Sense Sonnets

Monday, February 27, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 New Year, New Cubs

So far in twenty twenty three

Has been good for Lincoln Park Zoo.

Three added to the family,

January 9th born brand new

Three lion cubs to be part of

Pride of Jabari, Lion King,

With Queen Zari, parents to love

Fur ball bundles of joy to bring

Playmates for one year old big bro,

Pilipili, to romp around

With, and to be able to show

All the habitat sight and sound.

In coming months of this year, more

Echoing of young lions' roar.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Model 500

Model 500 telephone,

I was the standard model made

By Western Electric, black tone

Was only available shade.

Ma Bell did loan my kind out to

Customers, and only phone that

The customers could use to do

Calling up another to chat.

This was the rule Ma Bell enforced

Up until 1984,

When Ma Bell had to get divorced,

Her monopoly was no more.

So what, you ask, happened to me?

In a museum I now be.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Mister Jones' Last Day

"My name is Mister Jones," I said

To my first class of seniors at

The high school which filled me with dread.

First time real teaching I knew that

I really did not want to be

A teacher of teenagers who

Were all freaks and weirdos to me.

No good at all, that much I knew.

And then I saw a sight quite odd.

Each of the students pulled a gun,

And yelled, "We are your firing squad."

Each took turns firing, one by one.

As life oozed out my flesh and bones,

I last gasped, "Why me, Mister Jones?"

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Just Is

Why am I thus? Why am I so?

Would ask my friends and family.

I'd simply reply, "I don't know."

But I was worried about me.

It seemed that as I got older,

The many men and women of

Lust in my life made me colder.

I never felt any true love.

Incapable of love, some say

Is just how some humans turn out.

I do believe that I'm that way,

Not good or bad, just fact no doubt.

Why am I so? Why am I thus?

Questions no longer call me fuss.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Ogden Nash

When I was a youngster in school,

Study of poetry began,

To really bore me as a rule,

And soon left my attention span.

Poems were too hard and too long

For this kid, and seemed more kind of

Cruel punishment that was so wrong,

'Specially the stuff about love.

But then a poet came to light,

Ogden Nash, and he wrote about

Funny kid stuff that sounded right,

My favorite poet, no doubt.

Thanks to Ogden Nash teaching me 

Thar's humor in them poetry.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Pickle on the Side

A driver stopped at a drive in,

Ordered a hamburger to go,

With a pickle on the side, then

Drove through the exit, not too slow.

His pickup went gerkin along,

And rammed into another car.

Not relishing to get caught wrong,

The driver backed up, then did jar

The pickle rolling off the seat.

A cop thought that the driver be

Reaching for a gun, and so beat

The driver's head "dill"lightedly.

A Vlasic case of road rage done,

And Claussen quite a commotion.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Mohawk "skywalkers" they all were,

Great Granddad, Granddad, and Dad too.

Three generations did occur

Of will and soul of rise to do,

Of going way up in the sky,

Putting together iron and steel,

Unafraid of being so high.

For my people it's no big deal.

New York City buildings did be

Built upward going, beam by beam,

Walked upon by my family,

Working the American Dream.

But for me, such a job was fright,

Always have been afraid of height.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Long Dance

Sometimes I take that picture out

Of me at my Debutante Ball.

A long lifetime ago no doubt,

But at that young time it was all

My family's hopes and dreams of

Their oldest daughter's reaching age

Of finding a young man to love,

To date a while and then engage.

Their choice was handsome Tommy White,

Who escorted me to that dance.

He was a gentleman all night,

But for a lasting love - no chance.

With another choice I did stay.

Tommy's sister and I are gay.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Model Model

While working the late night shift, I

Finished all of my work needed done.

I'm an amateur painting guy,

So thought some painting would be fun.

I picked a female model that

Could be propped up upon a chair.

With crossed red stockinged legs she sat.

Otherwise nude, she did not care.

A lovely poser she did be.

I was quite pleased to have picked such

Fine choice to be painted by me.

Cadavers do not move too much.

All kind of artwork can occur

When working in a morgue for sure.

Friday, February 24, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Seeking

Since a young child, I've heard and read

How folks of faith believe in you,

How faithless deem you false or dead.

It made me wonder what is true.

So much of evil and bad is

Ever existing 'round the Earth.

I'd oft think to myself, "Gee whiz!"

"Is seeking you of any worth?"

When I do err, when I do sin,

I should have made a better choice.

Not sought without, but sought within,

I listen and I hear your voice.

In time and place, truth comes to me.

When I do seek you, you do be.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Have a Seat

A thousand years here I have stood,

A towering well rooted tree.

Lots of humans just think of wood,

Buildings and chairs, when they see me.

I'm now protected in a park.

These humans have to look elsewhere.

No axe or saw should cut my bark.

So I'm okay when I do share

My time and place with humans who

Come and sit on me for a time.

Just chilling out some humans do,

Some more rambunctious try to climb.

I hope humans find me of use

When being with me, a live spruce.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Vultures

The vultures venture, flying high,

Sensing the carcass stag below.

Wings hover in the desert sky.

Instinct warns them to now not go

To feast upon the dead meat yet.

Live meat in human form is there,

And would certainly be a threat

To coming down to ground from air.

But the vultures are aware that

This human won't forever stay,

Will sometime leave this habitat.

Then the vultures will have their way.

The vultures circling patiently,

Waiting for what will be, will be.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Musket

In seventeen seventy five

Private John Simpson did fire me.

Battle of Bunker Hill went live,

Revolution now history.

It's said mine was opening shot

That Simpson fired against command.

A later court martial he got,

Only received a reprimand.

And Simpson kept me through the war,

And through the early U.S.A.

Passed down through many Simpsons more,

Still working musket to this day.

In twenty nineteen I got sold

For half a million bucks I'm told.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Unpopular Vote

"Democracy," word from the Greek

Meaning people power, so is

An idealistic means to seek

Doing will of the people biz.

"Eligible" people can vote.

Majority of vote should rule.

But elections do get cutthroat,

Because there's always people who'll

Use lies and tricks so their side wins.

There's rarely public good, instead

The system's fraught with voting sins,

Including voting by the dead.

A flawed democracy be one

When there's electile dysfunction.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Go Shirtless Sin

After Adam and Eve did sin,

As punishment God ordered that

Fig leaf clothing had to begin

While in the Eden habitat.

But obstinate, Adam kept on

Going shirtless, so when he died

He went straight to hell, whereupon

He whined to God, and God replied,

"You ignored me and disobeyed."

"Go shirtless now, you might as well."

"Won't change decision that I made."

"And it gets very hot in hell."

So guys, go shirtless while on Earth,

God's keeping tabs for what it's worth.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Water Rabbit

This year of twenty twenty three

Does be in zodiac Chinese

For the Water Rabbit, that's me.

So this designation does please

Me, that my tale will come to light.

Most humankind do not know that

I am, and quite an awesome sight

In my deep water habitat.

My good personality is

Quite generous and loyal and kind,

With plenty of creative biz.

But criticism I do mind.

Humans who wannabe me, yep,

One of these is named Johnny Depp.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Fall from Grace

Man with an orchid in his coat,

With pipe in lips and cane in hand

Portrayed a person to take note.

As the prime minister he spanned

The longest term of any man

Under the long rein of the shah

Over the nation of Iran

Ruled by very strict monarch law.

But then came a revolution,

Iran ruled by theocracy.

He was condemned unholy one.

Man's death by firing squad did be.

No longer man with flair arranged,

A casualty of power changed.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Good Neighbors

Lovely new morn to contemplate.

The light and warmth of sun peeks through.

It's time and place to congregate,

To do the work we're meant to do.

Buildings and pathway all around

Are all covered up in drab stone.

No where is there left open ground.

So in the planters we are grown.

In early spring from seeds we sprang,

Then buds to blossom brightly hued.

On path we sit, on walls we hang.

We are a welcome multitude.

We brighten up the neighborhood.

We flowers bloom and life is good.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Blue Hour

The blue hour I hear is when

The sunlight is seen to cast hue

Sunset end or sunrise begin,

And lights the sky in color blue.

Whole hour, may or may not be.

Maybe just half or third of that.

But still is enough time for me

To be aware of where I'm at.

Blue hour's time I come or go.

I'm grateful to this ball of fire

That the sun be a sporting foe,

And gives heads up to this vampire.

Blue hour be for me no doubt,

My coffin either in or out.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Hope Heaven Cares

Young boy and old dog walk through town,

In winter night, so cold and bleak.

The icy winds come howling down.

A safe refuge the two do seek.

Only each other in this world

Do these two have as they do strive

To make due what cruel fate has hurled,

To find someway to stay alive.

An open church the two do find,

Uninvited on Christmas Eve

By any "devout" humankind.

Two lost lives and no one will grieve.

Young boy and old dog taken by

Angels to heaven in the sky?

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Moon Song

"Fly me to the moon" you do sing,

The same old song I've heard before.

It's starting to make my ears ring,

Stuck hearing it forevermore.

So bought a rocket secondhand.

On a launch pad I gassed it up.

For real the trip you never planned,

But now, guess what, you're going, yup.

Gave you a pill to knock you out.

Into the rocket I stuffed you.

Was a successful launch no doubt.

I waved good bye as off you flew.

You're flying to the moon to be

No longer a bother to me.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Ice Aged

Amazing what ice sculptors do

With just a chunk of ice to turn

Into a work of art, yes true.

Fingers do make what heart does yearn.

Here a beauty with whip in hand

Does ride upon a winged, tailed beast,

A visual that's oh so grand,

A master or a mistress pieced.

Such intricacy of detail

That brings to life in chiseled sight

Talented patience to prevail

To give onlookers such delight.

Awesome on sculpture, chip by chip.

Going, going, gone - drip by drip.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Hotel Chelsea

The Hotel Chelsea I do be.

222 West 23rd

In Manhattan, New York City.

Many fine works of art occurred

By great talents who came to dwell

Within my walls and to create.

Some left with secrets(I won't tell).

Within me does perpetuate

The sense of special rendezvous

'Twixt and 'tween consenting contacts

Having the fired passions to do

Connection for fruitful climax.

I'm time and place for talents grand,

And of course for the one night stand.

Monday, February 20, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Farmer's daughter, Mary, did go

Into the farm pasture to play

With three young lambs all in a row.

And close to Mom Ewe they did stay.

The three lambs were Mom's pride and joy,

And Mom was not sheepish about

Showing off her two girls and boy,

So glad to see Mary no doubt.

Mary cuddled each wee wool ball,

Her arms like a warm "baa"sinet.

Then the lambs get the feeding call

For Mom's milk, nourishing and wet.

Mary had a little lamb time,

As Mom Ewe gave "nurse"ery rhyme.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 My Dream Come True

"Love, it is time this day to end,"

I hear you softly say to me.

You are my soulmate and best friend.

Together in bed we do be.

We each are ready, it would seem,

To leave the conscious for a while,

Let each the other drift to dream.

We bid good night and share a smile.

Last I remember is I hear

The gentle breathing made by you,

Which is so pleasant to my ear.

Our life is my dream come true.

And when I wake, I hear you say,

"Love, let us begin this new day."

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Last Dance

On Valentine's Day was when he

Decided it was time to break

My heart with words of leaving me.

It was too much for me to take.

As he was walking out the door,

Into his back I plunged a knife,

And watched him bleeding on the floor,

Pierced heart now gushing out his life.

I turned on our fav'rite song,

The one we'd so often danced to,

Before the right had all turned wrong,

When he announced that we were through.

I so admired my barefoot art,

Dancing through blood pools from his heart.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Naughty Scottie

Below her building I now stand,

Circling 'round from time to time,

So authorities understand

I'm not guilty of any crime.

The windows of her apartment

Have for a while been curtained down.

But I'm hopeful for some event

That there will be an urge upon

Her to pull some curtains so that

I'll be able to get sight of

Her in her third floor habitat,

The more to see, the more I love.

A Peeping Tom? Oh no, I'm not.

Ev'ryone  knows my name is Scott.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Birds and the Seeds

Seven small birds sit in a row

Upon a flower bush and sing

For their supper which they all know

Beaks into the flowers will bring.

The seven small birds sing as they

Wait for flowers to open up,

And therein be catch of the day,

Lots of sweet seeds be readied, yup,

And the flowers be happy, cuz

Some of the seeds the birds do take

Will drop to ground as a bird does,

Result in new flowers to make.

Sweet seeds for the birds of seven

In a row in 7th heaven.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Goldilocks and The Three Bears

Goldilocks went into a store

And three bears Goldilocks did buy.

What was purchase of three bears for?

Goldilocks was hungry was why.

Into her mouth went the first bear.

But too sour this bear did be.

Goldilocks was filled with despair.

So grabbed the second bear, and she

Popped it into her mouth, but woe,

The second bear tasted too sweet.

By this time Goldilocks was so

Upset, could hardly bear to eat.

Goldilocks found to her delight,

Third gummy bear tasted just right.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Tea Bird

This bird's got curiosity

When cup and leaves come in my view.

Maybe someone has brewed some tea.

I think, what the heck, so I do

A drop down to the window sill.

Perhaps it's just a bird brain whim,

Has happened oft before, but still

One never knows. On the cup rim

I take a perch and peek inside.

All of my senses be in prime.

My beak does be my trusty guide

To take me into my tea time.

Alas, I find an empty cup,

No one around to filler up!

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Holy Moses !

One hundred years ago did be

"The Ten Commandments" movie "Wow,"

Dramatic parting of Red Sea.

Movie watchers did wonder, "How?"

The illusion accomplished, thanks,

To first filming huge water spill

Flooding into giant dump tanks,

Then reversing footage with skill.

For 1923 this trick

Was quite sophisticated, yes,

Leaving some viewers of the flick

Thinking that God was the best guess.

And trick of sea standing in air,

Tons of gelatin used there.

Friday, February 17, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


She was so young to want to die.

But here she's dead now on the floor.

I don't have time to reason why,

Having gone through this times before.

When making a move I know that

My residence lasts just so long.

Whatever chosen habitat,

I make my choice, no right, no wrong.

But I was hoping here I'd stay,

So young and pretty she did be.

But I don't always get my way.

My host sometimes just can't take me.

This young female body I had,

I guess my will made her too sad.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Wash Away Woe

Over time I've got a bad name.

Medusa is a real turn off,

Cuz of bodies turned to stone fame,

Ado 'bout nothing, makes me scoff.

All of those nasty stories takes

A toll on this girl's peace of mind,

As well as the minds of my snakes

On my head, a hissy fit kind.

Hey, I'd rather be left alone

By those pesky humans who be

Nuisances better off turned stone

For being such bother to me.

Sometimes on a clear my head trip,

Me and the snakes do skinny dip.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 On Second Thought

I am now a mushroom tree that

Used to be another fir tree

In a far northern far habitat.

But Mom Nature one day chose me

To be in her experiment

Of cross breeding some of her plants,

And doing so, maybe invent

A crowd pleaser by happenstance.

When Mom Nature saw what I had

Mushroomed into, she did conclude

Her good intentions had gone bad,

And should not be further pursued.

Sometime during the year for sure,

I will turn back into a fir.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Why Bother!

"Happy Valentine's Day" I hear

And read mainly by those who be

Wanting my cash to disappear

Cuz of purchases made by me.

I've spent a fortune just becuz of

The lost count of the come and go

Of multitudes I was in love

With, and wanted to prove it so.

By buying that romantic stuff

And giving it to current heart throb,

Of course it never was enough,

True loves disappeared by the gob.

Why bother with Valentine's Day?

When love finds me, love runs away!

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 With All My Heart

I met him on Valentine's Day,

And he did sweep me off my feet,

In his so very charming way.

He gave me one rose, oh so sweet.

We walked and talked, after a while

He suggested that we should dine

At his home, I adored his smile,

And I replied that sounded fine.

So to his place we two did go.

Enchanted evening so full of

The coming true dream I might know.

I felt I was falling in love.

I knew we'd never be apart.

Hannibal Lecter ate my heart.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Due to Voodoo

I did have an arch enemy,

A business rival I did hate.

He outsmarted me constantly.

I wished he'd meet an awful fate.

On T.V. I saw a show that

Was all about the voodoo curse,

Using a doll to get back at.

I'd feel better and he'd feel worse.

So bought a doll and put thereon

My enemy's picture, then stuck

A whole bunch of sharp pins upon,

Believing now he'd have bad luck.

Curing his back ache I did do,

And got him to quit smoking too.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Big Wheel Turnin'

I am Ferris, took a day off

From school, cuz I am a big boy,

And tired of having teachers scoff,

So grab my bike for ride of joy.

My bike's back wheel is broken, so

I need to find another one,

And think of just the place to go

To where wee folk are having fun.

So I walk my broken bike there,

And I look down upon the crowd.

I quickly make my bike repair.

This truant big boy feels so proud.

I hear the little people squeal,

Now ridin' on my Ferris wheel.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Wood Change

Once upon a time, all trees bid

Mother Nature to step in to

Reverse destruction humans did

To the trees whenever they grew

To a suitable size so that

They could be cut down and used for

Service in human habitat.

Trees became less and humans more.

Mother Nature did check this out,

And found that humankind indeed

Was abusing treekind no doubt,

And so a judgement she decreed.

Human made wooden properties

Began to turn back into trees.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


The native tribes call me Chenoo.

I live in the far, frozen north.

But oft in need to feed, I do

Look southward and do travel forth

In search of human flesh I crave.

For once when human, I did eat,

In need, some human flesh which gave

Me acquired taste for such a meat,

And caused my heart to turn to ice.

My cravings seem to come and go.

But when they come, I need entice

The unsuspecting, who then know.

Oft a deceiving form for me,

An enticing ice covered tree.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


A lot of love and/or lust is

On nights when I do come around.

Glands meant to stir procreate biz

Entice folks to be body bound.

And I'm a body who alone

Does have the time and place to spy

Into the human entice zone,

Natural in each gal and guy,

Of couplings that I choose to find,

To spectate in their interlude.

I'm very rarely on their mind,

Whether or not I do intrude.

In kind of kinky mood is me,

Ever a peeping moon I be.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Hocus Pocus 3?

Films Hocus Pocus 1 and 2

Came from the Disney show and tell,

Told of 3 sister witches who

Came to entertain for a spell.

Good/bad reviews mixed 'twixt and 'tween,

Having a kooky, campy feel,

Became fav flicks for Halloween,

Which profit wise is a big deal.

As in tales told, it be well known,

Hanged or burned, witches have the knack

Of having powers all their own,

If there's demand they will be back.

A spell is working at Disney,

Conjure up Hocus Pocus 3.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Hard to Believe

I walk along the beach, and I

Come to a woman, her head turned.

I say hello, there's no reply.

Perhaps she's sad, I am concerned,

And so I step in front of her,

And gaze into her lovely eyes,

Which brings a smile to me for sure,

And then occurs to my surprise,

She pulls the scarf from off her head.

And there a nest of snakes do hiss.

I am filled with an awful dread,

As Medusa blows me a kiss.

I lie upon the beach alone.

The legend's right, I turned to stone.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Better for Momma

I knew my Momma wondered why

My Daddy left us all alone.

So often I heard Momma say

She was forced to be on her own.

Her family and friends shunned her,

When they found out she carried me.

I felt her pain and fear for sure.

And I wondered how my Daddy

Could hurt Momma in such a way.

Time came for me one early morn.

I knew it better I not stay,

And so I chose to be stillborn. 

Last thing I heard was Momma cryin'.

But time will heal her from my dyin'.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


Time for Lupercalia be,

To bring to old Rome more new birth,

On fifteenth of February.

Conception be of utmost worth

To brotherhood of wolves, young men,

Do strike young women in the street,

To awaken the seeds within

For a new pregnancy to greet.

I wait until it's late at night,

My hunger growing through the day,

Avoiding seen in candlelight,

I lurk through Rome in stalking prey.

While the humans did celebrate,

An unsuspecting, this wolf ate.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Go Along to Get Along

The circus bizness is my life.

I'm a pro walking the tightrope.

Of course there's lots of strain and strife,

But I have learned to smile and cope.

Our ringmaster can be tough,

A stern taskmaster he does be.

Lots of my peers just have enough,

And leave this circus family.

But ringmaster knows that I will

Follow his rules because I love

To perform with flair, grace and skill,

Awe crowds below from high above.

Ringmaster and I do just fine,

Because I always toe the line.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Late News

It was a time and place of past

When on a hill my home looked down

Upon the sunset shadows cast

In twilight over my hometown.

Dad just got home from work and he

And Mom were in the kitchen so

Very soon dinner time would be.

And then upon my bike I'd go

To deliver newspapers to

The wondering why neighborhood.

Delivery was so late, true,

And my excuse was not too good.

I suffered a fall asleep fate,

Causing the news of world to wait.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Leave of Absence

I feel that winter's coming soon.

When there's a breeze, I hear me sound

In a whispering, soulful tune.

Some parts of me slip to the ground.

The trees, my neighbors, loom above,

More sun seen through their leafless limbs.

That golden ball reminds me of

The coming winter season dims

My opportunity or need

For friend, Ol' Sol, to nourish me,

Cuz I will be a dormant "weed,"

Waiting for that next spring to be.

Yes, Mother Nature is on track,

And perennial, I'll be back.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Unloved Orphan

The powerful to humankind

Have always ruled the powerless,

By using lie to make weak mind.

Very much like a game of chess,

The powerless be sacrificed

So that the powerful remained.

It matters not how highly priced,

As long as more power be gained.

Throughout the wide world does be this

Reign of haves rich o'er haves not poor,

An ever widening abyss,

Have nots have less and haves have more.

The powerless are orphans of

A world that's ruled by hate, not love.

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Little Teddy boy, three years old

Does get a gift, a Teddy bear.

Parents give to Teddy to hold,

But Teddy gives them both a scare.

The Teddy bear, Teddy rips up,

The arms and legs and head do fly,

And little Teddy giggles, yup,

Watching both of his parents cry.

Little Teddy, the parents take

To the doctor to be checked out.

Diagnosis the doc does make,

Little Teddy is sick no doubt.

Yes, little Teddy bear is dead,

Give little Teddy boy a med.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Try Again!

The "green" comet is coming back,

Close enough to Earth to be seen.

It has a quite long orbit track

Around the sun and appears green.

Experts say that it last did show

When we were still in the Stone Age

Some fifty thousand years ago,

Early evolving human stage.

Perhaps this "green" comet will find

That we have not evolved too well,

And so will zap all humankind

Back into the cave life to dwell,

Hoping on next orbit revolved,

Humans will have better evolved.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 My Mind of Now

I'm asked in a poem contest

To write of what is on my mind.

So as I think about this quest,

Of doing this in 14 lined,

So as to make a sonnet rhyme,

I try to make my mind go to,

So will not be a waste of time,

Some thought of worthy work to do.

I try to focus my mind so

I do stay in a now thought frame,

To think up something apropos

To compete in this contest game.

So what is on my mind right now -

Write a poem on it somehow.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


I am called comet Neowise

By Earthlings who saw me swing by

In 2020 and be of size,

I could be seen by naked eye.

I did not come too close to Earth,

Which was going through Covid woe.

I wore no mask, for what it's worth,

No need, cuz I kept on the go.

I guess we comets fascinate

Fact and fiction of humankind.

Some worry of crash into fate.

But I had nothing such in mind.

Thousands of years, I'll reappear,

Whether or not Earth is still here.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Family Outing

Mom tells the two older kids that

It's time to take two month old out

From their tree house home habitat,

And learn some new knowledge no doubt.

At a nearby roadside they sit

Together on a big, flat rock.

The day is nice and all sunlit.

And to her three kids Mom does talk,

"You'll see strange creatures going by,"

"And some will stop and stare at us."

"A weird species, I don't know why."

"Just watch and learn, don't make a fuss."

A time of people watching be

By this Mommed monkey family.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 "Persian" Blind

Being a modest woman, I

Was concerned that I'd be peeked at

Through windows by some pervert guy

While in my bathroom habitat.

So I had installed a new thing

Called a Venetian blind that is

Getting all of Paris talking,

That shades me in my private biz.

Of course I find myself a lot

Pushing blind parts so to peek out

To see if a pervert I've got,

Disappointed, lurking about.

I'm told Venice plays a lie game,

Persian blinds is really true name.

Friday, February 10, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Now I Know

Mom, I never quite understood

The love you always had for me.

Even when I was not too good,

But still your love would always be.

When I got older and left home,

With you I just got out of touch.

I was too busy on life's roam

To care about you all that much.

Still for me your love carried on.

But rarely you, did I think of.

Then you died and were really gone,

And you did leave me with your love.

Mom, now I know the love you knew,

Because now I am a Mom too.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

I Followed You

Into the dark I followed you,

As soon as I found out you died.

Just like I told you I would do,

Forever we'd stay side by side.

But now I'm buried underground.

I've been given no other choice.

And you aren't anywhere around,

Can't see your face, can't hear your voice.

I only hope that time will tell,

When you and I can join up next.

Did you get in heaven or hell?

Maybe you could send me a text.

Six feet under, the worms eat me.

Heaven and hell? No vacancy! 

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Farmer's Daughter

The farmer's daughters work from dawn

To dusk to tend the fields so that

The family may carry on

Good life in the farm habitat.

Old and ill are farmer and wife,

And so depend on daughters to

Work very hard as is farm life.

There's never ending work to do.

The daughters love their parents so

They labor in the fields each day.

In hearts and minds the daughters know

Good life - this is the only way.

The farmer's daughters, hard working folk,

More than a traveling salesman joke.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 First Bath

Mary and Joseph did believe

Cleanliness next to Godliness.

Time came for Jesus to achieve

First baby bath and nothing less.

While Mary was filling the tub,

Joseph made a trip to the store

For the items needed to rub

Jesus clean as never before.

When the bathwater was just right,

The parents had Jesus all bare.

The baby seemed to have no fright,

As lowered to the water there.

Joseph and Mary were dismayed.

On top the water, Jesus stayed.

Thursday, February 09, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Young Dancer in the Rain

The young girl in red dress and shoes

Did find herself caught in some rain.

Instead of running, she did choose

To dance across the wet domain.

So off she flew in a fast whirl,

Her red dress spinning in the breeze,

Her red shoes taking this young girl

Through falling rain with grace and ease.

So fast and furious she sped,

The raindrops failed to dampen her

Spirit of dancing all in red,

An awesome sight to see for sure.

The young girl danced so fiery, yup,

Raindrops off her did bubble up.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Young Homely Me

I was homely when I was young.

It didn't bother me until

High school when I'd hear whispered tongue.

I couldn't help it, shame would fill

Me with a sadness and despair.

So I would isolate and think

Nobody really seemed to care.

Alone, I'd often drug and drink.

But in college, body and mind

Did blossom in me, I did aim

To help those like me in ways kind.

A high school teacher I became.

When sad, homely girls seem to be,

I show them pictures of young me.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Off to Oz

The Wizard of Oz at the end,

Dorothy awakes in black and white.

Was her trip real or just pretend?

But then I see to my delight

That there does be a splash of red.

The ruby slippers are right there.

So not a dream, but real instead,

A magical but true affair.

Each time this movie I do view,

Then go to sleep and then wake up,

Next to my bed I look and do

See pair of ruby slippers, yup.

I know I see these there because

I've returned from the Land of Oz.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Wish I Knew!

The question - is my soul prepared?

Prepared for what? - next question is.

So far there's been no proof declared

If there's any afterlife biz.

If this life that I now do live

Is all there be, there be no more,

Then not too much concern I give

Of what my soul should search much for.

But if it's true, as some do tell,

That when I die I will go to

Either good heaven or bad hell,

Then some soul searching I should do.

If I just knew ahead of time,

Then I'd know how to end this rhyme!

Wednesday, February 08, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Owlfully Cute

Six little owlets in a row

All stare at me as I walk by

Their Momma's watching near, I know,

Probably with fresh food supply.

So I won't stay too long and be

A nuisance Momma has to chase.

I'm just happy I get to see

These cuties in their time and place.

Slowly I do take out my phone,

And do tell them "owl" to say "cheese."

But only I do smile alone,

Even when I say, "Pretty please."

Six little owlets, oh so cute.

I take their photo, what a hoot!

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Adonis was a Greek lad who

Was sought by both goddess and god

Going bonkers over him, true,

Becuz of his beautiful bod.

His ears and mouth and nose and eyes

All formed in divine perfection,

To gaze upon was deemed a prize.

Golden curly hair glowed like sun,

And well endowed parts on his trunk

Did set many a heart afire.

In great demand be this great hunk

For fulfillment of lust desire.

Many an Adonis do be

That I do lust for just for me.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Human Im"purr"fection

My human has gone to the store

To get the cat chow I'm out of.

Nothing does irritate me more

Than being late for lunch I love.

More forgetful my human is.

I guess that's norm for humankind,

Going through the getting old biz,

A matter of fact on my mind.

This is the only human had

By me in this first life of nine.

Hopefully things won't get too bad.

This human has faults but is mine.

Upon the floor I have my ear.

When the car's coming, I will hear.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Colors Switched

A "Star Trek" T.V. episode

Told a tale of deep racial hate.

The colors, white and black, both showed

On two humanoids with the fate

Of each being last of their kind.

They battled through the galaxy,

Believing each righteous of mind,

Having superiority.

Both were brought board the Enterprise.

Their fight threatened the ship and crew.

Their hatred only grew in size.

Back to their planet beamed these two.

Each humanoid, half black, half white,

But colors switched from left to right.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Attitude of Turpitude

As I grow older I do tend

To be in hot water a lot.

I'm ever having to defend

My naughty stuff when I get caught.

I like to act out what I think,

Admit most of my thoughts be bad.

But I've convinced many a shrink,

It's genes and upbringing I've had.

My Dad was hard, my Mom was soft.

I learned to play them both quite well,

And gave them both grief which was oft,

Put them both through parental hell.

My nature and my nurture came,

And both my parents I still blame.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Three's Too Risky

I am out driving in the rain,

Looking and hoping to come on

A prospect in my hunt domain.

And then I see I've come upon

Someone on the sidewalk for sure,

A maybe as the car I slow.

At first I only see a blur,

But the shapes of three persons show.

I am tempted, I must confess,

But make the quick decision to

Pick them all up would be careless,

Better keep driving, so I do.

One victim is enough for me,

Can't take the chance and pick up three.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Brief Encounter

The woods along the lake do be

A late night pause in my sojourn.

The calm of all does beckon me

For a brief respite that I yearn,

To take my cluttered mind away

From all the worries I've about

The unknowns of the coming day.

I need to take a break no doubt.

Around there is a gentle breeze

Swaying the trees, rippling the lake,

Bringing clouds 'cross the sky in ease,

Gestures from nature for my sake.

I watch the grey clouds cloak the moon,

Bringing the rain which will fall soon.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Forced Zinnias

A bouquet of zinnias we be,

Freshly grabbed to help celebrate

A wedding anniversary,

Hubby being quite the cheapskate.

Picked us from a neighbor's front yard,

Hastily from the flower bed.

He didn't even buy a card.

Purple and orange and pink and red,

The blossoms of us Hubby stole,

And ran us next door to his place,

To placate Wifey as his goal,

Jamming us all into a vase.

Apparently with allergies,

We're splattered with a Wifey sneeze.

Monday, February 06, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Kitty in the Green

I am a kitty cat who is

Playing in the plant garden while

My human is doing her biz,

And watching me does make her smile.

I am a little fur ball that

Does like to bounce 'round like a ball

In all this fun plant habitat,

Checking the flora one and all.

All of my senses come alive.

I do touch, hear, taste, smell and see

These plants my human helps make thrive,

Giving care like she gives to me.

The plant that really makes me flip

I think my human calls catnip.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Sweet Dreams

"Pour some sugar on me," you sing.

You certainly can sweet mouth charm,

As you did the day I did bring

You back with me to my hog farm.

And for a while we had a ball.

You were my fav'rite playtime toy.

But soon you got your roving call,

And you became one more bad boy.

I came behind you as you sat.

"One lump or two?" I yelled as I

Struck your head with a baseball bat.

My hogs would have fresh food supply.

Let me pour some sugar on you,

All the sweeter my hogs to chew.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Lessons of Love

What prob'ly she was thinking of

When Mother Nature made her good,

Was that the whole world needed love

In each and ev'ry living hood.

So with the flowers and the trees,

And all the plants, she gave them seed.

And with all the birds and bees,

And all the animals indeed,

Mother Nature gave loving mate,

So that all of the life around

Would be inspired to procreate

In water, in air and on ground.

Then humans, Mother Nature brought

To learn love from others she'd taught.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 When To the End

When I left you to go to war

The only dreams I dreamed were of

Returning home to you once more,

Reuniting with you in love.

When I was taken prisoner

And forced into a cold, dark cell,

For you I knew I could endure

All torture of me in this hell.

When my body, they tore apart,

And when they played games with my mind,

I always could look deep in heart,

And always there, you I would find.

And when time came as death does do,

Death gave me one last dream of you.

Sunday, February 05, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Played a Hunch

A leopard grabbed a bird in flight,

And was about to eat for lunch,

When the bird, aware of its plight,

Chirped to the leopard on a hunch,

"Hey leopard, if you set me free,"

"A magic feather I will give."

"And if you stick it on your head,"

"You can fly, if you let me live."

The leopard thought this such a deal,

And took the feather from the bird.

The bird, saved from being a meal,

Did think to itself, "How absurd!"

"Hey leopard, best of luck to you,"

And off to freedom the bird flew.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Blue Your Mind!

In nature, no true blue hue be.

But then you wonder how is that?

Cuz you see blue when you see me,

This flower in my habitat.

It's hard for this plant to explain.

Let's call it a trick of the trade.

With light I'm able to obtain

A look you see as a blue shade.

So when you look at me and say,

"What lovely blue petals you show!"

I can't say back, "It's the light ray."

Somewhat confusing, yes I know.

Sun or other light does settle

Whether is seen my blue petal.

Sense Sonnet - Acher


In summertime we two did take

A getaway for the weekend.

We went to our fav'rite lake.

She was my mate and my best friend.

We went out in a rented boat.

It tipped and overboard she fell.

Her lifeless body came afloat.

For me it was a living hell.

Months later wintertime, and I

Return to the lake all alone.

I stroll along the beach and cry.

My choice I've made and won't postpone.

My last footprints be left in snow,

As into the iced lake I go.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Please Let Me Wake Up

Through the woods I'm being chased

By a huntress upon her horse.

If that's not enough, I am faced

With a pack of loud hounds of course.

These surroundings are strange to me,

Fish out of water, so to speak.

What's happening's a mystery,

But one that looks to be quite bleak.

Never have been known for my speed.

Escape these predators, no way.

They're on me, feel the spear indeed.

Just another statistic prey.

Then thrown into a pot to steam.

It is this lobster's nightmare dream.

Saturday, February 04, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Thanks Dad

My Dad did pull some strings and I,

A teenage girl, got to launch off

Into space, lots of hue and cry,

And Dad's many critics did scoff.

But up here I watch that 3rd rock

From the sun, a beautiful ball,

As I am taking a space walk,

Completely in awe of it all.

For all young folks, for what it's worth,

If I can do it, you can too,

Take a trip off of planet Earth.

Don't let old fogies deter you.

Youngest to walk in space I be.

My Dad, Elon's real proud of me.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 The Pink Triangle

The pink triangle, badge of shame,

First used in Nazi Germany

On gay male prisoners with aim

As the reason imprisoned be.

Thousands of these prisoners were

Considered to be worst of worst.

Great atrocities did occur

Upon these men that fate had  cursed.

And even when the war did end,

West and East Germany's still chose

To condemn many and to send

Back to jail, more time to impose.

This pink triangle now is pride

To live and let live, side by side.

Friday, February 03, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 The Ugly American Game

We the People of U.S.A.

Mostly plebian pawns now be.

Queen Liberty has lost her way.

Kings of the Hill rule corruptly,

Sending the knights and rooks to war,

Letting rich bishops preach tax free.

Pawn pieces broken more and more,

Fooled by a false democracy.

Truth be under constant attack

By lies through media to spin,

Never ending white versus black,

Innocent lose and guilty win.

Chessboard nation of fear and hate.

Worst foes be ourselves - checkmate!

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Somebody Here

Early this morn the kids woke up,

And saw freshly fallen snow that

Had fallen over last night, yup.

The kids left their home habitat,

Bundled in coats, mittens and boots,

Sharing the thought of me in mind.

The kids then busied their pursuits

To create a one of my kind.

Soon thereafter I came to be

To both the kids and my delight.

In front of the home now sits me,

Enjoying my first moonlit night.

I'm a snowbody, doncha know,

Who kids created from fresh snow.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 What If?

In ancient Egypt tale be told

Of an eloquent peasant who

Proclaimed injustice loud and bold.

Powers that be ruled he told true.

This peasant only did prevail

Because he was so eloquent

In version given of his tale.

But was it truth he did present?

What if this peasant really be

A master of the lie to spin,

And felt so confidant that he

Eloquently lied and did win?

Oft time the truth be poorly said,

And eloquent lie rules instead.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


This Scottish lassie did feel proud

That such fine poetess as you

Would deem it worth to write out loud

A poem from my point of view.

Though uninvited I did be,

I feel at home in your nice home,

Grateful you tolerated me,

Allowing me freedom to roam.

I heard the times as you spoke of,

In your particular word way,

Your hopes and dreams of finding love

With your own Mister Right one day.

My Mister Right did find this mouse.

So more of us be 'round your house.

Thursday, February 02, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Bear's Revenge

Last heard, Jim, the fat bear, was killed

In fall time by a hunter who

Turned out more lucky and less skilled.

Into a big target, Jim grew.

But the hunter excitedly

Did deem Jim, the fat bear, a prize,

And wanted to show off, so he

Did drag the carcass, huge in size.

The hunter dragged Jim through the woods.

Six hundred pound dead weight turned out

To cause a lot more bad than good,

Which the hunter did feel, no doubt.

The hunter suffered painful fate,

Exerted groin did herniate.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Yearn to Burn

My mother tried to warn me of

The hell that I was heading for.

But even lots of mother's love

Would not stop me from wanting more

Of the wild life that did inspire

Me to keep heading toward that goal

Of living life that was on fire,

Oh so willing to sell my soul.

It mattered not whatever cost

The devil wanted, I would pay.

And in the fire I soon got lost,

And hell became my only way.

My mother over me did cry,

And probably did wonder why.

Sense Sonnet -Acher

 Grandfather's Time

Granddad did have, since was a boy,

A grandfather's clock which did be

My Granddad's fav'rite pride and joy.

He bragged about it timelessly.

In time, Granddad and clock became

More wobbily through wear and tear.

Just getting older was to blame.

Wanting to give his clock some care,

Granddad did put his brass spittoon

Against the clock so it was propped.

Came day Granddad died at 12 noon,

Same time the grandfather clock stopped.

But was found out, as time does tell,

That's when on Granddad the clock fell.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 With Quills in Bills

On golden pond, we three ducks do

A paddling 'bout in place and time,

And quack out to determine who

Is duckiest at making rhyme.

Water proof, we are feathered up

So that water does not long set

Thanks to being such feathered up.

And so we never stay too wet.

The current poem project is

A tribute to this rising sun.

For us ducks it's serious biz

That a proper poem be done.

The rising sun, we're quacking on it,

Collaborating on a sonnet.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Sincerely Never Again Yours

Why don't I tell you what you did,

You whine when you don't hear from me.

All I will say, I'm glad I'm rid

Of likes of you, so glad I be.

Just another possession, I

Was in your messed up mind to own.

Took too long to realize why

You were the very worst I've known.

Sincere? Emphasis on the "sin."

You - quite the "hoe"lier than thou,

Just a regrettable has been

That I'm sure all over with now.

Take your Rolls Royce and your jive line,

And shove'em where the sun don't shine.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 A Sonnet on a Sonnet

"Sonnet for Servants of the Word"

Was poet Peter Viereck's voice

That form and content could get blurred

In striving to find word of choice.

Too often with the devil does

The poet be beguiled to sin,

And only pick the word becuz

An easy spot it does fit in.

Any doubt the poet might feel

Is banished to the past to dwell,

And the now takes the devil's deal,

And the whole poem goes to hell.

Though the poet's into the bliss,

The poem's into the abyss.