Sense Sonnets

Monday, November 30, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Be Home

A storage unit we call home.
Mom and Dad and I and the dogs.
There's not a lot of room to roam.
We're used to bumping travelogues.
Out before dawn and back at night
So workers won't know we live here,
Which is not our legal right.
So far we've lived here 'bout a year.
Mom and Dad try hard to find work.
I go to school, and we take turns
Watching the dogs. For me a perk
Is skateboarding with no concerns.

Other kids have it worse than me.
Because I have my family.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

On Tray

Proponents of the issue state
It will conserve on energy.
Food waste will be a lesser rate.
Less use of water there will be,
With detergents that do pollute.
Calorie intake will go down.
Opponents of this do refute.
It's a tradition of renown.
And used to sled in winter time.
There will be more danger do to
Bumping, dropping and falling crime,
From all the juggling acts to do.

The question in the school cafe,
To be - to tray or not to tray.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Hot Air

Michael Jordan was playing golf
On a San Francisco golf course.
He relied on his caddie, Rolf,
To be his oft providing source
Of a cigar which Mike puffed on
While he continued with his game.
The city's greenies pounced upon
The basketball's most famous name,
And scolded Mike for daring to
Puff away in a public place.
Mike could continue to play through,
But only with a smoke free face.

Spare the air, Jordan. Frisco yearns
To be a city free of burns.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Windex to Sainthood

"The Smell of Virtue" is research
Done to determine if Windex
Is the same as going to church
By having some "do good" effects.
When the cleaner with citrus smell
Was sprayed about with one test troop,
These participants did quite well
In acting fairly as a group,
Compared with those who did not get
A spritzing of the clean smell stuff.
The makers of Windex, I bet,
Are happy with this, sure enough.

If I am careful to smell clean,
Then I am less apt to act mean!

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

The Skull

My parents bring home a brass skull
That they bought at an estate sale.
Its finish is dirty and dull,
And it smells very old and stale.
They say that they plan to restore
The skull back to as good as new.
I can feel its sightless eyes bore
Into my mind, seeking to do
Devilish things upon myself.
I go and get a snack instead.
The skull sits on a kitchen shelf.
I head upstairs and go to bed.

I wake up. On my chest I see
The skull, its eyes staring at me.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Poor Boy

My son, Antoine, is deep in debt.
Twelve years a pro basketball star.
With millions, he should have been set.
But a kid in the cookie jar.
The more he had the more he spent,
Buying all kinds of fancy toys.
Money came in and out it went.
At first I felt boys will be boys.
And he was a generous sort.
Bought his momma a mansion fine
With a full sized basketball court.
He's a good boy, this boy of mine.

I know Antoine's in deep despair,
And it's so hard for me to bear.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Spell Hell

Be friend and fiend, alive and live.
Be river, rival, tomb, bomb, comb.
Be rounded, wounded, grieve and sieve.
Be doll and roll and some and home.
Be soul, but foul and haunt but aunt.
Be real, zeal, mauve, gauze, gouge and gauge.
Be font, front, wont, want, grand and grant.
Be marriage, foliage, mirage and age.
Be dost, lost, post and doth, cloth, loth.
Be youth, south, southern, cleanse and clean.
Be job, nob, bosom, transom, oath.
Be doctrine, turpentine, marine.

This language pronunciation
Are weird creatures of creation

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Fashion Critic

My home is broken into by
A cross dresser burglar who paws
Through all my clothes, and then the guy
Rips all the clothes to shreds, because
He doesn't think that any are
Worthy of theft for him to wear.
And then what's even more bizarre,
He writes his nasty critiques there
In lipstick on my bedroom mirror,
Leaving a phone number to call
And he'd be glad to volunteer
Wardrobe advice for me - the gall!

The guy runs naked from my house.
His bare butt's now in jail - the louse!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

On Loan

Ed Ruscha's painting, "I Think I'll..."
Is of a sunset in fire red
Streaked with a popsicle orange style,
Upon which some words do embed.
There's "wait a minute" and there's "yet."
There's "maybe yes." There's "maybe no."
Does this mean indecisive fret?
Or something never meant to know?
A blaze of illumination
Around words that we always use
In all sorts of variation
To clarify or to confuse.

In the White House this art does hang,
Reminding of the yin and yang.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


I am at home and all alone.
I cannot sleep. It's late at night.
In the window the moon is shown.
There is a noise. I feel some fright.
In the window there moves a shape
That looks like someone with a knife.
Perhaps it is only the drape
That's scaring me in limb and life.
I get courage to cross the room,
Watching the window as I go.
Too late, I see impending doom.
What can I do? I do not know.

The glass reflects the shape I see.
A knife is raising behind me.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Acher

To Come

It is in the early pre-dawn
At Dover on the eastern shore.
The caskets of soldiers now gone
Arrive to bear the price of war.
Families of the fallen stand
And watch their loved ones carried from
The plane that they had just watched land.
One father, by coptor has come,
Surrounded by security.
But he shares the same purpose there
As all the other family
Having to face a loss to bear.

The President does share the price
Of his daughter's served sacrifice.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Fail Tale

When I got home, I told my folks
Some guy had tried to kidnap me.
He had pulled up and tried to coax
Me into his car. Suddenly,
He grabbed me, but I got away,
Leaving my book bag in his hand.
I was real scared, but now okay.
All he got was some school stuff, and
That loss isn't any harm.
The folks wanted to call the cops.
I 'fessed up to stop their alarm.
They yelled they'd like to bust my chops.

All a lie - asked why I would.
'Cause my report card was not good.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Lust Dad

Mom was in labor with my kid.
A nurse came over to assist.
I looked her up and down, I did.
She was cute and hard to resist.
And she was playing hard to get,
Pretending to help my kid's mom.
She'd like a little feel I bet,
Ready to burst just like a bomb.
But when I grabbed onto her breast,
She knocked my hand off and got loose.
Soon I was put under arrest -
Felony sexual abuse.

It brought out the baby in me,
Thinking of being a daddy.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Come to Mind

Gregory worked for the hotel,
And came to my room to fix the bar
That broke in the shower. I fell,
But no injury - lucky star.
With M.S., I'm wheelchair bound,
And falling is a constant threat.
The next morning, chaos all around.
The Marriott Hotel was set
At the falling twin towers base.
I was stuck in my 5th floor room.
Somehow, Gregory thought my face,
And came and saved me from the doom.

I often think of Gregory,
Who by God's grace did think of me.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Pilot Error

The jet plane crashed. All aboard died.
The black box was recovered, so
From it investigators tried
To get some what happened info.
It started when traffic control
Could get no response from the plane.
Radio silence as a whole
Was quite difficult to explain.
Then the flight missed its landing site,
And flew on AWOL, so to speak.
Something with the plane was not right.
It crashed into a mountain peak.

Both pilots have to get the blame,
Absorbed in a computer game.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Acher


A child welfare employee came
And took my child away from me.
He told me that I was to blame,
And that my child needed to be
Taken away for safety's sake.
I'm a single parent and I
Have always tried real hard to make
A good, safe home. It was a lie
That somehow I'd become unfit
Just because of how I might look
To some nosy government twit,
Who stressed me when my child he took.

It isn't right some bureaucrat
Can take my child 'cause I am fat.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Intimate Talk

Husband and wife, watching T.V.,
As they did most ev'ry night.
The cable goes out suddenly,
Leaving the couple in a plight
Of what do do to pass the time.
They sat quietly for a while.
The only noise was the clock chime.
At last the wife said with a smile,
"Dear, did you notice what I got"
"For the bathroom - a toilet brush."
"I was wondering what you thought."
The husband's face began to blush,

"I tried the brush," the hubby said.
"But I prefer paper instead."

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Mad Mullah

A century ago or so
A mullah was deemed to be mad
For fighting with the British foe,
Those foreign intruders who had
Occupied his Somaliland.
In verse he warned, "I wish to fight,"
"For I like war." He wrote by hand,
Then proved by act that he was right.
Finally, he was felled by flu.
His forever war would not end.
Alway a jihad there to do.
Ever a vengeful threat to send.

The Mad Mullah of history
Still echoes in his poetry.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Balloon Boy

I'm 6 years old and all I've known
Is being a part of the show
That happens to be being shown
Of we Heene family, gung ho.
The latest about the balloon
That the whole world thought I was in,
Comes only once in a blue moon,
And made my star power begin.
While the folks are getting the blame
For the hoax and mistreating me,
I'll be building fortune and fame,
Playing on my publicity.

All about me are a bit mad,
But I'm balloon boy and I'm glad.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Tongue Died

My boyfriend thought it would be cool
To have his tongue pierced, so he did.
His parents said he was a fool.
But he's 22 - not a kid.
He works for a stuffy old bank,
So he got a no see-um bead.
His boss could stare at him point blank,
And not see his pieced tongue - indeed.
But an infection swelled his tongue,
Then migrated, the doctors said,
To his brain, and though he was young,
It didn't matter. Now he's dead.

I'm scared. I don't know what to do,
Because I had my tongue pierced too.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Acher

One Less Jane Doe

1954, a Jane Doe,
Her young battered body was found,
And buried in Colorado.
Her disappearance did confound
One Dorothy Gay's family
In Arizona the same time.
Then after half a century,
The two were linked to one past crime.
Through the marvels of DNA,
The two women were proved the same,
And a serial killer's prey,
And Harvey Glatman was his name.

One family finally knows.
One less of so many Jane Does.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Win For

I'm a farmer and I raise corn.
It's an important job to do.
I get up each and ev'ry morn
And work the land the whole day through.
One day some folks from Oslo came
And said that if I would just stand
Out in my corn, fortune and fame
Would be mine - a man of the land.
So out there in the field I stood.
The Oslo folks yelled I'm the one
To win a Nobel Prize. I should
But not for all the work I've done.

Getting a Nobel Prize is sealed
'Cause I'm outstanding in my field.

Monday, November 09, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


I often need to emphasize
That results are what count, so I
Use pudding to proverbilize.
"Don Quixote" did first apply
The original seldom used -
"The proof of the pudding is in"
"The eating." - over time abused
To proof in the pudding, akin
To putting my hand in the bowl
Of pudding and swirling about,
Hoping to grab onto the goal
Of pulling out the proof, no doubt.

To more texting I do resort.
Proof pudding is PP for short.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Caught the Train

Mom and I are catching a train.
We're on the platform waiting here.
Sometimes Mom is a scatterbrain,
And this is such a time, I fear.
Absentmindedly, she lets go
Of my stroller. I roll away,
Head first onto the tracks - oh, oh!
The train plows me under - doomsday!
Still in the stroller dragging till
The train comes to a stop, and I
Am rescued, all in one piece still.
One quite lucky 6 month old guy.

The doctors check out me and mine.
After a nap I'll be just fine.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Side Effects

There is pressure to vaccinate
For swine flu before the school year.
It's for the children and can't wait,
Because there is a rising fear
That this flu bug will really spread.
So with bribes, the powers that be
Are testing some children instead
As guinea pigs (no pun really),
With serum that was mixed up fast
By companies promised more pay
If procedure testings past
Were skipped, to avoid the delay.

The first kids tested for swine flu
Grew long snouts, and are oinking too.

Friday, November 06, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Time Gone By

Dad built me out of scraps of wood,
Soon after the family came.
I remember it felt so good
To be a part of play and game
Of the children, who gave me heart
To know I was a special place
For each kid, and I was a part
Of their childhood in time and space.
But then there came the loneliness.
The kids grew up and went away.
It was so sad to be useless,
Rotting slowly each day by day.

A treehouse has no need to be
Without a kid to play in me.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Departure and Arrival

She was being buried today.
Only a few people had come.
The skies were ominous and gray
Above the gathering of glum.
She'd gone to church religiously,
And talked the talk of righteousness.
But, oh her personality
Rubbed all she knew wrong, more or less.
The lightning flashed and thunder boomed,
As the burial rite did end.
The small crowd left. The darkness loomed.
Above the heavens did portend.

Leaving, her husband did declare,
"For heaven's sake, she made it there."

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Swedish Meatballs of Fire

Wild rabbits in Stockholm are killed
By the thousands, and then are burned
So some heating fuel needs are filled.
Controversy on this has churned
Animal rights activists to
Condemn the pols in city hall
For this barbaric barbecue.
In response, the officials call
The protests just a lot of guff.
Heating fuel is hard to come by.
Normal resources aren't enough.
Whereas the protesters reply,

Energy comes from burning fat.
Let's use politicians for that.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Navajo Code Talkers

The Marines during World War II
Enlisted help from Navajo.
Hundreds of us were asked to do
Coded words to outsmart the foe.
Our own language was the code
With origin and use inique.
One of the real successes showed
With two days round the clock code speak.
The Iwo Jima battle scenes
Were able to be turned from loss,
To then be won by the Marines.
The needed intel got across.

My Navajo comrades and I
Used native tongue for freedom's cry.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Cap the Rap

They brought the guy into ER.
He was having a heart attack.
Measures were taken insofar
As trying to bring the guy back.
The guy wore a fancy rolex.
Later after the guy had died,
It was not with the guy's effects.
It was spotted bulging inside
Of the pocket of the scrubs worn
By yours truly, who's now held
In highest ridicule and scorn.
I stole the watch. I was compelled.

But let the guy die purposely!
What kind of doctor would I be?

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Move on

We grew up in this neighborhood,
And lived next door for all these years.
We were best buddies, bad or good,
Sharing the laughter and the tears.
We were joined like Siamese twins,
Shoulder to shoulder, hardly apart.
We took on all the outs and ins,
Finishing whatever we'd start.
We had to cut the ties today.
Neither one of us did approve.
We split. One would leave. One would stay.
Sometimes people have to move.

Mom says I'll find a new best friend.
But that does not make my hurt end.