Sense Sonnets

Monday, June 30, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Acher


We went to Vietnam to fight
For freedom for We weren't sure who,
Cuz can't know when commies might
March on over red, white and blue.
We went to Iraq cuz spies said
Folks there with WMD,
Wanted We the People all dead,
And thousands there got dead - We be.
We went to Afghanistan cuz
Folks there would not cooperate
On bin Laden, who really was
In Pakistan, We compensate.

What fated fight awaits next turn?
When, oh when, will We ever learn?

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Barn Owls - LP Zoo

Barn owls at the Lincoln Park Zoo,
We can be seen down on the farm.
The only job we're asked to do
Is go owl out with all owl charm.
A white and heart shaped face with eyes
Sharp as well as talons and beak.
And ears the sharpest - no surprise,
Rarely not getting what we seek.
Why do farmers like us around?
Cuz we eat rodents left and right,
Hear them under snow on the ground,
As we fly silent through the night.

Unless you're rodent, come by
The big red barn, and owl shout hi.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Papa Kwan - LP Zoo

The humans call it Father's Day.
It happens in June once a year.
Time for children to do and say
This and that to fill Dad with cheer.
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,
My two gorilla girls I see,
Toting a package 'tween the two,
Both grinning handed it to me,
In bright paper tied with a bow.
I knew they wanted to please Dad,
So roared with delight - doncha know!
Worth seeing both girls so sure glad.

Opening, I tried not to sigh.
Where am I gonna wear a tie!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Slender Man

The Slender Man from the mindset
Of Web weavers who wove a guy,
Slender, tall and faceless who met
With children - be his evil eye.
To be the power from behind
To hold a child, and inside place
Bloody killing in a child's mind,
Faceless evil in a child's face.
His tentacles have grabbed me tight,
And guide my hands with worshipped skill,
Encouraging my new insight.
Who will be next for me to kill.

I want to please the Slender Man.
I practice so to prove I can.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Fired Up, Eaten Up

A male firefly, just weeks to live,
I focus looking for Ms. Right,
Cuz I got genes I gotta give,
So I go blinking through the night.
A chemical butt beacon sends
Code that I wanna get it on.
Whether or not it works depends
On how lucky a hand I've drawn.
Cuz there's a femme fatale firefly
Who flash signals of pretense,
Hoping to fool a sex starved guy,
Then make a meal out of us gents.

As I was looking for my mate,
Guess who came to dinner - too late!

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Oops Day

'Twas June 3, 1944.
A prerecorded newsflash went,
"Invasion of France" for the war.
Worldwide this message did get sent.
A young typist, age 22,
Was practicing for the real thing,
Hit the wrong button I did do,
An end to that job that did bring.
All the radio and the press
Had to follow up with an "Oops!"
And hope the Germans would not guess
I really had dished out big scoops.

D-Day - June sixth and not June third.
Just call me one dumb early bird.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Shhh Cricket

Mr. Cricket for ages sang
A luring South Pacific tune
Aimed at lady cricket shebang
Over Mr. Cricket to swoon.
Then came a parasitic fly,
Also quite lured by the song's sound,
Causing Mr. Cricket to die,
By burrowing in him round.
So Mr. Cricket quickly changed
His tune to silence so to solve
Unwanted guests, and rearranged
His come on - he had to evolve.

Hush hush woo for Mr. Cricket.
The singing - just had to kick it.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

D.C. Bike Psych

Biking in Washington, D.C.
Is popular with common folk.
Congress could do some bike friendly,
Ride bikes bi to and from - no joke.
A bicycle built for two could
Be Demmie and Repubbie shared,
Together pedalling for good.
The odd couples evenly paired,
Harry with John, Nancy with Mitch,
Doing productive deal on wheel,
One front, one back and then they'd switch.
It could change politics - for real!

Bipartisanship in D.C. -
Bicycles just might be the key.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Mental Block Doc

Depressed, I went to see a shrink,
And on his couch I bared my soul.
Could he pull me back from the brink
Of jumping into a black hole?
Did my mother abandon me,
Filling me with issues of trust?
Did I feel a nonentity,
Making me overeat and lust?
But the shrink just sat there and stared,
Inattentive to my squealed cries,
Not taking notes on oinks I bared.
I could see hunger in his eyes.

I had to fire that shrink, cuz damn,
He only saw me as a ham.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

California Chrome

Born under California sun,
With four to race Chrome colored feet.
The youth began his love to run
With others with the aim to beat.
Race rules made by powers that be,
Others whined the rules were not fair.
But win or lose, he was rules free.
The racing was his only care.
An ill fate at the gate did put
This race as one that would be lost,
A nasty cut on one Chrome foot,
The Triple Crown this year the cost.

From this Chromie a thank you poem.
You run on California Chrome.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Death Penalty Alternative

We debate the death penalty -
Cruel, unusual punishment?
Being human - some errors be.
With safeguards, loads of cash is spent.
Hopefully, science can so solve
How to put killers on ice, cuz
Killing continues to evolve.
Killing will be as always was.
But humans of the science kind
Can find the way that's 'twixt and 'tween
Life and death - body, soul and mind,
Cheap and easy and not too mean.

Freeze the baddies, and when real doubt,
Pull out of fridge and thaw'em out.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Roll With It

An armadillo, I have got
A shell that can fold into form
Of a ball. I do it a lot
When I feel something's out of norm.
And out of norm, the humans be,
Ever snooping into my biz,
Curling their fingers around me,
A lot of man handling there is.
And when picked up, the worry's there -
What does this human have in mind?
Some crazy motive to beware,
Cuz weird are most of humankind.

I hear a voice from somewhere call,
"Hey - that is one strange bowling ball!"

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Bunch Crunch

I'm an owl minding my own biz,
Flying o'er a meadow, and see
This human guy below. He is
Bunch of flowers cutting be,
Muttering that his gal will like
Them fine, and he won't have to pay.
I watch him take off in his hike.
A tree branch smacks the flower spray.
He stuffs the flowers in his sack.
The blooms droop. He says she won't mind.
I can hear the flower stems crack.
From him to her. Will such tie bind?

The guy wows the gal - who can tell?
A bunch of flowers went through hell.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Duck v Mouse

Walt Disney was looking to find
A Mickey Mouse more ornery,
Cuz Mickey was so goodie kind -
Somewhat boring he'd come to be.
So Donald Duck, a grouch, became
With look and voice that took him far,
In some ways eclipsed Mickey's fame,
Being in lots more films as star.
Mickey, role model for be good,
Was quite peeved, but what could he do?
Rid the bird - if only he could.
He could only dream of duck stew.

For Mickey, Donald was bad luck.
Mickey oft complained, "What the Duck!"

Friday, June 20, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Ants of Uncle Sam

A 911 type attack
Does stir up the U.S. ant hill.
American ants then fast track
The war machine to march and kill
In a war that us ants can't win,
But someone, somewhere has to pay.
The rest of the world gets dragged in.
Jihadists - there's a better way,
The Boston bombing strategy
Multiplied by a bunch of such
Will keep us ants scurrying be,
In the hill, not focusing much.

Make the war hurt more like a crime,
Take us ants out few at a time.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Swan Family - LP Zoo

Outing for the Swan family,
Time and place to enjoy the day,
And very nice that it is free,
Where the little signets can play,
But also learn of nature's grace,
Where flora and fauna abound.
And there is such a time and place
Waiting to be family found.
The pond's a perfect viewing stand.
Swan Mom and Dad offer a tip -
Underwater are yum snacks, and
Can cool off by taking a dip.

What did the Swans decide to do?
Why of course, the Lincoln Park Zoo.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Whiskered Why - LP Zoo

Whiskers the way we seals check out
What's up (or down or to the side).
Puppy dog eyes and smiling snout
Are cute, but whiskers be the guide,
Sensors that detect and relay
Underwater changes of flow.
Is it a fish on which to prey?
Or danger, danger - doncha know!
Vision and hearing oft don't aid
In murky muffled waters  deep.
We're not left guessing, "What the (bleep)!"

With whiskers whisking, we seals do
Check you out at Lincoln Park Zoo.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

The P.O.W. Must

A P.O.W.'s return
Should be the goal first and foremost.
That's what any soldier does earn
When in harm's way We choose to post.
If We the People choose to send
A soldier off to risk it all,
Any means justifies the end.
The President does make that call -
Rescue. Often the price is high
And bargains made defy sound sense,
'Specially when more soldiers die.
But that's why We choose Presidents.

No soldier should be left behind.
First save the soldier, then fault find.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Spectacled Caiman - LP Zoo

A spectacled caiman I be.
My home is the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Oh what spectacles I do see.
I love watching humans - I do.
Humans think the ridge 'tween my eyes
Looks like I have spectacles on,
And thus my name - no real surprise,
Humans are a phe-name-enon.
A caiman is a crocodile,
With alligator a close kin,
A South American reptile,
Water is where you'll find us in.

At the Zoo see me in a groove,
And once comfy, I rarely move.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Out of the Oort cloud I was hurled,
And to the Sun I set to roam.
Any watching from any world
In this system that I called home?
It took a while but the third rock
From the Sun glimpsed me at long last,
Just a baby by comet clock,
Into the space pool I was cast
By this rock's beings to be one
Of a few thousand comets known
To light the sky when near the Sun,
Perking curiosity prone.

PanSTARRS telescope first found me,
So guess what my Earthling name be?

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

K = $

More newsworthy than war and crime,
The merger marriage of the Ks.
Kim and Kanye - right place and time
To prove that public petty pays.
Ah - allure of celebrity,
With media taking the bait
To hook the awesomestruck that be
So darn easy to captivate.
And so the Ks do do for real,
No matter how tasteless and rank,
Preparing for the next big deal,
Laughing all the way to the bank.

The Kardashian weddings bells
Means Kashing in, cuz weddings sells.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Gender Speak

The term, "transgender" came to be,
Latin -  across from him to her,
To complement identity.
So came "cisgender" to assure,
Latin -  this side assigned at birth,
By "it's a girl" or "it's a boy,"
Kept by most folks while on this Earth.
But some want transfer to deploy.
Male or female - check in the box
Is nowadays so out of date,
Varied biological clocks
Need gendering specificate.

Thank goodness Facebook provides this,
There are options for trans or cis.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Boys will be Boys - LP Zoo

Hank and Optimus up a tree,
Two chimp guys trying to hide out
From six chimp gals, mad as could be.
What was the furor all about?
"I told you it was dumb," Hank said.
Optimus replied, "Whoda thought"
"That all the girls hair would just shed,"
"Rubbing on goop from us they got!"
"Yeah, they were just supposed to itch,"
Hank whined, "Who knows what they will do!"
They both waited in nervous twitch,
For the wrath of the bald belle crew.

The two chimp dudes pondered the yets
Of being caught by the chimpettes.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Ida been buried eons time,
When humans stumbled upon me,
Fossil remains of primate prime -
Ancestor of humans? Could be!
The humans argue forth and back,
The ever evolving debate
Over me, now under attack.
My being found was an ill fate,
And one I surely had not sought,
As I was texted into fame.
I could not help but have the thought -
Humans are what my kind became?

Ida be depressed Ida think
If Ida be the missing link.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Bake n Ache

I am a baker paid to bake.
I sell to customer public.
A gay couple ordered a cake.
The very thought did make me sick.
I believe the Bible does say
That homosexuality
Is a sin in every way.
So I refused them my pastry.
The gays then did file a complaint.
The system forced me to bake for
Gays, with no religious restraint.
Oh Lordy, I am pissed galore.

I fought the law and the law won.
He really takes the cake - my son!

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou did so weave
Such wondrous word fabric in art,
Wishing each wearer might believe
That language can clothe yearning heart.
Once upon a place and a time,
Maya wove her fine word to reach
Passion of reason without rhyme,
Inaugerating senses each.
I, the Rock, the River, the Tree,
However history was worn,
Maya asked the people to be
Willing to wish all a good morn.

Maya gave language art that sings,
As Maya leaves on angel wings.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Summer Home - LP Zoo

A travelin' butterfly - I do
Wing it in the Nature Boardwalk,
Summer at the Lincoln Park Zoo,
Place where lots of us jet set flock.
Butterfly bunches - rabble name,
A colorful sight to behold,
In search of that for which we came -
A haven to have and to hold.
Partying hearty nectar wise,
From the flora blooming abound,
Keen sensing to naturalize
Such beauty all the summer round.

So if you see this butterfly,
Give a wave as I flutter by.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

The Argo

The Argo was the finest ship
To ever have sailed sea from Greece,
On a faraway foreign trip,
In a quest of the golden fleece.
The mortal crew went with the aid
Of gods and goddesses, hands on.
Argo had been divinely made,
Surmounting evils come upon.
And when the voyage and the quest
Were completed successfully,
The Argo by divine behest
Was set to sail eternally.

Through the night skies sails the Argo,
Constellation in starry glow.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Short Memory

The U.S. Memorial Day,
Meant to remember those who died
Fighting for our freedom's way,
In resting places found worldwide.
Serving the nation, fallen fell
Through centuries of human war,
Deserving heaven from Earth's hell,
Fallen could not have given more.
In memory, We living give
The last Monday each month of May.
Do good, do bad, but We do live.
The dead do not do holiday.

Marked and unmarked, the fallen lie.
For freedom's call each one did die.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Memory to Matter

Melvin with Alzheimer's cannot
Remember time and place too good.
But one fact he has not forgot
That ev'ry Mother's Day he would
Give flowers to Doris, his wife.
So on that mission he did go,
As he had done most of his life.
He got lost but was found, and so
His finders took him to the store
To get the flowers to take back
To Doris, waiting at the door,
Where arms did hug and lips did smack.

Whatever's missing from one's mind,
Look into one's heart for to find.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Leopold and Loeb

Clarence Darrow, for the defense,
Of killers Leopold and Loeb,
Argued killing them made no sense,
Convinced the judge in his black robe.
Darrow argued in World War I
Killing became too commonplace.
So much of killing had been done.
Humaneness left the human race.
So to prison the killers went,
Thanks to Darrow's impassioned plea.
Maybe the killers would repent.
He earned his million dollar fee.

Kill a killer - Bible says why,
Tooth for a tooth, eye for an eye.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Amur Leopard - LP Zoo

The Amur leopard, yes I be
The rarest big cat in the world.
At the Lincoln Park Zoo, you'll see
Sometimes prowling and sometimes curled.
So few of us are in the wild,
In the Russia mountains homeland.
Long golden furred with black spots styled,
And bushy tail that sways so grand,
One of the smallest big cats, though.
Up a tree I can carry weight
Thrice as heavy as me - ya know!
Don't carry it down, cuz it's ate.

I be Mitya and I be here
Just to meet ya and see ya near.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Doomsday Seeds

The spacecraft landed on a world
No longer showing any life.
Some global disaster unfurled,
Total extinction signs were rife.
But near the planet's northern pole,
Instrumentation did detect
A mass of plant seeds in a hole,
A life source that had not been wrecked,
By whatever forces occurred
That left this world to barren bound.
These seeds of plants were disinterred.
No such animal vault was found.

"Doomsday Seed Vault" - the plant rebirth
To bring back life to planet, Earth.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

If War Then We

We the People have been at war,
And thousands have paid highest price
This 21st century for
The whole time spent in sacrifice.
Less than one half of one percent
Of We the People have served in
The armed forces - that's evident.
Where have We, the rest of us been?
We have been at home, living free,
Expecting service from a few
To do duty that all of We
Ought to be enlisting to do.

If We are the People We claim,
Then We all need skin in the game.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Animal Training - LP Zoo

It's called seal training that I do.
Ev'ry day of the year it's done
Right here at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Serious stuff and not just fun,
There are times they really can be
Uncooperative and stubborn.
Just trying to keep them healthy,
But they don't like to wait their turn.
Oft they don't take instructions well,
With showing off rowdy and loud.
Training can really go to hell,
When craziness spreads through the crowd.

Is it worth it? - Sometimes I ask.
Training humans - no easy task!

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

VAlor Ignored

Ronald Reagan, Conservie Prez,
Turned the VA to bigger gov,
Cabinet level need he sez
So veterans get took care of.
Through the decades, powers that be
Took care of self more and vets less.
Powers, Libbie and Conservie,
Made the VA a shameful mess.
D.C. is full of thankers for
Doing service, while D.C. talks.
But once servers come home from war,
Doing the right stuff - D.C. balks.

Conservie versus Libbie game -
It's not us but it's them to blame.

Monday, June 09, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Wisent in Romania

The wisent bison disappeared
From Romania thanks to man,
With sport hunting that perservered.
Some wisent have returned again
To seek to live in forests free.
"Rewilding" is the term that's used
To make homeland homecoming be.
This largest land beast past abused,
Will man let wisent freely roam
Once kill playground of Ceausescu?
Even though wisent may come home,
Who really knows what man will do?

Is it good that wisent be back?
How long until man does attack?

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


For over half a century,
Godzilla has been a film fest,
A starring role that's yet to be
Oscar awarded as a best.
A monster made up in the mind
Of what if nuclear went wild,
And wrought upon the humankind
With nature's wrath when really riled.
Some say Godzilla has matured
Beyond bounds of film critics' scorn.
The latest flicksters have assured
"Realistic" feel with popcorn.

A monster hit or monster miss,
Box office will determine this.

Sunday, June 08, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

On the Ball of Romance

The boy was at a baseball game.
A girl behind did catch his eye.
A foul ball struck did take its aim.
The boy did catch it on the fly.
Now here is where the boy did play
A game of romance on his own.
He'd brought an old baseball that day.
To himself only was that known.
And so he turned with a big smile,
And handed to the girl the ball.
She was so charmed by his beguile,
Gave her number for him to call.

He gave the girl a ball decoy,
And kept the real catch - atta boy!

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

System Failure

We the People have let the vets
For decades be maltreated by
A system that just ignores debts
To servers who suffer and die.
Politicians and bureaucrats,
In typical self serving ways,
Do loads of hot air speech formats
To stall - that's how the system plays,
Knowing in time, the public will,
As with all issues, just go numb.
The system counts on this until
Forever - cuz the public's dumb.

Keep the vets out of sight and mind,
The system covers its behind.

Saturday, June 07, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


An octopus like me has got
Eight arms (not tentacles) and I
Never do get them in a knot,
And really never wondered why.
Some human inquiring minds did
Research this matter to find out.
I s'pose they did the same for squid.
Apparently, I swim about,
All arms covered with sensor stuff.
To not knot, each arm senses so,
And such perception is enough
For harmony in ebb and flow.

My sensors do work like a charm,
Untangled arm in arm in arm...

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Another Last Stand

The Keystone Pipeline cuts across
The Ogallalla aquifer.
Biz powers seem willing to toss
Water risk for oil to occur.
So the Sioux tribes again do fight
Invaders with changed weaponry -
Convincing D.C. to do right
For safer cleaner energy.
The Sioux seek saving land again.
That's what heritage is about.
Warriors sure can score the win.
General Custer found that out.

Invaders try to grab the land,
So let it be Keystone's last stand.

Friday, June 06, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Listen My Children...

The young are graduating from
Done higher learning time and place,
A mixed bag of more smart, more dumb.
A fuzzy future, each will face.
Some famous (fill in the name here)
Will give some commencement address,
Going in and out of each ear.
Is the speech over at last? YES!
Lots of hot air is politics
Blowing the youth to Left or Right.
The signals oft a pointless mix
Seeming forever, though finite.

Commencement speeches only show
Famous folks do come and do go.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Fine Arts Frogs

The Kumbara night frogs do meet,
And stand on their hind legs to touch
The site where they wish to complete
Mr. and Mrs. such and such.
And lay their eggs over a stream
On a hanging rock or plant twig.
Then do a handstand as a team,
Dancing the fertilizing gig.
Then each go back and forth and pack
The egges in mud, like pottery.
In the appropriate time track,
The mud cracks ope and tadpoles be.

Mr. and Mrs. Frog impart
A mating ritual in art.

Thursday, June 05, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


N'gombe in Kenya I be
A dairy cow on a small farm.
Farmer Thuo takes care of me.
His care is working like a charm,
Cuz he is using iCow to
Make my productivity max,
App accessing hi tech to do
Info research to get the facts.
Twice as milk I now produce.
I am healthier than before.
To the Thuos I give more use
In milk and calves for profits more.

Thanks to iCow, I am a cow
Mooving on up in here and now.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Bo and the Command Center

There is all this Benghazi flap
Of where was the Prez at the time.
There's a lot of accusing crap
That the Prez was an AWOL prime.
A Commander in Chief can't be
In total command - doncha know!
At the time, the Prez was with me
Practicing commands like, "Fetch, Bo."
Sometimes I obey, sometimes not.
The Prez is present with my mood.
This Benghazi thing - soon forgot,
Cuz the Prez is one teflon dude.

The Prez said, " Bo, I command you"
"To go fetch Michelle's fav'rite shoe."

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Cotton Top Tamarin

A cotton top tamarin be
With an "Einstein" shock of white hair,
A small Columbia monkey
Eating the insects and plants there.
Within the group the head female
Is the mother to all offspring.
Others aid in rearing detail.
Having twins is the normal thing.
Distinct whistles or chirps or trills
Vocalize meanings to the group.
If danger, then head for the hills.
If food related - here's the scoop.

So sounds that may sound like a bird
Could be me, Mom, spreading the word.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Go forward young and leave behind
The times and places fate bestowed.
Whatever learning filled the mind,
Some seeds for future have been sowed.
Do not expect a life that's fair.
Uncertainty is all that's sure.
But hold inside the will to care,
As youth transitions to mature.
The if and when shall come to be,
But may not be the if and when
Desired, due to uncertainty.
Judge outcome by what is within.

Think thoughts of doing good and true,
And keep such thoughts through life, and do.

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


We polar bears live way up North,
Because we like the ice and cold.
But climate changings coming forth,
And old ways must be put on hold.
We must adapt to a new time.
It seems that Greenland will be green.
Immigration rates here will climb.
More unfurred creatures will be seen.
Probably lemons will grow here.
Where there's lemons make lemonade.
New diet options will appear.
Some menu changes will be made.

Bad news - melting, but good news that
There's humans to eat - slow and fat.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Federalized Poor

The U.S. War on Poverty
Was not intended to be won
By the D.C. powers that be,
With all the spending that be done.
'Twas the federal government
Using lots of sleight of hand tricks
To make the poor feel more content
About Big Brother politics.
Entitlement and welfare stuff
Just kept increasing without pause.
We the People can't get enough
Of goodies from Fed Santa Claus.

Now haves let have nots have much more
That have nots did not have before.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Wild West Jubilee

It was the Golden Jubilee
Of Queen Victoria's long reign.
She wanted quite amused to be.
Buffalo Bill she did obtain,
His Wild West show from savage land.
The Prince of Wales had too much ale,
And picked a fight with a Sioux band.
The warriors whooped, the Prince did wail.
The Queen ordered all to chill some.
Buffalo Bill to the Prince called
"Messing with Sioux is kind of dumb."
"You're just lucky that you are bald."

Buffalo Bill amused the Queen,
The wildest stuff she'd ever seen.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Delusional Uncle Sam

Uncle Sam does still like to do
Struttings about the world to say
"I'm a super since World War II,"
"And you need to do it my way."
China does not cooperate.
"Allies" are using Uncle Sam
To try to stack the game of fate.
Does China really give a damn?
China can do whatever. Why?
Cuz Uncle Sam is a show clown
The world would like to mummify
Before a complete power down.

Uncle Sam is suffering from
Unsuperpowering down dumb.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

The Perils of Public Prayer

The U.S. Constitution did
Get written by a bunch of guys
Who prayed a lot of prayer amid
For God's good grace to guide them wise.
Religion became a debate
As to the role of government.
Public prayer - what should be its fate?
If pray at all, then what content?
Nine black robed D.C. folks get to
Decide the fate of public prayer.
Before each Court session they do
A "God save..." through the public air.

Too bad government oft moves from
Godly prayer to humanly dumb.

Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Lend an Eye

I am just lying on a log.
A butterfly and a bee land.
Beneath each of my eyes they clog
A little space. I understand.
Some humans come by in a boat
And watch the three of us a while.
The bugs do drink, the humans note,
From the eyes of this crocodile.
The humans are without a clue
That for their eggs the bugs need salt.
The nectar from flowers won't do.
So bugs come to me by default.

It's not as strange as it appears,
Some bugs drinking crocodile tears.

Monday, June 02, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Thar She Blows

1970 - a dead whale
Bloated on an Oregon beach.
Bureaucrats opted to avail
Of dynamite - the end to reach
Of out of sight, then out of mind.
The manmade blast blew blubber on
All of the amassed humankind.
The thrill and excitement were gone.
But lots of the carcass remained,
Now still more of a stinkaroo.
Bureaucrats regrouped and rebrained
For health and safety what to do.

Oregon banned blowing up, and
Bury dead beached whales in the sand.

Sunday, June 01, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Young Life - LP Zoo

A new born takin calf I be
Living at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
My sister born days before me
Died as some new borns sometimes do.
Such death seem to make humans sad.
They tried to save my sister's life.
Most life does not deem death as bad.
But for humans, death causes strife.
I guess the Zoo is time and place
For humans to better connect
With the beauty of nature's grace
That all life with death is perfect.

Nature is to live then to die.
I do not pretend to know why.