Sense Sonnets

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Flamingos - Chile to LP Zoo

We flamingos hail from Chile,
Now reside at Lincoln Park Zoo.
Standing on one leg looks silly,
But pulling your leg - we don't do.
Plankton and algae we do eat.
Our bills are shaped to scoop up
Goodies; the water does retreat
Out of us like a draining cup.
If it's a really windy day,
Into a shelter we do go.
Keepers don't want us blown away,
The Windy City - doncha know!

Look real close, you can see us wink.
Humans really tickle us pink.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Anana - LP Zoo

I'm Anana, the polar bear,
At home in the Lincoln Park Zoo.
What do I like to eat while there?
Oh, I like brr-grrs, yes I do.
And a salad once in a while
Of iceberg lettuce and snow peas,
And ice crispies do make me smile,
But up my nose, they make me sneeze.
I love the snow, and rain's okay,
But a drizzly bear I am not,
Or solar bear in sun all day.
My seal phone is on paws a lot.

A polar bear, I love a float,
But not of root beer, I might note.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Al Gore, in selling a new book,
Tells of how the Tea Party tiz
Merely pawns of corporate crook,
Out doing all that greedy biz,
In tobacco and fossel fuels,
Climate changing without a care,
Feeding off all of us like ghouls.
The globe warms - thanks to Al's hot air.
But Gore is such a greenie pal,
Making big bucks selling waste to
Oily Jazeera - first name Al.
Be as Al say, not as Al do.

If you are with Al and on board,
Guess your ox is not getting Gored.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

House Spirits

Abraham Lincoln at the door,
As someone is in his bedroom.
He only watches, nothing more.
Dolly Madison, seen to fume
If her Rose Garden's trifled with.
Those who dared building on it,
Saw and heard her anger - no myth!
And in the Rose Room, he does sit
And swearing up a storm, he's there,
Andrew Jackson, some say be.
In the East Room, some say is where
Abigail Adams hangs laundry.

Presidents and First Ladies roam,
Ghosts in the White House, once called home.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Illinois Law and Order

Hadiya Pendleton was killed
A mile from the President's home,
Partly cuz Illinois is filled
With bad gunners allowed to roam.
Hadiya's accused killer did
Have lots of run ins with the law,
But because he was just a kid,
Probation was all that he saw
For illegal use of a gun.
Even adult bad gunners slide
Through the system - rare hard time done.
A kid set free - Hadiya died.

Illinois is run by lib jerks.
Real law and order rarely works.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Name Changeover

Illegal immigrant - not nice,
Dehumanizing to so call.
Need a "gay" type word - how 'bout "ice"?
Oops - prob'ly not so good at all.
Need somethig safe from the word pool,
Not tied to the reality,
With sure sound byteness - how 'bout "cool"?
Other meanings, but "cool" could be
Illegal immigrant - but said
In a pleasant and a hip way.
No nasty naming, but instead
One is so "cool" is what we'd say.

Yes, confusion could dump upon.
But look how good "gay" has caught on?

Monday, February 25, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

On the Roid

Mayans said a few months ago,
All would be coming to an end.
Fateful day came and 'twas not so.
Now an asteroid does impend.
Predicted it will just zip by
Closer than any tracked before.
Might even see it in the sky -
First of asteroids many more,
Following on magnetic course,
Not yet detected by Earthlings,
But too soon will hit us in force.
Time and space - Earth disaster brings.

Maybe the Mayans missed on math.
Earth prepare for asteroid bath.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

No Loss for Words

Rightie Bill O'Reilly goes on
Leftie David Letterman's show.
Always an ego talkathon
Of dueling "gotchas" - doncha know!
Each having agendas to spin
Of how the world ought to behave.
The audience try to hang in,
Dumbfound coming from Bill and Dave,
Hoping each's ratings could climb.
As babble bounds about each head,
Their hearts both stopped at the same time,
And both of them drop over dead.

The cameras catch quite a sight -
Four lips still flapping left and right.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Retrofit Need

Buildings are leaking big hot air,
Causing loads of energy waste,
And climate chaos - doncha care!
But on this Unc Sam is two faced.
The federal government talks
Lots about saving energy.
And for cronies and pork it hocks
Future for current spending spree.
A broad energy retrofit -
It's common sense it needs a fix.
Left to politicians - to wit -
More and more waste - tiz politics.

Big hot air leaks from minds so small,
Retrofit - U.S. Capitol.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

SOTU Broke

The State of the Union Address -
What We the People want to hear
(Most of us by election guess)
Make us sound good and We will cheer.
We can't be good unless we spend
And spend and spend on this and that.
For D.C. it's means to an end
Of  D.C. staying ever fat.
And how long will this spree go on?
As long as creditors say - well,
Another address come and gone,
Let's help the We spend to their hell.

The real State of the Union - broke!
Cut spending - that is just a joke.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Pop Quanli - LP Zoo

I am Quanli, a real proud dad,
Sichuan takin baby boys,
Here at the Lincoln Park Zoo pad,
Home all the family enjoys.
Just in time for Valentine's Day,
The boys were born one week apart,
Two different moms. I must say
I am a sharing guy at heart.
So if you're in the neighborhood,
Drop by and visit me and mine.
Far from Tibet, I've got it good.
All year long is a valentine.

I won't be handing out cigars,
But maybe hand out salt lick bars.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

The Next Newtown

Newtown, Connecticut, I chose
To kill the young and innocent.
The children, as everyone knows,
Are easy for me to torment.
Pawns in my game - all humankind
For me to play with are such fun.
Over and over I remind
Whenever humans lost, I won.
I started playing way back when
The only props were stick and stone,
I put in humans hands, and then
I never have to play alone.

After the latest play dies down,
My game goes on - maybe your town.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Waste of Time and Space

E.T. arrives at planet Earth,
And beams to the surface to see
If there is life of any worth.
Beams into Washington, D.C.
The State of the Union Address
Has just ended, and humans there
Communicate, E.T. does guess.
E.T. listens to what all share.
Lots of hot air, full of nonsense.
Self serving seems to dominate
Selves with little intelligence.
Up to the ship, E.T. does state,

"Beam me up, because it is clear,"
"There's no intelligent life here."

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Job Unlisted

Osama bin Laden was killed.
I was the Navy Seal who shot
Three bullets in his forehead filled.
On his head was a hefty pot
Of millions of dollars in reward.
But doing duty, I got paid
My regular pay in accord
With modest military grade.
I did leave the service without
A pension and few benefits.
There's few civilians jobs - no doubt!
My situation is the shits.

Shooting bin Laden did not pay -
Can't put it on my resume'!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Resign Repeat

Pope Benedict for health resigned
In the year 2013.
Have to go back a ways to find
Last a resigning Pope was seen.
1415, the Great Schism,
Gregory the 12th was Pope picked,
But without much optimism,
As the cardinals politicked.
The Council of Constance did patch,
In back room doings not divined,
The Great Schism. A deal did hatch.
Gregory on his own resigned.

Resigning Popes are rare and why? -
Tiz preferred that the Pope should die.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Hillary Helps

Hillary Clinton, story went,
Drove with Bill to his home town,
Stopped for some gas. There a gent
Pumped. Hil looked him up and down,
Told Bill he looked like a past beau.
Bill laughed and said lucky was Hil,
Could have married him - doncha know!
And lost out on the coattails of Bill.
Hillary did not take too well
Bill's condescending attitude,
More or less told him go to hell,
Along with words that did include,

"He'd have been President. Alas,"
"You would have been stuck pumping gas."

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Food for Greed

A food bubble, ready to burst?
Cuz speculators on Wall Street
Drive high food prices to their worst
To bank big buck bets as we eat.
Some say deregulation made
A mess of food demand/supply.
The have nots hungry, while haves trade
To make money on sell or buy.
Most haves worry most of their worth,
In terms of money, and eat well,
While hunger ravages the Earth.
Fat cat heaven makes hunger hell.

Money feeds the global food biz.
What of we eat wherein greed tiz.

Sense Sonnet - Acher


In life, as college football coach,
I won the hearts and souls of young.
To fame from game I did approach,
Climbing to glory on sure rung.
I only looked up, never down,
What others did while in my time,
While in my happy valley town,
No matter how heinous a crime.
I hoped that such would not be caught
While I was still alive and well.
Ripping my glory all to naught.
How could I bear such life in hell!

In death, I am pained memory
For my cheerleading family.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


Earthworm - I am humankind's friend.
Tickle me in my middle half.
Listen for sounds - that's my head end.
And at humans, I often laugh.
A great sense of humus have I.
Tequila bottles - I crawl clear.
Could be the death of me - tiz why.
Lots of in-dig-gestion. Oh dear!
Busy fertilizing the ground,
I get so wrapped up out and in.
I catch my other end around.
Oh where in earth have I not been!

Earthworms - we're ever confirming
All the good of global worming.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


49ers Chris Culliver
Caught 'tween a hard rock and the press.
The answer to a questioner,
Asking of gay stuff - who can guess
What sensitivities will churn?
Media wackos know this well.
Go for the gay for public yearn.
Whatever answer - spin to sell.
Gay in and of sports - story time.
Anti gay - whether truth or not,
Media turns to heinous crime.
Media's "gotcha!" Chris got got.

The media just love to play
All kinds of games of playing gay.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Poop Plus

Humans have given us bad rap,
Nastified in both act and word.
Humans can be so full of crap,
Blaming us for their ills - absurd!
If humans would just use their head
Half as much as they use their rump,
They would know we have good to spread
O'er Earth where humans tend to dump.
More better food and energy
Are found in nutrients we bear.
Humans can use us usefully
On this planet that we all share.

Think of us as a giving group.
Much good is possible with poop.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Iron Out, Cat in

Monopoly tokens took form
From a charm bracelet of the niece
Of the game creator, and norm
Decades of playing piece to piece.
But powers that be of the game
Decided that a change was due.
One of the pieces with past fame
Would be out and in something new.
Of new choices a vote was cast,
And a cat won the chance to play.
And poor old iron ironed into past,
Collector's item on eBay.

Some say the new cat was a fix,
In from Super PAC, Meow Mix.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


It started out innocently,
Thinking at parties now and then,
Social thinking quite decently.
I knew I had a problem when
I started thinking more alone.
Get some help for thinking too much,
The boss ordered, in a stern tone.
Wanting to stop, I got in touch
With a no more thinking program.
In meetings with members I share.
In think recovery I am.
My cravings to think - very rare.

I'm in Thinkers Anonymous.
I got elected to Congress.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Gay Bash

The former New York Mayor, Ed Koch,
Passed away at age 88.
The New York Times obit - a botch?
The AIDS epidemic dire fate
Took off and spread throughout his term.
His "no rush" stirred controversy,
The city's death toll did confirm.
Closeted gay some said he be.
Is an alleged gay branded more
Than other humans who did err,
In knowing what AIDS had in store
For gay and non gay ev'rywhere?

AIDS unawareness at the start -
Most obits would include that part.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

No Show, Cuz...

Christmas in Washington D.C.
For filling in some of the roles,
No Nativity scene to be -
Not Constitutional controls,
But simply there cannot be found,
Besides the stable denizens,
Three wise men to the stable bound
To dirty D.C. with its sins.
The nation's capitol, also,
Is not where a virgin hangs out.
So without these four - doncha know,
Leaves the scene incomplete, no doubt.

D.C. is missing these folks four.
Of course there are asses galore.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Hundreds of folks involved in crime,
Loads of defendants in lawsuits.
For assault, a few have done time.
Spousal abuse done by some brutes.
A bunch of company bankrupts.
Shoplifting and writing bad checks.
Assorted fraudulent corrupts.
Loads of such smarts, as in alecks.
Many picked up for drunk driving.
Failing to pass lawful drug test.
Criminal intent be their thing.
Laws broken and under arrest.

We the People should balk, because
These Congress people pass the laws.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Tiz Super Bowl 47,
Properly - ex, ell, vee, one, one.
Some such bowls stink to high heaven,
But this Bowl spilt a bit of fun.
Beyonce, in her halftime show,
Used huge banks of lighting effects.
So much energy, doncha know,
Superdome darked in disconnects.
Harbaugh bros, coaches Jim and John,
One had to win, one had to lose.
And when the lights got turned back on,
The game got close on who to choose.

John and the Ravens, the win got.
Jim and the 49ers not.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Phil Forever

They call me Punxsutawney Phil,
A groundhog with one day for me.
Each February second chill,
I am dragged out and made to see
How much more of winter I find,
Depending on my shadow state.
What dummies are most humankind.
No groundhog should suffer such fate.
This scam's gone on o'er hundred years.
Supposedly, I'm still the same
Phil, drinking long life elixers,
Adding some magic to their game.

All I want to do is to dine.
The handler's finger should do fine.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Command - Chief

Chicago is a gang war zone.
Terrorists rule the streets at will.
Bullets are ripping flesh and bone,
With a daily multiple kill.
It is time for the President
To declare a city of war.
To Chicago, troops should be sent,
As have been sent worldwide before.
Without help of federal force,
Chicago is gonna go down
As where gang killings are of course,
Life in the President's home town.

Afghanistan - we did attack.
We need to take Chicago back.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Boy Scouts, initialed B.S.A.
Founder Boyce was rumored to be,
Divorced twice, a closeted gay.
Known homosexuality
Was deemed to demean the Scout oath -
Be moral in thought and word and deed.
Good gay and good Scout - I was both.
And I still am in life I lead.
I joined the Scouts at a young age.
Sexuality was unknown.
As Scout, I grew into that stage
Of me, that I would not disown.

My fellows knew. I stayed a Scout.
That's what Scouting should be about.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Drone Zone

Unc Sam uses armed drones to kill
So called enemies of the state.
Guilty or not - don't give a damn,
Call it one zap fits all fate.
Being an Unc Sam citizen
Don't give a body pass - tiz true.
If Unc Sam says so bad I been,
Then I am in for deep drone do.
And being here in Chicago,
The bulls eye still can be on me,
A domestic drone - doncha know!
My neighbors too in danger be.

Unc Sam finds me, I'm likely dead.
I hear a buzzing overhea

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

King Barack

And when the emperor was crowned,
He wore the robes of hope and change.
Court jesters praised him all around,
As all his robes did disarrange.
Too soon, the emperor did rule
In nothing but his birthday suit.
The emperor thought he could fool
His subjects in his bare pursuit.
And pretty much he got his way,
Recrowned in robes of forward go.
Court jesters have not much to say.
The jokes on all of us - you know!

The emperor rules with no clothes.
King Barack hopes nobody knows

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Lemonade from Lemons

Since We the People have to pay
Congress, let's turn it to a sport,
A perfect place for games to play
By such a wild and crazy sort.
Let's make it legal to bet on
If Repubbie or Demmie teams
Dump the most crappy points upon,
And shaft the public with most reams.
All the teams' members can enhance
Incompetence by steroid use,
Better to spin their song and dance,
Screwing us all with their screws loose.

Congress, a legal sport should be -
Arena of hypocrisy.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

I am ambergris. I smell good.
The ancient people cherished me.
During the Plague, folks thought I could
Sweet smell away fatality.
An aphrodesiac for some,
For some a fix for common cold.
Into whatever lives I come,
I soothe senses of young and old.
Perfume makers do pay big bucks
To buy my craved for perfume scents
That I bring to bottles - aw shucks!
Cuz I come from humble expense.

I am ambergris, smell telltale,
I am the vomit from a whale.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Have Me and Die

Here I am, an illegal gun,
As defined by Federal law.
With me, lots of bad can be done,
And has been, que' sera' sera'.
Right to bear arms not be infringed,
So says the second amendment,
Has gotten lots of folks unhinged.
But enough's enough - message sent.
You can choose to bear me or not.
Now on, bear me at your own risk.
Possession of me, and you're caught,
Only yourself to blame - tsk tsk!

When you're caught with illegal me -
Automatic death penalty.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

To Barney from Bo

To a best friend of a The Man,
From one who follows in your paws,
I know we try best as we can
For the First Family, because
You and I know of trust and love.
From White House staff I heard the news
You're headed for heaven above.
I hope the Bushes never lose
Good memories of all you gave,
To brighten up their lives in share.
I s'pose there's times I don't behave,
But the Obamas know I care.

From dog to dog - to you Barney,
This is Bo wishing R.I.P.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Four Foot Offended

The truth about Super Bowl ads
Is how offensive they can be,
In their stereotyping bads,
Even though done innocently.
People, places and things are oft
Portrayed in unflattering ways.
So p.c. dictates such be scoffed,
All eyebrows archingly araise.
In the two thousand thirteen batch
Of Super Bowl ads that offend,
There are two species that attach
Together with complaint to send.

The C & C Committee does ask
Take camel/cheetah bashing to task.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


Recently, a spider was found
That weaved a web, apparently,
As a big decoy to surround
The little spider's goal to be
Fooling whatever looked close by,
That the decoy was the real thing.
Maybe whatever would not try
For further truth for a snacking.
A new species? Word's not in yet.
Similar species do exist.
Find them in D.C. - sure bet!
In webs to fool, they do persist.

Name a web builder of deceit -
Pollytician weaves that excrete.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Once upon a time, as a pet,
Lived Manuela in a home,
As a tortoise, and she was let
Free throughout the household to roam.
One day, she up and disappeared.
The family searched high and low,
But she was gone. But then the weird -
Thirty years later, who does show
Up in an unused closet? - same
Manuela - joyous laughter.
And out of the closet she came,
To live happ'ly ever after.

Put on the fact or fiction scale,
Is this a tortoise fairy tale?

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Half and Half

General Colin Powell is miffed
That Prez Obama's been construed
By some who've gone too far right shift,
A lazy, shuckin', jivin' dude.
Racist toned words on black by white.
Okay if said by black on black,
Or white on white should be all right.
But what if a half and half pack,
Like Prez Obama surely tiz?
Is it racist to criticize
By a white on his white side biz?
What would the General surmise?

Prez Obama - I don't like much.
Just to his white side, I say such.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Gangland Chicago

Chicago is a battleground.
The gangs with guns do rule the streets.
Mayor Emanuel just makes sound
From his protected office suites.
Shootings and killings ev'ry day,
The Mayor won't pay for more police.
His campaign fund's well on its way,
And he's got many palms to grease.
But to turn down the heat a bit,
The Mayor's sending police out
From behind their desk jobs, to wit,
To make it look he cares - no doubt!

Gangs have nothing to fear at all,
While Rahmbird roosts in City Hall.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Govvies are Special

The govvies want to make more laws
To take more guns away from us.
Govvies exempt themselves, because
For their own safety, govvies fuss.
The govvies feel the itch to preach
How We the People don't need armed
Like bodyguatds for govvies each,
Cuz jeez, the govvies can't be harmed.
Who would tell We the People how
To live life from cradle to grave?
Govvies deserve guns with big pow.
Govvies have the U.S. to save.

One of the perks of govvie wins,
Special protection for their skins.

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Hadiya - your name's in the news,
A Chicago child shot and killed.
Paid attention to as one who's
Hook for media was fulfilled.
Obama's second swearing in,
You were there as a majorette.
For media, this is a win
To make your death a better bet
To sell whatever spin is spun
About all the enough's enough.
The fact you were killed by a gun -
A min celeb - that's news stuff.

Hadiya, yes it is sad you died,
One child of many, Chicago wide.

Saturday, February 09, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Thar's Gold in Them Gills

Two twin goldfish brothers were born
In a sewer line Mom was in,
When she'd been flushed one early morn.
She wished them well as they took fin.
They made it to a treatment plant,
And swam to the surface to see
The human world from their own slant.
They feared humans instinctively.
But a worker grabbed them both there.
Into a tank went each brother.
Through the glass sides, humans did stare.
One goldfish said to the other,

"So it's a tank - let's have some fun."
"You drive and I will man the gun."

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Super Bowling for Dollars

The Super Bowl media day.
From Tinseltown comes Vic the Brick,
The poet warrior, he say,
To gab and garb his goofy schtick.
A bunch of tee shirts promote his
Brand of media-ocracy.
Sadly, he's what media tiz -
Make any story about me.
A theatre of the absurd,
Whenever media compete,
To get first scoop and have last word,
Flashy ghouls out for trick or treat.

The Super Bowl - a place to sport
The media a holding court.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

In the Beginning

Many of the pro gunnites say
Tiz a God given right to bear
Arms - cuz such is the divine way
To prove that God does really care.
But checking the whole bible out,
Mention of guns does not appear.
Must be an oversight, no doubt!
New bible printings need make clear
That God gave guns so that the Earth
Would have a better shot at sin.
Adam and Eve (for what it's worth)
Packed, after kicked out of Eden.

Genesis needs to be revised.
Guns deserve God's blessing - surprised!

Friday, February 08, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Smile Guide

You're American. I am French.
Don't smile when we go to the Lourve.
You'll be deemed dippy in a cinch.
I'll probably be asked to move.
We French only smile when there's cause,
Not lots like Americans do.
French watch Americans and pause.
You're even grinning when you chew.
A smile's for ambiguity,
As Herman Melville roughly said.
Smiling means may or may not be.
But who do you see smile when dead?

Why does the Mona Lisa smile?
She's looking at your weird hair style.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Worry Whirler

Media love to give bad news.
Bad news is good news bottom line.
Media sells the stuff that screws
With public minds, and by design
Media play the worry game.
More worry sales where profit's at.
Throw out any chemical name,
To worry about this or that.
Dihydrogen monoxide sounds
Like there's some worry to report.
Media go to any bounds
To take water to worry sort.

"...Media rarely lie to you."
Media tells us - must be true!

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Sense Sonnet- Pumper


The my turn Obama regime
Is picking and choosing the who
Deserves the American Dream.
But not a WASP like me - tiz true.
The Founding Fathers were WASPs all,
And cared not for minorities.
Obama heeds the beck and call
To treat most WASPs like a disease.
Blacks and women - still much is due,
But their movements are a bit old.
Obama's focused on who's new -
These current favorites - behold!

Whatever it costs, I will pay
To become an Hispanic gay.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Bloomberg Study

Mayor Bloomberg says he's asked the most
If Staten Island should be
Rebuilding homes along the coast,
After the perfect storm Sandy's spree.
The Mayor replies, "Let me be clear."
But then the Mayor is clearly not,
Smog of political career
Covers Staten Island a lot.
The Mayor must study means and ways
To rebuild smarter - doncha know!
While homeless wait hundreds of days,
As Mayor Bloomberg studies so slow.

Mayor Bloomberg's busy, heart and soul,
Studying more nanny control.

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


The Free State Project (F.S.P.),
A libertarian movement.
New Hampshire is the place to be,
To seek liberating content.
The porcupine is the mascot,
A rodent known for its sharp quills.
Known for liberty - it is not -
Many a sweet porc pie it fills.
The F.S.P. has a porc fest
For liberty to celebrate.
The quills are quite hard to digest.
Live quill free or die a pained fate.

Hard to find a free porcupine,
Where Libertarians do dine.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Section 8 Hate

Section 8 housing's home to us,
Keeps a roof over our heads,
And jerks like Stossel make a fuss,
Slamming us as lazy ill breds.
Of course Stossel got the gov to
Put him back in his beachfront place,
Something he says he would not do
Now - according to column space.
Stossel's gotten a few good breaks,
A few more than most of us got.
Because of that, he thinks it makes
His "independence" a safe bet.

For those of us really in need,
Stossel needs us to sell - indeed!

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Alone Abroad

I was planning a trip abroad,
Never been out of U.S.A.
But recent news at me has gnawed -
More and more baddies get away
Harming Americans who are
In the wrong place at the wrong time.
The State Department, insofar,
As helping victims of such crime,
Does only really huff and puff
In diplomatic useless tone.
In foreign lands, with foreign stuff,
Americans are on their own.

I am staying home, cuz I know
I'll be safe here in Chicago.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Driving with Smarter

Thanks to computerized hi tech,
Smarter vehicles will be made
To know if there may be a wreck
With an animal that's displayed
As being in same time and space
As the vehicle on the road.
The vehicle can interface
So a collision will not bode.
Smarter animals by instinct
Will learn how to more safely pass
On roads where human speeds are linked.
Humans just drive dumber - alas!

Smart vehicles and critters will
Be more helpful for less road kill.

Monday, February 04, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Bad Aim

The gun lobby and industry
Own enough politicians to
Make the public believe there be
Big time confiscation to do,
And scare We the People to buy
More gun stuff at inflated price.
Meantime, the politicians lie
About such evil merchandise.
Not just conservies buy in fear.
Gun sales boom in libbie Frisco.
All is a gun crazed atmosphere.
We are the targets - doncha know!

The gun powers are loaded full.
The politicians shoot the bull.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

The Guide

Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke
That for all he still had a dream.
He was speaking for common folk,
To guide equality mainstream.
Killed before his journey was done,
He left his guidings to us all,
To hear and read and see as one,
Ever beckoning to his call.
We the People have journeyed on,
Sometimes on his course, oft times not.
He taught, learn from where we have gone.
We are still learning all he taught.

If we will follow King's mapped way,
Then we will live his dream one day.

Sunday, February 03, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Special Olympics Inspire

The Special Olympics inspire
All humankind to strive to be
The creation of God's desire
To live in peace and harmony,
To share with all the best of love,
Encouraging each other to
Excel with what each is made of,
To better be in all we do.
The differences of intellect,
As differences of other kind,
Should not divide, but should connect
Goodness of heart, goodness of mind.

God is in each woman and man,
Inspiring "together we can."

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Caloric Love

In young love, we often eat less,
Because of churning love hormones,
Expending energy, we guess,
To keep in touch by hands and phones.
But once together long enough,
We tend to spend less energy
On all of the romantic stuff,
So love hormones can turn fatty.
In old love, we often eat more.
The love hormones have less to do.
We send each other to the store.
Food has replaced the angst of woo.

Are love hormones a diet sought?
Just a little less food for thought.

Saturday, February 02, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

National Past Prime

The Baseball Hall of Fame says no
To a bunch of the boys who played
Allegedly steroided, so
This is a price that must be paid.
Two such most decorated boys -
Batter, Barry Bonds, asked oh when
Will accusers stop making noise.
Pitcher, Roger Clemens, chimed in,
In a tweet that he understood.
The steroid s--t has hit the fans.
For baseball, this has not been good,
And most just wanted to wash their hands.

Cooperstown has still got Babe Ruth,
Who drank booze during games - forsooth!

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Philip Reid

Philip Reid - remember that name,
A slave in Washington D.C.
His master chose him. He became
A caster of freedom to be.
Eighteen sixty three was the year.
The Statue of Freedom was placed
Atop the Capitol dome tier
By slaves. It was them she first faced.
Reid supervised that slave event,
With mind and body, heart and soul.
He could not be sure what it meant,
But he was proud he had a role.

An end to slavery began.
Philip Reid was his own free man.

Friday, February 01, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

No Win War

Drug addiction is slavery.
The "magic" snort or pop or shot
That makes being minority
A numbing fix, at least till caught,
And then locked up to prove to folk
That gov is scaring drugs away.
The war on drugs becomes a joke,
As all the gov statistics say.
The power of the drug cartels
Put the gov huff and puff to shame.
Get high and higher, each drug sells,
Forcing more slaves into the game.

The master drugs do win the war,
Enslaving humans more and more.

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Dalton, a nine year old young boy
Was dying from a lung disease.
One last Christmas, what brought him joy,
From close to home, from overseas,
Was getting Christmas cards in piles.
Thousands and thousands of them came,
And once again his face was smiles,
Pursuing record setting aim.
And Dalton asked that cards be sent
To other kids who were in need
Of a pick me up each card meant,
A caring each card guaranteed.

"Come home" to Dalton, God did call,
Leaving a Christmas card for all.