Sense Sonnets

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Break Up

I know you're really mad at me

For having to break up with you.

A perfect couple we did be,

But break up I just had to do,

Or else I was gonna go broke

If you and I together stayed.

You would have hated me, no joke,

If I was forced on public aid.

You know I gave you lots of stuff.

You can keep those gifts of course,

Cuz I still have money enough,

But just can't afford a divorce.

Lonely now you're outta my life,

Loneliest when I'm with my wife.

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Sedona, Arizona is

The place and time I chose to go,

A beautiful painting, gee whiz!

Green fir trees on red rock cliffs show,

A clear blue river running through.

The place and time that is for me

Most beautiful I ever knew.

This place, this time I went to be

Amid green fir trees with loved one

On a red cliff standing atop,

Watching blue river below run

When all place, all time came to stop.

The experts say time coming soon,

The earth will be hit by the moon.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


It started out such a nice day

To be alive and in the park,

A lot of brightness on display.

But then it all turned ugly dark.

Those furthest out were ones first heard

The roared sound of impending doom.

Then whole community got word,

And mass despair and fear did loom.

It was a threat the old had known,

Had survived, now the young to tell

Of punishment for having grown,

And now must face a slashing hell.

In the chaos, calm came over,

As the mower missed the clover.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Princess to Be

A maiden voyage maiden took

To galaxy far far away.

And wherever maiden would look

Lovely butterflies would display,

Escorting maiden through deep space

Where no human had gone before,

To take her to a time and place,

Maiden would live forevermore.

Maiden chosen. she knew not why,

To travel to a world where she

Would wed Prince Charming Butterfly,

Ever after live happily.

Lots for maiden to think about,

Would take getting used to no doubt.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 She Shook It Off

The more she rose to singing fame,

The more her style was criticized.

Target of mean talk she became.

But this made her more energized.

Why let stuff get under her skin?

Playing victim she knew she'd lose.

Playing it smart she knew she'd win.

So guess which of the two she'd choose?

"Shake It Off" was her take back song,

Singing her from country to pop.

Of course her critics got her wrong,

She sang her way right to the top.

The more she heard her critics scoff,

The more she laughed and shook it off.

Sense Sonnet - Acher


You left me with a broken heart,

Causing me lots of pain and ache.

The two of us had gone apart,

So for my feeling better sake,

I threw my broken heart away,

Taking far too much time to heal.

The emptiness in me did stay,

No longer with the heart to feel.

And then back into my life, you

Came and begging that I forgive

You, and once again be us two,

Happily ever after live.

I do not have the heart to let

You love me, I have no regret.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


60 years ago we flew down,

Fleeing from planet Gallifrey,

Landed in Earl's Court, London town.

And there the two of us did stay.

A blue British police  box, I

TARDIS, transformed to in disguise.

Back then a common sight was why,

And safe in me from prying eyes

Was the good Doctor, but now we

Are a popular tourist spot.

I'm trademarked by the B.B.C.

No more secrecy have we got.

A Happy 60th Birthday to

Timeless time traveler,  Dr. Who.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Walls of Jericho

The Bible tells of Israelites

Laying siege to Jericho town,

First of the many God blessed fights.

And walls of Jericho came down,

And all in Jericho did die

According to God's law be done.

Family of Israelite spy

Were spared and future course begun.

If Jericho walls were rebuilt,

The children of such builders would

Be killed as punishment for guilt

Daring  to disobey God's good.

Marching Israelites did rumble,

Walls of Jericho did crumble.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Something Different

The winter day is looking great

To go out to the nearby creek,

And thereupon I can ice skate,

Winter pleasure I love to seek.

When I get there, to my chagrin

The creek water has not turned to

Ice, not cold enough has it been.

To match my coat, my mood is blue.

Oh well, I think to myself, I

Will not have made this trip for naught.

A new winter thing I will try,

That other folks don't do a lot.

There is no ice to skate upon,

So going wading I have gone.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Your Roadkill Blues

You wanna be roadkill you sing,

Expecting me to pity you,

Like this line's gonna be something

To guilt me cuz you're feeling blue.

Hey, it's too bad that we did not

Be too good, but time to move on.

There's no sense you frettin' a lot.

What we had together is gone.

Go be a guard dog or racehorse,

Carin' for someone who will care

.Bout you cuz we have run that course.

There's nothin' left for us to share.

When seein' any roadkill, I

Don't ever stop and just drive by.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 To Ma To Wash Out Your Mouth

"Toma away" your nasty slang.

Hey, toss your hot and saucy slur,

Cuz I don't really give a dang.

To me you're history for sure.

You think you're such a macho man.

Nothing more than brat of a boy.

Ever since two of us began

You were nothing more than a toy

For me to play with for a spell,

Make you think you were heaven sent,

Then when done, kick you back to hell,

Ignoring the venom you vent.

Toma back atcha and double.

You're just a jerk spelling trouble.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Temptation Therapy

Temptation I could not resist.

I was on insanity's brink.

My shoplifting sprees did persist.

Desperate, I went to a shrink.

Kleptomania therapy

I had for eighteen months intense.

The Doc said that cured I did be.

And to prove it, as evidence

I'd go straight to a big box store

And walk through all the aisles around.

I'd not be tempted anymore,

To shoplifting no longer bound.

"If you relapse," Doc says to me,

"I sure could use a new T.V."

Monday, November 27, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 The Price is the Pain

One time I fell in love with you.

Another later time I fell

Out of love with you, and so true,

Like falling from heaven to hell.

I know the love that we once had

Started out as good as could be,

But then that love turned really bad.

It was over for you and me.

I wanted for us two so much

To be in love forevermore.

But not to be and I feel such

Pain as I never felt before.

If and whenever love is lost,

The pain will ever be the cost.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Bound for Home

Still 'bout a hundred mules to go

Driving 'cross country coming home,

Watch the road for patches of snow.

Mid day sun lights up blue sky dome.

Gosh, how long has it been since I

Last traveled through these fields and streams,

Off to the big city to try

To cash in on my hopes and dreams.

But barely eked out a living.

Now down and broke, I'm heading back

Home again to spend Thanksgiving.

I guess I deserve any flack.

The black sheep of my family.

But Mom will have a hug for me.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Conned Cougar

This cougar liked to hunt for sport.

Picked up a young guy in a bar.

He was a satisfying sort.

As thanks, I bought him a new car.

After a while I thought he might,

Even though so much younger aged,

Be my long longed for Mr. Right.

So the two of us got engaged.

After the wedding I found out

Money I gave him he had spent

On his younger girlfriend, no doubt

He had conned me was evident.

A double crossing cat was he,

Lion cheetah turned out to be.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Singin' My Blues

There's no refutation I guess,

As Mom and Dad did say to me

The garage is really a mess.

But since the folks can get touchy

I kept my mouth shut, but did ask

Myself how I could get help on

Doing this superhuman task,

And thought of my friendship with Ron.

Happiness is having a friend

Like Ron, and got him on the phone.

He'd sprained his arm, was on the mend.

Clean up chore, I am on my own.

But first I think I'll sing a song

Of my folks doing me so wrong.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Cousin Butch

Cousin Butch was younger than me

About a year and I liked him.

As kids he would climb any tree,

And it was more than just a whim.

Butch loved Jesus in a deep way,

And to me it never seemed odd

Lots about Jesus Butch would say,

Being saved by the Son of God.

I recall asking Butch one time

Why he liked to climb trees a lot.

The higher in the tree he'd climb,

The closer to Jesus, Butch got.

In Vietnam cousin Butch died.

In heaven he's at Jesus' side.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Lady Elaine

Lady Elaine fell in love with

Sir Lancelot who loved not her

But Queen Guinevere told by myth.

This Lady then left by this Sir

Did write a sort of Dear Lance note

After which she dies of heartbreak.

Per her instructions, in a boat

A final journey she does take

Down the river to Camelot,

And the letter by all is seen.

So now Sir Lancelot has got

Lots of explaining to the Queen.

Lady Elaine with broken heart

Still haunts Lance lots in works of art.

Friday, November 24, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Intent In Tent

In cold weather I was dared by

The wife to spend a night outside.

So bought a tent on sale and I

Was feeling very satisfied,

Pitching it up in the back yard,

That I would prove to the wife that

A night in winter was not hard

Outside in a tent habitat.

But I find out that I was wrong.

The tent let cold wind and snow in.

I am freezing the whole night long.

Bet I do lose, the wife does win.

I'm frigid inside as I vent

It's winter of my discount tent.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Hobbes and Calvin

Comic strip, Calvin and Hobbes, I

Thought should be Hobbes and Calvin cuz

Calvin just a six year old guy

Imagined Hobbes, stuffed tiger, was

Only one who understood him,

And pointed out to Calvin that

Human nature tends to be dim

In all neighborhood habitat.

Hobbes was the one Calvin would find

When Calvin had a question of

Human confusion on his mind.

Hobbes would tell Calvin truth with love.

Comic strip Hobbes and Calvin be

Best named says a tiger like me.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Exalted Purpose

Each of us do be a child born

Innocent into a world flawed,

Filled with too much of sinful scorn.

But each of us, a child of God,

As we grow up can make a choice

To live a life of good and right,

Fearlessly giving act and voice

That wrong and evil we do fight.

In our time and place on Earth,

We're made for thoughts and deeds to do

Which God does bless as being worth

Our purpose on being true.

When living with God, always we

Live to exalted destiny.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Happy Birthday John Keats

The day, October thirty first,

The year, seventeen ninety five,

John Keats, poet, was born but cursed,

Only twenty five years alive.

Born and lived in London, his home,

Till illness forced him to move to

Better climate, he died in Rome,

Buried "Young English Poet" true.

Poets in London each year will

At Westminster Abbey come be

At his Memorial to still

Honor Young English Poet, he.

John Keats, poet, ever a part

Of London poets, soul and heart.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Torn Apart

You sang "Love Will Tear Us Apart,"

And I could not say you sang wrong.

Though you loved me with all your heart,

You sang the truth, singing your song.

Your epilepsy was something

The two of us could find a way

To face together and both sing

Of love in which we both would stay.

I left you when I thought you bad,

Cheating on me, but changed my mind,

Believed still in the love we had.

I came home and you I did find.

Sadly, it was the truth you sang.

In the kitchen I found you hang.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Race Winner's Prize

I love to race my hog I do.

Been doing it for 'bout a year.

A birthday gift when I turned two.

My pedal to medal, high gear.

Today a long and dusty trip.

Swallowed at least one bug, I did.

But it's no fun unless I zip

Like a winner, not just a kid.

Haven't seen Grandma for a while.

She knows I'm trying real, real hard

To win my race and see her smile.

Another lap 'round the back yard.

I know my Grandma misses me.

Smell of her cookies there does be.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Unique Momma

Unique, a word the humans use

To describe my animal kind.

Called a platypus, I enthuse

Study of me by human mind.

As a female mammal I lay

Eggs in an ivy covered nest,

Burrowed safe under and away

To avoid any threat and pest.

When hatched my "puggles" then be fed

By my mother's good milk which flows

Not from teats but from pores instead,

Pooled on my tummy, my young nose.

In the burrow the king's not seen.

The young are raised by momma queen.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


In 1957, I

Was walking by this cafe when

I saw Patsy Cline and some guy

Sitting in there so I went in.

I made myself a mental bet

That I,  a stranger to the two,

Each one smoking a cigarette,

Could split this pair up, I could do.

So I sat down and I lit up,

And rubbed the guy's leg with my own,

Aroused his interest in me, yup.

We left Patsy smoking alone.

3 Cigarettes in the Ashtray,

Patsy, I took your man away.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


November 13th, my birthday,

Scorpio, my zodiac sign.

I'm secretive in my own way.

Dangerous living I make mine.

And quite persistent I do be,

Going after what I desire,

And always with pure honesty,

Which in others I do inspire.

My singlemindedness is strong.

All or nothing romance I live.

Another body do me wrong,

Very hard for me to forgive.

A true Scorpio, I be one,

And also be a scorpion.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Kept Faith in God

The Bible tells of Job who be

A wealthy man, body and soul,

Blessed with lots of good family,

Vast land and stock he did control.

And a true man of God be Job,

Causing Satan to make a plan,

And Satan went to God to probe

If  suffering Job be God's man.

So God allowed Satan to take

All good from Job and leave him bad.

Suffering Job did not forsake

Love and faith in God, Job still had.

Through all, for God's will Job would pray,

Lord giveth, Lord taketh away.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Star Color Spectrum

A star can be one of five hue

Depending on its temperature.

The hottest star is one that's blue.

And red is coolest star for sure.

Next hottest star is colored white.

Orange colored is next coolest star.

In the middle is yellow light.

Some star color examples are:

Very hot Rigel, blue does glow,

Quite hot Sirius, white does shine,

Coolest red Antares does show,

Orange Aldebaran quite cool sign.

The most familiar star is one

Of yellow color called the Sun.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Pass to Pass

Still a taboo is breaking wind,

Especially in public place.

And people glare that I have sinned

In manner that gets in their face.

But more and more as time does pass,

Older I get, harder for me

To keep myself from passing gas.

Getting impossible to be

Holding the pressure in my bowel.

A pass to pass, us seniors should

Get no matter how smelly foul,

Non lethal in all likelihood.

Break the taboo of public fart,

The gas station is where I'll start.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Consuming Tradition

U.S. Thanksgiving Day oft said

To be turkey day and this bird

Gets this acclaim by being dead,

And feasted upon is assured.

Off with the head and feathers too.

Out with the innards, guts and stuff.

In a cooker, cooking to do

Till safe for humans, cooked enough.

Any turkey that does survive

This November day and still lives

Is just lucky to be alive,

And some gobbles of thanks it gives.

Sometime, somewhere a world does be,

A human carved by a turkey.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 World Mission

For daughters and sons born today,

Coming from womb to be unfurled

In time and place to come what may,

You come into a wondrous world,

Compared to world that was in past.

Human science has come quite well

For good and better life to last.

But also has come tools from hell.

All animals and plants and

All land, all water and all air,

We caretake so need understand

To ever save this world we share.

Born today, each daughter and son,

Your world mission has just begun.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Humbled with Age

He was as a young man quite vain,

And selfishly ambitious to

Use the military as main

Means to quick rise in rank to do.

But the young man struggled and failed

In each endeavor he did try,

Battles lost, commissions derailed

Made a very insecure guy.

Along this hard way he became

More humble the older he got.

With his coming success and fame,

He learned from his mistakes a lot.

George Washington's humility -

Chose not to be king he could be.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Who Knew?

She was just a girl in my class.

We sat together for a while.

Just not my type to make a pass.

She always seemed to fake a smile

When I would talk to her about

The girl I really was into.

An okay listener no doubt.

Boring class, so something to do.

Years later I found out that she

Sang a song of this that became

Her career launcher, song of me

Taking her to fortune and fame.

She sang "Teardrops On My Guitar."

I, Drew helped her become a star.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Barbie's First on T.V.

The first Barbie doll T.V. ad,

The year was 1959.

Remember telling Mom and Dad

I wanted Barbie to be mine.

Of course three dollars was a lot.

Promised the folks I'd do more chores.

It was important that I got

The doll now sold in best toy stores.

Watching this ad was a delight.

The Barbie pink I could not tell,

Cuz the T.V. was black and white.

I wished that Dad worked at Mattel.

The ad showed Barbie as a bride.

But no Ken yet stood by her side.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 He Sure Looked Like Him

I escaped from the loony bin,

Stole a tanker truck at a stop.

Driving a desert highway when

A car passes and my eyes pop.

Somehow that bastard followed me.

How in the hell did he do that?

Well I will show that s.o.b.

Drive him crazy like I am at.

Wherever he goes in that car,

I am right there to make life hell.

But I guess I pushed him too far.

He got the last laugh I can tell.

Going over the cliff I think

That driver sure looked like my shrink.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Behind the Curtain

With lots of other leaves I share

Time and space and I notice that

A curtain hangs nearby us there.

So from my potted habitat

I grow forward upon my stem

Until that curtain I can touch.

The other leaves, I'm mocked by them

For being so nosy so much.

Through the curtain I see behind,

Out the window be leafless trees.

In the winter season I find

A leaf inside is more at ease.

I tell the others what I see.

But no other leaves believe me.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Killer Kind

Not in a church, but in a bar

Is where we hooked up and you be

Counting your blessings that we are.

What a good girl you say of me.

And so I play the role, why not!

As long as I am getting out

Of you the stuff I like a lot,

Cuz that is what I am about.

But then when I disappoint you,

You yell and slap me all around.

So I do what I have to do,

Kill your body, your soul's hell bound.

A good girl you fool thought you had.

You learned the hard way that I'm bad.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Sugars Shift

In summer time the leaves be green,

Thanks to chlorophyll in sunlight

Making more sugars which does mean

Other colors will come in sight

When longer nights come in the fall,

And temperatures do fall too,

Causing the sugars in leaves all

To turn from green to other hue.

First to yellow most leaves will turn.

But some leaves' sugars do instead

Have more stored energy to burn

Into an orange then to a red.

Autumn, nature does rearrange

Sugar in leaves and colors change.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Loch Lomonders

On Inchconnachan, island of

Loch Lomond be the colony

Of us, the Scotland land we love,

Home to us red necked wallaby.

1975 we came,

Two pair of us from Whipsnide Zoo.

From them offspring sprung and we claim

A colony of fifty two.

From land down under our kind

Originate, marsupial.

On Loch Lomond we all do find

That life is good and never dull.

Nocturnal, we're busy at night,

So rarely, humans do we sight.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


"Unrequited," the meaning of

Is a feeling that's not returned.

Most often used describing love,

Yearner not getting back from yearned.

Usually used in a way

Describing a lover so sad

And feeling so heavy and gray

That the beloved can't be had.

But also often used by folk

In a way humorous and light.

For this pair, a long running joke,

Ryan Reynolds and Betty White.

A not returned that would be great

Would be more unrequited hate.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Last Kiss

I found my girlfriend, she had died,

Taken paraquat poisoning,

And had committed suicide.

For me it was devastating.

I called nine one one and did wait

Beside her, looking at her face.

To say goodbye to my soulmate

Upon her cold lips I did place

A final ever loving kiss.

Days later, I went to E.R.

Questioned, I told the doctor this,

And found the answer quite bizarre.

I found out that when I kissed her,

Poisoning of me did occur.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Endured Too Long

I be a donkey burdened by

A jerk of a farmer who is

To me really a nasty guy,

Abusing me in farming biz.

For donkey years it's been this way,

Meaning a really long, long time.

I intended to make him pay

For animal cruelty crime.

One day near the well he was at.

I up and kicked and down he fell.

I took sweet satisfaction that

Now a dead farmer in the well.

And when that bad ass last I saw,

This donkey had the last hee haw.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 No Sale

I'm out of money to buy rum.

Sure hope that brat daughter of mine

Sold matches and will bring home some

Cash for me, but so far no sign

Of her, and the night's getting late.

She's in for a beating for sure.

With her Grandma meeting death's fate,

Nobody around to save her

Being punished making me mad.

So she best get home soon and be

With match money for dear old dad,

Cuz a real thirsty dad is me.

She's been found frozen dead I'm told,

And no matches had that brat sold.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Althea Was My Real Name

He told me that his name was Jim,

Sang a song in '79

Called "Althea" and sung by him

When he was still a love of mine.

I remember I was concerned

He was doing hard drugs a lot.

I thought he was gonna get burned.

So I often told him he ought

To let me try to help him out.

But he just gave me his b.s.

And not real serious about

Wanting me to help him, I guess.

He went on to fortune and fame,

And Jerry not Jim was his name.

Sense Sonnet Pumper

Reliant Reliant

"Only Fools and Horses" I say

I was the real star of that show.

The Trotter boys went a long way

Thanks to my dependable go.

Three wheeled Reliant Regal van,

I stood out in bright yellow hue.

Drawn to me were many a fan.

Of course the humans had some too.

Cushty and lovely jubbly, I

Was awesome good playing my part.

A driving dynamo was why

I'm considered a work of art.

Attaining a cult status, me,

Cars of the stars now where I be.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Player's Choice

When we are born we hopefully

Have the five senses born with us,

To touch, taste, smell, hear and to see.

Some senses come minus or plus.

Growing up we learn that life is

Like a game that each of us play,

May be fun or serious biz.

Each player has his or her way

To use whatever senses be

To play life's game to win or lose.

Maybe easy or hard, so we

Each, from what we're given, do choose.

The game of life is best played by

The players who must harder try.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Soundly Silent No More

Young Simon and Garfunkel's song,

"The Sound of Silence," they first sang

In 1964 when strong

Were anti war protests that rang

In cries of disillusioned young

Across the world so loud and bold.

No longer did youth hold their tongue,

But made sure were heard by the old.

Silence from young long had been sound

Only that old wanted to hear.

But old kept sending young war bound

To die for causes insincere.

Sound of silence was heard no more

As young demanded old stop war.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 The Invader

I enlisted, was sent away

To fight the war on foreign land,

So homeland of the U.S.A.

Of foes invading might withstand.

Away I fought the enemy,

I, invader in time and place.

How right or wrong my cause might be.

I found myself come face to face,

And shot and killed in the home of

The foe, and last thought on my mind,

Not knowing would be ones I love

That my nation left me behind.

My whereabouts be never known,

Buried forever and alone.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 "The Rat Pack"

Frank and Sammy and Joey and

Dean and Peter were the Rat Pack

For a while during some years spanned

In the early '60's time track.

At first when this fivesome began,

Since other famous "Rat Packs" were,

They thought maybe they'd be "The Klan."

Thankfully this didn't occur.

They were of entertainment fame.

Their many fans loved them no doubt.

Could have kept adored, but then came

Their own choices of falling out.

This Rat Pack partied hearty, yup,

Then some rats chose to sober up.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Weighing Shampoo Options

Shampoo I showered with did say,

"For extra body and volume."

Since the shampoo when rinsed away

Touched my torso I did assume

That was why I was gaining weight.

Since I needed to wash my hair

And showering best for my pate,

What other wash options were there?

Dish washing liquid I went to,

Because it's label that I read

Did weight it in favor to do

Shower shampooing of my head.

I now use dish washing soap that

Dissolves the hard to remove fat.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Wishing Breathlessly

I sit outside and watch the sky,

And wonder if you watch it too.

I know you're far and not nearby.

Oh how I wish I be with you.

The stars I ask to give my kiss

To you and hope the stars do hear,

So far above the foul abyss

That's polluted the atmosphere.

Together once more I do pray.

Being apart makes me so sad.

I know you had to go away

Because your asthma was so bad.

The city smog does blur my sight.

It's a dark chocolate twilight.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 My Pie Guy

First I fell in love with his pies

At this restaurant, so one day

While I was there to my surprise,

He came to my table to say

How pleased he was that I enjoyed

His pastries, I was so impressed

By all of him, boy was I buoyed,

Heart beating wildly in my chest.

I fell in love with him first sight.

Like pie he was a tasty piece.

But I was wrong for Mister Right.

Our togetherness did cease.

Pastry chef lover not to be,

He ended up desserting me.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 When I'm Hurt

In past when I was hurt by one

I thought of nasty ways to do

Revenge, and often such was done,

But my resentment only grew.

And added was my anger at

Myself for acting badly so.

Then too in my mind's habitat,

Fear's addition came there to grow

That the future hurt me, I hurt.

Would be a constant cycled pain

Keeping my thoughts in red alert,

My body hostage to my brain.

Today, when hurt, with hurt I live

Until the hurter I forgive.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 God's Children

The children of God be born in

The Holy Land torn up in war.

The children learn to hate and sin.

Cycle goes on forevermore.

Hateful wars be fought in God's name.

All sides believe their cause is right.

Children be taught which side to blame,

Used as tools so peace never might

Be given a true chance to grow.

Lessons of war and hate and sin

Are all God's children ever know.

None of God's children ever win.

Of God's children, some die, some live.

All God's children, God does forgive.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Wet Set

Deep in the oceans has been found

A substance that comes from an eel,

Absorbs all water when around

A leaky something, such a deal!

It's non toxic and plastic free,

And leaving no carbon butt print.

Affordable this product be.

Use evidence not evident.

Once this substance does get milked from

The eel it does regenerate.

Ever supply chain is welcome.

No need to ever duplicate.

Best bottoms up for young and old,

Deep Dive Diapers to have and hold.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Behind This Door

What is behind this shut locked door,

This lovely door hued shade of teal?

The more I look at it, the more

I ask its secrets to reveal.

Golden knocker with lion head.

Golden slot to insert the mail.

Golden knob to turn in good stead

For an entry through to avail.

Above two windows pose, quite small.

A fine lock thwarting unfine picks.

Door traits, I take in each and all,

Way in and out of number six.

The door seems to be mocking me.

Behind it is my only key.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Glass of white wine, not a carafe.

And five hot roasted chestnuts and

A pomegranate, just one half.

Posed together all tightly spanned

Upon a light gray surface bound.

White wine in a goblet with ice.

Behind, a darker gray background.

Red seeds in pomegranate slice.

Chestnuts, three to left, two to right,

Dark brown as befitting their roast.

So now my challenge is to write

To this image by contest host.

So course I get write on it,

Writing a descriptive sonnet.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Ever Evil

Ever has been the evil's aim,

Using humans as useful tools

To do the evil in God's name,

Counting on humans to be fools.

And ever in the Holy Land

Such seeds of evil ever sown,

And ever in viciousness spanned

Until worldwide evil has grown,

A never ending cycle of

Evil's foment of hate and war,

Ever scorning God's peace and love,

Ever promising evil more.

Ever humans seek ways to dwell

Not with God but with evil's hell.

Sense Sonnet - Acher


In the hospital by his side,

The two of us did say goodbye.

And moments later my Dad died.

Doctors and nurses came and I

Left Dad in the hospital and

Got in the car and drove away.

I knew that Dad would understand,

I needed be elsewhere that day.

It was not too long of a drive,

And during I tried not feel sad,

But good about being alive.

Dad taught me about being Dad.

I felt very right that I came

Watch my son play his soccer game.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 My Misery Song

I remember in '63

I was a teenager in love,

Heard The Beatles sing "Misery,"

And felt what they were singing of.

I was having a heart attack,

The kind that's not fatal but breaks.

She dumped me for the quarterback.

I had to go through all the aches

And pains of feeling like a fool.

Miserable, wishing I was dead,

I was at my low in high school.

That Beatles song stuck in my head.

Months later I felt great for sure,

After the quarterback dumped her.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Blue Footed Booby

A blue footed booby I be.

So named becuz of my blue feet.

A male of this bird  kind is me.

It's my mating season to meet

A suits me female for a fling,

Coming together to "eggs"act

The purpose of having offspring.

Impressive blue feet be a fact

For consideration for sure.

To show feet off I do a dance,

Lively strutting in front of her,

Better my movement, better my chance.

I lost to a younger male cuz

His feet were bluer than mine was.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Given and Giving

Since I was born I've been taught to

Be grateful for the gift of life,

And always strive to think and do

For others through both joy and strife.

So when too much in self I go,

I am reminded that I need

Readjust my mindfulness so

I help others in thought and deed.

When usefulness I think and do,

There is a joy that's given strong,

All the more reason to pursue

The gift of giving all life long.

Life is a gift given to me

To give to others joyfully.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 In Pine Trees We Trust

If God were a tree then God would

Be a pine tree found the world whole,

On all continents growing good,

Just not growing at the south pole.

So it's not difficult to find

God by just finding a pine tree,

Possible by all humankind

Because nearby a pine tree be.

And of course is easily seen,

No matter season of the year,

For always be for evergreen.

When asked, God always will appear.

Whether or not a tree is pine,

Each and any tree is divine.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 My Butterfly Melody

A singing butterfly? One asks.

I answer, this butterfly be

Using my wings for singing tasks,

And is a lot of fun for me.

Of course when I do flutter near,

One needs to be quite quiet so

My wings in motion one may hear

As my music through air does flow.

Most often merry I do note

Do be the tunes I flutter out,

Happily sending forth to float

To one with tasteful ear no doubt.

Flying forth fluttering awing,

My fav'rite melody I sing.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 "Good Morning"

Most often it is morning when

After a sleep I come awake.

And often it is just me then,

And so the first greeting I make

Is to myself in gratitude

That another day I do live

With hopes and dreams to be pursued.

So to me "Good Morning" I give.

Alone now, but others I'll meet

As I go through my early day,

And with gratitude I will greet

To all, "Good Morning" I will say.

When first awake and alone, I'll

Say my "Good Morning" with a smile.

Friday, November 10, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Rose of Love Blossoms

First met you but I've always known

That you and I were meant to be.

Inside of me your seed was sown,

Planted perfection just for me.

As our time together passed,

I tended to your ev'ry need.

Devotion to you be steadfast.

Goodness of us growing indeed

Into a fine budding romance,

Leaving me in such gratitude

For my good fortune that fate plants

Triumph since we first rendezvoused.

I feel sweet bloom within me start,

Rose of love blossoms in my heart.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Judged by Our Words

While trippin' through the universe

On this blue/green ball of a world,

The words of humankind disburse,

And out into the cosmos hurled

To be a source of evidence

To whatever out there might hear

These words as the intelligence

That comes from this small spinning sphere.

The words of humans may well be

How we are judged by what's out there.

Words heard well universedly

Could give humankind more fanfare.

So I send words through space and time

To those who appreciate rhyme.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


Covid 19 was just the first

Causing epidemic worldwide.

Remembrance hoped it was the worst

Because millions of humans died.

And then there was the interlude

Of varied strains that did not do

As much death, there be gratitude

That Covid became more like flu.

Then when the world began to rest

Covid returned year after year.

Efforts failed in a vaccine quest,

Causing billions to disappear.

Covid, hellish or hallowed word?

Covid can cull the human herd.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Jesus Taught Me

Youngster, I learned that Jesus died

Asking God, His Father, to save

Sinners around the whole world wide,

And thanks to Jesus, God forgave.

Since I've grown older from my birth

I try to keep Jesus in mind

Each day that I do live on Earth.

Jesus taught me how to be kind.

When I think and do selfishly,

Jesus, through my conscience, does say

Jesus expects better from me,

So help others rest of today.

Each day alive I know that I

Can help some others if I try.

Thursday, November 09, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Our Wedding

The two of us come face to face.

For us it's our wedding day,

Together's chosen time and place,

Love for each other we both say.

In presence of each other, we

Are confidant this marriage starts

With gratitude that destiny

Binds together each other's hearts.

So many hopes and dreams we share,

Going forward in wedded bliss.

Now married couple we prepare

For the future sealed with a kiss.

Wedding together we do now,

Wed for each other we do vow.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Night Email

Get and sent mail, I'm old enough

To remember when letters were

A must in envelopes to stuff

For communication for sure.

I'd get home after each work day,

And there would be my mail to read.

Nothing about my job, no way,

Matters outside of work indeed.

Letters from friends and family,

Bills and other bothers of write,

Opening and reading by me,

As I relaxed into the night.

Now fact of life that does not fail,

My boss sends me each night, Email.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Lone Star Spirit

Ghost of a Texas Ladies' man,

Gave the devil my cowboy smile.

Texas ladies hope that I can

Keep haunting them happy for a while.

Devil gave the go ahead so

Opened my black book to first "A."

And off to her home I did go

To satisfy my special way.

She was a little scared at first,

But then I knew she understood.

For her fleshly hunger and thirst,

I was gonna haunt her real good.

Devil will call me back some night.

She's from Texas, so I'll delight.

Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Sappho, The Poetess, wrote of

Celebrating feelings between

Women sharing the joy of love,

Erotically bound serene.

From Lesbo Island, her home, she

Savored taste of forbidden fruit,

Wrote of such in her poeting,

Sensational in her pursuit.

Both acclaimed and condemned, Sappho

Had mixed emotions on her fame.

At last to a cliff she did go,

Threw herself over and death came.

Well versed on sexual taboos,

Sappho is known as the Tenth Muse.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Seeds Shopping

I am a Missus Goldfinch who

Is out shopping for some good seeds.

I do shopping myself, I do,

To best fulfill our chicks' needs.

When I send the Mister out, he

Often forgets why he flew out.

His bird brain is usually

Running on minimum no doubt.

I've landed on a tulip that

Has some fresh seeds for a good price

To take to the nest habitat,

So lunch for the chicks will be nice.

Well, back to the nest I best git.

I left the Mister on hatch sit.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Stop to Help

Zoey and Jojo, fairy twins,

Are flying through the sky one day.

Below, an adventure begins.

They see an egg is on display,

And seems to beckon to them so

The fairy twins decide to land.

They touch the egg which starts to glow,

Warmed up by each fairy twin's hand.

Jojo and Zoey hum a tune

Which does soothe the egg to relax.

The twins feel something coming soon.

There's whirls of smoke as the egg cracks.

In their hands, the egg hatches here,

Cute tiny dragon does appear.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Cunningham's Law

Ward Cunningham of Wiki fame,

Cunningham's Law is named for him.

On the Internet he does claim

He was misquoted on his whim

That Internet posting of wrong

Answer is best way to get right,

And does disprove this "law" as long

As his misquote gets the greenlight.

Which only goes to prove the fact,

On Internet, right or wrong is

Never known to be truth exact,

Cuz lie propagation is big biz.

Right answer on the Internet?

Never be sure if ever get.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Taken for a Ride

There I was in the gutter of

Remorse and despair over my

Recent breakup from my one love.

A big black car came driving by.

The uniformed driver got out

And opened up the door for me.

I hoped that this was all about

My one love in the car might be.

But no one else there did I find.

All alone how could I survive?

I sat, going out of my mind.

Heartbreak, my driver, on did drive.

At last I saw a sign that said,

"Take next exit to love is dead."

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Fired Up for Halloween

Me and the Missus are camped out

In the living room waiting for

Trick or treaters to come about

And be knocking on our door.

We even have lit a campfire

For costumed kids to sit around,

While we tell ghost stories to inspire

The spookiness mood to abound.

Our bones stiffen stuck in chairs.

No trick or treaters have come here.

We wonder why and then be blares,

Sounds of fire engines coming near.

Me and the Missus, each be one

Halloween loving skeleton.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 If I Were the Devil

If I were the devil I would

Be very pleased with all I've done,

To have evil win over good,

Countless battles that I have won.

Of course I know that I don't be

The devil but I do know that

A lot of bad does come from me.

Oft in my head the devil's at

Work moving me more toward the goal,

Convincing me the human mind,

The devil's wired to sell the soul,

Will happen to all humankind.

If I were the devil then I

Would seal the deal before each die.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Yearn to Return

A teenager, I hiked alone

Into Wyoming wilderness,

To beauty like I've never seen.

All around mountains did caress

Me walking through the forests fine,

A crispness in the summer breeze

Touching me with the scent of pine,

Rustling the needles in the trees.

I hiked along the purest stream

Of cold water from peak top snow.

Sensations of a perfect dream,

Most perfect real I'd ever know.

When my body does leave no trace,

My soul will be back in this place.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Rabid Gourd

A jumbo sized pumpkin I got,

And took it home to carve it out.

I enjoy Halloween a lot,

And awesome at carving no doubt.

First I cut off the pumpkin top,

Then pulled out all the seeds and stuff.

A strange feeling said I should stop.

Downed a strong drink, that was enough.

Carved eyes, carved nose and finally

Carved mouth with sharp and wicked teeth.

Then very unexpectedly

Those teeth bit down, my hand beneath.

This Halloween was most gruesome.

My carved pumpkin bit off my thumb.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Wicked Trickster

The devil came on Halloween

Trick or treating in a costume,

With little kids was 'twixt and 'tween.

Big and tall the devil did loom

Over the kids, and at each house

Would grab all the candy away,

Behaving as a greedy louse.

Kids were crying at this display

Of nastiness by one kids thought

Always was a jolly good one

And making kids happy a lot.

Oh, the devil had such mean fun.

It was a nasty trick because

The devil dressed as Santa Claus.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Sharing Now

Mother and daughter walking through

The rain forest, a sunny day,

It is a time and place these two

Do treasure in a special way.

Both are descended from slaves brought

To Suriname, their lives to be

In brutal oppressive onslaught.

Whites gave blacks no humanity.

Mother picks up a piece of fruit,

Ripened and fallen from above,

And gives her daughter in pursuit

Of sharing now their treasured love.

Mother and daughter sharing how

They believe in hope and faith now.

Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Song of Uvavnuk

Uvavnuk, Inuk shaman great,

A ball of fire came from the sky.

Then this young girl was struck by fate,

And was empowered to know why.

Throughout the rest of her life, she

Sang her song freely with the goal

Of flowing forth in a great sea,

Of being moved to heal Earth's soul.

Her Inuk people heard her song,

And knew was wisdom from her breath,

Remembered as she sang along,

And shared with all upon her death.

Uvavnuk's voice sang clear and strong,

And 'round the world is heard her song.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 A Lot of Non"seance"

Against my better judgement, I

Once attended a seance where

An old uncle who did just die

Was expected to show up there.

I never cared for Uncle Joe,

But what the heck, I went instead.

Apparently there was a show

That the others there later said,

Through me, Uncle Joe did speak of

Me, while at the time I was out.

Said for me he had little love.

I would inherit zilch no doubt.

A non believer I still be,

Don't know what could have possessed me.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Remembrance Day

In Canada, Remembrance Day

Remembers men and women who

Have served their nation in a way

To sacrifice for freedom true.

Many in such service did die

For Canada fighting in war.

Important that the young know why

They are now free because before

Many who were also young still

Answered Canada's call to fight

For a righteous cause to fulfill,

Freedom's beacon to ever light.

Remembrance Day is always when

There's pride to be Canadian.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Art of Incoherence

The use of incoherence is

The U.S. politicians' way

To carry on their power biz,

And in power to ever stay.

The politicians learn it young

From the older ones just how to

Manipulate the words they tongue

To spin their lives from what is true.

Incoherence is desired so

Sound good words be skillfully used,

Cuz U.S. politicians know

Best to keep the public confused.

The better at it lies be told,

U.S. politicians more old.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 I Feel Betrayed

We were together seven years.

A lot went on with both of us,

Times of laughter and times of tears,

Some F minus and some A plus.

Getting married, we talked about.

The subject always got put off.

Most we know thought we would no doubt,

But they were wrong and I won't scoff.

Today, after work at the house,

Your wedding pics were in the mail,

And sent to me by your new spouse.

I know now feeling of betrayal.

Lesson I learned does hurt like hell,

But wish you and your new spouse well.

Monday, November 06, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Fun Fungus

I be a toadstool, got the name,

Humans thought toads lived on us.

Humans aren't as smart as they claim.

That's their nature, why make a fuss!

We are fungi, poisonous kind

To humans who are dumb enough

To think we're mushrooms when they find

And eat us, life for them gets rough.

A toad did happen to hop by,

And so I thought I'd have some fun,

Pulled myself from the ground and I

Hopped on the toad, a surprised one.

So kind of funny it does be

That a toad is a stool for me.

Sunday, November 05, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Extremity Options

One guitar she is strumming while

Her other one is leaning on

The wall sitting on the floor tile.

As her fingers do strum upon

The strings of the one guitar, she

Lets her mind wander to suppose

Of the fun possibility,

Playing the other with her toes.

From the next room she hears a purr.

Another option would be that

Of letting four paws pick for sure,

Second guitar played by the cat.

Picasso once made a guitar,

So that's the name both of her's are.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Coming Back

The Bible tells us Jesus Christ

Was sent by God to come to Earth.

For all sinners He sacrificed

His life and God gave Him rebirth,

With promise that one day He would

Come back to Earth and save all who

Truly believe that God is good,

And try to do best we can do.

All of us are guilty of sin,

So need to keep faith while we live,

To be ready to be saved when

Christ will come back, God will forgive.

The coming back, Jesus Christ will,

Faith of believers to fulfill.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Beauty Appreciation

The creation of humankind,

Often be asked the question why.

Perhaps Creator had in mind

An appreciation supply

Of the true beauty made on Earth.

Other created life forms do

Not care that much of beauty's worth.

So humans given point of view

Of able to appreciate

Nature's beauty everywhere,

And able to communicate

Creator's beauty meant to share.

For beauty appreciation,

Is that why humankind was done?

Sense Sonnet - Acher


I grew up in a time and place,

Crying was deemed a weakness so

No one should see tears on my face.

I forced myself to stop their flow.

I remember when Grandma died,

No one around did shed a tear.

But when alone, all of us cried,

All of us loving Grandma dear.

That happened in my younger day.

Now I am older and do be

Believing crying is a way

To share the human side of me.

Like Grandma, someday I will die.

I hope I'm loved and some will cry.

Saturday, November 04, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 If Inducted!

If there's a poet's Hall of Fame,

Inducted would I want to be?

As a poet I only claim

To writing poems that suit me.

And only sonnets do I write.

Iambic tetrameter is

The count and rhythm that delight

Me minding my sonneting biz.

So as I write this sonnet now,

I consider it a fun task.

If I were inducted somehow,

Written about me I might ask,

"Infamous as a sonneteer,"

"And not as famous as Shakespeare."

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 My Boy Grows Up

When you were born being a boy,

A poor and single Mom I was.

You were my first bundle of joy.

I was kind of concerned becuz

You would grow up without a Dad.

But you are growing up just fine.

A wonderful life we have had.

I am so grateful you are mine.

As you grow into your teen years,

A lot of changes you will feel.

Within you may come stressful fears.

With all such I will help you deal.

As you grow up I hope you'll be

Always willing to talk with me.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


In any town there be a bus,

A magical bus that goes down

A route that no map does discuss,

Ending up in "Halloweentown."

Used to be a secret town which

Specially empowered could live,

Especially warlock and witch,

Escape from human world to give.

"Halloweentown" the public met,

A Disney made phenomenon,

Did want a real town, not a set,

Did pick St. Helens, Oregon.

The town came to unlife at night

When vampires will romp from "Twilight."

Friday, November 03, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Walking West

Walking along the tracks all day,

Ever since I fell off the train,

Now watching sunsetting display,

Firing up the desert domain.

I guess I'll just keep walking west

Along these tracks to who knows where.

I really need to take a rest.

But fall asleep and I do dare

The desert critters to feel free

To come right up to where I'm at,

And take turns taking bites of me.

I sure don't think I would want that.

Life for a hobo's hard, no bet,

And harder for a hoboette.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Lord Another Breakup

A lot of marriage breakups blamed

Because someone got in the way,

And Jesus Christ is often blamed

As why one spouse could just not stay

With the other spouse who would not

Or could not live a faithful life,

And so a breakup does be got

Between the husband and the wife.

And it is not a gender thing.

Either spouse be him or be her

Could be the guilty one sinning.

Some get mad at Jesus for sure.

If sinners repent while they live,

Then Jesus will know and forgive.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Poseidon's Not Amused

Poseidon, Greek god of the sea,

Considered a powerful god.

Not much sense of humor had he,

So Poseidon would deem it odd

At best and demeaning at worst

That on a toilet seat one is,

And from one's bowel there be a burst

Of doing the number two biz.

And after there does be the dump,

Some toilet water is splashed up,

Coming in contact with one's rump.

A term has been coined for this, yup.

The divine term given for this

Is receiving Poseidon's kiss.

Sense Sonnet - Acher


I'm a wandering soul named Jack.

Alive I was stingy and mean,

A scoundrel from Ireland way back.

I get to show up Halloween,

The devil's payback for a joke,

Who when alive I did trick twice.

Caused spewing lots of fire and smoke.

Would not let me in hell, not nice.

So in my unlife all I got

Is Halloween as the one night

To again feel wanted a lot,

Scary pumpkin lit up in light.

Neither heaven nor hell wants me.

Jack-o-lantern's all I can be.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Caught 'Twixt and 'Tween

Walking home are the three of us,

I, myself, me in dark fogged wood.

Hear our girlfriend behind cuss.

If she catches up, won't be good.

Coming from a party tonight,

Celebrating Halloween, yes.

Bloody mule cocktails such delight.

Drank too many of them we guess.

We hurry on, then ahead hear

Bushes shaking and grunting from.

Girlfriend right behind us, oh dear,

And what's ahead, sure not welcome.

We are in for great stress and strife,

Cuz ahead grunting is the wife.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


I've learned the hard way that when you

Describe me in a certain way,

You use a weird word, yes you do,

And I don't know the word you say.

So to a dictionary I

Must go and try to look it up,

And then try to figure out why

You decided to use it, yup!

When you used the word, "interstice,"

Talking about the brain I had,

At first I thought it might be nice.

On second thought, I think it's bad.

When interstice brained you called me,

You meant narrow minded I do be!

Thursday, November 02, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Sister Act

We two sisters be home alone,

And that's the way we do prefer.

We do quite well on our own,

And can do as we please for sure.

Special occasions like tonight,

The piano we like to play.

That gives both of us such delight.

And so as comes the end of day,

Upon the piano we place

Some candles lit for spooky mood,

And all dressed up in festive lace,

Spell binding music be pursued.

We twin sisters be sweet sixteen,

And we witches love Halloween.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Murder Mystery

Lots of dead crows on a highway.

A mystery on why they died.

Struck by motorbikes proven way.

But cars, the crows did move aside.

Why bikes and not cars, question asked.

Bird experts did check into it.

Found that a bird lookout was tasked

Crowing a "cah" when danger fit.

Since "car" and "cah" sounded alike,

Crows heard and flew off of the road.

But since no crow could crow out "bike,"

Bike casualties no longer crowed.

Lack of crow vocabulary

Did solve the murder mystery.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Tree of Autumn

It is the autumn time of year.

I see the tree upon a hill,

Fiery hued leaves of autumn cheer

On limbs inviting if I will

Footstep forward and upward to

The tree trunk which is opening,

With a white light now shining through.

To me the tree is beckoning.

At first I have some doubt of course,

But then a calm comes over me.

I willingly walk to this source

With faith it is my destiny.

In autumn of my life I go

Into the autumn tree to know.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 My Rumination

I heard the word, "ruminate," and

Found it in the dictionary.

Two meanings I did understand:

To think about something deeply,

Or as ruminant, chew one's cud.

So I ruminated about

The test I flunked and felt like crud.

My folks would be upset no doubt.

Just worried thinking made me feel

Awful so what else should I do?

Not a ruminant, no big deal.

But might feel better if I'd chew.

At school I got in trouble some.

The teacher caught me chewing gum.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


For over 200 years my

Name has been so scorned without fail.

Maligned by those Grimm Brothers, I

Got bad press in their fairy tale.

'Twas that woman who became queen

Who took advantage of sweet me.

Tricked me she did, oh she was mean.

And since then trashed my name does be.

Straw into gold I can spin so

My name should be good as gold, yes.

But all the reports I hear, no.

I need a sound good name I guess.

So I changed my Rumpelstiltskin name,

And Blobertdobble I became.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Making America

America, the U.S. of,

Proclaims the hopes that all may find,

The dreams that We the People love,

The best for all of humankind.

The American dream does be

Why Peoples from all over Earth

Come to the land of brave and free

For building lives of true good worth.

But America over time

Is where reality is found,

A lot of greed and sin and crime.

To dreams and hopes, We still be bound.

America today We make

For good or bad for future sake.

Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 No Jealousy

I sure do want the feeling of

The wife being jealous of me.

If she seemed jealous then her love

All the stronger would seem to be.

But over the years I have found

It's impossible that I do

What will make her jealousy bound.

The wife just always trusts me true.

So my grocery shopping is

The closest that the wife does hear

Of my making her jealous biz.

But she just smiles and says, "Yes dear!"

The wife should be jealous no doubt,

Always a cashier checks me out.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Thanksgiving Feast

A huge Thanksgiving feast does be

A happening for some, some not.

Included in the some is me,

For which I should give thanks a lot.

Because I need to keep in mind

The some who do not get to feast

Is a huge part of humankind.

Starvation from hunger's not ceased

To be a happening around

The world, ever a problem. Why?

There's a solution to be found.

We humans harder need to try.

So I give thanks as I do dine

On a huge Thanksgiving feast fine.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 War Times Won't Change

"The Times They Are A Changin'," song

Bob Dylan sang in '64

Of humankind acting all wrong,

Latest being Vietnam War.

The times went on and the years passed,

And came the time that war was done,

But of course would not be the last,

Just matter of time till next one.

From 20th to 21st

Century the world made it to.

Wars waged, still waiting for that worst

War the whole wide world ever knew.

Over all times be the same still,

Hate and war rule and ever will.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Seeing Beyond

St. Francis of Assisi taught

Panentheism as a way

That spiritualism ought

Be ever present as we pray

To live lives beyond what is known,

And ever be a hunter of

The goals of good not always shown,

Ever seeking to find pure love.

Indigenous to a place small,

Relative to vastness of Earth,

St. Francis nonetheless reached all

In teaching lessons of great worth.

His life until it reached twilight,

St. Francis blind, had great insight.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Gram Rose

1895 was the year

Great Grandma Rose got her big break

Doing an ad for a French beer,

Quite a sensation Gram did make.

Cuz drinking beer was not deemed then

To be a ladylike deed done.

The prudes scorned it as downright sin.

So Gram Rose thought it would be fun

To do taboo and do the ad,

Knowing she would be the cause sure

Of making lots of the prudes mad.

Gram had a mischief side to her.

Even funnier when I think

Alcohol, Gram Rose did not drink.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Role for Me

The "Law and Order" episode,

Did the husband poison his wife?

As the build to climax scenes showed

The two of us played roles real life,

We each drinking a bottle of

Wine, you were red and I was white.

And on the couch we two made love,

T.V. watching our delight.

The husband's trial was on when I

Started feeling a dizziness.

I saw double of you walk by.

I overdid the wine I guess.

Before the final scene did be,

I knew that you had poisoned me.