Sense Sonnets

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Farm City

Mayor Emanuel goes green,
A Farmers for Chicago plan,
A good idea that could mean
Good food that sowing good seeds can.
Turning blighted and vacant land
Into fresh gardens serving need
Is something all should understand
Is politics of hope, not greed.
To let grass roots grow strong and thrive
With plants producing healthy biz,
Starved neighborhoods coming alive.
Such worthy food for thought - yes tiz!

Chicago can harvest this goal,
Feed the body, heart, mind and soul.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Conservies tripping to C-PAC,
And most tripping while they are there,
Figuring out how to attack,
By blowing out lots of hot air.
Only stay lost minded need come,
With lips a flapping doctine line
Of purity that's purely dumb,
And is a turn off by design.
If Reagan were today alive,
He'd not get a C-PAC invite.
He'd be spurned in conservie jive
For not being far enough right.

Wannabes will come strut their stuff.
No con will serve ative enough.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


It's cardiopulmonary
Resuscitation - CPR.
The victim is not breathing be.
On victim's mid chest - your hands are.
Place the heel of one hand upon,
With other hand added on top.
Compress at least 2 inches on,
Let chest rise up, but do not stop.
Do 30 compressions this rate,
Then tilt victim's head and pinch nose,
Mouth to mouth, blow in and aerate.
Repeat till breathing or help shows.

The victim is 'tween live or die.
Help live - give CPR a try.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

District of ?

Washington, D.C. - D.C. named
District of Columbia,
For Christopher Columbus famed,
Though never in the area.
Personified as female in
The Revolutionary War,
For a new freedom to begin
In stars and stripes forevermore.
Columbia now's rarely heard
About the being of D.C.
There's a more appropriate word
To describe just how things now be.

In Washington, the D.C. tiz
District of Corruptia biz.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Make Ends Meet

Giant sea cucumber, am I,
Look like the veggie, but marine
Animal - either gal or guy.
Now this may sound a bit obscene,
My anus is a second mouth,
So bipolar feeding can be
On either end - the north or south,
Depending on where are algae.
Humans, while ever butting in,
Noticed this special trait of mine,
Gave me tests again and again,
Kind of like going out to dine.

Butt use for head stuff's not so rare.
Humans often talk out of there.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Stress to Success

The company that I work at
Got sold on some yoga program
By the boss's niece, who said that
Employees need it. I say damn
To all that mindfulness stuff sell.
If the boss wants more profits, then
Best tell the niece to go to hell,
And us to go to work - amen!
The U.S.A. model of biz,
The greatest, richest of all time
Was built on stress, and stress it is,
That with success must also climb.

A failing company - best guess -
There's been a loss of will to stress.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Pallas Cats - LP Zoo

Pallas's cats, we're brothers three,
Home here at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Also called a manul we be.
Peter Pallas picked us - tiz true!
A zoologist, Pallas, found
Us in central Asia and wrote
Of us, so the whole world around
Would know we're cats of worthy note.
About a domestic cat size,
We are stocky with long dense fur,
And piercing pinhole pupilled eyes.
We scent mark our space for sure.

We're very well taken care of,
A trio of brotherly love.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Oz D.C.

Prez Obama - Wizard of Oz?
Making a colorful D.C
In pushing socialistic cause,
While droning down the enemy.
Come Dorothy, bring Toto too.
Come on down the Yellow Brick Road,
And watch what politicians do -
Brains, hearts and courage - they unload.
Such characters abound this land,
Spinning their fantasies galore,
Hoping that few will understand
How all get less by spending more.

Color some left, color some right.
D.C. does not do black and white.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Real Visual

The little lifeless bodies lie,
Bullet riddled and ripped apart.
A grotesque face with hanging eye,
Bits and pieces of silent heart.
The bloodied, mangled flesh and bone,
Interspersed with the clothing worn
By fated children in a zone
Where terror came, and they were torn
From life and loved ones evermore,
Deprived of all reason and sense.
Picture this in the piles of gore
That must be marked as evidence.

Look at all the madness done,
Made even more mad by a gun.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

March Madness

"March Madness" about basketball,
Coach H.V. Porter coined the term.
The Great Depression came his call
For state high schools to reaffirm
The thrill filled climb to championship.
Assorted pools of gaming game,
Though not watching each starting tip,
Knowing by heart each bracket frame.
The odds of picking all the wins -
A number making trillion small.
But many think the worst of sins
Is not picking any at all.

Ah - the Madness of this March span
When the B Ball shot hits the fan.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Illinois Governor, Pat Quinn,
Submitted his state budget, so
Hard but "honest", the gov did spin,
Why he's oft called Quinnochio.
"Tough pill to swallow," Quinn did say
To the dummies that buy his biz.
"Shall we stop this bleeding?" Dismay!
Lincoln asked. No Lincoln Quinn tiz.
Need pension reform for its squeeze,
Like a python, Quinn's pet mascot,
For telling taxpayers, oh please,
Gimme cash - more of what you've got.

As the same old song Quinn did sing,
His fellow snakes kept slithering.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Obama Buds

Former execs of network news
Tell tales of feeling White House heat,
When touching on some Prez short fuse,
During their journalistic beat.
But Prez Obama should not be
Unhappy with networks at all,
Cuz there's little transparancy,
Networks playing cozy softball,
Letting Obama get away
With stuff that gets no sound or sight.
Network execs don't do - just say,
Best of disinfectants - sunlight.

Obama must think networks fine,
Aid and abet where sun don't shine.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Hack Happens

Corporations and governments
Are getting hacked 'bout ev'ry day.
So it should just be common sense
That John and Jane Doe will be prey.
All of the fancy don't's and do's
That "experts" tell us in advice
Are the same that the hackers use,
And some of us will pay the price,
And some of us will not be hit.
But all of us will feel some strife
From hacking - worrying 'bout it.
Cuz there's no guarantees in life.

To be hacked or not to be hacked.
Manure happens. That's a fact.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


I was at home and on the phone,
Disputing a darn airline bill.
My house is right in the fly zone
Of that airline, noise skies do fill.
Suddenly, the most awful sound
Of breaking in and crashing through.
A melting yellow blob hit ground,
Just feet away, oh what to do!
I told the airline I'd call back,
Not knowing then the truth of it.
The airline had caused the attack,
And weren't at all sorry a bit.

The airline sent a bill to me,
A charge for providing iced pee.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Shedding Skin

The name, Redskins, is racist tied.
The football team should change the name.
Pro and con arguments aside,
It gives D.C. just added shame.
Native Americans deserve
To be treated with due respect.
Too long, too many have the nerve
For insult name cause and effect
Of many peoples proud and great,
Who sacrificed the most o'er time.
D.C. should not have to debate
A rename that's not racist crime.

This team in Washington, D.C.
How 'bout the Dumbskins - works for me!

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Kidding Not

The White House tours have been axed.
Sequester is the cause of that.
Prez wants a lot more payers taxed,
So politics is where it's at.
Kids' trips are ruined - oh boo hoo!
They're just a pain to have around.
I keep my distance - yes I do.
Bubble gum on my fur's been found.
Glad this place will be kid free zone.
Demmies and Repubbies can fight,
But leave my expense funds alone,
Or I for real will take a bite.

Yeah - better not make cuts on Bo.
Need my motorcade to Petco.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Lip Flip

Libbies and conservies each need
A super couple of flex lips,
To be able with deft and speed
To mouth respective leaderships.
So from both sides of the mouth to
Weigh in on current verbal fight,
The mouther often needs to do,
As conservies veer left, libs right.
Agenda leaders make it tough
For rank and file to keep to script.
The wars and drones and guns and stuff
Are back and forth and make loose lipped.

The mouther often does confuse
Which side of the mouth to now use.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


For more oil and gas, should we frack?
Make rocks give it up underground?
Hollywood is on the attack,
Docufrackeries going round.
"Gasland" saying that fracking will
Make drinking water turn to fire.
"FrackNation" saying fracking ill
Should be outweighed by the desire
To access cheaper energy.
Risk versus reward - gives the cost.
It always comes down to money.
One day we'll know who won, who lost.

To frack or not to frack - who knows?
Whichever way the money blows.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Whoda Thought?

In heaven, Jesus got the news
The Pope resigned - caused quite a stir.
For Jesus it did just amuse
That this church stuff did still endure.
Back in the day when he was young,
He'd gotten together 12 guys,
And with each other they had hung
Out, in fun and game enterprise.
It seemed quite fishy to the law.
Those envious did set a trap,
And put a stop to such hoopla.
So Jesus chose to take the rap.

Catholic Church and Pope hubbub.
For Jesus - just a fishing club.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Big government plays same old tricks.
Big media aids and abets.
The public's fooled by politics.
D.C. knows this is all sure bets.
The old are fooled by gimme this.
The young are fooled by gimme that.
So D.C. spends into abyss,
Pulling more pipe dreams from the hat.
Wake up. Wake up. Some voices talk,
Before the nightmare becomes real.
Most public stays a sleeping flock,
Dumbly dreaming the D.C. deal.

We the People will stay asleep,
Cuz We are really We the Sheep.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Bush Baby Baby - LP Zoo

A bush baby baby am I,
Bouncing 'neath the baobob tree.
Not sure I'm a gal or guy,
But Lincoln Park Zoo's home to me.
Mom and Dad are teaching me bunch,
How to super jump all about,
Snatching insects to have for lunch.
My night vision helping, no doubt.
I'm full of life - eat, sleep and play.
Good grooming is a fam'ly art.
I watch what the folks do and say,
Cuz both of them are just so smart.

At the Zoo, come visit. You must.
Look for me till your eyes adjust.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Have Not Have...?

Throughout history of mankind,
The fewer haves have gamed the way
To keep the have nots of a mind
That maybe they'll be haves one day.
And all the while, the haves take more,
And make the have nots do with less,
Till revolution takes the fore
And turns the norm into a mess.
A U.S. revolution is
Becoming more likely 'twill be,
When all the entitlements biz
Dries up and have nots blame haves - gee!

The haves will give up all - they must.
Can't take all when haves bite the dust.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Gray of CPR

I persuaded my Mom to go
To a senior facility.
Both of us were told and did know
If CPR needed to be,
The staff could not administer,
But would quickly call 9-1-1-
A collapse by Mom did occur.
CPR by staff was not done,
As paramedics were en route,
And pleading would the staff just do
Help in life saving pursuit.
A dilemma for staff - so true.

Mom died. The staff was called no good.
They followed rules. I understood.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Paws Pause

I was out in the woods one day,
And this dude was walking toward me,
Kind of in a weird weavy way,
Deep into texting, I could see.
So I just stopped and watched him come,
Oblivious to nature's all,
Doing his text thing, deaf and dumb.
I just waited for this goof ball
Knock into me in stumbled dance.
He looked at me and dropped his phone,
And then this dude did poop his pants,
As he ran from the danger zone.

Hey - dummy texters do beware.
Don't text and walk into a bear.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

To Kill a D.C. Mockingbird

"The sky-quester's falling," screams out
Chicken libbie to all around.
Cocky conserv cackles feigned doubt.
D.C. birdyland squawks abound.
In circles run the left and right,
Blaming each other for the fall,
No solutions but just more fight,
Ignoring We the People all.
So let's get Foxy, all of We.
We've put up with these birds enough,
This fear mongering from D.C.
Time for these birds to fear real stuff.

Time for the Foxy We to lunch
On all the D.C. birdy bunch.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Richard Turere

Richard Turere, just a lad,
In Kenya watched over his cows.
Lions killed some, and that was bad.
Richard first tried couple of hows.
Setting fires, but the lions dared
Maneuvering easily through.
Scarecrows, but the lions weren't scared.
What was Richard going to do?
He noticed lions stayed away
From him with his moving flashlight.
So flashing lights he did array.
The cows stayed safe and sound all night.

Thank you Richard for your young solve,
Good proof that humans can evolve.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


Erosion goes on underground,
Water eating away the stone.
It's nature's thing and all around.
But when and where - not often known.
A hole begins to shape and grow.
Once solid, but now empty of
Support, and what's on top will know
When in the hole sinks what's above.
Most times what sinks is minor stuff,
Sticks and stones and maybe a tree.
Once in a while that's not enough
For fate to play with gravity.

I hear strange sounds. What's going on?
A sinkhole opens. I am gone.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Poor Sport

In Canada, in Churchill town,
The polar bears come in the fall
To wait for sea ice to firm down
On Hudson's Bay by nature's call.
But climate change has made it so,
There is less ice upon the shore.
The bears must stay, nowhere to go,
Having humans round more and more.
Being provoked or being hungry
Is why a polar bear might harm
Humans by instinct, and rare be,
Rarer than humans with firearm.

Humans who shoot the bears for sport.
Which species is the sickest sort?

Friday, March 15, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

My Constitution

The Constitution be upheld,
As written centuries ago.
Some amendments did get indwelled,
But nothing recent - doncha know!
Supreme Court always has last word.
Nine heads above black robes decide,
And then get judged wise or absurd,
Depending on how We divide.
Cuz We the People - each of us
Thinks that the Constitution is
What I of We think, and I fuss
Not all of We agree - gee whiz!

Uphold the Constitution say
We who want it upheld My way.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Gay Pay Day

Pro football is more of a biz
Than the sport that it started out.
First gay pioneer playing tiz
Gonna prob'ly cash in - no doubt!
With all the hype and all the spin,
The media will go crazy.
Not like shunned Jackie Robinson,
This guy's instant celebrity.
Paid bravery and selflessness
In all the deals that can be done.
Good for the wallet to confess,
I'm gay, play football - number one.

Pay to play football as a pro.
Pay to be first gay - doncha know!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Fire Sale

U.S. leaders now like to say
Nuclear weapons pose such threat.
Let's all agree they go away,
But nukes could solve the U.S. debt.
More, not less, regimes have the thirst
To buy the bombs that scare respect.
North Korea is 'bout to burst
With nukes that others can select,
To purchase for a hefty price.
The U.S. should accept what tiz.
The world will end in fire, not ice.
So selling the fire is good biz.

The wars with nukes are soon to be,
So might as well go out debt free.

Sense Sonnet - Acher


"Obese," I hear the teachers say
At school, when they think I can't hear.
I am hungry most ev'ry day.
Sometimes I'm only fed with fear.
All my family can afford
Is packaged food, cuz it is cheap.
Like eating mountains of cardboard.
And more and more the pounds do heap.
Fresh fruit and vegetables are not
Around a lot for me to eat.
It's just a meal of bad I got.
I'm stuck being a malnutreat.

Mind and spirit, not just body,
Hunger really messes with me.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

And When There Are None

The Repubbies just won't say "Yes,"
To Demmies wanting taxes raised
For new cash for the spending mess,
Caused by the gov in D.C. crazed.
So Demmies now have set their sights
On chasing Repubbies away
In the two thousand fourteen fights,
So We the People then can pay
Taxes for this and that galore,
Because Demmies control all game,
And Demmies will spend more and more,
And Repubbies will get the blame.

No Repubbies - blame who? To wit -
George Bush of course. he started it.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


Prez Obama thought basketball
Could get the North Koreans to
Talk. Dennis Rodman got the call
To go and see what he could do.
Well, Rodman met with Kim Jong Un.
The two watched a basketball game.
Dennis thought Kim an "awesome" one,
Just misunderstood - what a shame!
Kim said he hoped to break the ice,
Gently thumping Dennis' nose ring,
And hoped the U.S. would make nice,
And not be mad 'bout the nuke thing.

Will the U.S. Senate confirm
This new ambassador, "The Worm"?

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

El Rushbo, El Shamebo

El Rushbo is ashamed of us -
Us as in the whole U.S.A.
Tiz such an insult, he does fuss,
Not doing it El Rushbo's way.
We the People for decades now
Hear El Rushbo preach this or that.
Talk radio's been his cash cow,
Let him become a rich fat cat.
Aside from his flavored ice tea,
El Rushbo has hot air to sell,
His favorite pitch always be
The country is going to hell.

El Rushbo should be feeling shame,
Playing us fools with his con game.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Josh, no Josh

Josh Welch, a second grader, ate
A pop tart during school snack time.
His nibblings took him to a fate -
To the principal for his crime.
His teacher thought the tart did look
Chewed into the shape of a gun,
A shape the teacher had mistook,
Cuz Josh meant to chew a mountain.
But the system found Josh to be
A danger for what he had chewed.
This Baltimore school took silly
To soaring heights of altitude.

Guilty of feeding the gun craze,
The school suspended Josh 2 days.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Eleanor Integrated

African Americans did
Vote Republican early on.
But now most of their voting grid
To the Democrats long has gone.
Eleanor Roosevelt, some say,
In her support of civil rights,
Single handedly paved the way
For blacks making party change flights.
The first First Lady who did act
To really, truly integrate.
Blacks came to the White House - a fact -
She'd go greet them at the front gate.

Republicans lost a voting bloc,
Because Eleanor did more than talk.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Dr. Afridi

Dr. Shakil Afridi is
A traitor in his Pakistan,
Because of the bin Laden biz,
Helping the U.S. get that man.
Sentenced to prison for this crime,
33 years in prison, and
He probably will do the time,
Because the U.S., understand,
Will let the matter fade away.
It matters not how good a friend,
Just a pawn the U.S. can play,
Disposable means to an end.

Thank you Dr. Afridi, yes,
You sacrificed for the U.S.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

A New Grimm Tale

Once upon a time there did dwell
In a far off land called D.C.
Bully Barack who made life hell
For Repubbies, whose leaders be
Goofs, Jelly John and Mishap Mitch,
Slammed by Demmie Bully Barack,
Sworn enemy who had the itch
To rule the land with nasty talk.
The nastiest was Jabber Joe.
Hazard Harry made grunts galore.
Nutty Nancy - such nonsense , oh!
Demmies and Repubbies at war.

We the People can only hope,
Live happ'ly ever after? Nope!

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Molly - LP Zoo

I am Molly, the tigress queen,
Called Amur (or Siberian).
Lincoln Park Zoo is where I'm seen,
As I watch folks having some fun.
Out in the wild, I'd hunt for meat,
Some bear, some wolf, some other choice.
Here keepers serve goodies to eat,
And I say thanks in my roared voice.
I'm complimented on my coat,
A rusty tan with stripes of black.
I really do not want to gloat,
I leave a great impression track.

So come visit me, by golly,
Just ask anyone for Molly.

Saturday, March 09, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Mayor nanny Boomberg came to town,
To Chicago to spread big bucks,
After Jesse Jr. went down,
To buy his house seat so, aw shucks,
Right to bear arms would sway way left.
What did Mayor Rahmbird have to say?
He chirped bring in your clout and heft,
Cuz that is the Chicago way.
Rahmbird is getting lots of flack,
Local tempers are boiling hots.
An outside butt in Super PAC.
Why let a New Yorker call shots?

The Boomberg billions - that is why.
'16, White House - is Rahmbird's eye.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Kito - LP Zoo

Hi, I'm Kito, a zebra colt,
Born in August Two thousand twelve.
Guess I'm a Leo - that's a jolt.
Zebras don't like lions to delve
Into our space, on the hunch
The lion is just looking for
A zebra to order for lunch.
A Grevy zebra, named of yore
For some past president of France.
Just call me Kito, meaning jewel.
At Lincoln Park Zoo, I do prance.
Weather changes, but life is cool.

Come by and you can watch me play,
Kicking, nibbling my ball of hay.

Friday, March 08, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Bimods - Endangered

Moderate bipartisanship,
Bimods in Congress no where.
All right and left is lots of lip
Of lies of how each side does care.
Twenty fourteen is the next chance
For We the People to excise
The current Congress' song and dance.
Let's find bimods not in disguise,
And not afraid of party tricks.
They live among us, fresh and clean,
Immune from dirty politics,
To scrub out the D.C. latrine.

Bimods are rarely seen and heard,
But look for one and spread the word.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Burma - LP Zoo

I am Burma, a gibbon girl,
Swinging at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Caruso sets my heart awhirl.
He's my dear hubby, showoff true.
My fur is mostly creme, some blacked.
Caruso's mostly black, some white.
Proof that opposites do attract,
And over money, never fight.
Caruso is my only choice
To man up our family.
He sings to me with that great voice,
And we live in sweet harmony.

Come watch him swing and strut his stuff.
I watch and never get enough.

Thursday, March 07, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


I'm a typical teenage guy,
In high school on the wrestling team.
I have worked really hard to try
To be the state champ - was my dream.
It was a super season, and
To the state finals I did go.
It was my chance, you understand,
To be remembered - doncha know!
But in that last match, fate screwed me,
And blew mind, body, heart and soul,
Leaving just a pained memory.
Battle of sexes took its toll.

When will the nightmares ever end?
A guy that by a girl got pinned.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

More Penniesless

Sacred - every penny tiz
To government that loves to spend,
Cuz spending is gov's fav'rite biz.
Who knows how all this binge will end?
To make a penny, gov pays twice
As much as the penny is worth.
For gov, nothing's too high a price.
Lincoln's head must think, "What on Earth!"
More employment at higher wage,
Gov's gonna solve this, doncha know!
Pennies made in this machine age,
Hire unemployed instead - hello!

Gov is gonna spend on to bliss.
A penny for your thoughts on this.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Acher


M13 was believed to be
Switzerland's only wild brown bear.
Humans had let the bear roam free,
Attacked no one, but humans scare.
Scared of humans, this bear was not,
And 'twas just a matter of time -
A bear bad, so the bear was shot,
And killed. Just being be the crime.
By instinct, bears might understand
Survival of the fittest tiz
A way of nature that seems planned.
Unfit fittest - scared human biz.

Unlike the bears, the humankind
Let evil come into the mind.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

More Miserable Windy City

Most miserable cities list -
Fourth on Forbes list is Chicago.
And maybe Mayor Rahm reminisced
'Twas number six a year ago.
So the more Mayor Rahm is around,
The more miserable we are.
At this rate, Chicago is bound
In misery to be the star.
But Chicago - Rahm's got on tap
A smarter, faster way to tell
Us of more misery by app,
Know real time as we go to hell.

By the time Rahm's first term is done,
Chicago should be number one.

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

No Libertarians Allowed

Spelled R-E-S-P-E-C-T-
The libertarians do spell.
A few do make it to D.C.
And party big wigs make life hell.
The very thought that someone would
Come to big gov to make it small
Freaks out the D.C. neighborhood,
Must minimize such a screwball.
Party big wigs have made their bed.
We the People are on the floor.
The only bedfellows instead,
Are spend, spend, spend buddies galore.

Libertarians want respect,
A thing in D.C. that's suspect.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Seniority Status

Too many humans getting old
Becoming burdens for the young,
Probably sounds a little cold -
Life that's useless should be unclung.
In the works by the nanny state,
With lies and tricks and lots of crap
Is deciding the seniors' fate -
The ways and means for forced dirt nap.
The older won't know when or where
Younger death panels will decide,
Once the oldies on Medicare,
Time to take a one way hearse ride.

D.C. powers that be will be
Exempt from forced bye bye oldie.

Monday, March 04, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Waste in the Wind

Being just in its infant stage,
Wind, as a source of energy,
Before it can become of age,
Must heed that politics there be.
D.C. will never let wind go
Ahead to show what it can do,
Without butt inning blow by blow,
With pork projects and cronies too.
Tax credits - whether be or not,
Depend on how pro winds do grease
The palms of politicians bought,
Renewables to never cease.

The best sources for producing wind?
Congress - and not at all chagrined.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Red Panda - LP Zoo

A pair of Red Panda are we,
Ms Porrin and Mr. Tamei.
At the lion house you may see
Us at Lincoln Park Zoo each day.
We are mammal, but not a cat,
And not a bear or a raccoon.
Quite quiet - we might whistle at
Each other in a howdy tune.
China mountains are where do roam
The past and present of us wild.
But for us two, the Zoo is home.
The keepers keep bamboo stockpiled.

We hope you'll come visit us, please.
We like to hang out in the trees.

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Synonymous with Evil

Whatever woe, Tea Party tiz
Someone, somewhere, somehow to blame.
All that gerrymandering biz
Is just a Tea Party red game,
That got D.C. House in control,
And turned the party GOP
Into a mean and heartless soul.
We the People - oh woe is We.
The dictionaries no doubt will
Soon list Tea Party, and define
As a term that sends a bone chill
Down every good body's spine.

Remember when there used to be
Those good ol' days - no evil tea?

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Trinkets Rule

Trinkets have always been a "need"
Of humans for the vanity.
Mostly minerals do the deed,
But also there's blood ivory,
The slaughter of elephants for
That tusk that can be turned to fill
The need for humans more and more,
To be measured by what we kill.
That humans will somehow evolve
Some optimists say there is hope
This is a problem we will solve.
But mostly pessimists say, "Nope!'

Humans will have their trinkets, so
Bye bye elephants - doncha know!

Saturday, March 02, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Heliocentrism dared to
State that the sun was center star,
And Earth just one of retinue,
Revolving about, near and far.
Copernicus argued such case
With his long writings and long breath,
Taking up lots of time and space,
All published just before his death.
Needless to say, bunches of ists -
Religion, science, politics
Stuck Copernicus on hate lists
For twisting truth with dirty tricks.

In the end, Copernicus won,
Earth being third rock from the sun.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Colin's Dad

Colin Romesha stole the show,
Only one and a half years old.
He played peek a boo - doncha know!
While waiting for what to unfold.
The Medal of Honor was what,
And Colin's brave Dad was the who,
Fighting for us with nothing but
Belief in what he had to do.
We honor those who serve us well,
Who sacrifice for us in war,
Leave home to fight for us in hell.
We long for good peace all the more.

Hopefully, Colin will not need
To have to fight in war - indeed!

Friday, March 01, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


February - pronounce the "ru,"
Often left off in hurried speak,
As human tongues are prone to do.
Easy to twist tie tongue in cheek.
Named for Februus, Roman god
Of purification of sin,
That yearly got stuck in the bod,
A spring cleaning would be akin.
Februus later changed his name
To Pluto of the underworld.
But February stayed the same.
Plutoary never unfurled.

February - shortest in day,
But longest mispronounced to say.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Gun Check Point

The universal background check,
A sensible gun thing to do.
You want a gun - what the heck!
We need to know just who are you?
If you are a criminal, or
If you might be mentally ill,
Say one or both, and say no more.
You flunk the check, cuz you could kill.
So legally - sorry, no gun.
Illegal gun you'll have to find.
So many ways such can be done.
That's up to you - hope you don't mind.

We'll know lots more of your background,
After you've been shooting around.