Sense Sonnets

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Puck Up

The business of hockey grows.
The N.H.L. is skating nice,
Amid recessionary woes.
Thars money in them fields of ice.
Most franchises not doing well
Are located in the sunbelt,
Where it can get hotter than hell.
Ice has a tendency to melt.
But all in all the revenues
In pro hockey are on the rolls.
All the games, either win or lose,
Cha-ching, cha-ching those dollar goals.

Some have the money and the luck.
It's free enterprise - what the puck!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Head Led

I was out shopping all day,
Maxing out all the credit cards.
Something in my head seemed to say
Buying a bunch meant best regards
From product makers, and I'll be
A consumer who may be broke,
But engaged emotionally
With what I buy, and that's no joke!
The Em Sense Frisco folks so said
To wear their Em band where I go
Shopping. I'll be out of my head -
A feely spending dynamo.

My hubby asked what I had done.
"The Em band made me do it, hon!"

Friday, January 29, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Beer Break

Cherry Oak Doppelbock, the name -
Kind of tongue twist for just a beer.
And in a fancy box it came -
Seeds popping about there and here.
Somebody must have tossed it out.
Their loss is this here taster's gain.
It's bound to be a buzz no doubt,
A warm glow in the cold and rain.
A 22 ouncer - that's good.
The more the merrier to chug.
Maybe if I look hard there would
Be another thrown away jug.

Yes, this brew will do in a pinch.
Now let me go find my park bench.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

The Tiger Tale

A fire hydrant and then a tree
Were victims of Tiger Wood's drive.
An iron and a wood - oopsee!
But will Tiger's image survive?
Tell the truth Tiger - tell it well.
The opportunity window
Is open wide for you to sell
You as a victim card you know?
Take the heat off of you and yours
And throw it to a real hot spot.
Go for the gripe that is Al Gore's.
It should be an easy chip shot.

It's all a conspiracy frame.
Global warming should get the blame.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Illinois No

We've heard the scoop on Illinois,
Land of Lincoln and all that bull.
Prairie poopers who just enjoy
Criminal types - the state is full
Of corruption and going broke.
The weather changes on a dime.
All the sports teams are just a joke.
Greed and lust tales all of the time.
Even the Olympics thumbed down
Mayor Daley and his pet cronies.
Chicago's just a jackass town
In a barnyard state full of sleaze.

We Gitmo South voters say no.
Illinois is a dump - ya know!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Tried and True

At first the Pilgrims in distress,
Poured forth their gloom and discontent
In fasting prayer to the excess,
Lending to a give it up bent.
Then a farmer of unknown name
Proposed a shift in attitude.
Lay off the gripes, instead proclaim
True thanks to the Almighty Dude.
And so Thanksgiving came to be,
And still remains in modern day.
An awesome reminder to me
To stop complaining when I pray.

When I take my stuff to God's ear,
Thanksgiving is what God should hear.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Master March

Argentine ants are getting done
What humans only have dreamed of.
Hitler was such a dreaming one.
Religious fanatics would love
To force their faiths upon the world,
Displacing all who don't believe,
Spreading throughout, unleashed, unfurled.
Self serving faults humans achieve
Are not a trait shared by the ants,
That do what's best collectively.
We humans just don't stand a chance
Against superiority.

Argentine ants have got the pace
To be the planet's master race.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

The Few Taint the Most

911 operators are
Under tremendous strain and stress,
Making quick judgements that go far
Toward whether it was the right guess.
Of all such operators who
Are on the front lines day and night,
Unfortunately are a few
Who do it wrong. Most do it right.
Yes, let's learn from tragic mistakes,
And fix the system where there's need.
Perfection - money never makes.
Thank God for good people - indeed.

911 operators fall
Short of perfection per each call.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Coal Toll

For want of an "0" the coal came,
And bit the trader on his butt,
Giving the jerk unwanted fame,
As his trade's perfect storm did cut.
Computers like their "0"s and "1"s
To give them reason to compute.
Data put in them hits and runs
According to programmed pursuit.
To err is human, not machine.
One day this human trader will
Be unemployed, still cocky mean,
Replaced by circuits sure and still.

Of the "1"s and "0"s of this trade,
It was 1 big 0 that was laid.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Do the Math

When he was just a kid in school,
Einstein had some trouble with some math.
Perhaps a better teaching tool
Is teach each kid and cease the wrath
Of schemes of tracking that just cost
More and more money down the drain,
While the minds of children are lost.
It is the kids who should complain.
If adults fail to educate
Each and every kid in class,
Then adults should suffer the fate -
You're outta here - You do not pass!

School kids are always guinea pigs
For the "smart" adult jags and jigs.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Lady Ga Ga

Lady Ga Ga is on the go go,
Rising fast and far in show biz,
Flaunting debauchery to flow
To where the music money is.
Using her youthful sexiness
And her right on marketing skill,
Parading on in more or less
Costuming that will hype the thrill
Of crazed fans and corporate suits,
Who all just can't get enough of
Licking her high stiletto boots,
As she keeps dancing on above.

Lady Ga Ga can take each prank
And cash it in big at the bank.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Winchester House

Widow Winchester was quite rich
From all the Winchester guns sold.
She believed in a psychic's pitch
That if she wanted to grow old,
She must build a house for the souls
Dead because of the guns that brought
Her great fortune by taking tolls
Of lives. And so the widow bought
An old farm house in San Jose.
And rooms were added on and on
For decades ev'ry single day,
Till the widow died, her wealth gone.

Building Winchester House was done,
For ghosts of the Winchester gun.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Pardon Peril

A teenaged kid in Arkansas,
Guilty of unarmed robbery.
Jailed a decade under the law.
Imperfect system, he goes free
To Washington State, where alleged,
He murders 4 cops in cold blood.
A bad boy bet that went unhedged?
Ex-governor caught in the flood
Of blame - this guy should still be jailed,
Doing the hundred years from teen.
Then the system would not have failed.
His future would have been forseen.

People grow up committing crimes,
More and more and more of the times.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Sore Score

This is your credit score, dear Don,
Beseeching you to make me proud,
By shopping and getting it on,
To get me out of my score cloud.
It's so embarrassing to be
Stuck to someone who's not in debt.
Go buy a bunch of property,
Mortgage galore and we'll be set.
Follow advice of that guy from
Equifax (as in what the eck!)
Forget whether he sounded dumb.
Just get on board the credit wreck.

C'mon Don - for your credit score.
Go borrow more and more and more...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Emission Accomplished

The Copenhagen climate talks
Promise a forum for hot air,
To Gore the global warming ox.
Oh - to be or not to be there!
What of European disDane
For daring to be a no show
To what is an endless campaign?
Next year it's off to Mexico.
And so fill up the Air Force One,
And pack the promptor for the trip.
Even though nothing will get done,
It's presidential showmanship.

To and from Copenhagen will
Skies with carbon emissions fill.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Rogue Vogue

The do's and don'ts of strategists -
Go the opposite of that breed.
Give high praise for the Bolshevists,
And yes, commie China, indeed.
Do revel in celebrity.
We Americans love a star.
Be the fiercest attack puppy.
With your lipstick you will go far.
Don't get mad - get even with all.
Lure Levi to his slaughter.
Put in for a matchmaking call.
Hook him up with McCain's daughter.

"Going Rogue" as your book does say.
Then, Sarah go rogue all the way.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Seams to Stretch

Look at them swarming through the doors,
An attack on the outlet mall.
Fired up to conquer 90 stores,
Greed on the faces of them all.
Some drove for hours to get here.
Foot sore will serve some of them right.
But it is that time of year
When merchandise suffers the plight
Of shoppers doing grab and paw,
Ogling the labels and price tags,
Feeling the fabric with clinched claw,
The eternal trying on jags.

Being an outlet mall blouse is
Holiday hell, but that's clothes biz.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

For the Defense

The attack was an act of war.
Lots of people suffer and die.
The twin towers, no less, no more
Than all the war attacks gone by.
Perhaps not civilized in form,
Agreed by nations in past time.
But certainly close to the norm,
That this attack is not a crime.
Therefore, the jury has no choice
But find defendants innocent.
To give the rule of law the voice.
The victims have no argument.

The suffering is not the test.
War is war. The defense does rest.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Sex and the Eco City

In "Sex and the Eco City"
Kathleen Kingsbury makes the point
That selling sexuality
Is getting a green thrust anoint.
Besides just the well known footprints,
Carbon emissions also seep
From bedroom body parts, so hence,
Players have promises to keep
To future ones upon this Earth
To play with toys that do protect
The planet and its eco worth.
Let's be sexually correct.

Ah - sex. Back to those good old days,
Just like the Flintstones had their ways.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Tiger Tale of Woe

Numbers of tigers in the wild
Will only lessen as they fall
To the humans who have compiled
Atrocious crimes to creatures all.
When would a tiger stick its head
In a human mouth on a dare?
A tiger has more sense instead.
Human common sense is so rare.
The humans who were maimed and killed
By the tigers, no doubt did act
Stupidly. Humans are so skilled
At acting goofy - that's a fact.

One day when ET takes command,
Humans as pets might understand.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Say So Joe

Independent Senator Joe,
That's what his state decided to
Vote him in as, and let him go
Back to the Senate where he'd do
Some independent stuff, and not
Just fall into the party line.
It would be good if others got
And independent Joe like spine.
Yes, give us Lieberman and more
Who'll dare to speak the truth about
Proposed legislation before
The law is in and we are out.

Connecticut will make the choice
If Joe as senator has a voice.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


Freedom of expression is not
What Big Brother wants you to do.
Any drawing has got a lot
Of incorrectness in full view.
Sketches that look of innocense
Are seen by the powers that be
To most likely cause some offense
To some with sensitivity.
In 30 seconds I do feel
Your sketch has bias overtones.
Maybe I'm making a big deal,
But I'm offended to my bones.

Better think twice before you draw.
Soon, it will be against the law.

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Army Suicides

So the Army is at a loss
Over the number of suicides.
Are soldiers drinking too much sauce?
Maybe more shrinks will turn the tide.
Is the current suicide rate
In the army at all unique,
Compared to all that chose that fate?
Tens of thousands whose lives go bleak,
Kill themselves each an ev'ry year.
Tragedies happen - who knows why?
The answers are yet to appear.
In the meantime, some choose to die.

Living has lots of stress and strife.
Suicide is a fact of life.

Friday, January 08, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Save Hawaii

In your newsverse, "The Deep Blue Sea,"
You warn of the potential plot
To victimize dear Hawaii
By turning warming up to hot,
Putting underwater the state
That calls Barack Obama son,
To show Obama the dire fate
Of daring to have run and won.
So here's what I suggest we do.
No more carbon will we expel.
Cold will be the way - and dark too.
Let's freeze over this land of hell.

To bring another age of ice
For Hawaii. Won't that be nice!

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Service Disservice

The powers that be tell us that
We're in Afghanistan to fight
The terrorists where they are at,
And not have to fight them here - right?
Our soldiers have to spend their time
And give their lives in a raw land
Where people deal in cultured crime
That we will never understand.
The terrorists become more skilled
Like the Viet Cong used to be.
For the numbers that we have killed
We'll be there for eternity.

Afghanistan is far yet near.
We've got the terrorists right here.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Three Wise Guys

In Natren Health Trinity
We're bacteria superstrains,
Packed in a capsule true to be
A fixer of the ills and pains
Of a body that's out of whack
In immune and digestive ways.
We come to put harmony back,
And guard to make sure good health stays.
We probiotic bodyguards
Come in a threesome to provide
Protection for the whole nine yards
That's going on all body wide.

Roma has taken us for years -
Her personal 3 Musketeers.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Thine Tease Chinese?

I noticed in your 13 things,
Nary a word about Chinese
Wit and humor and giggleings.
Are you concerned if you displease
The grouchy Peoples's Republic,
That your number may be up there?
Unless you lay it on real thick
That 'twas pro-western doctrinaire
That made you blog such things out loud;
And to make good amends you'll be
Enrolling in their course, and proud
To learn to promote harmony.

By blogging forth your point of view,
Beware what China hears 'bout you.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Pucker Yucker

A vegan my boyfriend is not.
But thanks to your heads up on lips,
Wearing a red lipstick that's got
Crushed up beetles in it, he flips
Out each time he gives me a kiss,
Even though the brand that I wear
Doesn't declare any of this
Cochineal beetle in there.
He's worried that other bugs may
Be lurking somewhere in the gloss.
Who knows the names the labels say?
His fret is my romantic loss.

Is it because I have bad breath?
No. No. It's the kiss of bug death!

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Of Trees and Men

Lori Borgman with Lighter Side,
Of Trees and Men, did only give
One point of view of the yuletide.
What of the tree that did not live?
That was attacked by fearsome folk,
Chainsawed away from loving home,
Dragged over land like a bad joke,
Victim of holiday syndrome.
Taken to the family lair,
Where mad dad did his dirty work,
Having his weird way with me there.
All I could do was sap the jerk.

Let me say 'twas no treat to be
The Borgman household's Christmas tree.

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

When Crocs Ruled

In his article, "When Crocs Ruled,"
Mel White discusses Donna's case;
The male snaggletoothed croc who schooled
At U. of Miami in space
Filled with creatures of human kind,
Who were outraged when Donna died
At human hand with human mind.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde -
We humans have evolved into;
Making choices that self conflict.
We're the only creatures that do.
The crocs have instincts that predict.

While we humans make waste and war.
The crocs just wait to rule once more.

Friday, January 01, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Fired is the New Retired

Ellis Cose expresses concern
In his "Fired is the New Retired"
That older folk are getting burned
More, because more are getting fired.
The government will change all that,
As jobs and wages get controlled,
And run by some czar bureaucrat.
It won't matter how young or old.
The government will make the choice,
Based not on want, but based on need.
Disagreement will have no voice.
Some job, some wage for all - indeed!

No worry about job and wage.
We'll have government while we age.