Sense Sonnets

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher


The courage of Shirley Sherrod
Was to speak out to mostly blacks
That it isn't right to applaud
Any racism. Then the facts
Of lessons that she really said
Got lost in the race to bait race,
And jumped to conclusions were fed
By players in a frenzied pace.
Thankfully, the truth did prevail,
And Shirley Sherrod got some due.
Many powers that be did fail
To check or care of what was true.

The Shirley Sherrod incident
Shows what race baiting does foment.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Touchy Solution

On the border with Mexico,
A cheap and simple fence be built,
Then keep it sprayed with goops that glow
On the skin of touchers with guilt
Of line crossing illegally.
As the naughty touchers proceed
Into U.S. territory.
Their colored skin will show their deed,
And law enforcement can detain,
And send the touchers back whence came.
And the touchers will touch again,
Around and round all play the game.

Avoid all the profiling stink.
Just look for those with hands bright pink.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Peek Pique

Hi tech speeds on while low laws lag.
Candid cameras catch us all,
No matter where we zig or zag.
Privacy's a no judgement call.
Once exposed for the world to see,
The pics then go to lawyer's eyes
To determine legality.
Someone will pay - that's no surprise.
Orwell's Big Brother only grows.
The more powers that be use
The hi tech to over expose,
So to corrupt and to abuse.

The hi tech do the lawyers please,
From all angles - more legal fees.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Dad was Dad

Dad was with me when I was scared
To be all alone in the dark.
And he was with me when I dared
To first ride my bike in the park.
Dad was with me all through schooling,
And after my car accident.
Happy with me at my wedding.
Sad with me when Mom's last breath went.
Dad was with me when I divorced.
There with me at the kids' ball game.
With me when wanted, never forced.
Be it good or bad, Dad just came.

These memories of Dad I save.
Dad's Day, I'm with Dad at his grave.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Russian Air

The movie, Dr. Zhivago,
Was filled with cold and wintry scenes.
In hot summer, I saw the show
In a theatre with the means
To set the air conditioning
On high so that we watchers would
Feel the film as we sat freezing.
The movie 'twas long, but 'twas good.
The ice encrusted palace shown,
It was as though I was right there
Gazing through all the breath puffs blown
By us into the frigid air.

Dr. Zhivago was the rage
In the theatre's own ice age.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Last in Space

Outer space, called the last frontier,
The U.S. had to beat the world,
To race into the stratosphere,
And stick the Stars and Stripes unfurled.
Been there, done that and what's the worth?
Bragging rights will not solve the mess
The U.S. has made here on Earth,
Getting more and more powerless.
The private sector should seek out
Others with the cash and the will.
The Chinese top that list - no doubt.
Some dreams only some can fulfill.

The U.S. is losing the race
Stagnating in its inner space.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Hills Bills

Chelsea Clinton is getting wed,
Supposedly sometime this year.
It will be an expensive spread.
Millions of dollars of bliss cheer.
The Clintons have plenty of dough,
But the State Department has more.
What if the wedding costs did flow
To taxpayers - who's keeping score?
Perhaps the missing stemware is
In the warehouse awaiting use
At Chelsea's wedding. It's just biz
By ins to cash out in abuse.

Charge the State Department party -
Diplomatic immunity.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Americans got hooked on oil
Early and often as oil is
The life blood for all play and toil.
We put the big in big oil biz.
Americans care not of waste,
As long as we get what we crave.
Hypocritical and two faced,
We preach to others what to save.
Americans pigged out at home,
Then went on sprees around worldwide.
The fall of the empire of Rome -
We are slipping down the same slide.

Americans won't sacrifice
Craving for oil at any price.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Dancing Dad

A male ballet dancer as dad
For a growing son can be tough.
The stereotyping is bad
When mixed in with all the kid's stuff.
But if at some point the son can
Learn from the lessons his dad gives
About being a better man
In living the life that he lives.
Most dads have to work to support
Their families, but few have of
Their jobs a sense of pride. In short,
The rare dad finds labor of love.

Passed pride in work from dad to son
Is a job that's very well done.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Utter Clutter

Mom was forever bugging me
About the clutter in my room.
I told her that a trunk could be
Next to my bed and would assume
A role as a clutter in bin.
Mom shrugged but got me a trunk - nice.
But it stayed empty - nothing in.
Ballistic Mom - she paid the price.
Her screaming tirade got too much.
I don't recall just what occurred.
But Mom and trunk - they got in touch,
As Mom did screech out her last word.

Mom's bugging me max really stunk,
And now her body's in the trunk.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

No Child Put Ahead

Teacher tenure in public schools
Has let lousy teaching prevail.
At all the levels, the adult fools
Have messed with kids on a vast scale.
There are bunches who are to blame
For making kids the last concern.
The kids are losing - that's the shame.
Adults fiddle while young minds burn.
Taking tenure away would just
Be until the powers that be
Found ways to snooker public trust
Making more incompetency.

The public school kids pay the price,
Experimented on like lab mice.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Law Maker / Breaker

A lowly congressional aide
Stuck a rider into a bill,
And into law it was then made,
Since powers that be on the Hill
Rarely read bills before they pass.
This new law said that ev'ry day
Congress in session did amass,
Stupidity meters would weigh
The mountains of stupid that piled.
Alarms signal when it was time.
Through the Capitol police filed.
Congress is charged with its own crime.

Congress is under house arrest,
Where too much stupid is possessed.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Close Up

The U.S. Presidents of now
Are watched under a microscope.
Each slanted grin and furrowed brow
Are measured 'tween despair and hope.
The Presidents of long ago,
Seldom in public ear and eye,
Never were called upon to show
Reaction with a laugh or cry.
The oil spill makes us mad and sad,
And we want Obama to be
The good guy fixing all the bad
Like John Wayne did in the movie.

Actors like Reagan knew the way
To play the role called for that day.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Rosie the Riveter

I am Rosie the Riveter,
Called an icon in World War II.
Lots of gals like me, that's for sure,
Just doing what we have to do.
A full day in the factory,
A night of house work, but no man,
Just the kids and the pets and me.
A hard life to live, but I can,
And I've got it better than most.
No fortune but a lot of fame.
A Rockwell cover on the Post.
Everybody knows my name.

The jerks who put down me and mine -
Rivet them where the sun don't shine.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


Islamophobia is real,
For non believers do exist,
And have for centuries with zeal
Attacked Islam with no desist.
Attackers must not be allowed
By word or deed to jeopardize
The true faith by a darkened cloud
Filled with fearful and hateful lies.
Each non believer has the choice
To be or not to be judged bad
Against Islam in hand and voice.
For each, a judgement will be had.

Those who dare judge the Islam way
Will not have a good judgement day.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Bye George

George Steinbrenner is dead and gone,
Died the day of the All Star Game.
Classic King George phenomenon.
Baseball brought him fortune and fame.
Decades of being Yankees' boss.
When he was hands on making trades,
The Yankees were assured of loss.
But his suspensions were the aids
In letting lesser hands prevail,
In building Yankee teams of great.
The Seinfeld character portrayal -
George persona to love and hate.

Dead George surely making the sell,
The Yankees surely go to hell.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Fleece Obe$e

What's the fuss on obesity?
Next thing gov will be hyping that
The land will sink into the sea,
Just because folks are getting fat.
Forget taxing unhealthy foods.
Gov should go for the tax on pounds.
Weigh in on all the chicks and dudes -
The chubbies making "tax me" sounds.
As they shove the calories in,
They can be paying the tax out.
For gov it is a long term win
'Cause fat is here to stay - no doubt!

Pound obesity with a tax,
Then let'em all gorge to the max.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Misspeak the Truth

For the offices that they seek,
So many politicians do
Think it is okay to misspeak,
Telling tall tales that just aren't true.
Military service should be
In and of itself a plus fact.
To tell of it untruthfully
Is on its face a shameful act.
And then when caught, to throw the blame
Upon the catcher of the lie
Only adds disgust to the shame.
A would be voter must ask - why?

The truth is, in most politics,
Not welcome in the bag of tricks.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Turks on the Move

The Turkey nation modern day
Has long seemed to bobble about,
Stuck in a stereotyped way
Of looking inside from the out.
Marginalized by friend and foe
As just somewhere to take up space,
And to be regarded as though
There was no purpose to the place.
A bridge between the east and west,
Turkey tires of being trod on,
So seeks emboldened ways to test
How others can be trod upon.

Turkey is yearning hard to be
Really taken seriously.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Spun of a Gun

Those wanting to ban having guns,
Always drag out the killing sprees
To argue that the shooting ones
Got their guns too easy - puhleeze!
Like getting heroin is hard
Just because the law says no, no.
All the armed police cannot guard
The public against a gungho
Who just shows up out of the blue,
Shooting at victims randomly.
All that banning of guns does do
Is tempt the killer on a spree.

I would more ponder my attack
If targets I shot at - shot back!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

The Bag Lady

Queen Elizabeth, bless her heart,
Is feeling the pinch of the pence.
Quite frugal, she's doing her part.
Other royal ladies and gents
Are spending the monarchy broke.
Bean counters are forcing the Queen
To budget her buyness - no joke!
For all the world to know - obscene!
The common folk come up to her
And offer funding for her bag.
Mortified for this to occur.
The Queen can only smile zig zag.

Always in public with her purse,
Sometimes in private, she does curse.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


Hubby and I have a pre-nup
Signed by him when his guard was down,
And his horny hormones were up,
Before I wore the wedding gown.
To make the money was his must.
To spend the money was my choice.
It was to be a mutual trust,
And I would have the final voice.
If I don't have enough to spend,
Hubby must find a legal way
For more cash means to meet my end.
Hubby knows he must pay to play.

Hubby gets on the money case -
I wave the pre-nup in his face.

Monday, August 09, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Pot Shot

I've been a pot dealer for years.
The thought of legalized pot is
Fraught with lots of financial fears
That greed of big gov and big biz
Will make the current drug thugs look
Like Mother Teresa in who
Turn out to be the bigger crook.
The little guy will get the screw.
No longer able to compete,
Now made honest merchants like me
Will be forced to watch my old street
Go to big box weed legally.

Mom and Pops are gonna get squat.
Walmart will sell most legal pot.

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

I Fly

What about birds and bugs make flight
For them such a natural ease.
Hi tech and time - no may nor might,
Humans too will fly on a breeze.
Who knows what suits there will need be.
Perhaps just popping a pill will
Protect the soft human body.
So any garb will fill the bill
Of flying oneself through the air,
Around the block or round the Earth.
With birds and bugs the up we'll share,
But we'll want more, for what it's worth.

The "beam me up Scotty" sci fi
Will one day be the way to fly.

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Unmean the Gene

Biotech research into genes
Manipulating to make new
Product money making machines,
Have to trudge the FDA zoo.
Years upon years of loops and hoops,
Only for FDA thumbs down,
Unless the applicant stoops
To lots of turning noses brown.
To get results desired and fast,
The biotechs should research ways
To have bureaucrat genes recast,
To approve all with no delays.

Manipulate their con gene pool,
Make FDA folks a pro tool.

Friday, August 06, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Sound Bites

My father impregnated me.
My mother knew and did not care.
I'm in child service custody,
And there are loads of counseling there.
Some counselors say to abort.
Others say that it's up to God.
One used lemons in her support
Of no abortion. It was odd
To hear her say make lemonade
Squeeezed from the lemon of my life.
The choice is not so easy made -
To have the baby or the knife.

I don't know what I'm gonna do.
It's not about one life - but two.

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Best Use

Politicians know about mud.
They use a bunch of it to throw
To try to hide all of the crud.
They do so that it will not show.
But all the mud that's thrown will not
Plug up and cover the oil spill.
To plug that leak will take a lot.
What have we got to use to fill?
We've got politicians galore.
Pump out their hot air and then sink
Them in the Gulf to be good for
Something at last. Whatdayathink?

Stuff politicians as spill cork.
Start with the ones fattest on pork.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Wind Ill

Big gov wants big oil to know who
Is the boss and calling the shots.
So big gov gets little wind to
Blow through windmills in certain spots
Little wind used to be for free,
But now big gov is charging twice
For the green electricity.
I'm one who has to pay the price.
My tax dollars do subsidize,
So little wind can grow real big.
My electric bills double size.
On my grave, green will dance a jig.

Though big gov calls it a godsend,
My bucks are blowin' in the wind.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Above and Beyond

Those damn Yankees are in my sight.
Me and my machine gun can mow
The folk down with little fight.
Americans - no worthy foe.
Hey - one of 'em is crawling there.
I fire at him. I'm sure he's shot.
The guy's still coming. Let him dare
Live through all the bullets I've got.
I shoot him more and watch him flinch.
He should be dead, how can he be
Still moving forward inch by inch?
He lobs a grenade right at me.

Duty says to stay with the gun.
Survival screams to this Jap - "Run!"

Monday, August 02, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


Soon the population will be
A bunch of old versus few young.
A gray, wrinkled society
Will be what good health care has brung.
The young will have to pay extreme
To keep the older long alive.
The young should decide, it would seem,
To make retirement sixty five,
When each would then be put to sleep,
And each body converted green,
For a younger planet to keep,
And be fuel for some machine.

It won't be long, and to retire
Will be the same as to expire.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Rote Vote

The Latinos are on the rise
As U.S. voting bodies prime.
The Libs as ever do surmise
Lib Latinos at voting time.
Conservs are too set in their ways
To woo Latino votes to them.
Repubs only have numbered days
Before the U.S. votes all Dem.
But voting will become a ruse.
The once great of democracies
Will be told the leaders to choose
By U.S. owners - the Chinese.

Latinos, the powers to be,
In the U.S. powerlessly.