Three Days of Me Pirating

Pirate with just three days at sea

Tells of experience each day.

"Arrr, bunch of bad luck came at me"

"When a damn shark did come me way."

"Arrr, first day I did lose me leg"

"To that damn shark that bit it off,"

"And that's now why I wear me peg."

"Arrr, second day, same shark did scoff,"

"Jumped agin and did take me hand."

"And so that's why this hook I wear."

"Arrr, third day, damn that damn shark and"

"Now, aye, an eyepatch I must bear."

"Arrr, scratch at itchy eye I took,"

"But I forgot about me hook."


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